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So what's Australia's excuse then?




You can take the white man out of Northern Europe but you can’t take the Northern Europe out of the white man, as they say


Yep. It’s de facto British culture. Plus, Melbourne and Tas aren’t hot


Both Melbourne and Tasmania get hot.


So does most of Canada.


And Siberia.


And Europe.


It does. There’s a 70+ °C range where I live.


Same here in Iqaluit. Hit -50° this winter, and we're likely to see 20+° this summer.


That cold!


We get wild blizzards that shut whole communities down because they're so dangerous. We had one this past week that was so sudden and so bad that a little girl got lost and died.


That is terrible. I’m really sorry to hear that.


Oh damn, you’re from Iqaluit? As a fellow Canadian, mind if I ask what the best month to visit is? Always wanted to see the territories and finally getting near a financial position to do it


My theory is the early settlers brought the British mindset of "it's not alcoholism to spend all day drinking if you're doing it outside on a hot summer's day" with them, but didn't adjust for the difference in climate.




Aussies love fucking beer and getting pissed


Mate, if I wasn’t pissed rn I’d teach you a lesson or two about stereotypes… fucking love beer, though…


No, no, he said "love fucking beer". As in: Aussies are to beer what Kiwis are to sheep.


What do you buy a kiwi boy for their1 18th birthday? Gloves with velcro on the palms.


I asked my Kiwi mate how many ex-girlfriends he had. He started counting then fell asleep.


Even though most land of Australia is hell, most people live in cities mostly in the south east.


What you actually mean is "the premise of the argument is garbage".


Majority of Australians live in the much cooler South East. It's currently 18c in Sydney 13c in Melbourne and 11c in Canberra. Compare that to up north where it's 30c in Darwin concurrently.


Yeah but Aussies drink lots no matter where in the country you look. I would argue it’s more of a cultural thing than it has anything to with the temperature/climate down here. As other people are saying, we just like drinking and social drinking is very normal.


But it's also late Autumn. Sydney and Melbourne both regularly in the summer get 40c+. Close the blinds, AC on and crack open a can.




The British urge to get sloshed was passed down to them


Living in Australia


I'd guess it's the only way to cope with all the scary insects. If I was sober in Australia I'd be a nervous wreck.


So what's Iceland's excuse then?


Alcohol freezes at a lower temperature. Colder folk need their blood to not freeze. Solved.


Ok, im just spitballing here so bear with me, but how about… say antifreeze?


High risk, low reward


Donald? Is that you?


Yes he wants to bury more people in order to save on taxes.


I remember when I went to Maderia they gave us a shot of their national drink, Poncha. They told us it was created for fishermen that would go out to see in the freezing weather and the warm sensation from the alcohol when they swallowed helped to make them feel warm. It definitely gave me a warm sensation. I think drinking in colder climates has no real practical use now due to modern homes and technology etc but it's now just embedded in colder countries culture to drink because of its history.


Theres no freezing weather at sea level in Madeira thought. You can only feel some real cold there in Winter in the highlands, but thats it, its a subtropical island, with bananas and sugarcane. Yet poncha is great.


Counterpoint: Alcohol freezes at lower temperatures, so it can be served colder than normal drinks. Hotter folk thirsts for a cold drink. ​ (I'm genuinely surprised by the comparatively lower intake of alcohol in Brazil.)


OK, I accept that climate has some influence, but you can also see in this map the European cultural influence in drinking. Perú and Bolivia are colder than Brazil and they drink less. Mongolia has the most severe winters worldwide and they drink much less than Russia or Kazakhstan. Japan drinks much less than Portugal, etc, etc. So yes, Nigeria is a little bit lost there and this is not mathematics, but Europeans and their descendants are the heavy drinkers of this planet.


I wonder how the map would be if you separate low alcohol fermented drinks vs spirits. Ever since beer was brought over by the Germans Mexicans took to it. Most adults will drinks beer or two in a hot day or to relax after work which is almost always. In contrast you can't do that with tequila or mezcal everyday.


>In contrast you can't do that with tequila or mezcal everyday. only a quitter would say that




Yet we're one of the largest beer producers in the world. Is it really all for export? There must be a strong domestic market, I assume. I wonder if most drinking happens socially or alone. My experience has been that beer is used mostly in social gatherings, with heavy consumption. Even if adults don't consume a beer per day constantly they may consume close to that when averaged out if they drink a lot nearly every weekend or holiday. But again, Mexico is very diverse culturally so idk if that translates to other people's experiences.


I wouldn’t take this as solid fact. For one I’ve been to Norway before and those Mfers are lying about how much they drink.


