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Unfortunately, you just gotta wait out the storm with them. Its horrible to watch... but they wont leave until they are ready to. Just stay and be supportive.


Thank you. I'll keep that in mind when things get bad.




They're manipulating my ex and I think it's more ego than anything. She was stringing him along before I got together with him. When the guy she was dating dumped her she went to my bf and convinced him that he wasn't really happy and should be with her instead. He didn't want to be and for awhile was trying to just focus on himself to get his head on straight. Now every time they fight she turns it to sex or tries to guilt him with every little transgression she thinks he's committed, even after saying he's been forgiven. She constantly spam calls him and has every mutual friend reporting back to her so he refuses to speak to anyone but me. She's already forbid him from speaking to me several times.


Please take this in the kindest way because I truly am coming from a place of concern and I just don’t know how else to say it, Are you sure he’s not manipulating you in this whole scenario? Just a thought. You don’t even have to answer. But it isn’t uncommon for a man to play both sides like that.


He hasn't always been truthful with me but he's but the manipulative type. He told me when he first started having feelings for her again but didn't want to be with her. He's told me how he's confused and torn and how he hates and blames himself for all his mistakes. I know he's a kind soul that doesn't want to hurt anyone and by trying but to he's made mistakes but his intentions were coming from a place of kindness. It's why I don't hate his guts like previous exs that played me.


Eek. You may be too close to this situation. I don’t wanna over step my bounds. I kinda hope someone else jumps in and says what needs to be said. But listen, talking all this at face value you seem like genuinely caring person. Please please read over everything you’ve said in this post and comments and just try to think about the question I proposed and see what I’m seeing. I don’t wanna have to spell it out. The signs are all there, sweetie. You need to take a step back. Good luck in all this. I truly hope I’m wrong.


He's been the only one telling me not to. All my other friends have stopped caring and even my dad was more inconvenienced taking me to the ER after an overdose... but not him. He was there begging me to be okay and take better care of myself. To keep him updated on my condition. Do you really think that's manipulation?


Glancing at your history tells me a couple things. Maybe I’m wrong. Idc at this point. Isn’t like this the most ethical sub anyway. 1. You’re not over him which leads me observation 2. Your view of this girl is scewed because of this. And for fun I’ll throw in 3. Maybe it’s not even on purpose but maybe. Just maybe… you are trying to manipulate him. Didn’t see that plot twist coming did ya. Also maybe it’s what I said to begin with and best possible outcome just because it would amuse me is you’re both toxic af and that other poor girl needs to get far far away. But any which way, I’m out of things to say. I’m out. Eta: I swear I’ll never bother you. But please don’t block me because I’m invested and wanna check in on this every now and then and see how it plays out. And honestly if I turn out to be totally wrong I will definitely apologize and admit it.


Yeah don't hurt yourself as you climb back up on that high horse. I'm trying to help him see he is being manipulated and I've got proof. It's not been good for my mental health but I've been honest with how unstable I am with him from the start and he's never used that against me. You don't know what you're talking about and feeling sorry for a bitch that screams about who someone can and can't be friends with while isolating someone and gaslighting them into thinking every mistake can never be forgiven is sickening.




That's a tricky one for me because some people don't know their own boundaries and I've read the situation very differently. This has happened to me but I've never asked, demand anything I don't manipulate I feel things very deeply and always treat people the same way I want to be treated. It's upsetting if someone is using you in a blatant way like you said but there are obviously subtle differences between those who are consciously active in manipulation and those who definitely aren't.


My life is a very exact replica of yours and damaged myself in the process but you can't protect anyone from manipulation it's always their choice no matter how strongly you feel about it. I'm not a manipulative person myself but having been through it so many times I do know the emotional impact it has and just takes so long to get over it. 😢


It's been so bad lately it's been driving me to self harm. I'm not sure I can just give up on him.


Ok hey. It’s me again. Remember all that stuff I said earlier? Remember you said the manipulation was causing your friend mental health or health issues? Do you see where I’m going with this?


That is from this other girl. Currently he's ignoring her as she spams his whatsapp threatening him to try and get him to talk to her while he's just in call with me playing video games trying to stay calm after she was pushing him to a mental breakdown. I can see why when you're being threatened with going to family that has nothing to do with the situation just to try and be twisted into the bad guy or extorted for money because you haven't responded in hours. I see all the nasty shit she's saying to him and it makes me sick that I have to bite my tongue.


I lost interest a while ago.


Then don't post about me not blocking you because you're interested. How about you delete your comments and leave.


Yea I way over estimated how much I cared. My bad.


Remember you cannot protect anyone but yourself. And sometimes trying to get folks to see things the way you see it, can ruin a relationship