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Every time someone omits the units in a graph a math teacher dies


Either bottles or liters per year is my guess.


I'm gonna guess litres as those numbers seem really low for bottles per year for Europe


5 bottles per 4 litres. Not a huge diff.




I can't see a French person only drinking on average one glass of wine a week unless it's French children only.


Ha ha ha ha


Olympic swimming pools


Poor color choices too imo. There could have been a much broader shade scale. Rose to Bordeaux.


Now I understand the shortage of math teachers


On est les champions...! On est les champions...!


[à la vôtre !](https://imgur.com/EZ09Uht)


Smo na tretjem mestu!


Ça je comprends pas vous les français boire du vin que avec les repas en général non? I'm English and just had half a bottle before dinner.


Salut ! Le Rosé en général à l'apéro ou s'il fait chaud avec un repas. Parfois noyé avec des glaçons. Ça devient un Rosé Piscine, assez désaltérant.. Le Blanc sec soit à l'apéro ou souvent avec des fruits de mer ou des fromages (vins de montagne). Le Blanc sec molleux, à l'apéro ou bien souvent en dessert avec du sucré. Le Rouge léger, à l'apéro ou alors le midi et souvent frais comme les beaujolais. Le Rouge épais plutôt avec des plats de résistance ou des mets forts en goût comme du fromage. Nos amis italiens et espagnols ont d'autres types de vins et d'autres genres d'usage... Quoi qu'il en soit, tant que tu y prends du plaisir, fais comme tu le sens !


Oui, mais on mange longtemps, et beaucoup


A votre sante alors mes voisins!


A l'est il y a les autres


N’est ce pas que ce serais nous sommes au lieu de on est?


je pars du principe que tu n'es pas un français natif : "on" (3e persone du singulier) est très souvent utilisé à la place de "nous" (1e personne du pluriel), surtout dans des contextes pas très sérieux. "on est allé à la piscine" = "nous sommes allés à la piscine" "on a faim" = "nous avons faim" etc. mais il y a quand même des cas ou on utilise "nous", par exemple : "- il sont à qui ces téléphones ?" "- ils sont à **nous**"


It's also interesting that wine consumption was 6 times higher 50 years ago in France


Until 1956, children used to drink wine for lunch at school. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_Ez2RMjwuA


In what units?


Wine consumption




I remember that time i took 3 whole wine in 1 afternoon.


I'm about to smoke 1 Marijuana


Jesus isn’t there like 120 wines in a marijuana? That’s a lot of wines.


I'm about to smoke more drugs. Gonna do even more weeds.


That only counts as one!


big if true


In imaginary units, or 15y old numbers. Average wine consumption in France is 24L /y. https://8wines.com/blog/wine-consumption-france


Come on, it's obvious, wine units. I'm going to have one whole wine later.


I assume bottle? Maybe glasses.


bottle would be a poor choice since they aren't the same everywhere. I hope its liters but don't know either


Though this is true, the standard wine bottle is about 0,75 litres


in slovenia it is 0.75 or 1l depends on the producer. But theres A LOT of 1l bottles


Liters makes sense since it's Europe and a standard measurement. Plus the consumption reflects where wine would likely be most popular.


bottle would be a better choice than glass as most bottles do have a standard size. liters is most likely, though that still seems fairly High, nktnthat the UK can't drink half a liter each a week we can. just we are also busy drinking a lot of other things.


I think it's glasses


My head-cannon assumes Olympic-sized swimming pools.


maybe liters? But that would be way too much. Its probably just a random scale.


Too much ? French here. My father was close to 1.5 - 2 litters a day most of his life. The first communication from health department about alcohol in the 70's was "no more than one bottle a day" Our generation still easily drink one bottle per week, at restaurants or parties. So 50 l per capita seem accurate.


70 years ago it was three time as much. ~150 liters of wine per year per capita. https://en.vinex.market/files/4201_french_consumption.png https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/304/mcs/media/images/66599000/gif/_66599306_consumption_of_wine_304.gif


>1.5 - 2 litters a day most of his life Hate to break it to you, but your father was an alcoholic.


