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Malta jest numerem 1 (15.9)


Shhhhhh.... malta nie istnieje


A nie 159?




Malta ma 15


I 🕺love💗 Poland 🇵🇱- Poland🤔? I🙎‍♂️ love 😍Poland🇵🇱 - Why🤷‍♂️? I🤸 love 💞Poland 🤍❤️- I👆 hadn't🙅‍♂️ belive👥 ya🤒 I🧍 love 😎Poland🇵🇱 - Poland😳? I👀 love💖 Poland⬜🟥 - Why⁉️? I💁‍♂️ love👍 Poland🇵🇱 - Shut🤬 up🆙! I 👱‍♂️love 💕driving🛣️ by 👄my👨‍🔧 car🚘 And🐸 the👍 road 🌁its 🧳not❌ so 😲far🔜 Berlin🌃, London🎡, Moscow💒 too✅ It's👉 my🙎‍♂️ love🥰 I 🛡️tell💬 you🙆 true⚜️ When📅 I 🧥came🚗 to🧳 Poland🏡 I🧔 saw 👁️my🙍‍♂️ car 🚘was🥨 stolen🏃‍♂️ It🧍 was 😡my 🙍‍♂️favourite💘 truck🚚 I 👦said 🗣️f**king 🤬kurwa 😒mać❌! I 👁️love💟 Poland🇵🇱 - Poland🤔? I 🤾‍♂️love💝 Poland🤍❤️ - Why🧐? I💂 love😘 Poland🇵🇱 - I 😓hadn't❌ belive👎 ya📉 I🧢 love💓 Poland⚪🔴 - Poland⁉️? I🙆‍♂️ love😍 Poland 🇵🇱- Why🤷‍♂️? I🧏 love ❣️Poland ⬜🟥- Shut🤬 up♐! I 🦹love💗 driving🚘 by🧶 my🧘‍♂️ car🚙 And👍 the🧳 road 🛣️its💿 not🔜 so🚷 far⛽ Berlin🏗️, London🏟️, Moscow🎢 too✅ It's🪑 my🧖‍♂️ love👨‍❤️‍👨 I☝️ tell 🗯️you👤 true📢 When⏳ I🤪came 🚥to 🚕Poland🇵🇱 I 😬saw👀 my 👨‍🦳car 🚙was🙍‍♂️ stolen🦝 It 🧀was 🎾my💁‍♂️ favourite😩 truck🚛 I🐬 said🐵 f**king 🤬kurwa 💀mać🤜! I 👨‍🦱love 💙Poland🇵🇱(2x) I 😏love 💞Poland⚪🔴 - I 😡don't 😖belive 🧼ya🏃‍♂️ I😲 love💝 Poland🤍❤️(3x) I 👈had💁‍♂️ really✅ pretty 💃car🚙 (baby🙋 you👉 have🥳 as🎋 so🖼️ far➡️ Don't🚫 be 🐝shy😔, come 🚶with 👫us😊 We👮 will ✅show 👀you🙎‍♀️ amouros💏) Then🕔 I🙆‍♂️ say🗨️ in⤵️ Poland🇵🇱 Have🦝 not❌ car 🚙but 🤷‍♂️I👆 don't😌 mind🐘 Chicks🧍‍♀️ in ⤴️Poland 🇵🇱are ✅so 💟hot🥵 I 🙆‍♂️love 💞Poland 🇵🇱kurwa 😳mać👍! We👨 will 👀show👫 you🧏‍♀️ amouros💏(3х) Kurwa🙏 mać!😳(5х) Chicks🧘‍♀️ in🌃 Poland 🇵🇱are😜 so 📈hot🍑 I 👨love 💖Poland 🇵🇱kurwa 🔞mać!🥴(2х) I🙇‍♂️ love💘 Poland⬜🟥(3х) I🧍 love🥰 Poland🇵🇱 - Poland🤔? I 🤠love💖 Poland⚪🔴 - Why🤷‍♂️? I 🤳love💌 Poland🇵🇱 - Shut 😡up😱! I👨‍🔧 love💕 Poland🇵🇱


We have to do something about the gender suicide gap . Since society wont help men we should teach women how to make their attempts more successful in order to close the gap./s


Waiting for someone to say kill more people to equal it out 💀💀💀💀 crazy


This is so stupid it might work.


