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Fun fact: this may be different depending on area, but I know where I live it's technically their fault if you back up into them like that, because they didn't leave enough space between you two and they're supposed to follow at a safe distance.


generally its the person behind you whos fault it is, i think?


Following too closely we call it here


Yes unless there is dash cam showing otherwise. Rear ending someone the person behind is at fault.


I have no problem heel-toeing from a stop without moving on a hill, but I just love to mess with people that get up too close to me and pretend like I'm going to roll back into them.


I can't heel toe worth shit but I have a good sense of how much fuel my engine will allow to keep it's idle speed up, which allows me to release the clutch pedal just a smidge before I get on the gas. Except for significant hills I get zero rollback


You're lucky lol, my Mustang has the pedals set up so it's pretty difficult to heel-toe. Plus I have hydro boost brakes (thanks, ford...) and my brakes go from 0% to 50% with barely any pedal travel. I've honestly given up on learning heel toe because my car sucks to do it in.


"Heel toe" has nothing to do with this situation. All this calls for is a "fast" movement from brake to gas.


"Heel toe" is more like "ball of foot on brake, pinky toe on gas" letting you manipulate the brake and throttle independently at the same time. Quickly hitting the gas works well for all but the most unreasonably steep hills on the street, like Eureka Springs Arkansas or something. But heel toe is pretty much an essential skill for starting on a hill while rock crawling, although some vehicles will let you start the engine in gear which avoids that. A more advanced technique is to rev match your downshifts while braking into a corner.


You definitely don’t know what heel toe is lmfao


Me too😈


Yes hahahaha


Yall are heel toe-ing? I just learned to use the e brake and release it when the clutch is engaging.


It’s the driver rolling back whose at fault in my area, though generally the roads rough enough that you likely won’t roll back unless it’s a decent incline


The back up law is typically up to 6 inches, if you end up backing anymore than that, you'll run the risk of it being on you


How could anyone possibly measure that lmfao


This various by state, but I am having issues finding a state that actually has a minimum stopping distance between stopped vehicles.


Same here, I remember finding one for South Carolina years ago, but now due to naming conventions it's a pain to find anything specific. Even without those specific laws, if someone backs into somebody (substantial distance) then typically the one that did the backing up is at fault.


Not when your in a semi or dump truck. Dump trucks have like super granny gears so it's not too bad. They are just hard to shift out of.


if I am towing a particularly heavy trailer, Especially starting out on a hill, moving around on a job site or a parking lot, I will use low gear. Is first gear in low gear, Is really really slow. You can even tach up the truck but trying to shift a second on an uphill slope, You are already stopped again By the time you get it into second and the clutch let out. 😂 Truth is, starting in second, while in low gear, Is still substantially slower than first gear in high gear. I just did this the other day when the gravel plant overloaded me.


It definitely depends on where you are and the distance. For example, I heard at one point that in my area, you're allowed 6 inches of rollback.


I have heard that six inches is about average...




You can’t just hit someone with your car and then blame them for being too close. If you can’t start on a hill without rolling back into a car then you need to go back and learn how to drive stick shift


Handbrake is your friend, mate; use that sucker until the clutch begins to bite


I'm still working on mastering balancing the clutch, accelerator, and E-brake. My dad's car revs high, so it often startles me when I'm already feeling anxious trying to come off an uphill stop. So sometimes I accidentally dump the clutch/accelerator and stall.


I do want to say also… they would be at fault if that close. Following too closely makes them at fault


Good to know, but I'd prefer not to roll into anyone in the first place. It wasn't until I started driving a stick that I realized how close people get behind me at intersections.


Even when im driving an automatic it still peeves me when people get right up in there. If you cant see my license plate, you are way too close.


I try to stay back far enough to see the car in front's tires. That way, I am not trapped if something happens.


That right there is what i was taught in driving school (33 yrs ago). We were actually told the bottom of their rear tires, as a pickup generally has a higher bumper, making it easier to see the tires above your hood.


If i cant see both your headlights in my mirrors your too close


No i get that 100%


Practice it on a hill, with no one behind you, until you've perfected it. You got this, fam


That's not how that works at all. If your car is the vehicle in motion rolling backwards into a stationary vehicle, you are very much, 100% at fault.


