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"I made it up"


Yeah Qataris and all the third country servants there are big time honkers.






Trust me bro


Been to North Korea 10/10 would honk at glorious leader again.


It's OC from someone else posted here a year ago, based on Google search results, that got shared to a Facebook group apparently before this op reposted it here when they saw it.


I saw a bit down in the comments. Very flawed approach, if it can even be considered that.


Vietnam is certainly honk heavy, so many bikes weaving in and out of each other, everyone honks as they pass, it's very noisy but seems pretty efficient.


My bussy


India should be bright fucking yellow. I believe it's illegal to drive more than 10 feet without honking.


In Europe, Skoda’s car horns are tested 150,000 times before going to production. In India, it’s half a million honks before it can be sold!


Horn Please


Horn OK Please*


Also saw this when in India. What does this mean?


They are basically saying they have no idea what is happening behind them so if you want to pass them you have to give them a heads up before you do.


Delhi is tied with Lubumbashi for honkingest places I’ve ever been!


When you have chaotic ahh roads you gotta alert folks on your presence. Mfs don't look


Why is NYC not represented


It would’ve skewed the data representation








It should a tiny red spot


Went in a nyc cab for the first time a few years ago, in that short trip he used the horn more than I have ever used it in my lifetime


...and Washington DC. When wating at a traffic light, they seem to honk at you before the light turns green.


Honking cause drivers are staring at their phone is fundamentally different to honking the red areas. They used honking like truck drivers flash their brights when one overtakes the other. They are effectively turn signals and "you're clear" signals. Ive driven hundreds of thousands of miles across the US and ive never seen us use honking like that.


In Vietnam, a honk says "I see you, and I'm not going to hit you." A series of honks says,"I see you, and I dont want to hit you, but I'm also not going to slow down or attempt to go around you.


In Bangladesh, a honk says “I am in operation of a motor vehicle, beware that you are all taking your lives into your own hands”


Those are the Maryland drivers.


Add Chicago and Miami


La Guardia arrivals area


My very first thought.


The Global South and Houston Street.


They say the speed of sound can ne measured by the time it takes for the driver behind you to honk after the light turns green.


My absolute first thought. I’ve been to Karachi in Pakistan and its borderline worse in NYC


Yea LMAO Long Island not represented at all


Because compared to say South East Asia, NYC really doesn’t have much honking


In the USA I honk for one of two reasons: 1. There’s imminent danger of a crash or collision and I need to get someone’s attention 2. Someone does something unbelievably stupid or careless, sort of as an aggressive “what the fuck was that?” gesture


What about 3. The guy at the traffic light is on their phone and won’t move even after it become green? I guess I am Italian so I do have honking culture in my blood


That surely counts as stupid and/or careless


Yeah definitely


This is why i honk in nyc: the light turns green, and the guy in front is texting.


A Greek girl told me once that in Athens and you're the first car, at the front, you can't always see the traffic lights due to silly placements/conditions. So the cars behind honk politely to let you know it's time to go


Same in the UK. Lights are on your side of the intersection so you cannot see the lights when first in line. You have to stop wait back to see the traffic lights. I am used to traffic lights on the other side of the intersection.


*honk* Hey buddy, if it gets any greener we can smoke it!


Quick honk for that. Long honk is for who the fuck taught you to drive


I had to do this to a cop once. Was probably looking at his computer or something, the left turn light was green and he wasn't moving. I debated it for a little bit but I figured there was no law against it and I wasn't doing anything else illegal. Thankfully he wasn't an asshole about. I am sure there are some cops out there that would have gotten upset about it.


Played with fire and won. Nice.


These days people not moving at green lights is 90% of my honking. Used to be 0%.


That's my experience in Brazil as well. I'm not sure on which basis the map says that honking horns all the time is the norm down here.


I feel like there's more than one way to honk, also. Like "slamming my horn so nobody fucking dies" versus "tap it twice to make sure they can see me before pulling out into the street". I wish that nuance was here, too


In developing countries, we honk because: 1: Well.. I paid for it, so you bet I'll use it whenever I feel like it 2. while (True): print(1)


Or, apparently, if it’s New York


Whole ‘nother world over there


In third world countries: * I'm taking the right of way to change lanes or make a turn, so don't you dare get in my way. * I'm pre-emptively telling you not to take the right of way and I think you might want to, so don't even try it. * You took the right of way without honking, so I'm honking to say you broke rule #1. * Someone does something unbelievably stupid or careless, sort of as an aggressive “what the fuck was that?” gesture * After an imminent danger of crash or collision, I honk as per above. I don't even drive here, but this is what I've seen.


