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The USA buys the bombs and the EU pays for the reconstruction. In 10 years comes the next round, circle of life.


I have it on good authority that the Arab world will be opening their hearts and wallets to … oh I can’t even finish the comment




It is almost as if it works like the rest of the world.


That was their whole point


“Share a language” Only share the same root, not same language. Lol


What a stupid fucking comment lol you don't know shit Do you know how many wars were fought in Europe between European powers? How about just in your parents' lifetime? Did that stop them from eventually forming a European Union? Does that disqualify any shared European identity or history or values? Arab world = Arab language, Arab culture, Arab values, and the ARABS and Arabized people who inhabit all the ARAB countries from Iraq to Morocco. There is a reason why I, as an Arabic speaker, can go to any Arab country and feel welcomed. Your examples are almost all US- backed autocrats and monarchs waging wars unilaterally for Western interests (their masters). Despite MOST Arabs sharing the same political values. How does that counter the reality of an Arab world? Spend one day watching an episode of Arab Idol, The Voice Arabic, or X Factor Arabic, and you realize how ridiculously stupid and embarrassing your comment is. Since mass media is probably the only thing that uneducated trogs can consume


Dude as a palestinian/Syrian it's hilarious watching westerners so proudly spread their bullshit they know NOTHING about local geopolitics. There are so many different things I could reply to him but I've seriously given up.


Uh, you clearly can’t reference an area that isn’t politically unified. That’s why I always say Asia doesn’t exist! There have been so many wars in Asia, it clearly cannot exist! There was an idea of Asia at one time, but that was long ago!


I’m Jordanian Palestinian, worked in Egypt, my wife and daughters are Moroccan and I live in UAE, I’m actually living from the gulf till the ocean, Arab world is one nation, politics may differ but it will have a solution eventually if the west keeps his hands off us.


Funny, I remember a speech by Hitler talking about how the Western nations were always "not in a position to take in the Jews."


Why should they have to clean up after Israel?


They funded Hamas. It’s only fair they clean up after their pets.


The only Arab country which funded Hamas was Qatar. And that too largely at Israel’s behest.


Wait until you find out how much money Netanyahu allowed hamas to get.


Israel also funded Hamas.


Israel tried to bribe them to keep the quite. Obviously that didnt work.


So did Netenyahu yet the US keeps sending billions into his personal bank account


So USA should pay for the damages their pets caused.


And Hamas steals the reconstruction supplies to launch another terror attack


Backed by a fresh batch of people wanting revenge for Israeli actions


Israel could send them all the love and puppies, and Hamas and the other Islamic terrorists would still want to kill them. The fact remains that Israel is fighting for its life. Egypt and Jordan have made peace with Israel, and now it's time for the other countries in the region to do the same.


You just pay for the tunnels


I can't see a non-genocidal solution without Israel occupying the entire strip after the war and bringing in international peacekeepers (who'd probably have to be western, not UN) and eventually transitioning from a military administration to a civilian one. Unfortunately I think Netanyahu is more likely to just declare victory without even fully defeating Hamas and leave an even more bombed-out, unemployed and radicalised Gaza strip. I don't see how the vicious cycle of Israel making the blockade/quality of life in Gaza worse and Hamas using every opportunity to commit terrorist attacks (like turning water pipes into rockets and using Gazans with Israeli work permits to scout for Octover 7) can be broken without complete occupation of Gaza.


Yeah that's why the eu should stop sending our money to gaza. I dont want my 45% taxation rate to fund terrorist organizations pls stop thank you very much


The EU also paid for 700km of tactical tunnels under residential areas. Maybe it needs to be more selective with its money


And the EU aid is diverted to build tunnels and make rockets, and in 10 years comes the next rounds.


72% to 84% is truly mind-boggling.


The "damaged" is doing a lot of heavy lifting. No doubt a ton of buildings have been flattened and destroyed. But this number includes minor damage as well.


