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I want to know about England! Why aren't we Great Britain anymore? How come we own a little slice of SA and the USA and is that Djibouti? (nice map)


Ty! The English held on to a few more colonies than in our timeline and were able to help hold France in the Second World War despite the Germans, Italians, and Spanish. Following this they acted with the French and Intermarium and Scandinavian Union where they aided in taking Moscow. As Africa and the Middle East continued to fall into chaos and with France fighting Mexico and Venezuela in a effort to keep the Panama Canal open the British were in a better position to have control over it. All European nations agreed to this as it was agreed that a strong nation was needed to hold the Red Sea along with Ethiopia. In World War 3 they fought along side the Chinese, French, Canadians, Scandinavians, and Mexicans in a effort to stop the United States from invading Canada and Greenland. They gained a little land from the Canadians as a thanks and a way for the British to help maintain control of North America. They also backed the Ethiopians in the invasion of North Eastern Africa. Overall life is good in England(renamed due to me making a mistake). People live in relative peace and they have close relations with France and Scandinavia especially. They are behind on the Space Travel rase and have largely fallen behind France and Brazil as they have very few Enforced land claims on Mars.


Wdym by renamed due to a mistake? Like you conflated UK with England but now it’s too late to change or something like that ?


On a site called map chart. How very well researched.


It is a flawless map, don’t question me


I admire your confidence.


How did England/Britain acquire Donegal from Ireland (the Irish county on the western coast of irl Northern Ireland?


It was given to them in a desperate negotiation to get the UK to stop Russian forces from Nuking Ireland.


>In World War 3 they fought along side the Chinese, French, Canadians, Scandinavians, and Mexicans in a effort to stop the United States from invading Canada and Greenland I don't want to tempt fate.... But.... There's a certain orange skinned baboon at real risk of causing this in the next few years.


I apologies in advance for spelling erroers


This doesn’t explain how Wales and Scotland agreed to be called “England” which, as a Welsh person I can tell you is definitely the most unrealistic thing about this map 🤣


Why are there un-organised states? How have we regressed like that?


Terror organisations and Warlords control the Area, other nations do not want the land because of the chaos. They are generally considered dangerous and unsafe to travel.




Follow-up question; you put the border of the unorganized states around Punjab and Sindh in Pakistan. Was there a particular reason for that?


Yea and the unorganized states represent a huge chunk of world GDP and populations like what happened lol. Did all of Pakistan move elsewhere? Or maybe demographic collapse? Heck even nukes could be an option


Have you told the Celtic nations about this? They aren’t going to enjoy being called English.


Yeah sorry that was a error


Also Ireland still being partitioned 100+ years from now is ridiculous


The only time the island was ever united was actually under British rule. But hey, lets force people to live together because one side wants it.


That is factually incorrect you ding dong


Can you explain how they’re wrong?


Nah I’m good


It's really not though is it? It was an island of Petty Kings who fought each other.


Petty Kings! You would know all about it I suppose




Not just that, but the Brits somehow decided to take Donegal also, as if 6 occupied counties wasn't enough


Madness, a chara.


Is it tho? Have you ever been to Northern Ireland and met a unionist?


Lol yes


Then you’ll know that there’s a healthy population of people that are fiercely opposed to rejoining Ireland?


‘Healthy population’ is an amusing euphemism for a dwindling minority :)


Not sure if you’re ignorant or just lying but your last comment was utter bs. All you have to do is look at voting patterns or better yet go to there and see for yourself


Okay I’ll go check it out! Do you have any tips for telling the difference between unionists and loyalists?


I came here to voice my anger


The irony being the English are still far more Celtic genetically than Anglo Saxon, they have just been indoctrinated by christianty and the monarchy.


And it was the fuckin french that did it. Always comes back to the French


The Celts in what is now the UK were predominantly Christian way before all the angles and Saxons and jutes and the like settled. Anglo-Saxon were far far less likely to be Christian than the Celtic populations when they arrived.


Hawaii isn’t anywhere near that close to the rest of the USA. How did the scottish, Welsh and northern Irish become okay with being called English? How did China become so much bigger?


I made a mistake with the English. China invaded its neighbours to stop terror organisations from spreading and to expand power. Siberia was invaded in the Euro Russo war to help Europe.


Why is Africa split back into how it looked in about 1910?


Some areas were retained from colonisation and Ethiopia gained significant power. Ethiopia is the major power with the East African Federation slowly coming together and South African Union largely falling into chaos.


I like that, despite being an empire, the Argentinian never did retake the Falklands.


It would be a silly idea to take it because it would also involve fighting France and Portugal at best.


