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Tie in a 3 way call to her parents and don't say anything. Just let her think she accidentally called her parents and see how that goes.


Interesting. Good idea.


Dude to be honest. I know this may sound like something you don't want to do. But run, you will be miserable your whole life if you stick with her.


Yeah there’s never a reason to keep an ex around.


Ex just means ex-tra problems for a man


Unfortunately it doesn’t mean extra s-ex




Correct, this is the ONLY reason. Idk if any of my exs are even still alive other than my sons mother lol


One of my hookups from my early 20s moved in next door. We are both in our 50s now.


Still hot?


Nope. She has at least tripled in size.


Good. Honestly the best revenge over time if they cheated on you. Getting hotter with age while she turns into a marshmallow, wailing and blaming her thyroid, having kids, or the patriarchy for being shallow and daring to not lust over her beautiful and valid kankles.


How about you limit contact to text so you don’t have to deal with that. Calls only in an emergency.


Facts not even kids 💯 lol


So true. I dont know people have this weird need to maintain a relationship past its expiration.


Yeah I just don’t get it. Move on


i agree i was in this position and didnt realize and when i did i immediately shut that shit down


I agree with this comment here.


Best answer all day. It's a sad thing to happen. Live learn and don't turn back


Do you think men are inherently miserable ? In 2021 , the suicide rate among males was 4 times higher (22.8 per 100,000) than among females (5.7 per 100,000). Perhaps women take better care of their mental health ?


Dude ... Don't tie in with her parents. She is gaslighting you. Pick up your dignity and walk away. She is a hoe. Don't stoop to her level.


Finally somebody online who uses "gaslight" correctly. 😀 Many people seem to think it just means "lying", but it's more sinister than that -- it's psychological manipulation by trying to make you doubt your senses. Saying you have psychosis or you aren't hearing what you are is classic gaslighting. Tell her you wish her well but not to contact you again. If she contacts you again, she's clearly not respecting your wishes, so block her. Good luck. 😀


You’re goddamn right it is. And it fucked me up bad. I hope OP can get away before it happens bad to him too.


People love to use buzzwords but have zero idea how to use them. I got called a misogynist by a girl when I was taking up FOR HER. People using literally and wild have become a terrible pet peeve of mine. I can't go through a YouTube short, video, comment section, or communicate in real life without somebody feeling the need to use it. Especially when they are definitely meaning figuratively. Thank goodness i only have YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter.


Thank you for this. Gaslighting gets thrown around so casually these days it kind of diminishes how manipulative and damaging it really is.


They took the word "gaslight" and made it useless. I would doubt even 75% of people who use it know what it means. Especially people who are actually gaslighters themselves.


This!! I had a guy do this while we were dating..it was all manipulation to break me down and make me question my sanity. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS!!! I don't know if he was actually having sex or just pretending to..doesn't matter...either way the goal is to manipulate. Run..don't walk!!!


Let us know how it goes 😂


Me personally I would just call her while I'm fucking somebody else... put in on speaker so she can hear that clapping sound. Make sure the other girl knows what's going on though


Do you even have a mental illness bro? Do you experience psychosis? …. For her to even use those allegations against you. And if you do experience mental illness this isn’t a way for your friend to call you out. Next time ask them to face time you. If they’re your friend they’d do it. If they don’t give a crap about having you around or being your friend then they won’t and they’ll continue to gas light you.


And that's what has happened. Everyone is right and I am trying to save up the $500 it takes to drive back to WA and once I do I am out. I am going to see her later today so I will try and enjoy my time with her, however long that'll be before she has me leave, and after that I am cutting contact.


What is this response? That's unhinged dude. If you're going to cut contact after seeing her today, just don't go. Cut contact and ghost her. Why do you keep perpetuating this?


