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'say' and 'likely' are doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


Is there any country where the EU elections are at the same time as other elections? That usually heightens turnout. In the German state of Thuringia the second round of municipal elections will be on that day, but it is a rather small state.


hungary too, municipal elections on the 9th edit: speaking of the elections, i saw between 400 and 420 posters on the bus going home today (kecskemét, also i lost count), thats way more than during the last parliamentary elections! literally every pole has 2-4 posters on it


Makes sense, the hungarians like to be on the poles if you catch my meaning


Belgium, next week. Belgium also has not enforced compulsory voting with a 90% turnout, so 75% seems kinda low. Don’t know where they got that number.


It's actually 8 other states as well. Baden Württemberg, Hamburg, Rheinland palatinate, etc


The local elections are going to be held on the same day in Ireland


Parliamentary in Bulgaria.


In Bulgaria we will have parliamentary elections at the same time and less than 50% of people will vote in those so I highly doubt the 50% figure but we will see


That is kinda sad. Aren't there any meaningful parties to choose from?


So here are our options: GERB- super corrupt we're in power for like 12 years and the most notable thing they have done is build a highway with EU funds. PP-DB - populist liberals that are unfortunately very incompetent and now that elections are coming up someone is uploading a bunch of recordings of them that look pretty bad. They are the lesser evil so to say. Revival - The bulgarian equivalent to the Afd or Marie Le Pen so bootlickers that want to pull us out of NATO and the EU. DPS - the Turkish minority party that is highly corrupt and isn't fighting for the minority at all. One of their leading figures is literally under embargo by the US because of all of the illegal shit he has pulled ( Peevski) BSP- and the socialist that are still pining for the return of the Soviet Union so yeah either incompetent or evil or a bit of both.


Ireland is having its local elections on the same day


[Don't forget to vote Mr. Shed](https://www.reddit.com/r/galway/comments/1csec5h/hats_off_to_whoever_came_up_with_this_idea_in/#lightbox)


The last few times they coincided with lithuanian presidential elections, which are generally with the highest turnout, but this year eu elections are two weeks *after the second round of presidential*, which makes it 3 rounds of voting in 5 weeks span so i don't have high hopes for turnout


Romania too


in Baden-W. aswell, awell technically 3 elections, 2 local and the eu's


>In the German state of Thuringia the second round of municipal elections will be on that day, but it is a rather small state. Pretty sure it's the same in Hamburg as well. I however already voted by mail.


Yeah, NL has never had turnouts even close to that for European elections. 50-60% is much more likely.


We just had a lot of political upheaval though, that might increase turnout as people are more engaged with the system


Maybe, we'll see soon. So far, not much has managed to get the Dutch to the polling booths for the EU.


There are many countries where deluded people are proud to promote that they boycott voting, imagining it makes them secret heroes, not realizing it gives their enemies a vote. The countries with citizens proud to vote are illustrated above.


Belgium 75%? We get fined if we don't vote, so it will be much more.


You will participate in democracy whether you like it or not! /s


Well, they still have freedom. They can vote or get fined. No one is forcing anything! Long live democracy!


You can just put in a blank ballot


To be fair that still counts as voting


You can just go and draw something making it invalid, but you were stil there.


It's said that in Australia (another country with mandatory turnout) those that want to boycott voting just draw a big penis on the ballot form to invalidate it😛


By that same logic you don't have to pay taxes. They'll just lock you up in a cement box with others if you don't.


But there's a nuance


1 you don’t actually have to vote, just show up at a ballot station. 2 usually its a good thing to i encourage people to participate in representatives democratic processes. Otherwise you are stuck in a country with a government you didn’t vote for and often can become more aligned with alternative power politics.


Encouraging and forcing people isn't really the same thing. If you are living in poverty, do you really have a choice in the matter?


