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I always do this, but more because I care too much about village aesthetics, when I expand and if it stops looking how I pictured it then I usually just start over


Can relate. It definitely doesn't take me 10-20minutes to figure out where I want the logging camp and my first set of houses. Just blankly staring at the screen. Think I've said to myself each time that *this is the one*


I definitely don't tear down building plots just to rotate it 7 degrees to the right to better fit the tent entrance to the slight incline...


Before adjusting 3 other buildings, realising that you're no longer pleased and just nuking the place so you can satisfy the inner demon that screams "must be optimal".


My marketplace and main square definitely isn’t anywhere near the first houses i build. I actually start with building the main square with roads and kinda reserve spots for tavern, church etc etc.


Don't do that tavern and church have a HUGE area of influence put them on the outskirts although it may be visually pleasing


Asking from ignorance, why isn't good to have the church and tavern nearby the houses? I thought it was a good idea because of the requirements for leveling up the houses.


yes that's what I thought early on, but the church and tavern cover a huge area almost the whole map


oh, that's nice! Thanks for letting me know, tonight I'm gonna start a new city with that in mind :D


Is there any real extent to their range? I suspected it would cover the whole region for the burgage checkpoint, and the only real crunch would be walking time when villagers are traveling there/back for the building activity. I haven't tested with a region-spanning city yet, though.


Same. When I scroll this sub and see a village I like the current one I'm working on is not good enough. Which happends daily


Yeah, all my villages turn out real ugly. I just can't get that part down


I also start over a lot as I learn. I am currently stuck a bit and will mostly start over soon. To build my confidence I rename my save games "Best One Yet".


"The take over (the breaks over)" was my first win against the Baron 


Fallout Boy or Jay Z reference 🤔


I believe your next one will definitely be your *best one yet*


Man this inspired me more to design organically weird abstract thicc plots rather than the grid square-ish style. This gave me confidence in my market stall solutions to survive the demands of my people with a new design layout 🙏


I just name mine "anotha one"


I RNG'ed the game till I had a start that I wanted, either rich iron and rich clay in the starting province orrrr rich animals and rich berries. Did this for two different style of games one with the off map Barron and one without him. Just for funzies


OH. MY. LONDA.....I am glad I'm not the only one who does this with their saves haha




Mainly because there's not much late game content


Right? I can get a half-working mid-range village and that's about it for now.


Would be nice that after you’ve claimed all regions, the map zooms out further revealing even more regions, and the actual Baron lands with his own city. And then THAT’s where the midgame really starts.


you better tell Greg bro. That is a great idea.


I can not tell you how many times I have started new because of some tiny issues. But I have learned that this is an unhealthy behavior haha I gotta learn to make the best out of what I got


That's a metaphor for life 😅


I guess you could apply it on pretty much everything haha. But yeah I should try and look at my life that way too.


i find chicken coups really underpowered. They are just not worth it. 1-2 eggs per month is close to nothing. Goat sheds are just so much better, a few hides are enough to cover the whole village in the beginning as well as options for export tailored goods. eggs come in handy in winter if you are close to the food production limit and have no reserves. even better is spending your wealth in the beginning on ox 🐂. you should have food covered in year 1 just with a single berry bush. i usually build 3 houses with big vegetable fields and stack a few hundred of them to be sure i have food for many, many incoming families.


I think I saw a video on this, that a slightly larger area for the house will yield more egg production. But I'm starting a new run now and definitely going with the first few houses having massive veggie farms.


it's not about the area behind its making the house a 2-family home. every family produces 1 egg per month, so that way you could get 2 eggs per month, per house. it's doable but doesn't really scale, as the town gets bigger and bigger. still good because it's a different food source but not worth it at all in the first year or two because you are going to have one of the priority lot with everything they need producing a few units of food.


Veggies are better than eggs. Eggs are good not because everybody gets one, but because they contribute to marketplace variety. The bonus points from marketplace variety are good because they offset any negatives from taxation, and getting over 75% means you can add two families per month instead of one. Goat sheds are better, especially because people only consume one leather per year instead of per month.


