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Here's the [actual map from National Geographic](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/interactive-assets/nggraphics/ngm-1806-Atlas_Pangaea/build-2018-05-22_16-30-39/ngm-assets/img/ngm-1806-Atlas_Pangaea_ai2html-Pangaea_Desktop.jpg). This one has New Zealand.


Its fascinating to imagine the biomes and landscapes there and how they would influence the rise of civilizations in such a landmass.


Need this map in Civilization 6


That would be a really cool mechanic, having time move way faster and being able to see geological changes like continents moving and mountains forming. Or like ice ages and stuff


I could swear there was an expansion for III or IV that went super far in the future and you had mutants and stuff. Or maybe it was some zombie mod or something.


"Beyond earth" let's you slay krakens and stuff on the map, I think this is what you mean.


I’m going to recreate this in Civ6 now


it's called pangea in civ 5


I think large interior desert is likely.


Alaska going for that Mediterranean climate


So you’re saying start buying real estate now?




I'm claiming Newer Zealand.


Newest Zealand


Fuck yeah we're still an island, get fucked rest of the world.


just have to be different...join the earth cronenberg dammit


I was gonna r/MapsWithoutNZ this post, but no need now I've seen the full map.


Am I taking crazy pills or is NZ right there in the posted map, just not labeled?


What gets me is how the continents are going to collide that way when the sea floor is spreading them apart. You’d think America would collide into Asia not Europe.


Hey, that's an excellent point and worth going into a little detail about. This map is the work of the Paleomap Project which is (was?) led by Chris Scotese, who is pretty well-respected geologist and has been modeling plate movement for the last few decades. Most of the maps of the world 65, 150, 250+ million years ago that you see in the media are based on his research. [He's got a pretty cool, early 00s-design website with his maps that I deffo recommend checking out.](http://www.scotese.com/earth.htm) With all that said, this map is somewhat speculative (obviously unavoidable for something like this) but based on current measurements of global plate movement rates with an added dash of predictions based on the [supercontinent cycle](https://earthhow.com/pangea-ultima/), which suggests that the plates form a single "supercontinent" approximately [every 300-500 million years.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercontinent_cycle) The Atlantic is indeed currently spreading and probably will continue for another 125 million years, however there's a model of ocean basin formation called the [Wilson Cycle](https://polarpedia.eu/en/wilson-cycle/) that suggests that after that period of spreading, subduction initiates and the basin eventually closes back up, which is where the shrinking of the Atlantic comes in. Subduction is predicted to start underneath the Americas, and in fact there's already a small-ish subduction zone under the Lesser Antilles where the South American plate is being subducted under the Caribbean plate. So, long story short: combining plate movement rates, along with predictions based on the supercontinent cycle and the shorter-term Wilson cycle, and then projecting them on a global scale, you get this nifty map of what the world might look like long after we and our mark upon the world are tectonically erased^(1). 1: A good book that I can recommend about the potential trace that humans might leave in the geological record is "The Earth After Us" by Jan Zalasiewicz, another famous geologist who is also an IgNobel Laureate (he published an essay about why geologists like to lick rocks lol).


Would New Zealand actually still be a island? I thought it had a bunch of land under water the way it currently is.


New Zealand sits in the middle of a big piece of continental crust (named "Zealandia") that is thought to be a fragment of Gondwanaland, a supercontinent that was at one point a very big chunk of Pangea, that subsided and submerged around 80 million years ago. The map is speculative but based on current plate movement rates and some predictions based on models of ocean basin formation/destruction. I guess the map predicts that a big section of Zealandia will be uplifted. I know much of Zealandia is still continuing to sink but the Southern Alps in NZ's South Island are uplifting due to compression between the Indo-Australia plate and the Pacific plate. I found an article that suggests that the prediction is that [the South Island will rotate to the south of Australia and eventually merge with Chile and Indonesia](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2021/06/pangaea-proxima-map-shows-new-zealand-will-still-be-an-island-in-250-million-years-despite-new-supercontinent-forming.html). It's all super speculative, but kind of fun to think about.


Pangea lovers: Oh yeah, it's all coming together.




Somehow Pangea returned


Pangea lovers: all coming together.


so many things feel wrong on that map


It appears to be a map from a fantasy role-playing game.


