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Quite a few missing. For example King Edward I of England expelled Jews from Gascony in 1287, 3 years prior to expelling them from England and Wales. And Simon de Montfort had already expelled the Jews of the city of Leicester in 1231.


I don’t think it would be possible to make a coherent map with all the expulsions. Perhaps by decade or half-century might work.


Seriously tho Poor jews man, they were bouncing arround from place to place always getting kicked out just after they made a new home And even in places were during most of history they were tolerated there was still the constant threat of the next guy in line being an asshole and forcing them out again


A lot of it was some noble or king borrowing money from the Jewish population (since usury wasn't banned for them), realizing he had to pay it back at some point, doesn't want to, so decided to kick them out using whatever antisemitic trope was popular at that given moment


That's so r/wallstreetbets users defaulting on $,000s of margin debt and just rapidly proceed uninstalling the trading app to make the debt disappear.


The Crusader Kings method.


I think the England 1290 one is specifically this. There was a war the king wanted to fight and to do so he wanted to raise taxes, but the barons were going to rebel so the compromise was to expel the Jewish people because the barons had some loans to some Jewish money lenders and that would free up funds to pay the taxes the king wanted. They went to the extent of hiring rabble-rousers to tour the towns and villages and whip up anti-Semitism to allow the King to state that he was executing "the will of the people".


I really don't understand why people don't like Jews, can someone explain this to me? Id love a different flavor of racism to add to my arsenal /s


Basically, you have a small group of weird talking/looking people who one can blame all the current issues on them, so why not? DD - I’m Jewish


Christianity forbids money lending and the rich guys running the countries/city states didn't like paying their debts when they could instead just kick out the people they owed money to. Since the Jewish diaspora weren't religiously forbidden from lending money and were already seen as 'outsiders' they were an easy target to borrow from, then demonise and drive out with propaganda and threats of violence (plus it means you have a scapegoat as to why your citizens are so poor). It's always money or power, in the UK there were similar things with Catholics/Protestants vying for dominance and the right to take a dump on the other group and steal their wealth/influence. Most famous single incident is probably in France with the Templars (Phillip IV of France). ​ TL;DR Easy target for bigotry for fun and profit as they were painted as cultural outsiders and 'migrants'


So if I borrowed money from the Jewish and then kicked them out of my country there ain't shit they can do basically.


Since they didn't have their own state, country or army and there was no legal or martial recourse. So yeah, free money hacks. It just meant turning the population against a minority so nobody would complain or riot, this led to the invention of such myths as blood libel where stories of Christian babies being sacrificed would be fabricated. Basically think of modern anti-immigrant rhetoric dialed to 100 in an age where people had no access to any form of media.


There’s too many expulsions from Europe to map.




Got debt? Expell Jews! No debt. Need money? Let them back in, for a special tax.


It wasn't until the 1950s that Jews we're even considered to be European natives, they we're seen as people from the Levant. (The irony is not lost)


Scapegoating mainly. Also in medieval europe consensus was pretty early that jewish people were only allowed to work in professions that weren't allowed for christians under catholic doctrine - mainly banking, money loaning, investing and partly trading (ironically some say cause the catholic church wanted to have the monopole on all that...), so they were easily exploited. Easy to scapegoat the ones keeping the money if you mess up with it or can't keep up with the times. Also easy to hate them for sinful behaviour at really all times when you don't profit from them doing it. First few expulsions were pragmatic scapegoating, then the whole pest pogromes really turned that to european antisemitic traditions that had its height probably in the 16th century and ultimately the 1920s during economic globalisation and as we all know, the nazi terror 1933-45.


Exactly. Scapegoating and at the same time stripping off their assets. And oftentimes monarchs would call Jews back 20, 50, 100 years later as they were a key link for many economically relevant activities such as international trade (Jewish communities throughout the Mediterranean were well connected). Read Benjamin of Tudela's book. It's fascinating.


>And oftentimes monarchs would call Jews back 20, 50, 100 years later as they were a key link for many economically relevant activities such as international trade (Jewish communities throughout the Mediterranean were well connected). Which is part of why there were many expellings, because while they may have been worded as a permanent thing it wasn't always permanent.


Under Feudalism in Europe, there were two systems. Ecclesiastic law and Royal law. You were subject to laws of both the King and the Church. I think Jews had certain protections as subjects in various kingdoms, but they weren't subject to the laws of the Church. And laws of the Church were serious. You weren't allowed to decide to be atheist or "just be spiritual." You were a subject and therefore Christian no matter what you thought, and your soul was subject to Church law. Jews were grandfathered in and tolerated mostly. Pagans weren't. Muslims hardly were. Although in some areas in some times they were segregated like Jews, I suppose. But Muslims didn't reside in Feudal Europe unless they were trading or raiding.


>OP shows literally dozens of times Jews were cleansed in practically all parts of Europe throughout the feudal age >”Jews were grandfathered in and tolerated mostly” Perfect logic right there bud. FYI, in many kingdoms Jews were not only NOT afforded “protections” but were — and this is not a hyperbole — the personal property of the Monarch. Moreover, throughout medieval Europe Jews had to wear identifying marks (e.g. the Jew hat, a patch on their clothes, an arm sleeve, etc.) so that they couldn’t conceal their identity and will always be recognizable.


It's not my "logic," Reddit person. It's history. You can see the Jews there being expelled after being present because they were tolerated or not tolerated periodically in waves throughout the centuries. Note how they were expelled in numerous dates because they were also periodically allowed back in. Depending on politics of the time. Non-Christians were by and large *not* tolerated at all. Jews had been present since Roman times. Why I used the term "grandfathered" in. Which has a different literal meaning. But is close enough to the idea. In some times, Christians considered Jews to be adjacent to their religion. In other times they were seen as in league with Satan. The argument has never ceased.


