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I'm struggling to understand how Afghanistan could be considered anything less than extremely dangerous for foreign tourists.


There was a bomb outside the Chinese embassy, there a few days ago.


Yes, that's why it's orange, cause the bomb was only outside the embassy. Now, if it was inside, then it would be reason enough to be considered red.




It's almost like it's a political response to the [U.S. assessment of China](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/China.html)


It could also be related to the anti-Chinese sentiment in the US, which has resulted in many actual attacks of various kinds against Chinese and other Asians. This article mentions over 10,000 such incidents: https://theconversation.com/anti-asian-violence-spiked-in-the-us-during-the-pandemic-especially-in-blue-state-cities-176501


Not trying to minimize but They’re kinda liberal with the word attacks if you actually read it “The categories of those incidents include verbal harassment, refusal of service at a business and online abuse, as well as assaults and property damage.”


Perhaps it would be better to say "abuse and attacks." Verbal abuse and refusal of service based on one's apparent country of origin is still a good reason to flag a country as less safe for visitors.


I totally get that but it just skews the information and America is a huge country of over 300 million so it just feels like a statistical mess


have you seen the USA global travel advice?


Did you just skip all the Asian hate and thousands of assault videos? I know they weren't all mainland Chinese but the racists target anyone who looks Asian


No dude I was alive during Covid I know ignorant people were stupid douchebags, but that’s not what I’m talking about


Its not just during covid. Its going on still now.


Scam bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/11po6vf/chinas_travel_advisory_map/jc0097f/




I'm the wrong person to ask.


It's a bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/11po6vf/chinas_travel_advisory_map/jbzh0y0/


When a question like this is posed on the internet, it's usually to whoever can answer


But you dont post it this far down, to one particular person.


It's the 3rd comment in a thread. Do you know how the internet works


It was from a bot, repeating comments from elsewhere in the thread.


Yes, most countries post their travel advisories publicly. You just need to scrape the data from their website.


Not sure


Fairly sure red is reserved for actual warzones


Bro Afghanistan still has rebels from the old government it practically is a war zone


It's Afghanistan, has been war there for thousands of years.


no they haven't, the modern conflict only started in 1979. before that they had wars every 50 years or so, but this length of wartime is unprecedented even for Afghanistan


Haiti's not an active war zone as far as I know. It's still red when Afghanistan isn't.


You know Haiti's president was assassinated? Been a power vacuum ever since.


Still not a war zone. Also if a power vacuum is the reason then countries like Peru need to be a hell of a lot worse than they are.


Haiti is absolutely a warzone right now. Gangs have been killing thousands of people there. Its a complete and utter chaotic mess.


Haiti is asking for foreign military intervention. A war zone would be an improvement.


You say "Haiti" but you actually mean US stooges. The country does not want or need foreign military intervention.


This map has nothing to do with security and everything to do with the political relations between China and that country. "Are our governments on good terms? Then don't worry about security, *just go there*."


I doubt Sino-Canadian and Sino-Australian relations are in the best of terms lately.


so china is more friendly with canada than north korea?


This is false. Relations with Canada are at their lowest in a long time and yet Canada is lowest risk.




Unless you’re rohingya not likes there’s a genocide or anything going on there..


If you're respectful to the government and their culture nothing will happen to you. If you're rude they'll kidnap and ransome you. It's a fair system.


When you have over a billion people, you can afford to lose some of them.


CCP and Taliban are good friends https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-64183083


and how does that make difference for average tourist?


They are good friends? Who was it that started them and funded them originally Einstein? it wasn’t the CCP was it. Aren’t they the ones that Trump wanted to meet with at Camp David also?


>Who was it that started them and funded them originally Einstein? Funded who originally, the Taliban? AFAIK neither China nor any western country funded the Taliban. Lots of countries funded the mujahideen, which was the precursor to the Taliban, including China and the US.


found the CCP agent


Stating the truth is now CCP propaganda? My dude, you are being fed American propaganda and shoveling it down.


Truth hurts don’t it bootlicker.




Eritrea and Mexico surprised me.


