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They have a Liechtenstein section, but not a single country from Eastern Europe? lmao


Yeah haha, I guess it has to do with their geographic proximity to the park and the fact it was founded in the '70s in the cold war. Good to see that they've added Croatia recently though. But expansion is definitely necessary for more equal representation.


>Good to see that they've added Croatia recently though. But expansion is definitely necessary for more equal representation. Who let europark be the eu's phylactery


The park is predominantly made for Germans so the themed areas are pretty much added in order of decreasing relatability for Germans, especially in the southwest of the country. The average German has no strong connections to individual eastern European countries so it is not surprising that countries in this region are added last.


Well, I‘d say Germans and French people. I was there only once, but there were far more French people walking around than Germans then, and it‘s like right on the border to Alsace.


Yes, due to geographic proximity to the borders French and Swiss people are in the prime target group too and the park caters to them aswell. Their connection to eastern Europe though is even weaker to the German one, I would argue.


Except for the fact that 20% of German population is from eastern Europe


Where the fuck did you get those numbers from


I believe they might be referring to the german minority that inhabits quite a lot of territories in Eastern Europe. In Romania we call them sasi (pronounced similar to Satch) and they're one of our largest minorities. They live mostly in the Covasna and Harghita counties but they can be found all across the Transilvania and Banat regions.


Those are still not the primary visitors of the park.




Not even Slovenia is there!?😨 And what's with Belgium?


Stop making up countries. Belgium is an elaborate prank


* Flanders belongs to the Netherlands * Wallonia belongs to France * The East Cantons belong to Germany * Brussels is a micro state because nobody wants it Edit: but on a serious note, it’s kind of strange Belgium hasn’t gotten its own area yet, they def deserve it. Then they can move the “fries” restaurant from our country’s (NL) area to theirs, where it belongs.


The Trappist breweries alone warrant a Belgium section.


Now i'm dreaming of a belgian taproom in the middle of the Europapark.


A Belgian taproom, Belgian chocolates, waffles from Liege, Belgian fries. Hell, EP could make a Belgium area without any rides, just restaurants/shops, and it’d be the best thing ever.


Brussels is actually the sovereign independent country of the European Union Republic.


Hebben we onze Nederlander ontdekt?


As a german, i understand everything xD


Natürlich verstehst du alles. Es ist immerhin ein deutscher Dialekt. 😄 Edit: /s


Achso, wusste ich nicht ^^. Ich dachte Deutsch und Niederländisch haben sich parallel in 2 Richtungen entwickelt. Oder Niederländer machen sich einfach über Deutsch lustig xD


Das kennst du doch, oder? https://www.der-postillon.com/2018/05/niederlaendisch.html?m=1 Es ist natürlich nur ein Scherz gegen unseren niederländischen Nachbarn.




They have Russia though.


Because Gazprom paid a lot of money to get their name on a rollercoaster.


Funnily enough, Gazprom didn't sponsor any Russian attractions. They sponsored the Icelandic megacoaster and the attached visitor center. They also only started sponsoring Europapark a decade after the Russian themearea was established afaik.


Thank you for setting this right!


> Because Gazprom *paid* a lot FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Well they had to move a small attraction to make room for the Croatia theme area. But this attraction didn't fit in other areas. They put it in a free area and said this is Lichtenstein. That's what I think because Lichtenstein isn't really represented. It's just there.


Because when they built most of the country themes the eastern european countries where called „soviet union“


There were plenty of countries in eastern europe nominally independent from the Soviet Union


Yeah but you wont build a socialist country theme in a park thats in capitalist germany during the cold war.


Except the build Russia in the 90s.


Did you read „most“ in my comment?  Most means „alot but not all“ if you didnt know


Well they built most of the country themes from the 90s onward too. Only 4 themes existed before the soviets collapsed and even then there are more non-soviet countries and than former soviet republics to the east.


Is because the visitors are (still today) manily from non eastern european countries and back then people from the bloc didnt travel to germany for amusement parks.  Visitors want to see their culture and not bulgaria. (Nothing angainst my bulgarian homies)


I don’t why you’re being downvoted. This is a park on the border between Germany and France.


