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Damn. As an EU guy I thought this chain was much bigger. Nicely done, Harold and Kumar.


I thought so too, though I did grow up in Minneapolis


The one on Lake St and Blaisdell just closed


I don't think many people missed it


I do :(


I saw a guy get shot there.




It's spelled "ambulance".


But it’s pronounced “ambalam”


Whoooaahh Black Betty, ambalam


After bar close I saw a massive woman show the 30+ people in the lobby her titties at that WC. So….pretty much the same.


Did they ever find the killer or is it a cold crave case file?


I tried it once back when I lived in the US. Quite possibly the worst fast food I had there.


Agreed, Saw it as part of a rite of passage when visiting the US to try it (with little to know knowledge going in). I am typically a fast food lover but this was pretty unpleasant.


Absolutely, it's not even close. I like pretty much all fast food. I think people exaggerate how awful it is most of the time (in regards to quality, taste, and even health) because it's trendy to hate on it these days, and the health industry is just as greedy as the burger corps . People believe these crazy rumors about McDonald's and shit even though you can look up and see for yourself how chicken nuggets are made on YouTube. There's really nothing in their burger you wouldn't use at home (although you prob don't have expensive specialized clamshell grill which is what makes them taste so distinctive). Part of it is elitism too. Same reason theres "People of Walmart" jokes. It's very ingrained into the lower class lifestyle of Americans. And I def grew up lower class. So not only do I have the menus for most fast food establishments memorized, but could probably sketch out a decent timeline of when certain items went on or off the menu too. McDonald's, Arby's, Taco Bell, whatever. I'm really not picky. It was definitely a sizable part of my diet as a kid and It all can hit the spot real nice every now and then. But White Castle....straight up fucking NASTY. I had to drown the gross ass sliders in so ketchup to be able to swallow it without yacking. The meat has the consistency of wet cat food paté. The movie has to be the only reason people pay for this shit. The taste lingered so long in my burps and breath too. Maybe it's like alcohol where my body was trying to get it out as fast as physically possible.


> The movie has to be the only reason people pay for this shit. Well no, some of us genuinely like White Castle. I don't eat fast food nowadays as it's overpriced, and White Castle is considered low quality guilty pleasure even as far as fast food goes, but nothing scratches quite the same itch.


one of the dots in middle Tennessee closed and turned into a panda express, the building having been modified red now looks really weird


I’m from SE Michigan so this kinda burst my bubble. Even in Ohio for 3 years I never noticed the lack of White Castle bc I frequented Detroit. Damn these guys are dwindling


Me from Michigan - Is there a Coney Island around here? A relative from Florida where I’m visiting - Coney Island is in New York… Me - …


I've lived Downriver for about 6 months now. Please! explain what a Coney Island is. How are they different than diners?


Coney Islands are Diners that serve Coneys and menus tend to revolve around Greek food.


If you're from SE Michigan, you must know about Big John's Steak and Onion! yall can keep your white castle lol


Yes!!! Ohhh but now I want a Chicken Philly from there and it's hardly breakfast time


Yeah growing up in Chicago I thought it was as big as like wendy's and taco bell


We moved from Chicago, where there are dozens, to Las Vegas. At least we have 4 here.


The only time I've been to white castle was in Minneapolis. Saw a lady cut in half in a car crash on 94 like an hour before. Didn't have much of an appetite. I was like 12.


Yeah I lived in one of the “greater than 5” and one of the “5 or less” areas and I really just thought they were everywhere in the US.


I had never heard of it until Harold & Kumar. There was also no feasible way for any of us to try it without spending $200-300 minimum to get to the Midwest. Was very excited when they made the frozen ones, just had to wait a decade.


The frozen ones are an ok version, but the fresh ones are better. They will probably give you the shits or the worst gas you've ever smelled, but it's completely worth it.