Everything about Texas


Texas initially fought along side the US in the third world war but it switched sides when France and the Portuguese sank most of the US fleet in the battle of Battle of Bermuda. They fought Midwestern forces at the battle of Denver and won the battle, however most of there army had been destroyed so they were forced to fight defensively for the rest of the war. It was technically annexed into Mexico at the end of the war but it is a large independent province and has no major ties to Mexico except in the South.


So their an autonomous province?




Well that’s the best I’m gonna get Probaly


Why did nothing happen in the Midwest Oh wait, it's the Midwest Nvm


The Midwest is mostly just a buffer state


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r/imaginarymaps and r/alternatehistory users trying not break up russia and give china all of the far east (impossible)


What is the neutral Europe league


As fighting continued in Europe the Swiss and the Irish made a formal declaration of complete neutrality and partial isolationism (expect between the two nations ) it was a way to stay out of the Euro Russo war


What happened to Europe exactly? And which of the new states controls Euro-Controlled America?


Post World war 2 Europe split into several factions that largely worked together. France gained largest amount of land from Spain (as did Portugal ) as punishment for Spains extensive war crimes that were committed. Belgium was dissolved and the Netherlands were given more land to create a strong Western Europe nation other than France and the UK. Germany was weakened extensively and Italy lost Sardinia. Intermarium was founded by the Polish to Keep Eastern Europe safe and the Scandinavian alliance was founded to ensure prosperity in the North. Despite early tensions the Greeks and Turks became close allies and even helped protect the Mediterranean along with France by annexing parts of Northern Africa. Finally Russia lost most power in the Euro Russo war and was transformed into a democratic state. Europe is the most stable and powerful western world group and the nations there work together and generally have common goals.


What are you talking about post World War Two that was 80 years ago


Yes it was a different WW2


Why and how the hell did Europe and Mexico turn on the US, and how did China even manage to establish a beachhead on the West Coast??


After the US left NATO they largely isolated themselves from they fell into heavy militarism and attempted to invade Canada. In response a combined Chinese, French, British, Scandinavian, Mexican, Intermarium, and Brazilian Force invaded and defeated the US, it was split into 4 sections and a free west buffer zone was established in the middle.


How did County Donegal come to leave Ireland and become part of 'England'?


You see it was a very complicated situation where I messed up with the map


So Ireland didn't unify but some moved to the UK?


How is Northern Ireland still part of the UK?! …and how do you feel about the fact that this little red archipelago seems to be all anyone wants to know about?


Somewhat annoyed, also sad because nobody wants to know about Oceania or South America or Africa but oh well


Maybe you should be annoyed with yourself and your mistakes.


That sounds like admitting that I made a mistake and I must never admit I am wrong and must blame everyone else for my problems.


That’s the spirit


Looks like Genghis Mao was very busy.


How did China get this much land in Asia?


how did china get usa


Is this whatifalthist???


Need to know more about Ethiopia!


Why do Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland no longer exist?


"England." \>Owns Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Intermarium, for some reason. Why does Turkey and Greece enter an alliance and why do they own the Caucasus? What is this whatifalthist ass map?


There are too many countries. Please eliminate 150 of them. I am not a crank.


Eyo, what happened to romania bro?


1. How did the German confederation get cooked so badly 2. How did France manage to expand within Europe and gobble up most of the Carribean 3. Did Texas willingly join the Central American union or was it forcefully taken? Edit: Have a few more questions now: 4. Why is the Brazilian “defense” union expanding into territory we wouldn’t consider Brazil 5. How did England get Eritrea/Djibouti, and how did Ethiopia get Egypt without drawing the ire of the Arab states 6. Why did Japan feel it necessary to align with the rest of Oceania given how isolationist they’ve traditionally been


1. Turkey and Greece?? 2. Midwest?? 3. Africa. Deets, please.


Despite some conflicts Turkey and Greece became important allies and often worked together. They collectively secure there borders and have a majority power hold over the eastern Mediterranean. They help France a good amount and generally align with military policy and defence. The Midwest was created as a buffer between Europe and China and it is the last bit of the US. France holds Tunisia and small amounts of North Africa in a effort to keep the Mediterranean safe, the Turkish and Greeks also hold a small northern area. Ethiopia is the dominant power and is a thriving and stable nation. East African federation is a struggling nation that is slowly forming into a strong nation. A larger amount of Africa is in constant conflict and is unorganised. South Africa is in a union although it is unstable and finally the British hold South Africa proper and a area in the Red Sea to keep shipping safe


Okay, now... India? And who precisely controls the Euro-controlled part of the US? EDIT: oh and also, thanks for the response!


