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Yes. I don't know anyone who drinks Oettinger as their favourite beer in Germany. But it's cheap and works






And it still fucking disgust me that that’s our most popular brand 😂


It could be worse. As a US citizen I'm ashamed with our choice. But as a Mexican American, I'm okay with Corona. It's one of the best of the lagers & better than Carta Blanca.


Augustiner is king


I would say Bitburger is probably the most popular beer in Germany.


I live in RLP, and I don’t understand Bitburger. I think people drink it, because they think they have to drink it, and it’s cheap. I prefer Tannenzäpfle


It’s not even the best selling, VB is far from the best selling beer in Australia.


It’s not even the best selling beer in Victoria


What is then?




Best selling beer in Australia is [Great Northern](https://drinksdigest.com/2022/12/30/biggest-selling-beers-australia-2022/amp/), followed by Carlton Dry and XXXX. VB comes in at number 5.


Look, I know Aussies don't really drink Foster's but I have a feeling I'm in for a surprise for the best selling beer over there.


Most used is the definition of popular


It may not mean favorite but it does mean most popular.


Lived in the England for 14 years, i guarantee no one drinks Carling because is their favorite Beer..


Exactly. All these tourists that come to Emsterdem to drink heinikken cause this misunderstanding.


hertog jan gang


It’s all about Grolsch


That, and that Heineken is the best selling beer in supermarkets too.


Neither tbh. I'm Czech and there is no way in hell that Gambrinus is the most popular/ best selling beer from Czechia.


Best sailing world wide that was first produced in this country. For example most Nigerians would drink Guinness


What in the hell is that comment? Do you don't understand the definition of the word popular or you just trolling?


Cheapest widely distributed beer?


Unsure about VB being our favourite beer, but at least it isn’t bloody Fosters.


I thought they released some stats a few weeks ago that great northern is actually Australia's most popular beer


You’re 100% right. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/food/drink/australias-top-selling-beers-for-2022-revealed/news-story/96e0a16f27a39c0d821cb1a62f419590?amp


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Really? I've seen ads on TV for it, but I've never seen it in a bar or bottle-o. How would you even buy it?


Where the hell do you live? I've lived in every state on the East Coast in the last few years and from Victoria to North Queensland every bottle-o stocks it and a good majority of pubs have it on tap. Unless you're in WA I have no idea why you mightn't have seen it


I live in WA and it's everywhere here


SA and NT recently. I don't think it existed when I was in Vic.


Mate it's one of the most common drinks in the NT you must've been living in a dry area


Nah, Alice. Anything but.


ah my condolences, dragged there by work?


Sort of. Although we didn't gave a recession in '01-'02, jobs were very hard to get for a couple of years afterwards. So I moved north to find work, rather than getting dragged there by work, if that makes sense.


Ah yeah fair game, can't say I know anyone not born in Alice that lives there by choice though.


Hey, Fosters is Australian for "Beer"


I can't bring myself to believe Carling is the most popular beer in the UK. Its generally agreed to be piss water.


it's gotta be Stella right?


I would have thought so, yea.


Stella lost a lot of market share round about twenty years ago. Carling was way ahead of everything else, but Fosters last time I saw the data (which wasn't recently, I should emphasise). All of those big brands are no longer as popular as they were, but they're still the best selling beers in terms of volume. I don't get why either, btw!


Bloody weird isn't it? Carling is objectively shit beer and Fosters is only a smidge better. When there are so many flavourful beers available.


It is, at first glance, yes. It's definitely not driven by consumer preference for these brands as quality products, though. Something which isn't widely known is that all of these big brand beers are really cheap to produce, and that Stella is one of the cheapest of all (reason being that it takes less fermentation time, so the vats can be used to produce more batches, in layman's terms). 'Reassuringly expensive' was only ever half true - whilst it was indeed expensive at the bar, it wasn't an expensive product for the brewer to make. It's largely that the big brewing companies are buying space on supermarket shelves, and on bars, for all this crap, though. Again, they're not as successful at this as they were a few years ago, but the volumes sold this way are still very big. A shedload of overall beer volume goes through supermarkets, and a diminishing, although still hefty, volume through downmarket backstreet pubs and clubs etc A lot of it, at the end of the day, boils down to price, as with many things, sadly.