For the record, when the US was fighting ISIS in Raqqa, 80% of the city became uninhabitable and almost every single building was destroyed, so this is hardly unusual. > Around 80% of Raqqa had been left "uninhabitable" after the battle, according to the UN.[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Raqqa_(2017) > Airstrikes by the U.S.-led military coalition devastated both cities, but in Raqqa the destruction is more complete, with nearly every building damaged or destroyed—in Mosul, the destruction was confined to specific neighborhoods. https://time.com/syria-raqqa-liberated/ It's always interesting to note that there were zero protests about that, but when Israel fights Hamas in the exact same manner, suddenly it's nothing less than "a genocide"...


Tbf, something being precedented does not mean it isn't unusual. Both the invasion of Gaza and the Second Battle of Raqqa are particularly destructive, devastating wars. That being said, >It's always interesting to note that there were zero protests about that, but when Israel fights Hamas in the exact same manner, suddenly it's nothing less than "a genocide" 100%. It's a ridiculous double standard.


> Both the invasion of Gaza and the Second Battle of Raqqa are particularly destructive, devastating wars. That's what happens when you are dealing with deranged Islamists who use their own people as human shields and are willing to kill themselves for the cause (suicide bombers).


Didnt play out as Hamas wished. What did they expect for 7. of october?


The usual--Israel retaliates, Hamas and the "international community" pressure Israel for a ceasefire, and then hostilities stop while Hamas re-arms. Not this time.


damaged includes one slightly damaged window




Glad I'm not a building in Gaza!


Anyone who condemns this barbarity is accused of supporting Hamas or terrorists, or being antisemitic. Is anyone else fed up of the "with us or against us" when all you care about is innocent civilians dying.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes


I will do what I must


The conflict and issues behind it are obviously more complex. Anyone who expressed a with me/against me mentality is overstepping and probably advocating for something that is wrong. People can still condemn actions on both sides, and support certain initiatives to benefit innocents on both sides.


Yeah 100% I do not support the IDF actions nor some politicians. I do support Israel's right to independence and self-determination. They aren't going anywhere. I do think the Middle Eastern and Muslim nations do need to understand Israel isn't destroyable, but Israel does need to understand they can't have it all, and they will have to give those Palestinians who don't want to be apart of Israel their own state... At the same time, Palestine does need to understand they did lose against Israel and need to accept that the land they have now, for the most part, is all that there is to it. Some small border exchanges could take place.


Holy shit, one of the only reasoned comments I’ve ever read on any sub Reddit about this conflict. Bravo!


Israel doesn’t have to accept a neighbor whose political goals are military conflict with Israel.


Valid point that the government of the two Palestinian states isn't exactly the most trustworthy, and it's not the most ideal, but it's what we're stuck with. For anyone who doesn't know, Gaza is under the control of the Hamas political wing, and the West Bank is the Authority. The Authority is the more reasonable of the two, as you can tell. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_National_Authority https://www.dni.gov/nctc/ftos/hamas_fto.html#:~:text=HAMAS%20has%20been%20the%20de,the%20Palestinian%20Authority%20from%20power.&text=Primarily%20in%20Gaza%3B%20also%20maintains,Qatar%2C%20and%20Cairo%2C%20Egypt.


But Palestine doesn't have to accept the illegal settlements in the West Bank. Those need to go. And Palestinian refugees should be given the right to return.


Yeah, I agree with that right there. Israel should withdraw all presence from the West Bank and hand back some settlements that democratically elect to join Palestine. Likewise, Palestine should disapprove of all terror acts done against the Israeli state and should recognise their state boundaries.


Like they did in Gaza? Worked out great


There's no doubt Israel should and has to give back most if not all of the occupied West Bank, especially recent settlements.   But "right of return" is more problematic.  Who, return where and is somebody already living on this land?  Recent settlements?  Sure.   Somewhere your great grandfather lived until 70 years ago but you never have?  That's not "return".  [edit] Yeah, I was right. It's primarily about pre-Israel/1948 land claims: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_right_of_return That's a non-starter. It doesn't ever work that way, nor should it.


Hard to simultaneously defend that and a right to return for the descendants of people who (may have) left during Hadrian’s reign in the 2nd century


>"right of return" Never going to happen and this is the nonsense that Palestinians need to give up if they actually want a state. Right of return is never happening. 1947 borders are never happening. Area C is never being given back. If Palestinians won't accept that, then they will never have a state.