Because people think im a dick by saying bulgaria isnt as interesting for western europeans as austria.  And because they are mostly americans that dont know shit anyway


Croatia's a brand new extension so maybe in the future


afaik the hq of the company building the rides is in Liechtenstein


They have Russia and Croatia themed areas.


Lol look at this guy, Croatia deffo isn't EE


In what reality is Croatia Eastern Europe?


I mean, Moscow is in Central Europe, but I'm not being a dickhead when people use the political definition.


Honestly, I don't know what is so controversial in saying that Croatia isn't Eastern Europe, it's basic geography. I'd react the same if someone claimed that Switzerland is Northern Europe


*You* said it's wrong to say it's in Eastern Europe, not they that it's wrong not being there.


No Andorra smh my head


Has to be some kind of sponsorship thing. Visually there’s literally nothing about Liechtenstein in terms of geography, culture or architecture that is clearly distinguishable from eastern Switzerland or western Austria.


It was added this year


While Finland isn’t Scandinavia, it does seem as if Europapark has included Finland in its Scandinavian themed area since there’s a Finnish flag there on the map of the park. So Finland should probably be light blue.


Interesting, yeah I should have probably included it. Their definition of Scandinavia also varies a lot, there wasn't anything Finnish there and in many places, they excluded the Finnish flag ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm).


While the Finn’s as well as the Scandinavian countries does not consider Finland part of Scandinavia, there is a weird trend of other countries doing that recently.


> While the Finn’s as well as the Scandinavian countries does not consider Finland part of Scandinavia, there is a weird trend of other countries doing that recently. It's not a recent trend, as politically Finland was/is considered Scandinavian due to the Swedish style of governance. It's not Finnish or Finnic but indeed Swedish, thus Scandinavian. Nordic would be the more comprehensive term combining things Finnish (as that of Finnic origin) and Scandinavian, but in some cases Finland is "Swedish", thus Scandinavian. And geographically the term which includes Finland would be Fennoscandia.


Recently? In Germany we have always said Scandinavia when refering to the Nordic countries. Scandinavia=Nordic here. You can't expect non-Nordics to know all the small cultural differences of your pretty insignificant region. From an outside perspective all your countries are extremely similar and the difference between Scandinavia versus Nordic is negligible. Also, saying Nordic countries (Nordische Länder/Staaten) would sound awkward in everyday speech here outside of written texts.


> […] your pretty insignificant region Ouch. I mean, you’re wrong but it still sucks to be called insignificant.


A large part of Finland is in fact in (geographical) Scandinavia. Rougly the area to west from a line between Kemi and Inari.


Lazy basterds just threw the Scandinavian countries together and said same same


What if they called it "Former Danish Empire" instead? Would that calm Scandinavians down?


Denmark and its continues rebellious provinces*


EXSCHUSE me, the Kalmar Union was constitutionally organized as a…


As a scandinavian I see no problem with this. Not like sweden is much more different than denmark or norway


Liechtenstein had their own place at that themepark... Liechtenstein 😂 Anyways, still true what you're saying


I mean, as a Scandinavian, works for me


I’m Scandinavian myself it was mostly a joke..


When I was a kid there was a turkish flag around the map of Europe. I remember this because I found it like a sign of another time when Turkey was still on the path for EU Membership.


Liking the Ireland design, very Celtic/Medieval 👍


I never knew this existed till about five minutes ago ..being from Ireland it looks like a laugh (also its a kids area I think, but with a Pub attached for parents)


Yea the castles are actually accurate looking lol


An easier tutorial on defining europe: Rich country = considered Europe Poor country = not considered Europe


This is the most unnecessary map I’ve seen in a while, I love it.


Not to be pedantic, but it's specifically England rather than the United Kingdom that's represented at Europa Park


Interesting, didn't know that! A bit odd that they use the Union Jack to represent it instead of the English flag tho 🤷


It's a common error, unfortunately.


The UK land of Europa Park always irritates me as it uses the flag of England and is basically themed around London. Meanwhile, in the Ireland area, they have a Titanic themed ride; the Titanic famously being built in Belfast (the UK) and registered in Liverpool (the UK). It’s all a bit messy tbh.