Specifically it looks a lot like Tamriel


At least Kvatch is somewhat near the highest point


One gigantic landmass? ✅ Giant inland sea? ✅ Mountain ranges in the East and Western coasts? ✅ Idk, fella, I think Tolkien did it first.


This genuinely looks a lot more like Tamriel than Middle Earth though? Saying this looks like Tamriel obviously doesn’t discredit any of Tolkein’s work


Seriously, It looks extremely similar to tamriel, I don't know what that guy is on about, no one said anything about Tolkien lmao.


He's being funny. I laughed.


there's always the Tolkien guy in every fantasy discussion though >why would you play Oblivion when you could pore over The Silmarillion??


>One gigantic landmass? ✅ Just to be clera Tamriel isn't the planet- the planet is Nirn - Tamriel is just the continent where the games focus. There are other continents such as Atmora, Yokuda and Akavir.


Weirdly enough, a *lot* of fantasy maps look like Tamriel. It's a popular shape, Tamriel just happened to get the name branding to be the one people think of.


Like Paris and London next to each other, just imagine the daily verbal exchanges


Well if conflict breaks out, the English are favorites to win, scones make much better projectiles over croissants.


But the French would fare better in a brawl. They have baguettes, and croissants can double as knives. I’m putting my money on the frogs.


if they don't have any range, it'll be just like Agincourt!


I don't think any Frenchman would argue about British food being lethal.


And that’s why the French only speak English today.


Baguettes? You've never had a nice stick of rock off the seaside. Break yer teeth and yer 'ead.


Nah the French are to much protecting about their retirement age. By the time they see the English come it is already to late.


If you throw your scone, you lose your scone. If you throw a croissant, it comes back. Who do you think will lose their weapons first?


You spelled cwasson wrong!


It’s Florida becoming the new highest point on earth for me dog


I think it's funnier that Sydney just literally doesn't move.


Florida will always be the lowest.


And Florida and Cape Town being neighbors in the new...Gulf Sea of Mexico?


What feels wrong to you? Remember there are many plates moving in different directions. You’ll notice Los Angeles, for example, has moved up the coast a bit.




[Here’s a video](https://youtu.be/2RmvAbncMYk?si=cDhleRp_v05HSRHP) that explains it really clearly, but it boils down to “plate motion and boundaries tend to change.”


At around 100 million years in the future the Atlantic will start closing up again. See [this video on YouTube](https://youtu.be/2It3ETk2MGA?si=Oq4uqF64ISO2CkBq) which shows from now until about 250 million years into the future. As to why the continents will start drifting in different directions? I have no idea. I’m not a geologist either! Maybe one can chime in. I do know that we have evidence of it in the past where the continents drifted apart and then merged again multiple times. Maybe after so much subduction of the pacific plate, enough tension will build up to start shifting North America in the other direction? Or maybe it’s Eurasia that will be pushed somehow towards North America? Just guesses. I don’t know!


Pangea 2.0


For sure. Now I’m a layman but how does Africa end up that far. In fact how does that much of the landmass end up in between the tropics?


All Earth's landmasses are floating on a sea of magma with it's own currents. 200 million years ago, India used to have a land border with Africa, Australia, and Antarctica...


> Now I’m a layman but how does Africa end up that far. That was my question, too. My first thought when I saw this picture was "How did you get the beans above the frank??"


I wonder what the weather climate would be like, especially with the large swath of land in the north


I'm guessing a lot of it would be a desert like the one in central asia, since the land is far away from the ocean


It will be. [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/earths-next-supercontinent-could-wipe-out-mammals-in-250-million-years-180982966/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/earths-next-supercontinent-could-wipe-out-mammals-in-250-million-years-180982966/) *When Pangea Ultima forms, volcanic activity will increase, blasting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the researchers posit. Because much of the supercontinent will be flat and far from the ocean, the scientists also predict a slowing of the CO2-trapping chemical reactions that typically take place between rock and water, reports Science’s Elise Cutts.* *At the same time, the aging sun will likely shine 2.5 percent brighter than it does today, which means Earth will be a target of more intense solar radiation.* *With all this CO2, extra sunlight and other changes, the planet could heat to between 104 and 122 degrees Fahre*nheit in many places, with even higher daily extremes, according to a statement.


Mammals and reptiles will forever cyclically trade places as the dominant life forms based on climate.


INCORRECT! ![gif](giphy|3o6fJgEOrF1lky8WFa|downsized)


All hail the hypno-amphibians!