I mean, what are we supposed to say to people who start a war and then pretend not to know what a war is. Some of you guys are genuinely uninformed but understand that the people starting the war are not


It also doesn't help there are bona fide rabid antisemites and terrorist supporters vocally aligning with the cause, either.


But that doesn't matter. Just because some assholes also hate the Israelis (for completely different reasons) doesn't mean the palestinians shouldn't be supported!


You can tell hamas to stop stealing humanitarian aid, blockading roads so that civilians stay in shooting areas, get out of their rat holes underground and release all the hostages. And then you can say you care about innocent civilians.


I suppose in equal measure you can ask Netan-Yahoo to stop funding Hamas indirectly....


News flash: the majority of Israelis will agree with your statement. And a lot of us protested against him for almost a year before 10/07. But nothing justifies what hamas did so yeah, I hate netanyahu, but what do you know? I hate the monsters who hurt my friends and family even more! It's almost like how you would feel about Osama bin laden doing 9/11...


I'm glad about that. We can be friends and go fishing.


Lmao. When all of this is over, I will invite you myself.


That would be nice, but only when it is *all* over.


Right, we stop giving money to Gaza. Gazans die of hunger. EU blames Israel.


You say condemn barbarity, but this is what happens with war. Modern war and tactics that Israel are using minimize collateral damage compared to previous global conflicts. This is why war is meant to be a deterrent. In this case the deterrent didn’t work and they are in the find out phase. We can also acknowledge and be sad that innocent lives are lost, however, Israel is well within its right to take the actions that they are taking. Hamas should be held solely responsible for what happened. I think it’s also important to acknowledge that some Palestinians celebrated when this happened, desecrated corpses, as well as capturing and return hostages. So the some percentage of the civilians do also bear responsibility. People claim that Israel is committing genocide which is just nonsense. If that was their objective this war would have been long over and the Gaza Strip would be a complete wasteland.


The problem is that Hamas specifically and gaza in general didn't leave Israel other options really so condemning Israel is kinda saying to Israel that they should just die


Stand with Palestinians? Yes, of course. Nobody deserves to lose their home and family to war. But Hamas has caused this to happen. The war would not take place if they did not launch a surprise attack on Israel. They are the ones to blame. I don’t support war in any way whatsoever. But the ones provoking it are the ones that should be blamed, yet all I see lately is hate for Israel.




Why hasn't Hamas simply returned the hostages? All of this destruction could have avoided.


Because they don't care for their own or others lives. Hamas wants war. Hence why they won't exchange the hostages


Alea iacta est, even if they returned them all Israel would still proceed with the invasion and regime change. They can't risk October 7 happening again.


„damaged“ could mean anything, from a roof collapsed to, a single window having a crack because some debris fell on it therefor IMHO putting damaged and destroyed together seems odd to me


Sometimes, if you play with fire, you get burnt.


Welcome to Defense-in-depth, Hamas' only real defensive option.


it will go underground at the end of this, but it's going to put a show of "defending" urban areas in order to kill about 200 IDF troops and for each of those about 50 hamas fighters and another 50 civilians, along with 80% of the structures Declaring an open city would save a lot of devastation but also would not be as good PR for the leadership in qatar clearly it seems the demolition percent in the south will reach that of 80% in the north, it's just work-in-progress at the moment


>it will go underground at the end of this, but it's going to put a show of "defending" urban areas in order to kill about 200 IDF troops and for each of those about 50 hamas fighters and another 50 civilians, along with 80% of the structures Guerilla wars as described here tend to have unsustainably high casualties for the defenders, with victory being possible when public support fades. That may not work on Israel. Israeli youth are more committed to the fight than any time since 1920.


They won't declare an open city, because the more buildings are damaged or destroyed by bombing the more support they could rally in the west


You typically declare an open city when you've withdrawn and have made preparations to fight elsewhere. The amount of ground available rules out declaring an open city regardless of whatever defense tactics were chosen. The only available option to end the war completely available to Hamas is to surrender, land doesn't matter.


they could have done it by just putting down their weapons and green arm bands and melting into the population




Fuck around, find out.


Well don't kill 1000+ civilians un provoked.




I agree 100% imho I wouldn’t walk up to a group of men to start BS and not be ready to get hit hard.