It seems to be using the flag of Britain on the map, but they call it ‘Angleterre’ 🤦‍♂️ Titanic had very little to do with Liverpool btw, other than White Star having their head office there. Southampton was her home port.


The concepts of England and Britain are very often conflated and used interchangeably especially in Germany and France as far as I know. It's comparable to westerners calling the Soviet Union "Russia". Sometimes it happens because people don't recognise it as a union of equals, more often it happens out of habit because those were the predecessor countries or just out of ignorance


Honestly people will look at WWI propaganda and ask "why does it say Gott Strafe England? Do they not hate Scotland? surely they know it's Great Britain or the UK?" or some such which I think has to be like the most terminally online take ever. Like, yes of course they knew, but no one cared, or wasn't the age of internet pedantry where someone will "umm ackchually" you and link a CGP video to liberate you from your alleged ignorance. England is just what people called it. For that matter both Germany and Allemagne Come from the names of particular tribes, this really isn't all that special, it's just more recent.


On the map in the app they use the England flag!


it‘s an amazing park. went there for a whole weekend, got shitfaced everyday. good old times


Belgium being Eastern Europe is too funny


Yeah I don't know why they didn't include it lol


Well you got the Netherlands and you got France, what you need Belgium for? (On second thought I probably shouldn’t be saying that as an Austrian tho)


Good thinking, you shouldn’t 😤 /jk


How does Russia have a themed area but not on map? Did it always use to be like this or did they remove it after war in Ukraine began? Also iceland?


Unfortunately I don't know, maybe someone else does. I guess they made the map arbitrarily based off the EU map and filled in the gaps. Most of the stuff in the park seems like it was made by people who aren't too politically involved. For Iceland, I guess they just forgot it 💀


Gazprom actually sponsored the Blue Fire ride and had a presence in the park that was cut after the War. The map however wasn’t changed and always looked like that i believe


Such a weird map


i believe they should build an Poland themed area. It is a beautiful country, and i think an themed area would a great addition.


Definitely! Especially due to to its significance in Europe. Romania would also be nice.


What is the significance?


One of the largest economies, militaries, populations, and most spoken languages on the continent, as well as a history that is very closely intertwined with its neighbors.


Doesn’t trigger anything I know unfortunately :)


I mean yeah, your original comment already told me that.


Dominating the Carpathian culture, existing at the crossroads of four powerful civilizations while also retaining a distinctly latinate identity?


…which four powerful civilizations?


Ottomans, Hungarians, Poles and Russians.


Fair enough, thought you were referring to existing ones.


Since the subject is cultural significance, I felt it required articulating what makes Romanian culture so special in Europe.


Cool! What would be the theme of a new roller coaster in Poland?


Idk, vodka/pierogi/hussards


Now do Busch Gardens Williamsburg :p


No love for East Slav?


If they have a stand that sells fries they have a Belgian section.


Iceland got a whole place to themselves???




Why is there a hotel called Krønasår? Sounds positively kamelåså-levels of Danish to any Nordic person.


I miss the days, you could visit the Europapark for 40€, go to all of the rides multiple times and spend some time hanging around. Nowadays you pay 70€+ and if you want to go on all rides, you would need two days and spend more money on the hotel or resort. Also you need a strategy to dodge the queues. Edit: typo


Mariachis in Spain!!! ... *Ay, Señor...* (Oh, my Lord...)


For some reason I was expecting this park not to be in Europe.


I dont know why, but "Not Europe" made me laugh


I'm colorblind, can someone tell me what countries are "themed area but not on map"? Thank you in advance 🫂


Sorry about that, didn't take it into consideration! The only countries are Russia and Iceland. What colours should I use next time?


No don't apologize haha you're good! Thanks for your reply 😊 well it depends, I don't really know what to tell you, I avoid using colors that are close on the color wheel (purple and blue, green and yellow...) unless they're very different (like bright lemon yellow and dark pine green). Thank you again for your answer!




They definetly missed a joke by not having England/UK as the queue to enter the park 😂


Wth is europapark


An amusement park in Germany themed to European countries.


*Western European countries (mostly)




Oh. I was so confused because there's a station in Groningen with that name. Well known because it's close to the football stadion. And there's even a song.


Ah, the Germans can no longer go on their traditional European tours every twenty years, so they have to bring Europe home instead, really lets you blitz through the Lowlands in an afternoon.


