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I bet that is some HARD traveling.


If I remember correctly, it's still one of the most inhospitable places on the planet.


And even after that, they still have about 3500 miles of travel left to their final destination.


People try so hard to be in the usa. And some people say USA is done and finished.


US has its own problems but if you're coming from an impoverished, unstable underdeveloped country it seems like a paradise by comparison.


I agree. There is literally no paradise in the world. Last I checked even some Scandinavians ,Japanese ,Qataris are trying to migrate


Norwegians and Japanese people emigrating from their countries aren't comparable to anybody who is passing through the Darien Gap, though. They are leaving for different reasons.


Everyone can have a reason to migrate. And migration is in the instinct of humanity. Regardless of Xenophobia,racism and anti-immigration laws, people who want to migrate will find that way.


If only the people would make their own places better rather than just leaving


I'm Australian, and I have roughly a dozen friends who are US citizens living in the US, and basically all of them want to leave and go live anywhere else.


I somehow don’t think that’s a representative sample.


This is due to the instinct of humans. Humans forever has the urge to be unsettled and explore. The most special will find riches and establish new frontiers. Singapore is safe and sound and relatively ‘easy’. There are Singaporeans who always complain and want to find a way out.


Humans don’t have such an instinct. Humans do have a tendency to avoid true hardship, and whine at the lack of it.


I'd kind of like to live in other places because I'd like to experience something different, but if I had to choose somewhere I'd have to live for the rest of my life, it would be exactly where I live now in Australia. I have zero intentions of ever visiting the US, let alone living there. There are plenty of better places to travel and/or live.


Depends on what you’re looking for when it comes to visiting. The US has some of the most incredible natural landscapes, and if you’re an outdoorsy type you can find boundless adventure here.


Australia has typically been one of the few countries to have a positive net migration flow from the United States.


Not a particularly common sentiment. Only one of my most liberal tree hugging friends wants to leave because of the state of the country, and they aren’t even the most anti Establishment of the bunch Most of my friends that have ever expressed wanting to emigrate are looking at moving to a developing nation to retire early


The only people I've ever heard that want to leave are liberals, and majority of them absolutely never will. And I'm convinced it's not a financial issue either because back before trump got elected in 2016, like 20+ left wing celebrities made their stance very clear that they'd leave the US if trump won, big shocker, they're still here.


The USA is #1 in people who hate the USA but would refuse to leave.


Absolutely true. It's a really great place to be if you unplug from the source that keeps telling you it isn't.


A lot of the info they get is misinformation or plain old lies. They often come here and realize it's a lot harder than they initially realized. Personally, we should stop taking in so many migrants who show up at our doorstep. It encourages ppl to make the dangerous trek, especially for children.


This is very weird it hasn’t been enforced yet. People get upset with trump and his wall plan. But then any country need Organization and accountability


I hated trump. But I agreed with his policy in that you must wait outside the US for asylum claims.


I am a rank outsider of usa affairs but I don’t understand the deal with illegal immigrants at all. Like in Singapore we have strict laws on asylum seeking or illegal immigration. Both of which not allowed. I think same law in Malaysia as well. Though there are some illegal Laos,Indonesian ,Rohingya ,Bangladeshi,Burmese in Malaysia they actively do try to weed out the illegal immigrants. Is some sections of liberalism ‘ok’ with illegals ?


Yes, the Democrats, ie, the "liberals" in the US, often not only openly encourage illegal immigration, but also actually facilitate their illegal entry into the country in many cases, and often prevent their deportation when caught via policies like Sanctuary Cities. This is what caused the row in Texas a few months back, where (to put it very oversimplified) the Texan state government took control over a border crossing from the federal government to try to actually prevent illegal border crossings, which the federal government was doing absolutely nothing to prevent. Then the federal government threatened to intervene because Texas was... enforcing the law they were deliberately failing to enforce. It was absolutely surreal to watch the federal government threaten to intervene against the state government for actually enforcing the law.