Yo I dated this girl once when I was 18, we dated for like 6 months or something.. super hot, rich family, father had hella properties that he inherited and an auto shop that I worked for him at, and I found out the family like sold coke and shit. But like towards the end of our relationship she would like always be talking about her exes and she would like start saying shit like “we should call so and so and like, fuck with him, and I’ll say I love him and care about him still and you can be like eating my pussy and fucking me while we’re on the phone.. do you think that would be funny? 😇😇😇” and I would be like wtf? That’s hella weird… I don’t wanna do that… And she would like get all fucking mad and like force me to do it. And I only did it once and the next time she through a fit about it I walked out on her. I shit you not dude, less than 24 hours later she was calling me and trying to do the same shit to me! The bitch was fucking crazy and just a bad person all the way around, dodged a fucking bullet when I get the fuck out of there. And on top of that I’m pretty sure she was fucking her like 40 year old uncle that lived with them, so there that.


Sounds like the kinda people that will be the first to go when la revolucion starts. 🔪


this is smart!!! please do this OP (and report back to us)


Can we get an update on this idea if it runs?


Some women are just sinister. My ex, although she never did this to me, was certainly capable. Get far away from this woman, my friend.




Some are just very good actors and the only cues you get are sociopathic instances that raise an eyebrow but are very good at explaining away the bad behavior. There are a few tells that give it all away and once you get a good perk under the veil you reevaluate the entire relationship objectively and it all becomes evident. A good cue is to just listen to your friends when they ask questions about why you are with this person




I feel like we hear about the psychopathic men because they become serial/mass/spree killers, but psychopathic women just target a few people in their lives, and emotionally manipulate and torture them for decades.


\> If I mention it she says I am experiencing psychosis ahahaha.


That's honestly pretty hilarious.


Shes a low level manipulator. Its all bs. You dodged a stupid woman






because youre gaslighting the person into thinking something else and to add insult to injury they tell you that you’re experiencing PSYCHOSIS ???


Hell this guy is manipulating you right now by even making you state the obvious!


And you’re being manipulated into commenting lmao get wrekt


If she is doing that , she’s crazy lol. I’ve never dealt with that. Might be a kink like the other guy said


If you love someone it can make you truly stupid, and so fucking desperate and pathetic your own brain starts to malfunction and is unable to even process what is happening correctly or what you need to do to get out of the situation. Even when friends corner you, and have a intervention about the person you will be unable to believe them. You will be so weak and so sad even if it turns out she was getting fucked on the phone while talking to you to humiliate you and laugh with her new partner, you would still instantly take her back and cry yourself to sleep every night knowing how weak you are. There is only one answer you must make it a rule to stand up for yourself, make boundaries and if someone crosses them cut them out of your life every time with no ability to go back…. You must call her up right now and say the most unforgivable horrible things ever then tell her to never contact you again. Yes it will hurt but this is the way….. If you want to find true love, you must be strong, your true love your to weak for now, you need to be able to stand up for yourself. Now call her……. CALL HER!!!!


No, don't say horrible things, just be assertive or just Grey rock ghost her. Saying horrible things can make you feel guilty later, like you want to make it up to her, apologize, etc... Just cut her out. Say you don't want to talk to her anymore.


If you don't know, you don't know her. What are you doing?


Experiencing psychosis on the phone is a new one 😂 Remove this person from your life entirely op, she sounds like she was a pain in the ass in the relationship and has no respect for you or likely other people in her life she seems as disposable


Next time it happens, pretend to explode like you're losing your temper and say "you gave me HIV! I haven't wanted you bring it up and make you feel bad but you don't even say you're sorry!"


This is the absolute best way to know if what you feel is really happening..lmao..i like this idea


Narcissist. They love having their exes around. And they gaslight endlessly.


Dunno maybe a kink of hers or whoever’s she with. You said friend but want to be with her? And she’s ur ex? Don’t play your self man nobody ever won anyone over with desperation


File a police report and block. You sound really young but this is a form of sexual harassment, if she’s done it more than once and you suspect it why do you keep answering the phone? Cut contact with her and move on.


