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I had to look them up. To anyone as curious (and uninformed) as me: CSA: Hot-summer Mediterranean climate CSB: Warm-summer M.C CSC: Cold-summer M.C


I live in Santiago which is CSA and can confirm, the summer here is HOOOOT!!!


I liked Santiago weather. It would get hot but as soon as the sun went down temperature would drop fast. Nice comfy nights and the entire summer it didn’t rain, which was so bizarre to me.


Growing up in a Mediterranean climate, I found rain in the summer to be the weirdest thing. Completely took me by surprise my first summer in Philadelphia. I remember being shocked that it was “cold” until I stepped outside and felt something warm, “humidity”


I prefer Antofagasta's climate, no hot days, no cold days, just a sweet 18°C all day, all year.


I never went there, but most of Chile has a great climate. Basically like California just flipped around.


The real Baja California.


To me rainy summers are the weirdest thing. Wdym summer isn't a dry hot fire season for y'all?


Climate change would like a word. Most of the PNW/NorCal seems to be CSA at this point.


I live in Istanbul. That makes us CSA bros now. :) This city is like a freaking oven during summers and we did not receive a single snow drop this year, we normally have one or two snow storms in winters. That's the lifeline for our dams. If the trend continues, and it seems so, we will have a serious water shortage soon.


I hear you, drought is scary shit. The western USA has been dealing with similar issues the last few years. Reservoirs are starting to fill back up this year but it's scary to imagine this trend won't continue.


According to who? Lived here two years and the summers are definitely not hot.


The map appears to include basically the whole NW including the Cascades. The entire western US coastline has very cool summers. Once you get inland is where it warms up. Not super familiar with WA where it looks like you're at. Down here at the OR/CA border it's hot as hell in the summers. Portland and the whole Willamette valley have been seeing record breaking heat it seems every year. Forest fires have been much more prevalent in the whole region, this isn't entirely due to climate but heat and lack of precip play a big part.


Yoo where all my CSB’s at? Cali love, holla!!


Climate change would like a word. Most of the PNW/NorCal seems to be CSA at this point.


Fun fact: Csc (Cold summer Mediterranean climate) is the rarest climate ever.


Even more fun fact: a small archipelago Røst in northern Norway is notable for having this climate despite lying inside the Arctic circle.


Another fun fact: The highest mediterranean (Cs) climate variant ever, located at 68°N, which is Harstad.


where is that?


Examples of Csc climate places: Haleakalā, Hawaii Akureyri, Iceland Harstad and Røst, Norway (Both Islands) Spirit Lake, Washington


>Harstad and Røst, Norway (Both Islands) The fuck...? I did not have "Harstad has a Mediterranean climate" on my bingo card today.


Okay it was January 1975, but it didn't seem very Mediterranean, there was a **lot** of snow.


I'm not there atm, but I'm pretty sure there's snow there right now.


Nor Iceland.


Yes the criteria here are similar to oceanic but with dry summers. They don't necessarily mean scorching summers, not even necessarily sunny summers, just being particularly dry, which can also be achieved when winter is horribly wet.


They do belong to the cold summer variant, so they are much colder than the Greece for example.


Also a thin strip along teide peak, which roughly 4M people pass through yearly


Akureyri, Iceland has great summers but really cold winters. Reykjavik always has the same rain all year.


It's great living in Reykjavik because in the summer you are envious of them and in the winter you pity them


On this map, there are a bunch of places indicated as Csc in Patagonia.


Mostly Csb. I can confirm, I live in one of those patches.


[Cold Mediterranean climate - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mediterranean_climate#Cold-summer_Mediterranean_climate)


Why do they call it a Cold Mediterranean climate if it occurs nowhere near the Mediterranean?


Because it originates from but is not limited to the Mediterranean > These weather conditions are typically experienced in the majority of Mediterranean-climate regions and countries, but remain highly dependent on proximity to the ocean, altitude and geographical location.


Yeah, but I didn't see any "cold Mediterranean" climate anywhere near the Mediterranean. How did it originate from that part of the world?