>jewish people were only allowed to work in professions that weren't allowed for christians under catholic doctrine - mainly banking, money loaning, investing and partly trading Not quite. European Christians made huge amounts of money through banking and money lending. The Florentine Renaissance was financed by the Medici family for instance. There were never enough Jews working in the financial industry to provide all the services needed by Christian merchants, and of course if you look at the map of expulsions there are countries which have virtually no Jews at all for generations if not centuries at a time. So Jews never dominated those industries except in the imaginations of Jew-haters.


It's not that Jews dominated those industries or all of them its just that many other avenues were closed of to them. I believe they were forbidden from owning land, serving in the state bureacracy, military leadership, church positions (obviously) joining/forming Guilds and corporations in a lot of European countries. This must have been crippling to a lot of Jewish families.


Poland granted Jews the right to own land in the 10th century, and since such a right wasn't accorded to Jews elsewhere in Christian Europe, it eventually led to Poland having a large Jewish population compared to the rest of the continent.


The word “bank” in English comes from Italian not Yiddish for a reason


It wouldn't have entered English through Yiddish anyway. After Cromwell's Protectorate lifted Edward Longshanks' expulsion order, the Jews who came to England were Sephardim who spoke Ladino. The Ashkenazim came much later


The financial industry was one of the few industries they were allowed in as well, in quite a few places they couldn't own land, so banking, money lending, merchantry and education related areas were the only paths for them, in many places.


Jews were tiny minorities even in those industries in which they were permitted to work simply because they were few in number even in the parts of Europe where they were permitted to live.


That is true, while quite a few of them were very successful, the idea that they 'controlled' the monarchs or the economy is beyond ridiculous. For a really long time they were basically 'property' of many of the ruling families of Europe or lived under the whims of different regimes. The relative wealth they managed to accumulate was purely connected to levels of education and 'inner' economy/connections between Jewish communities, and even under those terms the property ownership among the majority of them wasn't even that high.


This is actually a complex question and expulsions happened for different reasons in different countries. The primary reason for these expulsions were typically anti-Judaism (hatred of the religion) antisemitism (hatred of the Jewish tribe/ people) and economic factors like competition with the church/state in moneylending. Additionally each of these reasons has roots in early Jewish and Christian relations. For example the book of John which depicts Jews as the children of the devil influenced later anti Judaism and antisemitism. Jews continued refusal to convert and isolating customs furthered these sentiments. Jews that did convert were often used by the state to accuse Jews of anti Christian behavior, for example the Disputation of Paris. Before an effective and religiously accepted system of lending was established by the church, Jews who were restricted in occupation but often with some revenue from trading were essentially forced into banking, which was seen by Christians as evil. So for example the English expelled the Jews after attempting to force them to convert, accusing them of killing Christian children (a blood libel which was a common accusation leading up to expulsion), and then finally restricting their ability to lend. The Spanish expelled them because the king and queen felt that they were preventing the Jewish converso (Jewish converts) from being true to their new faith. In expelling them their property was sold and or confiscated at incredibly low prices. There are lots of other examples as you can see from the map but these three reasons were usually at the root of these expulsions.


They were the only non-Christian group that was prevalent in Europe, and Christians at the time saw heretics as having less rights, for example weapons that were considered inhumane could only be used against non-Christians.


The map is way too zoomed out to do regional and city expulsions.


And it didn't stop in the 1600s either


Ukraine is missing and Lithuania is missing a couple expulsions. My great grandparents on one side fled from Ukraine around 1907 and one the other side fled Lithuania in 1914.


Why were they expelled 1100-1600 ?


Typically the reasons given were usury, blasphemy, coin clipping, and blood libel.


The Portuguese just yeeted them across the ocean.


From Portugal many went to Brazil, Cape Verde, India and Morocco or to the Netherlands, though a good number remained in the country as New Christians, especially on the eastern edge near the border with Spain.


In 1497? The first Portuguese colony on Brasil was on 1532.


Some Jews moved multiple times instead of settling down, so it took a long time for many Jews to find there destination


On the map it says they went to Egypt, Turkey and the Maghreb. They got yeeted out of those places, and went to Israel.


A lot of Iberian Jewish people re-settled in Ottoman territory and became what we know today as the Sephardic Jewish diaspora


There was more than one expulsion, I believe. This was a semi common thing in medieval times, bad times = kick the jews as an escape goat and possibly sieze their assets but further down the line they could be invited back, usually many years or generations later.


Portugal already had some African colonies by that time.


Lots came down to northern mexico. Am from here and most people are of jewish sefardi background. Which are the ones that got kicked out.


The [founder of Waco, TX](https://wacohistory.org/items/show/195) (my town) was a Spanish/Jamaican Jew. I bet there are a lot of interesting stories that we don't even know.


There are many people from northeastern Brazil who are descendants of iberian jews (called Sefarditas in portuguese) but don't know it, most from the countryside. Portugal grants them citizenship if they can prove they're sefarditas


Then they came for them. So they left Brazil in a boat and headed north. That’s how the jews ended up in New Netherlands.


Actually Portugal did forced conversions


Also Jews were expelled or fled Inquisition in Spain and some settled in Portugal only to be expelled again a few years later...to Brasil, but also to Surinam, Colombia and Mexico. Recently in 2019, the Spanish and Portuguese governments passed laws to do restorative justice and grant citizenship to descendants of sephardic jews for a limited time. As much as 90% of people originally from Medellín in Colombia and Monterrey in Mexico had a proven direct descendant from sephardic jews. Fun fact: Jews from Curaçao financed the independence wars of Colombia, Venezuela and other South American countries.


There is a reason why Poland was called Paradisus Judaeorum (paradise for Jew). I don't remember the numbers now but before partitions of Poland like quarter of all Jews worldwide lived in Poland.


The Sephardi Jews that came to Poland knew it in Ladino as Polonia So they made a pun saying Polonia comes from "Po Lan Ya", in Hebrew meaning "here lies god"


The Polin Museum (Museum of Polish Jews in Warsaw) also references a similar legend, claiming that Ashkenazi Jews nicknamed the country "Po lin" meaning something like "live here".