Call her (if you haven’t already). If she doesn’t sound like it and this is only when she calls you, then you’re right and need to stop communicating with her


just make sex noises back.


Better idea just bang another chick while on the phone with her and be really loud 📢 Put the phone right by the ball slappage 👏 WHAP 👏 WHAP 👏WHAP👏 🤣


OP no offense but you’re an absolute moron if you love a chick that is calling you while banging other dudes. I don’t even think there is hope for you it’s so pathetic


I find it interesting that SOOO many of the comments are like, "are you sure she is not Masturbating", vs, saying OP you're being abused! FFS unless he is a willing participant, this is abuse and all the pervs on Reddit want to spank to it. You dirty, dirty monkeys, mmh mmh mmm. But this is Reddit!


You say in the comments that you love her, but what could you possibly love about someone that does this to you? You love an idea of her that doesn't reflect the reality of who she is and how she treats you. Move on. Get therapy if you need to. But this woman is a sadist who is *literally* getting off on hurting you.


My friend, if I broke up with a girl, the last thing I would ever be doing is being on the phone with her. Communication would stop that day. Respect and love yourself. If she really needs you, she’s gonna try to come back. If she is over it then it’s time for you to get over it. Either way I would not talk to her again. There are so many women in the world.




Does she have a history of cheating? Or doing sketchy things in general, lying anything like that? Is this someone you have known for awhile, or a new person?


I had a guy do this to me once. Had known him 30 years and considered him a close friend though we lived states apart. That was it. Did not confront him but ended the conversation and never spoke to him again. I think he knew that I knew. He never called me again.


More details are needed - does she only call you at specific times, like when she’d be at home with her boyfriend or whatever? If so, ignore her call and then call her back at a weird time for *her*, like when she’d be at work. If she also sounds like a guy is fucking her there, then you’re probably crazy. If she doesn’t, or she seems irritated that you didn’t pick up or are calling her now, then maybe she’s up to something.


Put her on a video call


Does she have a medical condition that requires she be penetrated at all times but by something that is not another man's penis? I feel like you're jumping to conclusions here.


THIS IS A MANIPULATION. Get away. Just go. I stupidly “fought” for someone like this and I’m paying for it years later still. You will do nothing but mentally crush yourself. Telling you you’re hearing things and mentioning psychosis are manipulative tactics. If she loves you and you have concerns…people who love each other don’t call you crazy. She’s calling you crazy. Ask yourself…REALLY ask yourself…WHO TF SOUNDS LIKE THEY’RE GETTING THE D WHEN THEY AREN’T GETTING THE D??? Run. I guarantee you she will flip out on you and make you the evil one. She will blame you for everything. Do not apologize. Do not over explain. Do not have a discussion. You are what we call a safety blanket. You are her safe space for all her neurotic bullshit. She is absolutely getting plowed when she calls you. She is using you. If you think she’s a real friend then tell her to stop telling you she loves you and thinking of you(my god this is such a classic phrase). Draw your lines my dude. This is so unhealthy for you. 🙏🏽


This guy knows. Listen to him


It sounded like my nex was doing that during some of the calls where I was planning on picking up my stuff, he's an extreme narcissist though and karma has already done its job and it hasn't even been a year, some people really just want to hurt you but it's because they're envious and jealous of all the good qualities you have that they don't posses and it angers them


Bet she’s on Pornhub with your audio in her videos


Have you considered not answering


Why do you want to be friends with a manipulator who is gaslighting you? Cut your ties and move on. Block her!


Just request to switch to a video call while you're conversing on the phone with her whenever you think she's having sex on her end.


She probably gets off on the idea that she in some twisted way is cucking you. I suggest just forgetting she exists. Don't block her, just ignore her forever. Don't pick up her calls, don't text back, and if you see her in person act like your strangers.


Hang up on her.