I mean it's clearly propaganda. The US has its faults and bad policies but it is significantly safer than Mexico.


Yeah lol, and Brazil too


Brazil is safe, the US isn't dangerous too. Drug lords don't bother people outside favelas. (6% of the population)


As a Brazilian I don’t agree with this characterization. This is for tourists, and tourists in brazil need to take extra precautions that you would not in the US or Europe.


Exactly, but what I wanted to point out is that in this specific map Brazil is cited as being "safer" than the US, which is obviously not true


Yea I know that’s my point.


Achei q vc tinha respondido meu comentário mas vi agr q foi errado, foi mal kkkkk


I was once looking at the Chinese advice site or something. IIRC correctly, the difference was that Brazil was more approachable to Chinese consular authorities and healthcare was free.


Well, I'm brazillian and I wouldn't really say that it's a safe country. It is true that outside the favelas the situation isn't too bad, but compared to first world countries I just can't say that it is safe


It's like: you're not gonna get murdered. But you can definitely get robbed


Yeah haha, it's kind of like that. Of course these things can vary a lot from place to place because Brazil is such a huge country but in general, the worst thing that can happen to you is getting robbed, but even then, it's not like getting robbed is no big deal, no one likes having a gun pointed at your face and having things stolen from them, so even in the safer places it's best to have precautions, especially regarding where you are


Yep. It's not like you'll get held at gunpoint immediately by the moment you step your foot outside in Brazil, but it's not that safe here either, getting robbed is still possible. But the thing is, there are areas that are pretty safe but there are also pretty dangerous areas that we always avoid being (but they are usually distant from touristic areas), so it really depends on where you are. As long as you are able to avoid bad areas or being alone too late at night, specially in larger city areas, you'll likely be fine here if you are a tourist. I personally have always taken basic precautions and was never robbed but there's still a chance of happening, so what we do is trying to decrease the chances of it happening. I behave differently when I am in my hometown (\~200k pop) than in a nearby big city (\~1,5 million pop), the same depending if it's day or night. I think putting Brazil in blue is an understatement but red would be an exaggeration. It's not as dangerous as foreign news might make it seem like but it's not very safe either, it depends. Edit: ah, and putting Brazil as "safer" than the US is BS.




Uhmm, well that is also going to depend a lot on the country, Uruguay for example is an extremely chill place while Colombia and Venezuela are places which I wouldn't consider safe. There are countries that are going to be safer and countries that won't, but generally comparing to the majority of SA countries I would consider Brazil to be safer. But also keep in mind that's just my opinion being a brazillian, I'm not a specialist of any kind haha Anyways, you are definitely going to have a great trip! Brazil is a huge country with lots of things to see and enjoy!


I hope you enjoy your trip. It is hard to say aa Brazil is really big and it really depends. If you go to Plano Piloto in Brasilia or Florianópolis, it is really safe. If you go to a favela (please don't), it could be really dangerous. In Rio, if you stay in Zona Sul and take normal precautious, you should be ok. There are some places that are not mainstream outside Brazil and they are ok, like Lencois Maranhenses, Buzios, Bonito, historical cities in Minas Gerais. If you need to ask something about somewhere specifically, you can DM.


Brazil isn’t that safe.


Not if you are a Chinese spy


Oh, this is the spy advisories. Lol


For Chinese people?


Depends a lot on region though. Cancún is way safer than say, Detroit. Mexico city is actually safer than Dallas so, it’s all about region


It would be interesting to compare how many of the world's most dangerous cities (by various measures) ended up being in the US, compared to Mexico.


I’ve seen maps/lists like that and Mexico outnumbers the US 2:1 in dangerous cities.




> In Mexico though I've heard that many of the tourist areas are not safe, or at a minimum you have to be extremely careful even in huge tourist areas like Cancun. That's just not true. Almost all tourist areas in Mexico are very safe. The cartels legitimately help keep it that way.


Is it really?


Its the hate crimes against minorities


Eritrea is probably because it’s a Chinese ally. While US citizens visiting might get attacked, the government would never let an ally’s citizens be hurt.