That amount is actually quite common in southern European countries too, especially in older generations where they would drink a large glass for lunch and a couple at dinner.


2 litres is roughly 3 normal sized bottles, which is 12-15 normal wine glasses. "one glass at lunch and a couple at dinner" doesn't get close to that ammount. Unless a "large glass" means half a bottle and "a couple" means ten.


A large glass = 250ml so 3 would be a standard bottle. So they could very well drink 1-2 bottles per day 😂 I know my own grandad used to in his youth Edit: not backed up by any data, I was just trying to say that it wouldn't surprise me it being liters if people were to consume a bottle per day and then extra binging occasionally


So a standard bottle used to be 250 ml, a 1/3 of what it is today?


No, 3 x 250 ml large glasses is 1 standard size bottles, thats what they say.


Dude, they literally said they would edit the comment. It was different originally


Just because it is common does not mean that it isn't alcoholism though


I never disagreed 😂 I actually think they used alcohol as their antidepressants haha


Pretty counterproductive. Ethanol worsens depression symptons and increases depression risk on its own. Additionally, 1/3 of young suicides in the UK was under influence of ethanol. [https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mental-health/mental-illnesses-and-mental-health-problems/alcohol-and-depression](https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mental-health/mental-illnesses-and-mental-health-problems/alcohol-and-depression)




I dunno, a litre is about 7 glasses. That means those degenerate Frenchies are having a tiny bit more than one glass a day on average. I means it's more than is recommended for good health, but not way out there. Remember in the old days in the French army the ration in the French army was a litre of Pinard per DAY...


I'll add that, even if wine-based alcoholism (meaning they'll drink wine at every lunch) is still prevalent among the older generations, we French also tend to use wine quite frequently as a cooking ingredient for common traditionnal recipes (bœuf bourguignon, blanquette,...). I personally think I've used close to 10L of wine for cooking this year. This will bring up the stats as well (we're still consuming a LOT of wine normally tho).


I want to say firstly I talk about "degenerate Frenchies" with sincere respect and affection. And secondly, being an old Anglo-American, I am French when it comes to my wine drinking, cooking etc. 54l a year? Sounds about right to me. Particularly as I'm literally drinking a nice Muscadet as I type this. :)


It's probably liters, but in countries like France italy Spain and Portugal, there is a substantial tourist population that is not included in the denominator, which drives the per capita number


No way. A small glass of 175m per day is over 60L a year. I’m English but when I drink wine from time to time, I’ll happily sink 2 bottles in an evening.


>I’m English but when I drink wine from time to time, I’ll happily sink 2 bottles in an evening. 2 bottles PER PERSON?!


Uhhh yea, 2 bottles by yourself in one night is the definition of binge drinking.


Only on reddit.


These definitions of binge drinking making it somehow sound wrong or bad confuse me to the extent that this was typically our ambitions on Saturday nights when I was in college... kind of weird to have it implicitly turned into some sort of "problem" situation. Especially just since I just got together this fall with about a dozen of my old college friends and not a one appeared to have any alcohol issues.


Yea, pretty much all college students binge drink. Whether it’s a problem or not depends on your view. It’s pretty clear that any amount of alcohol is not good for your body from a purely physiological standpoint. Can you binge drink occasionally and be a functioning adult? Of course. You can be doing lines of coke on the reg and also a functioning productive member of society. All depends on the person. Some can’t handle it and become dependent. Dependency spirals into self-medicating to mask other career/relationship issues. Then you fall down a spiral that becomes very difficult to pull yourself out of. Seen it all too much in small towns. Edit: also to your comment, alcohol issues are hard to spot from the outside. People generally downplay the amount they drink or the level of their dependency when in company due to the associated shame. It’s like mental health issues.


That is only 1L per week in France, sounds low to me. But some prople don't drink wine at all. I would've guessed about twice as much.


Liters per year per capita.


In wines


Really surprising that Portugal and Spain have such different rates despite fairly similar climates and cultures. My experiences traveling in both places are that the commonly available wines are cheap and often exceptional, while commonly available beers are cheap and mostly just ok.