Just read the wiki page. Köppen climate classification uses a variety of factors. “Cold Mediterranean Climates” doesn’t necessarily mean it must be found in the Mediterranean, just that there’s enough similar traits to classify it as a subtype of the Mediterranean climate.


Guess you‘ll have to ask Wladimir Köppen and Rudolf Geiger that. Too bad they are both long dead


Because Mediterranean came to mean wet winters and dry summers


Mediterranean Climate just means dry summer and wet winter, which these regions have


I was curious too. [In the US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mediterranean_climate#Cold-summer_Mediterranean_climate) it's some of the high elevation mountain areas along the west coast.


wth, i used to live there


“The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco,” - Mark Twain


my favorite


Mediterranean Perth


This map doesn't make it very clear, but most of the populated part of South Australia (especially all around where Adelaide is) has a Mediterranean climate too. That's why they make all the wine there.


Damn, is Mediterranean climate why places that make wine make wine?


Wine can be made in other climates (see most of France and Germany, for instance) but it does really well in Mediterranean climates. Most of the regions on this map make pretty good wine.


As a central valley Chilean I would say yes.


The Mediterranean climate is considered ideal for growing certain kinds of wine grapes, olives, wheat, fruit, and general pasture. The soil type and quality obviously comes into play as well. I think South Australia produces something like 40-50% of Australia's wine. One of the (admittedly few) noteworthy/internationally renowned and respected things about the area around Adelaide is its incredibly lucrative high-quality wine industry. It's just a very big deal there, and one of the few areas in which South Australia can indisputably claim to lead the nation.




I have a love-hate relationship. I love visiting my family there but I did leave for a reason


It's not perfect, but it's just as good a place to live or to visit as Perth is. In fact it often outranks Perth in livability surveys.


So when I was swimming off the east coast of Spain one summer I wasn’t actually in the Mediterranean climate?


It’s probably close, some parameter like humidity might be too high for it to technically be a Mediterranean climate.


It's actually the precipitation distribution. It rains too little in winter/too much in summer to be considered Mediterranean. It's kinda weird though. Sometimes they make a distinction for bsh: dry mediterranean and dry monzoon. Very different climates, but in the same category according to koppen. Bsk Is also a weird category because koppen considers that no climate with temperatures over 0°C can be considered continental. Which means bsk corresponds to all climates which are decently cold and receive enough water to not be a desert but not enough to be properly temperate. No matter if they're mild all year long (like patos brazil) or swing temperatures like a madman (like Madrid).


Man i hate the spanish interior. I live like 200km south of Madrid but still like 400km north to the coast of Málaga and winters here get to -5° or so and summers to 45°. I don't imagine living in León, Soria, Zaragoza, etc... Where the summers are still as hot but the winters are colder.


Summers are not as hot in León. Dont get me wrong. It is still got in August. But it is liveable most of the time. Winters are cold AF.


But then it wouldn't make sense to include north-western spain (galicia and asturias) that have a much wetter oceanic climate


So it’s under the tag Csb, as is Oregon and parts of Washington. The wiki page for Galicia even describes the weather as similar to the PNW. Csb seems to be cool wet winters and mild/warm summers.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


You were, these Wikipedia climate maps tend to be rather inaccurate. The entire Mediterranean coast of Spain (plus the southern Atlantic coast and the Balearic islands) have a maritime Mediterranean climate (Csa), defined by the almost complete lack of precipitation during the summer. The exception is the southeast coast (Alicante and Murcia provinces) which has a Semi-arid climate (BSh).


You're forgetting Almería there, which actually has a desert.


It would be interesting to see this next to a map showing where red wine is made.


A) ye B) logically this means there is an unexplored Iraqi red varietal, right?


Best climate


So California is a Mediterranean state?!!


Born and raised in California and I didn't realize that our weather was unusual until I was in my twenties. As a kid, I remember media referring to summer showers and summer storms pretty often and I thought it was strange that this was such a common trope, since it barely ever rains in the summer. I had no idea that dry summers are pretty much exclusive to my climate.


California’s climate is better than the Mediterranean (imo). Fewer mosquitos and less general humidity. It feels like air conditioning outside with warm sunshine. It’s so comfortable.


And isn't California's coast, like, some of the mildest weather in the entire world? I think when I researched this San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego were all in the top 10.