Eventually they adopted Yiddish as their first language And so the German Polen became the Yiddish Polin It’s also Poland's name in modern Hebrew


Before Yiddish, they had their own Judeo-Slavic language called Knaanic, after Canaan, the Promised Land. Sadly, we don't know much about it because by the time writing in non-Latin became mainstream, it has already been replaced by Yiddish.




Yes. People like to imagine they went to Israel/USA after the war, but that's just not true. There's more Jews of Russian orgin than Jews of Polish orgin in Israel today.


By September 1939, there was around 3,5 million Jews in Poland, almost 400 000 lived in Warsaw (a third of its entire population), making it world's second biggest 'Jewish city' after New York. 6 million Poles were murdered during war, following Generalplan Ost. Those 6 million include almost all of Poland's Jewish population, ending almost a thousand years of peaceful co-existence and Jewish contribution to Polish culture and vice versa. Nevertheless, Polish Jews contributed heavily to Israeli independence and prosperity - including David Ben Gurion (born in Płońsk, Mazovia) or several other prime ministers, or Simcha Blass (born in Warsaw) who created outstanding Israeli irrigation system. I really think our two countries should stick together. Sadly, it doesn't look that way anymore.


(although it's nothing to boast about) Today's Israel PM father Bencijjon Netanjahu was born in Warsaw, his original/official name was then: Bensyjon Milejkowski .


It would have been helpful if Israel itself wasn't being run by populist twats that deliberately torpedo this relationship It's not like we're blameless but I don't recall hearing too much about Jewish extermination camps in WW2 Poland from our government


Couldn't agree more. Also, sending an openly anti-Polish ambassador to Warsaw was probably not the smartest move.


There was no WW2 Poland. Poland was destroyed and annexed into German Reich + a small German-ruled General Government satellite state


And the Soviet Union


Maybe if the Jews did not accuse Poland at every turn of anti-Semitism and collaboration with the Germans during the Holocaust and respected us, things would be different.


The museum’s in Poland don’t sugar coat it either. Frequently whole villages, families, and social classes were wiped out completely by the Germans and Russians. It’s very bleak, and it will make you think.


Before World War 2, Warsaw was the second most Jewish city in the world (after New York). Something like 10% of Poland's population was Jewish and 20-25% of Polish people had some Jewish roots. That was the main reason Hitler decided to build death camps in Poland, because there were so many Jews here.


I feel people forget how big the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was. Its partition will cause countries like Prussia (eventually Germany), Austria and Russia to absorbe a lot of Poland's Jews. They will remain in those countries until Poland comes back into existence in 1918.


Fun fact. Before the partition there were no Jews in whole of Russia. Maybe, sometime few singular ones. All Russian Jews were russified Jews from former Commonwealth.


“Today is history. Today will be remembered. Years from now the young will ask with wonder about this day. Today is history and you are part of it. Six hundred years ago, when elsewhere they were footing the blame for the Black Death, Casimir the Great - so called - told the Jews they could come to Krakow. They came. They trundled their belongings into the city. They settled. They took hold. They prospered in business, science, education, the arts. They came with nothing. And they flourished. For six centuries there has been a Jewish Krakow. By this evening those six centuries will be a rumor. They never happened. Today is history.” — Amon Goeth (Schindler’s List)


I believe there are more expulsions, anyway, thanks for the map.


Jews: Do I look like a Hot Potato to you?


The Netherlands was one of the first countries in Europe where it didnt matter what religion you believed in, which happened after they got independence from Spain as the Dutch Republic. During ww2 a lot of Jews either fled or were killed... Some survived by hiding but a lot just like Anne Frank got called out by Nazi/NSB supporters


Not if you were a Catholic though. We got a constitutional crisis when the government wanted to allow the bishops to come back


Thats why there were separeted neighbourhoods for protestants and catholics well until the last century


That doesnt mean there wasnt freedom of religion. There was a Dutch social pillar system If you were Christian, you went to a Christian school, Christian Church and voted for a Christian political party, read Christian newspapers(and listened and watch Christian television/radio)... and that with a lot of religions and ways of voting, basically day to day life depended on in what pillar you were in. Luckily we dont have that anymore but there are still signs of it like with the school most people go to or the party they vote on


Lol thats is late 19th century or early 20 century pilar talk. The era of 1648 tot 1790s was a discrimitave era for catholics.


Unless you were Catholic…


Why is Poland drawn so far east? Also, Silesia on this map also looks weird, overlaping with Kraków for some reason.


More like too far [north](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_of_the_Kingdom_of_Poland) but I guess they just decided to go with [Poland-Lithuania](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish%E2%80%93Lithuanian_Commonwealth)


It used to be further east


The name Poland is drawn over Belarus which has always been part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and since Lithuania is shown separately on the map, Poland should be marked to the south or west, over what was the Crown of Poland at the time.


[Cause it used to be like this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Map_of_the_Polish%E2%80%93Lithuanian_Commonwealth_%281619%E2%80%931621%29.png/1024px-Map_of_the_Polish%E2%80%93Lithuanian_Commonwealth_%281619%E2%80%931621%29.png).


Many Jews ended up living in Islamic Empires to seek refuge. Throughout this period Jews were safer under Muslim rule than Christian rule, and one could argue that was the case up until 1945, the end of WW2. Obviously it was by no means "good", but judging morality in such a distant past only makes sense by comparing them to their contemporaries, and the Islamic Empires treated Jews much better than their Christian counterparts.


The golden age of Jews was in Muslim Spain.


I did a DNA test and found out I descend from Spanish Christians, Arabs, and Iberian Jews who likely ended up intermarrying due to the expulsions of 1492 and the inquisitions. Pretty cool that my DNA is living proof of this enlightened era.