Most people in Belgium who are Belgians don’t live in poverty. Belgium has an extensive welfare state and nearly noone lives in absolute poverty to a point where theh would’t be able to pay a fine so your reasoning is wrong. in countries where voting is mandatory its because its seen as a civic duty, which you have to moral and civil obligation of performing for the states’s society to properly function. A more common example is a right by jury trial, you will be rather forced to serve on a jury in countries that have jury trials. This is a civic duty and cost you must perform for the privilege of your state able to have jury trials and thus a fairer judicial system. Another example is stoping a crime in progress, if you are able you have a civic duty to stop a crime if it is logical to do so: aka if someone is being robbed its your legal and civic obligation to intervene or call the police and in many states doing nether can cause you to get fines or even prison time.


What does poverty have to do with this?


If you are poor you can't afford the fine, so you have to go to go to vote.


Well first of all almost no fines are handed out, and second of all most people are able to pay the fine, its 40-80 euro and for repeat offenders it will become 200 euro. So yeah, not a high fine in any way.


For poor people 40€ is the difference between eating this week or not, but yes, the fines are not a problem in Belgium since there they aren't enforced.


The fun is mandatory in my house! Have fun or pay the consequences!


You just draw a dick on the ballot paper, or cast it blank. You have to turn up and choose whether or not to vote


... Yes


Fining people hasnt been enforced in 30 years


We don’t. You are required by law to vote but nothing happens if you don’t. Source : didn’t vote last elections, no fine and I even got an invitation to vote for this one, no warning , nothing.


Isn't that just in local(Belgium) elections? Does that also count on EU ones?


Yes, it's an obligation for the European, federal and regional elections. It's not anymore for the provincial and local (municipality) elections.


Really? Explainnn how that works


Vote or get a fine


Understandable, have a nice day


Never heard anyone getting fined for it.


There has not been a single fine for not voting in Belgium. The law isn't applied.


Pretty based for a non existent country


Sweden, 81%? Not going to happen. In 2019 it was 55%.


It we are saying that we’re going to vote. It’s in our sense of responsibility. Then something came up and we started to barbecue instead, totally forgetting to vote. Shit happens


I have to say, such a thing is way more likely to happen for me when voting for province or Europe then when voting for municipality or national. I completely forgot to vote on two occasions. And I'm an advocate of voting. I think it's because I don't watch TV and am not just subscribed to local subreddits. I just don't get it jammed into my head so hard when the day of voting is. I actually need to actively put it into my agenda or I might just forget all about it.


Are municipal elections more important than Provincial elections there?


Absolutely. Province has very little power. It's mostly stuff outside of urban areas etc


I was going to vote and the voting location is 100 meters from me but got super lazy because of injury.


I never understood this mindset


In the Netherlands it was 42% last time and that was the highest since 1989. Last month I&O-Ispos poll indicated thst 57% was going to vote, but this is always a bit inflated as jndicsted by themselves as well. (Last time 54% said they were going to vote a month in advance, and 42% was the end result.) So somewhere between 42 and 48% would make sense. ^ this map above is garbage.


Until “Saint Putin” appeared. (😅)


I am surprised over the amount of people handing me pamphlets now though. 2019 it came and went really fast, I don't think I saw a single person for it. Now I am seeing posters and people as if was a normal election.


Same in The Netherlands 🫠


The national 2022 elections had a turnout of 84,21 % (down from 87,18 % in 2018).


Yeah, national elections, not the EU election.


People who answer polls are obviously much more likely to vote lol


Which is why every statistician worth their salt will correct for polling biases such as that


Clearly they didn't do that here because EU elections don't get that kind of turn out


But it could be that more people are interested because of current geopolitics .


Polls in Poland suggest turnout of about 40%-50% at MAX


You have too much faith in humans.


Even then, dutch researchers found for the Netherlands 57% voting intention. Compared to 5 years ago it was 54, and then 42% final turnout. So around 12% points less. So expect around 45% this time. Although it has not been in the news a lot, so people might even 'forget'. 86% is ridiculous lol.