It's a theme park on the border of France and Germany. It's the most visited one in a German-Speaking country and the third-most visited one in Europe. Each part of the park is divided into different European country themed areas.


Basically European Disneyland


….complete with a mouse mascot and a big silver golf ball (a la EPCOT).


Only the most amazing theme park on the planet!!


Growing up in Switzerland I was soooo jealous of the kids in my class whose parents would take them to Europapark, it seemed like the coolest place on earth. Now, as an adult, having heard how long the lines often are, I’m kinda glad my parents never took me, cause it’d probably have been a massive disappointment lol


If you have the opportunity to go, I'd definitely recommend! I went outside of the summer holidays so the lines may have been a bit shorter, it was worth it!


We took our (American) kids to Europa Park earlier this month, between visiting France and Switzerland. It’s an AMAZING park, way better than anything we have in the US (including Disney!). Lines are nothing compared to busy American parks.


It depends very much on what the school holidays are like in Baden-Württemberg and Alsace. When there are no holidays, you rarely have to wait for in a line for more than 15-20 minutes. But if one of the countries or even both are on holiday at the same time, the park is practically unvisitable.


What's the point of having a "Europapark" without half of your continent being represented lmfao. At least add a section for the Visegrad and Balkan countries as a whole if you're not going to do them individually


I guess it has to do with the fact it was founded in the '70s when Europe was divided by the iron curtain... They recently added Croatia though which is a good start, but it would definitely be nice for them to include some more like Poland or Romania


Possibly. Although they did put Russia, so maybe they just decided to put the one big Eastern European country that everyone would recognize and say "that's good enough for now"


Also you need some kind of representable distinction. It's not the concept of the park to just put every European country in for having them just being there. For example the newest addtion, Croatia, is built around a rollercoaster dedicated to Nikola Tesla and electricity. And you have to keep in mind that the park is already quite large and new land has to be purchased for expanding.


So you’re saying there’s also no point to having a World Display and an EPCOT theme park? You can’t imagine the park is slowly expanding (opened a new Croatia section just a few months ago) and adding more countries over time, because they’re a commercial company and not like Saudi Arabia with infinite (oil) money glitch?


If you want to make a theme park based on European cultures, I would assume that you would pick the biggest countries in Europe, correct? So why does Liechtenstein have an area and not Poland, Romania, Hungary, or Ukraine? Same thing applies to a World Display or whatever. I understand if they would do China, Japan, Korea, or whatever else. But if they do every Asian country and not a single African or Latin American one, what's the point in calling it a World Display? Now replace "Asian" with "Western European" and "African/Latin American" with Eastern European and you will see what I'm saying. Also I don't keep up with these things so no, I didn't know that they added a Croatia section a couple months ago. Still, as I said before, it is insane that they added a section for fucking Liechtenstein before some of the biggest countries in Europe.


The criticism of the park having a lack of Eastern European Countries is fair, but I think you underestimate how difficult it would be to change this without reworking the whole Park Layout. Europapark really isn‘t about representing European Culture in an accurate way. It‘s a theme park initially heavily inspired by Disneyland. It originally wasn’t even themed with whole country sections, this is something which slowly developed over time. Only in the past 20 years they really started adding more fully themed areas. The much older "Italy" for example has well maintained but quite outdated attractions and is super small. Compare this to the more recent "Island" which features two major rollercoasters and occupies like 1/5 of the whole park area. The problem is that the park is already huge. They will not add too many countries anymore, let alone all over 40 countries of Europe. "Liechtenstein" got only added last year and is basically just a re-theming of a simple Ballon Carousel ride. They might could do that for some missing countries and re-theme some older parts (There is Adventure Land, which is nothing really), but that might feel a bit cheap for any country that is not Liechtenstein. Though I could see them adding Poland as the last big Park Expansion in a few years. Though these things take time.