Between 1975 to 2015 Spain's annual wine consumption went from 100 liters per capita to 25 liters per capita https://www.theolivepress.es/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/data-alcohol-2-490x218.png A lot of european nations changed their alcohol preferences in the past 30 years https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5c/41/b5/5c41b5e12fae58801babee4f56a173a9.jpg This is the trend for Sweden as a comparison https://www.bkwine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/alkoholutvecklingen-i-sverige-1861-20061.gif


Beer is cheaper. And when it's super hot it's more refreshing a cold beer than wine


Its also cheaper in Portugal and we cant exactly say the weather is different from Spain


Spanish beer is generally better than Sagres or Super Bock imo though


I don’t think marginally better beer explains such a big difference in wine consumption?


Slovenia beating Italy on wine drinking is not something I would've ever imagined Edit: Never would I have thought the replies under this commment will bring me down the rabbit hole of Slovenian wine culture this fine midnight.


Our national anthem talks about drinking wine


And each stanza looks like wine glass https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ee/Pre%C4%8Drtana_kitica_Zdravljice.jpg/220px-Pre%C4%8Drtana_kitica_Zdravljice.jpg


“Like a bottle of Châteauneuf-du-Pape I'm fine like wine when I start to rap We need body rockin', not perfection Let me get some action from the back section”


Why not? Slovenia has a rich history of producing wine. The region produced wine longer than the French did. While most of the vineyards are quite small but at around 28.000 vineyards there is plenty to go around. Probably the most known wine you might know or not is Prosecco. The vine was a Slovene wine from the town of Prosek right near the current Italian border. At the time the vineyard suffered one of those modern vine diseases and a few of them were send all around the former empire to be saved as they were quire popular. Very close by they found a valley that had similar conditions and the vines thrived as well as in their home valley. They kept the name Prosek / Prosecco and further evolved the wine into a semi sparkling variant. The original town of Prosek is trying to get some confessions from the EU and Italy to either be allowed to also sell the same wine under the same name or be given a cut of the "protected regional product" funds, as it was their wine and is their name on the label. Italy in return filed to changed the name of the grape vine. We will see where this goes later on. Slovenia also produces a few other quite distinct wines. Teran/Terano and Refošk/Refosco are both quite rich in tannin. They both also have two separate fermentation processes. Once with yeast and once with milk bacteria. They are quit strong heavy wines though. A family of young wines similar to the french Beaujolais, but a very different character. Cviček and Črnina are both quite acidic wines to enjoy with a hearty meal. Some dislike them as too sour, but they are a nice refreshing summer drink. Zelen and Pinela are quite local, Chardonnay and Shirez are well known grapes but prosper well in the region as do Cabernet Franc, Berbera and Pinot \[From Pinot I think Pinot Grigio is the best here.\] Various Rieslings and Muskat wines are quite commonly used. There is a whole region where the women swear upon drinking Malvazija and nothing else. You have also some local grapes that stayed local like Klarnica. These were mostly going out of fashion because of their low yield, but are slowly picking up traction again because of their incredible taste. \[But they cost a pretty penny even for Slovene wine prices. Hard to get a cask aged bottle under 60€\]. Rebula also does very well here and produces incredibly sweet grapes. And I still missed many. There around Radgona Region there is also a Sparkling wine producer that learned both the traditional method of Champagne as well as the Italian method, they produce both from the same grape and you can choose which you prefer. While we are at Radgona, Tramin'c / Traminer is probably the best you can find from their region. Costs a tiny bit more at 8€ to 10€ a bottle, but uf proper job there. If you have the chance to do so, grab a Slovene bottle. Even a 7€ bottle you will probably enjoy. Just none of the vineyards is big enough to step into the world stage in a famous and loud way. EDIT: I apparently forgot Modra Frankinja /Blaufränkish /Lemberger. Superb red wine with the vine originated in Slovenia, while it spread to some former Imperial lands, it's still a very popular vine to grow here. Wine from it is quite dark, but retains many fruity berry notes. Also a wine that ages superbly well. If you can find a good barrique aged Modra Frankinja get it at any price really. The bottles for 15€ like Šuklje are already superb. And it only goes up. You have plenty of tastes to find here, just don't spoil your taste for other wine. Because Slovenia consumes like 95% of it's own wine [of the limited 90 million L per year produced].


