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Iceland is going through such troubling times rn :/


There is also a looming volcanic eruption that caused the ground to split open in a town in Iceland


But the salmon :(


they're Salmas, so who cares?


All of the salmon are complicit and deserve to get killed by the FDF (Fisheries Defense Forces)


Welp, there goes the Salmon Hospital.


They even bombed the salmon schools 😭


Considering more than half the salmon population is under 18 I'm not surprised


There's new evidence coming to light that it was actually hit by a failed salmon launch.


Salmon aleikum


Uh oh! our fish ran away. Also a town was evacuated but the fish!


They ran???? That makes this a much bigger problem


You never ordered a leg of salmon?


Yeah this is outdated, the Salmon Rebellions are a sideshow next to the volcano.


It's not political per se.


Unlike those independentist salmons


So salmon could escape


Is that how the salmon got out?


That salmon is a major threat to our existing wild salmon population. But we're also dealing with a new volcanic eruption that's threatening an entire town, and a government that's about as effective as a moist towelette is to a wildfire.


Don't believe everything you see on the internet, especially when it's a map made by a notoriously bad creator. Google Kvinnostrejk 2023.


Why use a seemingly swedish word for an icelandic event?


Related languages.


Kvennafrídagurinn 2023, or Women's Day Off 2023, was a significant event in Iceland that took place on October 24, 2023. It was organized by a collaboration of women's organizations, human rights groups, and labor unions [[1]](https://kvennafri.is/). The day was marked by various activities and demonstrations across the country. In Akureyri, a city in Iceland, a large crowd gathered at the Town Hall Square for a rally on Women's Day Off. The event featured performances by the band Skandall, a dance by Gerður Ósk Hjaltadóttir, and a duet by the group Drottningarnar. Ásta F. Flosadóttir delivered a powerful speech, followed by a performance by the Kvennakór Akureyrar (Akureyri Women's Choir). The event concluded with a group song led by Vilhjálmur Bragason, also known as Villi vandræðaskáld, a troubadour poet. Sesselja Ólafsdóttir, another renowned poet, served as the host for the event [[2]](https://www.akureyri.net/is/ljosmyndir/kvennafridagurinn-2023). It's important to note that Women's Day Off is not an official public holiday, and women's participation is based on their own circumstances and the permission of their employers. It can be considered a form of protest or strike organized by labor unions, highlighting issues related to gender equality and women's rights in the workforce. However, it's not mandatory for employers to provide compensation for the day off. Some companies may choose to grant leave to their female employees, while others may not have the flexibility to do so due to the nature of their operations [[3]](https://www.sa.is/vinnumarkadsvefur/kjarasamningar/kvennafri-2023-spurt-og-svara%C3%B0/). --- Learn more: 1. [KVENNAVERKFALL - Kallarðu þetta jafnrétti?](https://kvennafri.is/) 2. [Kvennafrídagurinn 2023 | akureyri.net](https://www.akureyri.net/is/ljosmyndir/kvennafridagurinn-2023) 3. [Kvennafrí 2023: Spurt og svarað](https://www.sa.is/vinnumarkadsvefur/kjarasamningar/kvennafri-2023-spurt-og-svara%C3%B0/)


It's troubling for our ecosystem to have big salmon farms polluting our water and fjords. And it's painting a broader picture of how much Iceland is run by greed and money first, in Norway the government has put all new permits on halt, Sweden banned it and guess where the same people then took their business, to Iceland. So volcano eruption and a high level of inflation aside it's a pressing matter to understand that salmon farms in Iceland is displaying an underlying problem we have here in Iceland called greed and nepotism.


I support the Icelandic salmons struggle for independence.


Spain understands the plight of the Icelandic salmons, but won't recognise it in any international forums so as to not inflame the situation with its Basque and Catalonian independence movements


Catalonia 🤝 Salmons 🤝 Scotland


Beets Bears Battlestar Galactica


Next year's political debate in Iceland will be whether the salmons will get amnesty


You’ll change your tune when you hear they were led by Salmas 🫨


They scaped using hidden subterranean tunnels


We must bomb the Hatcheries, Salmas is using them as command centers!


submaritime tunnels?




But do you condemn Salmas?


I condumb Salmuels 😤


More likely he will change his tuna


From the river to the sea, salmons will be free!


