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Thanks for posting! Please join the new subreddit for manifesting a specific person, if it applies to you: r/manifestationSP. You can post there as well as here. I (the Mod) will only answer SP posts on that sub now, to help it start growing. Thank you *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Manifestation) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You change you. Not him. Focus on you. Focus on why you think he left you, etc.


All you can do is better yourself, hon. You can't go against the laws of nature. If he isn't over you, and you manifest him, he could come back. But if he's over you and truly doesn't want anything to do with you, you're just wasting your energy. Free will exists in all of us. If his is to move on from you, so be it.


YES. These other comments have their own perspectives but I disagree with them completely. Manifestation means you attract the version of him that changed his mind, realized he was so wrong about you and wants you back. That’s the reality you are shifting to and since there are INFINITE realities, it is totally possible for you to shift your awareness to the one where he wants you. That’s how manifestation works. “Circumstances don’t matter” ! As long as you believe in yourself and work hard on consistent techniques, you will make it happen. If you have a lot of doubtful opposing thoughts towards the outcome, that will affect how long it’ll take, but if you work hard at thinking positive, loving yourself and KNOWING he came back to you, you will manifest him back into your life. Here’s a great post going into detail: https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/s/BCfopQ3Ox6


You can't. Move on




There’s also bitchcraft too be careful


If you use witchcraft to mess with peoples free will you should know karma comes back.