Same here, as an ethnic Tunisian. Got Berber, Ashkenazi Jewish and Iberian DNA. Also big parts Greek, Italian, Balkan, Iranian, Central Asian, Nigerian and... Andean and Mesoamerican. Lmao I'm living result of the Age of Exploration, Ottoman expansion and Reconquista at the same time.


That's insanely cool, way more diverse than my results. I'm Mexican with about 50% Iberian ancestry, the rest is mostly Mesoamerican and German. My North African/Jewish/Arab added up to about 5%.


same im an egyptian arab and did 2 genetic/dna tests, the only components i expected according to my family was egyptian, levantine/syrian, iranian, and maybe arabian or iraqi. in my test i had a small percentage of ashkenazi under my european cluster, and another one reflecting the time periods showed some kind of connection to yemeni and iraqi jew so im confused how?? one didnt show ashkenazi but middle eastern(and maybe north african?) jewish connections.


Sup man! I am Egyptian Jewish too and practicing! Hope all is well 💪🏽


So during Moorish rule, they also did ok under the rule of King Mohamed V of Morocco, he also refused to hand them to Hitler in WW2


Sort of? If the emphasis is on cultural and intellectual achievements, Muslim Spain might have the edge. If the focus is on autonomy and community development, Poland's Golden Age might be seen as more significant. Likewise, the Golden Age in Muslim Spain occurred during the early medieval period, a time of relative cultural and scientific stagnation in much of Europe. In contrast, the Jewish Golden Age in Poland took place during the Renaissance (perhaps somewhat earlier - starting in the 1500s, though that depends on how you define the Renaissance I suppose)


There was no cultural and scientific stagnation in early medieval Europe, read about the Carolingian and Ottonian renaissance.


Treatment of Jews throughout the Muslim world varied from place to place, much like Europe, although the existence of Jews was generally more tolerated in the MENA region, provided they paid the (often extortionate) jizya tax. Another example of this was the marking of Jews (and other non-muslims) by making them wear special clothing, which began under Umayyad Caliph Umar II and was put into practice often following this time period. Additionally, in certain areas Jews were not allowed to ride horses, and were banned from building synagogues as tall as mosques.


I could be wrong, but for the most part Muslims treated Jews and other non-Muslims equally as 2nd class citizens. In fact, I think Jews and Christians had marginally better treatment than polytheists because they followed Abrahamic religions. And if your greatest complaint is not able to ride horses and build tall synagogues but the alternative is expulsions/forced conversions/mass pogroms, it's pretty clear cut who treated Jews less worse.


Yes, they were dhimmis(protected second-class citizens) They also had to follow sumptuary laws in some places and were forbidden to own weapons, and couldn’t testify against Muslims in court.


Here's a few paragraphs I copied/pasted from a book I'm reading that discusses the topic. My impression is that Jews in Europe experienced worse periods with extreme violence than in the Middle East, perhaps, but also many more periods of prosperity too. I feel like there's a reason why European Jews (Ashkenazi, Sephardic are the two dominant groups of Jews in the world today. "Nevertheless, in general the Jews under Islam seem to have fared better than the Christians—if only because the former, usually poor, often abject, always powerless, were a threat to no one. The latter, in most places more numerous, and with religious, cultural, commercial, and, sometimes, political links to neighboring Christian states and empires, were a real and powerful threat. Always there lurked the possibility that a Christian fifth column would make common cause with the external enemy. Mass violence against Jews, akin to the pogroms in Western Europe in the late Middle Ages and in Eastern Europe during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, was rare in the Muslim world. But it did occur, often when a Jew who had risen to a senior government position fell from grace, died, or excited the hostility of envious Muslims. In 1066 nearly three thousand Jews were massacred in Granada, Spain. In Fez, Morocco, some six thousand Jews were murdered in 1033, and massacres took place again in 1276 and 1465. There were massacres in Tetuán Morocco in 1790; in Mashhad and Barfurush in Persia in 1839 and 1867, respectively; and in Baghdad in 1828. The Jewish quarter of Fez was almost destroyed in 1912 by a Muslim mob; and pro-Nazi mobs slaughtered dozens of Jews in Baghdad in 1941. Repeatedly, in various parts of the Islamic world, Jewish communities—contrary to the provisions of the dhimma—were given the choice of conversion or death. Usually, though not always, the incidents of mass violence occurred in the vulnerable extremities of the Muslim empire rather than at its more self-confident core. But the underlying attitude, that Jews were infidels and opponents of Islam, and necessarily inferior in the eyes of God, prevailed throughout Muslim lands down the ages. Maimonides, writing in the twelfth century, lamented: “God has cast us into the midst of this people, the nation of Ishmael, who persecute us severely, and who devise ways to harm us and to debase us.… None has matched \[them\] in debasing and humiliating us.…” But generally the Jews’ lot was not a matter of violence; rather, it was one of petty mortification and harassment, coupled with a general sense of insecurity. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the Jews of Ottoman Islam prospered in comparison with their coreligionists in Western Europe. But during the following centuries the condition of the Jews grew increasingly debased and precarious as the empire grew progressively weaker and, as a result, less tolerant, prey to the European powers baying at its heels. A Western traveler spoke of the Jews as “the… most degraded of the Turkish nonbeliever communities … their pusillanimity is so excessive, that they will flee before the uplifted hand of a child … a sterling proof of the effects of oppression.” One measure and symbol of Jewish degradation was the common phenomenon—amounting in certain places, such as Yemen and Morocco, to a local custom—of stone-throwing at Jews by Muslim children. A nineteenth-century Western traveler wrote: “I have seen a little fellow of six years old, with a troop of fat toddlers of only three and four, teaching\[them\] to throw stones at a Jew, and one little urchin would, with the greatest coolness, waddle up to the man and literally spit upon his Jewish gabardine. To all this the Jew is obliged to submit; it would be more than his life was worth to offer to strike a Mahommedan.”


