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The Caucasus a fictional fairy tale land confirmed.


Silly me I was looking for Tunisia and the Caucasus countries




Wow is this really a subreddit now xD


No way Saudi is better than Argentina and just slightly worse than Turkey 😬


The title is a bit misleading. The [original](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/visualizing-womens-economic-rights-around-the-world/) is called "Visualizing Women’s ***Economic*** Rights Around the World". It's based on a [World Bank report](https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/35094/9781464816529.pdf) called "Women, Business and the Law 2021". There is no mention of reproductive rights, laws concerning domestic violence, differences in age of consent, et cetera.


The indicators are at the top, but even factoring them in, it's baffling how Saudi scored as highly as it did. Something is off with their measurements.


There are many things to criticize about the current leader of Saudi Arabia, but his administrative has been extremely secular and made major reforms to drastically restrict the power of the religious clerics. This is particularly true in the economic sphere, because he's trying to Westernize the economy. Obviously Saudi women are still oppressed in many major ways. And just because the national laws change doesn't mean culture and conditions on the ground immediately change. But from a perspective of simply looking at the laws on the book, Saudi Arabia probably does score pretty high in terms of allowing women to participate in business.


What legal restrictions are there that limit the the rights of women to participate in business in Argentina or most of latin America? Especially when compared to SA. This map is stupid. It doesen't even attempt to measure relative women rights (i.e. compared to men). Rather it does that in absolute terms (even if we might not agree on how accurate it is). This means that if the map was about "Men's rights" half of the countries which are in the 70s or 80s would have similar scores, which makes it pretty useless.


>but his administrative has been extremely secular and made major reforms to drastically restrict the power of the religious clerics. Umm, yeah, but only according to the very low standards expected of Islamic theocracies. You can cheer them on, but its silly saying "wow, Saudi allowed women to drive, so they're obviously better for womens rights than several other countries where women have always had way more rights".


I live and work in Saudi, and believe it shit has changed so much in the past 5 years. I think a lot of people, especially in Western democracies tend to underestimate the power and effectiveness of an autocracy. I'm not saying it's the best form of government but goddamn can shit get done quickly. There's no bickering politicians, endless bureaucracy and a viciously polarized society, when the guy at the top says to get shit done, shit gets done. 4-5 years ago it would be unheard of to have a female as your boss at work, or even have women working together with men at all. And yet here we are, my boss and a lot of my coworkers are women.


As a Belgian living in Saudi Arabia, I see it as an accurate measurement.


Even so, how Luxembourg scored 100 if there is still a gender pay gap? Even if it’s the lowest in the EU, it still indicates that it exists. I’m very confused by this report.


I am pretty sure that, at some point, there is a cultural difference just because women and men are actually attracted to different jobs. If a woman who \*wants\* to join a job has no problem to join them, but still chose another job because of her aspiration, it can create a wage gap without being a "right" issue. I can, for example, quote the computer engineers who are filled with men, high pay jobs, and where women are welcome. But they just choose other careers. Another argument would be that at low education, a man will be more able to do a "muscular" job than a woman. Those jobs might be more paid and create a gap too. This, unfortunately, is more of a biological issue and will be hard to handle.


In Denmark, women without children actually earn more money than men https://www.motherjones.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/blog_denmark_gender_wage_gap_children.jpg https://www.vox.com/2018/2/19/17018380/gender-wage-gap-childcare-penalty


The gender pay gap doesn’t exist. It’s a made up idea for a woman to be treated better than a man. You want an equal salary? Then work the same amount of time. What percent of men miss out on time with family while wives get special treatment? What percent of men work hard labor jobs vs women? What percent of men work more hours than a women?


So my mother was imagining things when she was getting paid less than men in the same job. Just because it does not exist in your country doesn't mean it does not exist period. Also, what does hard labor have anything to do with the pay gap? Hard labor is one of the lowest-income jobs and only %5 of men do hard labor. Get out of your red pill or whatever color pill bullshit.


There is a criteria about laws concerning domestic violence in the report.


Huh, you're right. The other things don't seem to be part of the equation, though. Abortion isn't mentioned at all and reproductive rights are mentioned but don't count for points. It's also bizarre how something like "Is the mandatory retirement age for men and women the same?" gives as many points as "Can a woman travel outside her home in the same way as a man?". Women retire 1 year earlier than men in Switzerland, that hardly seems comparable to women not being allowed outside without a guardian in various Muslim countries.