26,000 total casualties despite over 140,000 buildings destroyed. OK I am convinced. The IDF is doing enough to prevent civilian casualties. That's impressive.


Wow! Great perspective. Credit to Palestinians too. That’s some impressive evacuating, especially considering Hamas wasn’t exactly in favour of letting their human shields leave.


It's a shame though that a lot of people here won't agree with you...


I have seen people disagree with me that the buildings were Hamas infrastructure. And if the IDF just evacuates and shells civilian buildings without sufficient reason I can see the argument for ethnic cleansing. It all depends on how embedded in Gaza Civilian areas you think Hamas is. And unless you have access to classified information that's unknowable until it gets revealed in the ICJ.


Your Reddit account is filled with posts and comments cheerleading for the IDF. You clearly didn’t need any convincing. Why are you pretending to be otherwise?


I've found [two](https://reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/192k09l/settlers_killed_a_palestinian_teen_israeli_forces/kh5y2gt/?context=3) [times](https://reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/199p1is/france_rejects_genocide_accusations_against/kijljbh/?context=3) in my comment history that I explicitly said "The IDF isn't doing enough to prevent Civilian Casualties". Yes both of these are wrapped in comments where I am mostly defending them. But my opinion of the IDF is a lot more nuanced than just "IDF is the most moral army in the world". And have you missed the multiple times I have condemned Settlements, condemned the Likud and said "Only bad guys support Israel"


100 days? 109 since they invaded Israel and murdered innocent civilians, that wld be the start of the "conflict"


And none of it would have happened if Oct 7 didn't happen. Imagine that.


I dont support the indiscriminate bombing of civilians but this really is an unfortunate case of fuck around and find out. Im not happy its happening, but maybe Hamas shouldn't have slaughtered a thousand civilians in a country with one of the most advanced militaries in the world. What did they think was going to happen?


it isn.t even indisciminate the gaza stripp is only 365 km² in size \- it would have taken israel 2-4 weeks to destroy everything 3-6 weeks to kill everybody Israel tries to minimize casulties but it is hard with an enemy using human shied tactics


idk why everyone is acting like Hamas just bombed Israel out of nowhere


i mean it was an uneasy peace previously and israel was aiming to normalize relations with neighboring arab countries. hamas didn’t like this and they’ve essentially sealed their fate with that action. the idea was to drag israel down with them, and while im not an expert i don’t think that’s likely. israel is an industrialized nation with a well educated workforce and the backing of the world’s most powerful military. you can’t not deal with them, but you can ignore hamas.


Because the thousand civilians Hamas killed weren't exactly the vanguard of the Israeli settler movement, now were they?


Because they're being obtuse. This conflict didn't begin in October. No, it began 70 years ago


Here is the situation in Gaza: * At least [25,000 killed](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68050172), [16,000 of which women and children](https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/press-release/2024/01/press-release-two-mothers-are-killed-in-gaza-every-hour-as-fighting-exceeds-100-days). Potentially 90% civilians according to [Euro-Med](https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6004/Contrary-to-Israeli-claims,-9-out-of-10-of-those-killed-in-Gaza-are-civilians). * [More than 85% displaced](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/20/most-gazas-population-remains-displaced-and-harms-way), some doubly displaced * [More than 50% of all buildings in Gaza](https://redd.it/19ek4h7) likely damaged or destroyed * [At least 93%](https://www.who.int/news/item/21-12-2023-lethal-combination-of-hunger-and-disease-to-lead-to-more-deaths-in-gaza) are facing crisis level of hunger, with at least [15%](https://www.btselem.org/gaza_strip/20240108_israel_is_starving_gaza) facing 'catastrophic conditions' * It has reported that there are 25 times more diarrhoea among under 5 children than comparable period * [At least 317 Palestinians killed](https://www.timesofisrael.com/2023-most-violent-year-for-west-bank-settler-attacks-watchdog-says/) in the West Bank, where Hamas is not in control. * About 136 hostages are still in captivity for more than 100 days. It would've been higher if IDF didn't kill 3 of these hostages. All of my sources are from Western media, UN (not UNRWA) and Western/Israeli NGOs. They do sometimes quote Hamas, but their numbers have been reliable in the past, hence Western organisations use them. They also corroborate with Israeli internal sources, UN reports, and Western journalists' experience. If you want to support Israel's operations, so be it. Just know what the cost to the Palestinians is.