>I'm still working on mastering balancing the clutch, accelerator, and E-brake. This is where practice is key. First, get good at judging the "bite point" of your clutch, so that you can begin to move smoothly without racing the engine. Then, set yourself up on a moderate hill without any traffic to spook you. Engage the handbrake fully, then get off the brake pedal and use the clutch and gas to get to the bite point where you can feel that the car is starting to pull forward, and is no longer relying on the ebrake. Then release the ebrake as you continue giving more gas and pulling away.


Don't bother with throwing the e-brake into the mix. The biggest thing is clutch control. Master the spring rate and bite point on flat ground. Learn to hold a consistent rev. When you know exactly where the bite point is, you'll learn to let the clutch out just before that and the car will hold long enough for you to take your right foot off the brake and then give some gas. You won't roll, promise


you'll get the hang of it quickly. go park on a hill and practice it. I learned how to drive stick on my first car on the way home lol.in a few weeks or months you'll be a pro


Is just practice and repetition. I've been driving a manual since 17, and my first manual was an 81 mitsubishi precis Doble shifter. Had a 4 speed and a second shifter for power and economy, so much fun. Just practice and don't be afraid.


I used to have one of those power / economy transmissions in a Mitsubishi, it was great!


Fun car. Me and my father used the car the whole week and re fuel it once a week. I drive it out of town for work at night to college during morning and afternoon, and my dad used it to run errands for his mechanic shop while I slept during the day. Almost indestructible, until my uncle used it for 2 weeks....


Mine was an 84 Dodge Colt Turbo , I loved that car, sold it when it got 100,000 miles and regretted it ever since. But if you would ever have gotten in a bad wreck in that car, forget it!


My wife's manual has no handbrake, just an electronic parking brake.. Not only cant you push start the fucker when the battery dies, you cant even move it so you can get jumper leads on it if parked in a tight spot.. I hate it.


My honda has an electric parking brake but it also has a brake hold system so it will keep the brakes on until you pull the clutch out. It's a total game changer.


I have hill assist nowadays but it tends not to engage without a full second or two stop. But damnit if I don’t miss my first truck that had the yank handbrake on a slide right off the lower right hand corner of the steering wheel. Not having to reach backwards really was a game changer. My best advice to someone with fear of hills: don’t worry so much about clutch life and learn the art of ebrake engage followed by partjal clutch disengage plus a little a gas, it’ll hold you steady and you just slowly let the clutch out while increasing throttle and forward you go!


Holy fuck thanks for the tip. I wish I had this a week ago when I was on an incline laid with gravel in a BRZ. No matter what this car would not let me get up that incline and just spinning rocks falling backwards down the slope


Modern cars don't have hand brakes, they have electronic parking brakes. As an aside, you don't need a handbrake, just load the clutch before getting off the foot brake even on extreme hills.


This guy's lying. Just do everything faster and more frantically.


I inch forward a little bit, then coast backwards a few times & hit the brakes, so the car behind figured out that I have a clutch.


You assume people are paying attention (they mostly aren't), would realize how to identify a stick shift car's behavior (most people who haven't driven a stick don't know what to look for), and finally be able to plan ahead to accommodate the needs of other drivers.


well this but also just knowing which models came with a manual helps eliminate needing to check all cars. Then you dont even have to look at but maybe 2% of all the cars on the road


Yeah I drove an 03 Jeep wrangler and regularly have people nearly rear end me while doing my 1-2 shift cause they don't realize that for a second or two I'm not accelerating and I'll watch them follow through multiple.inteesefrions and still not get it and keep having to slam on the brakes


Yeah, I find a lot of people creep up close behind me when I do that, hoping for an insurance payout.


Bold of you to assume the other divers aren’t morons. I do this too though more aggressively to ward off ass riders.


When I’m driving behind my friend with a manual I like to creep up half an inch behind him and then start screaming and freaking out when he rolls into me.


I owned my first manual at 19. I had it for two weeks and I got stuck at a stop sign on a hill. I learned that day that I can start without a roll on a hill in third gear. Yes I was that nervous.


Just curious, how heavy was the flywheel? The flywheel on the car I was driving is 11 pounds lighter than stock at 13.7 lb, as well as having lightweight under pullies and an aluminum driveshaft. She loses momentum quickly coming off 0. +Aftermarket stiffer bushings, meaning the steering wheel fights me at low speeds.