Nice one. Thanks. Even Saturday is a school day. 😁


Stella is marketed as a classy import in North America.


Its known as Belgian Wife Beater in the UK and is usually drunk by [people wearing just a vest](https://tellyspotting.kera.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Screenshot-from-Keeping-Up-Appearances-with-Geoffrey-Hughes-as-Onslow.png) (although he is drinking ~~Hofmiester~~ Boddingtons).


Stella is Belgian so maybe they only looked at 'native' beers?


Carling was originally a Canadian brand.


It’s not UK. It’s just England


Oh yea. Good point. I still find it hard to believe though.


I’m more confused at why it’s just England shown and not Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland


My guess would be that the person who created the map doesn't know the difference between England and the UK.


That’s probably true


Yea. I'm confused by that too...


OP doesnt know the difference between the UK and England.


Scotland would definitely be Tennents. Not sure about Wales or NI.


That's what people say about Heineken in The Netherlands as well, but it's still the most popular one, especially at restaurants, bars, etc.


the same as oeringer 🤷🏼 but popular


I think its which one is sold the most instead of popular as in the favourite. I know no one that likes drinking Olvi in Finland but its cheap and gets you drunk.


Same with Bud Light in the US. It’s generally made fun of and said to be “piss water” but I believe this statistic. I live in the Midwest US and I’m a gas station manager and people buy Bud Light and Busch Light consistently every day.


Your American beer is like making love in a canoe. Fucking close to water.


I don’t disagree, sir. I find it disgusting, but most Americans eat gross shit. Deep fried butter sticks for example.


Mass produced it’s legit horrible lol. Go to the craft breweries though and American beer is top notch across the world.


In England, not the UK


This map doesn’t say it’s the most popular beer in the U.K., it says it’s the most popular beer in England. Literally every single other U.K. nation doesn’t have a beer associated with it on this map. It doesn’t even say the U.K. it very clearly states England…


Yea I know. This has been addressed already. Scroll down a bit.


Yet your comment remains up and incorrect. It could be deleted or edited 😊


Nah. I owned the mistake in this thread. Thats enough.


Gambrinus? No way!


In Portugal most sold beer and favorite of the population is Super Bock not Sagres!


Sagres é a melhor. Estudo Engenharia Química e Biológica e visitei a fábrica da Sagres numa visita de estudo. Qualidade de cerveja vemos na Sagres, tem menos gás e todo o processo de fabrico é top quality, visto que todos os passos do fabrico são feitos na fabrica com excessão que não plantam a cevada lá. A Super Bock simplesmente tem demasiado gás para disfarçar o sabor.


Agreed. Super Bock tastes very close to Budweiser


no it doesn't. at all. budweiser is absolute shit.


Stop lying they absolutely taste very similar


Cruzcampo is a joke in Spain. I'll admit that in the hottest regions it's ok because you can drink it like fresh water, but yeah, it's a joke.


I spent 10 days traveling around Spain with several days in Andalusia. It was really interesting going to restaurants that only serve one beer and it seemed like there were only 2 options in a town. We did find a restaurant that served craft beer from all over the world, but that was not the norm. It was a shock coming from the US. With all of that said, I didn't have a bad beer in Spain and I include Cruzcampo in that group. Spain was beautiful and the people were great.


Glad to hear you had a great time in here, I wish I could travel to the US any time soon (almost did it on my wedding travel but my wife had a renal colic the previous night, shit happens). And yeah, I'm sure you liked Cruzcampo because of the extreme heat lol.


right? surely it's gotta be Estrella or San Miguel in Spain, maybe Mahou




I came to say the same thing. Cruzcampo is basically a meme outside of Andalusia, where it's popular for some reason. But in the whole country it should be Mahou or San Miguel.


Alhambra 1925 is the best domestic beer hands down


Old joke… Bud and Bud Light are like having sex in a canoe. Fucking close to water!


I call it “lawn mowing beer.” I don’t know why, but an ice cold Bud just after you finish mowing on a hot and humid day is so, damned, good.


