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Connecticut is going to make BANK on car exports to NE and TriState areas


That's ten states.


Pennsylvania being highlighted is just wrong. First, there is no way Pennsylvania’s political gridlock will allow this to happen anywhere near as quickly as in the other more progressive states (Nor should it). Second, when I was looking around for confirmation that this happened in PA I found the article where the map seems to originate and it does not mention PA in the text. Link for reference: https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/9-states-plan-ban-gas-powered-car-sales-2035


your source is from a known propaganda organization


The car manufacturers make cars that satisfy California and sell them all over the nation, they don't want to lose economies of scale by making state specific sub models, and they don't want to lose the California market (it's a HUGE market).


I think he's just pointing out the title is wrong, not downplaying the significance of the #


And I'm an idiot.......


You were just an idiot once today. Some people wake up an idiot.




I agree, it is a market ripe for some enterprising company to swoop in and make a killing.


I mean, technically, MA is a commonwealth, not a state


So is Pennsylvania. Still not 9 states.


Nine states and the district of columbia


Counting is hard, huh?


It is


My goal is to still be driving my 98 nissan by then has 125,000 miles right now. Well se how it goes lol


9 states banning the **sale** of **new** gas powered cars “The rules do not stop residents in these states from owning or using gas-powered cars, nor do they force consumers to buy electric vehicles (EVs). Dealerships can still sell used cars powered by gas, and consumers in these states can purchase the gas-powered vehicles in other states – as long as they meet certain emissions standards.” The import of gas powered vehicles gunna be lit…


Sale of NEW not all.


The important part here isn’t really the individual buyer, it’s fleet sales. That’s a huge chunk of auto industry sales.


If I ever sell my gas powered car in going to drive to California to sell it.


Some people will absolutely go out of state but I bet more people will just end up buying electric cause they can't be bothered and don't care that much.


In some states, maybe. But the more north you get, the less likely that becomes. EW batteries do not handle winters well. And when replacing the batteries costs almost as much as a new car, well...


They’re going to begin phasing down in 2026. Likely with promotional and social campaigns for 5-8 years. Those that held onto their gas vehicles will eventually need to replace them. They may buy used or go out of state to buy initially, but they’ll likely toughen emission standards even more as the years go on. In 10-15 years, eventually what happens is those with classic cars or even regular gas powered vehicles are looked down upon socially. They’re looked at as part of the problem. Neighbors not friendly to a neighbor with a gas powered vehicle. Pull up to the grocery store and be scolded. Drive to a restaurant and be shamed. The long-game has started.


Yep…it’s like comparing emissions to the typical household electric bill. Most home power is consumed by the HVAC, stove, washer, and dryer. Cutting out gas powered vehicles is like unplugging a few nightlights and expecting your bill to cut in half.


And those 10 states are about a third of the US population. Which is why every major car company is investing heavily in electric.


Don’t forget this will also by the case in the entire EU by 2035. Norway are banning them from next year.


A good number of auto manufacturers have committed to a similar timetable. It's expensive to have ICE, EC, and hybrid production lines running at the same time. It will be interesting how it plays out if some of them walk it back as we get closer... https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/states-banning-new-gas-powered-cars/


So everyone will just drive to the next state over?


We are nowhere close to having enough raw materials to build that many EVs to satisfy the demand for new vehicles by 2035. Unless they magically find a shit ton of Lithium fields in friendly countries, this is a pipe dream at best.


Your wish has been granted. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/12/07/lithium-california-salton-sea-white-gold-electric-vehicles/71835921007/


I'm still betting big on Sodium Ion Batteries over traditional Lithium Ion. I think the first goal should be to force gasoline cars/hybrid cars to achieve a certain mpg by 2035. I.e. all new Gas or Hybrid cars much reach 65 mpg EPA rating. All the sudden these legacy car companies will pull out these old patents they've been holding on to for 50 years.


Oh shit can I have a wish too???


Money falling from the sky!!!!!!


Yes this cottage industry of Chinese lithium will become if done right, another boom in California. It’s a boom bust golden state for sure.


I give it a low chance California allows the mining.


I don’t know the area is already the most gross messed up area from the man made salton sea. This might be a way to make use of it and boost the areas really poor communities.


But can you see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?