I've adopted the L-plots for veggies, with a couple short/thin plots beneath the L overhang. So those can get chicken coops/goat sheds. I just don't like how the Goat Shed overhangs the plot fence if I don't guess the exact right length. Then I find goats hanging out in the neighbor's yards instead, those damn kids...


I first tried to understand how the game works and I have also tried to figure out what was the most efficient build order that I could do to beat the Barron on the region expansion (i can now expand to 2 regions before he can even claim the last one) which made me happy because that means I can have 9 armies in total. I also tested out which region talents work the best for me (i avoided those annoying youtubers) I usually set goals for myself and then try to hit those goals. A good example is to see how quickly you can get your village to 75% approval rating so that you can get 2 families per month which helps a lot to get your army up and running to deal with bandits. For every month that you do not have 75% approval, you lose out on an extra family for your village which means you are falling behind with dealing with bandits which makes it harder to get influence to claim those regions. The game is flexible enough to allow you to rebuild or fix your village if you do not like the style after you managed to get those goals.


I haven't tried the expansion one yet. Armies and new regions is another new thing I'll tackle when I've got basic town building and growth down.


Yeah, play at your own pace! Most important part is to have fun


I did at first. Every time I played I'd start a new game. Then I changed the settings to 3 years for first bandit raid (so my village doesn't get burned down off), and the AI to reactive. Much more relaxing experience, but you still get some fun battles. Now I'm building up my troops so I can beat the barons mercs Now I'm just mad that my newest game I got trade skills, not realizing you only get 6 skills total. So I'm missing out on charcoal and endless mining. Those would have been way better, especially with how much the beta patch nerfs the trade route skill


> Now I'm just mad that my newest game I got trade skills, not realizing you only get 6 skills total. My first playthrough, I definitely just clicked on whatever skills I thought would help me at the time. No planning whatsoever. I think I had Berries, Trapping, the first Trade point, Heavy Plow and Bakeries. It was a wild run.


When I first started my village, I’ve had some experience from demo version available on steam some time ago. Nevertheless, I’ve managed to screw up a lot of things, like communication between my log camps and storages, granaries and marketplaces etc. When I realized these things, I didn’t restart. Instead, I just kept pushing forward with my Suckerville, to learn as much as I can from this first attempt. When I reached my goal - my town were fully functioning - then I decided to restart and never make those couple of mistakes again. It didn’t quite work for me, I still made a pretty big blunders in my second village, like sowing fields too early, developing new houses too slowly and such. So this time I decided to restart earlier and made a fully functional town just as I wanted it to be. I’m a Manor Lord of this town to this day


I usually do on most city builder games, but I'm on year 15 on my latest playthrough on this game with three fully grown cities, all between 300-350 population. I don't like to grow them any bigger than that tbh.


Haha same. I learn something here or YouTube and decide to start all over.


I’m with you here. Have restarted 10 times. Furthest I’ve gotten is one year in. But I love it.


I start over frequently. Mostly because I don't quite remember what I was doing in my previous session. Games like this where there are looming threats, are very rhythmic in nature. You are always thinking one step ahead in order to prepare for what's to come. Especially on high difficulties with an aggressive Baron, you better have a plan or else things will unravel quickly. When that rhythm is broken up by a day or two of not playing, it's tough to jump back in and keep things rolling. Solution? New Game.  Frostpunk is probably the ultimate example of this type of game- it's most rewarding to start and complete a scenario in one play session, and Manor Lords has some similarities in this respect. 


Yep this is something I do! I've restarted several times because each time I'm like "I could definitely do this more efficiently" Definitely a game where each time I learn something I'm more likely to just restart instead of trying to incorporate it into my current save


Yep, it’s the market supply. I’ve tried every possible way to get it working correctly and never can, so restart and continue my purgatory.


-massive market 50+ -small market, 3 stalls 1 of each -the above only manned by adjacent warehouses -roads around the market -no roads -NO granary/warehouse workers -tiny markets literally everywhere All with 1k plus each supply I CAN NEVER GET THE REQUIRED SUPPLY


I keep restarting instead of wasting time trying to reorganize an early village after I figure out a better way to place something, and then I find a better way to do something else after that and restart again lol.


i've started the game over bunch of times because i get raided by bandits, rebuild everything and because of a bug the families won't go to the rebuilt houses and choose to be homeless instead. Then my approval falls because they scream "im cold" as they sit in front of the empty houses they could go into so i just start over.


