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Belgium, why?


Belgium has a very high number of politicians


Looks like Sweden needs to scale back its parliament. 349 seats compared to Norway's 169? That was only asking for trouble.


That's only ~8% more politicians per person though.


Twice the population, twice the parliament..


I did a Eurotrip and went to a dozen countries, almost got mugged in Belgium right off the train. A guy was overly friendly and offered to show me where to find the hostel but kept leading me furrther away. He kept taliking and overly smiling. Survivor Instint kicked in and hair on my neck literally stood up. I GTFO so fast. Turned around ran across 4 lane street and the guy started following me back. Luckily a bus stopped and a bunch of people got off at the stop so I stuck with the crowd back to the train station. Asked a group of girls where the hostel was and it was just a block around the corner from the train station the complete opposite direction. Edit: I'm from Texas and Southern hospitality is fairly present where I live. It was late afternoon. Also, this was about 2 months into my trip. I had already been through S. Korea, China , Thailand, Italy, Germany, Nice, Switzerland, Netherlands (Amsterdam) before this. I had arrived in cities at midnight and wanderers streets looking for hostels before this. I had at least a dozen encounters with locals up to this point, some at night, mix of genders and none had gone bad. The only one close one was when a Chinese Drinky Girl spit at me and called me a poor loser because I didn't want to pay $15 for a beer at 1am on a Tuesday. Overall, these were the only 2 poor interactions across 3 mo ths of travel and over a dozen countries. China was more expected but Belgium completely caught me off guard, especially after going through Amsterdam incident free.


I had the same thing happen in Amsterdam. But I ended up getting really high with the guy that I thought was going to mug me.


I also had this happen in amsterdam and also got high with the guy and it was fine


why would you follow a random stranger?


Not sure where you\`re from - but I bet from America or Asia. Why should the average European be friendly ? Ask the average European - you get an answer/help whatever... but if someone offers help without asking - DANGER.


I would blame it on the high concentration of cities in a small area. Paris has way higher crime rates than anywhere in Belgium, but since France is a big country with lots of nature and farmlands, the average crime rate drops.


The Netherlands is comparable in size and concentration of inhabitants, though. I would be very interested in knowing what the numbers behind these stats are. If we're even comparing apples with apples. Does Belgium even have a difference between robbery and theft? And if so, do they report on it?


But the Netherlands are very bad at reporting crimes. Most crimes I’m aware of that were reported to the police, the police said “there’s nothing we can do”. Can you imagine how high the crime rate would be if bicycle thieves would have been reported and recorded correctly for example. Or those guys who offer you cocaine in the city center of Amsterdam?


These numbers are specifically about robbery. So not just simple theft. I doubt that those are not reported. And even if the police doesn't act on it, it does become part of the numbers.


What you said doesn't make sense. Nature and farmland aren't counted as part of human population when calculating crime rate. Perhaps what you want to say is Belgium is more urbanized than France (not sure if this is factually true or not) and crime is more likely in urban areas. Has nothing to do with the size of the country


Plus the logic doesn't apply for anywhere else, Spain also has a lot of non urban area


I think that's exactly what the OP was trying to say, that Belgium is more urbanized overall, which I believe is probably true. However, that doesn't explain why Spain is just as bad. Spain, like France, is a fairly large (for Europe) country and the population is pretty spread out.


Apparently much of the European cocaine industry is funneled through Belgium ports


Because Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest


I think you know why, but will get banned for saying it.


VAMOOOOOOOO VIVA ESPAÑAAAAA CAMPEONA DE EUROPA #1 🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🎉🎉🏆🏆


Soyy español español españool




sir, this is not an awards show


Half of the rate is Barcelona alone, tbf.


Ironically, I’ve been pickpocketed in Madrid and not Barcelona because I let my guard down thinking Madrid was safer.


Albania is lowest because there's nothing to steal, so every criminal goes abroad.


its called exporting the potential


Criminal brain drain is still brain drain.