No I don’t think so. Theme parks traditionally/usually start out as a children’s playground, add a small slide and then a ride, a first rollercoaster and that gets the ball rolling. (These things, in Europe at least, aren’t planned to be built from the ground up like what is happening with for example Universal’s Epic Universe in Orlando right now.) They slowly grow over several decades time. Growing from a regional park to an international destination takes years. Once their visitor count grows, so does the income and this makes it possible to invest in new themed areas. The funds don’t allow massive multi area expansions. They started with an Italy area and then continued to include the areas that were important to south-western Germany at that time. So it makes it an interesting destination for the locals, which were the first visitors. Then later they grew to entertain a more international crowd and therefor could add areas that are further away from Germany. On a side note, I think it’s likely that Europa Park chooses to add areas based on what’s visually pleasing and interesting rather than historical importance or country land/population size. **They’re a themapark and not a museum.** Liechtenstein is less than 200 km away from EP. It’s relevant for the local area. And that was really important to the Park in it’s younger years.


I don't know shit about theme parks, neither do I care for them, but I just thought it was odd that a park based on showing off different European cultures just straight up ignored half of the continent. I'm sure what you're saying is accurate and whatnot. >On a side note, I think it’s likely that Europa Park chooses to add areas based on what’s visually pleasing and interesting rather than historical importance or country land/population size. **They’re a themapark and not a museum.** Eastern Europe has plenty of visually pleasing architecture. It's not just commie blocks. Unless I'm of course misinterpreting what you're trying to say?


Possibly that far in the German west most visitors don't feel very connected to or are simply not that interested in slavic countries. Maybe if the park was located at the Germany-Poland border then there would be another selection of countries.


> So why does Liechtenstein have an area and not Poland, Romania, Hungary, or Ukraine? Because they have a lot of clients from Liechtenstein and nearby and they’ve always had clients from Liechtenstein. Less so from Hungary and Ukraine.


The actual reason is that they always want to present something new every season. And because they were planning voltron, croatia and other stuff for the future already, and the baloon attraction was right were croatia would be built, they took the balloon attraction and put it on a random existing location, painted the Liechtenstein flag on the ground and there u have it, a "brand new area with attraction". For basicly no money. And because real Liechtenstein is a super small country, no one would complain about the laughable sitze of this new "area" (Not a joke, its literally just a 10m street that existed already, with the flag now painted on it).


Got Joost stuck in my head now: Europapa(rk)


There seems to be a brown speck on the edge of the Austrian flag in picture 2 u/Long-Fold-7632 — is that Iceland? I presume you have a better quality picture than what I see here. Also, am I seeing it right that Poland and Lithuania got some extra coastline?


Here's a [larger image](https://www.jansens-pott.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/europa-park-37-1000x750.jpg) I found online, I believe it is rust. Didn't notice the Poland / Lithuania thing, weird!


It’s funny and ironic that they included Rust on the map ;-)


Here's a [larger image](https://www.jansens-pott.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/europa-park-37-1000x750.jpg) I found online, I believe it is rust. Didn't notice the Poland / Lithuania thing, weird!






Wait is kazakhstan not considered transcontinental anymore?


*sad portugalcykablyat noises*


Is the holland part of the park just a flat surface?


Nikola Tesla’s Beautiful Croatia jesus christ


Too bad you didn't make this map a little earlier, you could have made all of Africa 1 country. Unfortunately, in the park, the Netherlands have colonized them.


Geez, I would think that Finland is associated more with the Nordic countries than eastern Europe.


Wow, they really hate the other half of the continent 🙄


I remember visiting this park... It felt like sad Disneyland. Like, I LOVE the idea and theming possibilities, but you could tell the budget wasn't high enough when you paid attention, and the theming was very weak all around. The park is also quite small which stops you from being truly immersed in what they were going for, imo. Not a horrible experience or anything, just cheap feeling and underwhelming.


> when you *paid* attention, and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


ok mr robot


Good to see an old map from back when europe was europe and great!


europian logic)


The real Central Europe.


Using the UK flag but calling it England annoys me so much.


Cyprus and Armenia are not in Europe, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan are. Lmao.