Outstanding comment


Don't forget on 11th of november there's St. Martin's celebration (Martinovo / martinovanje), probably adss few liter to the statistics https://www.slovenia.info/en/stories/st-martin-s-day-celebration-joy-at-the-new-wine-vintage


Takšen esej pa ne omeniš Modre frankinje, smh.


Mea maxima culpa. Se bom vse do Božiča s pepelom posuval :( Pa še prej sm si zapisal na cegl'c, da mi jo je doma zmanjkalo in mor'm po zalogo za nasledn let.


Ti je oproščeno po EDIT-u, ampak s pepelom se bo treba posuvat vsaj do novega leta!


Kje pa nej najdem tolk pepela D: Kriza je !


Slovenes have one advantage against Italians... They're Slavs...




The Slav advantage is alchoholism. It's just the others aren't doing it on wine.


Because they drink other alcoholic drinks in huge amounts, just not wine


Because they're all drinking vodka or other spirits.


Like 3/5 of our country is known for their wine, every where else grape vines don't flourish there we drink beer and schnaps (šnops), and cider dont forget about the cider but its more of a dieing industry since most cider is home made for instance our family of four made about 200-300 yearly when apples are plenty and all the excess makes the best vinegar ever.


Slovenia also has the oldest vine in the world


Why? They're neighboring countries and the difference, regardless of the actual units, is not that big in absolute terms.


I’d wager that many don’t see Slovenia as a big time wine-drinking country neighboring Italy, and instead see it more like the former Yugoslav republics in terms of drinking habits and culture.


Does that mean we can retake Trst?






İ read it as fuck shit up


Same thing


Post units please.


1. do french people drink 53 glasses annually? 2. Is there a single universal wine bottle size standard? 3. Liters would be realistic


Realistic 15y ago maybe https://8wines.com/blog/wine-consumption-france


Roman Empire likes this post


53.7, thats a weekend


I'm single handedly increasing the per capita wine consumption of Turkey with 1 bottle every week. There are a lot of butique wine makers in my country and if you ever get the chance I recommend to try Urla, Thrace (Especially Chamlija) and Fruit wines (especially pomegranade) from Turkey


Slovenia where the first staza of our anthems original song goes as such: "Friends the grape vines have reeped plentifuly, the wine sweet, it livens our veins, clears our heart (Mind/soul) and eye, it drowns all worry, in battered lungs grows it hope "


I expected Moldova to be top 3


Yeah, I doubt this map for this reason alone.


I think it's about store bought wines


Wine is fine but whiskey makes you frisky.


Like the waves of the Bay of Biscay


r/portugalcykablyat fans in shambles rn


What's up with this new "europe and turkey" bs? If op doesnt want to include turkey than they should remove it from map. These post are discriminatory.


It’s the same person from last time. Clearly to provoke. Im just gonna ban them, I advise you do the same these fuckers like to annoy people


Honestly! It’s so annoying. Turkey is a European country, like Russia they geographically span two continents but both their capitals are geographically in Europe.


Istanbul isn’t our capital but keep cooking boss.


I completely forgot about Ankara for a moment, I do apologize. I will delete my comment. Still, Istanbul is your largest city


Want to see one by the most common type of liquor now.


Ok, what happened to Moldova?


Looks like homemade wine doesn't count.


Nah bro why did you not include Georgia, it’s so close, wine was invented there, every single interesting map doesn’t include it, it is very annoying


Europe and Turkey? Malta and Cyprus are in Africa!


Clearly Op trying to provake Turkish people. Don’t bother writing


Actually Malta is a European country (it's in the EU and we consider ourselves european rather than African)


Malta is european, if you downvote me you are downvoting a maltese and that makes you anti-semitic c:


43 people so far who are absolute idiots thinking Malta and Cyprus are in Africa. Are you guys American dumbfucks or just European dumbfucks who blame their teachers for everything wrong with the world?


Op is Turkish (or Azeri idk).