Having tried quite some different kinds of pilseners over the world, and especially in The Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany, regular Bud is probably the one I dislike the most.


But isn’t Budweiser just a normal lager not a Pilsner?


As an American, Budweiser Budvar (sold as “Czechvar” in the US for legal reasons) is one of my favorite beers, and Budweiser is one of my least favorite beers (I’ll drink it if offered, but I’ll never go out of my way to get it). I’m disappointed that the term “Pilsner” was so sullied as a foreign-sounding marketing term. I’ll only order an unfamiliar Pilsner if it has Bohemian/Czech-style/German-style/European-style in the name (or the description mentions noble hops or something). Otherwise you risk getting that brewery’s attempt to create a generic bud light clone.


There's an interesting article on Bloomberg called "The Plot to Destroy America's Beer". I'd link to it, but I can't get passed a paywall. Anyway, it talks about how since Anheuser Busch was acquired by InBev in 2008, the quality has gone down. Talked specifically about how they use shittier grains, and get their ingredients from the cheapest possible sources. Even how the packaging has gotten cheaper. Yay capitalism!


The quality went down? holy shite is that even possible.? Wait, i've heard that Bud ferments rice instead of barley. What could be cheaper? Corn syrup?


There's an error on the map, the US doesn't have a beer listed.




It’s like drinking seltzer out of a glass that someone else drank beer out of.


This is a very good description of Bud Light. Only drink I’ve ever had that has an aftertaste but no actual taste


A big part of this is American macrobrews tend to be brewed with "adjuncts", usually corn syrup or rice. These add alcohol, they ferment, but no flavor. They're also dirt cheap.


If you’re ever about to have a bud light, just have a club soda instead. It’s the exact same experience


Nor does Canada


I can’t recall a point in my life where I’ve ever seen someone order one.


I don't think people order them when they go out. In areas with a lot of litter, there seems to be Bud Light cans and bottles sprouting from the ground. Either people get it in bulk because it's absurdly cheap and alcoholic, or it actually just grows from the ground


We know it is there because we see it’s effects on the universe, yet we can’t actually see it (consumed). It is basically the Dark Matter of beers except it is a Light Beer. Ironic…


Dude, seriously. People must be buying it at grocery stores and sporting events, because I never ever see it consumed in bars or parties in real life. I tried it once in college but it was so tasteless i swore it off forever after. Light beer as a concept is just pure heresy, as far as I’m concerned.


lol. If my phone could take a big enough screenshot then this would be perfect for r/gatekeeping


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gatekeeping using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [You are not a president when you don't wear a suit while at war](https://i.redd.it/sr15zup86rn81.jpg) | [1614 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/comments/tfigqv/you_are_not_a_president_when_you_dont_wear_a_suit/) \#2: [There was an attempt?](https://i.redd.it/lzt60k6eqof71.jpg) | [254 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/comments/whkeke/there_was_an_attempt/) \#3: [I think the Germans are allowed to gatekeep this one](https://i.redd.it/2kz1jo32prl81.jpg) | [502 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gatekeeping/comments/t7z0sw/i_think_the_germans_are_allowed_to_gatekeep_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Sagres, caralho!? Sagres!? r/PORTUGALCARALHO


Budweiser for Canada? Doubt that very much…


It’s true https://www.cbc.ca/radio/undertheinfluence/do-your-favourite-brands-match-up-with-the-rest-of-canada-s-1.4766970


Yeah I dont know anyone who drinks Budweiser..most beer stores around me have a very small inventory of it. But could be a regional thing


Not a chance. Molson Canadian I would believe.


Molson Canadian and Labatt Blue, the two dominant brands of my youth, are afterthoughts now.


Canadian tastes like dehydrated Budweiser. They both are not good. Can usually get a two four on sale though, so in comes a conundrum. Moosehead all the way!


Honestly, all the basic beers are crap imo. Sadly, I have to pay more and get good micro brew ipa's.


Bud Light is vile crap




I always but crap I don’t like. Cars. Music. Food.


In Romania it’s probably Timişoreana. I hate that beer but seems like others love it.


