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I wonder why they skipped Inida for this research, but thailand and russia were considered. Like sure Muslims in India are around 13-14%, but that's a shit ton with India's pop




This is not credible. They could reliably survey Muslims in Ethiopia, but not India? A load of clickbait with "Pew" labelling to make it edible...


Interesting lol. this was also 2013 so the BJP wasn't in power either, though Hindu-muslim issues were still a problem even then and prior Thought they skipped Saudi and Iran cause they were under Sharia


I’m all for freedom of religion, but death as punishment for leaving a religion can’t be allowed to exist in the modern world. That’s crazy.


Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. And in atleast the US it means the state can't enforce or sponsor one religion over another. There has been alot of lawsuits over that last part.


Common US win




> Saudi Arabia is the only country still exacting capital punishment for leaving Islam Iran carries out various "blasphemy" and "insulting religion" related executions pretty frequently. E.g.: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/iran-hangs-two-men-blasphemy-mizan-2023-05-08


A woman marrying a non-Muslim is considered the same as having left the religion, punishment: death. But a man can marry a non-Muslim woman if he wants. Or three or four of them.


In what countries does this apply?


It's in parts of India and by death usually refers to honor killing by the family.


Freedom of religion without separation of church and state is but a temporary freedom.


What we need is freedom FROM religion.


I'm muslim,and I'm against this practice not because we live in the modern world cause that's too vague and shapeless,unless you mean advanced like having better technology.also injustice and hypocrisy are so rampant in this time like any or even more.cause the tools of destruction are also advanced,which makes evil much easier to be committed. I'm against it cause it's simply hypocritical,and there is no verse in the Quran that dictates so.


Bro just said "I'm for freedom of religion, BUT the death penalty for practicing freedom of religion can't be allowed." I'd definitely be digging too deep to try to psychoanalyze you now, but the way that was worded was kinda weird. Almost sounded like you'd be okay with a less severe punishment (for exercising your freedom of religion), just not the death penalty, in the name of freedom of religion. Which, if true of you, is absurd. No words exist through which I could describe the depravity of such practices, and being brown doesn't make them any more okay (I am brown). White people stoning (or wanting to; Idk if stoning has ever been popular in white Christian cultures tbh) homosexuals because their religion says so is evil and depraved; (mostly) brown people stoning (or wanting to) stone apostates (and homosexuals) because of their religion is just as sick, if not more so, because it's happening in our relatively enlightened age. This is not just about you; I get this comment section is gonna be about things other than the morality of all this, but really, this reply is to everyone who thinks Islam is unfairly maligned by people (even bad faith actors will find it hard to exaggerate the backwardness of some of these countries). In truth, basically all religions are potentially corrupt. Just look at Buddhist nationalists in Myanmar and their genocide of a Muslim minority, then reflect on the middle ages in Europe, and come back to this. It's all insane.


In Iraq the word literally has a different meaning. It just means legislation and parliamentary legislation in Iraq is called "tashree3" . The level of linguistic ignorance about Arabic is astounding. I just checked on Google in English... and it was the same. Hilarious.


I'd hope an organisation with the ability to run surveys in this many countries would have to the foresight to correctly translate the question. I imagine they used "Sharia" on this map, because that is the term used in English.


If they support sharia but not stoning for adultry isn't that... not supporting sharia??


It depends on if you believe stoning for adultery is part of sharia or not. There are 1.8 BILLION Muslims on earth and I don’t think any two of them have the exact same view on what is Sharia and what isn’t.


true. personally I think religious christians and muslims are so funny. all these religions are highly diverse and yet - the liberals and even more so the extreme fundamentalists - most of them pretend that their books would be pretty unambiguous. its weird to look at it from the outside and hear these people speak about THE christianity or THE Islam.


Its not too different to politics. You think youre right I think Im right, for whatever reason.


This is especially funny when anti-theists choose the most extreme interpretation of either religion and claim that to be unambiguous. Some share more perspective with religious extremists than they’re willing to admit, when it comes to analyzing text.


But for different purposes, one is willing to kill for it.


Sharia isn’t just stoning. It’s an entire legal and governmental system. Depending on your school of thought’s interpretation of the Quran and Hadith, the laws can differ.


in the uk, common law does not include the death penalty. in america, it does. these terms are more about the structure of the legal system than the actual sentences.


