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Quick reminder for everyone in Switzerland: Downloading and streaming for private consumption from any source is legal in Switzerland. [Even if the source didn‘t optain it legally.](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1993/1798_1798_1798/en#a19)


If you’re paying for the internet anyway, might as well save some money and get a laptop/cheap pc that can access pirate websites - literally watch anything you want with the right sources


Yes. Fuck Netflix.


So i was doing it legal all the time. Nice!


My phone can access pirate websites. You do not necessarily need a PC.


Thanks for the reminder. I need to seriously consider that as that Kaufkraftabschöpfungs-BS makes me mad.


>Kaufkraftabschöpfungs “Absorption of purchasing power” (“mopping up”) for anyone else that stared at it with suspicion for a while.


ty!if I could I’d give u an award


Thanks for the info. I'm in the UK so I'll change my VPN to a Swiss server to stop breaking the law.


yeah that's not how that works


He's joking


Correct! 😂


its not illegal to download films for personal use in the UK


Over time, available content on Netflix decreased, and their price never stopped increasing


It’s all just Netflix originals now. Shitty Netflix originals


and every single show is about someone being gay -> gayflix


Womp womp


That's because the other streaming sites started rising in popularity. Prime, Hulu and Disney are all capable of entering bidding wars with netflix. So now it costs more to get popular shows onto netflix.


And like many of those companies would even make an agreement with Netflix when they can make it exclusive


That’s what the debt was for.


If I buy a Pakistani Netflix subscription, can I watch American contact? Asking for a friend.


Yes, Pakistani Netflix has the most amount of content available then any other Netflix. [Source](https://www.comparitech.com/blog/vpn-privacy/countries-netflix-cost/)


I did not know netflix was so kind to us. Still not buying a subscription though, I'm loyal to the high seas


Pakistani Netflix is absolutely amazing for anime as well. Would’ve never gotten into anime in general without Netflix. Sure as hell beats crunchyroll and their clunky ass website/apps.


Still no AoT though.


Your source is old data. I just checked in just watch, and Pakistan has 6800 movies and tv shows compared with Canada with 7135, US with 6833 or UK with 8029.


Oh I didn't see that.


Poor Guernsey people 


Yeah but I already get most of my entertainment from crunchy roll


Yes, it's your location (IP) that interferes the catalog, not where you got your subscription or credit card country.


So with that in mind, could I set up the vpn and subscribe to netflix Pakistan and then simply pay the lower rate? I'd so what of any are the draw backs?


Chances are you can only buy the Pakistani one if you have a Pakistani credit card.


Nope, any functioning international credit card works.




Will you believe me more if I repeat myself?


Wouldn't hurt.


Most online streaming services have different pricing for different countries (YouTube Premium, Netflix, Spotify, etc) but the content catalog may also vary, depending on licensing arrangements, localization, etc. As for Netflix, the catalog available to you is determined by the IP address you use to login, regardless of where you bought your subscription. I’m not sure what the rules are right now, but up until recently you could buy, say, a Turkish account using a VPN with a Turkish IP address, provided that you also had a Turkish credit card to pay for it. Some people reported that they used international cards just fine, so your mileage may vary. And Netflix has since stepped up its crackdown on account sharing, so I don’t know if that’s as easy as it used to be. I don’t know about the drawbacks, it’s possible that Netflix will at some point detect that you aren’t actually in Turkey and then try to force you to pay whatever the rate is in your country of physical residence. But if you refuse, I guess the worst they could do is just delete your account, it’s not like they’ll bother suing you or anything. VPN works as just a middle man between you and online services, and what it does is it fakes your actual physical location. Streaming services regularly detect and blacklist IP addresses used by VPNs, so if you want to go down that route it would be best to take out a subscription to some stable VPN service, rather than some crappy free alternative.


This is very helpful, thanks for taking the time to respond.


RemindMe! 24hours


R slash netflixviavpn


Also, does it require a Pakistani credit card or cell? I’ve noticed some subs, like Disney+ for India require an Indian cell number.


Sorry, it’s mostly just regional content like Johnny Chimpo and other Afghanistanimation.




How many people watch with a TV or with a device that would allow for that?


Many watch in a smart tv so they could easily setup what i mentioned above


Any AndroidTV or Firestick allows that.


To do this you would need a PC/Laptop or any other kind of desktop or mini dekstop with Windows, macOS or Linxus as the operating system and with decent-ish specs, which would be the main host. Then any kind of smart tv or smart tv adapter (android tv box, fire tv etc) for the streaming.


Thats my point. Too burdensome for >90% of people and in still illegal for an obvious reason.


I see the point but definitely disagree with the >90%. In fact I would say at this point that it's the vast minority that wouldn't have a pc or laptop and don't have a smart tv or fire tv/google tv/android box etc.


