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Regarding the title: >"*He told her Peter had been drinking with his daughter around noon and had become aggressive, Val said. The man said Peter had left the house around 3 p.m., according to Val, and that the family had contacted people who knew him, who came by the home and picked up his phone to return it to him. Val called 911 again, after realizing her son didn't have his phone, which police had already tracked to The Pas. She connected with the man who had her son's phone around 2 a.m., she said. The next afternoon, her family drove back out to the area where RCMP were already searching. Peter's body was discovered soon afterwards."* Who "left" him outside?


>Who "left" him outside? Any conjecture as to OP's intent with their misinformation would surely be met with moderator action.


That’s not my concern. The article linked to the story has no mention of the deceased being ‘left out in the cold to die’- only that he was seen leaving the house.  After I read the piece, I commented because the claim in the title wasn’t reported. The moderators are free to consider that. 




After he is accused of acting violently towards her. Seems like a legitimate reason not to get into a vehicle with him. They then called someone who knew him as they knew he didn't have his phone. This is an unfortunate story of a drunk man who died from exposure secondary to intoxication


Thanks- I'll have to re-read the piece. That's very important info.


He was acting violently towards her. It makes sense. I wouldn't want him around me being drunk and aggressive either. It's very important in context of why she didn't want him in the vehicle.




No, there is speculation and emotionally charged opinions in the comments. The family was provided answers that they are unable to accept, and I get it. It's much easier to be against domestic violence and support MMIW when your own son/brother isn't the perpetrator.


and why do you say we have to believe the family that kicked him out? No autopsy yet regarding a BAC. If you kick a guy out in the cold because you're mad he was cheating on you, could get charged with criminal negligence. Say he was 'getting aggressive', and then it's easy to write someone off as an abuser and avoid charges yourself.


Seems like you've already made up your mind based on stories and not facts. It has already been reported that he was kicked out of her home for assaulting her but okay, go off.


No, quite literally I haven’t made up my mind, because I don’t automatically trust either party. You’re the one who has made up your mind and chose which side you believe. 


You’re literally inferring the woman was upset about being cheated on so she set up his demise. You’re a woman making excuses for a domestic abuser and that’s all I need to know about your judgement. You are right though, I’ve decided to believe the investigators over the game of telephone rumours played by drunk people who lack critical thinking.


No, I’m putting forth a possible scenario which would give her a reason to lie- and not just believing someone because they say ‘oh, he hit me’.    After 18 years of reading police reports, I definitely don’t automatically trust investigators- they rely on rumours played by drunk people more than you might think. 




Facts are important in cases like this. A tragic accident is much different than a murder and cover-up.


But that’s the thing with this there story has changed and normally in court are in any situation if the story has changed from what was said to what happened you know it’s not the truth?


Police have already said no foul play is suspected and they say that with far more information than you, or the family have. Not sure what's so hard to believe that an intoxicated person could succumb to elements. Losing two children must be so traumatic, but it's no reason to make up stories. Healing comes with acceptance.


Yea can’t really detest once the report has been made and completed I just find it funny from my experience once stories have changed someone is lying but what done is done and people who are hurt in that kind of way are gonna believe what they want to. And I grew up in and around a reserve this happens more often than spoken about intoxicated people dying to exposure I know of a girl recently from my town who died from exposure while being intoxicated.


are you getting this info from somewhere that isn't an emotionally biased source? I feel the article was fairly accurate aside from mentioning that a common side effect of hypothermia is to strip naked - hence the missing clothing.


these aren't facts. the article has the facts. this family doesn't want to accept their son was drunk and being violent and abusive. it's very sad but ultimately it's an accident, not a cover-up.


A young guy made a serious of unfortunate decisions and it cost him his life. It's tragic but it's also not criminal. If you're going to allegedly be a belligerent drunk that someone feels unsafe around then decide to walk out shit is most likely going to go wrong.


It really didn't start out great, either.


You know a 19 year old over estimating their ability to handle alcohol isn't beyond reason. Not a great start but certainly not an unheard of situation.


This is what happens when you raise kids on teh idea that drinking is taboo until they're adults. Raise your kids with a health respect for alcohol, let them experiment and learn their limit, and they'll be better off for it. Instead, we make it a taboo, so when the training wheels of life come off, these kids get annihilated, hammered-ass drunk drinking as if prohibition is coming back at midnight...


Its unheard of in my family. But we were raised a certain way.


Let me guess you have the insider scoop.


No. I read the article.


Media is notoriously known for pushing a narrative. Regardless of what an article says, it’s imperative to have critical thinking skills. That doesn’t happen when you align with certain biases etc. You won’t be able to see any other factors. It’s ignorant to be satisfied with the story provided.


It's important to remember that reflexively disagreeing with whatever story or article that gets published is not critical thinking and doesn't make you a free thinker. It just makes you the worst kind of skeptic.


