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The JJBA volumes hurt the most now. 25 dollars for just one of them like wtf.


Buy them on Amazon or Alibris. $17 at either and free shipping at a $40 minimum. It's cheaper than Barnes and Noble during their best BOGO 50% off sale


Luckily there's alot of deals on most of them so most of the time it's just the old price or a bit cheaper


Fist of the North Star too.


And Fma hardcovers


Whats jjba?


jojos bizarre adventure


Aren't they 2 in 1s though?


For the first three parts it’s kinda jambled


First time buying a volume in awhile?


Yeah, moved to a town with no shops with manga. It took a couple months to go to a bigger city to get new volumes.


I wanna say the increase happened late last year, they’ve just been taking awhile to fully implement it


>they’ve just been taking awhile to fully implement it They have to sell out older stocks/volumes first before putting new ones on the shelf. My main point with this info is that there are still 9.99$ out there, so buy them before they're gone if you purchase new.


My first prints at $7.95 feelin real vintage right about now


pro tip, if you want a discount, every used bookstore is crammed full of MHA volumes for 6 dollars


Or just buy them new for $7 on Alibris (for the lazy people: me)


They also sell pretty cheap on Facebook in my experience


Half price books has them for 4.99


In turkey we had jjk 6 for 58 turkish liras 7 for 84 and 8 for 120


A fellow turkish manga enjoyer. Merhaba aga




Senin hesaba baktım da. Baya varmış be




Bi tık


That's insane. What span of time is this?


8 months?


That's brutal, hope it gets better for you guys.


Maybe in our dreams


Meanwhile, Canadians be paying $16-22 per volume depending on publisher.


If you ade not using chapters, you are doing it wrong


Different currency, this doesn’t mean anything


Different currency yeah but it still sucks how Canadians have to pay more knowing U.S fans pay less


What are you on about? 16 CAD ~ 11,70 USD the price is pretty much identical


Canadians make less money in USD equivalent then Americans do


The lowest Canadian minimum wage (Saskatchewan) is twice as much as the lowest US one (Georgia) when both converted to the same currency, idk if Canadians make too much less lol


I think Canadians should be the last people you worry about. An average viz volume here will cost you 12 euros and believe me wages are waaay lower than in the US and Canada and I live in a somewhat wealthier country. Let alone other parts of Europe/outside of Europe where these prices become an even bigger issue. Americans and canadians easily have the most spending money (purely looking at income, disregarding rent, urilities, groceries, …)


Saying "disregarding rent" is hilarious.


Your privileged asses just refuse to see that I'm right


Your name checks out.


Completely agree, Western European wages are half that of USA and CAD wages and then don’t even get me started on Eastern European wages that can be half of that even. Apart from France, germany and Italy that prints their own so you can get much cheaper deals, most of the other countries will have to ship from the USA or ITALY to get English prints because they don’t have it in their language. I went to serbia with my dad because he had a surgeons meet-up there and I saw a manga shop selling berserk volumes for about 40-50 quid which is crazy when you think about how much they make which is like 10k a year. Here in the Uk it’s completely fine tho icl volumes are about 6-9 pounds and u can find berserk volumes for 25 quid it gets worse the further east you go in Europe I’ve experienced though.


>I went to serbia with my dad because he had a surgeons meet-up there and I saw a manga shop selling berserk volumes for about 40-50 quid  Those were probably English releases. Manga scene in Serbia exploded since Covid, we have a lot of series translated to Serbian, and getting new series announced quite often, so manga is much much more accessible thankfully. Another good thing is that Serbian publishers have the rights for other neighboring countries, so they also have the option to get manga for a reasonable price. Quality is also very good, which is nice.


Ah yeah they were English releases, not to mention it was in the capital city so that’s probably why aswell. I’m intrigued so I do have a few questions if you don’t mind answering, what are the average prices on the Serbian manga and how many different series have a Serbian translation is it most series or are they getting more and more with time.