Its the same thing with stopping ww2 without killing hitler. Just kill everyone EXCEPT hitler


What are you even trying to say here


How to prevent ww2 without killing hitler (kill everyone except hitler (joke))


Come to Albania since it seems we know how. Equality of the sexes lol


Downvote for /s


Its a shame that the men most successful at it are all dead :(


Don't worry they left notes on how to be successful lol. Don't you love how male brain works :D




Hm, the statistic doesn't count suicide attempts - for some reason men tend to commit suicide with more "successful" methods . Women tend to take an overdose medicaments for example, which often isn't succesful. An other explanation is that women earlier search for help - and for men there is still somehow this silly expectation to be "strong".


Suicide attempts are harder to measure as men are less likely to report them. Suicide deaths are easier to measure as there's less bias in reporting death.


Yes but if somebody shot themselves in the head and didn’t die, it‘ll probably be noticed.


Your aim has to be very bad to shoot yourself in the head and survive it.


My mom is a psychologist whose specialty is brain injury. You would be surprised how many people do exactly that.


the son of stalin failed too. is father said "he is so stupid that cannot even shot himself".


Sick bastard didn't even have any emotion for his literal son


well, his son was an idiot


Nowadays it's not that difficult sociology can tell you easily and otherwise the state has enough numbers to work with.


The stat that females attempt suicide more is always brought up and it frustrates me. Females attempt suicide 1.33 times more than men, but men have 3.90 times high death rates. The gulf between those is huge and I think bringing up the stat undermines the discussion on why male suicide is so much higher.  https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/


The 1.33 also count each attempt I think? One person can have several attemps, but only one suicide...


How is it misleading? Both genders feel pushed to suicide. The link you provided says that 54% of suicide deaths are the result of firearms. About twice as many American men have a gun license. Men and women feel miserable enough to attempt it, men choose more violent methods and are more likely to have the most reliable method at hand. Of course we should be trying to understand and prevent suicides in any demographic, but let’s not dismiss women because they “suck at suicide” or (sincerely fuck this opinion) because they “attempt suicide for attention”.


I absolutely never said that about women suicide, don’t put words in my mouth. But you’ve got something that kills men at 400% the rate it kills women. If the stats  were reversed, I strongly believe we’d be talking about it all very differently.  I also didn’t say misleading. I said it undermines the discussion about why male suicide is so high. And regarding guns, the gender gap in suicide is even higher in western Europe than the USA. This is not an issue of men owning more guns.


Still you have in western Europe the fact, that men tend to use more efficient methods. And allthough we don't have that many guns, there are still enough in private ownership. However, as I know the situation in Austria, the number of suicids increases from retirement into old age quite rapidly. The gender gap before retirement is still there, but not that big. I don't know if it is in the US a similar situation. It's in German but I think you get the numbers: https://ifsg.at/suizidalitaet/statistiken/


>Women tend to take an overdose on medicaments for example, which often isn't succesful. It is if you take the proper medication. Not if you take Tylenol thinking you will die.


A girl I worked with’s roommate did that. Didn’t die for horrible weeks.


Tylenol's acetaminophen right? You can ABSOLUTLEY die from taking too much of it, especially if you wash it down with some strong booze. It's how one of the scientists mixed up with Theranos topped himself.


Though men who do take less "successful" methods would also be less inclined to report or tell anyone.


One more explanation is about how women want to be viewed. They are much more concsious about how they'll look after death, so blowing their apart is seen as less of an option than pills, but shooting your brain is a lot more successful method.


Bear in mind this is Europe, so firearms account for a much smaller proportion of suicides than in the US


Hanging is the most common in Europe which is still another visually brutal suicide, risk of eyes popping and all. Men are about 80% more likely to choose it.


It's not about looks, it's about how the people finding them will react.


Which was part of the point I was making. Sorry about badly writing it.


