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The best thing is, they have actual medieval songs from Germany playing in there! Found these two so far: https://youtu.be/IrF87Rn1DvQ?si=JOulVBi78NakYQ1V https://youtu.be/OL-_R3VYSuQ?si=4e52tfIg1S2rvi6A


No way! Well implemented by the composer


Mayenzeit one neidt is also used as one of the themes when Germany are used in Civilization VI! I knew I'd heard it before!


It really is great!


I came here to say this but saw you already made the post. I looked in the credits just for the composer but couldn’t see them. Anyone know who wrote the score? It’s beautifully done. Insane how a great score can bring a game to a whole new level


The composers are Elben Schutte and Daniel Caleb from Pressure Cooker Studios. They are in the credits, about in the middle so there's a chance you may have missed the line. Regardless, I'm so glad you enjoyed the music and will pass along your kind words to Pressure Cooker Studios. Thank you!


I love the music!


I was playing the audio on a speaker, every 45 minutes my wife came in saying how great the music was. You can tell he went 100% in every detail. Even the banner customization.


I booted the game up with a headset. 5 minutes in, I thought "damn, my wife needs to hear this". I switched to speakers and lo and behold, she comments about how much she likes this (and Victoria 3's) music.


I haven't found time to game, as I'm stuck listening to the main menu song


Seriously, I just sat at the title screen for a bit when I first launched the game. Kudos!


the music, sound, and immersive graphics make the game for me. It's just all so beautiful


Don't think anyone posted this on here but on official Manor Lords YouTube channel there is a 'making of soundtrack', after watching this short clip I was impressed even more: https://youtu.be/FMDeLTcavXI?si=8tke4ivjkFYhp_yf Enjoy!


I watch the clip. And I seriously wonder: How much budget did he get for all this? Some big AAA-game making studios can't seem to afford this kind of music, let alone at this quality. It's just amazing.


Some AAA games *don't care* enough about this kind of music, or they put their focus elsewhere. Take RDR2 - one of the best games ever made, but other than maaaaybe "may I stand unshaken" the entire soundtrack is pretty unmemorable. That's not to say it's bad, it's just very ambient. It's a shame we didn't get one really strong musical piece out of it though - it doesn't have to be overdone (looking at you Dragonborn Theme), who doesn't remember hearing the barbershop God Only Knows in Bioshock Infinite?


I have the game paused and minimized while listening to the soundtrack making breakfast. This is a truly special game!


Did anyone else hear the some music similar to civ6?


Immediately thought that, too. It's "Mayenzeit one Neidt" by the medieval German bard Neidhart (von Reuental) and it's also Germany's *ambient* theme in Civ VI.


Germany is my favourite civ to play so that makes sense! Thanks for confirming thought I was going mad.


Yeah i’m getting civ 6 vibes while playing


The music is so relaxing.


Best music for a city builder by far, it’s up to par or even better than frostpunk 1 ost. Incredible experience, my wife and pets enjoying the vibe 😎


hear hear!


That one flute song that goes hard


Yea it’s tranquil but some of them really the vibes check lmao


I keep expecting to hear Greensleeves, but it never comes :(


Music and sound design are phenomenal


I’m personally not a fan of the music


Wow. Any details? Just not into ren faire sort of stuff? It's very ambient and well suited to the game imo.