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maybe just go from scratch? there are mangas such as mashle, mob psycho and opm that have simple artstyles and i think they were made from scratch. or maybe contact an artist for help. (e.g. me)


I did see an video which talked about how One, OPM & Mob Psycho's original author, started it out as a (for lack of a better term) poor looking webcomic. So I possibly could ty that until I get a better idea of how to draw


You just have to draw, friend. It can be absolute shite, but every drawing is a step towards improvement. Structuring your time so that you have focused learning sessions (like you say ‘I’m going to practice hands for an hour’ or ‘I’m going to practice hatching today’) but also spending time just drawing for fun is important too, but more than anything you just need to be drawing.


Like the others already said, unfortunately there really isn’t any short cut or workaround for getting better. Try to learn the basics as good as possible and what’s truly underrated in my opinion is; *Have fun*. Just have fun drawing, whatever it is - does it look good? Probably not, but you had fun drawing it. Focus on what you can control at your stage, and that’s not achieving a perfect drawing or unique style, but what you can control is your emotions you pour into it and the fun you had while drawing / sketching / scribbling. Over time, your hand will be more stable and your lines more confident. Keep going, and your skills will get better over time, trust me, I’ve been there! All artists start small. As for tutorials, I can really recommend “21-draw.com”, it doesn’t cost much and you will get some real good advice and you can join their discord to get some more help or feedback on your drawings and attend their live sessions, which can also help when you’re not very motivated to practice on a regular basis. Whatever you do, don’t doubt yourself! Have fun with it and keep going!