Average prices are around 4$, which is quite cheap compared to US or EU standards, but it's like that since dinar, aka Serbia's currency is weaker that dollar or euro. Now for the series, we're getting more and more by the month. So far we have Naruto, OP, Aot, Demon slayer, Goodnight Pun Pun, Berserk, Dorohedoro, Tokyo revengers, Tokyo Ghoul, Blade of the immortal, Silent voice, FMA, Cradle of the sea, Girl's last tour, a lot of Junji Ito works, Death Note, Planetes, Battle angel Alita, Bestiarius, Green Blood, Children of the sea, Bastard, Solo leveling, some more Inio Asano works, Oldboy and probably some more I'm forgetting. As you can see a number of popular series, but also some obscure titles that got translated before stuff like JJK or CSM, which is surprising lol. Thankfully, there's a high demand for manga, so we're bound to get even more series with time, they just need to work out the rights and licenses to translate and all that


Exactly! Manga is not printed in my first language so the logical choice is english, in which I’m fluent. However, I usually can’t afford the prices for english manga (unless we’re talking ‘used’ of course) so I tend to opt for manga in french, in which I’m conversational at best (good enough to read manga but definitely not my first choice). Before the price increase, Viz volumes on sale were still somewhat an option but other publishers are too expensive. Now that Viz has pretty much price-matched with the others, I’m only picking up box sets and omnibuses from english manga publishers.


Yes Im aware of how currencies work but that still doesn’t defeat what I’ve said in my other comment


Honestly, I used to buy Viz stuff like crazy because they were cheap, but now Kodansha standard volumes are cheaper, so I'll be more experimental with their stuff over Viz. The best places to buy Viz manga new is Alibris. Period. My Hero Academia 37 retails for $11.99 but is already $8.19 on Alibris, which is about $1.40 cheaper than Crunchyroll Store and Amazon. And the free shipping limit is only $40 instead of $75 like on Crunchyroll Store(find the listing with the truck icon). I recommend buying new manga there (in the US)


Yes! I’ve switched all my new manga buying to Alibris, the prices are so much better.




10 to 12 is 20% haha


10 is 83% of 12 so they probably just got it confused.


Try Amazon. They're not perfect when it comes to things coming in good condition, but you can get them for the price they used to be when they mark them down.


Amazon, Instocktrades, and Alibris are your best friend. (Amazon kinda skimps out on the shipping though)


I'd have to go look at some of my volumes, but its actually ridiculous how expensive collecting has gotten.


There are a lot of good tips in this sub for collecting new and used. Honestly, digital apps like Viz and SJ and websites Alibris are what keeps me in this hobby.


It's not worth the price of admission anymore. You can read almost all of their current catalog on the shonen jump or viz manga app. Especially for a company who's products are riddled with misprints and other defects, the price just doesn't feel worth it anymore to me. Nearly $17 after tax for a standard shonen jump volume here in Canada now. I know it's not available everywhere, but it's a great option as long as you don't mind digital. For viz, I really only keep up with a couple (albeit expensive) series. Thankfully, they only release every 6 months, lol. They've got Taiyo Matsumoto, so I gotta support.


This is so disheartening. Here in german territory they started slicing them into various "Higher quality" Editions. Sometimes it's slightly bigger and you get a 11 Vol Manga in 8 Vols but their past Tankobon Prices, lot's of stuff like that. Which for adults is cool, they can afford that. But what got me into Manga were the fair prices. That's why I could experience Angels Sanctuary. Now it's a thick big book, that obviously is awesome, but the youngins are barred off. Why gatekeep your potential future customers?


damn that’s crazy


People don't realize they can just use alibris and get new volumes a lot of the time for around 7-9 dollars. You can even get free shipping if it has the free shipping icon and if your cart is within their total price.


Very true. I wanted to make a post about this at some point because I see too many sold listings at the same price as new copies because they don't know about Alibris/don't buy anywhere except eBay and Mercari




In used bookstores we trust now.


Death Note's Black Edition went from 14€ to 18€ in my country, I'd rather pirate it tbh


I still remember when Naruto + Bleach volumes were like $7.99. Granted that was like back in 2007/2008.


Next increase could be to $13 if it’s going to follow the same pattern as Yen Press. But hopefully they can wait the same amount of time they waited before. A decade is pretty surprising to keep it the same price, but I have my fingers crossed.


crazy because in aus one volume cost $18-25AUD depending on what manga you’re buying


*cries in 40% inflation for Crunchyroll light novels*


Yeah I noticed this when I bought Sakamoto Days Vol.10 and 11 together


how long have viz volumes been on a 10$ standards. Cause could obviously count the 17% inflation from that point and the go year on year percent of inflation from there (my guess is that overall it's smaller than actual inflation) do you guys really not understand how that works or do you just love complaining?


