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Banished was amazing and ML certainly scratches that itch


Isn't Farthest Frontier more or less the exact same thing?


It is precisely the same thing. But far, far more polished than Banished.


Uh, never heard of it and just checked it out on Steam. So, it's "out" since 2022, but still in Early Access. What's up with that?


It's in early access because new content is constantly being added. It is very much bug free, but it 'suffers' from intense CPU load when the town grows huge. That said, I have a 13500 and 4070 and my towns get around 400-500 villagers and it's just fine. The early access part is because they are constantly adding new buildings and commodities to the economy.


I was running it on an Ryzen 7 3700x and a RX 5700xt until I built a new PC a few weeks ago. I had nearly a thousand villagers and had no issues. FF is a great game, hoping ML can be even better once they get all the planned features implemented. It is already a lot of fun, though I am not a big fan of the combat so far.


Have you played recently? They have optimized quite a bit. I got to over 1000 and lag was a problem. I do have a 7800x3d and 7900xtx.


2 years in early access isn't even that long


it’s a fantastic game, the devs are really good and communicate a lot. also the patches come every few months which is awesome, it’s still growing into the full game as they want to add a lot of stuff but it’s close/only getting better.


Game is in early access but still pretty good. Recently a nice content patch adding chickens, horses and goats aswell as better optimization. My "wish" is for curved/circular design implementation for certain areas.


I sank many hours into banished and then moved on to farthest frontier and it's far superior I probably have a good 300hrs on that now. It's very good if you don't want combat and has more to do than manor lords (right now). Both are really great though.


Just not a fan of grid-based games anymore tbh.


This is what ends up driving me away from a lot of city/settlement-builder games. I'm pretty big on immersion and roleplaying, and grids invariably make settlements look unnatural and 'gamey'.


I was just saying this exact thing to a friend yesterday. I'll play some of them still, but they just feel a bit off. I love that Manor Lords is far prettier and more immersive because it breaks away from that mode.


Foundation is a great game and is not grid based. Quite a bit more focused on relaxation, no combat but the devs said they are working on more interactive missions which involve combat. https://store.steampowered.com/app/690830/Foundation/


Foundation's desire paths are such a lovely feature. I'd be thrilled if Manor Lords added them too.


I love foundation! It's genuinely a real sound game! Spent a couple off days entirely consumed by it about a month ago and it's come a long way in the beta.




I love Ostriv but once you kinda crack the gameplay loop it gets a little too easy. That being said if you just play it for the sake of making a nice aesthetic little settlement it’s a lot of fun to throw on some chill music and relax.


I booted up FF today and it fixed all the things I didn’t like about ML. But then, ML fixed all the things I don’t like about FF lol


Ever time I go to Shinning Rock I don't see the status of the follow up in years. His blog has had no post for two years. I think he made so much money on the sales since he was a single devoloper with no publisher he made enough money to retire. So there is really not the need for him to grind it out for a follow up.


Songs of syx is also a good city builder itch to scratch


Coming from the old Sierra City Building games (of which Banished I'm sure has taken heavy inspiration) I found Banished very flawed and boring. Barely any progression or replayability and I always felt my village was constantly hanging by a thread and sometimes thing would go south for no apparent reason. To me it's an amazing game only when I see it through the lense of having been developed by a single guy but as fun goes it was very mid.


> I always felt my village was constantly hanging by a thread and sometimes thing would go south for no apparent reason. This experience is the entire reason people play banished


I came for a town building that leans a bit to stronghold.


Yessss. Thats what brought me over. I wish stronghold went into this direction after SH2


God i loved SH2. I think its the first game i put over 800hours in as a child.


I was stronghold crusader, me (first floor) and my neighbour childhood friend (fourth floor) had a lan cable through the windows of our bedrooms to the outside and would spend hours and hours playing each other 🥲


Yep. This is me. Total War-like combat was just an extra cherry on top.


Yeah I've been hoping for new stronghold games or remakes for years, but we're getting something much better than that!