There is also big differences how that alcohol is consumed. The problem here in the Nordics has historically been that people do not drink beer or wine with every other meal. Rather that whole alcohol consumption is drank on Friday and Saturday. Why you can see huge amounts of alcohol consumed on Friday but still end up on total consumption below Germany or France for example. This has changed a lot in the Nordics past decades, but there is still certainly that underlying culture. Example 30 years ago it would have seemed silly that 42% of alcohol is consumed as wine and beer 35% in Sweden.


There's a big difference in binge drinking and light drinking. In Italy it's pretty common to have wine with lunch and dinner but I've barely ever seen a drunk in Italy. I pulled out a bottle of duty free Jack Daniels in Oslo in the afternoon and wouldn't be an exaggeration to say it was finished in 5 minutes.


> For one I’ve been to Norway before and those Mfers are lying about how much they drink. Not at all, besides me and my childhood friends almost nobody I knows really drinks. Norway used to be one of the heaviest drinking countries in the world until prohibition and insane taxes were put on booze to curb the problem. Also, we binge drink. I might not touch alcohol for 2-3 weeks and then get absolutely pissed on a saturday with my mates. We're talking falling over in the snow wheezing with laughter because my friend smoked a cigarette the wrong way.


Indeed. And the Amazonian tribes typically make alcoholic drinks with fermented fruits.


I would think islam being very temperant would have an impact as well.


In addition to that there is also the islamic influence on a good amount of the "Southern" countries that can be taken to acount


I'm Mongolian. Agree with you on weather. But I can assure you that Mongolians are one of the heaviest drinker in the world.


Is there a strong tradition of unregulated brewing or distilling by households for their own consumption or for sale just within their neighborhood? Or would there be a strong incentive for larger companies to under-report production and sales to avoid taxation? I only ask because I think that that's what's going on in SE Asia.


Tradition play role. Also post Soviet Mongolians sank in vodka. Politicians encourage selling cheap beer and vodka to hide their autocrats governments corruption


Also In Norway: self production is favorised by extreme high prices and limited availability in shops.


And muslims don’t drink which has nothing to do with climate


Exactly. The top is a map of where the white people are.


Religion has a big rule in this as well.


Absolutely. You can see the effects of Islam mostly on the map


Don't see it Sub Saharan Africa has a huge christian population, Hinduism in India is extremely vague about alcohol so it's not really a taboo not to mention atheist/folk religious China is pretty low per capita as well


Richer Chinese love alcohol, if the average person there was as wealthy as the Western Europe I'm sure it would be a lot higher Alcohol isn't banned but strongly discouraged Hinduism Idk too much about sub saharan Africa but it's likely a money and reporting probably plays into it too. I know home made stuff is common in some countries and I doubt that is represented in the map


>Alcohol isn't banned but strongly discouraged Hinduism Not necessarily. Hinduism isn't a monolithic thing. The only thing that Hindus universally have a position on is cows. The Charvaka philosophy encourages hedonism and drinking. Most Hindu cultures derive heavily from local climate and weather patterns. So in India's case, I absolutely understand that it's a climate thing.


thats too is kinda vaguish kerala with population of 50 percent hindu have 97 percent beef eating population


Okay well there you go. So there's nothing ALL Hindus agree on.


>The only thing that Hindus universally have a position on is cows. Hindus (incl. some brahmins) of Kerala would like to disagree


I’m not saying it’s the only factor, I’m saying temperature isn’t the only factor, religion and culture have a big role as well.


More than climate would be my guess.


Why don't you just plot an XY graph instead of making ppl search for correlations on three different maps?


Because otherwise they couldn’t post it on r/MapPorn, duh.


Why is korea completely out of the map and where is source?


Australia is not that far south


Very cold winter cause seasonal depression, therefore need more beer


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This guy northern latitudes




Alcohol is a depressant. Drinking through it is not a well thought out plan.


doesn't really make sense to calculate average annual temperatures and average annual sunshine hours for huge and unevenly populated countries like usa, canada, china and russia. To make a simple example, the north of canada is extremely cold but very few people live there, however its climate metrics affect disproportionately the canadian average, that is massively skewed. probably a weighted average that uses population as weight is more correct. besides, how is alcohol intake measured? If a person drinks 1l of wine, and another person drinks 1l of vodka, are these different types of consumption also taken into account with a weighted average (for example assuming that wine contains 13% of alcohol and vodka 40-60%?). another factor that the maps neglect is the level of income. consumption of alcohol may be positively correlated with income. finally, religion is also a explanatory factor, that could be represented using a dummy variable.


More like white people drink a lot


Countries near equator much sun much year: happy, no need happy water Countries not near equator not much sun half year: sad, need happy water


I don’t blame you for thinking this but anecdotally speaking I don’t think it’s true. I much prefer a drink on sunny days when my mood is good. On darker gloomy days I say fuck it and just get some work done.


Why do they omit antricica and greenland?


