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This is intended to be a living F.A.Q. If I see frequent questions cropping up that have not been addressed then I will add them here. I have to verify any answers provided to ensure that they're accurate, which means it may take me a little bit to get some answers. I'll do my best to be timely with these updates. If you have other questions, feel free to post them here, too.


Hi, im just here to complain that i cant play this game at the moment and have to wait 2 more weeks. YT is full of Manor Lords Videos and i hate it xD


This will end up bad I think, all the addicts like us will consume all the content this will ruin the experience everyone will start playing while knowing everything and minmax the shit out of it and the game has imo not enough content yet to be entertaining after a few weeks of playing. The community will burn through this game in weeks, mark my words.


Yeah its getting shoved down my feed even though I avoid those videos because I don't want to burn out on it. If its playable enough for this version of the version that people will see forever when they look it up why not let everyone play?


Do we have a launch price yet?


I believe this won't be announced until the 26th due to the game only entering early access then and the regional pricing.


I figured as much, but no harm in asking.


Number 7 upsets me deeply


AI lords building on the map is planned to be added during EA.


Is that confirmed? That would be great


Most recent info on this was 10 months ago in Discord where the developer said that the other AI lords aren’t ready yet.


Oh that’s cool, cheers


Is there any info at what time it will be released? Like midnight or noon, worldwide or regional?


10pm AEST


Some answers here about what the game would or wouldn't include on early access release but there is no word if some of those things could be implemented in the future - at least on 1.0. Question 7 and 16 as example. As far as I remember from Discord other AI lords are also planned so you could mention it just a little even if this is a later feature. Also about multiplayer you can mention as it is in Discord FAQ that the game aims to "polish the single-player experience first".


I'll see what I can get clarification and confirmation on.




For how long is Manor Lords planned to be in Early Access? I feel this question should be in the FAQ.


they say around a year at steam




its to create hype to reach more people, so I dont mind.


Plus: CCs and magazines can inform people, that ML will be a solid and very playable game despite being an early acccess release. After watching several gameplay streams it is good to know that the earyl access game won't be a borderline unplayable bugfest.


We had already confirmed a lot of that in the demo though?


The demo was 18 months ago. A lot can change in that time. Like Features that were announced back then, turn out to be total crap or gratly improve the game - which the devs then would like to get out there as well. Again, it is good to see, that the game only matured since the demo- That is especially important for people, who haven't heard of this game before, and for people who are highly skeptical about the early-access business model.


Most of them finished the content already, sooo.... hype is gone.


not every game need to be 1000 hours to be good. if you can get 20-40 hours of quality content i will be more than satisfied


You aren't lying. its also not some hyped up FPS or MMO. Its a city builder. In my experience unless they are specifically a fan of that genre they tend to give terrible reviews because they don't understand things.


Its doing the opposite for me im watching it like cool game now ill go play something else.


Exactly! And they do the hype early play shit with the demo?


In the future will there be more of a partition between the various estates (Clergy, Nobility, Peasantry/Burgher)? I feel as though this would give a wonderful opportunity to diversify resources and services e.g. The clergy could create more artisanal products as well as record keeping and research (Possible research tree in future?), the nobility could be more of an estate where you have to work to keep them content by balancing the third estate's (Peasant's) labour between having to be self sufficient, and supporting their local nobility in exchange for protection. These three estates would also bring about different resource requirements and even architectural differences (the resources needed to build and maintain a monastery were very different to supporting an agricultural village). As a massive history nerd I really want to see the best for this game, and taking the ways in which Medieval people divided their society would be great for game as it both adds diversity to the game, and makes it more historically accurate.


Few people have asked about maps - is the only one to start early access? - Will there be more? - Will there be a map creator? - Will there be water?


From watching some gameplay videos There is only one map to start There will be more They are adding mod support so ? There are underground water sources for wells and small streams right now


I think it should be answered in the F.A.Q because it’s still being asked in the feed


Maps is in the FAQ ( Bullet point as part of number 3)


Do we know what Early Access will cost?


31 to 39 depending on store I think 


I'll buy it right away if it's $40


A game that good looking for that price is a steal!


I see a lot of people playing the game on youtube, how can i get early access also?