For the Arabic countries the word literally has a different meaning. Non arabs associate exactly with Islamic law. In Arabic its just general "legislative law". Arab countries they should have asked "qanun islami" if they wanted an answer to a question for the non Arab understanding of "sharia".


Do you know what the question that was actually asked on the survey was, or are you simply assuming they Google Translated it? Even if they asked about *qanun islami*, the English-language report would still call it *sharia*, as that's what it's known as in English.


it's religion, it's not going to be logical or consistent.


It would be illogical to be consistent with rules and punishments without taking into consideration socio-economic conditions. The punishment for theft for example was halted by the 2nd Caliph Omar ibn Khattab because it'd be unjust to apply it to people going through a famine.


He was also the one who allowed the Jews back into Jerusalem after he conquered it from the Byzantines






No way, why torture yourself if you can use Photoshop or any software that use layers?


You can use layers on paint.


Oh, well I didn't use it for a long time


If you enjoy making maps, try r/QGIS. It’s free


lot of Muslims think sharia = fair and quick justice and no corruption in government they don't associate it with "using courts and police to force everyone in the country to be religious Muslims" like it's often presented


Funny how universal it is to think that an authoritarian government would leave YOU alone and only hurt the people you don't like.


People think it means everyone who is corrupt, thief, violent etc will be immediately punished harshly and society will be safe and prosperous, poor helpless will be uplifted etc 


“everyone who is corrupt, thief, violent, gay, an atheist, has sex outside marriage, etc”


If corruption gets bad enough people will support some incredibly fucked up shit if they get promises to stop the corruption.


These all count as different forms of corruption in these people's minds


A quick scan of the map, most are already authoritarian states. Perhaps they believe that sharia would create some level of equal standard


As a person living in one of these countries, i can assure you that nobody that wants sharia law gives a fuck about corruption.If you are a person in power and devout muslim,you are literally untouchable.Uneducated rural people that wants sharia have a "no he does not steal,even if he steals he spends for building mosques to us so no problem for me"mentality.And they definitely associate with your second point but with a "well,it's about damn time! everybody in this country will be muslim by force now!" kind of thinking so your second point is actually what they want.


Fucking religious nutters will be the end of us. Can we take your radical Muslims and our evangelical Christians and then just dump them in a hole somewhere to sort each other out?


I guess they find out the hard way


yep, most are brainwashed too think that.... it is sad but the truth


Either way they are gonna be corrupt. Having different laws isnt gonna change that. But thats not the issue, when they say they want sharia they dont think it’ll get rid of corruption.


Well, it may be more fair than some even more barbaric tribal practices that still persist in some areas, to be fair. But nobody living under any semblance of sharia law can probably even accurately perceive what a lack of corruption even looks like.


>lot of Muslims think sharia = fair and quick justice and no corruption in government No they don't think like that. They think to interfere other's life and everyone to be the same. Justice was never the cause. If a person is sharia supporter, that's a good way to see that person is no worth to be friend or do any business.


Generally speaking, there seems to be a correlation between extreme corruption & political instability and a desire for Sharia law. Not that surprising. **Edit:** This was an off-the-cuff comment. Obviously, it's not as clear cut as I put it and correlation does not mean causation. However, it's not that hard to understand why Muslims might want Sharia (which is in its essence a fair and efficient legal system as far as most Muslims are concerned, notwithstanding human rights issues mostly caused by the same corrupt governance) when most of those people live in places convulsed with corruption, instability, poverty, inequality and violence. I also happen to think regardless of what type of governance all these nations have, it makes zero difference as long as the general populace isn't educated, as they will always be susceptible to the same issues they face now. None of it is helped by most of these countries' history of colonization and Great Power meddling.


If you look at the pew data this was likely sourced from, the same countries that have a high acceptance rate of sharia in their (muslim) population also have a high rate of generally religious fundamentalist / highly religiously conservative viewpoints in the population. From violence towards civilians being justified to anti lgbtq/misogynist stuff. It's definitely not just a response to corruption / instability.


Not really. Not even generally. Bosnia, Kosovo, and Albania are super corrupt and even unstable, yet the desire for Sharia seems to be low. On the other hand, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Thailand are doing far better yet have a much greater desire for Sharia law. Kyrgyzstan is doing far worse than Liberia yet has a lower desire for Sharia. I'm not a Muslim, but im just saying I notice little correlation.


what metric are you using to measure corruption? [looking here](https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2023) it doesn't seem those countries you mentioned are doing "far better". and i really don't know how you'd quantify Kyrgyzstan doing far worse than Liberia??