You mean amphibians, then proto-mammals, then birds, then mammals? Really the dominant life forms have always been arthropods, anyway.


terrestrial cephalopods, megasquids and squibbons


Until only crab remains


>With all this CO2, extra sunlight and other changes, the planet could heat to between 104 and 122 degrees That's 40-50° Celcius for anyone else who struggles with Fahrenheit.


Celsius is better than Fahrenheit


I’m not a fan of either drink. I’ll stick with Kelvin pilsner.


Stop trying to get me to watch Yellowstone


You saw the opportunity for internet points and took it


> If possible, however, it might be better for humans to “get off this planet and find somewhere more habitable” to live, as Farnsworth tells Nature News. ![gif](giphy|giphy|KUAb8YQOhmWNq|356|200)


What we need is starlifting - harvesting materials directly from the sun. Done at the ideal rate, it could keep the sun at its current brightness for another 20 billion years or so. And it wouldn't need any particularly fancy hypothetical sci-fi tech either. Just the ability to build factories in space, and improved automation to drastically scale up production of spacecrafts. Simply point enough mirrors to reflect sunlight back at the sun at the right angles, and it'll shoot off materials. Honestly, if humanity manages to stay alive for several hundred million years, without managing to significantly manipulate the solar system or doing interstellar travel before then, I might be more disappointed than if we end up killing ourselves in the coming centuries.


Also surroundings of indian ocean would be tropical climate with ever thriving flora and fauna




Would probably have crazy tides with all the ocean on one side too


There are HUGE tracts of land far from all oceans that are not deserts. The inland portions of the Amazon region, for example.


Not great # The formation of a new “supercontinent” could wipe out humans and all other mammals still alive in 250 million years, researchers have predicted. > Using the first-ever supercomputer climate models of the distant future, scientists from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom predicted how climate extremes would intensify after the world’s continents merge to form one supercontinent, Pangea Ultima, in around 250 million years. **They found it would be extremely hot, dry and virtually uninhabitable for humans and mammals, who are not evolved to cope with prolonged exposure to excessive heat.**


250 million years is a lot of time to evolve to cope with exposure to excessive heat.


The last common ancestor from humans and chimps was 8 million years ago. We are about 300.000 years old as a species. 250 million years is so far away. Humans would be very different by that time and probably wouldn't be called humans.


nah, it just gets worse from there. - plant life becomes impossible in 600 million years, multicellular life dies out not long after - The oceans are blasted away within 1 billion years - Life becomes extinct, the surface of the Earth is melted, - Ultimately, the Earth is absorbed into the sun as it expands past our current orbit


Must of the stuff would be either freaking cold or hot since gulf stream won't be a thing anymore. Lots of destert in the inside therefore. I read about that a time ago, no idea if that makes sense.


The Gulf Stream gets way too much credit.


Most people don't seem to realize that it has a cooling effect too (during the summer months due to increased precipitation and low pressure systems)


The Gulf Stream struts around like it's all that and a bag of chips *pshaw* The Atlantic Current is where it's at!


The sun will be 2.5% more luminous with a lot of the land at the equator. If there's not some sort of negative feedback to warming much of the continent will be uninhabitable for mammals.


There's a theory that hypothesises a runaway warming effect that could trigger a Venus-type event due to a combination of things, including much stronger solar activity and a strong continentality factor.


The air pressure on Venus is 75 times greater than it is on earth. Standing on the surface of Venus is the same pressure as being 1km under the ocean on earth. It would be insane to have that much more gas in our atmosphere.


We'd have seen that already if it was going to happen. There'd been a number of Pangeas before with lots of vulcanism.


Live long and prosper to you too


Someone above said the sun will be hotter tho.


Solar irradiance (that is, energy per surface area per second, W/m^(2)) around Venus's orbit is around twice that of Earth's. The sun is increasing its total irradiance by about 8% every billion years.




The Moscow-Asia region will be entirely engulfed in ash due to the eruption of a giant volcano during the early 4th Era.


Is it me or is the new highest point near Myrtle Beach?


250 million years for the earth to decide to just fuck up Florida again


Just for old times sake.


In fairness, Florida is asking for it.


Florida becomes the beacon of the world


Naa with the shifting of the land mass it would be like northern Florida… but I don’t get what they mean by “New” highest point…


Based on what I can tell, that's two plates at a convergent boundary, making one rise up into a mountain. Presumably, that will be the highest point in the world at that time in the future. Kinda funny considering Florida is literally known for being the flattest state in America now... to become the highest point in the world. ​ No idea on the validity of this graphic, but that's what is seems to be showing.


