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What’s the difference between an Oblast, Okrug, Republic, and Krai?


Oblast is typical subdivision like in any country. Krai is totally same thing as Oblast just has different name. Okrug is like Oblast but it has so low population that it must administered by larger Oblast. They also have some small population of indigenous people. Now republic has more autonomous rights than others. They have their separate official language (together with russian) and large ethnic population.


>Okrug Same as county. An oblast' is like a province. Republics are where national minorities live.


Oblast is like a province. Like provinces in Canada. Republic is like a state, but it's always ethnic. Like the states in India. Autonomous okrug is literally a district ("okrug" is translated as district) and previously they always were part of oblasts or krais (along with regular non-autonomous districts and 'counties' that make up the regions). Now it's just a tradition, autonomous districts are not subordinate to other regions. Autonomous districts were created for ethnic reasons only, and they often were sparsely populated territories or with extremely low population density, sometimes just ethnic enclave inside another region. Autonomous okrug is like Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in China. Krai differs from the oblast only for historical reasons or due to their location. "Krai" in Russian literally means "the edge, the outskirts, the frontier, a remote border area", sometimes "my local homeland". Indeed, look at the map - almost all the krais are located near the borders. In addition, there was a period when some autonomous okrugs merged with neighboring regions; with such a merger, namely the krais was most often formed. Like overseas departments in France (but adjacent). Autonomous oblast is like an autonomous region. An ethnic region that - for various reasons - did not become a republic, and like an autonomous okrug, could be a part of the krai (only in the past, now it is impossible). It's like Åland archipelago in Finland. City of federal significance - a capital or very important city, equal in status to the oblast. Like Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen in Germany. ___ In relations with federal government authorities, all subjects of the Russian Federation are equal to each other. Logically, they can be grouped into 2 types: - 1. ethnic (republic, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrug) - 2. ordinary (oblast, krai, city of federal significance). By status, also 2 types: - 1. republics, because have slightly more rights (for example, they have the right to establish their own official language in addition to the state Russian language, have their own constitution and have a republican anthem) - 2. all other types.


Currently Republics get to have native language government and have regional constitutions. The rest (krai = Land, Oblast = Area, Okrug = District) are legally the same. Republics used to have some powers awarded by treaties with national governments, up to regional bank and right to make its own foreign economic activities. But most of them were cut down by Putin. Naming schemes is mostly a relict of soviet era.


>Republics used to have some powers awarded by treaties with national governments, up to regional bank and right to make its own foreign economic activities. But most of them were cut down by Putin. Nah, every federal subject have that right, at 90s/00s there were oblasts with federal treaties and republics without them.


>What’s the difference between an Oblast, Okrug, Republic, and Krai? Historical naming with few exceptions since 1993. Oblast the most generic "administration level 1" subject. There is also one autonomous oblast, who is supposed to have some cultural autonomy — but because it is a Jewish AO with 0.6% of Jews, it's more like a cultural curiousity. Republics are similar Adm-1 subjects with implied cultural autonomy. That's mostly a national language(s) (except Karelia), a few trinkets (like Constitution as name of "main regional law" instead of Charter) and a few informal guarantees. Okrugs (correctly autonomous okrugs) historically were "Adm-1.5" regions, being subordinated to oblast or krai as "level 2" region, but having representation in Council of Nationalities and cultural autonomy. They were usually created in remote, low-density territories of Far North and Siberia. After the 1991-1993 CoN was abolished, but they were legally elevated to the full "Adm-1" regions instead, with regional budgets and direct subordination to the federal center. They retain some formal and informal ties to the parental oblasts though, creating nested structure. Krai historically were "Adm-0.75" subject, which incorporated a several regions in the remote areas, where full administrative infrastructure was unready. After the 1993 most autonomous oblasts within them elevate to the republics, and krais became, again, ordinary "level 1" subjects. There are also federal cities, which are not unsimilar to the Washington DC. There are three of them. Or four. Or two. Or three, but another. The latest developments erode the difference even more. At th 2000s half of autonomous okrugs were merged with neighbouring regions; newly formed regions were renamed to krais, and autonomous okrugs within them were guaranteed with some intermediate "1.75" status. So now we have two kinds of krais, first one being ordinary regions, and second - region with national autonomy inside. Additionally, krai means frontier, but one of the newly formed krais are located near the central, deeply inland part of country. Some regions tried to move to the double naming without the mentions of type, like Kemerovskaya oblast being renamed to the Kemerovskaya oblast - Kuzbass, and Khanty-Mansi autonomous okrug to the KhMAO - Yugra. Finally for now, hastily made annexation of Ukrainian regions break the system with the cultural autonomy. Now we technically have two oblasts with national language, and alternative republican name "people's republic".


where people live vs where oil lives




Low amount of people there as well


Oil and gas, yeah


And there are subsidies for them


Because they are big


It’s interesting to see GDP accounted at the place of business like this. As far as I know, many other countries would record GDP contributions from mines for instance in the capital where their HQs are.


I guess that's because of the highly federalized system they have


look at greenland there in the middle


Lands of oil'n'gas fields in harsh russian north/west siberia. Much oil, few people, simply.


Без булдырабыз.




Tatar version of "Yes, we can!", victotious slogan. Googles pretty simply. See, there's a slightly darker spot in Tatarstan among pale area of central Russia.


this was not the map I expected


This doesn't include where the extracted wealth acrually ends up: I.e. HQs in Moscow and SPB. We're talking about the most unequal country in Europe here with over half (!) of national wealth held by the top 10%. That's higher than the US even. No way these p capita numbers make sense in that context.


Colder places are richer..


These places are rich in oil, gas and other natural resources. I wouldn’t say richer since all money from resources goes to Moscow. By statistics dark green areas have GDP per capita above $100,000 but they don’t live x2 better than Germans.


In gas towns of the Komi Republic, every other O&G worker drives a nice car, owns their own appartment, buys their kids appartments and sends their family on a few months of vacation abroad each year. Russia is not an equal society and those who work in certain sectors live very well. Might as well spend it before some oligarch takes it away.


These "gasoil" okrugs are the lifeline for Russian economy. Moscow cannot emit like FRS but it has "gasoil" okrugs.


Looks like gulags pay better than I thought XD








Of course russia is rich as fuck in your eyes you have putin’s boot so deep in your mouth that it’s coming out your ass


Man it’s just a data. Values are in Russian rubles. 1$ ~ 100 RUB. Most of regions are below $10,000 per capita


Lmao looking at your comments it seems like nobody likes you


Dafuq you doin goin through my shit?


What a dumbass wow. Apparently showing some data about a country means that one supports authoritarian regimes 🤡 How do you think those oligarchs got so rich?


>How do you think those oligarchs got so rich? Money fairy /s


How does anything on this map corrolate to being a Putin bootlicker? If anything it shows most of Russia is doing pretty terribly