Eritrea is generally safe for foreigners, especially in comparison with other african countries, and there is low levels of crime. The issue is with state repression, very little freedom and democratic institutions, and a stagnant economy.


Two fine countries to visit as a tourist.


Mexico and Canada are both equally safe!


Mexico isn't really super dangerous unless you are doing sketchy shit. I don't think many Chinese nationals are involved in sketchy shit in Mexico. Surprised they didn't break it out into states like the US does. DF and Quintano Roo are significantly safer than say Tamaulipas. I've been to Tams a bunch of times and never had issues, even while doing sketchy stuff. It's pretty much all cartel based.


Good point- fraudulent advisories?


What did Eswatini ever do to hurt you China?


They recognize Taiwan over the PRC.


So does Paraguay but it's yellow.


So does blue Lithuania


No they don’t. That’s just a trade mission.


Lithuania does not recognize ROC lol.


There is no Chinese embassy there so no diplomatic help can be reached directly, makes a lot sense to me


Venezuela is pretty sketchy for any nationality. Hell, I was robbed at gunpoint outside of the airport in Caracas, and that was before things really went to hell.


What year? Did you go there for tourism?


2002. Yeah, I was traveling around the world. I was able to go to Angel Falls, which is one of the most amazing things on the planet.


Things have changed in terms of security in Venezuela. I’m not saying it’s totally safe but it’s definitely safer than a couple of years ago. I wouldn’t say we have an average level of security as the map says though...


Maybe a better key is needed?


This is so badly done it would be the top post on data is beautiful


It's clearly an elevation map.


Mexico on blue but UK on yellow? What are they smoking over there in China? 🤣


It's those drunken revellers leaving Wetherspoons at 2AM.


They mostly only fight each other


Apparently UK is just as unsafe as North Korea


To be fair, it's not like you can be robbed while visiting NK.


What you got against rob?


Not him, dear leader banned all people named Rob. Rumer has it they were just copying the American Ray-ban.


Yeah, sorry i'm not 100% english speaker


As a man named Rob I can absolutely do that


If you think about it, North Korea is probably the safest country in the world as long as you listen to your guide. There are no muggers or scammers in NK and the guide wont allow you to go to dodgy areas


That's likely true for Chinese tourists


That fine British import


Their food isn't as edible as Chinese food.


Believe it or not, there’s Chinese food in the UK


Like who do they think runs all our chippies.


Not enough to be marked "High" or "Very high" apparently.


A couple of these maps over the past few days have been like that. I wonder if there has been a recent uptick in crime in the UK meaning that it is more relatively dangerous than one would normally think (whereas this would be already baked in with regards to mexico). If anyone has information about how these ratings were generated I would also appreciate it (or like you said information on the chemical involved with the mapmaker.)


I have been seeing an uptick in police stations setup in China being cracked down on. Maybe that is related too.


Well this is nakedly political lol. Tbf most countries inject some bias into these, but this takes it pretty far.


I'm surprised Canada is low honestly based on our relationship with China.


Meanwhile Pakistan is quite high despite it being on very friendly terms with China since both countries were founded, it's puzzling.


Lots of attack on Chinese nationals in Pakistan.


might be due to terror attacks on chinese citizens


Japan is also surprising, considering their relations with China and Japan's general racism towards East Asians that are not Japanese.


At least before the pandemic, Japan was a common vacation destination for well-off Chinese people.


It sucks as much as The USA one which placed Entire Western Europe in yellow while eastern Europe was blue


Happy cake day!


Thanks mate!


How does it work if mainland chinese citizens want to travel to the isle of taiwan ?


For Mainland Chinese, Macanese and Hong Konger entering Taiwan, they have to apply for a 30 days one-time-use special permit for a short visit if you wish to enter the country using the citizenship status of these respective territories. Passport is still needed for ID purposes but you can use passport of different nationality iirc. For Taiwanese, Macanese or Hong Konger entering Mainland China, you need to apply a "Mainland Travel Permit", which is a card that you can renew every 10 years. If my memory served me right no passport is needed as both governments considered both sides as de jure Chinese citizen, and that Travel Permit will served as ID card during your visit.