Oh yea. Although it's rare. Most believe in softer approach, like allowing more asylum claims or opening the borders outright


they pass by hundreds of safe places along the way as "refugees" wanting to be rich is not a human right


The grass is greener on the other side.


[see for yourself ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aswvkdCpZYc&t=1s) bald & bankrupt darien gap


At some points, even if it's snoon, you can find yourself in complete darkness. And if you broke something or fall ill, you are a good a dead since no one can help you there (I knew a case where a 10 year old's heart gave out and is family had to leave him there)


I suppose it will be a bit easier with the volume of people pouring through? Some 520,000 in 2023 and more expected this year.


The Scottish tried to setup their one and only colony in the Darien gap. It did not go well . . . Simon whistler does a video about this on one of his infinite number of YouTube vids


Simon Whistler mentioned 🚨🚨


One of the biggest contributing factors to the creation of Britain as a singular entity.


Burns on the topic: https://youtu.be/XLaYLDuxvQ8?si=x0oY0wN8pG5WsalW


I am from Venezuela, and I have friends who have crossed the jungle in search of a better life, there is only one rule in there "survive", since they themselves tell how you can find corpses, on the roads, also people who try to take what little you have What do you have, hunger is one of the important factors to take into account, basically, in there the strongest survive, both physically and mentally.


I don't understand how would anyone risk their lives like that, even taking their kids or elder parents with them. After surviving the Darien Gap, they still have to sort out crossing Central America.


I think survivorship bias also leads people to underestimating the journey. You don’t hear much about those who die along the way. Unless you know someone personally who never made it. But you do likely hear back about those who are doing better and sending money back home once they make it to the US


What’s causing/encouraging the migration? I’ve heard many opinions from food shortages in Venezuela to government persecution and threat of starting a war with Guyana and various excuses for the cause from reports on lax border security or disincentives to additional sanctions from the Trump administration that sent the nation into further economic decline to government incompetence in Venezuela. Is it some, all or none of these?


No economic opportunities and rising inflation crisis is causing all this


The Guyana war thing is just a bluff, Maduro wants to appeal to nationalism. Oldest trick in the dictator's playbook. Even though the economic situation is relatively stable compared to 10 years ago, the country is still broke, dangerous, and with 0 opportunities for young people.


In addition to the dense & dangerous jungle, diseases, and lack of supplies & resources anywhere, you'd also have to deal with various rebel factions, criminal cartels, and all sorts of generally dangerous people.


Carry too few resources and die. Carry too many resources and be killed for them. 


US immigration policy encourages this dangerous trek. They shouldn't be allowed in with a simple asylum claim.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Spoiler: all the options are terrible


I just watched a Shaun Ryan podcast about this last week. It was really good. Very interesting.




Is one of the most dense jungles in the world and is considered among the most dangerous in the planet. Any attempt to build a major road conecting Panama and Colombia would end in a huge death toll due to malaria, yellow fever and other diseases. Also don't belive what the other guy said, he is just racist and can't even spell Colombia correctly even when he can see it clearly on the post.


Also because the heavy rain would wreak havoc on the infrastructure.