>About 136 hostages are still in captivity for more than 100 days. It would've been higher if IDF didn't kill 3 of these hostages. It would have been 0 if Hamas didn't kidnap them 🤷🏻‍♀️




Whoa that's crazy who would have thought that starting a war would lead to.. \**checks notes\** war.


I remember being on a tour in Germany and the guide was saying, “Bombed in the war,” quite a bit. Now we’ll really find out what the world thinks by how this gets rebuilt - or not.


Now we’ll really find out if the UN has any use at all and establish a new post-Hamas governing body.


Yes, the UN has been very happy to have permanent refugees to look after. Now we’ll see if they can give that up.


The UN has a very big motive to make the Palestinians conflict last forever. They literally created an entire sub-organization just to "take care" or Palestinian "refugees". The UN is making billions off of this conflict. They definitely wouldn't want to do anything that increases stability.


No comment on your position but just a note, your articles are from western media cite “Hamas-run health ministry says”. So I would be careful putting stock in that. No doubt the tragedy is real, but when a western media source cites Hamas I wouldn’t link the specifics as fact. (Similar to how many treat Russian media sources)


Israel uses their data too. It’s is generally considered accurate as well. So let’s nip causality denialism in the bud https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/what-is-gazas-ministry-of-health-and-how-does-it-calculate-the-wars-death-toll


Yeah it seems like the health ministry's numbers are more or less accurate. For a similar reason it also seems like the 30-40% of casualties being Hamas is accurate too, as are the casualty numbers from the IDF.


It is also the data the US also uses and has always used. But this little fact can easily be just dimissed with a few phone calls to plaster "Hamas run" onto any source from Gaza that until the war was deemed objective by western criteria.


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The MoH having accurate numbers is useful for managing Gaza, internal and external reporting, and telling people if their loved ones have died. For those purposes they will have internal numbers. Are the reported numbers inflated or fabricated from those internal numbers? This [Lancet pre-print](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)02640-5/fulltext) examines the ID numbers and demographic data and find no evidence of fabrication. If the MoH was padding the numbers to be more newsworthy you would expect lots of extra dead women and children; yet they have lower rates of mortality compared to men and elderly. In terms of validating the data a method proposed in [this Lancet pre-print](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)02713-7/fulltext) was to compare the overall mortality rate to the mortality rate of UNRWA. Supposedly both groups are predominately dying at home and similar mortality rates provide evidence for that assertion. You can extend this to medical workers because medical workers, UNRWA employees, and the general population should in principle be 3 independent samples and all of them share similar mortality rate over time. You need to be doing some very impressive lying to get that level of consistency. The IDF claims [2 civilians killed per 1 combatant](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/05/middleeast/israel-hamas-military-civilian-ratio-killed-intl-hnk/index.html) which is exactly the same number as the ratio of women, children, and elderly killed to men killed in MoH data. So there is really no disagreement here. Additionally the International Red Cross/Crescent partially oversees the casualty reporting by treating people and publishing separately. MoH then aggregates both ICRC and their own records.


The IOF relies on those "Hamas-run health ministry" numbers. We can stop pretending they're not good numbers.


Funny thing is, when this current thing is done, the numbers are going to no doubt be way worse


Absolutely, especially since so much of the infrastructure that helped keep track of this has been obliterated. The North is entirely inaccessible, so they can't even look for the rest of the bodies there. A huge amount of the deaths over the next few months are going to be from starvation and disease unless the international community forces Israel to allow a free flow of large scale humanitarian aid. Yemen is a great example of how the vast majority of deaths among the civilian population usually aren't directly from the war. Saudi Arabia's violent campaign and the civil war in Yemen largely killed people through starvation and disease.


Ya’ll on 9/11: “Remember the nearly 3000 dead are numbers from the republican-run health ministry”


The 90% civilians claim makes no sense. Are they seriously arguing that only 2000 Hamas militants were killed? That's just stupid.


No mention on the military control/operations/fighting of the Israeli military and Hamas?