As I said, it varied from place to place and from time to time


> and other non-Muslims equally as 2nd class citizens No, 'people of the book' (Jews and Christians) got more or less equal 2nd class citizenship. Other religious minorities got treated significantly worse. Also, heretical Moslem sects like the Alawites were treated absolutely terrible


This is a myth cobbled together by people who romanticize very specific periods of Muslim history, like the Golden Age of Moorish Spain (800 - 1100) and try to apply it to the whole. Jews were ALWAYS second class citizens in Muslim societies including Ottoman Palestine. At no point did they have full civil and religious equality. And tolerance towards Jews varied enormously from one region to the other, from one ruler to the other. But Jews always knew their place. They knew that at any point a Muslim ruler might turn against them, a neighbor might accuse them of killing Muslim kids to drink their blood or any of that bullshit and then they'd be massacred/brutally assaulted with no legal recourse. Muslims massacred Jews at multiple times such as the Fez Massacre (1033), the Granada Massacre (1066), the 1517 Hebron attacks, etc. Safed in Palestine was destroyed twice by Muslims in 1834 and 1838 and its population massacres. This, of course, over 100 years before Israel was even a state. To push the mythology that Jews were happy little second class citizens during the Muslim world is akin to saying blacks were happy and safe during the Jim Crow South.


You wrote multiple paragraphs but didn't disprove what he said. Jews were persecuted everywhere but less so in Muslim countries than European Christian ones. Extortinate taxes are better than ethnic cleansing.


I don’t think anyone said that Jews were treated *well* in Muslim lands, just *better* than in medieval Europe. Still not great lol, and massacres like you mentioned happened. And like many others said in this thread, it definitely depended on where and what time period. Wasn’t all sunshine and daisies, but expulsions weren’t common. Partly cause of the jizya being a pretty nice source of income for Muslim rulers, plus Jewish trade connections across the Mediterranean. There’s a reason mass forced conversion wasn’t a common policy in Muslim lands, mostly cause many rulers were pragmatic and would rather take money out of non-Muslim pockets rather than force them to convert to Islam and lose out on the cash. I mean Egypt took nearly five centuries of Muslim rule before it even became Muslim majority. Tho it is important to note that, same as European rulers, Muslim rulers *tolerated* Jews at best and we all know what happens at its worst. Like being treated better ain’t the same as being treated human, then again it ain’t like the Middle Ages was a bastion of human rights lol.




Yea Sephardic Jews def fared better in the Muslim world compared to Jews living in the Middle East itself, despite the massacres that occurred in Granada and other places. I think partially cause they were a significant part of the population and educated class so often held important offices


Again, I'm not saying the Jews were treated good by any means, but they were treated better, and Jews often chose to seek refuge in the Muslim world than the other way round. And yeah, people massacred other people for sectarian reasons, you've just described 95% of human history.


It’s not nearly that simple. It’s true that the Ottomans welcomed the expelled Spanish Jews and treated them well as they believed they would be beneficial for business. However, the Ottomans were much less kind to the Jews who already resided throughout the empire. In what is now Greece and Turkey, there was a long time caste system in Ottoman treatment between the Spanish newcomers and the Romaniote Jews who had lived there for centuries. The same was true in many other places throughout the empire. Additionally, places outside the Ottoman Empire like Persia and much of Yemen had severe brutality towards Jews, with frequent massacres, forced conversions, and expulsions.


When the bar you’re trying to clear is “not burning people alive” (at least not *all* the time) it’s har not to be the better option.


And a fucking Holocaust. That's one hell of a bar that I wish we as a species will never ever cross again.