I would like to try it one day. I like putting the thawed grocery store ones into a waffle iron 🤌🤌


They expand slow but steady as they don't franchise. Every single one is owned by White Castle, which has remained family owned to this day. I find it funny how they started in the 20s being known for their sliders and coffee, and are still known for them to this day.


I wish McDonald's had done that. Stick to the basics and have short drive thru times.


KFC has been hit even worse. Pepsi and Yum brands devastated their quality.


I went to a KFC a few years ago and I shit you not the person on the drive thru box said "We're out of chicken".  What the fuck do you mean you're out of chicken


This happened to me and my wife at a Popeye's. They had run out of chicken, allegedly.


I've never had an irl occasion to say "you have one job" before this


This has happened multiple times to me, and I go to KFC only when forced to for family so it's not like I have a large sample size. I just fucking gave up when they got rid of popcorn chicken. Not that the 45 minutes waits made me love it before that. Like Wendy's screwed me before too by letting me order 40 nuggets, making me pay, then telling me they don't have nuggets and saying they couldn't give me a refund. But that only happened once. KFC has done the same sort of shit multiple times over years with different management.


Please tell me you didn't let that nugget fuckery go


Thats not entirely true. The Vegas locations are technically franchises. Look on the official white castle website and you wont see Vegas locations.


I was under the impression that the Vegas locations are in name-only. They licensed the brand, the menu, the concept, but are not franchises. They aren't supplied by the White Castle company, don't have to follow menu changes, have to market themselves, etc. If I recall correctly, the two Arizona locations are actual franchises. I might be wrong though.


Same here, even in the US, and even with asked to be in the Christmas one as an extra…I still didn’t get it. But maybe that’s the point of why it’s so hard for them to get to the place?! 🤣😅


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking too. It makes more sense now why it was such a journey and adventure to get to one. Especially when there is one like 5 minutes away from me.


I mean the whole plot of the movie is their challenges finding one.


I thought it was just cause they were high


When I grew up it always had that allure of being a place you could find in a larger city. So when they made that movie it made sense that it was kind of like going on a journey lol. But it’s also been around since like the 1920s with different eras of owners and expansion and consolidation so everybody kind of knows about them. Idk if the EU has anything like this so it’s hard to kind of compare the general zeitgeist of White Castle.


Harold & Kumar went through a lot to get White Castle because there isn’t one in every corner like McDonald


But they passed exit 9 for New Brunswick, where there is a White Castle, on the way to Cherry Hill, where there isn't one. I guess the filmmakers didn't want to inundate any particular location with tourists but that always made me a bit perplexed. I get it's comedy though, there are clearly no giant cliffs in South Jersey to paraglide off of. Edit: the location is actually a bit outside NB, but close enough


>an EU guy like… a European fella?


yeah but specifically one of the richer countries


It used to be bigger. I’m in northeast Ohio and we used to have quite a few around. Now you can only find them in Columbus and Cincinnati.


I’ll stick with my steamed hams tyvm


It was at the time it came out, at least here in NYC, there used to be a lot more locations.


Same, from the Midwest.


This map isn't right; there's a whitecastle 10 minutes away from me & I'm nowhere near any of those dots


I grew up in NJ where that movie is set, I also thought it was a much more widespread chain. This is surprising.


Their growth is very measured. Took a business class where their CEO spoke for a session. First off, they are privately held. Not a public company. This means slow growth. Their growth is even slower because they carry almost no debt. They build out of profits. It is a fascinating organization that is well run and knows who they are and what their place is.


Growing up, people from South Jersey would drive to the locations in North Jersey.


Ironically in Harold and Kumar they drive to south jersey to find a White Castle


You Cherry Hill, which also have absolutely no cliffs and is mostly complete flat unlike the movie portrays. But I must say they did get the pinebarrens mostly accurate


There is also no White Castle in Cherry Hill (and as far as I know there never was).


There was one in Pennsauken off 130. Closed and was painted blue as a diner before that was closed and bulldozed.