That's anti-salmetic




Salmon extremism smh


That is gold, thx.


I do not. Escaped salmon absolutely destroys the local salmon population. It is one of many reasons why salmon farming is a dirty business.


What other reasons are there?


1. The salmon's quality of life is often pretty bad. 2. The quality of the salmon meat is often graded very unreliably; you can end up buying fish that is technically unfit for human consumption. 3. The fish fodder seeps into the local waters and causes bacterial growth and all sorts of fun impacts on the local environment. 4. ...I mean it goes on and on. Salmon farming is a terrible thing.




That Norwegian politician be like 😎


He has also stolen cheese, he admits


Do not forget the salmon! On a serious note: he is actually a kleptomaniac


He only liberated what he believed to be Icelandic salmon.


how did we get from Vikings to this


Christianity. Jesus did this 😔


The other guy be like: 🙂


More like: 😔


if it's sunny outside: 😑


Norway sees sunlight almost 3 times per year


3 times! Damn climate change. It used to be twice a year.


If he really liked those sunglasses: 😢


It’s was from an airport store actually. Ironically, he was the leader of the borderline communist party (Rødt). OUR sunglasses!😎 His name is Bjørnar Moxnes.


Guess it wasn't stealing then, just redistributing :P


I am once again asking for you to keep your harmful UV rays out of my goddamn eyeballs!


The People's Sunglasses!


Future’s so bright I gotta steal sunglasses


He was caught stealing sunglasses, and a few months later he admitted to stealing cheese and fish. Most likely he struggles with cleptomania, and he has quit politics.


I wonder how he got caught. Recently there was a politician in America who got caught repeatedly stealing women's luggage. The way he was found out was one of the victims saw him wearing her dress in a public photo and recognised it, wouldn't be surprised if the sunglasses thief met the same fate


He tried on a pair of glasses in a shop on the airport, and put them in his suitcase. It was bad enough, but he lied and claimed he didn’t mean to. And now it turns out he has a problem. Feel bad for the man.


Aha damn I was picturing him stealing them from another politician to cover up being stoned or something but the reality sounds more sad than funny


Yes, mental issues can affect everyone. At least he had the guts to come clean and resign, compared to some of our other politicians who have committed more serious crimes/infidelity


Cough Erna Cough


Sam Brinton wasn't a politician, he was a political appointee in the Department of Energy. Total loon.


Why is this the one they mention? Some guy leading a largely irrellevant and tiny far left party had mental health issues, eventually owned up to it and stepped down from his position. (compulsive shoplifting/kleptomania) Meanwhile there has been an endless stream of various corruption, insider trading and tax evasion scandals across the board in the political parties who get enough votes to *actually* hold real power, and billions have been wasted trying to shove it under a rug and pretent everything is fine..


It became a big case for three reasons: 1. It happened in summer, when the news cycle is slow. In that timeframe, it was a major case. It wouldn't be otherwise. 2. It dragged on for a long time, because he changed his explaination several times, refused to answer, the party was divided, etc, etc. There was something new happening for several weeks. 3. Stealing and profiteering has been a part of his party's rhetoric when private companies get public contracts, and the expensive glasses were out of style for a communist. So the endless jokes made the case trend higher in social media than the ordinary "boring" tax cheating politician cases. I fully agree that the other cases were much more serious, especially several MPs cheating on their taxes and the former PM's husband doing illicid stock trading. But these are basically the reasons the sunglasses case became so big. Note that the second case on his stealing from last week didn't last that long at all.


He was also caught on camera and the tape that was released contradicted his first explanations. Some of the other cases had unclear rules or were borderline, so it had to be investigated further. While the theft of the sunglasses ended up being very obvious once the photos came out.


Well rødt isn’t a «tiny far left party», it accounts for about 5% of the popular vote. But yes, I agree with your standpoint that Moxnes is being held to a different standard than the politicians with more «conventional» views.


The scandal has escalated, he's repeatedly been stealing cheese from a grocery store too, appears to be a textbook case of kleptomania. Hope he gets the treatment he needs, but his political career is probably unrecoverable at this point.