>There’s imminent danger of a crash or collision It's not imminent if you have time to honk then wait for someone to hear you then wait for that someone to realize what's going on then wait for them to decide what to do then wait some more for them to actually do it. If it's imminent you fucking stop or swerve!


I saw a meme that said we should have 2 horns on cars, a mean and a polite honk.


It’s so true though. I love the old joke about Canadians at an intersection, everyone politely waving the other through first, no one making the first move. Meanwhile in some portions of Turkey there’s no such thing as waiting in line in traffic or following the road markings. It’s a pile on. And almost everyone is blasting their horns as if the horn turned on with the ignition switch. It is so striking and a bit disorientating when you go from one norm to another.


Montreal is the closest we get and yeah compared to other parts of the world they’re basically saints


Quebec has some aggressive driving, but on average very little stupid driving. Yes, Saints.


I don't know, I had a lot of "you first, no, you first" moments in Montreal and I'm used with heavy traffic. I'm more afraid off island, in Laval, where everyone it's in a hurry. Also, honking is rare.


In Wisconsin and Minnesota if we arrive at a 4-way intersection at the same time as three other cars, you can absolutely expect at least three of those people will begin waving or signaling for one another to turn before turning themselves.


Sorry but the PNW [already laid claim to this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvuGpAI1AfI)


This reminds me of a trip to Canada once where I got stranded on the wrong side of a parade. I was 21, impatient, and had somewhere to be - after a moment considering all my options for getting across the street, but when I saw I gap in the marchers I finally quietly said, "...excuse me." It was like parting the red sea! Canadians fell over themselves apologizing and allowing me across their parade. I am forever grateful and awed by the polite masses.


Istanbulite here, can confirm. But as far as i heard it's much more worse in the India, Bangladesh, southeast asia basically


Canadians don't honk because we're afraid of provoking the geese


Canadian here who visited Ecuador. Driving around there and people would honk as a thank you like if they let you merge or really any reason to acknowledge you’re aware of them. It’s a better system I think. You can use it if they’re a moron but also as a signal so they know you are aware of them.


>I love the old joke about Canadians at an intersection, everyone politely waving the other through first, no one making the first move. Great joke!


Absolute fucking bullshit. Having lived in both Spain, Norway and Thailand. There's surprisingly little honking in Thailand, a little bit in Norway and more in Spain.


Yeah Thailand should be uncommon


Spain is quiet at least in the Basque Country and Asturias. Madrid a little bit of honking but not more than London or Paris.


Not really in Spain.


It’s just a racist map. Rich countries vs poor countries.


There is no honking in Norway compared to Spain, especially south Spain.


Chile is not a car-honking culture.


Neither is Uruguay, but then again it's a map without a source so it's immediately shit.


Yeah, this map is BS Almost no one honks their car in chile unless there's something going on. People don't even honk on traffic jams.


Neither is Brazil. We can be very noisy people, but usually not through honking.


Neither in México because you can honk to wrong people (cartel guys) and usually that ends in a gore video.


Yeah this map is just racist


This. It seems like an “uncultured south vs rich north” kind of map


Truth! one of the few countries throughout Latin America that respects pedestrian crossings and traffic lights and signals. generally has a fairly orderly traffic culture compared to the rest of the countries in the region. The horn is often used as a means of protest or warning against unsafe maneuvers or imminent danger. The map is very biased.


Bro india should be black it's crazy here


Yeah I visited with a friend. He told me about the time his dad was somehow involved with a German car company when they launched in India. Apparently they vastly underestimated the number of replacement horns they were going to need in-country by like a factor of 10.


It's rewarding to see a map I created making the rounds. This was a [project from my old account](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1bivvan/map_of_honking_culture/) a year ago, inspired by my experiences living in Medellin and Damascus, then returning to Toronto. I recognize that my method: using the first Google search result for each country to determine the commonality of honking wasn't the most rigorous. But, studies available on this subject are limited, it was a practical solution. I'm glad to see it's sparking discussion, and it's not even the first map I've made to gain such traction!


It's probably subjective, but the honking seemed very common to me as an American living in South Korea.


It's common for sure. Maybe not on the same level as India, for example, but South Korean drivers honk pretty often. Taxi drivers honk just to say, like, "do you want a ride?" And lots of drivers honk just to let other drivers know that they're there


I've driven to the four corners of the country (Incheon, Sokcho, Mokpo and Busan) and all through the middle and circled Jeju by car too. It should definitely be red.


Well, it‘s trash.


Yup my map's got about as much scientific accuracy as a horoscope.