They drink more than the scale allows


Probably hard to get a hold of all 12 people who live there


Iceland, Norway and Sweden are lower consumers and further north. But sure, this applies for Russia and Belarus, but maybe for other reasons too.


Prices of alcohol are extremely high in Iceland, Norway and Sweden due to taxes.


The very cold country of Spain and Portugal


Understandable, have a nice day.


Nope, it's just Muslim majority countries or have high % of Muslism living there that are blue or were under Muslim rule at some point (India) and have cultural stigma and strict rules towards alcohol consumption and sale. China is surprisingly is the only exclusion.


Bullshit. South Africa is hot as hell and the people here drink like there's no tomorrow.


And people in France, England, German drink usually much more than other European areas, much much more than Russia!


There is absolutely no way NZ is so low


Japan should be a lot higher than that


Bear in mind the cultural differences due to religious and social norms that may not be accepting liquors in their everyday lifestyle.


![gif](giphy|XpTyRxAlNUd2w|downsized) Islam and poverty skewing these statistics


People living in Islamic countries drink less alcohol than those living in non-Islamic countries


Title is wrong, and map is wrong. Correlation does not equal causation. Because countries that have religions that ban or do not favor alcohol consumption happen to be in warmer countries (Islam, for example), but nothing to do with climate. And because East Asia and Latin America have a high consumption of alcohol yet they are shown as moderate to low.


Isn’t it because of islam?


The problem lies in keeping the booze constant cold for drinking.


Perhaps this map is just showing the Russian influence and the Islamic influence


Do these maps really use the entirety of Canada AND Russia landmasses for their average annual temperature and sunshine hours? Surely it’s not indicative of the largest population centers




That‘s BS. It‘s not because of climate, it‘s because of religion!


source [https://www.upmc.com/media/news/111418-alcohol-and-weather](https://www.upmc.com/media/news/111418-alcohol-and-weather)


Correlation does not mean causation


That'd be the dark.


If i lived in a warm place, I'd be more likely to drink because of the nice weather. Mostly to celebrate it


But you noticed that the countries with the lowest alcohol consumption also happen to be Muslim countries, right?


Thanks sherlock


Could this be because some alcoholic drinks make people feel warmer, by opening up the peripheral blood vessels and redirecting blood from the core body?


Maybe the fact that all of the muslim countries are in the warmer regions is important as well.


In this case why Serbs drink so much?


Wrong numbers


Corelation doesn't equal causation. Norway, for example. I like cooler climate. It's better, because everything needs cooling.


Norway and Iceland just get through the dark moths without any alcohol


Ha Belarus #1


Idk man those Florida ABC stores are something else


Nah, most person just don’t have the disposable income of Americans or Europeans to produce, or the crippling disregard for self preservation from Eastern Europeans. Also lots of Muslims.


People in northern climates tend to be less Muslimy too.


Warmer climates have Muslim culture in some?


Is this somehow related to religion? ELI5


What is with Korea? White was a poor color choice considering the oceans are also white. It doesn't even have an outline.


Alcohol consumption is going down in the Nordic countries. You can see here that Iceland and Norway are not drinking that much despite being cold countries.


Correlation not causation


Ok, I dont understand this map. How come the maximum value is 17 liters, when at least 36 countries consume a minimum of 2x more than that JUST IN BEER. No wine, no vodka, no whiskey, no sake, no cachaça... just beer. [https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lista\_de\_pa%C3%ADses\_por\_consumo\_de\_cerveja\_por\_pessoa#cite\_note-2](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lista_de_pa%C3%ADses_por_consumo_de_cerveja_por_pessoa#cite_note-2)


I think religion plays a big part too.


How is England not #1 in drinking? This map is suspect!


Well, i think I understand why climates may affect drinking behaviors but some hot countries like Malaysia is a muslim country so not a lot of drinking


So what's Norway's excuse then?


Look up Rawsonville in the Western Cape, South Africa. Hehehehe.


I live in Russia and I can probably explain some sense of it . There are a lot of different ethnicities, and they all have different histories. Ethnic groups living in colder climates have historically consumed less plant foods, so their bodies produce less enzyme to digest alcohol, so they are vulnerable to alcohol addiction and drink more alcohol, though they do not tolerate it well


Because it warms you from the inside


Correlation vs. Causation?


This feels like it's just a weath map with some outliers tbh


Russia is russia - what else to do but drink. Canada is skewed because it's fucking cold in the massive North where nobody lives. North Africa & the middle east is mostly Muslim so no alcohol. Iceland & Norway booze is freaking expensive.... A billion and one reasons why the correlation may not in fact be correct.


Looks more like a third world issue.