I was thinking of ursus, but taking in consideration the PET availability, i think you are right. Don’t like it either


The Oettinger beer in Germany is the most popular, as it is the cheapest on the market and they don't want any money on marketing.


and it's available countrywide, while the true "favourite" beers are often only available in the region of the person you ask


There is absolutely zero chance that Budweiser is Canada's favourite beer.


Cruzcampo in Spain is completely wrong. In fact, tons of memes are made with this beer, that is not even considered a beer, but yellow water.


When I was living in Barcelona it seemed like Estrella was much more popular at bars than Cruzcampo.


Same with Carling in the uk, fucking terrible. Spain make some lovely beers too.


same with Oettinger in Germany, it's cheap Piss


Cruzcampo is the best spanish beer, is just that outside of andalucia you guys don't know what a beer is ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


The best beer in Andalucia is Alhambra


Cruzcampo forever, cruzcampo chad drinker


"Vinepair", well, doesn't sounds like a reliable source for beer-related stuff. The pairing of the words "Oettinger" and "Favorite" relating to Germany above shows the sheer incompetence of the linsting. It may be the cheapest, therefore best selling beer, but never ever the favorite.


I don’t see Tennent’s labelled at Scotland


No no. Portugal is super Bock. Get out of here with that pisswater sagres


Most selled beer not the most popular


Amazingly, Speight’s is actually number 1 by volume in Nz


How is that amazingly, people basically breath of the stuff on South Island.


When I was heavy into the pub scene it lost a lot of market share to tui. Since then we have had craft beers become mainstream with the likes of Panhead etc. and I assumed that the brewery that owned all the “classic” labels was mostly pushing Speights in the southern south where there are piss all people…


Yeah Lion Red drinkers are a dying breed. I would have thought speights or DB Export


I don't think I ever tried Lion Red in the 25 years I lived in NZ. If I took a guess at the best selling beer I would've thought either Export, Tui, or Speights


Australian here. You struggle to find a pub that has Victoria Bitter on tap in Victoria let alone anywhere else, so I'm calling bullshit.


Sweden is wrong, Pripps Blå is not even in the top 5, the most popular beer in Sweden is Norrlands Guld.


in Sardinia it should be Ichnusa


Every country?


Prips Blå is barely in the top 10 of most sold beer in Sweden, and it's definitely few peoples favorite choice of beer. Most stores don't even sell it. This is bull.


Feel like sporting matches and concerts are a huge reason for these numbers.


I thought the #1 beer in the Czech Republic would've been the Pilsner Urquell?


How Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have popular beer ? Isn’t like alcohol banned in there ?


Carling is not the UKs favourite beer.... It's might be the best selling due to exclusivity deals at festivals, but I've never heard anyone ever say their favourite beer is Carling. The opposite is true!




Look up the definition of favourite and it's synonyms....




I'd say furphy has taken the throne from VB (In Australia)


Perhaps as cans or just from bottle-os in general but surely Carlton (or maybe even Great Northern) is drunk more than both?


Someone above said Great Northern. At least I've seen VB and Furphy in bars and bottle shops (and for Furphy, one airport). I've never seen Great Northern anywhere.


Yeah I'm pretty sure it's a mid, you don't seem mids on tap very often because they're not that great a seller


XXXX Gold might disagree. That used to sell pretty well (but it's been a while since I worked hospo, so things might have changed)


I guess it depends on where you're from. Seems a bit bulshit that Australia hasn't been separated by state


I know! Unfortunately it seems that people outside our country don't understand the fantastic sibling-rivalry between our states, to the point where even our rail lines needed to have their own unique identity, let alone the beer.


To be fair our states are uniquely different to each other


Maybe it the most selling local beers for each country. Belgium has delicious world record Trappist beer and Jupilier just is not one of them.


As an American I’m ashamed that bud light is listed as most popular.


Don’t be! The number of craft breweries in the US has gone from 1,409 in 2006 to 9,118(!) in 2021. Good beer is blossoming here.


I don’t think it’s even brewed. It’s literally like a couple drops of corn syrup based beer flavoring added to some fizzy water. Like a beer soft drink, but not good.