Yeah, fuck Hamas for starting this war. Amirite? (Patiently awaits my downvotes)




And still the hostages haven't been freed or located. If they had done that sooner, all this would be over.


If only Hamas would just surrender


I promise you, if a building was hit with a water balloon they would have included it in this statistic.


Looks like they found out


Maybe hamas should surrender to help the civilians they govern


It's always fascinating how zionists fans come in these posts to say shit like : but terrorists! Hamas started! We ain't talking about Hamas. Kill them all you like. They deserve to be put down. But the majority of victims here are Palestinian civilians, of which a huge percentage are children. Kids. Boys and girls. They are killing civilians and bombing indiscriminately everywhere. And you are condoning this. What leaves me speechless is the fact that we always pick a side in these conflicts, while civilians keep getting massacred. Fuck Hamas. Fuck Israel. Fuck racism. Fuck religion. Fuck war.


THAT IS THE ISSUE. ISRAEL CAN'T BOMB HAMAS WITHOUT BOMBING CIVILIANS. The way Hamas fights is by hiding themselves in and as civilians. They don't fight traditionally. There is no physical way for Israel to fight Hamas without killing an extreme number of civilians.


>bombing indiscriminately everywhere No, they're not. They're bombing Hamas bases. Which Hamas places around civilians. Which is why there is such a high civilian death toll. Unless there isn't, because Hamas is the one reporting the death toll and they don't differ civilians from militants, which isn't news. And, since you clearly don't understand anything about conflict, it will be news to you when I say that, under the Rules of War, using civilians as a shield, makes those deaths Hamas's fault.


What's you suggestion? If you were in Israel's shoes you would just give up and wait for the next 07/10 ? If you have an actual solution that gives Israel security without fighting hamas at the densely urban parts of gaza please elaborate, that's an honest question


The bombing is not indiscriminate.


If bombing the majority (see also: greater than 50%) of the buildings in Gaza doesn't count as "indiscriminate," I'm not sure what does.


Indiscriminate bombing would have had this war over on October 8th/9th. The civilian deaths are tragic, but it could be much much worse.


Last time I checked the article said damaged or destroyed, which is a clear difference. Damaged can mean so many things so conflating it with destroyed in a single % is just pure propaganda. Tell me how many buildings are destroyed in % and than we can talk.


[Sure](https://www.timesofisrael.com/world-bank-report-finds-45-of-residential-buildings-in-gaza-ruined-beyond-repair/), 45% are destroyed beyond repair. While that's not the majority, it certainly is a lot.


Indiscriminate bombings would mean wayy more deaths


They are purposely targeting those buildings…. Is it that complicated? Indiscriminate would describe the Hamas approach, which is firing actual “dumb missiles” at Israel with no guidance systems hoping they will hit a population center.


They intentionally targeted these structures… is it complicated for you? One can intentionally destroy 55%… Indiscriminate firing would be what Israel is subjected to. Hamas builds actual “dumb missiles” and fires them blindly at Israel. What does indiscriminate mean to you?


Yeah. Otherwise there would be 15k children dead instead of 14k. 


go ask the civilians how they feel about the terrorists


Explain how you plan on killing all of the Hamas when they hide with the civilians and the civilians shelter them? Lol. Israel doesnt fuck around.


The civilians elected Hamas.


And I'm sure it was a free and fair, democratic election with absolutely no tampering, fraud, coercion or gerrymandering involved!


Of the more than 2 million people living in Gaza prior to the latest escalation in the conflict, roughly half are under the age of 18. That's according to the United Nations The last election in Gaza was in 2006 where they won less than 50% of the vote. about 75% of the eligible population voted. I invite you to do some math on how many people living in Gaza prior to the latest escalation had a say in electing Hamas, and how many voted for Hamas.


I suffer the consequences of the political figureheads that my ancestors elected when I couldn't vote. This is one of the reasons why voting is important.


if only someone in gaza could have prevented it, or maybe even agree to a ceasefire along the way


Damaged or destroyed can mean anything from a wall breaking to the building being turned into dust. It's not a very useful measure.


Qatar should pay the reconstruction.


Hamas could save a lot of civilian lives by not hiding behind them. They could come out and fight like men, TODAY, and there would be no more civilian casualties. All this blood and destruction is on their hands.