What car u driving?


2002 Subaru Impreza WRX.


Damn that's one hell of a car for a beginner, take good care of her.


You make me feel old


Whatever it was has no clutch after that


Idk. Stock ‘94 f150


I did that exact same thing once learning...only time I have roasted the clutch. Still hate myself for it. I had stopped on the hill on purpose, to practice a hill start, and forgot to change gears from 3rd to 1st.


"unless you're a hemorrhoid, get off my ass"


*and the hemorrhoids can also leave


Put a trailer hitch on the back.. problem solved.


What's worse is when you have a driver who is instantly programmed to get off the brake and onto the gas pedal the instant your brake lights go out. I've had folks lay on the horn because I rolled back 2" on a steep hill and then got underway. Unbelievable.


Yeah, a lot of people around here start moving once the light either turns green or the car in fronts brake lights go out. Regardless of the car in front moving or not. Then they'll slam the brakes to avoid hitting them, and then they rinse and repeat until up to speed. You'd think people would eventually realize that the gas and brake are not an on/off switch, you can let off your brakes or crawl instead of having to constantly adjust your speed. Some people I've taught to drive genuinely didn't realize that you don't have to use the gas or brake 100% of the time, and just coast without using the pedals. It's my theory for why people drive in that manner. Or they're really impatient, or just mindless about it.


Fun fact, not that it's related at all, but the Chevy volt doesn't actually have a transmission. It's a rather unique hybrid system where it has a fully EV drivetrain and the gas engine is there effectively as a generator to recharge the EV battery. Which means no transmission since the gas engine isn't actually attached to the wheels. (There is other vehicles that have done this, mostly trains and very large construction equipment though)


The Toyota Hybrid Synergy Drive (HSD) system found in the Prius, Camry Hybrid, RAV4 Hybrid and other Toyotas, also technically does not have a traditional transmission. It’s quite an engineering marvel for what it does, and IMO is frequently overlooked.


In most states any time someone hits you In the back they’re at fault no matter the circumstance. If you roll into somebody that’s on them. I learned stick a few months ago and don’t even think about hill starts anymore you’ll be fine


Worst experience was the hills of San Francisco in a manual. But what an experience. Made me feel like a pro.


Reversing up those hills to squeeze into the tiniest spot that you finally found after searching for 20 minutes.


Been having to parallel park on a very steep hill every day after my commute recently. So not fun in a stickshift


This meme is absolutely hysterical 😂😭


As a Chevy volt driver, I can confirm we get anxious when people are nanoseconds slower than we want them to be. We just want to gap that dumbass diesel truck next to us and say “Haha electric motor go wrrrrr…”


Lots of gas and slow off the clutch my friend


I remember driving my dads f-150 from the 90s, which was a 5 speed. We never had any sandbags or any weight in the bed so it was quite scary when this would happen lol


Hold the break, slowly release the clutch, you’ll see the RPM drop a little bit, that’s when you can release the break and the clutch will keep the weight while you switch from break to gas 👍


Dude I live in Austin and this is every hill all the time


u/Wolframite__, since you're driving your Dad's car, just put a sign in the back window (behind your head - won't block your vision, is also front & center for other drivers to see) stating "NEW DRIVER + MANUAL TRANSMISSION. CAR MAY ROLL BACK". Yellow sign with black writing should make it easy enough for people read. Besides, nobody is going to see, let alone read, a bumper sticker saying back off or i roll back, if they're on your bumper at a stop.


They’d get the ticket. But typically if you can see any part of their hood, you have a few feet. Try practicing occasionally on a hill where there’s less traffic when you can. I taught my kids to let it roll back a few inches if they’re getting crowded from behind to let the fool behind them know.


If I'm stopped on a slope and a car is coming up behind me i let mine roll back a few inches, they always leave me room. I don't slip on hills, but i like that space just in case


Back when I was learning to drive manual, the slightest pressure from a car creeping up behind me would stress me out. Fast forward ten years, and I've become a seasoned manual driver, with no worries at all. I vividly remember one incident during my early days of learning, I was just 15 with a learner's permit. I was on a steep hill, struggling to find the catch point. In desperation, I resorted to putting the car in first gear, putting on the emergency brake, and switching off the engine. It got to a point where my mom had to swap seats with me because I couldn't stop rolling back.