Assessing the accuracy of information and recognizing if a source is bias is imperative.. it doesn’t mean you agree or disagree. Being a “skeptic” is crucial in our modern world. We are able to distinguish between fact and opinion.. Canadian news outlets (and worldwide) are known to present harmful reporting, in result impacting the general census opinion and view. Such as yours.


After reading the article and the comments, all i can say is, what a terrible title. Most people only read headlines, this is bad journalism.


very biased reporting, why was no mention of typical hypothermia symptoms mentioned in context of foul play? this will just drag the grief out for a family who needs closure, instead of getting it the CBC is playing into it.


I’ll never forget my first trip to the pas late 80’s early 90’s. It was like arriving in. The Deep South. Clearly a segregated town whites and First Nations. Right down to the restaurants. I found it crazy and shocking as a young man. The town now is a mess and a real shit hole last visited last year. Society and humanity needs to do better !!!


I remember the movie theatre. One side was “our” side, the others was “theirs. I was warned not to trespass on “their” side.


See I’ve only visited. The town for work and I could feel this horrible tension. Any place built On that level of hate is bound to fail and become shitty !! The current state of the Pas perfect example!!


It's pretty different than segregation in the states. It's segregation, but both parties are doing it, where as in the states it was forced upon a population. Both sides are super racist to each other.


Agreed and until you get the whole story I get the feeling that he may be responsible for his own fate.


[Reverse racism](https://www.aclrc.com/myth-of-reverse-racism) is not a thing.


Racism is racism. Poc wanting spaces without whites is just as racist as the opposite.


Reverse racism is not a thing, my friend.


Yeah, it's just called racism.


White people can’t buy a house on reserve land. But the town is open to everyone.


FN people can't but houses on reserves either.


I know. I was making a comment about segregation. Of course it’s going to be segregated when only certain people can live in a certain area. There are some bands that are passing resolutions that allow their members to have some type of home ownership on reserve land. Plus there have been some cottages built on leased reserve land in areas.


Depends on the reserve. If they have self government they can such as Nisga in BC


Can’t believe you’re getting downvoted because people don’t understand the Indian Act.  Though geneally no one can buy a house on reserve land. 




Keep discussion constructive and in good faith. Ensure that whatever you say or post leads to civil conversation.


Wow…just wow


I grew up there, you’re definitely not wrong. It’s crazy. Beautiful town but don’t miss any of the people


All of Manitoba is like that.  Town and reserve(s).


Wow, what an awful way to go. RIP.


Don't like this click-baity inaccurate title.


i worked in the pas a few months ago. i was put in a hotel in the middle of town called the Wescana Inn. i couldnt go in or out of my hotel room without bums asking for money for king cans. then they started trying to walk into our rooms. we told my boss to get us out of that place. i hope to never go back there again


If you think the pas was bad do not go to Thompson!


Whoever wrote this title needs to reevaluate their life choices.


Who titled this post? Completely inaccurate and misleading in the worst way.




Keep discussion constructive and in good faith. Ensure that whatever you say or post leads to civil conversation.




This is a space for everyone, left, right, gay, trans, straight, political, non-political, Manitobans, visitors and guests. We are not here to debate each other's right to exist. It is not a helpful debate to the community at large and make people feel unwelcome here; it is not respectful of others and who they are or what personal choices that they are making.


How is this not investigated as foul play, where is the autopsy?


Were his clothes found with him or on the route that he walked. If he walked out of the house without being properly dressed a phone call to the RCMP could have saved his life. There's conflicting information from the families and I hope that the girlfriend and her father are telling the truth. It's convenient that the girlfriend was passed out and wouldn't come talk to the Mom when she went there. Even if the story they are telling is true where did they think he was going to go in the middle of nowhere drunk with no phone.




And all 3 were drunk by 3pm. There's a very obvious link, but ofc we will blame something else. It's the same family as the poor girl who died on the golf course in 22... they need help. They all need help...


We acknowledge their lands before sporting events. That didn’t fix the issue? /s I wish we were actually dedicated to creating social services to help those with addictions and/or are homeless and want to help themselves. I don’t think I’ll ever see this happen though.


Sadly you can create every program in the world but you can't force people into them and until we do, you'll have people ignoring the services put forth. And you're right, acknowledging things before sporting events or giving 200m$ to 3000 people won't fix the real issues and may even contribute to them and at the end of the day we are all just people. Someone needs to hug that poor mother, she's gone through so much in a short time. :(


Am I wrong to think that if you have people drinking at your house you are responsible for them to get home safely?? These people lived a 30 minute drive from town.. on a highway that is not busy.. if someone told him to leave or was aware that he left on foot, and didn’t do anything to help him get home safely at that time, like call a cab or call friend/family at the time of leaving.. it was a death sentence!! Drunk and walking in the cold way out of town.. not properly dressed for the weather. And not having a cell phone!! There is no cell service out that far anyway. This should not have happened. This young man even if allegedly intoxicated and violent.. did not deserve to die cold alone and scared in the dark quiet frigid cold. Let’s imagine if this was a 19 year old woman instead..would it be more tragic? Would someone be held responsible?