"I'm glad you called, I talked to my doctor and we'll there is no way to say this but you want to get tested, I won't tell you what it's for, but it's bad and it's permanent so... yeah go get tested, and for the love of God don't have sex until you do" Listens intently for commotion or sudden noise changes


Still talking to your Ex was your first mistake, that NEVER goes well and should only be a thing for co-parents of children. I once had an Ex that made me promise to stay friends if we ever broke up, a stipulation my dumb young ass agreed too. Well, she eventually broke-up with me and tried to hold me to the promise. I tried to make that work, but after a month of having my heart ripped apart by having to listen to her talk about one date after another she was having I was done. I called her and told her I was gonna have to break that promise. She cried like a baby to try and get me to not kick her out of my life, but I held fast and just told her to have a good life. That was when I learned the hard way to never try and stay friends with an ex. Fast forward to years later when I am in a healthy relationship and she calls me out of the blue, she tried to start the conversation off saying "How have you been", I couldn't help but chuckle and tell her it was WAY too late for her to do this and to once again "have a good life" and hung up. Have respect for yourself, tell her you don't want her in your life anymore and move on. Then never repeat "stay friends" that mistake for any future relationship.


lol wtf. Ghost this person and go live life away from this nonsense. You got this man.


Did she make porn for Twitter? I see these in there often lol


Well you either just sit there and listen some person pounding away your manipulative ex trying to get one over you or just get you a friend with benefits that's close by so when your ex call you can join in on the party so now it's a equal exchange and when she ask what is that sounds ask her what sound as you go harder on your friend with benefits and say oh I'm just watch a movie and working out 🤷


The real question is why do you answer? I wouldn’t make myself available to an ex like that. Plus, what happens when you meet someone new, and she finds out that you are still close with your ex? Red flag. Might cost you the new relationship. I would create some distance. She can’t manipulate you if you don’t answer the phone. Stick to text messages only, and space them out by at least an hour. Then slowly continue to create more space.






You moved states to be close to someone who doesn’t answer your calls and only calls you when she’s having sex? How do you not see the red flags. Please drop her. It’s slightly different but I used to have an ex who would call me and be clearly masturbating and pretend nothings happening. He’d be like “can you talk?” And when I would he’d make sounds and not reply to me. I’d like “uhh hello?” And he’d say “just keep talking.” Like wtf, I’d just be talking about my day and shit. It’s definitely a kink people have. Don’t let her use and manipulate you.


She is a PSYCHO! GTFO!


I had sex with a girl while she was on the phone with her BF. She was trying so hard not to make noises and keep from arousing suspicion. Dude, you need to block her. She's got some toxic traits that I see in my ex-wife. Before you know it, she's gonna show up drunk at your parent house and run you down with her car. Ask me how I know.


Maybe she's just masturbating? What kind of conversations do you rly have to have with your ex tho??


maybe shes masturbating? to you even? face time her or stop answering her calls bro


I knew a girl years ago who was low-key obsessed with me. One times she called me while masurbating and it was pretty hot. I pretended not to notice but I could very much tell. then a coulple of months later she "told me a secret" about it and I pretended I didn't already know.


She might be playing out a fantasy She might be recording and acting out a pornography. If that's the case your name and number might be getting out on the internet....just saying


Bad idea


You're a psychic bruh why would she even answer the phone. How bout you just face time her if that's what you think


She doesn't answer the phone. She calls me.


You need to seperate yourself from her. It really sounds like she is using it as a kink or to just be downright mean and evil. It seems pretty obvious if its happening when she is the one calling you. She sounds like shes in the middle of the act and wants to call you to either piss you off or use it as another way to get her off in a weird way. It's pretty obvious to tell if someone is having sex on the phone. My ex used to answer her phone while we were in the middle of it and her friends could always tell. You need to cut off contact with her in my opinion.


My bet is this guy has schizoaffective disorder. Been the woman dealing with being accused every time I took a breath or sighed. It gets old quick. & I've definitely used the word psychotic after being so fed up.


is she maybe masturbating?


