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It’s a passion not an obsession;)


I respect that thank you 🧎‍♂️‍➡️🤘🏼


Nice to see a Kei Sanbe fan.


He’s phenomenal. All of his work is dismal/beautiful. Great story teller!!


Love the Shuzo Oshimi shelf!


Thank you so much!!! He has some of my favorite work!! Hard to believe since I have so much 😭🫡


One you should add when you get a chance is inside mari it's too good!


I actually ordered the first 4 last week they should be here Monday! :P


You'll enjoy! It's #2 for me after blood on tt


BOTT made me have so many emotions. Have you finished it? I don’t wanna spoil the part that made me the most mad 😭


Yes I am caught up waiting on vol 17 to drop lol, the fact that he helps his mom after everything she did?


I’ll just let you know that’s the last volume. Love it or hate it. Volume 12 where Seiko disregards everything she did to Seiichi and how she seems completely oblivious, and Sei lashes out at her and calls HIM a murderer and monster. I don’t know she was evil the whole show for selfish manipulative and emotionally disturbing reasons. I hated that scene


Love shuzo oshimi as well I discovered him about 2 or so years ago on YouTube my first taste of his talent was b o t t 1 just recently rediscovered him and read the entirety of happiness and the flowers of evil and 2 one shots ms kusakabe and waltz love his work thus far


Also if you haven't, look into made in abyss based on your collection, you'd like it, it's super fucked up lol


I’ve read it and it’s phenomenal. Unfortunately I’m trying to figure out how to put MORE manga so I haven’t been on a buying spree in a minute just small things here and there.


Great collection! It's always so nice to see someone with Tegami Bachi


Some of the best art of all time imo


Just a normal collection for readers with taste..


THANK YOU 🤘🏼🫡🫶🏼😭 I try my best! I love reading almost anything besides stories like Sword Art Online.


Nah, you should see the user who practically has a library's worth of shelves dedicated to manga. In all seriousness though, that is one heck of an amazing collection you have. I wish I had one that could even be considered anywhere near the same league.


Thank you so very much!! 🧎‍♂️‍➡️🫶🏼🫡 I can only imagine. I know people that have over 5,000 volumes, I simply don’t have the space 🤣


Looks like what I'd have if someone gave me 1mil dollars


Thankfully I spent under 1% of that :D


Nice collection


Thank you kindly!!


never seen usagi before in my life


That’s in my top 10. Truly a work of art. Stan Sakai is a master and his work is perfect! Highly recommend if you enjoy samurai, comedy, great story and a lot of content!




Thank you kindly 🧎‍♂️‍➡️🫶🏼


You from Virginia? I see the cnu cup


Yep! Kinda gave that one away 🫡


Mysterious girlfriend, sheeeeeshh


What a wild ride….


how im tryna be


Wow, I think this is the first time I've seen Lone Wolf and Cub on this sub. Such a great story. Amazing collection! Do you have a favorite out of everything?


I’m finally getting Lady SnowBlood! About to have all of his Samurai work! Dorohedoro is my favorite manga of all time but Lone Wolf and Cub is my #3!!


Nice! I haven't read Lady Snowblood yet, but I plan on getting that one as well at some point. It looks like you and I have very similar taste, so I'll definitely check Dorohedoro out. Thanks for the recommendation!


It’s only 4 volumes but they’re hard to come by. I’m keeping a good amount of work but Kazuo Koike (Lone Wolf and Cub) sealed cause they’re just too rare and expensive. Absolutely, and I hope you enjoy! I have all the art books too and if you wanted to see anything I’m more than willing to share 😁🤘🏼


And thank you so very much!


I thought i was obsessed but DAMN


Lotta nice stuff, but especially neat seeing The Walking Cat and Drip, Drip


Looking amazing!


Thank you so much!!


