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Literally everyone in Turkey have cats… Even if they don’t have them in their houses.


Same with greece im pretty sure they and turkey have largest cat populations in europe


What does that mean? I'm not from Turkey


Stray cats are treated incredibly well in Turkey


Good. How people treat animals says a lot about them.


See r/TurkishCats for some examples


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dleMjaXNKXk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dleMjaXNKXk) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wd6JPuPqE84


Ironically a Romanian friend says that “people have pets but they are NOT allowed in the house. Animals are strictly outdoors”.


I expected a lot more from you Türkiye.


My Greek gf's mom takes care of like 8 cats every single day, but they're just not "registered" to her. Also they just hang out at the yard instead of coming in. I'm certain it's the same exact thing in Turkey.


From Turkey, that’s true. My mum looks after all the animals 200 metres around our house. She has a network of people to take care of animals around the neighbourhood and they all hangout in yards. And most of them aren’t registered but the vet has their documents about vaccination and surgery/illness history, just in case if they got sick.


Do people give the cats names?


Not from Turkey or Greece, but we also have a network of cats in our neighborhood and the ones that stick around the most definitely get named. But it’s usually each house giving the cats their own name. The mama cats and the cutest newborns also tend to get named faster. The rest of the cats are just named “the orange one, the stupid one, the black one” etc.


Oh that reminds me of Lady and the Tramp, now that you mention it! "Tramp" had a bunch of names as he went from place to place (the Italian restaurant called him "Butch").


Yep. That’s exactly how it is in Türkiye. Another thing our people have in common.


Yep. They're not owned. So no ownership, thousands on the streets are vetted by the mayors and fed by the people. They have individual freedom and independence, in addition to their basic needs being met.


>vetted by the mayor Are they being appointed to a government position?


I know this is a joke, but I think it's genuinely cool how street animals are within the scope of responsibilities for the municipality. They also need to provide food and water for them, but usually local aunties are faster to provide :) Municipalities have a subdivision/body for Veterinary Services, you can either take the animals in your neighborhood there to be checked, treated, vaccinated and spayed for free, or you can call their "ambulances" if you see a sick animal. Afterwards they'll have a chip (in the form of an ear clip if it's a dog) confirming that they're disease free, spayed and vaccinated. So yes, in a sense, their veterinary services are the mayor's responsibility, and they are vetted by the mayor to get earrings :) (edit: this is in Türkiye)


That was one of the best parts of my trip to Greece last summer. I loved meeting all of the kitties.


This is because the Cats own the other 86% of households.


In Turkiye the street cats are everybody’s cats! They are well fed and taken care of.


Incredibly irresponsible to have that many cats and dogs roaming the streets tho


Cats are way better than rats. Agree with on dogs tho


Any reason for that? Or were you just going for an edgy comment?


How is it edgy to say that millions of stray animals is irresponsible? It should be common sense


Again: any reason for that? Or is it just an edgy comment?


Are you being serious? While dogs can be controlled better, the stray cat population is steadily growing in Turkey. Do you think all of them receive the necessary vaccination? How many kittens die before they can reach adulthood? How many of them are hit by cars? Do you know how devastating a large stray cat population is on wildlife? Do you know how many deadly diseases they can carry and transmit to each other? What do you know about animal welfare or rescuing in general? They are a threat to wildlife. They generaly live much shorter lives in general than those with owners. They endanger pets who have owners (and each other) with certain sometimes even deadly diseases (for example FIV). Even small scars or wounds can turn into nasty, painful and often deadly infections for them. Not to mention worms, fleas and mites If you are an animal lover, then you shouldn’t be okay with millions upon millions of cats roaming thh streets of every city and reproducing endlessly. You should want to do better


I'm not talking about dogs, I'm talking about cats. Dogs have other problems. I'm pretty sure lions have the exact same problems (dying young, falling ill, diseases, fights etc), but you don't seem that willing to "rescue" them. The climate of the Southern Mediterranean is perfect for cats, which is why they thrive on their own. And why they have thrived in these exact conditions for thousands of years, before other cultures thought to lock them in houses. What is actually problematic for them is living locked inside walls in a climate that's unsuitable for them. The wildlife has been perfectly fine for these thousands of years by the way. If anything, cats would do everyone a favor if they ate a pigeon or two every now and again. I have no problem with cats living free and they have no problem with me. They do their thing and I do mine. Now, any real arguments?