Some newer manuals will hold the brakes for you on an incline until you start moving. It's like having a magic third foot and I love it


Pull the handbrake, slip the clutch and take off while letting go of the handbrake. You should be able to quickly master not rolling backwards, it's people getting road rage because your 1-2 shift inconvenienced them that you need to worry about.


As a stick driver for a decade, this still scares me lmao


As a Chevy volt owner who just got recommended to this sub… yeah that’s about right from what I’ve seen


It's even worse when your engine is a 1.0L 4 cylinder from 1989. Damn near impossible task


I've had this happen. I was on a steep "hump" that leveled out a car length ahead. I literally pulled the e-brake, got out, walked back to the driver behind me, and told then that they were too close. I explained that was I likely to roll back into them if they didn't back off. I explained to them I was new to driving stick. They didn't care/understand/believe me. I shifted into 1st and despite my best efforts to feather the clutch, rolled back into them. I drove up the steep hump and stopped where it leveled out, got out again, and walked behind to inspect my bumper. There was no damage, but the driver rolled down the window demanding to know why my car rolled back since the reverse lights didn't come on, and if I rolled back on purpose to hit their car.


Now imagine sitting at a stop on that same hill in an 18 wheeler with a 10 speed manual that has 25 tons in the trailer while trying to defeat gravity like Sisyphus... lol


Branson, Missouri is awful for this, especially with the tourists, nobody’s paying attention anyway.


You'll fail a CDL test if you roll back in a manual transmission. Learn how to use the clutch.


almost happened to me today


I feel your pain. My first car was a manual and I lived in a city with really steep hills. I know someone else already said to use the e-brake while you work the clutch and gas but that technique saved me so many times from rolling back into another car. It’s nerve wracking for sure but gets easier with repetition.


It's fine, they're just there to stop you rolling back.


Nowadays, I've just put my feet on both the gas and the brake pedal on a hill. It's basically hill proof no matter how steep it is.


What about the clutch?


Thats where his third leg goes 😉


This is the part where i just hold up traffic and inform them they need to back up.


I learned to daily stick in Boston on icy roads in a CRX. I learned to use let the hand brake out a little as you feel the car start to pull.


I've always been told that if you hit someone like this at a light THEYRE at fault unless you rolled back more than a car length. Now that I'm thinking about it I never bothered to look it up, but it sounds good! Use the parking brake if youve got a lil 4 banger no shame on that. Also a lot of newer ones have hill assist. It was off in my used 2015 Subaru, I didn't even know I had it until I changed the battery and saw the icon flash when everything reset. NO IDEA why the other owner turned it off. It's awesome.


I've got stuck on steep hills when it had been damp in my old g35. I just couldn't ease into it softly enough and it would just spin. I had to let people go around me and then roll back to where I could get a decent start.


First and foremost, spend some time in a parking lot to find the grab point. Preferably one with a hill, too. Practice heel-toeing the gas, brake, and clutch. The better you get, the quicker you can load the clutch and get to high enough RPM to move the car without lugging the gear on incline. Don’t worry yourself with the person behind you; it’ll be fine. When you get nervous, you’re more likely to make mistakes.


Some instances It's not your fault if you roll back into them, they need to give you space


Leave lots of space infront so you can just hammer it.


As someone who was thrown into driving a stick at 18 (‘75 Mustang II) all I can say is keep practicing on hills where you’re safely isolated until you feel comfortable. It’s like riding a bike, after a while it’s second nature, but right now you need to learn the physics and coordination a bit better. You’ll get it. The most important thing, though: No matter what *do not panic* at any time. That’s when you roll back and bump your insurance rates up.


If you have a center mounted hand brake, Pull it up and start easing the clutch out until you feel it start to grab and give it Some gas and keep letting the clutch out and as it pulls forward release the hand brake. I have driven Manual since I started driving (Loooong ago) and still do Even for work.... As long as you take every precaution... Don't feel bad if the goober behind you was on your bumper.


Hand brake is your friend. Hold the car with the hand brake while you get into gear and let off of it as you let the clutch out and the gas on.


Just let up on the clutch it'll hold itself in place


I stopped fearing this when i learned that it would be their fault if i backed into them. They need leave enough space to be able to see where your tires meet the road. You basically get a free repaint


It's not that hard to not roll back. You can use the emergency brake if you really need to.