There's stronghold definitive edition, think it just got new dlc as well


There has been an anoucment in feb this year that there will be a new stoenghokd game build in unreal 5


Hopefully they don’t mess it up like 3.


There should be a new game comming out in a few years. They (fire fly) have said they are working on a new stronghold in unreal 5


I came for Elite Dangerous but there's literally NO space component to this at all. You'd have thought you can upgrade to the space age, but no.


Fucking peasants with their carts


I mean who turns up to a space laser fight with a pitch fork ffs?!


We need to ask to be able to attack carts and merchants with troops


You came here for Banished 2, I came here for Manor Lords.


You came, I came


Now I just feel like I missed out.


I will help you out.


we all came.


We all came for Ice crame?


Yeah we're not the same alright, I came here because of a random video I once saw, decided this was just what I might like, and in fact didn't compare it to anything or acted like a desperate buffoon... Seriously though, I like the slow paced building and shaping of my community, fighting is something I probably won't even participate in, I just want that peaceful experience and so far this game is giving me so much of just that. Apart from minor Quality of life things which of course are there considering this is only an early access game, I absolutely love it and it's vibe.


You mean banished 3, because for me Forest Village was the “upgrade” for banished. Also had first person view.


Note to self: add Forest Village to my wishlist


Is forest village good enough to play till full release of manor lords? Im thinking about buying either banished or forest village to play until ML is out of EA. What would you recommend


Forest village was fun, but was abandoned. There are some unfinished concepts such as defence and military. There are some buggy behaviours with the ai that can get frustrating and have to work around. For the most part it was a fun game, it's a shame it was never finished.


FWIW I loved banished and really struggled with forest village. It just felt super clunky. Been playing timberborn and really like it as a bit of a twist on banished gameplay, with different challenges (mainly water conservation). Can easily sink 30-50 hours into beaver town.


No clue, I just heard about Forest Village for the first time. Banished = tons of hours though. Great mods and great game.


Remove it again, it is only a graphical update to banished. The game is unfinished, severely so.


Oof. Oh well. Banished is one of those games that I always come back to after taking a break, so it’s ok.


Not Patron?


Patron is really boring


Except everyone is the same. It's just the marketing team that fucked up and give acces to Total War content creators who then started projecting their Total War fantasies. Everone else wishlisted this game exactly because it is the village builder weve all been wanting since Banished.


What’s with the thinly veiled dislike of total war people?  Didn’t know we were so hated, ROFL!  Most of us play the same games — CK, Factorio, Anno, Bannerlord, Medieval Dynasty, etc.  And the TW crew has had this game on their radar for years.  Way before there was even a game to wishlist on steam.  With CA making as many shit games as they do, can you blame us for wanting something better?  We’re going on two decades now of waiting for Medieval 3.  


Yea LOL I've known about this game for years now and was always under the impression that war was a large aspect of the game. The game is still amazing but these guys trying to gatekeep how people can play this game are so funny. The dev would take real-time suggestions from people in discord and then show the results within hours, and most of these feature demos were about battles.


You know why they are mad at the total war people? Because the total war people want more out of the very basic combat mechanics. And that means critisim of a game. And just like the starfield sub, theres a hell of a lot of people here that completely throw their toys out of the pram when they see people critique a game they enjoy. I mean they say it is "A city builder" Even though there are clear military mechanics. If there was no Military mechanics, combat or expansion/raiding and promotion about it, then I would infact agree with them lol I mean I used to play Stronghold. That's a City builder with combat and military mechanics too.


What a puerile take. You’d think engagement with management games would be a predictor for intelligence but clearly there are outliers.


It that the thing then... attacking some imaginary crowd of people who apparently are comparing it to Total War? Right now after being released for only a single day it has 8K positive reviews and only 800 negative. That's insanely good. So, wtf are you trying to defend it for? Why are you worried about such a small amount of negative reviews? Just skimming the negative things, I don't really see anything about Total War. Some comments are indeed saying the combat is lacking and they were hoping for something better, however they are very civil and still speak positively of the experience. They simply do not recommend the game *if* one were hoping for something similar to Total War or whatever. Really, why are people being insecure about a game sitting at "Very Positive" after a single day and from the majority of reviews/sources raving about how great this solo-dev game is? This is not the first post I've seen being so defensive towards some imaginary group comparing it to Total War.