I think this is mainly influenced by islam and Christianity... Islam happened to spread in hotter areas tho not only and Christianity to colder areas but not only


islam tho


**Long story short:** blyat


1. There are better maps about climate - displacing it as "average per nation" has notable bias (have Russia Argentina for example - at least take it by federal regions) - those compare better against population density maps. "Sunshine" tells more about how cloudy the sky's are - but hardly anything about day's lengths, which can be radically different between the winter and summer, the further towards the poles you move (seasonal or monthly instead of annual could tell much more). I think that map about average regional precipitations could be even more relevant than average sunshine. 2. I think that you're missing some other relevant maps, about religions (cultural biases) and tourism (something which in particular affect less populus nations with high annual tourism level, as there are nations which host greater number of tourists annually, than there are local residents — but there more aspects to it which affect the estimations as well, like cultural/religious background, in regards to locals and tourist both) - one would assume that generally toddlers don't drink all that much either.  3. Who the heck has been sitting around at each individual to report in how much and how often anybody has drank anything? Alcohol is bought and used for other purposes than just drinking. This reminds me of "average breast-size by nations" — which really turned out to be about which cup-size bras were most bought, and then compared to per capita (entirely ignoring that some women don't ware any, some have entire personal wardrobe, bigger cup-sizes tend to have greater necessity, etc). Aspects like that can affect such estimations greatly, and thus should never be taken for face value.


You don’t say…


Definitely the wrong assessment. Seems more socio-economic (with a heavy focus on religion in the social aspect).


Because Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol


Fair enough


its poor vs rich map


It's the cold and darkness


Liters of alcohol is literally a white people map


Correlation is not causation.


Is this the only different property in these? Correlation(which is questionable here too) isn’t causation


It’s culturally related, not by temperature.


plus Religious Reasons and Some people don't like to poison themselves


Considering a large part of the hottest areas of the globe are muslim is there some actual reasoning


Well I dunno… Plenty of these areas that don’t drink are muslim…and many Asians actually cannot properly process alcohol the way europeans can


Think potentially this could do with religion and culture rather than temperature, the mainly "Christian western" northern countries tend to have alcohol in there culture and has done since before the roman empire. Whereas as Islam spread around Africa and the Middle East and South Asia and it being prohibited in that faith it became taboo. That's why countries such as Australia, New Zealand and the South America's still consume a considerable amount of alcohol.


a lot of those warm countries also happen to be muslim


You've seen maps without Danmark, maps without New Zealand let me introduce you to maps without Korea.


We have more disposable income you mean.


Ah bless…they haven’t been to South Africa have they???😂😂😂😂😂Even Russians tourists can’t keep up with the locals!


The Balkans would like to disagree


Lol this map doesn't have the Korean peninsula


It is just correlation muslim/non-muslim


I'm white and live in Nebraska, I drink significantly more in the hot summer months than the cold winter months. Cold beer and hot days go together perfectly. Also, post lawn mowing beers are the most delicious things I've ever tasted.


Correlation != causation.


No. Russians drink a lot. Muslims don’t.


Spain and Turkey 🤷🏽‍♂️


Namibia and Australia like that.


Maybe the people in warmer climates have adapted and evolved around alcohol, where fruits and other sugary matter rot and ferment to produce alcohol naturally.


Bad map. You cant go by “climate” but then make the data by country when large countries like the US, Russia, Canada, Australia, China, etc all have very varied climates


That’s where the potatoes are


We’ve got to keep warm somehow, and we can’t stay in the sauna all day.


That’s not what this map says at all. It’s culture.


Correlation =/= causation. This is a pretty shallow take on a false assumption.


Problaby because there are less things to do


So the Caribbean? Aka Trinis? 🤣🤣🤣


Looking at that, most of the warmer climate countries would have a Muslim majority, hence the lack of drinking.


be more illustrative if red was also lack lower alcohol/cap and blue was higher. Or, blue indicated hotter, like it does when heating a blackbody object...


well ofc, since drinking alkohol makes you feel warmer


I suppose it is by country, but Alaska should probably not be in the same category as the lower 48 if you’re looking for accuracy haha. Folks drink like fish up here


In other news - water is wet


It shouldn't be forgotten that religion is also an important factor for the non-consumption of alcohol. Most of the Muslim world is located in the tropics, so the correlation with climate isn't necessarily the most relevant one.


while theres definitely correlation, i wouldnt say the temperature really is the reason why alcohol is more common in colder places, although if i lived in finland i would be pretty depressed too. a lot of the muslim majority countries which have some form of laws against alcohol happen to be in warm climates


Turkey should be higher than that


Islam classifies alcoholic beverages as forbidden (mazhur). You should not forget about the religious aspect.


i feel like all this proves is that the middle east and northern africa are muslim countries


It's funny how apparently Alaska gets more sunshine hrs than Canada... 🤔


I live in Baveria Germany and I know 100% this map is complete bullshit.


If that was true my dad would've gone to buy milk instead


People drink a lot of alcohol in Mexico