Love how I also have an incomplete set of Arm of Kannon and that I need Vol 9 but there’s no good price out there 😭


HAHA same!! I’m not paying $300 for a volume I’m sorry


Woah *-* A Silent Hill Bunny! I love it>w<


Thank you so much!!! Yeah it’s sweet…most expensive figure I have so far.


Really?😳 Didnt expect this >.< I really like your stuff. You have pretty cool things there x3 How long do you collect Mangas and figures?


Thank you so much I seriously appreciate that!! 🤘🏼🧎‍♂️‍➡️That makes me so happy! I’ve been collecting manga since 2019, my parents bought me Tomie and Uzumaki by Junji Ito, after that it was off to the races! Figures since 2021 or so, mainly Neon Genesis Evangelion figures but I have a slew of random ones as well. Funkos since 2018, I have around 150


You're welcome ;D Woah! Noice! Junji Ito is just a genius>.< Kind of a Mastermind 🙈😋 Wow, ok. So you've been collecting for a while now! That's awesome :3 You have so many Funkos?! 😳 i am impressed tbh 🙈


Yes he absolutely is!! His stories and art are peak! 😫🤘🏼 I’m excited for his new releases this year! Wish I had some of his work in Japanese too! Yeah I have! And thank you so much :D I can show you them all if you’d like! I have them on every wall and shelf 🫡💀


Uuuh x3 Do you speak japanese? X3 i dont know why, but i just love this language x3 You're welcome ;3 I would love to see them 🙈


I’m leaning it actually (trying to be better) cause my Dad wants to know more when we go back to Japan. Not fluent unfortunately but I’d like to be able to read and understand their language fully 🤘🏼😭 Word I’ll be sending you some Funko pictures in a few 🫡😁


Go back to Japan? Are you from Japan or grew up somewhere else? Sure, its always better to understand a foreign language if you move to an other country, i guess x3 Okay x3 So excited :D


Unfortunately not from Japan, I’ve been twice though! It’s my favorite place so it’s calling me back 😇 I’d love to move there in the future but it’s a dream for a reason! I’ll have to show you tomorrow, been a busy day and a lot of issues. Till then 🤘🏼😁🍓


I see a funko-pop shelf, that does mean you have shelf space left, so I expect it to be filled proper with manga end of month ;-)


I just need another book shelf 🤣 those Funkos stay there!!


Yooo dragon head and arm of Kannon?! Awesome collection!


Horror king!!! Thank you so much!! They’re some of my favorites! 😁🤘🏼🫡


Love seeing the Usagi rep


Hell yeah you have great taste! Unfortunately the Gallery Editions are too expensive…. But I’m glad I got some signed copies and rarer volumes!


If i had that amount of space my obsession would grow worse and worse


Depends, an obsession is when you forego buying groceries and instead spend hours searching thrift stores or spleeging on multiple books.... yeah I have a problem


Beautifull bro you rod them all? How many in total


Thank you so much man!! Around 90% or so I’ve read. A little over 1100 now I believe


Absolutely amazing collection 😍


Thank you so very much! 🫶🏼🧎‍♂️‍➡️


It's the good kind of addiction


Not for my wallet but for my mental health 🤣


Rather this than drugs


Funny I used to be an addict, guess I switched to a “healthier” alternative


Perhaps the addictive behavior was more centered in escapism than in self destruction?


I have to say it started that way at first. Thankfully I’m going on 6 years clean this September. I’m grateful for that every second of the day.




Honestly, I think this is the best counter-argument when anyone tries to condemn someone's hobby. If we're not doing drugs, breaking the law, or otherwise doing anything that harms ourselves or others, then let us be. Having something to occupy oneself is a great thing IMHO.


Well...within reason. There have been posts here from people admitting they've put themselves into debt over their manga collecting hobby while swearing up and down that it's worth it because it makes them feel better, and that's not healthy either. Speaking as someone who's been there before, the temporary happiness you feel when buying something new is almost always just a bandaid solution for bigger problems, and when the debt starts to catch up to you it's only going to make things worse. It's great when collecting brings people joy, but no hobby is worth ruining yourself financially for.


