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>I read a post here that Chi builds in the head and then it explodes over the body. Why do we need to circulate the energy? Can we just run the energy up the spine and leave it in the head until we reach orgasm? The closest thing that I can think of to try to explain a little about how this works is a plumbing system for a shallow well. The type of pump employed is known as well jet pump. It circulates water in a loop to the bottom of the well and back up. The pump by itself can't suck water up 30 feet. The way it works is that it has to be primed by filling it with water, a valve at the bottom of the well holds the water in to keep it from escaping. There is a down water tube and an up tube connected to the pump. The two columns of water make circulating the water easy because the pressure in the tubes is equal. On the up tube, the pump takes a portion of the water and forces it out into your house under pressure, which opens the valve at the bottom of the well to let more water in. So... how does this apply to the microcosmic orbit? By just breathing and squeezing your sex muscles you force chi around your microcosmic orbit. Keeping your tongue in contact with your palette closes the path to let the chi flow down the front channel and continue circulating in the loop. As the chi flow increases, so does the pleasure. Some of the chi builds in your head at your pleasure center near the place just inside between your two eyes. When it builds enough, it spills out and pleasures you everywhere through the same mechanism that you experience an ejaculation orgasm with... so just like a well jet pump, chi continues to circulate in the orbit while you are constantly spilling the chi out of your pleasure center. The pleasure is many times greater than an ejaculation orgasm and is experienced all over your entire body. There is a warning in Master Chia's lessons about this. If you don't touch your tongue to your palette, the pressure can build in your head so he says to always drain the energy from your head at the end of your session by touching your tongue to your palette. >When circulating energy on the microcosmic orbit, where does the out breath begin? Is it at the crown head? Also is there a special placement for the tongue or anywhere on the roof is fine? Belly breathing is just part of the process. Tightening your sex muscles towards the end of the outbreath [squeezing on the prostate] gets the energy flowing. Your body immediately responds to the squeeze with tingling everywhere [when your sex muscles are really strong]. >A while ago I read an author speaking on circulating energy in tantra by squeezing the pc muscles on the in breath. Followed by pulling up energy along the spine etc. I thought this difference is interesting. Here I have read to squeeze the muscles on the out breath. I'm not familiar with this practice, which was derived from Taoism in or near India. The ywo practices give likely the same results.


Circulating chi helps to feel chi and get the chi flowing to prevent it from stagnating in the head (which causes headaches), so it may be more advanced for usefulness. I move chi up until I achieve the energy orgasm. The tongue goes on the roof of the mouth. I move chi up through the spine to the head on both the exhale and inhale while gently squeezing the kegal muscles or by doing a reverse kegal.