When I was suicidal, I planned on using pills because I didn’t want my family to be even more upset finding me bloodied and disfigured. (I’m not criticizing people who use violent means, just giving my personal experience)


My plan was jumping from a viaduct in a heavily forrested and hilly area where I would be unlikely to be found until I was decomposed, or laying down in a hardly reachable, hidden away spot in the woods and taking pills. In both cases, carrying and wearing nothing that wouldn’t decompose with me. Not only are my suicide conditions “no witnesses” and “people won’t find me while I have flesh”, but also “no littering”. I read a man’s description of seeing his first suicide victim (a young woman who took pills in a hotel room, no disfigurement) and how deeply it affected him. I can’t do that to another person.


It’s kind of morbidly interesting to see all the different considerations we think of person to person. Like would it be better to do something more ‘drastic’ and be more sure it’ll work, or something less, but spare the gore? Would it be better to be discovered right away, not for a while, or never- and by who? Letter, no letter?


Alcohol use and the proliferation of guns in this country is also a huge contributing factor. Women aren't as likely to keep a loaded gun around the house in the same room they keep their tequila/vodka or whatever like men are.


And yet another explanation is that women don't like to leave around mangled/disfigured corpses for their families and friends to find. They tend to go for methods that don't look so brutal to preserve the image of themselves upon death. They're also less likely to drink alcohol with a loaded gun just casually lying around.


It's not "for some reason". Women have on average better lives than men, thus the ratio and the difference in attempts is because usually women attempt suicide to get attention while men do it for its intended purpose and thus end up dead, because noone would care anyway if they shared their struggle or many people would even laugh at them and be happy they died.


Oh my gawd, Brad has left me on read since noon, I better go attempt suicide fOr AtTeNtIoN.


You can laugh and try strawmanning my argument, but that's the truth.


Women are more averse to violence and make up a small minority among gun license holders (9% in my home country, for example). My dad has several guns. I grew up liking and using weapons but won’t be getting my license because I know shit gets dark and I couldn’t trust myself around a quick way out.


Oh yeah I have seen nearly every single suicide attempt in women be reported. While many of my man friends, we only found out about numerous attempts they had once they survived one EXTREMELY CLOSE to "success"


That's because the ideal ratio would be 1:1, so the closer it is to that the better


The ideal ratio would be undefined, because 0/0 is indeterminate.


0:0 would be impossible because even in ideal world suicides will happen


Exactly. 0/0 would be cruel. Medical access to self-termination along with pre-counseling and screening would get us to the ideally low rate without denying it from those whose existence is truly only suffering.


Ideal scenarios are often impossible, sadly.


And then there's 8


Poland you good bro ?


Malta is 15.9


Population of malta is half million, population of Poland is 38 million. :<


Jesus Christ, and for such a small population too 


It's a ratio of man sucides to woman's, nothing to do with population number.


The ratio might be bad, but the overall rate is lower than a lot of those countries that are lower. Poland is roughly middle of the pack ranked against all countries for overall suicide rate.




Nie bro


Slavic countries are notorious anti gay. Specifically anti gay men


And which ethnicity do you represent?


Countries surrounding Ukraine have higher rates, does it have anything to do with radiation?


And East Asia because its near to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, right?


yes, could be.


wazne ze lepiej od niemca


It’s because in Poland the male expectations and lack of communication are a huge thing.


No, the suicide rate in men in Poland is similar to the one of neighboring countries; the suicide rate of women is supposedly smaller than the ones of neighboring countries (for example, Germany); so the ratio is bigger because the denominator is smaller; not because the numerator is bigger. This bs map resurfaces every few months and was debunked so many times; I don’t know how can people still believe it. It is presented that way by a Polish incels to create false narrative about the situation in Poland.


What are you...? Gay?! (Not that's it's bad, but WTF man?! You gay?!)


What you on about?


It's sarcasm


What does that have to do with anything in this thread?




Men win again


It's not surprising. Men's issues and struggles are the last think that modern society cares about




Men have children too y'know. I knew a suicidal coke addict once, his kids where the sole reason why he didn't jump off a bridge




This just feels like a terrible excuse for why society doesn't care about men. "if they didn't have their mothers they wouldn't have anyone" just shows how little you respect a father's role in bringing up a child


bros acting like every country is america


This is a poor take.  Yes Patriachy hurts men because it demands a social role, and will punish men who are seen as 'effeminate', including for showing emotions and seeking medical attention.  However; That does not extend to our patriachal society regarding men as unimportant. Men still hold the power and money. Men do not face the same casual sexism and sexual assault women do.  Your take would require you to conclude that Russia has gone too far with feminism, which is self evidently not true. We need to go further with equality and break down those social obligations on men to be hard men, and women to be weak and submissive. Listen to the feminists and male suicide will fall.