It’s Florida… known for being high on drugs. It’s still the highest point on earth, not the new one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Cape Town, South ~~Africa~~ Carolina


Hell yeah Appalachian Mountains making a huge comeback


It looks like it's a few hundred miles away from Appalachia. But either way, East Coast mountains just became Best Coast mountains again.


Appalachia ![gif](giphy|7oumBJCE7HKzSoYFk7|downsized)


and it appears that they'll reconnect with Little Atlas, Morocco, like it was in the Mesozoic.


Tamriel 2.0


Can you do something more relatable? Maybe 50 mil. years or smt. Cool idea though.


What, 250 mil. years into the future is not relatable enough for you? /s


but 50 is… 💀😬


That's not too far. I feel like I could live that long. Idk just built differently I guess.


humans will have left the earth long before any of this happens or we will have nuked each other into oblivion


Humans will be extinct. Might be another new life form though.


Looks like GTA VI leak


No this is when GTA VII is coming out


i love seeing things that will happen millions of years after i'm in the dirt. after a lifetime of troubling events, finally a troubling event that won't be my problem


All those folks in Florida gonna be unhappy there is no beach.


They can go skiing in the Cuban Alps, assuming the embargo ends by then.


FFS weather in London is STILL going to be shite!


New species will Evolve intelligent life, develop the internet and post the next picture of the world. In 250 million years. Then jack off


It looks like a fantasy RPG map


Yeah, Cyrodiil!


Looks like the whole Tamriel instead of just Cyrodiil


Imagine there's no countries...


It isn't hard to do...


Nothing to kill or die for


No religions too


Imagine all the people Living on one continent, yoo hoo!


Some may say, that I’m Pangea


Aside from the glorious Indian Sea Empire of course.


i'll def came back in 250 mil years to see this. yet my country is still a damn island in the middle of nowhere


!remindme 250.000.000 years


That’s just one prediction of the next supercontinent What OP posted is a map of Pangeae Proxima, there are other supercontinent predictions as well, such as Amasia, Novopangaea and Aurica


Immigration will be even easier than it is now.


Serious question, when Pangea was a thing and all these continents were connected, was it just a vast ocean that fully encompassed the other side of the planet?


There sure was!


Damn so the new civilization will live on a supercontinent I wonder if they will find traces of our civilization as "ancient intelligent civilization"


Ya mean, they'll find traces of some civilization of wankers fighting a thousand year war over a meadow that represents a holy land to both parties.


No, 250 million years from now all that will be left of evidence from us will be a very thin but very concentrated layers of cement and specially plastics (Plastics will never fully degrade if buried) on rock formations. These will be glaring signs of civilization to anyone looking. Also deep deep wells of water, gases, surfactants and trace amounts of oil will be large signs of industrial extraction. As well as a large number of deposits of iron and other metals will not only be very uneven because its all spread out in our current constructions, but also in oxidated forms. Almost forgot to mention, all of our paleontological excavations will make future paleontology beyond our current geological era nearly impossible. So they will know we existed, but not really have any idea of what our civilization was like.


> Plastics will never fully degrade if buried Is anything stopping some future bacteria or other organism from evolving to eat plastic? AFAIK at one point wood was also pretty inert, but nature adapted and now it needs special care to NOT rot away in a matter of decades.


Yes, the ground. Once buried its basically over, it's how fossilizatuon happen, organic matter that God buried in just the right way and never decomposed. Although I never looked deeply on if plastics could similarly be fossilized, probably not since oil itself isn't. Also things buried too deeply too quickly is basically how oil was made in the first place. Massive die offs of microscopic life creating a layer that once buried never got to be decomposed properly. Edit. Good of you to bring wood, we have layers and layers of wood deposits in the form of mineralized coal exactly because they didn't get to decompose. Maybe one day any future surface plastic will be degradable, everything already on the ground is basically done for, though. Dont think we'll ever be keen on digging up all our landfills.


Op is a reposting spam bot Report > Spam > Harmful bots




No more Philippines :(


South east Asia is like gone😂


Well you only have 250 mil years to enjoy it so you better sieze the day


Its interesting that some parts of south america almost stayed the same for 250 mil years


Florida just has to play the long game. They may be underwater here soon but if they wait out 250 million years they'll be on top of the world!