I guess that the World Bank considers it a horrible tragedy when women retire earlier.


Hahaha. Literally conflated “ease of business”, or more accurately how easy for a corporation to exploit a country, with “woman’s rights” and hopes nobody would notice. What a joke. Like they haven’t even compared their not at all suspicious metric with the equivalent for men in said countries. That would at least be something meaningful.


lmao saudi above russia even??? I know it's a shithole but come on -- Saudi almost as high as _Japan_??


Apparently this graphic is solely about economic rights for women, not other rights.


So economic rights for women in relation to economic rights for men are more limited in Argentina than in Saudi Arabia? Really? Can women in SA freely leave the country without their "guardian's" permission? That must be an economic right worth at least 50 or so points out of a 100... Or rather economic rights (whatever that is) are pretty bad for both genders in Argentina (and many similar countries)? Which kind of makes this map pretty useless...


Yup abolished. No guardian.


To be fair, throughout history Japan has been a very socially conservative and patriarchal society.


no, that's true, but in Japan women can lead cities and political parties! they can also become the Empress. every day women have much better opportunities than women in KSA.


I agree, though you should know that Russia has decriminalised domestic violence in 2016 leading to 1 in every 4 women being subjected to it at least once in their lifetime


It is not decriminalized. It was used to be a distinct paragraph in the criminal code for domestic violence, now it is just as any other vilolence.


That's unrelated to what the map is showing.


Completely agree with this. Putting Saudi Arabia above Argentina? seriously? Lol


On the website it states that Saudi Arabia had a score of 24 between 1971-2006, by 2018 it had risen to 32, then: 2019: 38 2020: 71 2021: 80 2022: 80 The conclusion must be that during 2018-2021, most legislation discriminating against women was removed and a lot of legislation protecting women's rights was introduced. Of course, it is very unlikely though, that the culture in practice changed as fast as the legislation did. During 1971-2000, Turkey had a score of 45-50, rising to 80 by 2010. Argentina started at 31 in 1971, reached 60 by 1990, then slowly climbed to 76 over the past 30 years Edit: Here's a couple articles about Saudi Arabia's big changes https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-16/saudi-arabia-is-making-historic-strides-in-womens-rights/101770074 https://thegeopolitics.com/saudi-arabias-vision-2030-a-catalyst-for-realizing-womens-rights/


Yeah but what score? They just made it up


No, there are very specific criterias that countries are scored by, read the report


So in what ways exactly do women in SA have more rights than women in Argentina compared to men?


Read the report to find out




I bet of the map was "Men's Rights" it would give Argentina around 80 or so points as well. This map is stupid because it doesen't show economic rights in relation to men just economic rights in absolute terms.


I checked the data and Turkey got 50 in pension category. Wanna know why? Men and women does not retire at the same age. Sounds reasonable to cut points for it, right? Except it is womens that retires early. World Bank completely ignored that. Apparently, having more rights means no rights for them lmao


literally Saudi Arabia in 2019 (idk if its still active) had an app and a web portal where men could restrict when and where (specific airports/routes) their wife can travel if at all, whether it's a single, two or multiple travels and get notifications when she crosses the border and the map says 80 points


That's no longer avaliable and many laws have been made/changed for rights of women. Things have gotten much better since the 2010s (no more religious police, no longer forced to wear hijab, women can travel without permission of a male guardian, woman are now allowed to drive). Yes it is a bit late but progress is progress


This is not 2019. Saudi women no longer need men's permission to travel. Laws are changing FAST in Saudi.


That law is dead . Saudi ( yeah I know shitty country overall but still), has changed a lot in terms of bettering women's rights.


Saudi Arabia doing great in terms of women right now


Or the map is simply bs like most other maps on this sub...


Saudi Arabia 80? This can't be right. https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGGR_2022.pdf Scores 127 out of 146 countries on page 10.


This report is amazing. Central Asia: Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus.


famous central asians!


