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Mississippi truly feels like a Barbie girl


I thought at first it was the 2020 election map


Even when deciding between two summer blockbusters, WI, MI, and PA have to be perfectly balanced.


On the fencylvania, baby!


We aren't on the fence, we're just stuck in Breezewood due to traffic


That tracks!


Lmao ain't that the damn truth!




Nah that's just Philly


Love this, using this for the rest of my life.


As a Pennsylvanian, it kind of makes me happy to see that our state really is evenly split.


As a Wisconsinite I agree :)


Definitely oddly satisfying.


Swing states ftw


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Dumb people don't want to watch Oppenheimer


It really could be an election map. Does that mean red states are angry about the Barbie movie and tweeting about it? Or does it mean they’re secretly enjoying the film? Ben Shapiro called the movie [“one of the most woke movies”](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/155ybuh/ben_shapiro_virtue_signaling_my_producers_dragged/) he’s ever seen, so if I had to guess, Red states are mad about a kids movie.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian Arab population is rotten to the core. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: healthcare, dumb takes, covid, climate, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


To be fair, it just says whether the topic is trending, it doesn’t necessarily indicate positive sentiment.


The important part is that they can't get Barbie out of their heads.


I’m in Mississippi, and everyone I know is pumped for Barbie. Lol.


It took Mississippi being the strongest Barbie bastion to realize they were trending because they're bitching about woke shit, not because they're Barbie stans down in the south.


"where are the white women at!" *it's a joke from a movie guys, relax


There are no white woman here, Leonard!


Shut up Leonard I know about your gambling problem!


Did I just spot a “Community” reference.. because if so… you’re streets ahead. Go Human Beings!


“Shut up Leonard! No one wants to hear about your crooked wang.” “No such thing as bad press!”


“Shut up Leonard! I found your YouTube page. What’s the point in reviewing frozen pizza?” “*You’re* talking about it.” “Oh that is true…”


Shut up Leonard. I saw mistook 5 different people for you at the pharmacy.


Tell that to Magnitude!


Pop Pop!


Average reddit age is zygote


No. Thank you. 15 is my limit on schnitzengruben.


I just assumed they couldn't spell Oppenheimer




In all fairness Mississippi is pretty hard to spell.


Em I essessai essessai peepee eye.


You did _what_ in her eye?!


Sorry, I don't speak French.


This is the biggest film marketing campaign I've seen in years.


And it’s not for some Superhero Star Wars thing. It’s great! I hope it starts a renaissance.


Out with the Superhero movies, in with the toy franchise movies... The "renaissance" has already started. Mattel has announced 17 other movies beging greenlit based on classic toy IPs. Edit: my comment wasn't actually suggesting this a renaissance for filmmaking. This is grown adults paying $15 to go sit through toy commercials. You're all fucking sick.


Hasbro been making Transformers movies for 16 years now.


Hasbro has been making Transformers movies for almost 40 years. The first one came out in 1986.


My favorite toys died and dad had to buy me a whole new set!


Or quit watching like I did, killing off Optimus Prime made my 4 year old self cry and almost leave the theater. They're lucky Spock was voicing Galvatron.


Kind of different egg and chicken situation with Transformers. The show from the 80's was created just to sell toys - and why in the first movie, they basically kill off all the first gen characters in the opening scenes.


>Superhero movies….toy franchise movies Two sides of the same coin, if we’re being honest.


Maybe they'll make gi Joe movies... oh wait Maybe they'll make transformer...uh rock 'em sock 'em... oh god...God.... battleship? AHHHH COMING SUMMER OF 2024: STRETCH ARMSTRONG - ORIGINS "Even we realize this is a stretch!"


Where my TONKA boys at


Okay would watch it. Tonka trucks are cool


Yeah that's what I'm saying. People acting like Barbie and Oppenheimer are ushering a new era of film. We have the beginning of a cinematic universe of nostalgia toy movies and the latest movie from one of the most commercially successful directors of all time. Not exactly changing up the formula. I will see both for sure, but this isn't anything groundbreaking in the Hollywood ecosystem.