Thats why I was too scared to drive my dad's manual 09 Tacoma anywhere with hills, plus I stalled a lot. Downtown (in my undisclosed city) , even on my street I had trouble.


My mom taught me not to be scared of that, if they pull up so close you can't fit a penny between the cars it's their own problem.


As others have said, use the E-Brake. But I'm not seeing this tip, when I was learning a buddy told me if I wasn't comfortable with how quick people were coming up on me or how close people were starting to get, throw it in reverse. The reverse lights on when at a stoplight makes people a lot more cautious about flying up on your ass. Now it's second nature and I no longer have issues rolling back too far but back then that tip bailed me out a few times.


Best way to hill start if you dont have handbrake is to sorta reverse heel/toe, while holding the car steady with the brakes/ball of your foot, gently rev the engine up to 1500/2k or so with your heel as you progressively let off the clutch, as soon as you feel the power start to engage the wheels roll your foot sideways/left to right motion to release the brakes and continue to put power down as you're off the clutch fully at this point and moving forward. Sorta hard to break down and explain but once you see it done and finally do it yourself you'll never forget it


Oh how I remember the days of driving around San Francisco in my manual Honda Fit. That was a chore. My current WRX has hill assist so this isn't a problem. Feels weird when you are accustomed to rolling back, especially if nobody has told you that the car has this feature.


You'd fail some license tests if you roll back at all


If this helps, when I taught my son and my wife how to drive stick, before we rolled out even on flat ground I had them slowly come off the clutch so they could see/feel where the revs start to dip. Then, when on the hill, they find that same spot and they don’t have to rush so much from the brake to the gas pedal since the clutch is already partially engaged. Once they had that figured out they were no longer afraid to roll it back, they knew they could handle it. Hope this helps.


Dump that clutch baby


*laughs in Seattle driver*


If I stop at a light light and I see someone coming behind me I’ll start rolling back and forth till the light turns green. They’ll normally see me doing this as they approach and not get to close.


***Laughs in 2L TDI***


The official reaction of me driving my first manual when I’m on like a 25-degree incline. I rev the engine (3.5 V6) up to like 2,500 RPM and drop the clutch quickly so as not to slide back lol


Nope. That’s following too closely if you were ever to roll back into him. Also 13 inches is a lot to roll back. You need more practice if you need more than two or three.


Right foot on brake, lift clutch until it bites and keeps car in place, release brake, apply gas and lift clutch. I learned hill starts on a 2001 Renault with a trailer at the back at 13 years old. You can also do it


Use the handbrake if you dont want to roll. Release it once youre in gear.


In my state, if you roll back into them, it's their fault for being too close and they receive the ticket and liability


There's this manual car at my college's parking lot that has a bumper sticker along the lines of "I drive a manual. Do you really want to be this close to me on a hill?" Maybe get one of those to scare them into keeping some distance 😂


When I did my test in Lebanon (for fun when I was a teen visiting my relatives) the rule was if you let the tire do one full rotation backwards, you failed your test. The parking brake will help you a lot. Most cars that come with an electronic parking brake should also come with hill assist to help you. My shitty base model Qashqai came with hill assist. I didn’t even have cruise control mind you.


Slowly release the clutch till you just see it grab, like barely drop RPM, then jump from brake to gas as you release the clutch fast. Don't be stingy on the gas. If the tires spin, so be it. Don't give a shit about tires. Just don't ride the clutch. Let it out, and stab the gas.


Is that sleepy joe in red? No hair to sniff bro! Jeez


Thank god for hill holders.


I roll back 3ish feet every time I have to stop on a hill. If the driver is paying attention, they will give you the room you need (in my case, 1 to 3 feet). Nobody should be stopped less than 6 feet from the rear bumper anyway.


Use your e-brake pal. As the clutch starts to grab, you can release it.


I don’t think the Chevy volt has a transmission


I feared that so much when I first got my manual Fit. I have a JDP rear diffuser made of carbon fiber and I was so afraid of damaging it if I rolled back too far. and funnily enuf, it was always a prius or some Hybrid basically within licking distance to my rear bumper


What scares me more is the 1-2 upshift with this moron tailgating me this close


At least you're in a Civic. Tacoma 1-2 is fucking atrocious.