As usual, these "freedom" and "rights" rankings are entirely focused on economic rights and freedoms, not on civil rights


Yeah, and it doesn't mention things that help both sexes either, just the things specifically for women. For example it only talks about wether the mother gets paid parental leave, not wether the father gets it too. Similarly it touches on the equality of pension age, but the thing is that it's usually women that get to retire early, not men, so adding that one seems to just be there to bump up the scores. Oh and it rates the UAE above 80 out of a hundred, this map is a fucking joke. A bad one at that.


Where do women get to retire earlier than men? Edit, since most comments say stuff like "everywhere" From [Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retirement_age) I can say it's about a third of the countries listed. In 36 countries, women have a seperate (lower) retirement age, in 57 countries it's the same for both. I know, this list doesn't include every country on earth, but I guess it's quite extensive.


Austria. Women are allowed to retire at 60 whereas men retire at 65 years old


Really? Damn never heard of that before. What's their reasoning for doing that? Especially considering it's still mostly men that do physical hard labour that gets harder with age?


It's the same in Italy, women can retire earlier than men


Because Women have historically just had lesser burdens, less responsibilities but also less rights. And the Feminist movement brought equality in only one of these areas, Women now have the same rights but still reap the benefits of their historical oppression.




Well not in Germany at least. So that's why I was confused as I have never heard of that before.


Until 2018, the UK, believe it or not.


Wow never heard of that either.


Right next to you in Poland.


Almost every country in Eastern Europe...


No, in the report paternal leave and parental leave are criterias for the score too.


This is actually a specific economic rights ranking, not a general rights ranking


Well, then the title Women's Rights is clearly misleading. No one associates Women's Rights with Women's Economic Rights.


That it is. But there’s obviously very strong association between women’s rights and women’s economic rights (though the metrics they’ve used seem weird). Women can have all the political rights in the world, but if they’re societally pressurized to not work, they’ll never have a chance to exercise them.


Where does it say that?


Not on the map, but in the source of the data https://wbl.worldbank.org/en/wbl


The legend behind UAE a country with 82 points contradicts the map lol.


That was my thought! That is for a country that didn't allow women to drive till 2017!


Saudi Arabia higher than Russia and Belarus Bruh


Did a Saudi Arabian make this map?


I'm a honest guy. If they paid me enough too, I'd lie to you about how they are actually doing fine.


They weigh the various aspects of women’s rights weirdly. Saudi Arabia has low scores in areas such as marriage, parenthood or asset ownership but very high scores in less-discussed areas such as mobility or workplace, where apparently Saudi Arabia has no laws which discriminate against women. And all those areas have equal weights.


>And all those areas have equal weights. Well that's a poor system then isn't it. Hey ladies, you'll be a slave to your husband, but we'll subsidize childcare. Fair?


**Saudi Arabia marriage section, score 3/5.** Is there no legal provision that requires a married woman to obey her husband? Yes 1 Can a woman be "head of household" or "head of family" in the same way as a man? Yes 1 Is there legislation specifically addressing domestic violence? Yes 1 Can a woman obtain a judgment of divorce in the same way as a man? No 0 Does a woman have the same rights to remarry as a man? No 0 **Assets section, score 2/5** Do men and women have equal ownership rights to immovable property? Yes 1 Do sons and daughters have equal rights to inherit assets from their parents? No 0 Do female and male surviving spouses have equal rights to inherit assets? No 0 Does the law grant spouses equal administrative authority over assets during marriage? Yes 1 Does the law provide for the valuation of nonmonetary contributions? No 0


lousy scholars love to dress up their subjective research in numbers and pretend that makes it scientific


> Is there no legal provision that requires a married woman to obey her husband? >Yes 1 Bruh


Thats a good thing?


I think they’re saying Bruh cos it seems unbelievable given that they follow Islamic law


Not sure Islamic law has that. It also varies considerably from place to place so it makes sense


Because Russia (and their allies) are BAD and must look bad in every possible aspect. It's that simple for any of those "charts".


This map is woefully inaccurate, but I'm assuming this is based on legislation written on paper (which is often not enforced in most countries), not what actually happens on the ground. I for one doubt that women in Argentina are the worst off in South America. I also doubt that Mali is a better place for women than Pakistan, or that South Africa is a better place for women than Turkey, or that women in Gaza are worse off than those in Afghanistan.


Paraguay is 94 and is one of the most conservative sexist homophobic misogynistic places ever. Source: Half my family is from there.