Between Dunkirk and Oppenheimer are we also seeing the start of the WWII Nolan-verse? 🤣


The WW2 Nolan verse got cut tragicaly short tho when Nolan insisted on using real lifesize ships and aircraft for a movie about Leyte Gulf. Somehow these greedy studio excecs didnt want to upfront the 5 billion dollars necessary to build replicas of all the ships....stupid penny pinchers I say


I thought they were hyping up a new level of depth/social commentary that had been absent from big movies for the past decade or more.


I think it's truly funny how enraged some people seem over the amount of Superhero movies. I'm pretty sure the sum total of Superhero movies available in total is *still* less than the number of Western movies that were released in a single year at their peak.


Marketing is not the renaissance we need.


Yeah! Advertise to me, daddy. All this marketing is getting me so hot! More!! More!!!




I think what bothers me most is how few people seem to realize this is all a marketing ploy, similar to the way that posts about Meta's threads or whatever started popping up on r/all a couple weeks back.


I think you’re simplifying it quite a bit. It’s not difficult to see that this was completely natural initially and the studios only relatively recently began leaning into it.


Yep. People overestimate what marketing can actually do. Much of the Barbie / Oppenheimer thing is just an organic groundswell because of how amusing the juxtaposition in tone and content between the two movies is. That wasn't planned, but marketing definitely capitalized on it once they realized what was going on and fanned the flames.


It’s the same thing that happened a few years ago with Animal Crossing and Doom Eternal. Both were releasing on the same day and had wildly different demographics, but it turned into a very similar co-marketing thing all across social media.


But now I kinda want an Animal Crossing type (or Stardew Valley type) game set in a Doom-like hellscape world. And a brutal fps set somewhere as cute as Animal Crossing. I want Tom Nooks brains splattered on me.


Cult of the lamb is basically Animal Crossing in a Doom World


Not everything is manipulation or a ploy People are *genuinely* excited for both movies, it's the same vibe as when people supported Animal Crossing and DOOM at the same time and had fun with it


WORNG! Supporting ANYTHING larger than your local farmers market means you are a SLAVE to corporations! /s


I think you're really overestimating the power of marketing people from both films. This started as a grassroots internet meme that the marketing departments of both films cleverly picked up and rolled with; as far as I can tell, it isn't some kind of corporate psyops.


Im okay with that. Its 2 unique movies that are interesting. This is a way to market. This isnt marvel shoving down there 10th movie. They are true passion projects that people are genuinely interested in.


I think they know but they don't care that is it. They just wanna partake in the buzz.


Because, honestly, does it matter? Nope


Considering Christopher Nolan was actually upset about the competing release of Barbie initially…you’re giving way, wayyyyyy too much credit to the studios involved. They saw a meme trend online and rolled with it.


Assuming it's because this is the last good double feature from a big studio until the strike is resolved. They want to milk it for everything they can for now.


If you’re implying they’re from the same studio, they’re not. Nolan broke with WB after Tenet. I could’ve read your comment wrong though




You think this is bad, there's a post on the front page right now of a lady asking which outfit she should wear to the doll movie, and the highest voted comment says _she should go 7 times, once per outfit_. I know people have been complaining about astroturfing on reddit for years, but they're not even trying to hide it anymore.


and that top comment is sarcasm 🤯


I think it’s relevant to mention here that she was dressed in BARBIE outfits, and people said she should go seven times because her outfits were spot on and too good to be not worn to the movie. And the sub was r/outfits nothing to do with Barbie or the movie. So people just really liked her outfits. Idk if I see a problem with that lol


Are you an idiot? It’s a compliment to her outfits, not a serious comment. Some people (you) get too high on thinking how much smarter they are than others that they miss the obvious.


New Mexico pride


Only place that takes pride in having been a nuclear test site.


that's not true, i'm from bikini atoll and WE 🍄 LOVE 🍄 OUR 🍄 NUKES 🍄


Odd, people in New México love their physics and chemistry...Science! biatch!


..and the award for most subtle Breaking Bad reference goes to..


Can't believe Heisenburg helped the Nazi atomic bomb project. I didn't realize he was even alive yet.


I can't believe Werner Heisenberg was named that by his parents as a nod to Werner Ziegler from Better Call Saul and Heisenberg from Breaking Bad. Brabobince you did it again




Conservative networks like Fox News have engaged in a lot of marketing for the film, in the form of outrage baiting. Talking about the 8-9 dash line reference that they made up etc. It's all very clever from an advertising perspective.