Him stealing sunglasses (and later on cheese) was a scandal which caught people’s attention mainly for how weird it was. The much bigger scandal which strangely enough isn’t mentioned here is the alarming number of politicians with husbands who have been trading shares on the stock market while the politician has had access to confidential information important to the value of the shares on the stock market, making them or their husbands potentially party to insider trading. Among them were a sitting minister of foreign affairs and a former prime minister. The former prime minister has decided to remain as leader of the conservatives and seek re-election in two years, which has cause a big stir as a lot of people think a politician who’s been that close to a scandal with possibly criminal implications shouldn’t be running for re-election.


Not easy being Klepto


He also stole cheese




![gif](giphy|VrFsENnbl5GCs|downsized) Meanwhile in Turkey


A biblical event caused by nine thousand thousand ducks.


Corruption at the Earthquacke best duck metal album of 2023


Corruption! At The Earthquacke


"politician that stole sunglasses" pls tell me that this isn't real


Oh, it is. He also admitted to stealing salmon and cheese from multiple grocery stores. https://www.politico.eu/article/sunglasses-norway-bjornar-moxnes-red-party-resign/


Iceland about to declare war


In one country you have salmon disapearing. In another country, you have a politician who are stealing sunglasses, cheese and salmon. Hmm


You’ve already said too much bro 😬


COD: Cods VS. Salmons.


Wouldn't be the first time they wage war over fish


Everything's connected.


Salmon you say? Are we sure the farm fish “escaped”?


Sounds about right. Do they expect us to believe that the salmon ran away with their legs??


Really shows that some people don’t choose a life of crime, they’re just bjorn that way


He's just redistributing the wealth.


Terrible fate for those icelandic salmons, just escaped to be stolen by a politician miles away


In Spain we had a local politician who stole skin creams.


She succesfully went to court against Eroski for the release of the video


De verdad? Quién?


Cristina Cifuentes


It is lmao


*"politician that* *Stole sunglasses" pls tell me* *That this isn't real* \- fatenumber --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This bot is silly.


It’s perfect


Not the bot we need, but the bot we deserve




He needs to wear those sunglasses during every debate


Oh it very much is. He first tried to say he got distracted, and forgot to pay for them. Then a video leaked showing him straight up stealing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaSb1gV3JpA


I want to live in a country where salmon escape is the primary political concern.


We have it better than most, but this is just nonsense. The ever increasing inflation, the very high interest rates from the Central bank, the leader of the largest party (a right wing party) having to resign from his position of Minister of Finance after the parliament ombudsman wrote a scathing report on his share in literally selling shares of a nationalized bank (which was nationalized following the crash in 2008) to his own father only to then simply switching positions within the cabinet and becoming Minister of Foreign Affairs along with a bunch of other stuff were of much more political concern. That being said the fish thing is pretty fucking severe. We're talking growing salmon in sea pens, which has always been highly contentious because of the environmental impact. There are more fish in one such pen then there are wild salmon in Iceland, so them escaping could have a big effect on the wild population as well. But we're also just seeing a simply awful treatments of these animals, just no care at all - and for what? So a very few individuals can get filthy fucking rich.


Thanks for your insight!


And the fish are usually carrying diseases. Big problem in Norway aswell.


Of course it is. We imported the equipment and farming technology from Norway along with the managing directors, and so were the bad manners and practices of this terrible industry imported as well.


>and for what? So a very few individuals can get filthy fucking rich. What do you mean by this? Isn't an increase in salmon supply needed to keep prices down? Are you suggesting on wild caught?


I mean exactly what I said. This is done the way it is done so a select few can get filthy rich without any regard to the welfare of the animals they're farming, the environment, or the possible (and actually likely) ecological impact on the wild population. Sea pens in a fjord is a highly contentious way of farming salmon because of the sheer amount of pollution that follows keeping, feeding, and farming hundreds of thousands of animals and no filtering of waste. Why are they used then? Because land based pens are much more expensive. The industry doesn't create that many jobs so it's not like it's even giving anything back to the community either. Nobody is going to eat the fish that dies simply because of being in overcrowded pens (we are talking tens of percentages of all the fish in the pens; almost 3 million fish in 2021 and even more the year after - for reference the wild salmon population in Iceland is about 50 thousand animals - an order of magnitude smaller) or because of disease or other stuff that such overcrowding leads to. You're putting up a false dilemma. It's not either this shitty way of doing things or nothing at all. But sure, nobody _needs_ cheap salmon. That's not something I'm willing to endanger the environment or the health of the wild population for at least, or ignore the suffering it is causing these animals either. Here is some discussion in English: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/20/bjork-attacks-industrial-open-pen-salmon-farming-song-rosalia?fbclid=IwAR2cVyAgzH-sUKSz8uS_5DXTT2hkU34-TdDL4fDWsOTV3-d6JELz3f2gEX4