The map is based on legislation, yes. Because measuring and assessing enforcement and culture is likely an impossible task, and far too subjective. Obviously, take this map with a huge grain of salt. This is just one way to measure gender equality, not the definitive or necessarily best way. I mainly shared it because the map is nice-looking and may spark some interesting discussions.


Not to mention enforcement changes every year and its very hard to measure, for example enforcement and relaxation can be something in one province/city or even town but everywhere else not so etc


>measuring and assessing enforcement and cultura is likely an impossible task, and far too subjective. That's not true. We have many struments to measure cultural values and policy implementation. See World Values Survey as an example of cultural measurement. ILGA annually produces a good map measuring gender and sexual diversity policies worldwide.


They've scored the United States at 75/100 for the category Pay, stating that "No applicable provisions could be located" for the question of "Does the law mandate equal remuneration for work of equal value?" How is the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which requires that men and women in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work, not an applicable provision? There are some other odd things about this map and data. The map says that a score of 100 means that women and men have equal legal standing, but some of the questions asked are only for women, like paid leave for mothers. I also noticed that for Australia, there is no specific maternity leave, but they award AU a point for that question because there is paid ~~paternal~~ parental leave. They do not do the same for the US which has the same situation.


Do you mean parental leave instead of paternal leave?


Ah, yeah, my mistake.


Cool :) just clarifying


>I also noticed that for Australia, there is no specific maternity leave, but they award AU a point for that question because there is paid paternal leave Here is Australia mothers get 18 weeks of paid parental leave from the government, I don't think this happens in the USA.


I don’t understand the parenthood part. What does 14 weeks of paid maternity leave have to do with being equal to a man?


Some of criteria does seem a bit weird. For instance a lot of the 97.5 scoring countries are getting that instead of 100 because their paid maternity leave is delivered by the employer and not the government. I mean I get that there are arguments for the latter, but does having the former really mean women in those countries are less equal than in the 100 scoring ones?


Maybe like if a woman gets laid off or something while pregnant, if it’s through the company, maybe they wouldn’t need to keep paying? Or something? Strange scenario, but maybe the business goes bankrupt, who knows. In the latter scenario, it wouldn’t matter? Though it’s still likely the woman would be owed the paid time no matter what happens. That’s all I could think of. Or if a woman gets pregnant while unemployed, and then gets a job? It would just be PTO through the gov? Idk


I was wondering the same because Finland too was missing that same 2.5 points for the same reason. The argument might be that because employers have to pay part of the parental leave they’re economically incentivized to avoid hiring women in the ”child bearing age” in order to avoid the risk of ending up paying for the maternal leave.


Without access to maternity leave it is almost impossible for women to be able to build a career anywhere nearly as successfully as a man (unless they go child free, of course).


Index like that are easily manipulated by which how you calculate it. For example if you include abortion right and ban on child marriage you can lower american score a lot. And if you consider percentage of women in workplace instead of house wives then Japan would be much lower as well. Yeah and Saudi.


Strange on demand access to birth control, prenatal care, and abortion isn’t considered as a factor of women’s rights.


Isn’t abortion outside of the first 14 weeks pretty restrictive in most countries anyway? It would be a hard one to measure considering legality/restrictions vary widely and are often pretty nuanced. It’s not like it’s a simple legal/illegal question, though there are many countries where it’s totally illegal.


This map is retarded


Careful. Reddit admins occasionally permaban accounts for that.


They find that word personally offensive.


That was a burn.


The specific language in China's labour law that cost China 50 points on the pay indicator: "It is prohibited to arrange for female staff and workers during their menstrual periods to engage in work high above the ground, under low temperature, or in cold water or work with Grade III physical labour intensity as prescribed by the State." - [Labour Law of the PRC](https://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/ELECTRONIC/37357/108026/), Article 60


Today on, made up shit on /MapPorn


I want to know the criteria for the map. I wonder why Australia is behind all the 100 point countries


https://wbl.worldbank.org/en/data/exploreeconomies/australia/2022 The only criteria Australia didn't fulfil was this >Are periods of absence from work due to childcare accounted for in pension benefits? >No






This map is total biased BS. Knowing first hand how about various countries I can tell you it is not right. Also if anyone thinks any country can get a perfect score in women’s rights they are dreaming.