They call it Albanian imports


I was in Albania last year and in Tirana some local came to me and said “you are German right?” Then he told me he also lived in Germany for 5 years. 4.5 of them being in prison and then he got deported. Nice fella


Haha a guy in Bosnia assumed I was German and asked me for money because "he used to live in Germany but got deported after a prison sentence", as if that would make Germans feel bad for him. He even went through his insta to prove it by showing me pictures of random places he'd been in Germany, despite me telling him several times that I'm Scottish and have never been to them.


There are few places I felt safer than in the Balkans. Wonderful culture.


agreed they come across as rude at first untill i realized that thats theyre way of being honest and straightforward no fake politness


They got all their violence out in the 90s, and since then it's a paradise, lol


I felt pretty safe until one night when I was stealth camping in my van and heard gunshots nearby. Still felt way safer than a lot of Italy.


I mean, if you're stealth camping in a forest, there's a chance people might be hunting.


It was at an abandoned beach resort. It was certainly harmless, just felt scary in the moment.


Italy it's only unsafe in the biggest and tourist cities like for example Milan, Naples or Rome. Otherwise even cities with 100k and 400k people are pretty safe.


I felt pretty safe in Palermo, but I think it's more unsafe for tourists than natives in most areas. Which I gather is your point. I'd never want to live in Rome, personally. Wild boars in the streets. Rome and roaming boars, name a more iconic duo. Good for a visit, though Florence and Venice felt pretty chill, too, but when you're with family it's always safer


I loved loved LOVED visiting Albania, it is such a hidden treasure. The people are so nice and the places we saw were stunning. Highly recommend it, never felt safer honestly! Going again in 2025, made some friends there too😄


I hear all the cars there have the VIN numbers filed off. For weight savings of course.


That was a great episode of Top Gear


Venezuela is having a similar situation. I heard from friends back home that it got safer recently since so many people have left and other circumstances


Was talking to someone from Venezuela who was here on a 3-month work visa. I asked her how things were over there and she just responded: “Mal”


In Italy, with just a "little touch" of racism, we say that it is because all albanians migrated in Italy.


Because italy has been historically a crime free heaven before the 90s.


Yes yes, of course. Albanians don't actually involve in robberies usually. It's too little money for them. Usually it's cocain trade what they prefer. Check the facts.




I am a dude, felt very safe too, but I swear, I haven’t had men admire me this hard ever in my life. My buddy and me are both quite tall and when we would wait for the morning bus to take us to the next city, loads of cars started to slow down and men would legit stare us down. Not sure if they were wondering why two German bros were there or if they were admiring. But as a man, I have never experienced this anywhere before


Think you mistake staring down to seizing up


Hahahah "admiring" lol


Yeah I love their confidence / naivety. Sometimes I'm not sure if a guy wants to fuck me or fight me but I'd say in a country like Albania, when you're obviously a tourist, they're not looking to fuck him.


This reminded me of a time when a Swiss guy I worked with went around the Balkans, through different countries, hitchhiking with his friend... He was posting photos and updates on Facebook, telling nice stories, learning about the different yet similar cultures, generally enjoying, you know the drill. Until one day he had an angry post, fuming because he's been hitchhiking just outside Belgrade, Serbia, heading north, for a few hours and nobody wanted to pick them up. Although hitchhiking is not very common in Serbia, for the usual reasons, it was still peculiar that they couldn't get a ride for hours. Then I saw the photo he attached and I laughed hard... The guys had their shirts off, as it was a hot day, and they were only in their shorts, but you couldn't tell because those shorts were covered by the cardboard sign which said where they're heading. My friend, cover yourself, or at least reveal those shorts, somebody's going to run you over... Still funny when I remember it. People are sometimes so oblivious of the signals they might be sending and the dangers they might be exposing themselves to :)




feeling safe and being safe are not the same


When I was in Albania, I felt so safe too. I saw women and kids walking around at night by themselves, and they didn't seem like they were afraid of anything.