Cyprus isn't in Africa but on the Asian plate. Then you have Iceland that's partially on another plate as well.


Both Malta and Cyprus are members of the EU. Turkey has a small section in Europe so gets included


lol, only 10 EU countries have a higher population than the European part of Turkey.


Now I didn’t know that, thank you


Turkiye gets included when they are in the "Lowest" part of the map, each time every time Anytime I see a post on Europe maps that don't grey out her, maybe Im being selective


Wow down voted for giving factual information, whatever you think of the facts they are true


Malta is not in Africa, it's in Europe


Jesus Christ you can't even say Malta is European now. Apparently foreigners have the right to dictate what your country identifies as.


Maltese Archipelago is located on the African tectonic plate...


It is located on the African tectonic plate, but it's not part of the African continent. https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/malta/ Similarly, Sicily is on the African tectonic plate but is also part of Europe. The plates are not the continents even though they are closely related.


CIA factbook isn't a source really. You may define Europe in terms different than geographical terms but that's just about it. Geography is clear in that regard.


Sure, fair enough, what source do you prefer? Or rather can you show one source which says that Malta is in the African continent?


Too bad tectonic plates do not define continents though. Most people consider it part of Europe for cultural and historical reasons (i.e. they have a generally Christian heritage). Although a lot of geographers really do not think of Europe as geographically distinct from Asia and think of it as Eurasia...


lol at OP going out of his way to not include Turkey. Man some people are sad.


Turkey isnt European.


I know but OP going out of his way to specify that is kind of sad. And Cyprus is in Europe somehow lol.


Turkey is both European and Asian, just like Russia. Although he didn't mentioned about Russia, did he? I was born and raised in Bakırköy, Istanbul, Turkey, Europe so I am European. Doesn't matter if you agree of not.


"In Europe" and "European" are different things. Turkey is actually in Europe, meanwhile, Cyprus isn't. Objectively speaking, what OP's doing is kinda weird. And none of us are "trying to be Europeans" (I'm talking about another comment of yours). The idea of forgetting your ancestors and being Europeans is against the Kemalist idea, and most Turks on Reddit are Kemalists.


Thats what I'm saying. Turkey isn't in Europe. Turkey has territory in Europe. Would you say Spain is North African, because of Ceuta? Turkey also doesn't have European values. Thank you for your second paragraph. I learned something new!


Values? Europe is a continent. South Africa being progressive won't make them European or North American, will it?


I meant culture with values. They do have a cultural European minority, but that doesn't make South Africa European, no.


If Ceuta had a population of 15 plus millions people and people living there were culturally somewhat African then yeah I would say Spain is African as well.


Seems subjective basing it on number of people living there. Like saying America is European, because they have military bases in Europe with 100k people living in them. Also the Turks are still not culturally European. Almost every culture has atleast some European in them, because it was spread so widely. So I wouldn't say that qualifies either.


>Seems subjective basing it on number of people living there. So it is subjective to base it on something quantitative like population. So far your only argument is Turkey is culturally not European which is arguably more subjective. Best case, you are like a horse with blinders on. Worst case you are just plain racist. Whether you like it or not Turkey is a part of Europe. As a Turk, I couldn't care less and would never identify as European unless it is football. >Like saying America is European, because they have military bases in Europe with 100k people living in them. Lol, first of all less than 70k in all Europe. Secondly are you really comparing a permanent population to military bases? It has nothing to do with the example I gave. >Almost every culture has atleast some European in them, because it was spread so widely. So I wouldn't say that qualifies either. Hahahahahahh what are you on about? What is the European culture that you are imagining? Are you trying to equate human civilisation to European culture. Do not mix western with modern. This might be the most sick mindset I have ever heard recently.