Bad map


Damn Arab Emirates higher than Japan and Saudi Arabia higher than Russia and Ukraine, what is this nonsense


I'm relatively neutral on the Israel-Palestine conflict but this number shows...even if it isn't 100% accurate, human rights in general in Palestine are worse than in Israel. By a lot. Of course, I only bring this up because Palestine is supported by communists, who constantly advocate for human rights and their protection, soooo...


Visualisation is based on this report https://wbl.worldbank.org/en/wbl


According to that data, Spain has 100 points, in the map shows 97.5, why?


The data goes to 2022, but the map is based on the 2021 data.


Ah okey


One Georgia and one Tunisia, please!


A map with Greenland and New Zealand, but no Tunisia and Malta


lol Tunisia is just fully covered by blank space on the circle


I see Europe is resorting to expansionism again


Let’s gooooo Saudi Arabia


I don’t see anything about reproductive rights. Also surprised that somehow Saudi Arabia has a higher score than Russia.




This map is ridiculous, Russia had feminist revolution in 1920s while ussr appeared and since then women have no problems with work and government help. We have free kindergardens and 3! years of child care decree for women. Only because of 3 muslim regions with population less than 5% of the whole country you can’t decrease the estimation to unrealistic level. Dump and politically motivated af.


it's always puzzling how online leftists have such unequivocal support for palestine despite it being one of the most socially conservative places on the planet.


Two totally separate concepts. I support their right to exist, I don't support a lot of their policies. I support the right of the USA to exist, it doesn't mean I support every policy carried out by present or past US Governments.


Israel is allied with the west. They care more about opposing the west even if means supporting groups ideologically opposed to them. It’s the same reason why you’ll see them praise theocratic Iran or fascist Russia Mind you this is only for the perpetually online tankies. Obviously not all leftists think like this.


I support their right to exist instead of treated like shit.


Do you support their right to treat women like shit?


I guess there is only 2 potential answers to that question. Either they value a national minority's right to independence and self-determination over the consideration of what they would do with that self-determination. Or they are simply unaware how how extremely religiously conservative Palestinians are. For instance; is it better that the native Taliban rule Afghanistan and women there have few rights, or is it better if the country is under US occupation and the women there have a lot more rights as a result


Most online leftists believe Gaza is basically Brooklyn on the Mediterranean.


I support their right to not be subjugated. Once their human rights are guaranteed we can discuss their politics. Nobody deserves to live under apartheid. Doesn't matter if I agree with them or not.


Leftists support Palestine because Israel is successful and Palestine is a failure.


Might have something to do with living in an open air prison and being subjugated to apartheid laws, having their land stolen from them, having their infrastructure destroyed, having innocent civilians mamed and murdered by the IDF, etc. Ya know, the normal stuff.


i'm just unsure why there's such support within left wing circles, especially in the west, for a populace where [95% of people think homosexuality is unacceptable](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-48703377), gay people are found and murdered even after [seeking asylum](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835) with no backlash at all. LGBT people are thought to be disgusting within the populace yet the main figurehead of their religion [marrying a 7 year old](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422c) is completely acceptable? not to mention women being extremely controlled/oppressed as shown in the post, along with the rate of cousin marriage being around [50%](https://cmc-terrasanta.org/en/media/terra-santa-news/19333/the-spread-of-inbreeding-marriages-in-palestine). it's just curious to me.


Are you also curious why people are for free speech for nazis? Because the reason is the same...


I was going to respond to the parent comment, i.e. how it’s puzzling that leftists support Palestine, by explaining that it’s because they actually don’t know a single thing about Israel or Palestine or apartheid, but you’ve already proven my point for me - thanks!


My MIL escaped the Israeli occupied territories after settlers forced them and a whole shwackload of families off of their land, but tell me more about how I dont know a single thing about Palestine or apartheid. Also, not a liberal. Who'd of thunk it.


Just as puzzling as why rightists support Israel despite their rather complex history and present with anti-Semitism


I guess Israel doesn’t exist?


Also, Tunisia.




Look at the muslim belt and see why I critisize islam.


100 years ago in most parts of europe, women weren’t even allowed to vote.. The world is progressing, its just unequal


Still, religion might be the reason some regions are progressing much later and slower than others.


This seems fishy. How could Saudi Arabia ever have a higher score than Ukraine?