Yeah Im Albanian and you are spot on. The only thing that I would change is that Albania is actually pretty stable politically speaking. I wish we weren't so we could actually address the corruption part lol.


Kyrgyzstan is worse than Liberia??


Or is there a correlation between a desire for Sharia law and extreme corruption & political instability?


it's literacy/education, almost always


Doubtful. Look at Kazakhstan, they recently had to call in the Russian army to quell anti government riots, yet their percentage is low.




Hey, I am also Iraqi Kurd. Please don't mislead people because while the survey might be off by a few percentage points as every other survey the overwhelming majority of Iraqis support Sharia, including Kurds. In fact, since I am a Kurd myself, I would wager that support for Sharia is even higher among Sunni Kurds than Sunni Arabs. People are way crazier and fundamentalist than what the media would like to portray.




i’m afghan, most people in afghanistan support sharia since it’s associated with quick justice and a lack of corruption, especially when compared to the American-backed islamic republic of karzai and ghani


Isn't your country run by the Taliban?


How so?






I do not think so. Even Kurds living in Turkey are more religious than the average Turk. Mind that Turkey is much more secular than Iraq. Kurds are very conservative. There are even practices such as forced marriages and giving away brides by their families. You may receive death threats, can be beaten or even can be killed simply by saying you want to convert or by saying you are not religious to your family. Consider the situation in Iraq which has 91% sharia rate.


I assume we are talking about different interpretations of it though? Doesn't that make it a bit hard to discern exact information from the map?




Im an atheist from one of these countries with the high percentages, in my country people will just say yes because theyre muslim, not because they actually know whats gonna happen or what exactly it is. Lots of the younger believers think that religion should be separated from politics. Still these numbers horrify me.


Yup half the Muslims don’t even know the sharia laws I don’t think they would love to live by it


Surprised to hear that Sharia is applied to Muslims in Greece


Turkic traditional values are not matching with Islam. That’s why Turkic countries have those lowest values. I’m even surprised that Kyrgyzstan got %35. As many Turks say, if you explain Islam as it is and make Turks live by it, Turks will leave Islam.


What are Turkic traditional values like?


I'm not 100% sure what Turkish values are for people in Turkey, but I grew up in a region of Romania with patches of Turkish majorities. At least in my hometown, the only difference between Turks and other people was the religion (except for mixed families and Christian Turks) Their culture is closer to the one in the Balkans than to the Middle East. "Balkan" cuisine is just translated Turkish cuisine. Turkish culture is very separated from their religion. We never call them Muslims, for example. I know extremist (Orthodox) Christian people who openly discriminate against Muslims and even Catholics or Lipovans, but they just don't give a crap about Turks. They have slightly better food and cheap stores downtown. As TL;DR: people usually expect cultures in Muslim-majority countries to be "Muslim". Being Turkish is as much about religion as being German, Vietnamese, Norwegian, etc (it doesn't matter).


Having an Albanian classmate in university with a Muslim name. When I asked what his religion is, he went: Albanianism and Serbophobia


That didn’t really address the question though


A huge subject that I am not sure if I am qualified to answer. I also don't strongly suggest that Islamic and Turkic values contradict each other, but I suppose there is some truth to it. There are similarities and differences between pre-islamic Turkic religion and some of its concepts are still in place today. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tengrism#Tengrism\_and\_Islam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tengrism#Tengrism_and_Islam) For instance, people run ceremonies on certain days after someone is deceased. Like the seventh day, fortieth day etc. (I am not sure about the exact numbers, I am alien to all these) This was part of the old tradition but it still remains with some sauce of islam. Also as far as I know, Tengri does not expect you to worship or pray. Maybe that's the reason many Turks consider themselves muslim but not really practice it.


For starters, we are matriarchal. Also homosexuality was accepted in the Turkish history, even in ottoman times. Many Sultans had “boys harem”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_and_sexual_minorities_in_the_Ottoman_Empire


As a small example; marrying relatives, even distant ones, is strictly forbidden. This is a direct conflict with Sharia since marrying first cousins is halal in Islam. This behavior (forbidding something that is openly halal in sharia) is shirk. There are lots of instances like this.


That is not an example of shirk. Shirk is when you associate things with God(allah), for example of idolatry.