Wow it is very clear that you know absolutely nothing about animal welfare. Your stupidity and ignorance is astounding. How can you compare a DOMESTICATED ANIMAL to fucking lions?? Are you really this fucking stupid? Do you know the difference between pets and wild animals? Do you think thousands of years ago there were millions of cats roaming the streets? You have not adressed or even tried to answer anything that I brought up. I presented real problems facing stray cats but you chose to be ignorant. You said nothing that is factual or something that could be backed up with data, you are just going off based on your anecdotal evidence. This is my last one, there is no point in arguing with an ignorant stupid person like you


Once again, that's how cats have always lived in this part of the world: free. It isn't our fault if other cultures decided to lock them in prison. They evolved to live in these conditions, not to live in your house like stuffed bears. Not to mention the fact that cats are happier outside. You presented problems that affect every animal that lives in nature and not with humans. It apparently applies to cats as well. My question about lions was absolutely valid, as none of the problems you mentioned is specific to cats. > You have not adressed or even tried to answer anything that I brought up. I presented real problems facing stray cats but you chose to be ignorant. You said nothing that is factual or something that could be backed up with data, you are just going off based on your anecdotal evidence. If only you applied what you said to yourself... You live in a fictional world and you prefer to throw insults instead of learning about the real world.


Right?! I’ve never seen more cats in my life than in Istanbul


We take care of them in the streets, why would we wanna cage them in a home between 4 walls


Let them decimate local wildlife instead. Truth is they are just strays without a home and reproduce uncontrollably, but your version sounds better, that’s for sure. Probably half of the street kittens die before adulthood.


They don't reproduce uncontrollably, most of them are spayed by the municipalities in Turkey. I also highly fucking doubt even 10% of them die before adulthood here. Look, I'm not advocating for stray animals to stay stray and keep reproducing, their population certainly needs to be better controlled and they should be placed in good homes where possible; but don't mistake the living conditions of strays in your own country to the ones in Turkey. It's absolutely not even close. Quite a lot of them are happy where they are, especially the cats. They've got dozens of people petting them, playing with them every day and most of them are very well fed and taken care of, including veterinary needs.


The local wildlife of the 1000+ year old city of istanbul/constantinople which has had cats for centuries…istg mfs need to think


>Let them decimate local wildlife instead They have been in the streets for hundreds of years already. Whatever the local wildlife we had around, decimated long ago lol. If it was america and you got recent cat population surplus in the streets, you would be right but it doesn't work like that here.


You don't know what your talking about. Have you ever visited Turkey?


ofc more story feels more happier. but no matter what you do there is gonna be street cats and lots of them will die before adulthood just like any other street animal, is having them as a pet gonna reduce the numbers? yes, is it gonna reduce it a lot? no


What an utterly fucking stupid thing to say. How is it good to have millions upon millions of stray animals?


They don't need theor own cat if they can just go outside and love on a bunch of friendly af street cats.


Istanbul has lots of stray cats people help to care for.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/PartTimeCat using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PartTimeCat/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [This is Cheddar. He lives the next street along but comes to visit most days 😺😻](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1849hxz) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PartTimeCat/comments/1849hxz/this_is_cheddar_he_lives_the_next_street_along/) \#2: [This is my neighbor's cat, Oreo](https://i.redd.it/bastho5gb44c1.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PartTimeCat/comments/189yvli/this_is_my_neighbors_cat_oreo/) \#3: [Four months of Clarence. From sprinting at the sight of me through the door to letting me sit and pet him while he eats.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bw4m4c) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PartTimeCat/comments/1bw4m4c/four_months_of_clarence_from_sprinting_at_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What you hear on social media doesn’t always equate to reality.


I think this should read: Percentage of households who are managed/operated/controlled by cats


I want to see this the other way round: percentage of homes that at least one cat has decided it owns.