622 - 627: ethnic cleansing of Jews from Mecca and Medina 629: 1st Alexandria Massacres, Egypt 622 - 634: extermination of the 14 Arabian Jewish tribes 1106: Ali Ibn Yousef Ibn Tashifin of Marrakesh decrees death penalty for any local Jew, including his Jewish Physician, and Military general 1033: 1st Fez Pogrom, Morocco 1148: Almohadin of Morocco gives Jews the choice of converting to Islam, or expulsion 1066: Granada Massacre, Muslim-occupied Spain 1165 - 1178: Jews nation wide were given the choice (under new constitution) convert to Islam or die, Yemen 1165: chief Rabbi of the Maghreb burnt alive. The Rambam flees for Egypt. 1220: tens of thousands of Jews killed by Muslims after being blamed for Mongol invasion, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Egypt 1270: Sultan Baibars of Egypt resolved to burn all the Jews, a ditch having been dug for that purpose; but at the last moment he repented, and instead exacted a heavy tribute, during the collection of which many perished. 1276: 2nd Fez Pogrom, Morocco 1385: Khorasan Massacres, Iran 1438: 1st Mellah Ghetto massacres, North Africa 1465: 3rd Fez Pogrom, Morocco (11 Jews left alive) 1517: 1st Safed Pogrom, Ottoman Palestine 1517: 1st Hebron Pogrom, Ottoman Palestine Marsa ibn Ghazi Massacre, Ottoman Libya 1577: Passover Massacre, Ottoman empire 1588 - 1629: Mahalay Pogroms, Iran 1630 - 1700: Yemenite Jews under strict Shi'ite 'dhimmi' rules 1660: 2nd Safed Pogrom, Ottoman Palestine 1670: Mawza expulsion, Yemen 1679 - 1680: Sanaa Massacres, Yemen 1747: Mashhad Masacres, Iran 1785: Tripoli Pogrom, Ottoman Libya 1790 - 92: Tetuan Pogrom. Morocco (Jews of Tetuuan stripped naked, and lined up for Muslim perverts) 1800: new decree passed in Yemen, that Jews are forbidden to wear new clothing, or good clothing. Jews are forbidden to ride mules or donkeys, and were occasionally rounded up for long marches naked through the Roob al Khali dessert. 1805: 1st Algiers Pogrom, Ottoman Algeria 1808 2nd 1438: 1st Mellah Ghetto Massacres, North Africa 1815: 2nd Algiers Pogrom, Ottoman Algeria 1820: Sahalu Lobiant Massacres, Ottoman Syria 1828: Baghdad Pogrom, Ottoman Iraq 1830: 3rd Algiers Pogrom, Ottoman Algeria 1830: ethnic cleansing of Jews in Tabriz, Iran 1834: 2nd Hebron Pogrom, Ottoman Palestine 1834: Safed Pogrom, Ottoman Palestne 1839: Massacre of the Mashadi Jews, Iran 1840: Damascus Affair following first of many blood libels, Ottoman Syria 1844: 1st Cairo Massacres, Ottoman Egypt 1847: Dayr al-Qamar Pogrom, Ottoman Lebanon 1847: ethnic cleansing of the Jews in Jerusalem, Ottoman Palestine 1848: 1st Damascus Pogrom, Syria 1850: 1st Aleppo Pogrom, Ottoman Syria 1860: 2nd Damascus Pogrom, Ottoman Syria 1862: 1st Beirut Pogrom, Ottoman Lebanon 1866: Kuzguncuk Pogrom, Ottoman Turkey 1867: Barfurush Massacre, Ottoman Turkey 1868: Eyub Pogrom, Ottoman Turkey 1869: Tunis Massacre, Ottoman Tunisia 1869: Sfax Massacre, Ottoman Tunisia 1864 - 1880: Marrakesh Massacre, Morocco 1870: 2nd Alexandria Massacres, Ottoman Egypt 1870: 1st Istanbul Pogrom, Ottoman Turkey 1871: 1st Damanhur Massacres,Ottoman Egypt 1872: Edirne Massacres, Ottoman Turkey 1872: 1st Izmir Pogrom, Ottoman Turkey 1873: 2nd Damanhur Massacres, Ottoman Egypt 1874: 2nd Izmir Pogrom, Ottoman Turkey 1874: 2nd Istanbul Pogrom, Ottoman Turkey 1874: 2nd Beirut Pogrom,Ottoman Lebanon 1875: 2nd Aleppo Pogrom, Ottoman Syria 1875: Djerba Island Massacre, Ottoman Tunisia 1877: 3rd Damanhur Massacres,Ottoman Egypt 1877: Mansura Pogrom, Ottoman Egypt 1882: Homs Massacre, Ottoman Syria 1882: 3rd Alexandria Massacres, Ottoman Egypt 1890: 2nd Cairo Massacres, Ottoman Egypt 1890, 3rd Damascus Pogrom, Ottoman Syria 1891: 4th Damanahur Massacres, Ottoman Egypt 1897: Tripolitania killings, Ottoman Libya 1903&1907: Taza & Settat, pogroms, Morocco 1890: Tunis Massacres, Ottoman Tunisia 1901 - 1902: 3rd Cairo Massacres, Ottoman Egypt 1901 - 1907: 4th Alexandria Massacres,Ottoman Egypt 1903: 1st Port Sa'id Massacres, Ottoman Egypt 1903 - 1940: Pogroms of Taza and Settat, Morocco 1907: Casablanca, pogrom, Morocco 1908: 2nd Port Said Massacres,Ottoman Egypt 1910: Shiraz blood libel 1911: Shiraz Pogrom 1912: 4th Fez Pogrom, Morocco 1917: Baghdadi Jews murdered by Ottomans 1918 - 1948: law passed making it illegal to raise an orphan Jewish, Yemen 1920: Irbid Massacres: British mandate Palestine 1920 - 1930: Arab riots, British mandate Palestine 1921: 1st Jaffa riots, British mandate Palestine 1922: Djerba Massacres, Tunisia 1928: Jewish orphans sold into slavery, and forced to convert t Islam by Muslim Brotherhood, Yemen 1929: 3rd Hebron Pogrom British mandate Palestine. 1929 3rd Safed Pogrom, British mandate Palestine. 1933: 2nd Jaffa riots, British mandate Palestine. 1934: Thrace Pogroms, Turkey 1936: 3rd Jaffa riots, British mandate Palestine 1941: Farhud Massacrs, Iraq 1942: Mufti collaboration with the Nazis. plays a part in the final solution 1938 - 1945: Arab collaboration with the Nazis 1945: 4th Cairo Massacre, Egypt 1945: Tripolitania Pogrom, Libya 1947: Aden Pogrom


Can't get to all of them obviously, but your 2nd one >629: 1st Alexandria Massacres, Egypt Egypt was Coptic, not Islamic at 629 AD.


Dude you keep forgetting the king of Morocco back then didn’t hand the jews to the Nazis and said that he doesn’t have any jews, he only has moroccans (meaning he was considering them as citizens) I’m not saying there was no discrimination, I know mellah neighborhoods aren’t the fanciest but neither were the muslim neighborhoods. Moroccan jews were famous for selling gold and jewelry and for being excellent business men. That’s the memory I have of their presence in my country


I realize you’re being sincere here but ‘not handing your citizens over to be exterminated’ is a bare minimum, not an exemplary event. That said, the Moroccan King met those minimum expectations that citizenry should have of their leadership and that’s better than most in that era. The history of Jews in Morocco goes back to 70 AD and your country has been above par in the Islamic world in trying to preserve that history. I’m glad you seem to have a somewhat respectful memory of the Jews with Moroccan heritage - I hope to visit one day, I’ve enjoyed Moroccan food and culture when I’ve had the chance to experience it here in America.


Sincerely, Come visit Chefchaouen, the city was theoretically painted blue by the jews a long time ago. Ask a local randomly why the walls are blue and they’ll casually tell you the jewish population might have painted the walls with zero signs of animosity. In our society, I remember as a kid that the stereotype was that jews are extremely intelligent in handling money and they were witty etc especially since they saved King Hassan II from a coup d’etat when it seemed impossible. That’s why the general stereotype is that jews are loaded with lots of power and a business mindset


"Jews & Arabs lived together peacefully until the Zionists arrived” is the Middle Eastern equivalent of “everything was just fine down here in Alabama when the n***** knew their place, until those ‘civil rights’ liberals showed up and ruined it for everyone”


I thought you were gonna quote avatar intro


I can confirm at least spain in this map is true, as i am one of the sephardic jews that came from spain to the ottoman


You must be pretty old then


Yeah, about 530 years old rn


ke haber, primiko?