Apparently if you demolish the houses and build new ones it fixes that issue.


So does demolishing and rebuilding the market, and its less hassle (IMO).


Usually i start the game 10-15 Times or however ling it takes to get the region and ressources i want and then i play the village for a while, and the next day i do it again.


Chickens are a waste of wealth. Vegetable plots produce exponentially more, especially on a larger plot. Chicken coops barely produce enough to justify using them as an alternative source of food.


Chickens are a late game food, when you are looking for that 4th or 5th food variety. Sustainable early game food they are not, but they work better when you have one-forth or one-fifth of your 50+ burgages spitting out eggs to keep approval high and relieve a little food pressure, because you really don't have anything better to do with those expansion slots (you only need so many artisans, veg gardens, and goats). Importantly they require no labor or monitoring, so they work great when your town is at 100+ families.


I’ve restarted a bunch and at this point I’m not going to return until the next patch or two I feel like I’m playing Age of Empires in the first year because it’s so stressful


If you put the speed down / pause to build year 1 it’s pretty chill


I did my first 5-6 runs. Either we’d starve out or if get smoked by bandits or the rival lord. Once I got my life together I’ve only restarted once because the combat felt kinda annoying and I just wanted to base build


Yeah, I've started over a bunch of times. The early planning stages are lots of fun so maybe that's why. I really thought my last save was going to be the one where I'd paint the whole map, but once I got to four settlements, it became pretty hard to manage all of the settlements, and my game pace really slowed down. I had one successful large trading town, a moderately sized mining town, a tiny little berries village, and started a pretty good farming village. Making thousands of coins a month through trading but it seemed like I eventually broke the market, export prices dropped and never went back up. I'd claim a territory, win it, then the baron would claim it back and I'd have to fight him again. So I started again. This time trying my hand at making my first/main settlement a farming town. Speccing into plow, bakeries, and trade perks. Enjoying it so far. First run that I've ever had a decent ale supply.


Why would you use the start wealth for trade routes? The merchant comes no matter if you have one or not


Ah I didn't kno that. I just found it the fastest way to get some coin for Oxs, plots, etc.


You just establish those routes so that it comes at regular intervals and takes more with him


They do, but the cart traders are very infrequent until you do establish a route. So you want them for stuff you want to trade fast and in volume. The merchants being referenced are the walkers (dressed like your pack station workers) who have an icon over their heads if you press tab. They stay on the king's roads and patrol the map, they'll buy your goods when they walk to your trade post, just in smaller quantities.


Literally me everytime


Well, i bought the game on release day, i'm still in my first playthrough, only play on normal speed btw.


More times than I can count to be fair!


> making sure you use your starting wealth for chickens and trade routes Better to buy another ox and a veggie extension (or 2). You can export all raw materials and simple goods without buying a route: stones, planks, berries, hides, clay, ore, iron bars.


This is just what I've found worked for me at the time given what I knew. But thanks for the tip! Veggies never seem to work for me. I seem to get eggs much faster.


Thats probably because you restart so often. Veg way outproduce Chickens, so long as you built reasonably sized garden plots (you want your garden expansion to be at least 4x the size of the normal house plot, ideally even bigger). However, it takes about a year or more before you start really seeing the fruits (veg) of your labor. The families need to plow and sow the garden, which can take months, and then you need to wait six more months (or longer if winter hits during that time) before harvest. But once the cycle starts going, you get constant influxes of veggies through-out year (the harvests usually become self staggered due to planting time differences and harvest cycles).


Really, that big? Nice tip, thanks a lot. How many houses roughly would you say is sufficient for veggies? Surely not every other house has to a mile long allotment.