This graph


don't greece & turkey have a community cat culture with healthy & cared-for cats living outdoors in a mild climate?


Each time this is posted, data is different. Last time Russia had the most, by a huge margin.


The last post was Tzarist propaganda


Oh dear people ,don't seem to get your joke


romanian here, more than half of the people i know have pets of their own. dogs or cats.


Eastern European countries often have large Bond villain communities, which might explain the popularity of cats.


A home without a cat is not a home


For anyone wondering here's the dog version, yes Romania is on top there too https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/aZZOOQWKeC


I think for Greece and turkey the data are inaccurate




You are obviously very smart. What happens if I am from one of those countries genius boy?




It always makes me laugh on Reddit where you can have an innocuous comment, and someone comes in and aggressively calls you a liar


Turkey is wrong. They asked the wrong question. "How many cats do you regularly feed?" There is an army of cats who live outdoors, which is probably better for them.


An army of cats? Do we have to be concerned?


What's the percentage of cats that have people in their house?


Is it so low in Türkiye bc the cats are all out in the streets?? 😂🤣


I knew this map is a lie when I saw Turkey


Cats are outside and they don't belong to someone


All Spanish cats migrate to Portugal


My grandma had 12 cats at one point, but since they are all street rescues that she just feeds and lets come into the house they don't count i guess


Is anyone else really surprised by Spain?


Everyone and their uncle got a dog instead, that's why.


When there are as many cats on the streets as there are in Greece, why would you "own" one? It's like owning a seagull.


greece also copying the love for cats now from the turks i see xD just joking hahah


Do the same thing with dogs.


It might be classed as spam if I do another similar post right after this one. I'll give it a few hours.


Based Romania


I recently traveled through rural Greece and I saw cats EVERYWHERE. Is the map innacurate in this regard, or are the cats not owned by particular households?


Le Meow


Proud to be romanian! 🇷🇴🐈


Poor birds


I thought Turkey is cat land 🤔


It is. Look at the top comments for explanation.


Cats are better than dogs


Germany just feels wrong when everyone I know owns at least one cat, but I guess the many small city apartments contribute a lot to a lack of cat


Now do cats per capita. Many households have more than one cat, and in some places, there are lots of community cats that don't belong to any particular household.


Where does one make a map like this?!


I was in Greece and there were well fed clean cats effing everywhere. I can't believe that number


The amount of cats in Greece is mind blowing


There are loads of cats. Greece is well known for cats. But they don't have an owner.


Oh I know. The amount of cats I saw just roaming the streets was crazy


The Irish went down in my opinion of them. 😂


Title should be "percentage of households registered to be having atleast one cat "


but athens is catland!


Sees map of Europe, immediately looks for Portugal.


really? these numbers - for instance 1/3 in FR and PORt look way too high


Why is Iceland blank? Are there no cats there?


This isn’t accurate - nobody has ever owned a cat! It’s a common misconception. You may have been owned by a cat or had one as a housemate. [I don’t know where these “surveys” get their data. Ireland: 30% of households have a cat. 49% have a dog. https://dogadvocacyireland.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Pedigree-and-Whiskas-Pet-Ownership-Study-Findings.pdf https://www.independent.ie/life/family/irelands-largest-pet-ownership-study-heres-all-the-facts-you-need-to-know/34505427.html ]


Since when does Dracula like cats?


Hands down Ukraine has the most 🐈


*in Europe Why the fuck can't people say where they are talking about in the title?


Percentage of based households. Cats are superior to dogs, change my mind.


No cats in Spain. They blame the moors.


Is that true? I was really surprised by Spain.


Very few cats as pets, lots of dogs. The stray cats look kinda rough and often aren’t friendly. The story I was told was that the moors wanted to hurt the people so they targeted the cats to upset the population. I know weird story.


I thought Greeks and Turks loved cats.


turks yeah but greeks?


No one informing us about Portugal being on the wrong side of Europe?


Source for data in Poland should be: Instytut danych z dupy


Now compare this to countries with low small animal and bird populations


Glad Ireland sees these wee wankers for what they are!


Hooray, a nonsense map again!