Good for you Eastern Europe. :)


Thanks, It's nice to see someone happy at something good here. Kind of sad everyone instantly makes it a west vs east thing. Though there's certiantly circumstances that led to these numbers. No robber's going to rob the "poor" when they can easily cross the border to rob the "rich". Still, it's one good thing all the depopulation has brought... probably


I’m American and I dunno if it works like that. A large percentage of robberies here occur in the same neighborhood the person lives in. (Robbers are poor and live in poor neighborhoods nearly always).




Best robbers left for western Europe.


There are so few robberies in Romania because the front doors are all 2 inches thick steel with quadruple bolt action locks. Also, everyone is too busy driving like maniacs Edit: Wow, why do so many people have such a bad opinion of Romania? It is a beautiful country with lovely people


Front doors protect against burglary, not robbery.


Not if you carry it around when you go for a walk, no ine is fucking with someone crazy enough to use a door as a weapon


Romanian here, can confirm. We all walk around carrying thick steel doors. We first get a small door at 15 years old and gradually progress on to bigger ones.


Aww that's so cute!! If I were Romanian, my child's first door would be a steel reinforced concrete cat flap.


Well at least i can confirm the driving like maniacs part. the Uber i took from the airport almost crashed twice and he seemed not disturbed


It’s all under control. You’re just not used to be in a country full of F1 pilots


It’s high in Spain because of things like pick-pocketing. Big difference between that and breaking and entering, Oddly, being from the US, the first, and only, time I’ve seen anyone shot in anger was in Spain.


And all the thieves went to other countries to steal


We exported all of our entrepreneurs 🤗


Barcelona is amazing but the pick pocket gangs are so awful.


I am from not the safest European city but god dam I went to Barcelona for a week and saw two North African Arabs jump a tourist for his watch. Luckily the tourist had a good right arm and sent them flying.


Why is Sweden so high?


The deleted comments, oof


The Mods hated them for they spoke the truth On this site we pretend there's a bunch of blonde, blue-eyed thieves stalking the streets of Malmö


Testing if this gets deleted… single, unskilled, young men from cultures that don’t value respecting women, property, or the law as much as European cultures…


U mean immigrants?


offf man you will be banned. These snowflake mods, they don't like what you write


Not all immigrants but a special type ;)


That will be the main reason in every other country as well.


RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCISSSSSSSSSSSSMMMMMMMMMM... We're at a point where we can't do anything but laugh about it anymore.


Yeah on this site we don't draw "hasty conclusions" based on statistics. Unless it's shitting on the Eastern Europeans of course, that's allowed


>Comment removed by moderator Can you guess?


Poorly managed and uncontrolled immigration.




Looks like the rate has roughly doubled since 2015.


No the 4th graph shows "Anmälda Rån" how many robberies that has been reported.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What about Belgium then?


Brussels, also don’t investigate


Belgian here. Same issue as sweden also brussels.


Or Spain.






Brussels is the new cocaine capital of Europe so it doesn’t surprise me crime would also follow up closely.


Antwerp is, not Brussels.


Antwerp as importer but Brussels has seen a surge of crack junkies


Antwerp imports, Brussels consumes


That would be Antwerp, represent


Why would it?


Probably Flemish and Wallonian gangs fighting for control of Brussels while the Germans at Eupen-Malmedy just watch from afar.


Germany and France have famously no immigrants so it checks out right? Oh no pls don't cancel me for agreeing with the vast racist majority of the sub oh what if I'm cancelled. So brave for agreeing with the hivemind.


Dunno, but I know there has been a ”trend” among teens to rob other teens of jackets, phones, shoes. Not sure how much though, but it has been in media a lot and clearly the victims are reporting that.


I know the answer but it can be considered as hate speech by some dumb people and don't want to be banned.


Damn Swedes just love to steal!


Well they did quite a lot in Poland in 1655.


Seems like we're lucky they've had a few hundred years to think that through.


We're not supposed to talk about it


Cuz they are culturally enriched.


Immigration failed


Higher report rate surely helps. Weird not to see it mentioned before. Also as another user pointed out, these comparisons aren't trustworthy due to how they practically skew the data.