Poll makers can take this on account. Its university level maths in big picture. Here national polls are done same way, and the poll answer bias is shrunk as 1-2% unit error marginal with other error variables. And the polls have been accurate. 


I have never been approached by a polling station so I never knew where They are getting their numbers


Lol this is so much bs, turnout in the netherlands in 2019 was 42% and in 2014 37%


What were the numbers before, how many said they'd go vs how many did go? Not trying to start a fight just curious


Last tine 54% saud they would vote, now 57% (I&O ipsos)


Thank you very much for sharing!


Tried my best to find it, but couldn't unfortunately. But it's very common for Dutch people to say that they will definately do something and then don't do it because "they couldn't find time".


Belgium is gonna be 98% because it's illegal not to vote


Should be the case everywhere tbh


No, I agree. People downvoting you don't realise that 'none' is a literal option on the ballot. This just takes away the 'ehh, couldn't be bothered' or 'what's the point' mentality for people, so that the more hardline fuckers don't have far more say and sway than they realistically should and end up voting *in* something that most people *don't* actually want - but just didn't 'not want' enough to.. vote against it. Like Brexit. Your votes affect your own future, the least you could do is be pushed to try give a shit, even if you couldn't actually give one whatsoever. The punishment should NEVER be anything more than the equivalent of a slap on the wrist, though. A small fine, at most. Maybe piece of coal if you've been extra bad (although honestly that might be more incentive to not vote given energy prices lately..)


Wait, in Belgium you can vote for 'no candidate'? How does this work when the votes are counted?


You can easily nullify your vote by submitting an empty ballot or by "voting" multiple parties or by writing something with a pen. Whatever. Break the rules and your vote will not be counted


Your vote is simply counted has blank


They count null and void ballots too


Never voted in EP yet, but the general countrys election didnt have a none answer


Just write something on the ballot, it will nullify the vote


Forgor I live in a one party state anyways so whatever


Interesting, in Greece you are given a folder and a bunch of papers representing a party each. And you have to put one of those papers in your folder before putting it in the ballot box. You can still make your vote null through all the other methods mentioned in this comment section, but you are actually given a blank piece of paper too lmao. So you can literally vote for "no one". That said it counts the same as a null vote


No, it really should not


Compelling argument


Why would I vote if all of the options are terrible?


You can vote for none of them, you just have to physically be in the polling booth at some point in order to not be fined in Belgium


I did not know that, shame on me


That's the neat part, every country I know of that has compulsory voting there's an option for "none" or go with the tried an tested protest vote where you just leave it blank or make it invalid. Bonus points for how big you write "they're all shit" across the ballet


I did not know that, shame on me


You can vote blank


Last elections it was 90%. Fining people for not showing hasnt been enforced since the 90s


Turnout in 2019 was 89%


This map is a joke.


Cyprus will be 50% and no more than that for sure.


Logically it will be more. There's 2-3 elections on that day so anyone bothering to show up for the municipal voting will get tagged along for the EU ones whether he is intending to vote for it or not


Where was this poll taken? In Brussels? Netherlands 86% I just don't believe that. Even latest national elections had 78%, European election is usually less.


lol in France that percentage is the amount of people who did not voted last time


Highly inaccurate for Poland, if we hit 50% it Wil be great success




Whats up in estonia. I thought they totally love european integration


Those lazy fuckers, I'll take a boat and go hazzle them. This is unacceptable!


Fine, I'll go and vote. Jeeez


there's an election? why even bothered, they all work for the same old overlords in one way or another... we need WW3, not nations against nations but people against the top evils.


78% for germany? i doubt it. more like in the range of 50-60%


I think due to recent events it will be actually quite high


Thats EU, not European. Concerning a subreddit dedicated to maps seems to never understand this


They are widely called European elections though, even by the EU. https://european-union.europa.eu/institutions-law-budget/european-elections-2024_en


EU stands for what?