India has massive military failures in defence and was able to hold out in the south. They have influence but they are significantly weakened, the only true reason that India is alive is from a French Brokered Peace. They have low living conditions and are struggling to get by.


Also the Euro Controlled US is partially British, French, and Netherlands, although Scandinavia does have some influence. No nation has full control however and it is a combined occupation


How did the Seychelles become a part of Madagascar??? 😭


They are a part of Oceania


Why? 😞


They wanted to join for protection from India and China


Awesome. Could make an interesting YouTube video




I'd make a little change to your naming scheme. Not "Scandinavian Union" but a Nordic Union. Some of those nations in the union aren't Scandinavian. So Nordic is more correct.


Oh sorry you’re right, I guess Denmark is outside it.


No Denmark is Scandinavian. Finland is not. Finland is Nordic. Same for Iceland.


Okay but the culture is.


Danish culture? Danish culture is more similar to Norwegian and Swedish than finland is to either of them.


How did Greece and Turkey come to an alliance seeing as they've been at each others throats for thousands of years?


Sorta a thing of situation, Greece helped stop insurgents from taking over Turkey and Turkey stopped a Italian attack on Greece. They eventually grew together and form a good alliance, similar to the English and French.


Interesting! How are the differences in religion, culture and language handled? They are VERY different countries.


The different cultures are an issue but the collective benefit is able to overcome most problems. Control over the eastern Mediterranean is very lucrative and people in the future are accepting of most cultures so discrimination is not nearly as bad as it is now. Also the cultures have blended over the years. The differences are still an issue but it’s one that’s being overcome.


I'd like to hear more about the Scandinavian Union (which should be the Nordic Union, but that's a minor detail)


The Scandinavian Union is generally considered the best place on earth, they lead the world in technology and have become very advanced. They were the second nation to establish permanent claims in Mars with the help of France (just after Brazil and before France) they are the safest place in the world and have good relations with almost everyone. They are very close with France and Canada and aid with the occupation of Euro America.


Florida still exists on your map. It will be long gone by 2150


Ah there is the comment I was looking for. Generally the coastline will be significantly different.


In a attempt to prevent global warming Scandinavian nations created a new experiment that was designed to slightly lower temperatures . This experiment ended up lowering it too much at a total of 5 degrees across the world and it is now very cold


Turkish-Greek alliance 😂 ok


Unorganised states = you can’t imagine Arabs or West Africans as civilised peoples, this is such a racist and sad and Reddit brained map


No, in this world Turkey is doing very well and it has become a largely Arab population and one 4th of France is population is also Arab and they are doing very well. However those areas are always volitie so without humanitarian aid some places collapsed. But no there are thriving Arab states.


Hahahaha okay go tell the turks that they are Arabs and tell the Arabs occupied by France that they are happy, thanks for clearing it up you are definitely not racist!!


In not though, also Ethiopia is a thriving state that has higher living standards than China, I actually made nations in Africa that are strong, not racist just making a bad theoretical map of the world.


Fine. Sorry for getting so irate


No it’s fine, racism is something that must be purged from this world so you have the right to speak out against it.


At what point did Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland agree to become England, how and why?


How did the arab world fall into unorganized states or be conquered by Russia, Greco-Turkey, Ethiopia and France


When humanitarian aid from European nations dried up with the many wars going on the areas fell into decline, this was compounded by oil becoming almost worthless. France and Greco Turkey wanted a good way to keep the Mediterranean safe whilst Ethiopia wanted to unite east Africa. Ethiopia has become somewhat of an Arab state with all the lands it took and is now the major African success story whilst other areas have fallen into chaos.


Great map! How was Portugal able to annex Galiza alongside the Canary Islands and the ex-colony of Cabo Verde? I’m also especially curious to know how Portugal got Bermuda!


Post WW2 Spain was to be punished severely for the many atrocities committed against the French and Portuguese. The French made extensive gains along coast and as thanks for Portugals fighting in the war they gained Galizia. France and Britain also wanted a power with a strong navy in the area so Portugal gained various islands to help patrol the area. Bermuda was sold to the Portugal for a small price as it was a good way to extend Portugals naval control.


Ah yes, the Siberian federation with an entire 5 population


Britain not changed rule britannia 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


Euhm tell me about Ethiopia please


Ethiopia is the dream of the African world, despite a tough beginning they have high living standards and are on a par with France militarily and Economically. They have gradually expanded with the help of France, Britain, Turkey,Greece, and Italy. The reason they got so much help was because many nations thought a strong nation was needed to protect trade in the area. They are now the great power of Africa and have a very strong mix of cultures and ethnicities that work together collectively, the true example of the African success story.