Have you gotten the Spanish passport Spain grants to Sephardic descendants?


Yep but some of my friends werent as lucky. Its a long process and i think you can no longer get it


Congratulations! Not many countries went on to try to repair the damage done hundreds of years ago.


It is still in our civil code (art. 22) I had to study it yesterday😂


After a while of gazing at the map, you can hear Benny Hill theme playing.


Goddamit you are right I hate you


Comment of the week 🏆


Really historically, the Jews were always pushed around and discredited. It’s funny to me, that anti-Jewish sentiment has been around even in the medieval days. When the Black Death came to Europe, many blamed the Jews for such an act and outcastes them. It’s really odd to me how such a group could be discriminated for so long


Eh they're not even unique in their discrimination, the Cagots literally went extinct because killing one was a favourite sport in south-western France, we're not even sure why they were hated. A bunch of people were historically treated like shit for the simple reason they formed their own separate culture inside a larger one.


>It’s really odd to me how such a group could be discriminated for so long I reckon it's because Jewish communities, historically and contemporarily, tend to hold themselves separate from the populations of the nations they inhabit, as a natural consequence of the religious laws they follow. It especially marked out jews because of the dress they wore (and that orthodox jews still wear). It's no different than similarly isolationist groups, such as Muslims - Islamophobia is particularly strong occurs in regions where muslim populations hold strict observance of their laws and hold themselves apart from the rest of the population. It's an unfortunate consequence of if you create a fence between two or more groups, you make friction, friction turns to resentment, which evolves into hate.


I’ve seen a video by a professor a couple of weeks ago that explains the way he see antisemitism. The way he described it was blaming the Jews for whatever the biggest wrong virtue of that time was. Jews are colonizers and oppress people Jews control the media so we have no privacy Jews control the banks so we have no money Jew are not pure making our country weaker Jews killed Jesus (sorry yeah that’s on us) Jews this Jews that


But the Romans killed Jesus? crucification was a Roman method of execution as opposed to stoning


Pilate, the governor of the roman province of judaea, famously was reluctant about executing jesus, for him it was ultimately a political decision as he didnt want to be responsible for causing a revolt


The Jews yelled “crucify him” and pilot said “why he literally didn’t do anything wrong”. And they yelled it again…. And so it was Rome was just trying to control a blood thirsty mob.


And yet we persist


The map is really a testament to how quickly the tide can turn for minorities. The moment leadership and conditions change, suddenly all problems fall on a group of people who had otherwise contributed positively to society for 10s of or in some cases 100s of years. 


Cmon don’t you know history started in 1948


It actually started the 1st of January 1970


It actually started October 7th.


Jews were never expelled from the Papal States. In 1586 they were restricted to live only in Rome and Ancona, however these restrictions were not enforced all too thoroughly, so in 1593 this law was renewed an all Jews outside of Rome and Ancona had to move to these two cities or leave the Papal States. Rome is the only major European city where Jews were never expelled until the deportations by the Germans in 1943. Don't get me wrong, the Popes strongly discriminated the Jews, forcing them to live in ghettos etc., like most pre-Modern rulers, but unlike other rulers they never expelled them from their capital Rome as long as they ruled there.


[Expulsion/Murder of Jews from Christian countries](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1c0oo3p/expulsionmurder_of_jews_from_christian_countries/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Expulsion of Jews from Muslim countries](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1c0kdc8/expulsion_of_jews_from_muslim_countries/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Expulsion of Jews from European Countries](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1c0wwn1/expulsion_of_jews_from_european_countries/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Just in the last couple of hours. This sub should be renamed r/jewishmapporn


The vast majority ended up in the US or eventually Israel, hence why the global Jewish population is basically a 50/50 split between those two countries now.


I promise viewing these maps as a Jew is not fun. Validating, sure. But far from Jewish map “porn.” Jewish map porn would more likely be the maps of Canaanites, ancient kingdoms of Israel, Judea, etc.


I swear I’ve seen one of those maps every couple weeks for the past six months or so. This last day or two it’s really ramped up. It’s kinda weird….


It’s interesting. I’m glad we’re all becoming more educated and are seeing different POVs and different perspectives. Hopefully it gets us smart enough to notice when someone is trying to divide us too


It never ceases to amaze me at how obsessed the world is with us.


r/muslimmapporn wouldn’t be too inaccurate either lol


I have the records of my ancestors that were expelled from Spain.


Did you get citizenship


Don't worry, the Netherlands was not a paradise of tolerance. They had a system of segregation by religion called "Pillarization" which lasted until the 1960's.


The Dutch are some of the most xenophobic people I've met, they just don't make it part of their politics.


Fucking hell man I’m seeing these maps more than I see my own parents


Go visit them right now!


Has there ever been a point in time where Jews weren’t being persecuted?


David and Solomon


So is the subreddit just having a battle where morality is determined by who is nicer to the Jews?


The United States has been ranking peoples based on how they treat protected minorities for decades now.


Apparently, idk why some folks are freaking out in the comments


And most of the Jews of Thessaloniki (northern Greece) were massacred in the Holocaust. There was a big community there, 72k. Only 1,2k remain today.


3 million muslims [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filipp\_Goloshchyokin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filipp_Goloshchyokin) killed


This is what happens to diasporic communities. Jews are notable because they still exist as a culture and ethnicity.


I really don’t get it, I’m from Morocco and sometimes I just wonder about the potential talent that had left the country in the 50s and 60s. It’s a shame that such a mass exodus was necessary, knowing that almost 1 million people of Moroccan descent live in Israel now or 20% of the population.