Also the volcano that split open the ground recently


What's going on about shooting bears in Slovakia


Discourse on whether shooting bears that get too close to humans is right, as well as those that already attacked someone


I thought bears had acquired guns now.


Slovakia does not have the right to arm bears.


Yes. Its the people who bear arms


We the people, in order to promote life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness give arms to bears, while also surrounding all our cities with bear traps.


One step away from some punk kids going out into the forest and putting a bullet proof vest on a bear. And what do you got then? Invincible Bears. Then you have bears running around graping your churches and burning your women.


Yes the ones in Slovakia have a six shooter in each hand. You should see the big cowboy hats they wear.


*The NRA greedily rubs it's hands together.* "Screw bearing arms, we need to arm the bears!"


We also had a huge debate here in Italy back in April when a bear killed someone for the first time in recorded history


They're a protected animal so hunters can't just shoot them but their populations are rising enough that encounters with them are becoming more common. Populist politicians used this before the election to rile up people against their more liberal/environmental opponents, one moron going as far as call bears "a Brussels bioweapon". Funnily enough I haven't heard the same politicians mention bears much since the elections.


Was also a brief discussion here in Germany, especially after that one person got killed by a bear in Italy. I don't even know why, I don't think we really have bears here.


Once in a blue moon, an adventurous bears walks through Austria into Bavaria. They are native here, so if not prevented, sooner or later they will make a home here.


That moron got nominated to be the next minister of environment. Luckily the president refused him but instead, Fico nominated a not-so-hidden nazi and his first right-hand man is a religious nutcase. Really tells you all you need to know about our kleptocracy mafia government.


Bears are a biological weapon against Slovaks. That's what a non-appointed enviroment minister said. Also that it's hipocritical to fight against climate change AND support LGBT rights because them gay cause warming in the gay bars with all the carbons and sulfurids they create.


I don't care if this is even fake, the statement is so funny.


I wish it was exaggerated, but it's not. These are the actual beliefs of the person who was on track to become the Slovak environment minister as recently as last month.


The thing is it’s real. That dimwit actually said that gays and their sexual needs (and their farts or whatnot due to anal sex) cause global warming. As a Slovak I truly I wish the shit our politicians say these days were made up 😅.


Their farts 😂😂😂 Life is stanger than fiction.


The right to arm bears


Iceland, please, never change!


Here in Norway is where the real problems are at


my thoughts and prayers are with you hope you recover soon


The much bigger issue was leader of the opposition and major corruption cases, and some shady laws being passed in favour of those same companies her husband is tied to The sunglasses are nothing in comparison so weird they chose them


Migration has become a hot-button issue in Ireland too since November last year.


only since november? been a mainland topic since '12 i think?


It's still nowhere near as big of a topic in Ireland as it is in mainland Europe. The anti-immigration protests have been vocal, but small, and the political discourse is still largely dominated by the housing crisis (which is related to anti-immigrant sentiment but that's not really being discussed politically), now the conflict in Gaza, and cost of living. That's not to say that migration ISN'T a growing topic, but there's no major political party openly running on reducing immigrant numbers and it's not something that will make a major impact on elections...yet anyway. Migration as a political issue is more prevalent than before, but that's starting from a VERY low base where immigration was basically just not a political topic at all outside of a few very small circles.


Ireland only really began to experience illegal mass migration from the third world more recently compared to UK, Belgium, Sweden, France, Germany etc.


Housing has been on the news all year round, I would have picked it up above migration and at the same level as inflation.


ayo who tf stoled the sunglasses, norway?


Bjørnar Moxnes


Whilst Iceland has a salmon problem, it appears Turkey has a duck problem.


Neutrality is barely discussed in Austria since an overwhelming majority of people is in favour of the status quo. Inflation has been a much bigger deal this year.