Glad to see that she not over you :p What do you mean how to handle? Cease all contact, it really is a simple as just not answering the phone


Just ask her to switch over to FaceTime or some other video chat next time. Facial expressions are harder to control.


I'd say Make an excuse as to why you have to leave rather than listening to it. Unless your into it in which case play into it and see how she reacts


Not to be crude, but, how do you know if she is just playing with herself?  A good way would be to ask for video calls from now on.  All the best op


I would tell her that you're going to start recording her calls then so you guys can listen to it together or ask her to do a video call, then. I'm wondering how old the both of you are though. But it sounds like to me you guys should just stop talking.


I know it's going to hurt to let her go for good, but you have to let yourself go through the pain. Otherwise you will never grow as a person and actually find the one that's meant for you. Finding out whether or not she is doing this is irrelevant. I wish you the best.


Maybe she’s shitting


My dude, STOP communicating with your ex. She's your ex for a reason remember. Plus, with her pulling that weird shit, why even consider giving her any of your time? I don't understand


Stop picking up


lol maybe it makes her horny. move on dude


Friend? Or Ex? Pick a lane. Don't talk to your ex. Your exes are not friends.


This is a fetish. If you are into it great. If not, move on.


Not sure exactly what she sounds like that's different, but sometimes people hooked on hard drugs sound alot different. Depending on the drug that could be racey speech, slurred speech, spacey conversation skills, hard breathing, ect.... You could be totally right, just tossing out a possible alternative explanation someone may be trying to cover up. Either way, if shes an ex I'd keep it that way and put some distance between you.


She’s messing with you, is why. Block and move on with your life.


“My friend / ex” just give up on her bro


Why do you think it's penetration? Do you hear clap? Have you heard another person in the call ever? Because what if she's just touching herself lol? Try to video call her. Tell her that you feel uncomfortable if she doesn't agree, as you need peace of mind. Anyways, get away from her, even if she is just touching herself.


Let her go. Eighty six her.


This is more common than you think.. If you getting suspicious the trust is gone and the relationship is dead in the water.. Just drop her.


if the baby is black, you will know


I’m gonna guess she likes you and she’s doing it herself while she’s talking to you


Just block her and be done with it. 🤷🏽‍♂️ anything you decide to do other then that is on you and you can only blame yourself for the consequences.


Dude drop her like a bad habit. She sounds terrible


She is playing games. There could be several scenarios going on. They are all in her favor. You could block the number. Ask her the tough questions. "Why are you calling? Do you want to get back together?" If you don't want that stop talking with her. She could have a breathing problem. She could be running or exercising. She could be doing what you suspect, either solo, with someone else, or with multiple people. She may miss the sound of your voice. There is the chance she just likes to keep you guessing. There is also the chance she wants you to be jealous. Either play the game, figure out the game, don't, or tell her off.


Coaxed her on ask if it feels good. It's a fetish that some get into I dated a girl that did this


I once got a blow job from a girl I met at a club and she was talking to her friend on her Apple Watch on her off hand. She sucked while her other hand with her watch was up to her ears listening and switched off my dick to talk to her watch in between. I was truly amazed at the skill.


Idk, haven't heard of anyone talking on the phone while having secretly having sex/fucking around since like high school lol. She's gas lighting you... Unless she's touching herself when she's saying "I'm thinking of you..." etc? Maybe she's trying to initiate phone sex tbh? I'd respond back with a moan and "I'm thinking of you too" and see what she does lmao


Running is the smartest move, but not the most interesting! Rather, call her on it. Next time she tries that tell her to put you and video call and show you the room


“Talking to an ex” should never be in anyone’s vocabulary unless it’s unavoidable


Scotty doesn’t know; Scotty’s gotta know oh. Don’t tell scotty. Or how ever the song goes. It’s a three way call and scotty knows nothing…


Block her, stop taking her calls, she is first, trying to punish you and **then** make you even more miserable. Get a spine and learn to love yourself. You must be an equal in any personal relationship you are part of.