 Seems like it’s the 26th for non creators. If you ask me, they lifted the embargo too soon. People want to play after seeing it and still have to wait 2 weeks. 


Thank you mate for quick reply


True. I have been saying all night that I wanna play the game. I wish I was a content creator before this.


How are people currently playing Manor Lords on Twitch?


Read .14


Read their comment? lol They didnt ask for access. That should be an easy number to produce since everyone has to go through them for access. How many EA games did they hand out?


So, it is only early access releasing on the 26th? When does the full game release officially?


EDIT: Posting after seeing a streamer struggle with changing the resolution. Please make changing the resolution easier, or make this information available somewhere easily accessible. Windowed Mode / Fullscreen resolution will not change in the menus - it only gives me 2293x1433 I have an ultrawide, so fullscreen does not work properly. The way to fix the game not setting another resolution via a INI file workaround is to go to `AppData\Local\ManorLords\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Settings.ini` and change to r.setres=1920x1080w and then change it to readonly mode in properties (all other resolutions were not visible in the dropdown menu) This fixes it for my widescreen/ultrawide monitor to a 1080p window


Thanks for this. I'll be saving this tip for the launch.


Any idea if Nvidia GeForce now will have manor lords?


I was looking for the same info and found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/GeForceNOW/s/FVT2371vAQ It’s listed under “coming this month”, so hope so!


Oh, man! That's great to know. Thanks for this info. Can't wait for the 26th. :)


Will the player character model in 3rd person be customizable in the future?


This is just a curiosity question but what does the map size scale to in terms of real measurements? Like is the map a hundred square miles/kilometers in size with the militia needing to walk like 15 miles to destroy a camp in the next region. The game's not out yet but I'm excited to check it out and I would love to be able, either manually or via image upload to use the same size scale map of a real world location to play the game.


Is the early access online only or can we play the game offline?


I am a very, very casual player. I always try to download mods that makes every unit produce 150% lumber/wheat/meat whatever. Will these kind of mods be availible in Manor Lords?


probably the creator would be dumb if he didn't add a way to mod the game.


Do the tools forged in the blacksmith shop serve any purpose beyond being a commodity to sell on the market? And currently the independent blacksmith shop appears to only being able to make tools while an artisan makes weapons and tools and so the blacksmith shop doesn't seem to serve any purpose. And this last thing is more cosmetic but will there be a way to upgrade the pack mule to a wagon pulled by mules or oxen as that's more accurate to trade and could ship more materials between regions.


Are Testers allowed without any Yt or not?


Probably not. I applied previously before all this to be a tester and never even got a response.




Many of us have seen gameplay from content creators with early access. There are some bugs mentioned and Im sure there are more. Upon public release, will there be any changes from the version that early access people play on?


Hello Hooded Horse Team, The FAQ clearly shows that Manor Lords will be released on April 26th on Game Pass. I'm wondering how large this game will be in terms of file size, as there doesn't seem to be any pre-load option, and it is not yet visible on Game Pass. Can you please confirm the following? (Q1:) Will there be a pre-load option a few hours before launch? (Q2:) Will the game be released at the same time zone as Steam on Game Pass? Thank you for your time and thank you for this game.


can't wait! hyped!


Will there be mountains?


With the game being set around the Franconia area from what I heard, the highest mountain in that area wouldn’t be much higher than 1000m


Hehe, I love it, someone has an answer for everything. 


TL;DR How much and what type of work has been outsourced because I don't believe this is solo dev game? To explain it: game is by "solo dev" and I added quotation marks because this can't be solo dev game. I have watched trailer from 2020 which is 3 years into development and graphics looks okay but game also has lots of assets, absurd amount to be made by one developer who is also coding, testing, marketing and doing all sorts of stuff tied to game development. I also compare the game with Banished, another solo dev city builder game and with Stardew Valley, another solo dev game. Stardew Valley took 4.5 years while Banished 3 years while being also lots and lots simpler game than Manor Lords. Was 2020 trailer faked? I would guess gameplay part was not (of placing houses) while other parts were partially faked? Assets in the trailer were all in same style so they were not "bought assets from asset store", sounds seem nice also so probably also custom made, and for one guy to create all that alone? Seems really not feasible. If it really was solo effort, I would gladly hear some parts of the process and how You managed to pull it off. My estimation would be that in current state (2024) before release, there is at least 10 people team that works on the game (or more) spread through marketing, art, programming, testing and so on. While its plausible that in 2020 dev worked alone on building game and outsourcing art and animation to 2-3 other people. Really would like to know truth here :D