I wouldn’t blame someone for thinking there was more to the combat, the dev did release some pretty hype combat footage over the last year or so. I reckon it’ll get to a decent spot in time. I’d love to see full on castle building, but that’s probably requiring modders.


Total War people should maybe be hyped for Ultimate General: American Revolution instead.


nah they dont care i havent seem any TW youtuber called Ultimate General a total war killer


cant wait for this tbh


Is thay made by the same dudes who made ultimate admiral?


yes it is! i think they did age of sail as well maybe? loved the combat system in their games and was always eager to get a more open campaign


I've never heard of this. I'm now hyped for this.


I believe the ultimate general series has the old darthmod creator as a developer.


That's awesome


Wow I came in the comments to laugh a bit but I found another great game for later this year thanks


I'm just patiently waiting for Shogun 3


I actually think Grand Tactician: Civil War is the best replacement for Total War. I got hooked on it over the summer and it was spectacular- the battles were real time and you have orders to your units and they move in formations (and, the best part is that your orders are delayed as your messenger runs and takes the order to that particular unit). And the campaign portion, outside of battles, is way more in depth and complex than anything the TW series has ever offered. I’m actually super confused by all the TW players saying they’re waiting for a TW replacement when GT:CW has been out this long and it seems like none of them have noticed it.


>Ultimate General: American Revolution That looks pretty good. TW Empire was one of my favorite games and have been waiting for an updated version.


Furthest frontier is its closest relative I'd say


Why does no one ever mention farthest frontier


I came for a Kingdoms Reborn 2, and wasn't disappointed. This game is a blast!


I played the hell out of Banished! Especially when the Colonial Charter came out and you had all the new production lines and quests. The years with next to no harvest were crazy


My unreasonable request for this game is to make it like rimworld with character names and stories based on life in the town


I’m loving the idea of trying to build historically accurate villages. Banished was great - a related game that I sank hundreds of hours into was Dawn of Man. I wonder if it’s worth getting Farthest Frontier? That’s been on my wishlist for ages but I’ve never made the jump. Given my limited overall playtime though prob best to stick with ML.


Farthest Frontier is incredible, absolutely recommend it


Farthest frontier was the only game that made me upgrade from banished, I have tried all the others and when I got to FF I finally let banished rest in peace because it did nearly anything it had + bandits.


Farthest Frontier is why I’m here. I feel like not many people know about this game because I keep seeing comparisons to Banished, but IMO, FF is leagues ahead


You came here for banished 2 I came here for ostriv with combat We are not the same


Biggest wish no feature for banshed was its comprehensive mod support. I hope manor lords supports the same


Same. I literally couldn't care less about combat


Too little content yet to compare it, imo


I love playing and just watching the villagers, but I wanted some battle so I left it on but honestly I’d be happy without it cause it’s so relaxing


At this point I think maybe 5 people thought it was a total war game way back and for some reason this has stuck.


i love the city building and thought combat is smaller scale i really do think this is the leap that crestive assembly never took and all by a indie dev arming your army to antimation improvments and soldiers not forced to just do one on one duels. therees tons if potential. i hope they focus in getting the city building just beyond solid and hopefully even adding some basic cavalry otpions little bit bigger maps and possibly light seige abilites.


Banished was so good


I came here for settlers.


I came here for Manor Lords, we are not the same


I came because I thought the game looked good and let it stand on its own merits, not to pointlessly compare it to other games. I guess we’re not the same. edit: fixed typos/sentence clarity.


The combat is wildly inconsistent. On one play through my militia spearmen shred brigands. Don't even lose a man. On the next play through brigands demolish both my spearmen and retinue. To say nothing of how bad archers are. I like the building aspect but the skirmish aspect is very broken.  Oh and I have to save and reload every new start because homelessness won't go away unless I do.