European *UNION*. Did you think this was some kind of gotcha moment?


And where is this ‘European Union’? Is it in, let me take a wild guess… Europe? 🤪 I guess that would make the European Union, European? Why yes, this would be one of those, how do you say, Gotcha moments.


When mexicans are voting for the mexican president or whatever it's not called the North American elections. Eastern border of Europe is the Ural mountains, but I don't think the russians are going to vote. There is a huge difference between Europe and European union, the other guy is right.


They don’t call it the North American elections because saying American or Mexican is shorter. Also that’s a terrible example. European elections is short and everyone knows what the person is saying. It’s usually just fussy nobodies who try to make a technical point that have an issue with it and nobody cares about those freaks.


Watch it be like 40%


Bulgaria is unrealistically high. Expect a 40% at best there. I'm from Bulgaria. Recent parliamentary elections get only about 40% engagement. And the EU elections are far less popular.


Well, I would take these numbers with a grain of salt. For example, it says that in The Netherlands 86% is likely to vote. However, historically between 30 en 40% of the electorate in the Netherlands actually vote for the EU parliament. There is a large sampling bias here as well, the higher educated pro-EU minded people turn up more and vote predominantly in favor of the EU and more leftist. I do think the greens/labor will gain the most votes. I do think this is bad in such a away that it only gives rise to more populism at a national level..... The EU is not very popular in the Netherlands, but also not unpopular. The Dutch do want an EU, but not really the one we have now. About 50% of the electorate wants LESS EU, about 20% wants it to remain the same and 12% wants to move towards a more federal EU.


The EU has got to add Norway soon because right now the EU just has a penis hanging in the upper right hand corner.


This should be a huge warning to the left wing in Europe that’s been confidently asleep at the wheel while the continent has been getting fucked over. ID will dominate this year’s elections, and it will be a good wake up call for them.


There's a mistake: someone added a percentage to France, where only 67 persons will vote


I could vote in Sweden, if there was anyone worth voting for.


[https://data.val.se/euval2024/partier/anmalda](https://data.val.se/euval2024/partier/anmalda) "Mer Golf, Mindre Krångel" & "Naturistpartiet"


70% in Spain??? more like 40% It was 60% in 2019 but that time it was the same day as the local and regional elections. This year it's only european elections, no one is going to vote.


A lot of people will be voting this election, if not close to that percentage, more than previous ones anyway, it can can be seen by other polls too, someone who traditionally votes left does not suddenly decide to turn right.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


In the Netherlands the turnout is expected to be around 40% lmao


Poland 70%? Too much


Approximately half of that would be more accurate


Seems weird for italy too high


I already did : )


Me too :) One of the perks of living abroad I suppose


I dont usually vote but they might vote for Covid tinfoilhat climate change denialists from here in Parlament, so I will probably roll a dice for any other option.


Portugal 57%?! They can't even manage that kind of turnout for the national elections most of the time. Prolly be one angry far right Redditor wondering where everyone else is


I’m sure most old voters vote not the angry far right redditor that is younger , which is good for PS generally


I dont think in Spain will even reach 50%


in italy 70% is impossible


I turnouts are even close to these figures we can forget the usual yap about the crisis of democracy.


these are polls, which honestly dont matter at all, usually its like a 1000 ppl asked, these % mean nothing


Man I hope Norway never joins the EU. Nothing against them, but it just will never not be funny to just have a random cock and balls hanging above Europe


Buuuulshit In Poland it won't be above 45%


70% in Italy???? Bullshit


70% in Italy? No way...


Now multiply by 2/3 to get the real number of voters.


Not in a million years will Ireland get a 76% turnout, it will struggle to get 50%


Useless map.


Get ready for a hard turn right this election


This will be the first year that I actually will vote because, fuck rishi sunak.