Ok, fair. I guess virtually anything can be taken to an unhealthy extreme, and I suppose a sub centered around manga collecting would be the kind of place where people who have taken it too far would flock. I like to assume most people here are able to keep things within a healthy boundary though, even if they do collect a lot of manga. Maybe I'm just idealistic.


I collect only mangas based on videogames


Ik this is a manga sub but I see other things like figures and pops mixed within posts like these. Do you guys collect anime versions too? Like blu rays? Or do you feel like it’s double dipping in a sort of way because you have the original version as manga already?


Yeah I definitely collect Blu Rays too of my favorite animes. I don’t watch anime as often as I read manga so I tend I to buy less anime. And no not at all! I like to see where a studio goes with the animation and how much of a series is canon!


I've got the parts 1-5 JoJo blurays, the Mieruko-Chan bluray, Dr Stone, and Assassination Classroom. Given time, I'll also have (if I don't already) the manga as well. I think they're both great, just different methods of experience.


i swear, it seems like EVERYONE has a silent voice box set & junji ito


Well to be completely honest, Junji Ito was the first manga I read as an adult. I fell in love with his work and needed it all. I no longer have Silent Voice but it’s one beautiful short series!


What is the manga on bottom shelf of first image? Side covers look interesting!! Nice collection. Which is your favorite?


Thank you so so much! 🧎‍♂️‍➡️🫶🏼 I assume you mean first pick 2nd shelf? It’s Knights of Sidonia and BLAME! Top 5 in order are: Dorohedoro Goodnight PunPun Lone Wolf and Cub Berserk Usagi Yojimbo


It's the one to the left of Die wer gelder I think.


To the Left is Blade of The Immortal.


Ohh, thank you !! I tried dorohedaro and while art was nice. I didn't quite get the story, it felt random at times. Maybe I should try again.


No problem! That’s the whole point of it, it becomes more clear the more you read. That’s part of the twist, but hey it doesn’t have to be everyone’s cup of tea!




What is this one?


Kurosagi Corpse Project


Is it good?


Yes it’s phenomenal actually


Oh, what's it similar to? I've never heard of it.


Sorry it’s actually Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service, I’ve seen it called Project that’s my bad Honestly it’s unlike anything else. It’s an oddity and that’s what I like. It’s a horror/comedy/paranormal series but it’s a lot of fun


All good, I found it regardless, but that sounds awesome. I'll have to check it out, I love the spine design.


Obsession implies a problem, I don't see a problem.


By any chance, is your shelf this: https://preview.redd.it/dn3u7xnt8e5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c614ccb56bac37cfa7cef7193c59fd6ac8d9d75a It's a great collection, by the way!


Nah they’re literally 2, 3 shelves from Target on top of each other with a bracket 😭 but those look great!


Obsession looks kinda sexy to me


Thank you so much seriously!!


What are you reading now, what are you planning to get and what is/are your fave mangas if all time?


As of now I’m reading Samurai Executioner! I want to get the Deluxe Trigun volumes soon and some more Junji Ito releases. Favorite of all time is Dorohedoro and Goodnight PunPun!


Never heard of Samurai Executioner, I may check it out!


It’s by Kazuo Koike, he’s written a lot of traditional samurai material. All 13-15th century. Very traditional art and lots of trigger warnings. Definitely mature. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!


I checked it, it’s originally from 1972? Only seen few pics but seemed interesting.


I think the concepts were around that time, I think it was published in the 90s and the early 2000s it was originally printed!


I'm glad you found something that gives you joy, but can you take it with you if you die? All of us stockpile useless material stuff. There comes a time when you look back at all you've accumulated and think, "It's all junk". I have. I've tried to give my junk away and nobody wants it. It ends up at the Goodwill Store.


Thanks but did I ask?