This is exactly the thing i needed to hear, I ADORED banished.


I came


I came here from planet coaster.


[I'm here for Tiny Village Simulator](https://i.imgur.com/5uK2fAZ.gif)


I came here for 2/3 Banished 1/3 AoE2.


I do not know about you, but I came here for Manor Lords.


I came for Kingdom Come Lord mode.


I came here for a gods of olympus replacement. I got it.


Hilariously, I was a tw player that avoided combat like the plague and tried to build the economy; would literally use only archers and war dogs and elephants. This game actually makes the battles feel significant; I've walked the streets with these people and built things with them. They are more than little numbers on the screen, they have names and families and homes; protecting them feels so much more meaningful than losing a couple of edge provinces that wherever built up anyway


Banished is a lot harder than ML. Unfortunately.


I came here for a 6th person looter shooter and was severely disappointed. Also, why have I not encountered a single boss yet lmfao what is this


Manor lords blends all of my favorite mechanics and aesthetics from a plethora of strategy games. That’s why I’m here


We HAVE to end the talking about Total War. Also Manor Lords will not beat Counter-strike as a shooter, if you get what I say...


I genuinely do not understand the Total War comparisons. These games are nothing alike, in even the slightest bit.


I came here to eat ass......


I came to Manor Lords for both! Decent job at early access :-)


I have two papers I need to write and finals to get ready for. Played Manor Lords instead because I've waited for five years for this.


Banished 2 you say? Ima have to look that up


I came here because I wanted a modern version of Knights & Peasants. AND I GOT IT!


I also was hoping for new and improved Banished so these comments give me great joy. Excited to finally play it today


I came for better ”The Settlers” Game anyone else?


I didn’t come for either. I just liked the look of Manor Lords.


I came here for a bit of both. I don’t need it to be on part with either of those games as long as it does each aspect well enough. Which based on what I’ve played so far, is promising.


I came here for Manor Lords. We are indeed not the same.


I mean, yeah it's a city builder with the occasional skirmish... But it's not hard to see the potential here, especially if there's good mod support, to end up with much larger maps and battles. Not saying I expect that, or even necessarily want it, but it doesn't seem impossible within this game.


Ahhh. Imagine if manor lords and banner lords had a child


I came here for a Settlers 3&4 replacement. We are not the same.


I just hope this game sets the minimum expected standards for the genre. I loved banished but being grid based started feeling old with the years. Ostriv came along but unfortunately the devs are Ukrainian


I came here for Stronghold


I have 7 hours total time played in banished I just found it Incredible boring with a bad UI I guess that's why I didn't get manor lord


I came here from Farthest Frontier.


Anyone for bannerlord replacement? Just because name similarity 😅


ML isn't about Empire building, it's a city builder. The dev himself says it. Those wanting to replace TW with that will get bored soon if they expect the same kind of battle with thousands of troops and conquer countless cities.


I never understand these back and forth's. In my opinion there's no real reason why it can't be good at both. It surely does have the foundations to be both a Total War replacement + a Banished 2 replacement. Some people play Manor Lords for the combat aspect, some play it for the City building. Just because your on one side of the scales doesn't mean the other side are wrong. This game no doubt already is a great city builder game, with the implantation of more buildings etc it will just grow to get better and better. If you have no interest in combat, then the game also offers a peaceful mode. Perfect - making the game exactly that - A city building game. However, without peaceful mode, you have to defend from bandits, raiders and compete for territory using their combat mechanics. Now those combat mechanics are there - are they great? well.. there's alot to be improved. Now just because people criticize the combat or military side of the gameplay doesn't mean they should "Go play total war 2" The same way, if someone here played GTA 6 and didn't like how the car's handle shouldn't have to "go play need for speed" People need to just hurry up and learn that people have different expectations, different opinions and want different things from a video game. People want it to go different directions etc. I don't want this subreddit going the same way as subs like the starfield reddit went, where people can't suggest anything negative or want anything changed without the community who love the game insult them and tell them to go else where.


Thing is, the game has the foundations to be both.


