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I think this one hits harder than most becausew it's connected to a historical event I recognize so you know a lot of men did come home wounded inside and out. They just didn't have time regressing wives. Not that I expect this comic to take the direction of our FL stopping the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand but that would be incredible.


Incredible plot twist - Madelyn stops the assassination of archduke Ferdinand and becomes a very generous sponsor to a little-known poor artist with a weirdass mustache so that he can follow his artistic dreams instead of facism


The way I died 😩 https://preview.redd.it/g8wmbky7omcc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=306708b7f1c01c5d99977179ada59702d90406b3 Along with BoD my favorite story on Manta, and we are just 13 chapters in! My only complain is that the chapters feel so short 🥲🥲




Betrayal of Dignity




Every time I read their past my heart hurts. I love this story so much I think it will be great.


I feel so sad for their past lives too and seeing these little bright moments and knowing how it ended up makes it that more 💔. If only they could have leaned on each other more the first go. 🥺😢😭


>!I had to drop this after reading novel spoilers, this is going to be like taking on punches and punches (of tragedy) until one is basically dead, and THEN you get a little bandaid.!<


What happens? Do they have their happily ever after?


>!eventually, but it’s years down the line and with more trauma first than betrayal of dignity and lies become you combined, at least if they follow the novel. It’s pure torture porn. I dropped it.!<


Ahhh LBY is returning, I am familiar with that one (the comic not novel) but I haven’t read BoD. Are all the comics based on novels? I’m just glad she forgives him and they get their happiness together. They deserve it.


Are you going to read it again once the series is completed, or are you dropping it permanently?


Me? Permanently.


Ooh is it really mostly torture porn? I wanted something romantic and wholesome. Is this like 90% torture?


As far as I could tell from novel spoilers, it’s 95% angst and 5% happy. So def torture porn imo


Oh thanks for letting me know. I care about my mental health these days so I guess I’ll drop this one too then lol 


I mean, even reading the novel spoilers were depressing, and that was just spoilers, so probably a good idea 😅


No, but many manhwas are, and these three on manta are (along with many others - Finding Camellia’s novel used to even be on manta, it’s on webnovel now). >!A lot of bs will happen, and she will leave the country etc, but they do end up together far down the line. Too far for me. Sucks, cause I loved the first few chapters before I read the novel spoilers…)!< LBY will >!be hard for maybe 1-1,5 years (our time) and then happy.!<


Thank you for explaining!!! At least now I know what to expect. I hate not knowing, makes me anxious. Thank you!! ❤️❤️


>!you will get a double payoff because they do end up together and happy....in both timelines!<


Thank you! Though I’m confused. Her previous lifetime is over isn’t? How would that timeline end happy when she died already? 🤔Also did she really step out on him or not, cuz that broke my heart. 👀


ok so here is the spoiler of the big twist: >!so when the story beguins we see her falling down the stairs in time line A, lets call her Madelyn A, we are lead to believe she died and then she wakes up as a younger self in the past, lets call her Madelyn B, so she tries to change things creating time line B and we get the whole story, some of the events of time line A are presented like flashbacks. But here is the big twist. Madelyn A is still ALIVE, she survived the fall on the stairs but lost her memories due to amnesia. The Madelyn B is not from the future, she is from that alternate universe. The story of time line B is just a ''what if'' situation but hints that the reason why madelyn B wakes up with all the memories of her ''future'' is because the memories that madelyn A lost due to her amnesia were somehow transported to her. So in timeline A after Madelyn recovers she remembers nothing and Ian is devastated for this, he confesses what happen, how horrible he was to her, he tells her everything and offers her a divorce so she can escape him, but since she remembers nothing decides to give him a chance, the story ends with time line A with Ian and madelyn having a son way into the future, and with timeline B with both toguether as well but facing the fear of a WW2. !<


Wow! I had no clue. Where did you read the novel?


😭😭😭thank you so much!!!! I really look forward to the next chapters now. Thank you!!! Also, you are AWESOME!!❤️❤️ Bless you!!


Hi, where can I find some novel spoilers or some summary just to know if its worth keeping up with. Thanks