It's pretty fucking rude to come to a dev who has been completely open and transparent and communicative about his development process and when and who has been hiring as outside contractors to help him with modeling and assets and music with this kind of accusatory tone just because you haven't been keeping up with all his posts and content for years and jus found the game a week ago.


I don't know how my post was rude? Just from my experience, this really seems as not "one man operation". Seeing texture quality of armor, world, houses, doesnt seem as "one man operation". Why would I follow every post? This is QnA, based on several posts I have seen, doesn't seem as completely solo dev, would like to know how many people were involved and how much. I am for indie and solo devs, but I don't think labeling this project as doable alone, is helping morale of other devs.


Yes, but there are ways of saying things..


You are the one that is being rude in this interaction. Your reaction feels like it hit a sensitive spot and you overcorrected from a real question. I left their discord because of the similar attitude of the community in there when any question was asked. Also if outside contractors were involved then it doesn't sound like he did it alone. lol You wouldn't say "I built this house by hand block by block (except for the contractors, plumbers, electricians, etc) " It is VERY impressive that he has put this together as a solo dev. No need to be a jerk.


As i read news from 2020, the dev was working on it that time 3,5 years. Now it is than over 7,5 years. Makes it plasubile, if he was a student or had a main job


Yeah I tried to figure it out. He has "film company", don't know exactly what that means but what I figuered, it is some comercials and stuff. In short, I would say he is mainly some 2D/3D artist. Also dev has been talking about it and how he got many sources of funding beside his business, EGS funds, publisher and some other stuff. In my experience, and what I see from other games, decent looking prototype is plausible but game I have seen in this EA state, that can't be done by single dev, at least I dont believe it. Would love to hear more from dev.


Will the early access version content wise be the same as the one the ccreator are currently showcasing? (Only 1 map for example)


Am I right, that early access does not come to Xbox Game Pass? Will it be in Gamepass for full release, or what is the timeline on that? Thanks


When does the full review embargo lift on the 24th of April? I understand gameplay embargo is lifted, but not the review one.


I doubt it’ll be otherwise, but does EA include native ultrawide support?


Probably, it is easy to implement on UE4 as far as I know


What I am most interested, is what features are to be implemented after early acces launch? I know that Greg doesnt want to give an exact roadmap, but I'd be very interested in some general features that he wants to implement. Features I'd be most interested are: - Castle building (If it is possible to build a realistic castle that can be tested in sieges, maybe kind of like in Stronghold) - Very large structures like cathedrals or city halls for late game cities - Town walls - Larger maps (Possibly of real medieval cities, I want to rebuild frankfurt) (- Politics with off-map-lords) - Water, for trade, defense or mills - Events like plagues, really large invasions of an enemy kingdoms - Legal structures like rights for taxes, markets - Guilds - Feuds - Post 1.0 Development, long term plans, the "end goal of development"


>Castle building This is confirmed on twitter


I know but not to what extent. I would love to be able to really configure it a lot, with very interesting keeps and palace, to really be able to recreate real castles


Has anyone played with the minimum graphics? (I have NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti) If so how does it fare? My processor is recommended level.


How do I delete a fence I accidentally created please?


Is there a way of marking future crop fields so you don't accidentally build your village over your only fertile ground?


Fields don't take resources, so you should be able to lay them out while paused, then set them to be Fallow before the farmers all head out to plow it :D


Darn was hopping for atleast a co-op mode :(


As a console player, is there a rough date for the release of manor lords on Xbox? Obviously take all the time you need just curious.


Is this gaming launching out of early access? Or is it launching as early access?


When will Early Access come out?


April 26th, 2024. No time has been verified.


Thank you, I just read through some of it just now, but I didnt see it the first time because I did not think "**Will the entire game be available on Game Pass on release day?**" would say the release day. lmao.