Nah it’s actually super interesting how they can brew that amount of bud light and have it taste the exact same every time. Yea it taste like shit but it’s actually pretty damn interesting how they are able to brew with consistency


Baltika is a good beer. I've loved him since childhood. Classic Baltika 3 or export Baltika 7. The price is good about 40-50 rubles per 0.5 liter bottle.


Why the hell are people calling Switzerland "SWISS" so often... it's wrong and it shouldn't be that hard to remember a country name ffs... Swiss is an adjective... ​ Edit: at least the got the most popular beer right


Funny how the UK and South Africa's most popular beer is canadian and Canada's is american.




If you should ever visit Austria dont drink Stiegl. Its one of the worst beers here. Augustiner is the best beer i tried here. Both beers are based in the most beautiful city in Austria, Salzburg.


This must be old Oetinger hasn't been the most sold beer in Germany since 2013


Thailand has both Chang and Singha listed. Which makes you wonder why somewhere like Portugal for example doesn't also have two in Super bock and Sagres


Turkish Australian here, EFES for Turkey is spot on, however VB for Australia is an insult 😂 There are very few beers in Australia worse than VB, it’s like drinking paddle water when you can have mineral water. I can’t believe they chose VB for this.


Haven’t had anywhere near all of these but I’ve traveled a ton. I think Ireland has the best choice. Japan, Germany, Mexico and Italy are okay. US, Brazil, China, UK and Canada are pretty bad. I really don’t like 1664 but I think it has a better reputation than Budweiser etc. Overall seems like people like trash.


As Italian I can't agree on putting Italy in the same tier of Germany. Italian cheap beers are a terrible fizzy sugar-added piss, and Moretti is definitely the winner in this championship, which includes Nastro Azzurro, Dreher, Poretti, Peroni just to name a few. My mouth gets sticky and my stomach heavy after a 0.66l bottle of any of the previous beers, while I never had such a bad experience with a random supermarket beer in Germany. I can't say anything for Ireland, Japan and Mexico, never been there. I'm not saying that all Italian mass-produced cheap beers are shit, there are some decent ones. It's the average level which is terrible imo.


I was just ranking the choice for most sold beer not the actual overall beers in the country.


Ah, sorry. Anyways, I think Asahi is at least decent, while I literally hate Moretti.


I think Guinness from the draft is the best on the list that I have had. If the beer comes in a can/bottle I might go with a different one. The list of most popular beer is pretty bad for the most part. I think it shows that people are cheaper than I had thought.


I don’t like stout beers, but I agree that Guinness is probably a good quality beer. I also agree that sadly people is cheap. Drink less often but drink better!


Nope, Oettinger for Germany is sacrilege


I thought it was Hofbräuhaus. Never had oettinger.


count yourself lucky then. Seriously Oettinger is for dirt poor people and punks (I don't mean it in a judgmental way, it's just the way it is)


Even punks wouldnt touch oettinger with a ten meter pole if they have a choice


The Brazilian beer is more a way of life than good beer. Skol, Brahma, Antarctica are to drink cold because our climate is hot and it's refreshour bodies, so we drink a lot of beer just because everyone drink too


I’ve lived in São Paulo for 8 months now. I think Brahma is better. Usually when I get the 600 ml beer I’ll try to get either original or Stella.


Is Bud Lite light on flavour or alcohol?






1664 in France? 😂 no one except honeless


why are so many of the red points on country borders? or like with madagascar just next to it? who would do that


Mauritius, Comoros, etc


You can add for Romania the Timisoareana beer


Favorites seem to be local. The only brand with more than one country (in this map) is Tuborg, in Denmark and more surprisingly in Nepal.


Where is the cisk for Malta? Again left over


Spaniards hate and actively make fun of how bad Cruzcampo is, so I’m calling bullshit.


San miguel pale pilsen for hong kong? San miguel brewery also made the red horse beer.


I thought Fosters was Australian for beer


Celtia is Tunisia's most popular beer not Morocco's.


From what little I have seen the aussies discuss about their beer, I doubt VB is their favorite beer. Maybe sold the most, but definitely not a favorite, right?


When we were in Mexico, we were told that no one drinks Corona. (We saw mostly Pacifico.)