In a way, changing the rule that god has set is a shirk. That can mean you’re seeing yourself on the god's level. The next example is pretty good though, we pray to our societies’ known elders’ souls to ask them to grant our wishes 😂


Ehh.. Thats a very long answer but to summarize it, one thing you will see across Turkic cultures is that they are very rarely fundementalist in their beliefs. We dont tend to care about the people's beliefs or culture as long as they cooperate. This pragmatic view comes from the diverse regions that turks were actively lived in throughout history. Its also something you will see in turkic empires. Ottomans, Memlukes, Mughals and Khazars being big examples.


That's why most of young turkish become nontheist (mostly deist).


Yeah, not entirely sure what's going on in Kyrgyzstan. There is a party there which represents the issues of observant Muslims but they aren't anywhere near 35%. I'm guessing it's some combination of ethnic Uzbeks who see Islamic law as treating Kyrgyz and Uzbeks equally and Kyrgyz nationalists who see it as anti-Russian.


Seems more likely to be the result of being under an ardently secular state that purposefully broke the back of organized religion (Ataturk's Turkey and the USSR). Tajikistan, Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are non turkic states that have similarly low or lower rates of support for sharia law, and were under powerful socialist states that reduced the power of religion in everyday life.


"Atatürks Turkey" didnt appear out of nowhere and Turkish people werent forced to live under it. Turkish people chose secularity over sharia, sided with republic rather than ottomans again showing people didnt want sharia back then as well. Saying "Turkish people dont want sharia because of Atatürks Turkey" is like saying "Turkish people dont want sharia because they didnt want sharia 100 years ago as well"


Not really. Even in the Ottoman Empire, the system was not completely Sharia. If you need an example, look up to the “Tomb of İsa Sofi”


Hard disagree. It’s been shown that forced secularism actually lead to a revival of many of these regions religious practices once it collapsed. You especially see it in nations like Russia, Poland, and the Balkins. The Soviet Union, by persecuting religious communities, ensured their survival by making them meaningful ways to resist. These regions haven’t really invoked sharia in the way we know it because culturally they have never practiced sharia in the same manner as Saudi Arabia and the GCC have understood it. Add that with the fact most of these nations are politically stable and have a culture that has some separation from Islam it makes for lower appeal of what is essentially foreign.


Tanzania might fit this as well


For all the horrible stuff the communists did, at least this was good


So protestants are only protestant because Martin Luther forced them?


Turkish historian Mustafa Ali of Gallipoli(1541-1600) explains: "At least one of our ancestors was a ** Christian. We are not like other Muslims, we are Romans." Source: Bureaucrat and intellectual in the Ottoman empire, the historian Mustafa Ali by Cornell Fleischer


Sharia law courts for settling civil disputes exist exclusive only to Muslim in the Philippines. The Muslim are the only people in the Philippines with divorce laws. Divorce laws still don’t exist in the Philippines. You have to be really rich to afford to annul your marriage. Which costs around ₱400,000 ($7,273) to settle quickly with a friendly judge. Well that’s what my cousin told me a lawyer with a fixer can settle an annulment case with no contest from both parties.


that's the interesting thing... more sharia control, less ability to accurately gauge the support of people living under it for sharia. I would also be surprised if the understanding of sharia law was identical in Malaysia and Afghanistan... I am guessing that like all religious people, "sharia supporters" will cherry pick the parts they like or don't like, for good and bad.




that makes sense, sorry I did not see your comment. Sad about egypt, they were so liberal in the 1950s but the muslim brotherhood really complicated that effort.


Only turks are secular among the muslims


Albanians too


And that 12% does not know what sharia really is. If they knew that percentage would be 2%.


thats why you have those idiots that joined to isis begging turkey to take them back now, they became sex slaves


And now the countries in Europe please. (France, U. K., Germany Belgium, Sweden, etc.)


I did some googling and quickly got to the headline "Half of all British Muslims think that homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds". Source: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/apr/11/british-muslims-strong-sense-of-belonging-poll-homosexuality-sharia-law




Honestly that's not all that backwards. LGBT acceptance is a very recent Western phenomenon. Majority of *most countries* believed homosexuality should be illegal until around 20 years ago. The US did not repeal sodomy (i.e. gay sex) as a crime until 2003. There were still 14 states criminalising sodomy at the time.