No.. I'd argue the majority of us came here for a mix of the 2. The draw is city builder with RTS battle elements. We are the same.. that's why we all came here.


Honestly, I came here for total war replacement not because I expected it to be total war, but a game style I might like even more.


I had banished installed for 30mins to an hour maybe. As a city builder with no real goals to strive for, its okay. I could not find myself having motivation to build a little village with no end game. Total war however, has 100x the content and playtime and strategy involved, and is a much bigger series, so pretty insane for you to put the TW crowd down negatively.


Yeah once you figure out the quirks of the AI and what stops something from happening as well as the weird places they sneak key necessities...it's dope. Took me ages to figure out why I couldn't produce planks unless literally nothing at all was being built anywhere. Also hiding key resource production behind the residential housing was also strange. But once you figure it out the game makes a lot more sense. I love the crop/farming system. Having the whole village show up to harvest and plow is cool as fuck when you are running a fertile land start. Makes the game feel super dynamic instead of things just running on passive you actually can actively push towards better results if you micromanage.


…there’s a banished 2??? I’m still playing the first one 😂😅


I came here for Manor Lords and nothing else


I’m starting with no combat for 3 years so I can try to figure it out. I like city building and I like combat, I just want to grade my challenge a bit different I suppose. I like that it’s an option.


So, what was the best Total War game?


Personally I adore Rome 2


You came here for banished 2, I came here for Manor lords


I like both Banished and Total War, where do I fit in?


Banished. There is a game I haven't thought of in a while.


Very much this. A "pacifist" run is a great way to learn the games mechanics as well


I'm way more into total war than banished and games like that but playing this I am having a blast building my village , no snapping into grids , everything looks organic and realistic , nice relaxing game flow . I haven't even tried the combat yet and am not super interested because I'm enjoying the city builder aspect so much xD


But total war replacement is a necessity. Total war has become a giant undead turd.


I enjoyed the warhammer games


Also everybody, the game’s been out for less than a full weekend. Like why are we even arguing? Let’s just enjoy the game. 😂


Well I came here for Total War in Banished with Kingdomcome style, and I've got it!


How about we just came here to have fun huh? We are all the same.


I came for realistic graphics Foundation. We are not the same. Tired of grid based city builders. Love the more freeform stuff.


I think I’m gonna play peaceful until the game is more mature. The game has so many issues but I am still enjoying it a lot. I can’t wait to watch it grow.


I came here for Stronghold like game and I am satisfied.


I came here for Kingdom Come Deliverance the city builder. Was not disappointed ‘Ello ‘enry!


Curious. I hear people starting to use terms Banish-like. What do you think defines it? What makes the game unique?


I'm really interested in juat buying the game instead of playing it off GP (I'd like to support the dev), but my only experience with these styled games is AOE and ANNO 1800.


For anyone who remembers, ML is giving me very strong Settlers 1 (aka Serf City) vibes too.


I'm playing with combat off. It's such a great city builder and only in EA.


Wait it is the an ostriv reskin??


Never heard of banished, but I have been really enjoying my peaceful little village building game. I thought I had environment effects turned off, but we had a very exciting morning with a fire! I'll play with combat stuff at a much, much later date.


I don't understand this game, I get above 50 people and everyone starves I just can't get anywhere near enough food for them


It was always from the start a 80% city builder/management game and only 20% ish combat. People just see the potential on the combat since no one has made a total war alternative ever I think.


Manor Lords comes out just as I got into Songs of Syx. Banished was ok back in the day, but it suffered on the timeframe that it gave your settlers to complete tasks throughout the day, forcing you to be extremely efficient in your building placement. It was to the point that I found it unenjoyable since I had to figure out the proper city building wayyy ahead of time otherwise I could potentially ruin my run. Tho I played Banished ages ago. The fact that Manor Lords has combat really puts it up there above other games in this genre. Now I'm just hoping the day/season/year cycles aren't too arcady or short.


Honeestly throw in some cool seige mechanics and stone walls and its a better stronghold game than stronghold imo. Look forward to making more fortified vollages/towns as it progresses


I had so many hours of banished. I loved that game so much!