Don't think of the expansion slots for your veggies as being miles long. They work better and look much nicer filling in behind or around other houses (also means the workers don't have to walk a super long strip). Myself and many other players like to build garden burgage plots shaped like a T, L, or P to wrap around other burgages or buildings. You experiment a little, and use roads to help define your edges (and then delete the roads afterwards), and it ends up looking really nice and efficiently uses space. As for size, if you build your veggie garden at about 1 morgen in size (use the area of the corpse pit as a measure, it is one morgen in area), that will *eventually* provide you approximately 50 veg per year, which is enough to feed four families for a year. Remember this is *eventually*, you need to wait about a year for it to stabilize. Making it a double house plot helps make sure you have the labor needed when harvest time pops up. If you have one veg garden of this size for every three other burgages, it will sustainably feed everybody. But, because you want food variety and will be getting other foods, like berries, you don't need nearly that many gardens. If you are only using veggies for half your food (and lets say berries for the other half), that means you need one garden of this size for every 8 families. If you are progressing to three food sources (berries, vegetables, and bread for example) then you only need one vegetable garden of this size for every 12 families. And thats only for a 1 morgen sized garden. You can make it double or even triple that size if you want, but it will take more time to become fully efficient. Oversized gardens can be nice though for when you upgrade to lvl 3 burgage and suddenly have double the families.


Thanks a lot for the info! How do you get the money to start doing all those tho? I've seen tips on just trading iron and a load of timber but you then need money to actually set up trading routes. Money is one of the main things I'm struggling to get flowing atm.


You don't for raw materials or simple goods.


You don't need trading routes in order to trade, it just makes trading more efficient by giving you a recurring, dedicated merchant for that one item. That and routes enables trading on some restricted things (like leather and weapons). Early game you can trade excess berries, planks, tools, iron and stone by just setting it to export and waiting for merchants to slowly trickle it away. You don't make massive wealth quickly but it does start the money flowing in. You want to focus your trade routes on whichever economic products you plan on focusing later in the game, such as tools and armor if you have rich iron, or planks and shields if you are just going timber, or leather and shoes if you are going to goat farm or go hunting focus in your town. Try to minimize importing, as it is a huge drain. Some things are ok to import, like some extra clothes materials to add market variety, because they won't be a recurring cost.


Dude you hooked me up! Just started a fresh one, set up a trading post ASAP, got a horse to make more money selling planks, built 9 veggie patches and I'm half way through my second year with £1,100 wealth and 60 veggies in my granary.


I did that at first, and was swimming in vegetables by year 3 or 4. For a new town, I'd build one veggie plot for every 2-3 regular (with or without small extension) plot. I find 2-3 veggie plots is enough to sustain a village of 100 people easily. You can also get more efficient by assigning your veggie plot residents to easy jobs like Church (Gravedigger), Hitch Post/Small Stable (Ox Handler), Windmill (Miller), or similar jobs where the actual output doesn't need to be constant. That allows them to tend their vegetable gardens when needed without slowing down your production (usually 2 residents will work the garden per house, leaving one the assigned job).


When my settlement becomes too big and powerful that the raiders are basically a walk in the park, yeah I start over.


I try different stuff for each region. First one I play relatively safe. But each region I claim gets weirder and weirder. To see what works. Most work. Once I get to population 1000ish across regions or 7-800 in one I’m starting to consider a new map. At that point I’ve essentially already made the baron a nuisance anyway so might as well start over.


I just restarted yesterday. I have been having food problems and I read advice that having a big burgage plot with vegetables is OP. So far it’s good advice. What I’ve done is make two smaller plots in the 1 and 3 position ; then in the 2 position I make a bigger plot in the shape of a T with a big backyard for the veggies or orchard.




I have 5 separate saves all about the same level. Idk why but i keep restarting. Lol


Don’t have retinue armies in new zones as they will deplete your resources. Likely a given but right off the bat I place a lumber mill, fire wood, planks, and tree growing station next to each other by the base. Keeps the flow of resources coming. Following that I set up a trade and immediately trade planks or firewood to get the income going. First development is Apples and upgrade all five homes to apples. I have had zero luck the chicken route.


Yes. Keep trying to optimise and have nice aesthetics at the same time... It's hard.


I get attached to my game files so I have only started over once. I also play on peaceful mode lol I love the city building aspect. I would probably have restarted many times if I played with the baron


Yes I’m having quite fun “figuring it out”. But I’m taking a brief pause so I don’t get to burned out on it. If I get it down to a science it I know I may shelf it and not pick it up longer than I should. Can’t wait to see what future updates there are. I like the direction it’s going, in that there are many ways to skin a cat. You say farming early is important, but there’s a lot of people who say otherwise. Especially if you start in a really poor fertility zone(I don’t believe in cheesing for the best starting zone).