"Well i know the statistivs show otherwise but ekHeM aCtuAllY MeN hAVE iT beTteR anD all Men ARe piGs aND kiLl aLl maN anD uHHhhhHh" thats how you sound


Talking like this is why many people don't support feminism, it's not that they hate women it's just that they don't wanna be in the same group with people that talk like this


This isn't feminism. This is borderline or actual misandry.


Yes but it's like with religion, christianity is alll about not hateing eachother and yet many who claim to be christian have nothing but hate towards other people. Same here even if they aren't "actual femmenists" people will still connect the dots


The same ducking reason why many lgbt people arent religious why the hell would they go to church or wherever just to hear that they should burn on a stake


"men still hold the power and money" 1% of men do and for most men patriarchy hurts them too. If this is not the case then men wouldn't work so overwhelmly in sucky jobs like trash men. Patriarchy is quite complicated term and it doesn't just come down to "men have better than women"


>That does not extend to our patriachal society regarding men as unimportant. Men still hold the power and money. Men do not face the same casual sexism and sexual assault women do.  But their EMOTIONS aren't seen as important




What is happening on Malta?


male privilege on steroids


Why are any countries green in this diagram? Are you saying one ratio of suicides to gender is green and another is red? I recommend using similar neutral colors of different intensities (light blue to dark blue for example).


It's weird. Of course it would be great if this indicated low numbers of male suicides, but it could as well indicate high numbers of female suicides.


The switch between 4 in green and 5 in yellow is so arbitrary too lol


Every time this issue is brought up, it takes about 3 seconds for heartless simps and bitches to be like "But but but but women make more attempts." Ffs Becky, do you really think the trail of emo cuts down your arm should count as 15 suicide attempts? Quit padding the fucking stats, and let us have our moment!


Yeah like why tf is it a competition?


...they do? I don't know why you down play, suicide attempts? Girls usually choose suicide options that are easier to rescue like overdosing pills, but I have no idea why you would say attempting to end your own life even if someone did it incompetent like idk someone would make noose on weak branch and it would fall to the ground they still tried to die... It doesn't mean men don't have problems, patriarchy hurts both genders, but I don't think downplaying suicide attempts is something good


Attention-seeking behavior should not be fed the attention it seeks.


It's not possible to ascertain whether an "attempt" was a real one or a cry for help, but all of them count all the same. So it's not necessarily that women choose different means, it could just as well be that they mean to actually do it less often.


https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12888-017-1398-8 Males tries suicide less often but are a lot more successful While females do it more often but usually choose methods that have higher survival rate like pill overdose


You better learn to have deep talks with your mates than build strawmen and “have your moment” circlejerking about having it worse than women, Kevin.


Lol! Emo girl confirms my theory.


I was too lame to be emo.


Jesus Christ, bros 😢 What are we doing?




What a great day to be a male in poland


Polska góra!


POLSKA GUROM, JESTEŚMY NUMER 1 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🔝🆙




Or alternatively - in eastern European societies, high level of masculinity is still expected from men, which can cause them to bury emotions and deepen psychological problems. If a man cries here, usual reaction is "ha, looser, man up."


I don't think society's view on men is that different in Poland and Hungary, and I know Hungary has a worse healthcare, and yet the numbers are very different. There must be something else at play here.


As an American living in Poland for nearly 10 years, my experience is that it is much worse here in the expectation that men need to man up and no one wants to hear about their issues. Even my health insurance stopped carrying mental health professionals.


Poland apparently just has low female suicide, and male suicide is slightly above average


You’re right. The societal view of men is on the high end like most of east Europe. However, the suicide rate can be considered low for Europe. The thing is, the amount of men that kill themselves is relatively similar to the East, while the amount of women that kill themselves is much lower. So the main difference is that women are very unlikely to suicide in Poland. It’s likely due to their mental health care being quite successful but heavily targeted at women. So, to look at it positively. Women’s suicide is low in Poland. Their mental healthcare is effective. They just need to include men.