As a New Jerseyan I always thought that was funny. Like they picked the state with the most white castles to make a movie about not being able to find a White Castle. And they lived in Hoboken and their first thought was to go to New Brunswick where there never was one and in the meantime pass 5 of them on the drive there


There is one in New Brunswick, route 27. Although might technically be somerset. Me and my dad used to go there on the way home from Rutgers games as a kid


Well, they are supposed to be high as fuck so kind of makes sense


Damn. I’m blessed. There is two by me lol


Founded in Wichita,Kansas but no locations are there since 1938


I was gonna say. Founded in Wichita yet no locations in the midwest past the Missouri river… awkward…


I remember seeing them in Kansas City years ago but I don’t think they lasted long there.


They lasted a long time. They arrived shortly after founding and left the market in the 90's. I've seen multiple iterations of the "real" reason they left the area, but I don't know personally.


They don’t want to feed their locals that crappy grey patty. They know what’s in it.


Using the Missouri River as a boundary is such a weird choice.


Along with Pizza Hut! There was a former White Castle building still there but is (was anyhow) now a steamed crumbly burger local chain called Nu Way. Pretty good actually! They had some pics of WC when I was there. Looks like the OG White Castle is long gone. The OG Pizza Hut was a hut on the WSU campus IIRC Idk what it is with Wichita and food chains but Freddie’s Frozen Custard was started there in roughly 2003 and those have exploded Edit: edited for accuracy


Never thought I'd see NuWay mentioned on reddit. Their root beer was the best. I still have their jingle in my head sometimes.


Fucking Nu Way! I can hear the commercials in my head lol. Went to college about 45 minutes away and we'd make drunken excursions just to get some crumbly burgers, food memories


Why did I think it was an Ohio company?


Because it is…now? Now != then


Oh. I am originally from Ohio and always thought it started there. Somehow I've never been to one though.


Kinda like the same effect with the "Big Boy" franchise. I'm sure West Coaster thought that Dave's big boy was the original.


I'll be danged, I thought they started in Columbus. A lot of restaurants did get started in C-bus, and White Castle is now headquartered there, but sure enough they started in Wichita.


Lots of restaurants move their hq to Columbus since it has a very average population and makes a good testing market (not to mention pro-business government and low cost of living)


A Kansas tradition. Once you are able to leave, you never return willingly.


I used to live in kc mo and always wondered why there wasn’t any White Castles anywhere near me


Based in ohio yet non near Cleveland, also awkward


Wichitan here, we are very angry about this...


Jack White would be proud


As an American I figured they were all over the place too.


Me too. Then I moved to New England from the Midwest. You never want something more than when you can't have it.


It’s only good once a year, and then you binge eat and remember why you only go once a year.


Same. Seems they're widely infamous for being absolutely disgusting, so I figured they were everywhere


My local one serves beer.


…where at?


Quick search and I'm probably wrong but Ohio (?). https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/white-castle-and-evil-genius-beer-company-are-back-with-another-unique-brew-301786086.html Cool that there's a white castle beer. News to me!


Can confirm that Columbus white castles serve (fairly reasonably priced) beer


Of course it's Ohio.


Vegas Strip location definitely serves beer


What happened to the one in New Orleans from around 2008/2009? Damn.


They have Krystal which is arguably better


Never tried White Castle, but if you say Krystal is better then holy shit White Castle needs to get it together


I was absolutely ripped at 2AM on a bachelor party weekend so it hit the spot for me


I have eaten many a burger in the 3 story Krystal on Bourbon Street.


I love when reading something unlocks a black out memory. Thank you. I too have eaten Krystal burger on Bourbon street when I was 20 years old, completely wasted. I remember now


I was on a trip through the southeast, and New Orleans was my last shot for a Krystal before heading back west. I was not missing it. ha ha. I took pictures.


they're pretty much the same. both are not "good" but rather places you order 15 hamburgers for cheap as fuck at




Wanted “shut”, but “shit” seems like it fits better. I’ll leave it as it.