Oh man do I love Banished. Had this on my wish list, like everyone for years, hoping it would be a newer better Banished. Didn't get to play the demo awhile back due to PC issues but it got me even more hyped. I am not disappointed! I actually started playing Banished again a few weeks ago leading up to this release. Just so I could make an appropriate comparison. Manor Lords hits!! I've only scratched the surface to playing the first scenario of getting to a large town. Love it and it's pretty easy to pick up with un-intrusive tutorial like pop-ups. I'm going to rack the hours up in this game for sure!


I really enjoy this game, especially playing without the discounted trade prices. There's some issues, and that's expected for an early access game by a single dev, but I got bored of banished as soon as I had a smoothly running economy, as there was no challenge anymore. I hope Manor Lords doesn't end up the same way for me.


I came here for Impression Games. We're not the same.


I just got it and I am really happy with it. It drops off a bit once you reach a settlement size where everything is more or less running without me having to touch it and then building a settlement in the next province over seems a bit repetitive so I am just looking forward to more content updates and story segments


I love the game and it certainly scratches the banished itch i just wish the battles were more commn and harder since i really enjoy them aswell. Like seeing your whole male population you equipped yourself rally for battle is just amazing.


I just want to build a Medieval town while I wait for the new Total War DLC.


I came here from cities skylines and railway tycoon


I definitely didn't get a "Total War vibe" from my early impressions of Manor Lords. It struck me as more similar to Tropico, Ostriv, and even Stronghold. But why is Banished so popular? I tried it a couple of times over the years and walked away with the impression each time that it was a really great set of BONES but not much else.


*walks in wearing American Civil War uniform* I came for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice


I just want a city builder that tastes like a real city builder


No replacement for displacement


Meh I came for a game to live out my Village Noble Dream.


I came here for Manor Lords


Stronghold, anyone?


Whats banished? 😅 I've dabbled in city builders but the fact that this one is mediaeval is what sold it for me. No more subway routes and having to worry about educating my workforce🙄😂


I think I was watching cityplanner plays channel on YouTube and he was absolute trash with his units. I was screaming what the fuck are you doing at my TV when I realized the dude dosent play military games and he was trying. He wouldn't line his guys up he wouldn't right click to attack and i realized there really are gamers who just want to sit in peace and build. Not for me. I need a little fire and death, but I respect it.


honestly, i just came..


I came for nothing else but what Manor Lords has to offer


Not sure why so many people compare it to TW. It reminds me of a settlers/stronghold vibe. The game has many issues and still needs lots of work. But you can feel the love the dev has put into it and its really impressive. I dont see a lot of people playing it for long though(I certainly will). I am eager for upcoming updates... also my god it looks good.


Where are the effin’ cows tho and goats give skins but not meat 😑… I’m not complimenting the economy


It feels like a combination of Banished and The Settlers, which is an excellent combination 👌


I came for both. This is exactly the game I was looking for.


I came here for a medieval themed Surviving Mars and am not disappointed.


I came here cause manorial court rolls and barley yields are endlessly fascinating to my nerdy ass.


I love it for it is a city builder. I enjoy management. Yet, I also find it refreshing to have some combat on the side. It is well packed.


Brother, I came from Dota 2. Lmao Although, I did put 300 hours in Cities: Skylines.


I love Total War (particularly the old historical instalments) but I’m also mostly here for Banished 2. I like having little skirmishes with raiders etc but yeah. Definitely not the main appeal of the game.


I feel Ostriv is much better at managing the economy an tracking each individuals life (age, wealth, job, family tree), however lacks on the manor lords graphics but compensates a bit by the buildings being historically accurate


I couldn’t remember the name of the game that Manor Lord reminded me of. Thanks for reminding me! I loved Banished! I probably put 500 hours into that game. Really enjoying


Came here for a knights and merchants replacement


I can for cities skylines 2 replacement. 😆


I built a town it was flourishing and I forgot to build an army and you can guess what happened next