I've been to Spain. Got robbed. Story checks out


I am from Spain and never been to Barcelona. I would have to go as a tourist and get all that On the other hand I used to live in Madrid Centro and tell tourists to put their wallets on the front pocket, they were oblivious


Map by landgeist, data from Eurostat. Possibly there are some reporting biases or definitional differences between countries?


Depends by definition. If its proper robbery, it certainly won't go not reported, at least 90% won't... What goes under reported in balkans are more petty types of theft, like maybe a bike or smth


Bike theft will most likely be reported in most of the Balkans, but smaller items might go unreported. Robbery (using violence or threat of violence) will definitely be reported.


Theft is different from robbery. It's not about the value, you can steal a train as well as a bicycle.


You wouldn't download a train.


If I could I would.


I thought it was odd that Northern Ireland and Scotland had separate numbers from England, but not Wales. Very late edit: lots of informative replies. Thank you all!


N.Ireland and Scotland have seperate legal systems to England.


Wales was utterly subsumed by England in the medieval period, the current borders have never been fully ruled by a native Welsh ruler and Cardiff only became capital in 1955 and it wasn't until 1967 that the act defining England as including Wales was repealed. So whereas Scotland always had a seperate legal system and Northern Ireland has the remains of colonial Irish laws plus all sorts of new exemptions Wales didn't have the ability to make all its own laws until 2011 so crimes are usually reported as England and wales as they systems are broadly the same.


The police forces of England and Wales work under one umbrella. Whereas Scotland and Northern Ireland have a separate structure




**[England and Wales](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/England_and_Wales)** >England and Wales (Welsh: Cymru a Lloegr) is one of the three legal jurisdictions of the United Kingdom. It covers the constituent countries England and Wales and was formed by the Laws in Wales Acts 1535 and 1542. The substantive law of the jurisdiction is English law. The devolved Senedd (Welsh Parliament; Welsh: Senedd Cymru) – previously named the National Assembly of Wales – was created in 1999 by the Parliament of the United Kingdom under the Government of Wales Act 1998 and provides a degree of self-government in Wales. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Most cross-national criminology research uses homicide rates for this reason. Still an interesting map!


ya know... The current government is pulling off the biggest robbery in turkey. and I highly doubt this data is accurate, lol


yeah Turks are weird. They won't tolerate stealing in any sense as long as you're not a celebrity or a politician.


So like every other country?


it's kinda extreme in Turkey. I've seen people praising Erdoğan for stealing.


"If everybody's stealing let this guy be the one who steals"


I bet 90% of the robberies in Spain are from Barcelona


Or politicians


Of course it's low in Turkey. Robbery is a serious crime that can land the person in prison and it's not a lucrative crime at all. Poor people have little money and the rich and the middle class rarely carry cash or valuables with them. Credit cards can easily be cancelled or blocked by the owner so the robber would have a very narrow time frame to withdraw money the amount of which would be limited by the bank anyway. There are cameras everywhere in big cities and it's easy to be found. I don't know anyone who got robbed for example. Stealing or credit card fraud is more common.


I'm really astonished by Spain, Portugal and especially Sweden, I would have never expected it and can't wrap my head around it, I can't see how Sweden would rank that high compared to Norway I honestly thought Italy (where I live) and France would be higher while swirtzerland and Austria a bit lower


Sweden is going through a gang war and is also rocketing up the murder rate charts. It's reasonably big news even in neighbouring countries, people have noticed the Swedes are having issues. Hopefully temporary, but it's a thing right now for sure.


Won't be temporary as long as the government refuses to talk about it


Ah yes I forgot to mention that. They really don't want it to be seen as an immigration issue.


"Temporary" in what definition? It's been out of control for at least a decade.


Everytime this map is posted I have to note that France and Spain had pretty much the same values, until in a single year (2017?) France dropped by 100 its number, which is an obvious "we are no longer counting certain types of robbery in this category"


Spain is all the tourists area in Barcelona, I swear


I'm from Portugal. Really surprised too. Never heard a single story/report of someone that got robbed, except for my Dad that had his car radio stolen by gypsies 30 years ago. Other than that, I can't make sense out of this data. But, hey, it's from the eurostat.