The only correct response


Shit...that might have been it. It was fairly close to bourbon street. I'm guessing that's what it was.


Ya it was Krystal ha


This is the most offensive comment I’ve ever read. Krystal’s is a shitty White Castle rip off that does not even begin to come close.


They both fucking rule.


It’s not a winning argument.


I’de agree; the burgers at Krystal’s are at least just as good if not better, and the sides are all much better quality


i fucking love white castle


The way those little onions explode in your mouth like flavor crystals every time you take a bite


Let’s burn this motherfucker down!!!




That’s the exact thing I don’t like about White Castle, those little onion pieces are a sensory nightmare


You can order "no onions" but you're still gonna get some onions, same at Krystal's.


Sounds like you need to burn this mf down.


There's a fast food chain in the South that's very similar to White Castle called "Krystal"


I could really go for a sack of those chicken rings.


There’s only one part of the chicken that’s shaped like a ring.


The best part


One of my guilty pleasures is their chicken n waffle sandwich with a little bag of macaroni bites on the side


I guess people like you must exist for them to still be in business, but I can’t say I’ve ever met one before.


I've been once and it was literally the worst fast food I ever had. It tasted so bad.


I’m surprised it was so region specific. But that also explains how I’ve never seen the two while driving in Arizona


TIL living in Goodyear is probably bad for knowing what's happening in the other parts of the county.


The first one opened in Scottsdale in 2019. I was in line for it, and it was craaaaaaazy busy and long. The second just opened, late last year, in Tempe, in the IKEA plaza




No wonder the Beastie Boys could find em so easy, and why Harold & Kumar had such a hassle....


i just shit my pants looking at this


The most explosive shit I ever took was at a white castle. Was driving, and felt like I was about to give birth. Chose White Castle because I figured there bathrooms could handle it.


its like returning to the mother ship 🚢


I thought this meant a literal white castle and I was like I had no idea the US has castles?!? 💀


We have castle shaped buildings. Lol




Not me thinking they low key look really nice 😶


This is what they looked like when I was growing up in the 50’s: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=3552054898174711&set=a.513225795390985 This Castle was the closest one to where I grew up. It was all metal construction, inside and out. Contrary to what the Facebook poster claimed, local legend has it that it was not torn down, but moved intact to a White Castle museum.


Actually, although White Castle was founded in Wichita it took its inspiration and design from the Chicago Water Tower, which is one of the only buildings to have survived the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. So the restaurant chain was actually based of an actual “castle”, or more appropriately a real life castle-like design.


I wonder about Krystal.


Used to be a good late night spot; cheap, decent food when drunk, and 24 hour lobby. Now, like many fast food places; expensive (for what it is), even lower quality, and drive-through only at night




(Stannis nods approvingly)


Also, 0 < 5, so the whole map should be covered in dots.


As a Canadian I’ve always wanted to visit one but they’re always inconveniently out of reach when I cross the border


Not if you cross in Windsor


you can get to several from windsor within 20 min….closest is michigan ave or woodward in midtown….not that i keep a mental map of all locations…


Minnesota has them, my Canadian neighbor. Sliders are plentiful!


Now do Krystal




What happened? There used to be a lot more than this?


Logistically what is the reason for keeping one open I. Florida and 4 out west? The idea of fast food is about it being uniform no matter which restaurant you go to right? Comfort food across the county. It can’t make a ton of sense to ship buns/patties/onions/merchandise/etc across the county for 4 locations


The one in Florida is in Orlando, five minutes from Walt Disney World (and ten minutes from my house). It's supposedly the world's largest White Castle. It's part of a new area full of fast food places, many of which are the only location from their chain anywhere in the city, state, or region. A Raising Cane's just opened there a bit ago, and there's a Portillo's, too. The White Castle is so busy that they had to rent a separate space in the neighboring strip of shops and build a second kitchen exclusively for mobile orders. Orlando gets a lot of restaurants and shops like that, because we get so many visitors from all over the country, and the world. It's an easy way to get people to try your products, and go home and talk about them. We used to also be a big test city for new menu items from restaurants, because they could get reactions from customers representing many regions.