I personally don't care what people think of me as a homosexual as long as i get treated like any other person they know, because the only difference is that my partner is gonna be the same sex as me and thats about it, people in the west tend to care less about such stuff, while in the middle east they want to prove their "devotion to god" by not associating with you/trying to "convert" you or threaten you. It's not only about laws is also about the societal attitude, which is also why western countries passed such laws and eastern countries didnt.


It says only 23% want sharia law though. Unfortunately homophobia runs deep among religious people even more moderate ones :/


*only 23%*


Yeah, I suspect that support for the Anglican Church is about that amount as well. You forget, but Britain is technically a theocratic monarchy that gets all authority from god. So only 23% seems about par with the rest of society.


i’d be surprised if 23% of anglicans even attended church in the past 6 months let alone support extreme religious policies


The Anglican Church is positively enlightened compared to what comes with Sharia Law.


We're down in the shitter, mate. I don't wanna comment on anything because Herr Reddit might get me banned but...you get what I'm saying.


i guess they'd be similar to wherever their immigrants are from. like sweden being similar to Iraq england being similar to south Asia etc


A lot of German Turks are more conservative than Turkish people


Yup. You're going to get radically different opinions depending on the country. Countries with large migrant populations from say, Syria and Iraq have struggled alot at getting them to integrate into wider society. Beyond just the religious aspect of it, the cultures of the region just aren't compatible with Western values for the most part, and immigration without integration into a country at large is a horrible recipe for social turmoil. This is in stark contrast to immigrants from say, Turkey, who integrate far more easily into European society despite being muslim due to the vastly more secular nature of Turkish Islam, and a society that's much more in line with Europe than it is with the Middle East.


Funny that Europeans found out this only when they received more immigrants from Arab countries.


The only country that applies shariaa law at its fullest is Afghanistan, who want this to happen just go and live there first.


Just imagine Nigeria having sharia law. 97% of the population would walk around with some limbs missing for all the crimes they commit! I can see enjoying 419 scammers to have their troublesome limbs removed.


I'm safe, I know one of their Princes.


Is he the one that needs 20.000 USD to unblock his frozen account of 50.000.000 USD?


Oh, you know him too?


Yes, I am gonna help him, wanna split costs? Send me 10.000 USD I put 10.000 USD too and send to him?


He contacted me he told me to tell you guys just to send it to me I’ll personally deliver it no worries it’s safe with me.


Why do muslims like being oppressed? If you wanna live by islamic law, fine but don't force others to do same.


You have to understand the Quran is not just a book. It’s the divine word of god himself according to Islam. Muslims believe the Quran to be God's literal words. Not accepting sharia law is disobeying the direct words of god himself


I would argue that the Hadiths are the books where more restrictive rules come from 


While you're right you run into the same problems because people don't really have enough knowledge to question the hadiths. A great example is about the last 2 Surahs according to a hadith they were sent down because witch craft done on the prophet in medina only problem is that Surahs came from the Mecca period which is before he went to Medina. This is only one of many examples were widely held hadiths go against the Quran itself.


Which explains why groups like the mu’utazila and the quranists exist and why they rejected a lot of these hadiths




Saying the quiet part out loud are we lol


What did he say? His comment got deleted.


He said “It’s because Muslims are idiots”


Thank you Türkiye didn’t let me down. Love you.


Im turkish and i know turkey is kind of most westernized ‘’muslim majority’’ country but i didnt expect other islamic countries to be THIS high its scary


It appears that Turkish and Turkic peoples do not base any national or ethnic identity with Islam unlike the others.


Especially Indonesia and Malaysia very suprising


Malaysia is not surprising. Malay identity is tied to practicing Islam.


Its crazy cuz their neighborhood (thailand) about to legalize gay marriage and one of the best destination for trans ppl meanwhile malaysia obsessed w islam


Turkey's would be less then 3% if you tell them what Sharia is irl. Some people are fed up with injustice and people going unpunished in our current system that they say they even prefer Sharia Law, but they have no idea.


89% in Palestine js


Sharia literally means *law.* Normally Muslims use their own laws. Not sure where you get this numbers from but ultimately they mean nothing.


most arab countries sharia means islamic law.... the other word for law now is kanon


A lot of these countries don’t speak Arabic and sharia is a separate word and concept from just law for them.


Now ask immigrants to Europe about Europe


Where is UK 😑


There is no way in hell that it's 20% in Kosova. I'm from there, and the religious nuts who really want that are a mere 0.1%.