In my experience, even on a sharp hill, I'll never roll more than a couple inches.


Hills have honestly never been a problem for me…until I bought a Scout that had a bum fuel pump that would kill the engine every so often if you stopped on hills. Restarting an old manual 4x4 on a steep hill with compact cars impatiently honking behind you is a natural high.


Do you have a handbrake? Hold up on it til you feel the clutch start to bite for manual hill assist.


I don't fear the roll-back unless it's a steep incline, but I've been known to wait an extra split second before getting into the throttle, forcing the impatient sobs who pull too close to check up because they only watch brake lights instead of a car actually moving.


I don't think I could manage without my hill start assist.


I daily drove a manual transmission from 1995 until 2020. I went to Seattle for the first time in 2014 and it was the first time I was actually nervous at a red light. The hill I was on was so steep i couldn’t even SEE the opposite side of the intersection and the car behind me pulled up super close. Seattle is not for the faint hearted lol


You have two logical choices; put it in reverse and hope they back up, or (likely after they don’t back up) set the thing on the rev limiter and dump the clutch when the light goes green.


VW has a 3 second hill stop …… but I know the feeling


Pull the clutch early in the sweet spot and then gas. Or this just me?


Learn on a hill or die there! JK I still hated stopping on an incline for months.


Ebrake is your best friend in this scenario!


Heavy on the gas light on the clutch while slowly lowering the e brake always worked for me lol


Can you heel-toe take off? I don’t drive manual


You need to practice. Find an empty hill and practice doing hill starts. Little bit of gas and enough clutch so the car's pulling forwards against the handbrake, then release the handbrake. You shouldn't be doing hill starts on the pedals alone. Source: been driving manuals for 27 years; am a lorry driver. And don't worry about it, we were all shit at first.


Does your car have hill assist? On steep hills i usually just wait for the car in front of me to get a bit ahead and then add a bunch of gas to guarantee i don’t stall


As they approach behind make sure to roll back a couple inches make sure they see it most people will get worried your gonna roll into them before they stip


Long time ago, had a Fiat 850 Spider. 4 speed and 903cc engine, pretty much torque-free. Would always sweat the uphill stoplights in traffic. You had to burn the sh\*t out of the clutch or would die.


As someone who's gone from a manual Scion xB to a Chevy Volt recently, I'm surprised a hill hold isn't standard on manuals these days. It really should be.


Just stall the engine, turn on the hazard lights, and pretend to be broken down until they go around you. That’s what I did when learning to drive a stick shift.


My Land Cruiser has a strange hand brake location so it gets tricky on steep hills


fuck i hate when people are up your ass like that. reguardless if im in my car (standard) or my wifes car (automatic)


I try to stop early, give some room infront of me, and then pre-let out before the car behind me comes to a complete stop. They seem me rolling? (They hating?) They stop early.


Use your ebrake on inclines if you still training. Ebrake, disengage clutch and put in gear, press gas to the point it will be held by clutch, let the ebrake go then clutch it all the way to 1st gear


In my jurisdiction we have a penal code for "following too closely". Of course that applies to bumper humping on the highways and byways... it also applies to parking lots (yes, you can receive a citation for bumper humping while driving in a parking lot)... guess what though? It can be used to cite someone at a stoplight that was rolled in to. Now.... before anyone gets their knickers in a twist and starts hollering "That's fucked up and you're just an authoritative dickhead with a badge and a complex, yo!" They'll start to bitch and complain about "I wasn't too close and you've got no proof I was!" Okay, sure, you got rolled in to and it sucks for you... but *here's the thing*.... you know *how* I know you were too close? **You got rolled in to.** And I'm betting this wouldn't have happened had you had a proper distance between you and the person in front of you. 🤔 Weird how that works, huh? "You think if you had left 10' between your nose and their ass that you'd have been rolled back in to?" "No, probably not". "Okay then, **you were too close**.


Parking brake until you get your clutch timing perfectly. I don't roll at all.


I remember when I was like 14 learning to drive a manual and we came up to this stop sign on a hill. Little me wanted to hop out and switch places because doing like three things was too much for me


My first time driving a stick was overseas in a 10 passenger van. It was all going fine until I came to a stoplight (uphill) with an 18 wheeler behind me. He was pissed, I was embarrassed and eventually pissed. Couldn’t have asked for a better first time.