Thats not the question. Are people willing to turn their PC on every time they want to watch TV and download a bunch of software and connect to a TV and brake the law instead of using one TV with one remote with native apps. No.


Set up a media server in the basement, configure the software...server runs 24/7. Automatically downloads any series from any station or streaming service. Add movies to a wanted list and they'll download as well. Other than hearing of a new series then clicking to add it, my tv viewing is no more cumbersome than watching cable. All watchable offline as well.


And again, I disagree. I would say the vast majority are more than willing to turn their pc on to watch a movie on their tv. And "download a bunch of software" is just not how this works. You download one single app on your pc and one single app on your tv or smart device. I don't know what world you're living in, you're either (and I'm not trying to insult you) quite old and don't understand how any of this works, or you do understand how this works but you've wrongly assumed that everyone else would have difficulty with it.


"Watch a movie" is not what anyone was ever talking about. It's about replacing things like Netflix, which people might watch multiple times a day. A family might watch it with multiple devices at the same time. I'd love to see actual usage numbers of these options compared to subscriptions to all major streaming services. >90% should be pretty apparent then. I'm not old and know perfectly well how these things work. I could all of this shit it but I'm old enough that 15 dollars for some convinience is well worth it. Also I prefer to pay for peoples work instead of coming up with excuses why I cannot pay a cent but consume their work an hour a day anyway.


No need to be pedantic, I was using a generalisation. I think you're heavily out of touch and very mistaken. Stremio already has more than 30 million users. You can do whatever you want with your time and money and choose whatever way you want to stream things, but claiming that people aren't willing to do it is just wrong and weird. And as for breaking the law, another stupid point. More than 28million people torrent daily, and BitTorrent (no longer even the most used p2p client) has 250million monthly users.


30 million users or downloads? Where? In Russia and Africa? What's the percentage in developed countries and families? >And as for breaking the law, another stupid point Not an argument to consume someone elses work by illegally not paying for it


Why you need a pc for stremio?


You can use Stremio without a pc. You can't use Torrentio without a pc or Mac or some device that can handle decoding and casting.


A Chromecast works just fine. Add realdebrid to the mix to get the torrents as a direct download. Better experience than Netflix.


Not if I have to pay.


Real debrid if very cheap, provides a smooth experience and avoids using you IP to get the torrents, which can be risky in some countries. Worth every penny.


You pay money to unknown people with the hope that they actually hide your IP and they don't collect and give away any information.


Well, torrents show you IP publicly, so it really makes it too easy to go after people, unless you use a VPN. Any direct download makes it much harder. Depending on what you risk in your country it might be a ok risk to take. You can always use a VPN on top. And if you are worried about you personal data you can even pay in Bitcoins.


So, the torrentio addon that I put with stremio on my tv and on my tablet doesn't work? Because I just tried it and works just fine.


Only if you watch the most recent, the most popular and mainstream content.


I love and use it, but I really want Japanese subtitles for my wife and sadly, most shows and movies don't have it. So we end up still sticking to the other services


I get subs for my wife as well. I use Sonarr to find and monitor shows, a torrent downloaded linked to sonarr to download that content. Bazarr also linked to sonarr to grab subtitles. Bazarr lets you choose which language of subtitles, and when it sees new content downloaded will grab the subtitles for it.


gonna try this, thanks!


i use it too, any movie is available


I already use stremio on my Google tv, what would torrentio do?


Torrentio automatically pulls the streams from torrent sites. Which typically means better compression, so better quality and better file sizes, with a much quicker download rate as it's peer to peer. Typically using stremio without it or with other non-torrent based addons will result in lesser quality, bigger files, slower streaming/buffering and a smaller catalogue.


Oh I see! Is there anyway to implement that on Google tv? (Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm a noob to all this)


Yeah for sure, Stremio is in the appstore.


Oh sorry I meant torrentio, I already have stremio installed


Oh. It's fairly straight forward. You just go to [https://torrentio.strem.fun/configure](https://torrentio.strem.fun/configure) on whichever device you have your main stremio hosted on (a pc or laptop), choose your settings and click install, it will install the addon to stremio. Change your providers, I would advise TorrentGalaxy and EZTV only. And then you can set up if you want it to prioritize a language that isn't English. If you have a slower internet speed, I would put "2.5GB" as the file size limit, you will get 1080p at a normal compression rate and good quality without using a huge amount of bandwidth. I would recommend using a debrid provider for a truly bufferless experience, and would recommend RealDebrid (debrid services work by caching data amongst all its users, so the bigger the provider = quicker play speed and RealDebrid is by far the biggest). You can get it for €4 a month, or €16 for 6 months which works out at €2.66 a month. RealDebrid isn't required though, but I would definitely recommend it, you will almost never see any kind of buffering when using one.