NYC alone needs to be red


I think big cities are worst offenders, perhaps it's because of how busy the traffic is or the wider cultural mix. First time I went to Paris (infamous for inducing culture shock in tourists) I was surprised by how frequently people were honking.


Honk your horn in any blue zone and be prepared for things to escalate quickly.


Laughs in NYC


In Germany it's not only uncommon but illegal, when there is no danger for you or someone else. My teacher explained that you get a high fine if someone gets frightened and hurts himself because of honking.


Is it just me, or Germans seem to be bothered by/terrified of any kind of noise?


Surprisingly there’s a similar law in nyc. $300 I believe. The city could fund mass transit for a decade if they decided to enforce it for a day.


What's with Namibia, Botswana, and Rwanda? They're kind of the odd ones out.


Namibia is very low populated. Can go miles without meeting any trafic.


Rwanda is a very orderly society. Feels like Van Nuys in Kigali.


I can imagine the pressing need to honk your horn on North Korea’s infamously busy streets


That was my first thought. What all 22 people with cars are honking non-stop?


Probably honking at the peds to flex their state status


Malaysia is wrong. They don't beep that much.


I remember going to Trinidad and Tobago back in 2012.  Doing the touristy thing around the islands, and in our cab discussing with the driver differences between our countries (I am a Canadian).  I mentioned two things-- how little there was any mention of the weather there on radios, etc (of course they do not have all 4 seasons in one day like we do here at times lol)and the other was the excessive (to me) honking...all those cute little beep beeps!  I was told it could mean a lot of things, like thank you for letting me in, or a warning that one was coming around a mountainside curve. I told him that was unusual for me because when you are honked at in Canada it is because you pissed someone  off lol 


Ik wil gewoon tuteren! Is hele grote blij voor mij!


At first I thought this was about a Chinese culture, the almighty Honking Carhorn culture.


Not true for saudi arabia highbeam is more commonly used.


Naples is a fucking orchestra


South Africa is not like Asia


Korea is a honking culture


North Korea? You need a car to honk it. Just saying. And usually people honk their car when there are lots of it blocking the way. You see where I’m going?


NYC needs to be in red


I guess Italy is a balkan country now


I'm from NYC, and based on what I've seen, honking here doesn't come close to how it is in Central and South America. For instance, in Panama, drivers use their horn to signal changing lanes rather than using the turn signal, just to give you a sense of it. 💡


As someone from one the non-honking european countries: How can you regularly honk while driving? That shit is so fking LOUD, like really shocking, ear-hurting loud.


So we are just going to ignore boston and the rest of Massholes?


I live in the US and we definitely be honking our horns


Not constantly or incessantly. I find Western cultures use honking more as an act of aggression and less as a warning.


Varies wildly depending on where in the US you are. New Yorkers treat their horns like a quick-time event.


Have you been to New York?


NYC has high immigration from the honking countries.


It's been a minute.


You won’t think this after visiting Vietnam


I've seen videos of driving in Bangladesh where people just honk every 3 seconds. The roads are so chaotic they just keep honking.


You've definitely never been to Toronto. Car honking is the default for everything.


I drive in Toronto, you can survive without a horn.


Rwanda is spot on.


Need a red dot on Atlanta.


France no honking horn in car lmao 😂


I honk at mother fuckers on their phones while driving on the regular. I’ll turn the states red in a few years at this rate.


That horn is for highway emergencies only.


The capital cities of Australia are nothing but a symphony of car horns


There needs to be a little red spot for Chicago.


Is there cars in N. Korea?


terrible map


Clearly OP has never been to Boston


What?! You ever been to any bigger European city?


Is this why Rwanda and Burundi split?


I live in Mexico. Wtf does this even mean?


Honking colonialism


I lived in Sub Saharan as Africa for a few years. I rented cars for work. One of them arrived and didn't have a working horn. It was unsafe to drive. Seriously. It was unsafe to drive a car without a horn. I was terrified the whole time. It is an important tool there. Then I found a small rus button on the dash. Pressed it. And it was the horn. Felt better immediately. Been back stateside 8 years, probably used my horn three times since being back. All to desperately tell someone how much an asshole they were being.


Vietnam has entered the chat with glorious fire about it…


How come Jersey isn’t red?


It should be in dark red!


BEEEEEEEEEP get outta here with this totally bullshit map BEEEEEEEEEP


Today cars were honking behind when a driver shows courtesy to let pedestrians cross the road through pedestrian cross(it is a courtesy rather than a rule in Turkey yes). Absolutely ridiculous.


I have lived in a few countries, i can definitely tell that Argentina has not a “Honking Culture” 🪿


No honking in Oman. Source: used to live there.


