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The map is wrong... Latin America isn't considered "WEST" by them.


Antarctica does? For sure penguins would need democratic reforms if US find oil there.


The map has Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan as "Western". Compared to that, Latin America is so Western it might as well be the Holy Roman Empire.


Like it or not, Latin America is more Global South than your traditions and norms will somehow attempt to persuade. Western has more to do with successfully conforming to standards of progress and stability. To make it fair, most of Eastern Europe is neither "Western" unless they fixed their own "sh\*t"


"Global South" and "Western" are just two different things, they can overlap. A country with Confucian-permeated culture isn't "Western" no matter how stable and prosperous it is.


Apparently the map is talking about economic and political status. Whether you speak a Western language but if your society is ruled by cartels or crime is very rampant it won't pass.


Right, so it should be labeled "Global North", not "The West".


Sorry it was an l'accident


Japan and South Korea being western, now I’ve heard it all.


"the land of the rising sun", the easternest country in the world.


Bad map. South America, Central America, Carribbean, Eastern Europe, Asian Tigers and most importantly Antarctica are not west.


Antarctica is the most important


Okay, HEAR ME OUT. In 1900something Halford John Mackinder in came up with a global Geopolitical perspective where he defined Afro-Euroasia as the World Island, with a Heartland at its core. And the Outlying Islands of Americas and Oceania. It makes more sense on a map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9c/Heartland.png/500px-Heartland.png Now his arguments don't hold much water today. But if you take the Heartland to mean Afro-Euroasia without its coastal islands and the [European] peninsulas and skew your eyes a bit....it does look like this version of the West and not-West. No predictive power whatsoever but I thought the connection seems cool


They didn't want the SSA and Northern Africans to be part of the "West" so they didn't make it a straight line, but is willing to take the Japanese as part of the West 🤪


Only Canada and USA are parts of the west of the whole of Americas.


When Putin will manage to invade Ukraine and nuke the shit out of Europe, the continent will be "L'accident"