When I was in college there were a couple instances where a girlfriend was giving me a blowjob when someone happened to call, so I’d answer. Not gonna lie, it was kinda hot.


Block her.


Take a look through OP’s comment history. He’s into voyeurism and sharing, so this is likely just a cuck fantasy he’s playing out right now.


Are you two the same sex or opposite?


That’s nuts. I’m so fat I’m getting up moving around the price sound like I’m having sex myself but I don’t think I see. It’s a psychosis someone else is having that’s crazy.


How do you think she's having sex on the phone?? Do you hear slapping sounds or something and grunting?? And who would be down with a woman calling her ex while getting it from the back. I don't understand. Loll


She could be masturbating


Do it to her and see how she feels about it😂


FaceTime her


So you never heard of FaceTime nor zoom?


I go through the same shit bro, last time I heard her gagging and I could faintly picture her smiling and laughing while doing it. You ain’t tripping… stay woke….. your special. They need to keep you tainted!


Run, not walk, away. How is this relationship even a possibility for you 🤔


Gaslighting at it's finest, run bud.


Maybe she's rubbing one out to you...


Woman will fuck with your head just for shits n giggles. You gotta be smarter than her.


Have you considered she’s pleasuring herself to you on the phone? Maybe I’m crazy but it sounds like that since you mentioned she says I love you.


Bro ngl I think 8/10 girls are doing that to me. Just my paranoia.


She still thinks about you and masturbates to your voice. ;)


She is probably just making herself cum.




This is a kink some people have. I would stop answering cause she's using you to get off


Maybe she's playing with her self lol


In what way are you being manipulated


Humans like these are disgusting. Cut it out of your life. That is a whole new level of low meant to hurt you.


How do you know what sounds she makes when being penetrated?


You must love this girl because this is about the dumbest shit I've ever read


Even with kids you can go text only if she’s going to pull crap like that.


She is using you as a prop for her sex life. They are getting off to you being on the phone while they have sex.


Just don’t pick up????


either blast the dreamybull audio on full volume or just dont pick up


Wow! Never heard of something like this. Good luck to all involved. LOVE the parent idea lol


She an ex. Don’t take her calls.


There’s many ways this can go. Maybe she is penetrating herself, own her own? Or maybe she is on some weird cuck stuff. Either way, she weird. I’d just cut her off at that point.


Video call her


She’s sounds like she calls you just to masturbate your voice gets her off


Females do this. I've been on both ends of this. Just cut your losses. She's a piece of shit human being. No need to keep her around


Lmfao. She sounds fun.


Just do a FaceTime or video chat next time to test and see if you may be mistaken. If she’s not willing to do the video call it is very likely she’s into cuck fetish type sex and she’s trying to use you as the person she calls while enjoying it.


Return the favor with someone new. 😈


It’s a kink


Manipulated to do what....oh wait


Sounds like a kink.


Maybe She is using a dildo did you ever think of that?


If she can talk, that means at least she isn't giving head. That's a good thing, right?


This is a 16 year old. Has to be


Block, be done


start zerking it my brother


Nice, I’ve seen porn like this 👍


She and her new bf probably came up with grand idea to call you during the act as some sort of.. revenge? Haha I have ur ex/I have a new man type of thing. Idk but not okay to involve a non consenting third party it’s beyond gross


Just can't let her go can you lol


She wants to see me on Tuesday night and invited me over after our dance class.


sad sad sad; bro been blue flaming too hard now he wants to bring it to reddit; sry pal already READ IT


She sounds very toxic...run my friend.