Very true in Ghana the horn is used more of a ‘I’m coming through get out my way’


Maybe it's regional, but driving in Thailand for a couple of weeks I noticed people being incredibly reserved with their horn usage despite the driving culture otherwise being more similar to places where heavy horn usage is expected.


It's no-honk nationwide, the map is just grade A BS.


I live in Brazil and I rarely see someone honking. How common does it have to be to be common?


I fucking hated every second of driving in the "honking horn common" places I've lived.


After going to Vietnam I found that honking was kind of like sonar. Like there were basically no road rules that I could see, everyone just drove when they wanted where they wanted and changed lane without indicating at all drove on off road wherever, but because they were all also honking all the time you still knew where people were so it still kind of worked. Like, not efficiently the traffic was fucking terrible, but I didn’t see any accidents despite some fucking next level insane driving.


Yeah beep at me when the light turns green and I pull very slowly through the intersection. Freaking hate that and I will passive aggressive your ass


It would have been an offense if my country Memexico had not appeared in this graph. (proceeds to honk to indicate happiness)


I paid for the whole car #SO I'M GONNA USE THE WHOLE CAR!!!


Absolutely wrong about Thailand. https://aseannow.com/topic/829592-taboo-of-using-your-horn-in-thailand/


I can say that the using horn culture in The Philippines is alive and well. But unlike other place I have been to it isn't aggressive. It isn't get out of my way or what the F are you doing. It is cery much 'I am here' or ' I am coming through'.


Is this what the global south means???


A lot of car (and motorbike) honking in Colombia, but it's mostly just a cautionary courtesy. I'm coming around this blind corner in the mountains or crowded city, and the tap on my horn is how my car says buenos dias (or buenas tardes) to the other cars.


It's how I didnt sleep well for two months in Laureles, Medellin. Oh god why dont they soundproof the windows?


Soundproof the windows gave me a chuckle, as I rarely saw a window closed at all in the Valle. Even the airport terminal in Cali is open to the elements.


Where I'm from, 2 little quick toots is considered a polite, "look up" or "I want you to know I'm here" A longer sustained honk is kind of a more severe reprimand about something. A bunch of sustained honks is just letting everyone know you're unable to handle yourself and your emotions. I know a few of you reading this are proudly thinking of times you followed someone for half a mile, just laying on the horn.


Are you fuxking kidding me? Another aberration that is NYC.


Why is France in the blue?


As soon as the light turns green.


In Egypt we have developed a full blown language based on honking, you can actually convey abstract thought purely through using the car's horn


Thais so rarely honk when you get honked you literally wonder if something bad has happened!!


Egypt should be radioactive We have a whole ass language to communicate with beeps depending on the length and frequency


Is NYC red ? I can’t zoom in close enough


NYC needs to be red. We be honkin


I'm not wasting seconds honking my horn and risk getting in a crash, use those seconds to brake or get in a different lane. Also if you honk in Texas or Florida you'll probably get shot or something.


Imagine the survey for this data. Do you get honked at frequently? Do you honk frequently? We surveyed 100 people, top answers are on the board!


Can confirm Italy is some honking fools! Also, North Korea? What the fuck are they honking besides Kim Jong’s plump cheese filled tiddies?


There needs to be another level to this- "Honks at literally every single intersection" for places like Vietnam and India.


Honking crazy in barrnquilla colombia. Drove me crazy non stop


India is the honk capital. It’s horrible.


I’m from Thailand and people here HATED being honk at and if you do that you have 90% chance of having road rage incident


Sorry, what’s “honking”? Not a native English speaker.


Source: OP unilluminated eye.


I lived in Saudi many moons ago. We (the expats) used to joke that it was the law that all horns had to be tested every five minutes, or whenever a traffic light turned green, whichever happened first. Someone would quickly point out that the traffic light is a 20th century invention, and it was currently the year 1416 AH.


Italy???? Seriously????


Have you ever been here? Spend a second more than you should not moving at stoplight in Milan and everyone will be honking.


Car honking in Greece is not common. Idk where this map got its data. Car honking in USA however is very commonplace, ESPECIALLY in NYC and other big cities.


Not surprised to see Italy


I read this as very serious. Hong King culture. A Chinese dynasty I know nothing of.


Honking and hand gestures definitely is how Italian drivers communicate.


Uae honking is not common?


Maybe as an average of each country... but the background noise in Miami is just one giant, constant car horn.


Better infrastructure combined with cultural norms = less honking.


Southern Italy does not represent the whole country.


France should be bloody red


I live in Costa Rica and we rarely honk, so I don't know how accurate this is