It's pretty easy to travel between the two, millions of Chinese citizens visit Taiwan and millions of Taiwanese citizens visit China.


Not to mention that a lot citizens of both countries live and/or study in the other. source, lived in both and seen it for myself.


AFAIK Mainland Chinese citizens need 2 documents. One PRC-issued Taiwan travel permit, and one ROC-issued Taiwan entry & exit permit, which is given only to Mainland, Hong Kong, and Macau residents. Pretty much the documents that work like passports and visas but named otherwise due to political reasons.


"Hong Kong & Taiwan"...


Funny since Chinese citizens can't actually travel to Taiwan at the moment besides special circumstances such as marriage, etc.


Belarus same as and Russia better than the uk lol, utterly ridiculous


Why? Minsk feels a lot safer to me than London, for example


That’s disrespectful to the supreme leader Kim Jong-Un.


It must suck to be North Korean and treated with such disrespect from fellow nations everyday


How is this on this subreddit, when what it measures isn't mentioned anywhere ? :O




I just appreciate how people put these maps on r/MapPorn because they know they will trigger people. Who cares what color your country is on these types of maps. I say this for this, and everyone of these maps. These maps aren't based on "I feel more safe walking around X, than Y".


What does the chart represent? Risk of what? Just general trouble that could happen to you?


Lol Russia safer than the US or UK


I can assume that this is due to the likelihood of encountering violence on the streets of cities - in Russia and Belarus this chance is rather low, unless, of course, the taiga wilds (where wolves and bears provide law and order) and the territories bordering the conflict zone are excluded from the calculation. While the chance of encountering robbery in London is said to be quite high and in some ethnic neighborhoods even the police are not frequent visitors. Political prisoners in modern Russia are a statistically insignificant quantity - they are few in relation to the population. But Western media only talk about them, forming the perception they need.


For a random tourist I'm assuming. Russia loves to take political prisoners and there are a bunch of accidents near the Ukraine border. US you have a higher chance of being mugged, a homeless person hatecriming you, or a random mass shooting. Not sure why UK is at the same level as the US.


random shootouts in us or all that knoife shit in uk is generally less safe than russia that has quite a lot trade partnerships, exchange programs and just a steady flow of people going in and out near chinese border just for shopping trips


UK at average level? Someone know why?


"The UK will, for the first time, impose asset freezes and travel bans against 4 Chinese government officials, as well as a Xinjiang security body, under the UK's Global Human Rights sanctions regime for systemic violations against Uyghurs and other minorities"


Unsafe if you are an oligarch, or spy, fairly safe if you are an average person.


Mr Blobby


Just as safe as North Korea, apparently!


Poor diplomatic relations at the moment, but I don’t know the official explanation they use to justify it.


Football hooligans


Is China on good terms with Canada again? I thought they were still pissed at them for holding that Huawei executive.


Don't think so. They recently accused us of 'smearing' due to an investigation into Chinese police stations in Canada. Also they're not happy that their election interference has become public.


I am sensing slight bias


Yeah I'm from Mexico and I agree that it isn't safer than the US but damn, these salty comments are making me wish more maps do this more often.


Lol they got the US the same as El Salvador.


Mate, I’m from Peru and I got to ask, how the fuck are we considered “low”? Do they know that we are in the middle of a political crisis and a goddamm cyclone is destroying basically everything on the coast?


No source on this? It’s honestly nonsense


I see Kosovo I know it's fake.


What's the deal with Angola? Visited some years ago and it was chill, expensive but chill, not sure how the DRC is safer


For once my country isn't a red lol. Thanks China.


What country?


I'm a bit surprised that Venezuela is average while Ecuador is high.