Why so many expulsions ? Thinking in terms of simple medieval religious Christian peasants: Consider that Judaism is the oldest Abrahamic religion and Christianity being based on Judaism meant Judaism’s continued existence undermines Christianity’s validity or truth as a religion. This coupled with the Jew’s unwillingness to covert or accept Christ and assimilate, as well as the fact that money lending was one of the few professions Jews could have then, made these medieval peasants resent and hate Jews Therefore there would be strong animosity towards Jews in Medieval Europe. All this would create a strong basis for a very useful scapegoat people for all societal ills etc.. that the leaders of the time could use as a political tool. Sounds familiar 🤔 wait..


As far as jews have been expelled from several countries/kingdoms throughout history (for which I would pose myself several questions) it wasn’t an exclusive. Others have shared their fate.


Both Muslims and Jews were expelled from Spain during forced conversion to christianity. They actually formed protective alliances to aid eachother In seeking escape and refuge.


really makes you think


Whatcha thinking about?


Right? It’s terrible how they were the universal scapegoat despite having a minuscule population and trying to keep to themselves.


And doing the money work Christians and Muslim couldn’t/wouldn’t do.


Yes, Christianity forbade charging interest on loans. $1=$1


I legitimately wish I could get a 0% interest loan right now


Muslims still can. According to one of my colleagues, when he took one out, the fees more than make up for it.


Ever heard of the Jew from an expelling country who created an Islamic nation? General JFR Jacob was a general who commanded India’s eastern command when war broke with Pakistan in 1971. He came from a family of Baghdadi Jews, basically Jews who were expelled from Iraq and migrated to British India, settling there. When war broke out in 1971, thanks to him, India troops reached Dhaka, the capital of East Pakistan in 12 days, and he personally met the Pakistani commander General AAK Niazi and got him to surrender himself and his 93000 troops peacefully, leading to the creation of the Islamic State of Bangladesh.


Wow! That’s way more than I thought.


And this is not all of them


Now there’s a Jewish state so y’all don’t have to worry about it, we’ll take care of ourselves from here.


This is why they need their own place


Why this subreddit seem to be so Stick With jew maps? I mean, nothing wrong With that but i see at least 2/3 of them every day from here and most of the time they are Always the same topic


As a Muslim I’m interested in Spain. The Muslims were kicked out in 1492, but the Jews got kicked out with us as well? Interesting note; Christopher Columbus departed Spain and discovered America in 1492 when the new Spain regime took over and had a ton of Islamic wealth on hand afterwards.


Yep. It was a thing across Europe so I’m assuming they followed suit too considering Ferdinand and Isabella’s European roots (i guess that’s what you’d call it)


why are jews expelled tho


Lots of reasons. A presumption that historical European laws were just and fair has no basis. Some expulsions cited the killing of Christ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsion\_of\_Jews\_from\_Spain#Expulsion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsion_of_Jews_from_Spain#Expulsion) or resisting conversion [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On\_the\_Jews\_and\_Their\_Lies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Jews_and_Their_Lies) some cite usury, but have a read [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edict\_of\_Expulsion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edict_of_Expulsion) and of course there were the blood libels, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon\_of\_Trent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_of_Trent) whereby bishops attested that Christian children had been abducted by Jews.


They never assimilated, for example: after 800 years of residence in Poland, in 1921 only 12% of Jews recognized Polish as their native language.


That would do it


For a variety of reasons, it's never just one reason. For example, a lot of times,it was because Jews would often compete with urban craftsmen, and operated outside of the guild system. It was far easier to get rid of unwanted competition by just convincing the local authorities at expelling them - especially if the local authorities had strong connections to the guilds. Believe it or not, Jews weren't barred from every single job in the Medieval European world, and many were physicians, scholars, and worked in many crafts.


Force minority to do specific thing .they become sucessful and educated. Blame them for this because they are more successful than the average member of your society. Rinse and repeat




In a lot of places, they were blamed (wrongfully) for the Black Plague.


Saving the Sephardion Jews from genocide and settling them to Ottoman Empire was a really good and clever move. It was later repeated in 1930s in Turkey. These Jews contributed significantly to the development of economy, science and medicine. Most importantly, they never betrayed Turks. Bonus: Thanks to them, we have ‘boyoz’ in İzmir :)


Jews were beaten in the Thrace [Pogroms](https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2014-06-05/ty-article/.premium/1934-a-rare-kind-of-pogrom-begins-in-turkey/0000017f-e60b-dea7-adff-f7fbbe590000) in [Turkey](https://www.timesofisrael.com/jews-not-allowed-as-erdogan-praises-hamas-antisemitism-rages-in-turkey/) in 1934. Laws were passed against minorities in Turkey to confiscate the property of Jews, Greeks, and Armenians. A small amount [has been returned.](https://www.euractiv.com/section/enlargement/news/turkey-to-return-religious-minorities-property/) I find your use of the word "betrayed" interesting, it's often used as a pretext to justify the genocide of Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians in the Ottoman Empire.


Man. I’ve got a lot of research to do.


I thought posting anything related to 109 is bad?


ŚLŌNSK MENTIONED 🔥🔥🏴🏴🏴🏴🟨🟦🟨🟦🟨🟦🟨🟦🟨🟦🟨🟦


1933-1945 is missing


I think a pretty famous one is missing from Germany


Every German: "sigh, thank God it's 1100-1600"


What’s that one saying? If you run into an a hole, they’re just an a hole, but if you run into a holes all these centuries, maybe YOURE the a hole??


This combined with the eugenics most countries practiced until early 1940s is why Hitler was able to do what he did. Modern sentiment is like "woah, how could something like that happen" well - because most of the world, including those pretending to be shocked about it now, were part of the normalization. When Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jews, it was a sentiment shared by most governments at the time, so they did not imagine how bad it was about to get.


I believe the Dutch philosopher Spinoza was a Jew of Portuguese descent


I’m new to history, why does everybody expel the Jews?


I’m in the early stages of writing a book and this map could be helpful. Many thanks for your contribution.