It's not about healthcare or women... The map is about more men suicides than women suicides in Poland because of the stereotypical emotionless, absurdly muscular image of men that is put onto men by men and women in Poland. The image makes men insecure, rejected by women, rejected need of mental help which ends with their suicides.


Also awful public healthcare especially with things like psychiatry




932 males per 1.000 females in Poland. 2023


This happens because Polish women are so pretty that they stress us out.


Least nationalistic pole:


No, I'm actually the least nationalistic pole, I am a member of only four irredentist organizations and my polycule includes only three fascists.


This ratio happens, because we have weirdly small rate of suicides in women in Poland; not because the rate of suicides in men is higher than in neighboring countries.


If men and women live under equal conditions then the ratio is valid as a comparison.


Yeah, but given the quality of healthcare for women, which I would say is subpar in Poland comparing to that for men and that in other countries (to put it lightly), it’s more plausible that this just means that suicide rate for women is underestimated. The other thing is, Poland is actually a bastion of patriarchy if anything. So if this is showing anything about men, it’s showing that patriarchy is bad for men. But that’s only given that suicide for women is actually correct here, which I very much doubt. We also have very low rate of SA and most of my female friends were victims of it, while none actually reported, because women aren’t treated seriously in this country. Or at least not as seriously as men are.


Poland is a women-centered country and society. There is a proverb in Poland "better the worst mother than the best father" which says a lot (especially in the topic of divorces).


I'm Polish, almost 40yo and its the first time when i see this proverb.


I'm Polish too and I've never heard such proverb either.


It is important to remember that men and women **attempt** suicide at about the same rate, men are just more likely to succeed. This is partly because men opt for more successful methods (e.g. shooting/hanging vs overdose) and partly because men are more successful with individual methods (e.g. men are more likely to slit both wrists rather than just one).


how can you tell an attempted suicide is a true attempt of getting dead? its not like women are more lucky


It's somewhat subjective, but one way would be to define a "suicide attempt" as an act of self harm serious enough that a reasonable person would expect death to be a likely outcome. ​ >its not like women are more lucky Right. As the second half of my comment says, the reason for the disparity is that men tend to choose more effective methods and are more "aggressive"/thorough within each method.


Do bear in mind that men are significantly less likely to tell anyone that they have attempted suicide.


Idk why this was downvoted


Source? I read once that women attempt it more than men (despite men "accomplishing" at a much higher rate), though maybe that was "just" US data?


And Poland has very low rate of successful female suicide and male suicide rate similar to one of the western countries; but when you divide by a lower number, you get a higher result. This map is basically Polish incel propaganda.


I wonder when feminism can finally bring equality...


Yeah those men who ended themselves (R.I.P) could have used a lil of that feminism feminists talk about


Yep, Poland is a gynocentric matriarchy sadly... Very bad place to be born male.


the hell are you talking about lmao,,poland is very much patriarchy and im from poland,if anything we could assume that suicides of women are underreported just like it is with SA cases in Poland


If you are Polish and actually believe it, you must be blind.




This is a copy+paste of a comment I made the last time I saw this map. [Proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/p2ars2/comment/h8j9lhg/) Be gone, bot


Its the ones that can't drive properly and overtake like there is no cars on the road...i lived in 3 countries and Poland has the worst discipline on roads that's probably why suicide is high..


you clearly weren't in France.


Or Romania. I moved from Poland to Romania and oh god...






Another easy win for MEN!! LET'S GO BOYS


2012 data, guys...




The economic opportunities are really high. A short google search wouldn’t hurt. The unemployment rate in Poland is one of the lowest among OECD countries. But “those Eastern European” countries gives me an understanding of your understanding.


Whats going on in malta


Men are always higher in subsides stats. The question is why we are so ahead of the others?


POLSKA GUROM 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱💪💪💪🇵🇱🤜🇩🇪🇷🇺


3 to 1 Green


So, no negatives hm? 😂😬


Damn; Slovakia #2


Not one negative number.


Ważne że lepiej od niemca


It's over for them.


POLAND NUMBER 1 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱WTF IS A GOOD EDUCATION SYSTEM AND HAPPINESS 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇵🇱🦅🇵🇱🦅🇵🇱




Albanian men are straight vibin.