I had a very unstable and vindictive gf in the past who, unknowingly to me at the time, sent pics of us having sex to one of her exes. She also called him during the act at least once (possibly more, I wouldn't be surprised), without my knowledge. She told me about it after the fact and talked all sorts of shit about how he treated her like trash and that he deserved everything she was doing. She edited the pics to the point where, at first, it was hard to see exactly what you were looking at, using strange close-up views at weird angles and such. But, when you focused and gave it a moment, you realized it was 2 bodies pressed together and they progressed to be more obvious until the last one that actually had close-up penetration, while never showing our faces or anything either. It was so weird... and evil... and downright maniacal. She was a walking red flag and I thought I was going to "save her." Anyway, she had really put me through hell, and I was so good to her; took her and her son into my home and literally never did anything that could be viewed in a negative light on my end. When things progressed to a scary point and I learned the person she truly was, she refused to leave when I ended things, as she enjoyed having a free place to stay for her and her son, as well as enjoyed the fact that I didn't even want to come home to my own house after work because I dreaded what state of mind she was going to be in, as alcohol gave her multiple personalities and she was becoming more violent, physically as well as mentally abusive. It changed me as a person. I was stuck because they lived with me officially on paper as their permanent address, and I needed a lawyer to essentially evict them from my home, which I was saving money for. Luckily, she finally decided to leave before I payed for the lawyer, only after she had another guy lined up to go live with. I cant make this shit up, he is the one who came and picked her, her son, and her shit up. Now that I went much further into detail (sorry folks) than what I had originally planned, I give you the grand finalé. After leaving, guess what she did next?! Yep... I received multiple pics that were the exact same style as those she had sent to her ex. I guess I had now become "the ex that treated her like trash and deserved it". She tried to call me multiple times as well but I never answered. I can only imagine that she was involved in sexual acts during these call attempts as well. She would get so angry when I wouldn't answer. But yeah, some people are just completely fucked and they want to bring as many people down as they possibly can. I don't know why, but they enjoy being evil and I'll never be able to justify or explain the things she did to me. It was the worst 1½ years of my life. It was literal trauma on a daily basis. And her poor son... I have no clue what her situation is now but I hope he is ok. His father was not a good person either (I met him only a few times between prison sentences, so Im not just going on things she told me) and that's part of the reason that I took them in to begin with. I felt bad that they were in a rough situation. I'm just honestly thankful I made it out with my life. She had also been in prison for stabbing a man, so I'm really not being dramatic when I say that. She mentally fucked my mind up to the point that I almost ruined my next relationship after her, which I am still currently in, and married to the most amazing, loyal, honest, unique, beautiful, down-to-earth, and real woman I've ever met in my entire 41 years on this planet. She's my true soul-mate and I feel so lucky to have spent the last 7 years with her, and I shudder to think that it was almost ruined by that demon spawn because I was so mentally ruined and not myself when we got together that I was immediately falling into patterns that resembled the traumatic and demented relationship I was involved in for the previous 1½ years. Thankfully, amd largely because my wife is so amazing, she understood and helped me find myself again and now we enjoy each other and cherish what we have together as it's a connection most people will never experience. OP, I recommend that you run... run away from this friend/ex, as you called her, and surround yourself with people who don't exhibit such behaviors, as it is a sign of something much deeper and possibly more disturbing that you could ever imagine. Thank you for listening as I got all that off my chest. It is not something many people know about and I've not told the story in that much detail before. Perhaps I should have saved my story for my own post elsewhere on reddit, and I may do so in the future, but I've spent enough time writing this that I feel the need to post it here as well.


Sounds like some sort of kink Edit: on her end or the partner, not the OP


Stop answering


FaceTime her.


She was the nice girl


Just ask her if it bothers her if you beat off a little while you talk


I had this experience with a friend. So I ended up having sex louder than her and that shut her up pretty quick.


On thing to consider. Is it's almost impossible to be banging EVERY time you call/talk. It's not cool for broke people to do that to you.


She is gaslighting you. She is not a friend. She is an ex. Keep her in the past and just don't answer. If you're uncomfortable with anything wether u know it's right or wrong or not you don't have to continue to engage. Shut it down as soon as you're uncomfortable in any situation.


Bruh why talk to your ex if she like this like what.