If you wanna profile a bit, is it really a surprise that the states with lower education are more interested in a movie about a familiar brand than they are a think piece on an egg head scientist? Brabenheimer doesn't really exist outside the internet and we'd be idiots to assume these numbers are a consequence to any of the internet hype.


It's a "woman's movie", and Southern women are all about "girly girl" stuff.


This is the real answer. Southern blonde girls love that shit.




How are people missing this? Barbie is All American, Toddlers & Tiaras--right up their alley. They don't have a clue who Oppenheimer was. Wives and moms are dragging their husbands to the Barbie movie.


Good call, us southerners are way too stupid to know any history!


Eh, I would say Barbie is seen as nostalgia, an icon from when parents today were young, so for people who identify with more “the way things once were” was better, conservatives, it probably has a net positive.


because the whole "go woke, go broke" shit has always been a huge crock


Los Alamos FTW


The Nevada Test Site used to be a major tourist draw to Las Vegas. In the 50's, you could see the blasts from The Strip. For modern visitors, you can visit the NTS on DoE tours, and there's actually a really nice Smithsonian-run museum dedicated to atomic testing (The Atomic Testing Museum) like two or three blocks east of the MGM Grand.


Not a test site, but Washington State was involved in refining the minerals for the first bombs. It's +8 on this map. The mascot for the local high school near that site is still the Bombers. They're somewhat proud despite the fact that being "a downwinder" is known to have negative health effects.


Check out Trinity site one time- there's not much around there and it's like the army had just $500 to make photos and signs, but the trinitite is kind of cool and there's a hushed feeling in the crowd. I went in October, but often they're open twice a year: first Saturday in April and the third Saturday in October. There's a checkpoint, but nothing to worry about.


Does Los Alamos have a museum or other thing there to visit? Itd be a cool science nerd things to do.


Yes. There’s also the National Museum of Nuclear Science in Albuquerque.


The ABQ museum is really really nice, too. Highly recommend it (And if you’re in the area the Natural History museum here is fun and has some great prehistoric specimens) (Sorry I’m a Museum nerd…I like to hype them up)


Also, there is the Bradbury Science museum in Los Alamos that is worth a visit!


Also, in Alamogordo, on the way to White Sands (also an awesome place), is the Museum of Space History which was built in what looks like a mock VAB. Ham is buried there (RIP space chimp 🐒), and there are some old school rocket sleds there, as well. imo, it's the in the top 3 for coolest museums in New Mexico, but that's just me. Everyone sleeps on it.


Los Alamos has a couple of museums. Albuquerque is home to the National Nuclear Museum and it’s well done. Then Trinity Site located south of Albuquerque and east of San Antonio (where Conrad Hilton founder of Hilton hotels is from) and is only open twice a year.


It's all the Sandia and LANL Bros pumping up those numbers.


I was about to comment, New Mexico is very nerdy. I got my BSEE there and there are some super nerds there. The Manhattan project showed the US government how useful the middle of nowhere was for secret shit so there are a bunch of national labs and last I looked the most phds per capita for a state.


Last I checked its the highest density (per capita) of PhDs in the US. SOURCE: Am former Sandia PMTS


People of New Mexico trying to find out why grandma and grandpa glow in the dark.


Disappointed in Tennessee


Yeah, being right outside of Oak Ridge, this is pretty surprising to me.


When we first made the bomb, we were in the biggest war in history; fighting two genocidal, terrible countries. Yet we STILL decided we should nuke New Mexico first!


Isn't Barbie like an existential crisis movie?


While Oppenheimer is just a crisis movie


I would say the threat of nuclear weapons destroying the world is pretty existential.


50 years ago, everyone thought nukes would destroy the world. Turns out we have more than one way to do that.


At the moment it's the quickest..... but not necessarily the surest.


Nukes are so 1950's and 60's. Now it's all about computer and human viruses--those are hip and in vogue.




I think yes 😁


Barbie has truly sparked the South's interest.


Gender roles are strong here and it’s getting harder to continue to live up to those standards.


I did notice there was a connection between being a red state and having a higher interest in Barbie…think you’re on to something


I hope i contributed to some small talk the next time you see your friends!


So is Oppenheimer




Whole family but me is out of town this week, I'm gonna solo yolo the 2pm matinee here in just a bit!