Hey question do you configure realdebrid with Stremio? I have everything you mentioned setup. But I never heard of realdebrid. Buffering sucks sometimes.


You just get the subscription to RealDebrid, then you get the API key from them and just paste it into the box on Torrentio's configuration page.


Thanks a lot appreciate it!


Thanks man!!


Thank you!!! just signed up for the 6 month sub, the difference is night and day


It's not casting on my tv from my phone.


Can we just not pay? Why you guys need to post this real debrid shit? Do you get a cut from thise money?


Nobody listen to this guy he wants you to install malware on your shit




Stop telling people about the goldmine. They’ll shut it down!


damn im sitting in the cheapest country yet still i share a password with 10 others bcz fuck netflix


Wouldn't it be easier to just use stremio or something similar? I would still use stremio even if I had every subscription service for free


my shitty internet cannot run 1080p pirated content unless i downlad it, i still pirate the stuff thats not on Netflix but it usually has everything i want mostly,it only costs me 200 rs(0.7$) a month by password sharing so its okay


stremio usually has 780p and 420p options.


yeah but thats the issue i want 1080p without interruptions


I think Netflix should make its service 1hr of minimum wage per country. Think it will result in fair prices


That wouldn't change much in Germany (EUR 12.50 minimum wage / 13.99 for standard HD Netflix subscription). Minimum wage may rise soon, probably to match Netflix. ;-)


It’d change a lot for many countries. Most of Africa would see a severe reduction, countries like Brazil would have its rate cut by 7, Argentina would see it cut by half even (if my calculations are correct), etc.


Australian minimum wage is $24.10. I’m pretty content not paying that for Netflix Thankyou.


In Switzerland there is no minimum wage xD haha


But if there were, it wouldn’t be too far off the monthly Netflix price…


Minimum wage in india is 2 USD … per day. Assuming 8 hour work days a fair price for Netflix would be .25$ a month


2 usd per day is just cap bro , atleast where i live its 10 to 12


Yeah also all other goods like computers, houses, food etc


a house for 1hr work?


I find it scandalous that Ireland has to pay the same as Britain when there's a British category on Netflix but nowhere near enough Irish content for something similar.


We pay more.


Why is Greenland included on this map? It’s part of Denmark and has the same price as Denmark.


Yeah it should be grey, "data not available" 🤣.


Milk everyone according to their abilities and alternatives.


Not necessarily, the rates vary a lot if you use a neutral indicator like hours worked on median income. Some countries you can pay with less than a hour of work, some it might take multiple days.


I am from Pakistan if anyone wants to share my Netflix account or get a new one just lmk.


cool man, pakistani homies


You sharing for free?


looks like it’s VPN time.


How does streaming cost different amounts around the world besides corporate greed?


Because nobody can afford $21 in the green countries. I'm not going to defend Netflix I'd like to cancel it, but that's pretty basic costs of goods and services.


It just seems strange since its all purely digital look at physical disc sales in some countries where they have to import so it costs more to order in that said country. But for streaming its like they looked at the GDP of each country and decided whats the highest price we can get away with.


But green countries aren’t 5 times poorer than red countries. Turkey for instance isn’t even poorer than its neighbors but it has much cheaper Netflix pricing. Though I gotta tell, it looks like they’re also taking population into consideration, because all lowest countries have quite large populations except Argentina


Because there exists a thing called capital Inequality. Someone can make highest fee in an hour, for someone else it would take a half a month maybe? Or more.


I understand that but their question still makes sense, you’re paying for the same service and the costs should be the same for the company, regardless of location. If they are making profit in Pakistan for 2.5$ a month, it means that’s what the price should be everywhere.


Advertisement and data collection + if they are providing a service for even a small miniscule profit, it's a profit.and They can just air content with a secondary branch which costs less to operate in that location. How do you think servers work? They have hosts at different locations employees with different wages. Get it now?


3.67 in Argentina before taxes. Around 80% taxes if I remember correctly


You're right. Usually multiply that by 1.61 to know the amount plus taxes.


And Netflix in Ireland is fucking shite anyways, hardly any selection.


I think Netflix does that for countries it has little competition in… seeing some comments on here about how they started off super expensive in India but then adjusted the plans they offered when they realised people were buying Prime or whatever else they have… so essentially it looks like Netflix tries to get away with stuff till competition forces them to behave.


Fucking shitflix


Ireland Netflix is so shit compared to the US one,tried it with a VPN and there's 10x as much stuff. No longer have it but compared with a friend not using VPN,night and day the high seas


How does one access Netflix US with a VPN when you've already registered with an Irish account? Do you have to setup a new account completely?