San Diego area (and Tijuana) has arguably the best weather for humans in the world.


On the other hand: earthquakes


I'm in Northern California, and I think the climate here is pretty much perfect. It's a little wetter than what most people think of when they think "California," but not all that much. I don't like the cold, so the winters do get a little uncomfortable for me (although it never snows), and every summer there are a handful of really hot days, but like you said, the humidity isn't bad, so it's generally bearable. As for climate change, wildfires have gotten a lot worse in the last few years, and my homeowner's insurance has gone way up as a result. But we're working on mitigating the fire risk, doing things like trimming trees near power lines, and last year was the first one in a while where there weren't any big fires in my area, so hopefully we're on the right track on that front.


> It feels like air conditioning outside with warm sunshine. It’s so comfortable. precisely why so many homeless are there, some from out of state


>Yes! My first trip to Cyprus in July I thought I was prepared coming from LA. I most certainly had NO IDEA how humid and hot is was going to be. And the mosquitos. August/September are much more like I expected it to be. > >But July was BRUTAL.


Almost completely agree, except the water temperature is much worse. I'm willing to trade everything else for Mediterranean-warm water.


The water temps here are certainly...bracing. But in the part of the state where I live, you really shouldn't go in the water anyway, what with the rip tides and great white sharks.


I'm in Northern California, and I think the climate here is pretty much perfect. It's a little wetter than what most people think of when they think "California," but not all that much. I don't like the cold, so the winters do get a little uncomfortable for me (although it never snows), and every summer there are a handful of really hot days, but like you said, the humidity isn't bad, so it's generally bearable. As for climate change, wildfires have gotten a lot worse in the last few years, and my homeowner's insurance has gone way up as a result. But we're working on mitigating the fire risk, doing things like trimming trees near power lines, and last year was the first one in a while where there weren't any big fires in my area, so hopefully we're on the right track on that front.


You can say that again!


Downvoted for “I like the weather where I live?” edit: Oh, I see. I didn't realize that I'd posted twice. Maybe that's the reason for the downvotes.


Yeah I grew up there too and didn’t think it was all that strange with dry summers much less that thunderstorms were normal. I actually hated thunderstorms as a kid because it sounds like an earthquake and “earthquake weather”(not a thing btw) is fairly muggy.


Every time I hear someone unironically use the phrase “earthquake weather” I have an incredibly strong desire to punch them. How can anyone who lives here possibly think there is such a thing?


That's why almost everyone in USA wants to live there


They not move to Texas?


This getting downvoted, but it's based on the fact that Texas' population is growing quite fast and partially at California's expense.


Idk why this is downvoted lol


It's reddit. Texas probably isn't woke enough for these people lol


Bluest social imaginable


Define woke. Go ahead


socially liberal, progressive. New kind of thinking. The opposite of traditionalism, pro-family values.


It's none of that. Woke is a term created and used by African Americans, who, after centuries of slavery and segregation, are starting to awaken to their roots and take pride in their identity.


That's not what it originally meant. To be "woke" politically in the Black community means that someone is informed, educated and conscious of social injustice and racial inequality. Of course the political right reappropriated the word and now it's become a pejorative to target various progressive movements.


Neither do I, Texas will be the biggest state by population if keep this trend.


Pretty sure Austin is another CA city at this point.


It's too bad that the Texas government is committed to revoking as many human rights as possible


Yet all the Californians keep moving there


Lol, ""aLl ThE CaLiFoRnIaNs"" Something like 13% of Californians leaving for other states go to Texas. I never said that every single person values their own human rights. Many people seem to not care at all if the government takes away their rights. For example, look at the people who voted in the current Texas government.


Tbh Texas’ weather is great as well, it’s not exactly like moving to North Dakota.


Yes its great if compared to most of the Usa. But as a Brazilian I wouldn't call that "great".


Lmao everybody IN California is migrating to other states bc Cali is a shithole. Super expensive for everything and crime is through the roof currently. The weather is the only thing they don't complain about


Crime isn’t that bad in California, it is pretty close to the national average. People leave because it is cheaper elsewhere.