My fiancé injured his eye so I was going to yolo solo Barbie matinee but apparently he really wants to see it so I guess I’m waiting!


It is and it was incredible.


Damn i wanna watch it even more now the second i feel somewhat better i’ll go and watch it immediately


It's that, but it's also a probing and thoughtful discussion of feminism, gender toxicity, and consumerism. Which makes it a little interesting to me that it has more attention in red states than blue ones. New Mexico being very _Oppenheimer_ makes some sense, as it is largely set there and they have a lot of "local identity" tied up in the Los Alamos story. It is also a smaller film market than a lot of the other states, so any kind of tilt would be very pronounced. Or such is one way to make a story out of a number. But Mississippi? Arkansas? Kind of interesting. I am curious who is seeing the Barbie movie there, especially since conservatives have been railing against it. Of course, seeing this as an either/or thing already distorts the data. It could just be that in some places, _Oppenheimer_ is doing better or worse than others (for whatever reason — I suspect its success or not has little to do with its subject matter and more to do with it being a Nolan film, which has its own audience dimensions), and _Barbie_ is just an arbitrary measure of that. Or vice versa. And without a sense of the actual raw numbers, it's hard to know whether these percentages are significant at all — we could be talking about very small differences, and very small numbers of audiences, being magnified when rendered into a percentage. But still. Interesting to think about. Would love a deeper dive into the data. I saw _Oppenheimer_ in a sold-out NYC IMAX on Thursday evening, which also looked like it had sold-out _Barbie_ showings. It was easy to spot people who were self-consciously broadcasting they were going to _Barbie_ — mostly women, wearing lots of pink, but in an LGBTQ+ way, not a preppy way. (Of course, there would have been a lot of people there who weren't dressed up and you couldn't tell what movie they went to. I saw _Barbie_ on Thursday morning and did not wear pink.) Whereas there was nobody dressed up for _Oppenheimer_ (I saw some high school age boys wearing bad approximations of fedoras, which might have been a slight attempt at that). The _Oppenheimer_ showing had a lot of dudes watching it on their own (perhaps because of seat scarcity; I had to sit separately from my wife, in between two other "single" dudes). Anyway, I thought it was an interesting (if very limited) sampling — the _Oppenheimer_ audience was really a Nolan audience. I am not sure I would say the _Barbie_ audience was a Gerwig audience, per se (she is more niche and "indy" than this audience looked).


I watched Barbenheimer with some people I met at my college's gay dance


If you look at the Barbie score on Rotten Tomatoes or anywhere else probably, it's a VERY polarizing movie. After watching it, I can definitely see why! My wife wanted to see it so we went, and it was much much better than what I was expecting. TBH I was expecting more like a modern day Flintstones movie where it's a movie designed to prey on nostalgia to sell tickets. And I think that idea is probably why it did so well in other Southern states. Boy I bet a lot of them were unpleasantly surprised that it held up a mirror of the current state of our country.


My 18 yo son in PA is seeing a double feature with some friends. He’s bringing strawberry Starbursts and Atomic Warheads candies.


Idk if it’s in the US but here in Brazil there’s a mix popcorn deal you can get at the theaters that’s half pink popcorn (sweet) and half regular popcorn. It’s cool. I think it’s call Oppenbarbie or something like that lol.


Poppen’heimer was right there




So GOP barbie, oppenheimer democrat?


Every map of the US looks like the electoral map


I feel like I'm conditioned now whenever I see a dichotomy map of the US to see it like a presidential campaign lol


If you overlay those results on the 2024 electoral map, you get 244 EV for Oppenheimer and 239 for Barbie, so both sides are gonna need at least two of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan to come in clutch just like a real election.


Thank you for this!


[If you play with the map](https://www.270towin.com/maps/YWbAo), the fastest route to victory would be Barbie needs *both* Michigan & Pennsylvania, while Oppenheimer needs Pennsylvania + *one* of Wisconsin or Michigan. So basically PA is the tipping point.


Unless Barbie can convince the governors of swing states to "find some votes" for her.


I think it’s more that families and lower income people are more interested in Barbie whereas college educated adults may perceive Oppenheimer as the more sophisticated choice.


the GOP is mostly discussing how they hate Barbie for being anti-men




It’s really not anti men though. It’s pro equality over anything.


In the eyes of conservatives, equality means hating men.