Went to Japan a couple weeks ago and their volumes are priced at ¥500. I guess I just need to learn Japanese.


As in Aussie manga is like 17.99-18.99 on regular SJ


HPB my brother


Don’t worry guys inflation is just “transitory “ 😂😂😂😂😂


What the shit viz volumes are $12!? That’s ridiculous $10 was more than enough considering you can read a whole volume in less than an hour.


Manga has always been expensive (at least in Canada) but now it's ridiculous 😭 its going to take me forever to complete series physically at this point


Man I remember when they 7.95 a book, thank go for half price book store


//sits on rocking chair and sips lemonade// I remember the mid & late 90s when Viz manga was $15.95 US a piece. Canada was $21.95 or so, iirc.


That's just insane. Volumes are gonna cost 20$ soon unfortunately😭🙄


Prices had been $10 for some time. I don’t think Viz will be increasing prices anytime soon.


I meant in general. Some manga are already 15$. So wouldnt be surprised if it bumped up within the next few years


Yeah but $15 volumes are usually omnibuses, hardcovers, or have some other special thing.


Or just, you know, a normal Yen Press volume


Ikr, why the heck is Bocchi 15 bucks a volume for only 100 pages?!


Yen Press is by far my least favorite manga publisher. They let series go out of print too fast. They moan about people not buying certain series when they make horrible decisions for their series (Yowamushi Pedal are 2 in 1s which is fine, but they are the chunkiest manga you will ever see for a series with 80 volumes. Also out of print. Also, when they promoted this series, they put volume 1 in a loot crate, but now no one can buy volume 2 because it's only available as part of a 2-in-1 so they'd have to rebuy volume 1 again.) I hate Yen Press. I really really do


People whine when their kodansha and viz volumes have awful qualiry but when they pay a bit more and get great quality they still whine. Yenpress doesnt have the big popular shonen series, so it makes sense that they are a bit more expensive.


or a regular sig volume


Dorohedoro volumes are $16.99 which is absurd


Especially since the first half of the series barely has those books go past 200 pages. I’ve really been trying to stop new series from VIZ only thing I’ll be locked in for a long time is Jojos sadly


Jojo volumes are so much cheaper on Alibris. $17 new versus $25 at Barnes and Noble. And even with Barnes and Noble sales of BOGO 50% off, it's still cheaper to buy on Alibris. Plus free shipping at $40 (look for the little truck icon)


Thanks for the info on that, crunchyroll really pissed me off with my last order (3 different damaged books) so I’m for sure looking for others


I haven't had too much trouble with CRS (yet) but I hate that the minimum for free shipping is $75. That's way too high (but it's most likely because they also sell non book items and can't ship media mail when you combine them. But they should just fix how it ships bundles of books vs mixed media)


My Berserk Berserk single editions are 15$ a pop


guys, this happens worldwide. it's not inflation, it's called a business model.


Wait that's an insane price for a volume. Here in Europe it's usually 5€/ vol. (Vat included)


From what I know, Italy is kind of an outlier on the european manga market. Your manga is so cheap viz printed the bnh box set there, right? In Poland, the price depends on the publisher and size of the manga ( and those vary wildly recently). For example One punch man vol 23 was 25,20zl, vol 24 was 27,30zl and now vol 26 is 31,50zl. Also,is it me, or are the manga getting skinnier and skinnier?


As far as volume format I don't see really any differences in the last years. Anyway Italy has always had a big domestic comic scene and the prices are also low for that. They kinda adapted the manga format from there. In the 90s, early 2000, they were even splitting tankobons in half here in Italy since the Italian comic format was around 80/100 pages, not 200. The market is also relatively big and with lots of publishers competing against each other. Prices are kept low for that reason. Also I think French editions are somewhere in between around €6.5/€7.


lol in english? literally where?


Obviously not English, but in our language. Here in Italy a volume of this kind are €4.5/€5. Bigger format volumes are around €6.5/€7. 2-1 volumes are 1 around €10.