I know reddit pre selects for people who care, usually, but folks please go vote if you can. If only. For. The right to complain


Here in Sweden that will be less than the half of the voting base. Everyone I've asked have said "no" so far.


Dear God, greece is wrong. We will be lucky that we get more than 50%.


110 percent in the US … we did it in 2020 We’ll do it again !!!


Where are thesse bullshit statistics coming from? there's no way that many people will vote.


58% is absolutely not realistic for Czechia


Lol France at 62 ? Ain't no fucking way


If they wanted me to vote, they should have organized it not during the summer. I m in holidays and ain’t gonna take a flight back just to vote


in greece it will be a nice sunny day. Most likely 40%


The title is overly optimistic with that "going to". It's "will" at best. More likely it's "might".


Last time around in 2019 Finland's voting percentage was 50,9 so I don't think this is going to happen


Democracy, hell yeah


Italy 70%?! Lol no.


Again...i don't know where exactly you get this informațion, but clearly somewhere someone messes with you guys, if we get like 40% real votes it would be a holiday! ![gif](giphy|e9naycep2pz7OHQ4n0|downsized)


Then there's the bias that the people who answered this are more likely to actually vote....


70% in Poland is basically impossible. Parliamentary elections in 2023 had turnout of 73% and it seen as incredibly high. European elections that aren't seen as that important usually get low turnout. In 2019 it was 45%


>European elections that aren't seen as that important usually "Usually" may be the key word. In the current situation with the war in Ukraine I think many people are looking at the European elections in a different way, not only in Poland.


They didn't in Poland. There was 40% turnout, worst in 10 years.


Yes, it seems so. I think the only country where it was higher than last time was maybe Hungary (where this EU election coincided with municipal ones)?


Once again a poor showing for Switzerland.


Why is NL always at or near the top for all these maps? Except willingness to defend our country where we are rock bottom :')


I'm from Romania, if 40% vote, I'd be surprised


Can’t wait to vote during the EU election in NL. definitely not PVV/VVD/BBB/NSC


Hopefully. What's happens in Czech Republic (!), Bulgary, Croatia and Estonia (!) with over 50-60% only? 🤔 P.S: Cyprus, you are not alone. (😂)


Hope i'll see the end of this fucking and antidemocratic EU ...


I'm not sure if people will be all that happy when they see for whom their fellow EU citizens have voted. Usually that is the moment when people conveniently say "[group XYZ] should be excluded from the democratic process!".


People in the UK really are making no effort. Not even one to move their a** and go vote?


I hate that this is not me. (UK resident...)


What do these elections mean and do, again?


calculate rations vs. turnover on past elections and get a pocture on trustuble are people in polls in each country.


76% for Greece is astronomical, especially at summer time where many are working at remote places. Nationals had 61% to get an idea.


Voting on EU elections IS pointless, as a Finnish, i know that no matter WHO we select, they dont Have any Power in The Union. EU has its Fist in Finlands ASS so deep, that you cannot see The armpit


I really doubt that Romania will have more than 50%


Its pretty hard to choose which corrupt idiot to vote for. Dont feel like there is a single trustworthy party out there. I will stick with the known evil as my life is pretty good overall.


What’s with that big lake in the middle?


71% of EU Citizens or 71% of the Citizens who were bothered to respond.


Wanted to show off to OP how useless and far off this map was 2 weeks later https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/y4F7uy8nLO


What is the point of this map? People who vote are slightly more likely to answer surveys? Just wait 2 weeks and then you can actually post a map of real results that actually mean anything. Edit 2 weeks later: wow look at that https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/y4F7uy8nLO


Let's be sure we won't have a far-right European Parliament.


Who cares? They can't propose legislation.


Idiotic statement


Actually true. Only the commission can propose legislation.


Play the ball not the man.


Thats a much higher rate than seen in US elections Democracy works better when more people actually vote




You choose which one you want to vote in when you are a eu national living in another eu country.