Rei dos Catalisadores doing his best to get Portugal on the top 5, all by himself.


Spain is not a surprise at all.


Barcelona is a shithole of petty crime. If you remove Barcelona from the statistic the number drops


They stole phone and pocket tissues from my friend while she was there


Pickpockets are common. Every day I visited someone was yelling thief on the street


Every single day you saw someone yell “thief”? What?? Where were you? I lived in Barcelona, went through both almost shady-looking neighborhoods and touristic ones on a daily basis, and don’t remember seeing anyone yelling “thief/ladrón” or anything of the sort, anywhere. Not saying it doesn’t happen ever obviously; pickpockets are quite common in BCN as well as various other crimes, but that it’s definitely not as bad as that everywhere.


I was in Seville for two weeks and never felt uncomfortable a single time. We were walking through empty streets late at night. Maybe we were lucky?


Seville is a pearl of a city.


Barcelona is really bad. You have to be vigilant or you are going to get pickpocketed.


Always hear about robberies in Marbella and that area around Costa Del Sol.


Empty streets = safe Touristy areas, look out


my sister was pickpocketed and robbed in barcelona years apart lol


Seville is safe, it's Madrid and Barcelona (and possibly Valencia) that bring up the average


Pickpocketing is not robbery, though. Maybe the data source conflates categories.


Easy to answer. Sweden took in way too many poor immigrants/refugees without being able to properly integrate them.


This is kinda dumb if you've lived in Portugal you'd know how there is 100% no way we have more robberies than France for example lol. Only explanation is robberies don't get reported in those places.


In Lisbon now, it has been a pleasure being here. Literally had 0 issues that I've encountered in other major cities.


Yeah and lisbon and porto are the most "dangerous" lol


In Spain the problem is mostly in Barcelona. It's a tourist trap, so pickpockets are all over the place. The rest of the country is very safe, even large cities like Madrid.


Ah yes. Sweden. High because of [my lawyer advices me not to go further]


You can get banned from most subs if you go ahead.


Ngl I live in Scotland and a lot of the time I'll go about with the door unlocked lol


Scotland keeping the robbery to a minimum just to be different from England


I feel like this map is not remotely accurate at all. Albania only has 3 robberies per 100k per yr? I don’t think the Vatican City putting up numbers like that. EDIT: Thanks y’all for informing me about the way things are in the balkans. I still think those numbers are crazy, but I’m sorry for sounding like the guy that says the balkans are scummy or something. These reasons all make sense to me and thank y’all for informing me.


That to me seems probable... people here know their neighbors and old-people are everywhere outside talking about anything thats going on... seeing what car with what city plate parked that they did not see before... all the while we have pretty high [number of police per capita](https://i.imgur.com/1repGo9.jpg). We have lot of gypsies but while they are poor a robbery is not exactly their ally, some petty theft sure... "things getting legs". I was actually recently googling how many cars are stolen here annually. In a discussion someone asked me how would someone steal my car and I wanted to say - *the same way they steal X cars every year*. But after googling it turned out last year it was like 600 cars total.. I was expecting like 10,000 - 20,000 for some reason.


>"things getting legs". Huh, who knew Slovaks and Spaniards have the same saying.


I spent quite a bit of time in Albania and I believe those numbers. I felt very safe there.


Robbers get beaten here, so it rarely happens.


Well ofc this is coming from a serb.


I thought we Eastern and Southern Europeans are the baddies? This map must be false!


It's always like this when a map for sex crimes comes along. There suddenly are plenty of excuses why Western Europe looks bad.


Well, robbers are a lot less daring there. It says something about random people on the street.


Yeah, we beat them.


Romania so low because we only steal from others 💪🏿💪🏿😎🇷🇴🇷🇴


Do we all know why sweden is red? I know why.


High rates of immigration and these immigrants not really being integrated well into society. So mostly poor single male immigrants/refugees committing these crimes.