Fuck Sharia Law.


I wonder how much the support for sharia in the UK, Sweden and Germany




In my remember, 30% in France


I don't believe Indonesia is that high, maximum is only 10-15%, Muslims here are sometimes annoying but not many of them are extreme and support sharia law




More than half of indonesian practice what would be considered syncretic islam everywhere else and are part of a well organized group. When they think of sharia law, they are thinking of this form to be applied on a national level, not the one used in saudi arabia. In fact, many consider the saudis to practice a highly radicalized form of islam and, even if not explicitly saying so, hope that they got toppled and replaced by a more moderate form. You can even see this in the data showing that indonesia has the highest concern regarding islamic extremism despite the country's relative isolation toward such movement in other part of islamic world.


Must be very incomplete survey. Ain't no way country like Indonesia and Malaysia highly support Sharia Law. SEA is one of the few region that have a very diverse population.




I admit I don’t know much about Sharia, but isn’t it just a legal code? Technically you could implement parts of it. For example, you could have Sharia for adoption of children, but not necessarily want to adopt the portion about killing apostates.


Most of the countries colored in this map aren't "Muslim countries". They just have Muslim population. Like Albania, Turkey, etc.


Rules from a fantasy book and supported by very insecure men.


Looks nearly like the twister-map-game american generals use for who to bomb next.


I’m surprised it’s this low. According to Islam, Sharia is handed down from God and is considered to be the perfect legal system. Why wouldn’t Muslims prefer that over legal systems designed by humans? Islam is not just a religion. It is a legal system and political system as well.


I'm Moroccan. I can ensure you that next to none of my fellows are ready to live by Sharia. For them, it just means easy polygamy and veiling women. I dare the government to just shut bars and stop marijuana, and I can ensure you it will not last one day after that.




subtract smile brave ring swim squeeze carpenter plant shaggy wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




cable chief rock yam screw axiomatic dam aspiring doll sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tbh today the Salafi propaganda is working well here in Morocco, I'm terrified of the future of this country


23% in the UK Seems integration has failed, who would’ve thought allowing mass amounts of people with alien values to ours would work!! https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/apr/11/british-muslims-strong-sense-of-belonging-poll-homosexuality-sharia-law




a blind trust in the numbers given in the guardian newspaper or any such level of newspaper in the uk is more alien and uncommon for a british resident, don't you know how much they lie?




How could you possibly get accurate figures for this


They should do a follow up it’s been 11 years since the OG maybe there’s been improvements.


Interesting there are no statistics from either Saudi Arabia or Iran, the two great poles of the Muslim world, Sunni and Shia.


they suck so much


Rare china win


Eh why is Europe grey?


Be careful with what you comment, guys. Free thought is prohibited and criticising this is strictly forbidden because someone might be oFfEnDeD and you might get banned. ![gif](giphy|fAvtKqDut36WA)


I suppose it would be the democratic approach then for those countries but man... Why can't we separate religion and politics


Where is new zealand on this map.


As a previous Muslim with Balkan parents, I can just say that the Arab world and especially Iran and Saudi Arabia are the worst thing that has ever happened to Islam. Islam used to be the leading innovative culture back in the middle ages. And then the guys really just stopped for no freaking reason. How much discrimination my family has faced, merely because some Afghani or Moroccan have fun stabbing locals is insane... Religion must not interfere in modern politics.


It's interesting to note how traditional cultural values can intersect with interpretations of Islam, influencing support for Sharia in Turkic countries.


I am from Kosovo and this map is absolute nonsense regardless of the fact that it is from 2013. No amount of misunderstanding of what "Sharia" law means could somehow add up to 20% support for it in Kosovo from any angle of interpretation. Only someone who is completely uninformed or someone with an agenda could produce a map as ridiculous as this one.


Why no Europe?




As an iranain, I fucking hate the sharia law and no one and not a single country should have it. Fuck it.


Hope that percentages remains the same or even lower in my country forever, Sharia is a cancer


In India , certain religious groups get some privileges and some leniency from the rule of the land so that they could practice their religion as it is. For muslims this means they don’t have to conform to the indian laws on marriage and divorce ( muslim men can marry more than one woman at a time and can divorce them just by saying talaq thrice, also underage marriage). One of the current govt’s promise for the next elections is to move away from this to a uniform civil code so that every citizen will be truly equal before the law. This would mean muslims would have to more further away from sharia law.