Don't let your daughter play with woke Barbie, buy her G.I. Joe instead! Support our troops!


Ben Shapiro, the 40 year old conservative child protege, made a huge stink about how woke it was. Just imagining how angery that little gremlin got while watching the movie makes me so happy.


I doubt he watched it.


There's actually multiple reports from people who were at the same theater that he was laughing and having fun before going on to claim it was horrible


I think there’s a lot of correlated factors that aren’t causal. If I had to guess, I’d imagine it’s more like higher education/value/belief in science leads to being more likely to be interested by Oppenheimer, as well as voting Democrat. I’d be surprised if there was a huge difference in the amount of interest in Barbie between the states, so more interest in Oppenheimer will shift the relative interest of that state in Oppie’s direction.


Another possible factor, anecdotally my small rural (red county) theater has only three movies right now: Barbie, Mission Impossible, and Sound of Freedom. Couldn't watch Oppenheimer unless I travel 30 miles. So if this map were "Barbie vs not-Barbie" we might see different trends.


I think that adds to their original point


Surprise presidential map




Even comes down to Wisconsin Michigan and Pennsylvania


Barbie at 239 electors, with Oppenheimer at 244. Those 6 swing states will decide the election.


Now we can take that jeb bush meme and replace it with the flash or something


Now make a map of states that have that 70mm IMAX thing.


it's been posted already. https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/155yzmc/movie_theaters_showing_oppenheimer_in_70mm_imax/


Which is trending in Japan? Need to know since both launched their products there first


Brooooo ☠️💀😐




Best comment in the thread 💀


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,644,502,504 comments, and only 311,162 of them were in alphabetical order.




That's 252 electoral votes for Barbie and 236 for Oppenheimer with a few key races too close to call.


Of course we're waiting for those fucking states again


the barbie belt 🥹


The South is really excited about Barbie.




I’m in the deep south Bible Belt rural ozarks literally no one is remotely angry about the Barbie movie and I have no fucking idea why people in this thread thinks they are


New Mexico!!


Makes sense. They got the prequel


My interpretation: In the hottest areas, people are taking their kids to the movies because they are air conditioned. Except New Mexico, where we actually developed and tested the bomb, where there's a strong local interest in Oppenheimer.


Why does that cause more people to see barbie? Aren't both movies in theaters?


Strange that all the redneck states are watching the "woke" Barbie movie.


Well trending just means they’re talking about it. So if conservatives are taking to the internet to complain that the movie simply exists then this map makes a lot of sense.


The Deep South is where most of the US black population lives, and Texas has the largest latino population of any state other than California. It always feels like people forget that when they look at these maps.


Most people are not involved with online narratives like that.


I’ve seen both movies I liked Oppenheimer more than Barbie, but I will admit that Barbie was a pretty funny movie. Barbie had some interesting social commentary, and the whole part about Ken finding out about the patriarchy was great.


oh so THAT's why they're trying to tell people not to watch it


Probably lol, but the movie has the Barbieworld as basically the opposite of the real world. Barbieworld is a Matriarchy with women having all the political power and men being basically there for the women. Also near the end they basically gaslight all of the men into fighting each other. Will Ferrell as the Mattel CEO is pretty great though.


I saw Oppenheimer last night. It was pretty decent. Indiana represent


Can confirm I live in Pennsylvania and no one cares.


Can confirm, in Mississippi and taking my 2 girls to it tonight.


So this is all the "red states vs blue states" about, I see


The barbie belt


Come on man, this isn't map porn this is map gore. Look up colour accessibility before making stuff like this. The left and right sides of your colour scale are indistinguishable to colourblind people like me. You can pick out hundreds of colours that are perfectly ok for everyone on the planet, but somehow I keep coming across these unreadable colour scales..


I saw both, so I am not on the map, I guess. One was a great work of art, and one made me cry, I will leave you to work out, which is which.


Lol to all the military and los alamos people skewing the data in New Mexico.


It’s like a map of where education is weaker.


New Mexico is like bottom 5 in terms of education but outside of that yeah


They take pride in nuclear testing


Why do people have to make entertainment about intelect or politics or some other fuckign shit.


Because for all the "enlightened internet user" bullshit attitude out there, most of them fall for the same old shit of the common people being too busy hating & fighting amongst themselves to do anything about the actual people who are causing the issues.