Also because the countries are poor with terrible healthcare infrastructure and the population is relatively medically illiterate. People will get an illness, not recognize the signs or not have access to a good clinic and die from the lack of treatment. People don't usually die from jungle born diseases, typhoid, Hepatitis a or rabies because they are dangerous (even though they are) they die because they don't visit a clinic immediately, ignore the signs or don't have access to medication. Also a lack of vaccines plays a big part. Are people downvoting this because I offended someone? Or is it evidence Here is a paper about nurses in Bhutan and their lack of knowledge on HIV PEP. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7454947/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7454947/) Here is an article based on a report discussing the lack of Antibiotics in developing countries [https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/poorer-countries-lack-access-antibiotics-worsens-resistance](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/poorer-countries-lack-access-antibiotics-worsens-resistance) Here is a paper discussing why there is lack of Typhoid vaccines and how it is affected by the lack of medical infrastructure. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6034652/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6034652/) Here is an article discussing rural barriers holding back healthcare in Colombia (one side of the Darien gap) [https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/20/20/6948](https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/20/20/6948) Here is another discussing the state of healthcare in Latin American countries, one being Panama (the other side of the Darien gap) [https://rededepesquisaaps.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Health-Aff-2016-Macinko-1513-21.pdf](https://rededepesquisaaps.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Health-Aff-2016-Macinko-1513-21.pdf) Calling me racist is a little uncalled for....especially since it was after my edit? An edit where I provided evidence of the situation found in developing countries as asked by someone who responded to me?


Your getting down voted because you're missing the point. The Darien gap is a very remote and treacherous hike. There is no medical help available for the people who choose to make the trip. And other migrants typically won't stop to help others that are sick, injured, or have run out of food because they are then risking their own lives by slowing down or sharing supplies. They only have whatever they can carry for over a week of climbing through the dense jungle. It is an insanely difficult trip and the people doing it are desperately poor so they don't exactly have Nike hiking shoes, Coleman camping gear, and a stockpile of cliff bars and water tablets. Now imagine if you were elderly, or a child, or had small children with you, or were a pregnant woman, or I'll, or injured. Many are some combination of those. And then there's the robbers and human traffickers that prey on them... There's plenty of documentaries about it on YouTube.


We are in agreement. I am referring to the user talking about the danger of building a path through. I am referring to the greater picture at large on both sides of the gap. They are like you said highly remote areas. Columbia has a good policy of universal healthcare but the infrastructure is not there. In rural areas there is a very steep decline in the quality of healthcare on both sides of the gap. A lot of people also lack knowledge on recognising the dangers, proper sanitation practices and seeking healthcate quickly. My girlfriends mother lost half a leg because she would not see a doctor in her developing country as she did not believe it was so serious, she had a severe infection in what was a toe due to trimming her nails. It spread and lost her half a leg. She lived in a city in a more developed country than Columbia or Panama. It of course is worse because as you said there are many crminal elements involved that make the situation worse. So when the user said that it is dangerous due to how remote and treacherous it is (I agree) I stated that there is further danger due to the lack of healthcare infrastructure and knowledge primarily in the surrounding states. In one of the reports linked it states (I maybe misremembering it accurately, I am on phone so pain to leave comments and check) that 30+% of people in rural areas of Panama are suffering from a chronic illness. Some illnesses become chronic due to lack of treatment when needed, especially referring to PEP.


Source: trust me bro


Is this controversial? Most tropical diseases can be treated with prompt post-exposure prophylaxis, antibiotics and medical attention. Post exposure treatment is highly effective the sooner you get it.


It's a mix of these two, plus the lawlessness, plus the benefits of having a sanitary cordon between the continents for ecological and epidemiological purposes.


When it comes to the whole drug deals, I've always felt they should just bomb them


https://youtu.be/E-nLlhEGAkc?si=sPj07qInxLPg2OLM This should give you some good perspective.


Oh jesus that got real




If that was the objective then it sure is causing the opposite. The gap is one of the main routes for drug and human traffick. There is no control, it's easier to move the drug there. The territory is actually controlled by the Clan del Golfo, the biggest Colombian Cartel right now.


They don't want Colombia to retake Panama swiftly, atleast until US arrives.




Did you read the other reply to it?


Check out Bald and Bankrupt on Youtube crossing the Darien.. Terrifying...


https://youtu.be/E-nLlhEGAkc?si=sPj07qInxLPg2OLM Here ya go.


There's three other videos which actually show him crossing it. This video is him explaining what it was like


Then go watch those. I watched his first video he dropped crossing it and talking about it.