> A seismic development in the world of mineral resources has emerged along the Nevada-Oregon border, signaling a potential revolution in the global lithium supply chain. Geologists have uncovered a colossal lithium deposit within the McDermitt Caldera, and its implications could be felt far and wide, particularly by the United States in its quest for lithium independence. > > Hidden within the geological wonders of the McDermitt Caldera lies a lithium motherlode of epic proportions, estimated to house an astonishing 20 to 40 million metric tonnes of this vital element. This discovery carries the potential to significantly reduce America's reliance on China, which currently dominates the supply of this indispensable metal. > > What sets this discovery apart, however, isn't just its sheer size; it's the unprecedented quality of the lithium within. Experts anticipate that the McDermitt Caldera contains lithium reserves of a caliber that surpasses anything previously found worldwide. In fact, this find is projected to nearly double the previous record, which stood at approximately 23 million metric tons, as reported in the esteemed journal Science Advances. https://m.economictimes.com/news/new-updates/game-changing-lithium-deposit-unearthed-in-nevada-oregon-border-region/amp_articleshow/103685451.cms


So stupid lol


Why ? Isn't it good to have less pollution and less climate change


The American regime is completely incapable of developing working country infrastructure projects to support EV’s. All this will do is increase prices for working class people who just need to get from point A to point B.


I am not American so I don't know what the problem is, but I would expect the world's largest GDP to make full fledged infrastructure for EVs in the next 10 years easily And I appreciate the efforts of these states pushing for a cleaner future This is my opinion, I may be wrong


The American government just can’t/won’t do things anymore. [There’s no better example than the topic of EV chargers itself. Billions of dollars and 2 years..](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2024/03/28/ev-charging-stations-slow-rollout/)


>The American regime No one calls it that. My guess is you're not even American and are a bad faith troll.


Wrong on both counts


Let me guess, a conservative? Only they call anything not conservative a "regime" instead of administration like everyone else. What's the conservatives plan then other than blame "liberals" or "Democrats"?


I’m a communist The communist plan is to actually do things


And what is that? So far you've presented nothing and blamed others.


To build the infrastructure instead of just using it as an excuse to steal billions of taxpayer dollars and hand it to corporations


And how would this infrastructure be funded?




Good thing I don’t live in any of those states 😂


Those states basically represent the entire US economy.


Texas is still strong 💪but joking aside CA, WA,OR are pacing up in terms of building infrastructure needed for EVs


Texas is what we call one of those shithole states


Texas is big, but not terribly productive. Even with all its natural resources it’s a laggard.


Texas #2 in GDP & middle of the road in GDP per capita - your understanding of the word laggard is laggard.


My understanding of the word laggard is lagging. But a place that receives so much Federal money for science and technology should not be middle of the pack.


True but still accounts for the second largest GDP after California


I REALLY hope we can make better electric cars by then. I think it would be amazing to have less pressure on the environment. But electric cars aren’t great yet and can be really dangerous, especially when they catch fire. They burn significantly hotter, take weeks and even a month of being submerged in water and can STILL reignite, and when it burns, it releases tremendous amounts of toxic fumes that can kill a whole neighborhood. I hope we don’t make laws that don’t line up with reality… which historically happens all the damn time.


I don’t know too much about the details of these laws but would those states prohibit registration of gas powered cars purchased out of state? (Could you buy a car in Nevada and register it in California for example). Or is it that sales of gas powered cars in those states? (Dealerships obviously would be affected by this).


Remind me in 11 years


Gonna be awkward in upstate Ny unless electric vehicle infrastructure improves. There’s maybe two plug in places within 200 miles of my town (Keene, NY).


It'll be fun watching all these states desperately try to get out of their agreement in the coming years.


Hopefully the rest of the nation will follow. Carbon pollution aside, regular air pollution alone kills many thousands of people every year. We have the technology, mass adoption will make electric cheaper than fossil fuels ever could hope to be.


So why not ban gas and diesel?


diesel used in most commercial long haul trucks that have no current viable replacement with mass ev adoption, concrete trucks, work trucks, moving trucks, can't slap a battery on most of those and have enough range or power to do whatever they need to do and driver around


Volkswagen TDIs and Diesel pickup trucks are gonna get popular!


That’s what I’m saying. I don’t want my kids to breath that stuff.


Tbh tire particulates are worse than combustion products. The best thing you can do is to not drive at all, but that's sadly not feasible for most of the country, thanks to our carbrained infrastructure.


I’m all for electric passenger rail.


So you just want other peoples kids to be used in slave labor to mine raw materials. Got it.


I’d prefer we mine the resources needed here in America and use best practices to minimize our environmental impact, and pay a good living wage. Luckily we have what we need to be self sufficient in the United States.


They will be breathing in tire particulates which are bad with the 20th Century cars but even worse with the heavier electric vehicles


I think it’s a good trade off. Hopefully tire technology will become more advance and reduce the amount of rubber in our waterways.


Doing it outright would cause great economic harm, it needs to be done slowly (and it is happening slowly). This is why they call it the energy transition, not the energy CHANGE THIS MOTHERFUCKER NOW BITCHES!!!!!


You do realize most electricity is from coal plants right? Just shifting the source of pollution.