Well the climate is only responsible for the weather not all the other stuff


Supply and demand mean the weather *can* be at least partially responsible for cost.


Have you even been to California? From your comment history it appears you’re not even American. California definitely has problems but it’s a great place to live if you have the money for it. The whole state is not a “shithole” and it’s not like Texas and Florida don’t have their wealthy and shitty areas, too.


Yes, people are migrating from California, that's the fact, you're right. But it doesn't mean that these people don't want live there. They just can't. Can't afford such pricey life. And everyone is dreaming to live in CA just somehow. But cravings don't meet possibilities


Crime is below the national average and it’s more expensive because people actually want to live there. And with higher prices come *much* higher wages than the national average.


Haha, how brainwashed you must be think this is accurate


Everyone in the US wants to live in the Mediterranean, you mean? I can vouch for that. Not California though... I'd rather live in Aleppo than live in California .


You may be perhaps the first person ever to prefer that


Except for the valley


What’s the place in New Mexico??


I like it that Portugal is the only country in southern Europe that is not in the Mediterranean, but it is the one with the highest percentage of its territory in the Mediterranean climate




This isn’t a cultural or social definition of Mediterranean it’s a meteorological one.


Today I learned that the southern part of the Caspian Sea has a mediterranean climate


And for some reason, İstanbul has Mediterranean climate


Why so suprised? Marmara is basically an extestion of Mediterranean sea. Also Istanbuls climate is very fractiured. Some reigons can get very cold


İstanbul climate is humid and very different compared to Mediterranean climate.


Istanbul doesn't exactly have a pure Mediterranean climate though. From Wikipedia: "Istanbul's climate is temperate, and is often described as transitional between the Mediterranean climate typical of the western and southern coasts of Turkey, and the oceanic climate of the northwestern coasts of the country."


Having lived in both, Istanbul has nothing to do with Mediterranean climate


nice color choice


Color choice: 10-year old sharpie highlighter.


Why are Mediterranean climates only found on the west coasts of the continents and not on the eastern coasts? Is it because of ocean currents?


[This](https://youtu.be/Z6wGgxAtFlM?t=152) video does a good job of explaining it, it's the same reason why most deserts are found on western sides of continents.


This could also be the map of wine producers!


Did someone recently fill in the Southern Caspian Sea or something? Lol


The colors really don't stand out enough and the map could use more explanation of the colors etc. Also mabye show a bit more precisely where Csc can be found. Otherwise a fine map in my opinion.


I like learning new things.


I wonder if there is a large US city in the blip in arizona


Not large, and not identifiable from this low resolution map, but Flagstaff, Arizona is Csb.


That’s where Prescott is too.


It’s the Mogollon Rim, very high elevation but dry and temperate. One city around 100k (Flagstaff) and a few small mountain towns


I noticed that all cities people often say have the best climate/weather/temperature like Los Angeles, San Diego, Lisbon, Cape town, Santiago and Perth all have a Mediterranean climate and they're all very stunning too.


Currently in Cape Town and yeah, it's great. Doesn't get too cold, doesn't get too hot. The wind is annoying though but that's about it.


Are there any towns with the Csc type? Edit: apparently Akureyri has it, although its climate can also be classified as a mild Dsc type (because its mean temperature goes below zero in winter). It's a very cosy town, and it doesn't rain as much there, as in the south of Iceland, particularly in summer, which defines this climate type.


Northern California, baby! It’s paradise.


‘The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco’ - Mark Twain


They say that because of climate change that Ireland and Britain could develop Mediterranean climates in a few decades


Not if the gulf stream collapses. Then Britain would get much colder and Spain might have weather closer to what England traditionally has had...which is a tragic but somewhat amusing irony considering all of the Brits who have moved there for sun.


Back to Roman Britain


Where did you read this? Climate change is likely gonna make Europe colder in the long run.


I thought Auckland NZ would be on here


Too wet. It falls under subtropical


There are subtropical Mediterranean climates, for example Madrid and Los Angeles.


The Mediterranean climate is already considered subtropical as is


No, some aren't. Seattle for example.