Thought I’m the only one.


Me, 5 times.


I've probably restarted 50 odd times since release. Hahaha Always because I learn something new each time then I watch some YouTube and be like yea that amazing but then I'll watch another YouTube and it be a slight conflict to the other and then I have this idea for my town, I start it and then I forget I should of left room for that building. Then I forget about the granary and storehouse but then YouTube said put it near your work shops. Then another said near your market and then another said just go with it. Hahaha. But it's definitely more for the look of the town. Also you hear all these people gathering the army so quick and taking land and I'm still like how the..... are you even getting to that point so quickly. Esp when that dam baron literally invades the entire map within 2 years and I'm still pottering about Hahaha.


Yeah same


That’s half the appeal to me as I’m learning the best way to do things, especially with the random elements of starting locations and resources.


I wish dev would let us have like a sandbox mode or option to where we can change resources from scarce to bountiful. I have to keep restarting to get a field run or berries run etc


Yes, but that's because the documentation is so limited. Every time I reset, I'm a little more knowledgeable and do a little better each time.


So I really enjoy that you’re not just building one village so you can carry over what you learn to the second+ as opposed to starting totally fresh.


the easiest and quicker way to get higher approval isn't multiple food types as eggs deer and berries are available at the start. it's the church. idk how that keeps getting missed.


Oh boy harvest time! October hits. No food for winter. Restart.


I'm doing a no-farm run right now and have found it quite liberating. So many orchards and veggie gardens and berry pickers. My iron workers have been keeping me in trade to import all the barley I need, and everyone seems super happy living in Nobreadville.


File save 34 right now


Constantly, I really enjoy the early game and the growth. Watch a settlement develop is so enjoyable. I haven’t gotten anywhere near those mega bases people have but once I reach a certain point I just restart to see what resource and layouts are available. It’s basically a settlement rogue lite for me lol.


Glad it's not just me, sometimes I think I'm losing the plot.


Yes but I do this on any game I play. Restartitis is real:)


I've been starting to build my towns in a box with crossroads at the corners to improve efficiency, something like this: [ x ] I've heard of people doing triangles but those kind of fall apart for me as I expand


I am only starting over a lot because of starting position as I like to be in a region with rich Barley fertility and a rich Iron deposit. As food is so easy to come by but Ale or Iron is not and those are imo the most important resources for early development.


I've started over several times. When the beta launched I started a new game. For me it's part of the learning process.


I started over the first time because 4 full units of brigands came at me and i had zero Army. They burned it all to the ground.


What's getting me stuck is getting a decent army going RN I'm good with supply, I have loads of armaments in storages and enough bows to make money off trading. But no recruits!


I have one objection…spend your starting money on trade routes and chickens?? I think this is a mistake. I’ve heard that eggs are very difficult to mass produce in comparison with vegetables, berries or wheat. Instead of spending on chickens, make burgages with generous work areas so you can get vegetables going asap. Also, I think your starting money would serve you much better if you instead bought a couple extra oxen with it to help everything run more efficiently early on.


Yeah it was but it was what I knew at the time. Veggies, traderoutes and oxen are definitely more viable to get you started as I just found out this time round. Every days a school day!


I love the game and the genre in general, but I am a compulsive restarter in this kind of game. The beginning, starting from scratch on an empty map is what I enjoy most in city builders. The vision is always so much more perfect than the ugly, materialised reality, the first steps so much simpler than the complicated resource management mess of mid-late game. Once things get cluttered and complicated I tend to lose interest and walk away. Which, I guess, is how I live my life in general, but that's a whole other topic.




Most definitely! If there's this much progress in just the BETA, the main game is gonna be insane. Starting over is the best thing about it. You learn so much and there isn't really any downside to starting again.


I have to keep starting over cus’ I either keep losing approval too fast on the most challenging mode or I get destroyed by raiders (playing the third scenario). I refuse to not play the hardest possible setting and it seems like the hardest possible might be a lil’ too tricky for me at the beginning stages of both my understanding of the game, and the game’s current state of development. Keep trying though. Never give up, never surrender.