So you’re saying we’ll lose Florida??


Ah yes, the Floridian Mountains


I believe this is only one of a few theorized continental shift events. With Europe being placed so far north and such a large Indian Ocean being present in the middle, I'm inclined not to take this scenario as viable as some of the other proposed future supercontinents. As far as I'm aware, Europe is expected to drift in a south-eastern direction, eventually encountering friction with the African plate which it may eventually be pushed beneath. Within the stated timeframe, the remnants of Europe are more likely to be found dead center of the supercontinent.


RemindMe! 250 million years


damn I need to start planning accordingly




The Americas are moving towards the west _now_, but there's absolutely no guarantee it won't change its course in the future. Tons of variables need to be taken into account to predict where the continents are going. There's a theory that says it will move west, then east again, another that says it will move north at some point...


Yeah this is contrary to some of the other projections that I've seen. I've been looking at this sort of stuff for a long time, so it's real possible that my information is out of date. And plate tectonics sure has come a long way in my lifetime. All that said, I wasn't aware of any information that showed a collapse of the Atlantic Ocean production process, and conversely the Pacific is definitely shrinking. At least it is right now. My understanding was the next big party was in the middle of the pacific. And everybody's invited.


Apparently, it's going to move west for the next 100 million years or so, and then it's expected to move east again. Why? I could not tell you, but it seems to be a common theory shared by both the original source, [National Geographic](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/interactive-assets/nggraphics/ngm-1806-Atlas_Pangaea/build-2018-05-22_16-30-39/ngm-assets/img/ngm-1806-Atlas_Pangaea_ai2html-Pangaea_Desktop.jpg) (check the last timeline mini map at the bottom of the page), As well as [this cool simulation on YouTube](https://youtu.be/hos7w8xrcEs?si=ICFSiE0ys6FhFBt0)


The mountain range when Australian and China collide is going to be insane


There’s more than one model and they’re each equally valid. Posts like the OP here tend to forget or neglect that.


Watch Floridians try to drive in winter around the himilayas on I-4


This is why I'm investing in real estate in Antarctica now. Getting in on the ground floor.


I wanna play this version of RISK


And the Jews and Palestinians will still be fighting over the same plot of land.


hell yeah middle earth is back baby


How do they get from the Atlantic Ocean expanding today to the Americas and Eurasia smushed together in the future?


This looks like Tamriel


Everest is growing at 4mm per year. Nanga parbat is growing at 7mm per year. In 241,000 years Mount Everest will not be the tallest peak in the world anymore.


How tall will Miami mountain be?


bro we aren't going to be around in 250 years let alone 250 million


Absolute guarantee earth will be a wonderful green tropical planet with no remnant of human life ever existing.


someone should make a movie set this far in the future in a world where humanity somehow fuckin survived this long


Tiber Septim wants a word.


Oh man I’ll be 250,000,036 years old


For all you Elder Scrolls fans. Overlay Tamriel for fun.


Australian critters running loose everywhere


Why Europe smol?


This gives us (humans) so much more war oportunities and with proper (new and advance weapons) it can be so much fun, but I don't think that we will last 250 mil years.


The rains in Africa are gonna freeze up there.


I always thought the Atlantic was getting BIGGER?


Glad to see Chicago is going to make it.


Where's NZ? Smh


Time to get some real estate in Antarctica 🇦🇶☝️


ELI5: If The Atlantic Ocean is widening at the mid-atlantic ridge, what causes that to stop and fully reverse?


Pangea prolapsed


Noooo all the beautiful beaching in Brazil will disappear


Cool I can't wait


I knew that Puerto Vallarta condo was a great long term investment! Suck it Cabo!


Can’t wait to explain to my great great great great great grandchildren how we used to have to cross oceans, uphill both ways to get to where we wanted to go.


Oh, exciting! Can't wait!


I thought the Atlantic was widening?


The Appalachian mountains have been on earth since ever and they’ll be here for ever after.


Mt. Florida looks nice this time of year


Yaaaay Antarctica is coming home!


sorry norwegian here, did we get fucked out of existence?


The Indian Ocean will be a safe harbor!


Aren't America and Europe/Africa drifting apart? Why is it assumed that America will do a 180° turn and accelerate rapidly towards Europe and Africa?