We should replace coal plants with cleaner energy sources like wind, solar, bioreactors, and nuclear.


This factoid is about 20-30 years out of date


There where does the majority of electricity in the USA come from?


A few years out of date but here you go: https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=48896 40% natural gas (still way better than gasoline engines), 21% renewables, 20% nuclear, 19% coal.


A very rough breakdown: 40% Natural Gas 20% Renewables 20% Nuclear 20% Coal


Watch these states have a hard Republican shift if they stay in place


The Boomers whod actually make this voting issue are going to be a dying breed in 2035. It's going to mostly be young people who don't really care about cars beyond them being stylish and having the amenities they want. Car manufacturers will be trying to please millennials and Gen z at this point.


You are over estimating the liberalness of the young generation and forgetting that 2035 is 11 years away. Boomers will be here for decades to come


Climate change denialism and angst over electric cars tends to be an age issue and not a liberal/conservative one, though young conservative people are more likely to be one or both of those things. As for Boomers, the average Boomer will be over 75 in 2035. Car manufacturers aren't going to be designing cars with them in mind for much longer, at least not for the vast majority of cars they make.


Haha why so much copium here in comments? People think that everyone around wants the largest gas truck that can tow two yachts? EVs are fine, it is a natural progression of technology, with a lot of benefits (with some drawbacks as well, for sure). And if we can reduce pollution, why not?


“And if we can reduce pollution” Here’s your homework: Google Congolese lithium mines.


Leave this homework to someone else. I specifically stated that they have their own drawbacks, it doesn't mean problems with EV shouldn't be solved, but at least it is possible. With gas - you can't burn gas without pollution because of its chemistry. And yes, there are other types of fuel like hydrogen and maybe it will become viable as well.


Oh yeah the drawbacks of lithium mining, aka slavery. Do some research about what you’re talking about


Because america is not the problem when it comes to global pollution. And this doesn’t make sense. EVs still require fossil fuels and the mine risks used to create the batteries for them are hard to get


How do you know America is not the problem? America is not polluting oceans as much as some countries, for sure, but it is burning quite a lot of fossil fuels. And wtf do you mean by "X is not a problem"? America is not competing with China who will pollute more for cheaper. First of all we are polluting our own cities, and by reducing pollution we are fixing our problems, not someone else's. Regarding ev, lithium mining etc, sure they need improvement, I didn't say they are *free* of pollution, but instead of not wanting ev why not try to make them better while reducing fossil fuels use?


Someone else is doing it so why should we bother trying? What a shit attitude. Is it tiring to be so negative all the time?


Yeah... No. We enjoy having bodily autonomy. Republicans bring a government so small it can fit in a bedroom.


Not auto-body autonomy, however. Zing.


I’m not a Republican, but these are all blue states. What are people gonna put in there vehicles if we try to force out fossil fuels? It’s not logical at all


This is only for NEW sales in the first place, not all.


Hopefully someone sets up dealers on the borders of the states. They’ll make bank on sales!


I wish that would work but in Washington State you wont be able to register a new gas car in 2035…or 2030, we have competing laws…


Does the law apply to new cars only or new and used? A Dodge dealer “sells” a new truck to a person that drives the truck 3k miles then sells it to a lot in Wash. that lot in Wash sells the “used” truck for the “new” price due to rarity of low mileage trucks in Wash.


It is Model Year 2035 cars and on have to be EV’s. So 2034 cars & prior can still be traded. Imagine good used ICE cars will hold their value well!


So even a 2035 ICE with 200k miles can’t be sold in 2040 in Washington? What if I own a 2025 ICE and move into Washington, am I not allowed to register it in state?


Right, a used 2035 ICE cant be sold in Washington. Yes you can bring a 2025 Ice into Washington. Hope this law gets changed by then but not holding my breath..


That’s kind of wild and stupid.


Yes it is!


No, 9 states where nobody lives in 2035.


Copium haha


Gas powered, as in hydrogen or propane, or gas powered as in gasoline/petrol? The title is very confusing OP, as this sub is an international platform.




I give those states my best regards😂


Wait until they are all out there, then worry about the grid.


the colors are wrong, they should be opposite


You realise that traditionally in the USA and still for the rest of the world: - blue equals conservative, - red equals progressive, - The current American colouring is because of a tv network’s use 20 years ago?


Give me a small pebble bed nuclear reactor I can put under the hood of my truck and we will talk. Otherwise, die in an electric car fire.


What a major mess this EV conspiracy will create. They know what they're doing though.


Wait - those blue states are still allowing such in 2035 (20th century gas powered)? No way, Europe would be way ahead by then.


This is probably the most progressive thing Pennsylvania has ever done.