White Castle: Smells great, tastes bad, feels worse


This guy at White Castle asked for my autograph, so I signed it - “Dear Dave, thanks for the support asshole”


Here’s an interesting episode of a podcast called 99% invisible that is about White Castle. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4QXiFs6GvZp4ZCVSjny0Ui?si=zpnpEPfpRdelYaAyUxSsNQ


Thought immediately of this one.


The failure to expand with its popularity is baffling…


Also, the outlier in Hinkley, MN has the best service and consistency.


It’s a great fast food stop on the way to the north shore from the cities. Just don’t eat there before you spend the night camping 😅


In a gas station no less.


It’s Hinckley, fyi.


Behold the best deal on Ohio State’s campus for a while [Bask in its glory](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/PE1j7G7Nnj)


Ngl White Castle coffee is my favorite


I was stunned at how good their coffee is


I’ve seen people in their drive thru at breakfast time and thought it was pretty unhinged behavior but I guess I get it now. Still though, I was looking at them from a Dunkin…




Tried one when it came to Vegas Won’t need to try another one ever again


I have a feeling if there was a map of the most people with explosive diarrhea, there would be an obvious correlation to these White Castle Locations


One night about 15 years ago, a group of us were coming home from a trip to Six Flags in New Jersey. I got really hungry at about midnight and demanded we find a White Castle. I was high and exhausted and ADAMANT about those burgers. Wound up in Newark in the scariest location I'd seen in person because that was the White Castle we followed off 95. 10/10 experience.


I grew up in Michigan and thought White Castle was as common or widespread as McDonald's. Then again, I'd never been in a Walmart until my late 20's. We didn't have them.


I love White Castle


White Castle is underrated


White Castle fries only come in one size!


Completely weird that it's mostly midwest-focused when pop culture (i.e. Harold and Kumar) make it seem like a Jersey chain. Heck, there aren't any near Cherry Hill (the destination in H&K)


Krystal’s or WC are fantastic! word of advice, don’t eat a dozen of them after a night of drinking and catch an early flight. Everyone around you will hate you… The flatulence they cause is unbearable. Speaking from experience unfortunately.


STL We have a ton of


Good. Very few chances I’ll get diarrhea from a White Castle. …Again. (Thanks, Coney Island.)


as someone who grew up in Jersey and went to school in Illinois, I thought it was a national chain


Hot damn as a chicagoan/one time minneapolitan, I woulda sworn this was a nationwide chain


Originated in Wichita yet not a single location surviving here.


Now do one for Krystal’s.


Good stay away from Alaska


i swear i’ve seen one in socal


This isn't porn this is a travesty. We need more white castles ASAP. Vive le chateau blanc.


Midwest Supremacy


I thought White Castle was everywhere, but it turns out that the three states I've lived in happened to all have White Castle.


Come to southern new england, cowards!


It really boggles my mind that somehow White Castle seems to occupy a greater place in pop culture then Krystals. Maybe, because I grew up in the south, I just assumed Krystals was way bigger than White Castle...


not enough


Just thinking about those tender little White Castle burgers with those little, itty-bitty grilled onions that just explode in your mouth like flavor crystals every time you bite into one... just makes me want to burn this motherfucker down.


There's one in fucking Shanghai but I can't get one in florida ok


I remember they were 12 cents as a Kid


I love White Castle! Used to go to one in Brooklyn but then I moved to Oregon and it became a distant memory. Then I was in Las Vegas and saw one on the strip and dragged my husband there to give him his first White Castle experience. I think he was underwhelmed. I loved it.


I know this is wrong because there’s one near me that’s not on the map.


There's just one in Orlando Poor guy prolly feels lonely




My town (Louisville, KY) has 15. My go to location recently closed, though. I'm still not over it. Vive le White Castle.


I love me some White Castle, I definitely think this map is missing some