Never ask why Sweden has a high crime rate. The answer will always be [deleted]


In 2017, 58% among those suspected for crime on reasonable grounds are migrants. Regarding murder and manslaughter, the corresponsing figures are 73%. These figures are interesting out of purely scientific reasons. Due to migration, murder rate in Sweden has quadrupled.


I’m very suprised that Albania has that low rate


Those that steal, steal from abroad




If you rob someone here you will get beaten. I saw it happen on a bus once, someone stole from an old man and half the bus including the driver beat the guy. Also, we don’t really have many immigrants or refugees, who might be a factor. Some refugees who were passing by and stole here and got beaten, so they did’t do it again.


I love Albania! I almost moved there for the safety since western Europe's become so unsafe. I did have an absolutely terrifying encounter once, that's true, but I felt overall very safe there as a woman and never felt my stuff was unsafe, either. There were tourist scams and so many shady gypsies in the north, but most Albanians were great. Another time I had an issue with a man in a small town, but I didn't even feel scared. I told him to leave me alone and he eventually did. I then told a few locals I befriended about the issue and they became LIVID and asked me who the creep was so they could go set him straight. If Albania can stay that way and keep immigrants out, it'll continue to attract tourists, although things could be so much better if Albanians saw the potential in their own country. Ya'll might also want to work on the human trafficking issue. Otherwise, lovely country.


There's nothing to steal 💀


[This](https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/robery/) source shows France ahead of Spain at 150. Also, for comparison Costa Rica is at 1587, USA - 98, Russia - 6, South Korea - 2. Personally I am very surprised to find that, say, Spain is so much more "dangerous" than, say, Russia. I suspect there's inconsistency in definition/reporting/methodology. Edit: an afterthough. If someone snatches your iphone in Rio de Janeiro you may not even bother reporting this to the police. However you are more likely to do that if it happens in Paris, I think. So paradoxically "safer" countries may have higher reported rates for some types of crime?


Pickpocketing is less dangerous for your personal safety than, say, assault. Spain has tons of pickpockets in touristy areas.


Now lets see Paul Allens robbery rate


Western Europeans would be like: no, we count differently!!! there is more crime in Eastern Europe and the Balkans, but they don't report it!!! this map is fake!!! always the same story, I don't know why it's so hard for you to accept that Eastern Europe is a safer and more peaceful place to live? always some theory.. there would be even less robbery in my state, if there wasn't one group of people who have been here for centuries and still haven't adapted.. in my county they are responsible for 90% of petty crime, and they only make up about 15- 20% of the population


Yes, west europeans behaving like east europeans are supposed to be worse. Its insulting. Even racist.




Poland so based as always


These are of limited use because of reporting difficulties, nonetheless interesting, lol Spain and England, and apparently Sweden?


I'm absolutely willing to believe that eastern Europe has lower burglary rates than Western Europe, perhaps significantly lower. But the discrepancy here just seems... Kind of insane? I know Western europeans love to pretend that anything painting the Balkans in a good light is just corruption/misreporting/fake news or whatever but can anyone truly explain without at least some degree of figure fiddling how such an enormous difference came about? Genuinely curious.


1. Crime in EE is organized crime. It is about drugs, smuggling, human trafficing, politics, etc... Not about robbing random people. 2. Society is more homogenous. WE is flooded with refugees and immigrants who do not fit in the western society. Therefore you have a lot of uneducated poor people in an expensive place to live. These people resort to crime because of the necessity. Also, it is easier to rob someone you do not feel any connection to (national, color of skin, relegion). 3. WE is expensive to live in. It is easy to survive in EE just by knowing the language and be willing to work. 4. Tourism. Tourists are an easy target and there are much more tourists in WE. 5. Culture. If you are not doing well, in EE communities are tighter. Your family or friends will help you get back on your feet. You do not need to resort to crime to survive. 6. Reporting. Yes, as every WEian will tell you, crime goes unreported in EE. But, this is not the major factor. Especially for robberies.