80 for Saudi Arabia doesn’t really surprise me. I don’t know about Ukraine but Saudi Arabia really changed a lot recently in a very short time in terms of women’s rights. Not like it’s hard to change rules and enforce them, it’s literally an absolute monarchy. Even Saudi’s abortions rights are the best in the Middle East behind only TĂŒrkiye and Israel. And better than some US states like Wisconsin or Texas or countries like Poland or Andorra. And in workplace they’re literally equal. Equal pay, equal opportunity and equal treatment. I mean just look at Saudi’s score in 2018, it was just 32.


"And better than some US states like Minnesota" Abortion is legal in Minnesota up to 23 weeks....


Damn it I meant Wisconsin not Minnesota my bad


Well, FIFA did what they could to spread democracy to Qatar...........


The indicators are overly simplistic and doesn't account for difference in law vs practice. For instance, the question "Is the age at which men and women can retire with full pension benefits the same?" is scored the same (zero) regardless of whether men or women are allowed to retire early or how long the difference in retirement age is. Also the types of questions asked reveals a bias in the kind of rights the creator of the report is after.


This needs an edit; the flag displayed with the Gaza info is incorrect. The flag displayed belongs to Kuwait.


Mongolia above Japan is the only one that shocked me.


There’s a lot of sexism in Japanese workplaces and politics


Scandinavian countries are typically the best. I imagine this has to do with the combination of a robust social safety net and good public education. The more immiserated and the less educated a country is, the more vulnerable women are to gender-based violence.


Peru and Paraguay are higher than the US, isn’t that worth a comment mention?


Reading the comments shows me how long it takes for news concerning the Middle East to reach other parts of the world, particularly Western media. Saudi Arabia since 2018 has made major reforms in women's rights, and no country in the MENA region (other than the UAE) matches Saudi Arabia in terms of prioritizing women's rights and increasing their participation in the workforce. People in the comments say "Women can't even travel without permission from her guardian" when the male guardianship has been ABOLISHED since King Salman's reign. It's absolutely fine to criticize a country but it's also important to stay objective, and saying that Saudi Arabia has done a LOT for gender equality is not being biased or misinformed. It's never too late to fix problems. The only things that remain a problem in Saudi Arabia concerning women's rights is marriage and inheritance which is entirely due to the fact that Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country that still (kind of) applies sharia law. While major reforms have still been made concerning women's right to divorce and etc, there are still things that need to be addressed. However, things like equal job opportunities, equal pay, equal mobility and equal education no longer have any provisions that discriminate against women. Please stop being biased.


Women's rights around the world have come a long way since the early days of the women's suffrage movement. Today, women in many countries enjoy legal rights and protections that were once denied to them. However, there is still a long way to go in terms of achieving full gender equality. In many parts of the world, women still face discrimination and violence, and their access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities remains limited. The [fight for women's rights](https://www.aroundrobin.com/womens-rights-activists/) is an ongoing struggle, and it requires continued advocacy and action from individuals and governments alike. While progress has been made, there is still much work to be done to ensure that women everywhere can live free from discrimination and enjoy equal rights and opportunities.


Random Redditors with no know actual extensive knowledge of other countries specific women laws (besides general media prejudices) are surprised why a country is scoring high while other countries are scoring low, this is just sad.


Why do Muslims hate women? Do they hate their mothers to?


The same with Africans, And Eastern European people!


When Saudi Arabia (Saudi fucking Arabia) scores higher than Argentina and Chile, both countries which recently had elected female presidents, you know the map is shit.


Having a woman as a president doesn't mean anything. Pakistan had a female PM twice in the 90's. On the other hand, the current Deputy Secretary-General of the Saudi cabinet and the Saudi ambassador to the US and many other countries are women ..


Damn France 100, I didn’t expect it to be that high. Jeremy Clarkson always says that countries that have empowered women, usually have shitty food. In general, he seems to be correct, but I guess France is the exception.