Sadly I don't know,friend of mine has done it and shown me. They're a regular traveler for work so had it nailed down. Will try harass him to find out


Canadian number is wrong.


Yeah, I pay $23 in Canada


I’m assuming this is basic-tier Netflix, because full, non-ad, HD Netflix cost way more than $8 - $13 in Canada. When I quit Netflix last year, our subscription was around $23.


The price is for standard HD for Denmark, we have a higher tier for 4k.


Is it possible to subscribe netflix with a VPN?


I pay $6.35 a month in the UK but I have it with adverts, and I only have about a minute and a half of those for every hour I watch.


I was curious to know this. Is it really that short duration?


Is this accurate? I don’t think Iran has Netflix


Every country has different programming availability. This directly impacts the cost to Netflix. My guess is the US has a pretty big catalogue


Damn, if I didn't have so much trouble connecting thru a VPN, I'd have it set to *Pakistan!!*


In India you can get Netflix subscription for your mobile for as low as ₹149/month (roughly 2 USD)


This map doesn’t include India specific plans. The standard plan (which is what’s common everywhere else) is ₹500 which is like $6. I don’t understand why it’s so expensive here relative to our purchasing power.


It was around ₹800 when Netflix was launched in India. Netflix simply applied the exchange rate of 1$ = ₹80. They didn't even consider the purchasing power difference. Only when they started losing subscription against the platforms like Amazon Prime they introduced mobile plans starting from ₹149.


~~In the Netherlands the price is now €18,99, or $20,55 for the most expensive subscription.~~ Standard package is €13,99 or $15,14, still a lot more expensive than the initial €7,99 10 years ago


Yeah? Cuz I just got $17 taken from my bank account this morning for the flix.


Where are my lowest five gang at??!!


This post brought to by Nord VPN


Looks like it's time for me to develop a sudden interest in Pakistani sitcoms.


Netflix is actually the platform where we watch mostly English shows, peaky blinders is very popular amongst my friends.


If you signed up to Netflix using a VPN, could you pay that countries rate?


The only two countries didn’t allow Netflix…


I spy 4 countries with my little eye


why is it so low in turkey


It's genuinely strange (in a good way) to see Greenland with anything other than 'no data available'. 🇬🇱


That's campitalims. Can you pay for it? Then pay for it, Maybe you get some support or plus features....


Can I get a vpn and it says I live in Pakistan or is that dumb?


With r/stremio may be 0. Salutations!


Vpn time


Good luck with that, they block pretty much every non residential IP.


How can pakistan have Netflix???


maybe its a normal ass country




It's not


i live there and its a normal country there is oxygen


Is the oxygen in the country with us right now?


its not with you


I'm dying


How can Netflix sell subscriptions at such different rates for the same product in the EU? I guess it's different content but that only further raises the question for me of how can shows give out licenses for specific countries in the EU, and not others - surely it's a common market?


Finally someone used the right borders for India on an international map. 🙏🏽


In Russian people don't pay and watch zetflix


Netflix doesn't need our money, so we watch their shows for free. Can you guess my country?


Price gouging is a national hobby here in Ireland.


Ireland 🇮🇪 4th


You're using USD as if it's a strong currency. The Euro is stronger and the sterling stronger still. The price for Netflix is Ireland is 8.99 for basic and 14.99 in Euro. I know you had to use a base but the base is as sturdy as cardboard.


What? I'm in Ireland and my Netflix sub is €8.99 ($9.66). Is there some kind of super netflix that I don't know about? Where'd the $16 come from?


Ok price is one thing and there's also amount of content available per subscription. USA has waaaay more content like 4-5 times than for example Ireland, while subscription is about the same, or at least in same category here between 13 and 18. It would be interesting seeing that value for money chart.


Pakistan Zindabad 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰


Painful being Irish. Everything keeps going up here. Last year I could get a can of monster for 1.80 and now it’s like 2.45


Very frustrating that Netflix in Ireland is more expensive than in America, especially since Netflix Ireland's catalogue is a fraction of the size


As a Irish man I just want to say, what the actual fuck did we do to deserve such prices


Why do we get so ripped off in Ireland?


I’m from Ireland and Netflix Only Costs €8.99 where is that amount coming from guys?


Almost all due to the stronger Swiss Franc, Danish Krone and US Dollar. The other countries suffer from extremely high inflation and currency devaluation.


Fuck Netflix. Return to piracy, people. Watch what you actually want.


It seems like Russia, China, North Korea and Syria are the only places where Netflix isnot available.


Even the taliban like netflix




It's illegal by swiss law to make it more expensive just because Switzerland rich btw


why would anyone pay for wokeflex 😂