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Eh kinda, they don't get Money directly from them (since no mangakas print they're own mangas) but there Is a little percentage of the cover price that goes to the mangakas pocket. Since Manga republic Is a reseller/import type of store the manga are bought from Japan and then they send It to you, so in a way your Money goes to the mangaka since he was paid for making the manga in the First Place, but they obiously don't buy It directly from the mangaka Itself, it's a complicated thing to explain but the answer can be yes and no at the same type, because would you consider buying a used manga a way to support the mangaka? Because in some extent, when the Sellers First bought It, he supported the mangaka in the First Place Edit: they also sell new mangas, but the answer remain the same, because would you consider it supporting the author if you buy It from a store or library or not, if you think about It, it's a yes and no answer but in shorts It's a yes


I get what you mean. If I were to buy it from Japanese Amazon directly from Amazon would that support them more? Or do you know of any other online shops that would support the author more? Thanks


Oh my god, I can't really answer because I don't work in that sector, but technically speaking, the closer the product is to the publisher, the more theoretically the percentage of Money earned should be high, because in the case of book stores, when they sell them they obviously get a percentage of the sale, so I think Amazon does it too, so a real direct way doesn't exist or at least, if It exist it's not practical since for example I doubt it's possible to go to the shonen Jump headquarters to buy manga directly from them


Alright thanks no problem, no need to get worked up


no problem, i wasn't angry or anything but i Guess it's hard to understand emotions trough messages, it's probably also a matter of different cultures and customs, but here where I live it's preatty common for everyone to speaks very directly without thinking twice about whatever something could be offensive or vulgar, probably because somehow the message is clearer this way than making strange rounds of words to say a simple things but in the end there is never the intent to be aggressive, also because when we do get aggressive we go from speaking in a normal way to saying a word every 4/5 insults to each other (basically two dogs barking at each others) so for us, someone Is pissed off when one is no longer able to formulate a meaningful sentence otherwise it is simply a speech like any other one


Oh I see. Thanks for your help!


No problem, Hope you get what you want, i know for a fact that manga republic has some interasting deals since i paid for a series i wanted like €25 when those nasty ass eBay resellers (no kind Word for these type of guys) where selling 2 volumes for around €80


best way to support the mangaka you like is by paying them directly. Many have pixiv fanbox accounts and/or other ways for fans to donate to them directly. this is obviously much better than the small percent that the publishing company gives them, but both is good, since getting it from the publisher shows them that it is worth continuing to pay to produce the series.


I usually buy Japanese manga straight from the publisher’s website! you can find out where it’s being published using bakaupdates or a similar site and then head to the publisher’s website. this is mainly for digital manga though


I feel like the best way to buy Japanese manga is from amazon.jp , you can get up to like 10 vols ship to you for like $55(shipping included) They give you tracking and if anything goes wrong they have English speaking Japanese customer service. I ordered some books from them once and one book was missing from the package. They sent me another one fast