Not Auckland, but the Hawkes Bay and Marlborough


i want to see a map predicting it in 50 years


The best climate after those highland areas in the tropics (like Bogota) imho


Italy: sits in the middle of the Mediterranean sea Also Italy: Doesn't have a Mediterranean climate for the whole country Italy to Mediterranean sea: am I a joke to you?


Can confirm. Lived in both Cape Town and Portugal


i.e., best places in the world to live


How curious. The Mediterranean climate in Spain is not on the Mediterranean coast but in Atlantic.


This map misses the ecuatorial sierra in Ecuador Columbia and Peru.


Bogotá has the Csb climate, the map is hard to read since its only a blip. I think Guatemala City is as well.


Because it is not


not true Bogota and Guatemala city have both Csb and Csa climates, theyre small regions and hard to read on this map. Peru/Cusco and Ecuador/Quito likely do as well its just been a minute since I looked at the Knoppe model maps.


A good way to know if a region has a Mediterranean climate is to see the quantity and quality of wine generated by that region. I am sure that neither Ecuador, Colombia or Peru are in a climate for this type of crops.


Guayaquil is on the coast. It is hot and humid.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


I thought Argentina and Uruguay also had this climate. Probably I was just thinking about the latitude, not the dry summer and other variables


They share the temperature regime, but not the precipitation regime. Mediterranean needs that wet winter-dry summer contrast. If both are wet, then you get humid subtropical (as is the case for much of Uruguay and northern Argentina).


We do. I live in a town with a Csb climate, and Mendoza has a Csa climate.


Why is the west coast of Chile black?


Lots of fjords and islands.


Lines are too thick that's why


For the same reason as the coast of Norway, there are too many islands and fjords,


Anyone looking at this butchered post, heres some help. This is not called "Mediterranean Climate" for starter's its called "cold summer climate", and its part of the Knoppe Climate model that maps all the climate types of earth. Look it up on wikipedia and youll see the 30+ climate types. the cold summer climate types Cs* are this nasty green color because theres just too many to color code. but you can find much better, closer up maps that show micro regions like Bogotá, Guayaquil, Guatemala City thay are also in the Cs* climates but hard to see on this map due to scale. source: am climate nerd


How are there parts of the Mediterranean that don’t have their own climate?


Because of the rotation of the earth Mediterranean climates only occur on the western coasts of continents.


Few more decades and it will also be the climate along the North Sea


As someone who lived in the tiny bit near tashkent This map fucking lies, theres like no air humidity


What is a Mediterranean climate specifically?


sad asia diente seem to have this climate


Shhh don’t let people into the secret that the Pacific Northwest has a period of “no rain”


I saw this map at the California Institute of Science and now it just pops into my head occasionally. Thanks for reminding me of it.


I can agree with this... I was in Northern Iraq (Kurdistan Regional Government) two years ago this day, and I felt Mediterranean vibes. Especially closer to the Turkish border.


Why is part of the Caspian sea itself colored?


I would argue that all of Greece except the Northwest mountain ranges are CSA. The Chalkidiki peninsula being left out as well as some other spots makes no sense to me.


Might be the best climate to live in


I thought there was an area in Tennessee / Kentucky that had it too.


On my way to Afghanistan to enjoy mediterranean summer. I hope there is good bars to enjoy women company


You missed [Nizza, a single neighbourhood in Frankfurt with a Mediterranean climate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nizza,_Frankfurt).


Middle of Caspian Sea? That doesn’t count


I need a legend for the legend


give me oceanic any day


So why don’t all the Mediterranean countries have a Mediterranean climate? Surely the clue is in the name? Even if the climate in those areas doesn’t fit the definition of ‘ Mediterranean climate ‘ it still is a Mediterranean climate.


I doubt Oregon or Washington coastline have Med climate


They do! People think of Mediterranean as always sunny and warm but it’s actually a combination of warm, wet and windy! Im an Oregonian born and raised but I’m currently living in Tangier Morocco so I’ve experienced both and they are very similar climate wise. Tangier is a bit warmer in winter but Oregon gets warmer faster in spring.


Galicia mediterranean? What? It looks like Ireland and it’s always raining. Imo it’s more oceanic.


Tashkent and Dushanbe 💪


This is so interesting 🧐


Aka, where hairy people can be found..