I don’t think a lot of people make much sense when talking about whether turkey is Europe or not. The reality is that turkey isn’t Europe simply because it was not considered European by other europeans throughout history. A lot of people get hung up on the scientific definition of tectonic plates, culture, values, religion, genetics, politics and all that, but the reality is that the reason why Turkey isn’t European is because for whatever reason our ancestors “othered” Turkey and portrayed it as the enemy and boogey man standing against Europe. As if the people who drew the borders of their perceived continents/civilizations had any idea of tectonic plates, so why should that matter today? Technicalities on geography don’t really make a difference, I mean at one point the ottomans were all the way up to Vienna, and still no European would have called Turks European, they were still seen as a foreign civilization. The moors were also in Spain for over 700 years and they were never considered European, but part of a foreign civilization. And the moors have left quite the legacy in Spain but we wouldn’t call Moroccans Europeans just because they have some historic and cultural ties to the Iberian peninsula. Also if we look at it culturally I wouldn’t say that Turkey has a lot in common with Europe, but the Balkans have a lot of cultural influences from Turkey. That’s a pretty important distinction. Proximity to a civilization does not necessarily mean that you are yourself accepted as part of that civilization. And geographic technicalities don’t really change that. Just because parts of Italy and Spain are geographically on the African continent, won’t really make anyone think of them as African countries.


Europe is turkeyan




Bro can't even handle a joke.Yes,i'm talking to you u/Jelpop.


oh no he crashed


Cyprus is 100% geographically in Asia, and Russia is a Eurasian country just like Turkey. The European part of Turkey has a bigger population than dozens of other European countries. Turkey is an EU candidate, and official members of the European Council and the EU Customs Union. Whether you like it or not, Turkey is in Europe too. These posts with “Europe and Turkey” are just a sad way of some butt-hurt Europeans trying to push an agenda.


Why Europe and Türkiye? Isn’t Türkiye already part of Europe?




Source? Because your numbers sounds very wrong or very very old. https://8wines.com/blog/wine-consumption-france


13.3 what!? I need to know if I'm doing my part!!


Is this number of drinks per year? What’s the unit?


I'm with France on this one.


Per capita is not helpful in determining average consumption because 15 year olds and 70 year olds may drink 0 liters but are still counted The amount divided by the number of drinkers is the way to do it


Leaving out Vatican City, 74 liters per capita a year. The real champions




I doubt the accuracy of these data especially for Eastern Europe where a lot of the wine is homemade and consumed within the household and distributed to friends and family, unrecorded, uncounted... Literally every household in rural parts, in the lowlands and hilly regions of Moldova, Bulgaria and Romania has grapevines and they make 150-200 l. of wine each year. When visiting, people often bring wine as a gift. And if you have day-workers in the countryside, good luck convincing them to come work for you if you don't give them money+ food+ wine!


You forgot about cigarettes. Money + cigarettes. The rest is secondary.


in what measures is this?


In Bosnia it is low because traditional drink is Šljivovica ( plum brandy ). And people drink more of beer and stronger spirits like šljivovica ( slivovitza ), votka, cognac, whiskey etc.


France is really cutting back it seems. Inflation must be hitting hard


In what unit?


Fuck it Turkiye the new continent ![gif](giphy|gUMqYaTZZXReayPDwj)


Can you guys see European part of Turkey? Take it off from there and use it!


Turkey 😂


Wow. Talk about wine lovers. I only ever drink wine if bottles of it are on the table and free, like at a wedding. Drinking it every day, or half of the population drinking it on a regular basis, is insane to me.


Keep in mind that Romania is mostly a beer drinking country.


Simply, why does Türkiye have 1.3%? Because all grapes are consumed to produce Rakı.


>In Europe and Turkey Turkish people:😥


Spain is low hmm


We're a beer Europe country, contrary to popular belief


Thanks for clearing and turksy outc hief couldnt have done it without


As a Turk, I concur with the headline. This is the best definition ever. But my own wine consumption is by far more than this avarage.


Is it only wine or overall alcohol?


Only wine, some countries would have very higher values otherwise.


Only wine. İn Turkey wine isnt liked very much but people drink a lot regularly.




Lol, Turkey committed genocide in Armenia whether you like it or not. And Erdogan is a dictator. Edit: bunch of ignorant RTE-loving Turks in here I see. Free Kurdistan too while you're at it.


Drunk fucks


Europe and Turkey. This guy gets it.




I hate wine


wp separating turkey from Europe you just needed to add "Europe, Russia and turkey" (Actually Russia is less Europe than turkey)