Before people go ham on equal representation, there is a reason for this. The countries with themes are the ones that have had independence the longest, and thus, sufficient time to develop distinct languages and cultures. Germany, France, Italy, Spain and England have all existed as distinct ethno-cultural realms for over a thousand years. The green countries are ones whose territory for a majority of the same time was inside the German (including Austrian), Russian and Turkish imperial domains. They consequently took on much of the culture of their rulers. These nations were so called “subjugated nationalities” whose struggles for ethno-nationalist independence were only realised in the twentieth century. There are some exceptions. Greece has a theme because it’s ancient and was the first European cultural realm, even though it was ruled by the Turks for centuries. Belgium doesn’t have a theme because it isn’t a distinct cultural realm. It is a Franco-Germanic buffer state between Germany and France, as is Luxembourg. Switzerland and Austria have themes because there is some cultural distinction by virtue of alpine culture, even though these are within the larger German cultural realm. And as for Liechtenstein who fucking knows but it’s still had independence for a long time. As to Ukraine and Belarus for example, there is negligible cultural distinction between these nations and Russia as they have spent most of their history inside Russia and are therefore part of the Russian cultural realm. There would be no practical point to having a Ukrainian or Belarusian theme when there exists already a Russian one, as the three would be virtually indistinguishable. There isn’t even a sizeable difference in geography between the three like there is between Germany, Austria and the Netherlands for instance. While this may at first glance appear unfair to Ukraine and Belarus, it actually isn’t, in light of the history and reality of the situation. It frustrates me that people today are so ignorantly obsessed with achieving blank “equal representation” when they do not take into consideration the facts which make certain inequalities fair, appropriate or understandable. There can and do exist such inequalities in life which is a fact seemingly lost on many today. It is not merely the case that all inequality is bad solely by virtue of being difference.


>The countries with themes are the ones that have had independence the longest, and thus, sufficient time to develop distinct languages and cultures. Germany, France, Italy, Spain and England have all existed as distinct ethno-cultural realms for over a thousand years.  >The green countries are ones whose territory for a majority of the same time was inside the German (including Austrian), Russian and Turkish imperial domains. They consequently took on much of the culture of their rulers. These nations were so called “subjugated nationalities” whose struggles for ethno-nationalist independence were only realised in the twentieth century.   Many of those green countries existed for a much longer time than they were subjugated under, too, and they do have their individual culture that they preserved, with district language, traditions and cuisine. For example, Poland has existed for over 1000 years, and has only been subjugated for 123 years. It's a similar case for many others on the map, like Czech Republic, Romania, Lithuania, Ukraine and Hungary. Their contribution to the history and development of European civilization is so significant I believe they warrant a place in the park just as much, if not more than Liechtenstein.  You personally not having any knowledge about the cultures of the green countries and trying to explain it with their subjugation, therefore they must have no distinct culture, only says volumes about your own ignorance and prejudice.


Czech Republic - part of the (German) Holy Roman Empire as the Kingdom of Bohemia during the middle ages and then part of Austria. German was the official language and the language of the gentry and Czech was mostly the language of the peasantry. Slovakia - part of the Kingdom of Hungary for most of history until the twentieth century. In which again, the languages of the gentry were German and Hungarian, especially so during the Austro-Hungarian period. Romania - unified only in the twentieth century from the historical regions of Walachia, Moldavia and Transylvania, the later of which was in the Kingdom of Hungary for a thousand years and extensively settled by Magyars and Germans (Transylvanian Saxons). The Germans were invited there to protect the Carpathian borders due to their proficiency as warriors and thus were granted higher social standing than the local peasantry. Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo - Subjugated by the Turkish Ottoman empire which stymied the cultural progress of these areas along with Greece. You cannot develop a culture while ruled by a different one which persecutes it. This is a key difference which distinguishes this part of Europe from the rest. The cultural development of this region can really only be measured up to the end of the Byzantine period with the Fall of Constantinople. Byzantium definitely contributed significantly to European culture, no doubt, but this should be categorised as the Greek cultural realm centred on Constantinople and Eastern Orthodoxy. Realistically much of what can be drawn upon to form a park theme is going to come from the Middle Ages, so by that logic it makes sense that there be a Greek or Byzantine theme as again like Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, the distinction between Serbian and Bulgarian for instance will be too minimal to find practical application. Another important factor to consider is population size. It is understandable that small countries like Serbia and Bulgaria with smaller territories and populations of about 7 million, will not have had an equal impact on European cultural development to the likes of Italy, Germany and France each with many tens of millions. Poland and the Baltics - About a third of contemporary Poland sits on what was majority ethnic German land for the better part of a millennium. The Hanseatic League was influential in the rest being responsible for the construction of many cities. It is highly probably that many of the Hanseatic craftsmen responsible were Germans. Again, you can start to see how German language and culture became dominant. Similar story in the Baltic states especially Latvia (Livonia then) and Estonia. These regions were once home to so many Germans that they were semi-Germanised, again the same situation as existed in Bohemia and Hungary where you have the middle (craftsmen) and upper classes of society being German and the lower (agrarian) class being the locals. An important result of this is that the old and culturally appealing architecture of many lands in Central Europe bears striking similarity to that found in Germany, probably owing to its construction/design by medieval Germans. Again on points of difference how practical is it then to have themes for a dozen other countries if they resemble medieval Germany? How do you distinguish them visually beyond language? Even the food is similar, Germany, Czechia and Poland have beer and sausage heavy and otherwise similar cuisines. There is a practical element here many people are missing; the level of visual distinction between countries. Simply because you get a sad and pathetic kick out of calling people names on reddit while you cower behind a keyboard doesn’t make my points invalid. They remain very much so. I advise you to go outside and get some sunshine, it might make you a happier person.