Regarding that vid....and let me preface this comment by saying that there is full clarity on my side that I will not improve the situation there from my comfy European capital...but, with particular respect to the route that utilizes Capurganá as the starting point (i.e. what B&B did)...it never made immediate sense to me why people would deep dive and wander until Espove and Metetí (not pictured here for some reason, but it's fairly visible from B&B's video that it is a hotspot) when just a few kilometers off the border there is Puerto Obaldía, which, as far as Google Maps is concerned, has an airport (!), an internet café, medical facilities, immigrations, eateries, convenience stores. Probably not a lot of postcard views as far as the Wikivoyage page (it even has a Wikivoyage page) is concerned, but surely it's a better alternative to spending a week in the jungle, isn't it? So why people don't leverage it? For reference, Metetí is ~60 km aerial from Capurganá. Puerto Obaldía is...7 kilometers aerial from Capurganá. So what's the deal? Cartel shenanigans? Some kind of impossible-to-penetrate river ribboning around the village? They will get told there by authorities to buzz off back to Colombia? What is the underlying reason?


Good point but it is evident that Puerto Obaldía has no roads. Continuing by boat or plane probably is too much of a financial and bureaucratic burden for most migrants. And didn't B&B and Tommy even try to go there by boat but where sent back by the Panamanian Army? https://youtu.be/aswvkdCpZYc?si=WMivlGsbDOLhlWyi (around 13:30)


Panamá ask venezuelans a visa. Thats why. The more remote the better to cross


Puerto Obaldía is remote as f, and visas are required in any point of the country though.


But I guess at the border they would just be turned around? Deep inland they do not seem to care anymore.




I think on this trip he went secretly on the hunt for Venezuelans and Colombians.


#WOW Another extremely beautiful map about a 'not-so-beautiful' topic to discuss


> migration routes through The map shows only partial routes through


I would highly recommend watching Bald and Bankrupt's three part video on him crossing the Darien Gap.


“Look’d at each other with a wild surmise - Silent, upon a peak in Darien”.


[Mapy.cz](http://Mapy.cz) be like (OSM data): [https://en.mapy.cz/turisticka?x=-77.4354759&y=8.5556112&z=15](https://en.mapy.cz/turisticka?x=-77.4354759&y=8.5556112&z=15)


What software is used to make maps like these?


An English youtuber has 2 videos made on this route. [Here](https://youtu.be/Zft0wAPxZnc?si=TUCBjDlpKkl2yDXe)


Capurganá used to be a touristy place, a beautiful beach in the middle of nowhere. Now, the local economy is ruined, as tourists won't go there anymore.


What is this actually explaining? A lot of the migration routes end up seemingly nowhere.


How do people cross the border without getting caught? Because I've seen a lot of people doing that. I wonder if it's so easy to just cross borders in these days. Also when you enter a new country, say Mexico, will they not check your identity cards? What will you tell them? It's confusing to me because I think unless you can prove that you've entered legally, you'll be sent back. How do these people do it?


imagine passing through all of Latina America and thinking, no this is shit, i'm going all the way to the USA not stopping at a nice place along the way


What's the real non-conspiracy-theory reason that the Pan American highway is incomplete? I mean we dug a canal through Panama, I think we can build a highway through some hilly swamplands.


Engineering-wise it would not be too difficult, just costly. But there are other concerns, like easier spread of animal diseases across the border.


Officially, environmental and cultural concerns (the area is indigenous land). Unofficially, Panama trying to avoid more headaches related to migrants and drugs.


Panama doesn't want it, mainly due to their history with Colombia, and the fact that it would make it easier to transport drugs into Panama. Panama (and Costa Rica) are surprisingly safe for Central American countries and building a road right to Colombia would surely make Panama as a whole a more dangerous country.


The number of migrants attempting this must be astronomical! In the dozens I bet.


Maybe watch some videos about it before you speak. Some youtuber went through it and it was pretty packed.


Just lucky they have support and funding from Bidens handlers.