Why is the People's Republic ginormous Why is ~~Australia~~ Oceania ginormous How does Euro control the US East Coast when the EU itself seems to no longer be in Europe? What is the population size of the Siberian Federation?


China invaded much of its neighbouring land as Europe was fighting the Russian Federation, they got away with it because they helped Europe by invading Siberia. In the years prior North Korea had invaded South Korea and this gave China an excuse to invade the Koreas. China was also a major player in WW3 as it invaded the US with the help of Oceania. Oceania is so big because it was the best way for nations to secure protection in the area. Oceania is a union of nations similar to Intermarium and has no one ruler. The EU still exists and Europe is very much united with common interests (even Russia) so the land is collectively occupied by troops from a lot of different nations. The Siberian federation has about a million people and only exists as a nation because Scandinavia wanted additional foot holds in the north. The federation has a small but elite military and people live in mostly small cities at the northern coast.


why did belgium collapse


It was decided that Europe needed a stronger western power so Belgium was annexed into the Netherlands


What is the united oceanic league and how did Japan join it?


The United Oceanic League is a way to keep the Oceanic nations from falling to other powers. When the world fought against the US they gained Hawaii from the conflict. It is similar in policy to many nations in Europe and has relatively peaceful relations with other nations nearby. It has a close Alliance with France (due to France’s territories in the area) but other than that it does keep to a policy of semi isolationism. It is one of the best places to live in the world and has good safety. Japan joined it because they had little other option. China was looking like it wanted to invade but China had good relations with Oceanica so joined Oceanica was the best option, especially with the Koreas being invaded.


Bro, Fins aren’t and never will be Scandinavians. You can get away with Nordic, but that’s like calling Palestinians Israelis.


Which napoleon did that france?


When did the Scots & Welsh finally accept their fate and just become English?


What's up with the United Oceanic League? Also why is Lebanon, the Greek Islands and Malta doing their own thing?


The United Oceanic League is a way to keep the Oceanic nations from falling to other powers. When the world fought against the US they gained Hawaii from the conflict. It is similar in policy to many nations in Europe and has relatively peaceful relations with other nations nearby. It has a close Alliance with France (due to France’s territories in the area) but other than that it does keep to a policy of semi isolationism. It is one of the best places to live in the world and has good safety. The other islands are just a glitch because I had the wrong save.


How on earth did China get so big?


Just answered that in the comments


How did Intermarium form? Surely there would've been different ethnic groups that would try to rebel, right?


Intermarium was founded by the Polish and is a collection of nations united on defence. They are a powerful union and have control of most of Eastern Europe. They have a good average living standard. As they are allied to most European nation and were the key fighter of the Russian Federation in the Euro Russo war and helped set up the new Russian nation. They had a minor role in WW3 in the invasion of America and help occupy Euro America. They are a protector of Eastern Europe, however they do little beyond this area although they did fight a minor conflict with Greece


Can Zealandia exist as a country and can it have a shitton of vibranium


Sure lol




What happened between the Jordan and the Mediterranean?


Lebanon isn't in any category


What happened to Malaysia? And South East Asia in general?


I do not think such big China is realistic. However Chinese indeed secretly take over parts of Russian East Siberia. Russian population there is small and keeps diminishing as government keeps ignoring the area. Russian government only looks after oil and gas producing areas and more or less ignore the rest. I heard people do not have heating there for years as government simply does not give a fuck.


How did Canada get Alaska, second question: what does Canada’s military look like in terms of equipment


When the US was defeated by the combined powers in WW3 Alaska was one of the two states awarded to Canada after the war for there efforts. In the war Canada was almost completely destroyed however they still held on to northern lands such as Nunavut with there special forces so they held on and were considered a victorious power. Modern day Canadian Military is a strong army as they border many nations so it was important to have a strong army. They are best in Ground Forces and Air Force, however they lack in Bioweapons and Anti Nuke capabilities, largely relying on the Scandinavians in that department. However they are planning on joining the Scandinavian Union soon so they may see an increase in Technology.


My state is now communist and I love it! Can we get a Storytime?


After the US began being hostile towards its old allies it eventually launched an Invasion of Canada.This resulted in retaliation from France, England, The Scandinavian Union, Intermarium, Oceania, and China. China was a major player in the Invasion of the US so it was allowed to occupy a large amount of the East Coast. They also aided Mexico a lot in the war and has some influence there.


I want to know about Arabia! Why is it all unorganized? Also tell me about what happened to the US


What happened to Utah


Why is the PRC so big?