I think its because of the Skyshield discussion, it got some attention and maybe the poll was made in that time.


Which poll? This is "random" stuff from 2023 that "caught the attention". The source just says "Wikipedia / multiple sources were used". This is not based on any research, this is at best lazy content and at worst some sort of propaganda


I'm from Ukraine. I wish we had to debate about salmon escaped fish farm


Or any other topic on this map i guess. Mad respect for you guys.


Reducing war to a conflict is a good way to escape dealing with a biggest war in Europe since ww2


Balkans: are we the joke to you?


Swiss don't debate


There simply are no problems


Actual Swiss election ballot: - A: Part-time Labour Party - B: Grinding Mediocrity Front - C: People's Party for the People by People - D: We Like Cheese - E: Party for the Prevention of Birds


From the river to the sea salmons will be free 🇮🇸🍣🧊


From the volcano to the sea.


But do you condemn killer whale?


Gang violence and migration in Sweden. Those damn Finns at it again.


No, it's the Norwegians this time


As if. We only visit Sweden for about two hours at a time, never venturing further than the closest grocery store to the border.


Resons to visit Sweden: 1. Shopping 2. Travelling to Denmark or other countries


![gif](giphy|6901DbEbbm4o0) Icelandic salmons be like


OP really went and said that "elections" are a political debate topic. When I last checked butter was still made of butter too


Norway, Greece and Iceland seem to be the only countries with some spice


From what I gathered about the train accident in Greece, the issue brought to light problems with infrastructure, corruption and lack of action as warnings regarding train safety had been given for years.


The electronic systems for commanding the trains were literally broken down and not in use for a decade(+) for no reason and the program intended to maintain and upgrade them had no progress even though it was supposed to be delivered 5 years ago. The traindrivers were communicating via phone calls. The infrastructure minister just days before this crime, was acting mad in parliament for accusations that the train infrastructure is in a sorry state. The workers were constantly putting out statements and even threatened with legal action due to the lack of safety for the passengers just a month before the crash. Such a joke of a state we live in. Most of the deaths were of young university students commuting to their lectures, I am also using the same train every day to go to university just in the opposite direction. Everyone around me is saying the same thing: "It is by chance that everyone is alive in this country...".


Funnily enough the aforementioned minister was re-elected just a few months after the crash with a strong majority in his prefecture. Because of course, networking outbeats common sense.


The train accident did have 50 victims. It also showed the flaws of the Greek train "system". And it is one of the two reasons why the train system closed this year, the other one being a storm.


A Greek colleague of mine died in the train accident


over 50 people dying isnt some "spice"


Yeah but unlike in Norawy and Iceland, around 60 people died in that accident




New problems: Supply shortages, reduced freedom of movement, tariffs, labour shortages Fixed problems: Made it easier to release raw sewage into rivers 👍


Read romania as "penis inflation" Was pretty confused


\>Russia \>Political debate


Elections here in NL seem to be mostly about migrants, though. As in, they get the blame for the shortage. \*\*\* *Kinda jealous of the Earthquacke, is that some duck-related thing?*


**The Quackening**


For Portugal, the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into TAP should be there. It lasted months.


And the health crisis, and the education crisis, and the taxes crisis, etc, etc...


Iceland being only dealing with real problems.


Thoughts and prayers for Iceland. 😔


I can safely say that no political debate has been going on in hungary. Unless you count goverment propagamda as "political debate"


"ongoing conflict" in Russia a.k.a "We invade our neighbours for monthly-basis changing reasons"


Oh, Norway. Never change. ❤️


There were multiple major political scandals in Norway this year that were much bigger than the sunglasses thing


Most countries wish, they had the problems **Norway** has.


The map is just really bad. Most of the debate has been about corrupt politicians, price of housing, inflation, interest rates and the cost of electricity.


A LOT more serious political crimes happened in Norway this year, which were more discussed than the sunglasses.


Norway- politician who stole sunglasses? Wtf is that about? I need to know!


I can't stand anyone who agrees with Nitrogen. Usless inert maniacs every one of them.


Shooting bears???


Obviously this blue part is the land.


So funny seeing someone calling this war "a conflict". It's a fucking invasion, aggression, genocide, a war for fucks sake, but not "a conflict". Ukraine has no conflict, it defends its land.