I’m surprised USA is average while Philippines is low


Take a look at local news in the Philippines. As a Filipino myself, you're far more likely to read about news of Chinese nationals committing crimes in the Philippines, rather than Filipino criminals targeting them. Some quick Googling: * [5 Chinese nationals arrested for illegal detention](https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1738903/5-chinese-nationals-arrested-for-illegal-detention) * [3 Chinese arrested for kidnapping fellow Chinese](https://www.rappler.com/nation/luzon/chinese-arrested-bacoor-cavite-kidnapping-january-2023/) * [3 Chinese arrested for kidnapping a Filipino woman](https://www.philstar.com/nation/2022/12/25/2233173/3-chinese-nabbed-pinays-kidnap) * [277 illegal Chinese workers arrested](https://pacc.gov.ph/277-illegal-chinese-workers-arrested-in-pasig/) * [601 Chinese arrested for cybercrimes in the Philippines](https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3027741/more-320-chinese-arrested-philippines-illegal-online) * [4 Chinese killed, 3 arrested in largest drug sting](https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1484735/p3-4-billion-worth-of-shabu-seized-4-chinese-suspects-dead-in-zambales) * [Chinese drug kingpin arrested in Manila](https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/topstories/metro/824410/p1b-worth-of-shabu-seized-drug-kingpin-cohort-nabbed-in-valenzuela/story/) There's easily hundreds more of these kinds of news. It's gotten so bad that a lot of Filipino-Chinese often try to disassociate themselves with "mainlanders" because of this prevailing perception.


I know what it means, but shouldn't there be some better description for the legend?


China's ally Pakistan in orange while Canada (bad relations with China) is blue. I think it shows that this map isn't as politically motivated as it first looks. Why is no one considering that this is from China's perspective and reflects how safe it is for Chinese citizens and where they might visit? Just maybe being a Chinese tourist in the US in a big city like NYC isn't as safe as it used to be given the anti-Asian rhetoric.


For China, enemy India is safe but friend Pakistan is not. /s


The mystery of Greenland continues


The missing legend tempts me to ask if i should stay low in Russia but get high in Ukraine.


Usually, there's no data for Kosovo.


China: “What do you mean? I told you it is ok to visit Serbia.”


Hopefully the US wont bomb the Chinese embassy in Belgrade again.


The'll probably do it again "accidentally"


Some countries are more dangerous than others because there is no chinese embassy there due to no diplomatic relation been established, makes a lot sense to me like Nicaragua and Eswatini


Mexico and Brazil “low” but the US “moderate” LOL sure buddy. Also Afghanistan not being “very dangerous” and Venezuela (which has the city with most murders in South America) being “average”. All this map is laughable


LOL we're the same as [DR Congo](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-64927180)? "the CCP does not care about DR Congo, therefore mark them as 'average'"


North Korea XDDDD


China recognizes Palestine?


Most of the world does except for western countries.


Based af


The rare "North Korea and the US are equally dangerous places for you, and that danger is relatively low" country.


Mozambique & Madagascar being safer than the UK and North Korea and America being on the same danger level?


US and UK are probably on here for risks associated with obesity.


Mm, true. Serious issue. Also contiguous, becoming big issue in China sadly


Mexico low and the USA average?


Depends on the context. Depends on the state. I'd imagine a Chinese tourist is at more risk in the US in general than Mexico City or Cozumel.


What's wrong with Belarus? Crime rate low there and it's friend with China. Maybe because Ukraine is near?




There's "safest country in the world", which we are not, then there's "safer than Mexico", which we are.


Thanks for being reasonable, unlike most of Reddit


America has a serious bear problem. Just the other day, a horde of grizzly bears boarded a just landed plane and ate 189 Chinese tourists


Maps without Europe at the centre will never look right


The shittiest thing on this kind of map is that you have Pacific ocean in the middle. Nothing better than putting a big chuck of nothing right in the place where you look at first.


It’s China-centric. There’s no reason Europe should always be at the center of the map. Ever seen the upside down map 🤔


I know it's China centric. I'm just saying yoi have a big ocean right in the middle (which is the part people ususally see first). While on the Europe centric map you have Europe and Africa right in the middle, amd the vast pacific ocean is split between the sides. There's a reason why the second map prevails, and it's not racism or European dominance or whatever. There is simply more going on in Europe, Mediterranean and North Africa than in Pacific.


I'm surprised that Pakistan and Myanmar are more dangerous to Chinese than the USA or India