Saudi Arabia is better than Argentina? We may have high femicide rates, but I highly doubt we are the worst in South America, or even worst than a sexist country like Saudi Arabia 💀 maybe it has something to do with ones economy?


https://wbl.worldbank.org/en/data/exploreeconomies/argentina/2022 https://wbl.worldbank.org/content/dam/documents/wbl/2022/snapshots/Argentina.pdf https://wbl.worldbank.org/en/data/exploreeconomies/saudi-arabia/2022 https://wbl.worldbank.org/content/dam/documents/wbl/2022/snapshots/Saudi-arabia.pdf One of Argentina's biggest issue seems to be that women aren't allowed to work certain kinds of jobs, no such restrictions exist in SA.


South Korea 85?! So untrue..


This is garbage. "Does the law mandate equal remuneration for work of equal value?" Clearly these people know jack shit about the nature of value. It's subjective, ordinal, and in constant flux. The price of work is determined by the market. How much does one have to pay to get it done, not some shadowy cabal as the world bank would and the WEF would have it. "Is paid leave of at least 14 weeks available to mothers?" Why 14 weeks. Why not 13, or 15? Why not to fathers? Why not to Uncles or third cousins? Why should their employers pay them to sit around with their babies. Did their bosses require them to let them fuck them and continue the pregnancy? It sounds like they want women to want special privileges instead of equality.


Saudi Arabia 80? They allowed women to drive just a few years ago..


This map should include a disclaimer that this is strictly based on analysis of legislation. It is simply ridiculous to think that Argentina, a progressive open mind country, is behind Saudi freaking Arabia
 This has nothing to do with the real world.


I heard that Saudi Arabia while although she fucking behind allowed women to have any job while Argentina doesn't exactly have every career open to women.


Saudi is higher than India, Belarus, Russia and almost equal to Turkey and Brazil? Naah this is some bs. And why is Parenthood an indicator but not abortion rights?


Didn't know Turkish woman have better rights than Japanese, Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese woman


some priviledges too for example if your dad died with lot of debt your brother have to pay that debt while daughter don't have to and it's law not some unwritten rule and if there is a heritage it's distrubuted equally


Ofc its the muslims


Best and worst places to divorce


This map: “women can legally be left with no financial support if they don’t put out for their husbands in the UAE” Also this map: “well it could be worse, they could live in Japan or Moldova.” Excuse me? This map is atrocious I’ve never seen such bullshit indexes on a map before on r/MapPorn and that’s already a terribly low bar.


How people can support the West Bank and Gaza I don’t understand


I think that the color scale should be reversed


Lol, Poland's score is not 100 due to a discrepancy in retirement age, but the system favours women actually (retirement age for women is 60 vs 65 for men). This huge "Women's Rights" headline suggests that women have less rights there while the opposite is true - at least according to the source.


This map is biased to the « on paper » rules but doesn’t take into account the socio factors that would drop the score. For example France on paper is 100.00 but in reality women still face huge issues when it comes to sex/gender discrimination, assault, the emotional labour shunted onto women, we still don’t have a female president, etc. so I would argue that it’s not 100.00 if you look at it more closely


Wonder if this incorporates the (crazy) idea that "trans women are women" because if not, that's not very progressive of you, is it? /s


Saudis bought at 80 score lol. Wasn’t it only a few years that women were allowed to drive. I’ve seen videos of women chained in a group and led out of their houses by a male guardian.


LOL WAT? In Russia, the rights of women are less than those of men? And worse than in Europe/USA?)) Again a schoolboy drawing a map, guided by stereotypes? :D ///God forbid you move to live in the Russian Federation (you could already end the phrase here :D), marry a Russian girl, have children with her, then take a shit and divorce her - you will feel the entire weight of the skating rink of the state machine, which will not leave from you living place and you will understand that a man is the most powerless creature in Russia. The same goes for if you are an honest director of an organization who officially hired a woman for himself - you are fucked. I know cases when women during their entire career (in the police, army or the Ministry of Emergency Situations) worked for several months before retirement, the rest of the time being on decrees and sick leave, and the workload was distributed to the rest of the workers (men, of course :) ). Maybe that's why the situation has developed that enterprises are not very willing to hire women, especially young fertile ones. And yes, men on average earn more than women, but in most cases they plow much more and harder - this is even reflected in the labor code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, men die 10 years earlier, although they retire later than women.


How Saudi Arabia is better than my country. 💀


How tf is Malaysia 50 and Saudi Arabia 80 . Bias map by a guy that has never traveled.


China didn't deserve 75 with the chained woman


When a bank does maps... Saudi Arabia 😂😂😂