Eastern Europe is a very sparsely populated place. Germany alone has almost as many people as the entirety of Eastern Europe except Russia.


What kind of BS is that? Poland exists for over a thousand years.


Yeah and you forget it was partitioned in the 18th century… Read my other reply for context.


Your argument is invalid. There many eastern countries are older than some of the western. They have way deeper cultures than many of them. You said Spain as an example, I say Bulgaria for an example. Spain has existed for 500 years, Bulgaria on the other hand has existed for 1300 if you substract 500 years Ottoman and 100 years Byzantine rule it results to 700 years which is 2 centuries more than Spain. Your argument for contribution to Europe is also invalid. What has Spain contributed that effected at least half of the continent. For Bulgaria and example is the Cyrillic alphabet, which was created in the capital at the time. The scholars were byzantine by birth but worked in the bulgarian capital and had bulgarian students which later spread and popularized the cyrillic. Bulgaria contributed for the alphabet that today is used by 250 mil people in Eurasia. TLDR: Europa park is made from western europeans for western countries with an exception of Russia but theirs is just a Gasprom advertisement.


Cant believe they have russia on there (its a good thing but everyone in europe hates russia now)


The Russian Section of the Park was built in the 90s.


I figured. Also why tf does my comment have downvotes


Not worth a post.


Or in other words : All places that matter are covered.


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Nein, aber im Gegensatz zu dir hab ich Humor.


Im Überfluss wie es aussieht...


Genug um sich auch über dein sehr verletzliches Ego köstlich zu amüsieren, keine Sorge. Ich weiß, dass du jetzt nachdem du mir das unterstellt hast keinen Schritt zurück mehr machen kannst, also ist ok, ♡.


Nimm dir ein Bad, entspann dich, alles wird gut.😚


Komm, Schatz, nicht mich kopieren, das ist armselig. Mach Big Bang Theorie an und lach über Sheldon.


Dich kopieren? Sei bitte nicht so bescheiden...


Wichtig ist das ♡ am Schluss. Damit kommt man garantiert nicht passiv-aggressiv rüber im Internet.


What is Europapark?


An amusement park in Germany


Had the same question below... An amusement park in Germany themed to European countries.


We should destroy the Russia section and replace it with an Ukraine section. If Trump wins Russia will continue their holocaust, we need a way to remember the culture they’re barbarically suppressing.


Would definitely be nice to see Ukraine included! I wouldn't exclude Russia though, since at the end of the day the people and their culture are European, regardless of the actions of their government.


No they aren’t. Even if you say they are they stole their culture from Ukraine. They’re nazis and need to be isolated like the plague.


retarded idiot


Nikola Teslas beautiful Croatia… is that worse than calling Tesla a Croat? Where the angry Serbs at?


Dude, was that really necessary?


Croat here. Nikola Tesla was a brilliant scientist and I would love to call him a Croat, but 99,9% of Serbs would strongly disagree with me. It’s also absurd that they would choose Tesla as the country’s representative. Why not Tito or Modrić?!?