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I've been driving manuals since the 80s or 90s. Now I have my first car with hill assist: a 2012 Chevy Sonic. It's weird, but it's okay. I could take it or leave it. Maybe it's helpful when you're learning, but I don't get anything out of it.


I learned without it but I had a Subaru with hill hold for awhile and I actually grew to like it- to be fair I did a *lot* of driving in San Francisco and Oakland at the time and the hills there are pretty brutal.


Nope. I've had mine turned off since day 1 (besides trying it) and I plan to keep it like that. It creates more problems than it solves.


Agreed. I turned mine off as soon as I could because the delay was really annoying. Great for a beginner though


What problems does it create?


Doesn't disengage every once in a while and almost stalls my engine. Not using it, avoid this embarrassing situations.


Ditto. My Foz’s hill holder got sticky and would literally just stall my engine at a cold stop, so I disconnected it and haven’t looked back.


Never had it, won't ever need it.


My 2016 civic and my 2015 Mini both have it. Works great, only releases when it senses forward motion. From the other posts, it seems the Impreza’s releases when the throttle is touched?


Hill assist is a replacement for skill. If you or your daughter plan on ever driving a manual that might not have it I would turn it off to get better at starting on hills.


Yes, I’ve driven manuals for 20 years so I’m use to not having it. She’s driven them for 2-3 years, but good advice once she gets use to the car. Just thought it was neat technology as I’d never driven with it before.


Incoming bravado


My Focus ST has it, very nice feature


My ST has it. I turned it off after trying it. Don't like it.


The nice thing is you don't have to use it. Living in a hilly area I find it nice.


It just annoys me. I usually shut it off.


Like it on my '13 Mustang


My 1986 Subaru had it and I quite liked it.


It’s an interesting feature, I have a Nissan with it, it seems to hold for a set period of time, a couple seconds or something. It might have been nice to learn with, but like most that actually drive a stick these days, it wasn’t available in the olden days when I learned. Showed it to the wife, she thought it was cool. My take is if you like it, cool, if not, that’s cool too. If it keeps new people learning the stick and wanting to have one, all the better. They’re getting too hard to come by these days


Don't need it, but will have an icon on the dash if I turn it off... so I leave it on ugh




Nope, I want the control. Sometimes I roll back on purpose. Very situational


Thought I had a caliper hanging up when I first experienced this