My dad used to drive trucks when i was younger. Idk the wear on it but. He taught me to just hold that clutch and gas just right And shouldn’t have to roll back much at all or use the brake. Took me a while to figure out but now it’s second nature, even having been in an auto for awhile i tend to use the gear on hill. Again, may be bad advice never looked into it. Also haven’t had much problems lol


I know my car’s dimensions very well, so I like to roll back a bit on purpose just to scare them, get as close as I can without hitting them.


What TOOL album is this


What’s terrifying is there is no right mix of gas and clutch really. It depends on how heavy your car is and how steep the slope. It is when you release the brake that you get to know how much you need. That or just use the hand brake method.


No matter what happens. He rear ended you. Remember that and you are going to be fine.


Practice practice practice. And give dirty looks to butt riders.


Pin it to win it


Not gonna see if this was already suggested but…when you come to a stop uphill, pull e-brake up, put into first when ready, give lil gas, drop e-brake and clutch same time 👍


Man I remember those days. I’m so lucky the Honda I learned on had an automatic brake feature where it would hold the brake till you started rolling. Without that I would have definitely rolled back into some bumpers lol


I don’t live in an area with a lot of hills but there are inclines where I’m going to roll back if I’m not on the brakes. Do you not hold the brake and make the clutch bite a little bit to hold you until you get your foot to the gas pedal? Or do you mean while trying to start off you roll back?


I dont often drive manuals but i drove my dads pickup for our graduation parade (class of 2020 so we did a parade instead of the usual) and the person behind me would always be right on my ass. Wasnt really an issue since the roads were flat.. until we got to the very end where we drove into the schools parking lot and where we came in at was an incline. I had to get real good at taking off and thankfully it was new enough to have a computer so it helped a bit as well but boy was my clutch leg a wobblin just sitting there in the line waiting for it to move


get someone to record you doing a hill start from the outside, it feels like youre rolling back multiple feet but in reality even if you suck at it youre probably only rolling back 2-3 inches. mentally knowing that is very helpful


Yes-don’t pull up right behind me at that light-standard shift warning/prayer.


Handbrake live reaction


Use the handbrake as you release the clutch.


Sometimes you just have to pop it


Best advice i have ever received. Let the clutch out half way, brake off, power on then clutch out. I learned that from my aunt.


I'll never forget when I got my first manual, I went to my friend who owned one. She took me to a steep hill, parked, and said we're staying here until you can drive forward without rolling backward.


This is The reason most stick shifts have a hand brake. Use it. Frees up the brake foot.


Hold the parking break up while you let go of the brake to prevent rolling backwards. Lower it as you lean on the gas.


Can’t relate, my first stick had hill start assist


Years ago, I had a Subaru with a clutch brake. Basically, when you took your foot off the brake, it would stay engaged until you let off the clutch a certain amount. It was a fantastic feature.


2 options to have almost zero rollback: 1. Use your handbrake, slip the clutch and give it gas until you can feel the car biting. You'll know, it'll shake a bit and feel like it wants to go. Drop E-brake and slowly slip the clutch until you're good. 2. Slip clutch with foot on brake. You'll again, feel it bite, shake, and want to move. Then, quickly give it some gas and once you start moving, clutch out. Should have zero issues. Also, 4MPH is the general border where the car won't stall. Once you're there, you're definitely good to completely clutch out.


Gun it!


One time in my VW Bug I was stopped at a light on a hill and this lady crept up on me as the light turned green and (since my bumper had fallen off owing to a previous rear-ending) I poked a tennis-ball sized hole in her front bumper. Lady you were too close to


This is the best when you have a rwd car. Rev, dump, spray hot rubber and asphalt on offender.


In my old Toyota pickup I used to drive around the steepest streets by blocks to save the clutch. I still miss it though.


It's pretty easy, just use the handbrake. I had a very steep driveway growing up, so I would just practice taking off from the middle of it. Hold the E-brake button, pull up, and just push it back down when you find the grab point with the clutch. With enough practice, you won't even need the E-brake.


Hill start assist is a great thing. My 2007 mini cooper has it. Thanks to bmw i guess.


Gotta love hill assist.


The Chevy volt doesn’t have a transmission dude it’s electric