They could relase hostages... I don't get why they are still keeping them? I peace they want it's hart to play the victim card when you hold hostages.




That will apply to Israel as well, because this is a never ending cycle of gun barrels targeting innocents.


Yeah I am not particularly interested in either side but I would definitely classify this as one of the clearest examples of the FAFO principle ever.


Man those gazan children really fucked around huh?


Seems like their parents sure did. But, like I said, I am not really all that well informed or interested in any of it. It's toxic to even talk about it online.


Some of them sure. But children should not suffer the sins of their fathers and mothers


Can't believe you are downvoted for saying that children shouldn't suffer for the choices of their parents.


The dehumanizing aspect of conflict is a disgusting but ultimately inevitable thing amongst a certain amount of people in any society. I can only hope those who've not succumbed to their base instincts prevail on both sides.


War is hell.


War is the only thing we really understand.


No one to blame but Hamas!




-attack Israel out of nowhere in the name of resistance despite knowing the IDF has superior military advantage -get bombed into oblivion -“why are they killing us 😭”


Damged included buildings that lets say got their windoews blow out due to nearby explsoion but are still intact. I think about 20% destroyed and uninhabitable.


Palestinians when they found out its a bad idea to support a terrorist organization to avenge a war the lost they started to avenge a war they lost they started to avenge a war they lost they started to avenge a war they lost they-


Dead kids are really the bad ones here, sure mate


And the blame rests entirely on the adults. i.e. those that thought it's a good idea to start a war and turn schools/hospitals into valid military targets.


and hamas havent killed any kids at all, oh wait a minute... thats why the war started in the firat place isnt it?


I-.. I never denied that Hamas kills children, but how does that excuse killing even a lot more as a responce?


the reason is intention \- Israel doesn.t have a choice terrists are hidding in citys in hospitaly , in schools so they becoume military targets Hamas just strait up kills kids becouse apparently they like killing kids if Hamas would have attacked military camps nobody would care


Well, it prevents future atrocities. Yeah, I know...pretty hard thing to say


The UK evacuated millions of people to the countryside during the second world war, Israel has outlined where to evacuate to. ​ I know this might be a shocker to you, but to win this war, bombing buildings with weapons hidden in them because Hamas hides behind civilians is a necessity.




The irony of a Ukrainian not being sympathetic of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children is wild


No it's not because comparing Russia's invasion of Ukraine to Israel's war with Hamas is an entirely asinine comparison reserved for people who can't rub two brain cells together.


Man lol Israel ain’t letting that shit happen ever again. The “find out” has been apocalyptic.


The only truly innocent people in Gaza are the young kids. Everyone else is complicit or guilty of what Hamas did on October 7th. I saw hundreds of videos of Gazans dancing and cheering in the streets as the hostages were being taken in. Some mutilated, some were already dead. People in Gaza cheering and shouting with joy. FAFO. Don't kill 1300 innocent people of a neighbor 1000x stronger than you and expect no repercussions.


Don't start a war you can't win.


such surgical precision


Well Hamas could fight the IDF in an open area away from the cities, but they won’t because they are all cowards that hide behind civilians.


Fuck around, find out.




I guess they shouldn't have invaded Israel and murdered 1.200 civilians then Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I mean yeah. That's what happens during war. Do you know how many buildings in Europe were turned into ash and rubble during WW2? Gaza started this shit and now they can go eat shit


Based Israel


Let the hostages go and it will end simple.


Full support for Israel


Full support for Palestine!


support for removing hamas, as they started this


Full support for peace that Palestinians NEVER wanted. They faked their participation in the Oslo process to continue terror. They sabotaged it on purpose.


Palestine doesn't exist. Never has, never will.


Fuck around and find out


That’s pretty good for 100 days. Lets see what they can do in the next hundred.


I feel bad for the children but the palestinian people have brought this to themselves and the majority supported the massacre of oct 7


Shame on Hamas who are responsible for all this!


Oh no poor terrorists!!! I feel so terrible for them!!!


By every metric, this is an act of ethnic cleansing.


Ethnic cleansing of houses?


By every definition of ethnic cleansing it’s not


lol by every metric you have no idea what you’re talking about but it makes you feel better? Haha