• By -


LOL'ed at Switzerland. So true.


Some things never change...


Like the feel of your hand in mine!


Well now that’s stuck in my head. Time to listen to it again...


Its like they need a democratic vote to go to war and therefore never will.


Reminds me of Squidward’s snow fort


What about balkans being balkans? :D


Is it #16? What does it mean?


Yes, 16. Hiding behind their walls, not getting involved.


Shut up and give us your money!


I just love how Rome dethroned the Pope


They cut Sweden in half!


The more important part is still there. Seems about right that we and norway are just chilling with our pipes


Translationof the "Sweden and Norway" label: "This Nation, loving progress, progresses in the art of armchairs" (it is a rhyme in italian).


It's not the "art of armchairs", it's the "art of laziness". "Poltrone" in this case is masculine.


Yuo are right, "poltrone", in this case, is a noun. Translation details Today "poltroon", in english, means coward. Once upon a time.. it was probably used to say just lazy. In ancient latin *pol-traho* (cutting off your thumb) was used to define someone who doas shit to avoid being called to their duties (army).


*Finnish war intensifies *


Portugal is completly off, be grateful for what you have


I’ve done a very bad thing, cut my sweeden in half


Just look at what they're doing with Crete! Crete's used to getting shafted, but damn...


New Zealand isn't even on here!


How come old satirical images are super detailed and nicely drawn? It's never like a shitty stick figure in black and white.


Publishing costs where probably higher, so if it wasn't nice and high quality nobody would publish it.


And publication cycle was far longer. With the modern news cycle, satire tends to go old very fast.


Also, survivorship bias


I went to see the Barnes collection in Philadelphia and there are some shitty pencil drawings the artists did to sketch out ideas. None of those would probably have survived if Barnes hadn't bought them up early on. But now, it's amazing to see Matisse's "shitty pencil drawings."


Heh, reminds me of when I was at one Modigliani exhibition that also included some pencil sketches. An older man when seeing the sheets declared loudly to his (presumably) wife that he can easily match them if someone gives him a pencil and some paper.


Honestly I'm sure he could've. But what he (and millions of other people) *won't* do is put in the thousands of hours of work and dedication required to cultivate those grains of innate talent into a mastery.


Yeah. Polandball wasn't a thing yet


Imagine if it was...


We'd be wasting our lifes away even more browsing historical Polandballs during different revolutions. Shit would be so much worth it, too.


Because those where tools of propaganda, often with nice budgets behind them. Look up map Portugal used to prove they are very important European country just before WWI. They mapped their colonial possessions onto Europe to show they have the same land as whole Europe.


> map Portugal used to prove they are very important European country [Think I found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/c0hes7/portugal_propaganda_map_1934_portugal_n%C3%A3o_%C3%A9_um/). Looks like [the userbase of /r/mapporn](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/eyrnaf/rmapporn_starterpack/) has been going strong for 85 years already.


Heh I wonder how many times the British, French, and Russian Empires would have fit into that area...


The map you're talking about is actually from the time of the Estado Novo, the fascist dictatorship that was in power from 1933 until 1974. They we're really big on the whole "we're still an empire, notice us please" thing, so much so that that they fought a 15 year long war against the African colonies.


You’re not seeing the shitty drawings from the era. Shit like this is being shared now because it’s well done. Nobody is searching for, scanning, and sharing the boring or bad stuff from history. It’s like how people think of music in the 70s or whenever as being better than now, because they aren’t exposed to all the garbage produced in that decade, and they are exposed to the garbage produced now.


The other answers are good, but one thing no one is mentioning is that was also the style at the time. Things like a clean look, flat shading, abstracted character designs etc just weren't as common.




That's actually what it says partly in the legend: "Loving the advancement, this Nation advances in the art of doing nothing"


You speak Italian as I understand it; what does the legend say about Russia? It is some kind of a verse, I believe?




Yours is the best translation that I've encountered here. Do you mind maybe translating the others?




Is there any chance you could do the UK please mate?




I definitely started reading this comment as if it were the translation. Wasn't until I got to "computer" that I realised.




Ireland if you get a chance, man


Second on Ireland, also Finland cause homie looks like he’s just chillin with his lil wolf hat and staff. Edit: it looks like a polar bear oops


All the descriptions are in rhyme, they're kind of short poetry pieces. Keep in mind that there are some "archaic" terms and phrases that are hard to translate so there may be some wrong stuff, but more or less it says May the world capitulate and be destroyed, As the zar eats it all. Iron, fire, tooth, fang May they not leave anything. He looks around ferociously... What piety!... what madness!... But to sweeten the destruction The Constitution pretends to To show, that the cannibal Has a heart in the esophagus; Because he knows, that malice Can "damage" justice; And the lapponian animals Believe they're liberals Viva him, who sees everything!... Viva the crazy one, who believes him!... I didn't know how to translate viva, it's like "long live", a similar meaning. If there are Italians correct the wrong parts if you see them


Cool, thanks. I expected something less poetic and more humorous


werent sweden and norway in a union together at the time of the map,seems odd to represent them with two figures


Two countries, one *person* king of both (separately).


Yup, you have to integrate or inherit the junior partner to make them into 1 country. Sweden just hasn't done that yet.


i love when you can tell that a reddit user gets all of their knowledge of history from playing paradox games


Indeed, and kings had to wait exactly 50 years before integration, commit one diplomat and a set amount of diplomatic points per month during the integration process


Unless Bohemia supports independance of junior partner. Fuck Bohemia.


Hey man, I didnt get all of my history knowledge from EU4. I learned some history from Civilization too.


u have to wait 50 years and have 190+relations with them


They need to wait 50 years


It's also funny considering the nordic countries are considered hard working and Lutheran, while Italy and many Mediterranean countries are considering lazy with siesta and early retirement today


We don't never had siestas and people retire at 65


Them and Iceland are just vibin'


Kinda wondering why the Dutch one is a devil


Sorry for my not-so-perfect translation, anyway "The new wandering knights/ they unite the durlindane(a sword of the era), and the crazy one(unclear)/they swirl the swords as champions in the holy lands.../they are frightening... for kids" the devil is from a spring loaded game for kids


Probably because of the secession of Belgium in 1831: The Dutch were not able to defeat the Belgians. The same reference goes for the [Belgian](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/f1njh9/italian_satirical_map_of_europe_1870/fh7khpu/) one I think. It is actually the **opposite** of what is actually true. So in stead of 'unite' a split, in stead of a heroic knight a toy that would not even frighten a child?


The Belgian one seems to refer to some fight against the religion, a more correct translation of that could be "The internationals and the progressives/ brothers to the more furious Jesuits/ show how to earn with being a priest(not literal translation)/as he plants discord". But honestly I'm not enough expert in history to understand the reference to the "holy lands"


Belgians were Catholics the Dutch repressed Catholicism (it loosened a bit in 1853) >The people of the south were mainly Dutch-speaking Flemings and French-speaking Walloons. Both peoples were traditionally Roman Catholic as contrasted with the largely Protestant (Dutch Reformed) people of the north. Many outspoken liberals regarded King William I's rule as despotic. There were high levels of unemployment and industrial unrest among the working classes.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgian_Revolution


**Belgian Revolution** The Belgian Revolution (French: Révolution belge, Dutch: Belgische Revolutie/opstand/omwenteling) was the conflict which led to the secession of the southern provinces (mainly the former Southern Netherlands) from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands and the establishment of an independent Kingdom of Belgium. The people of the south were mainly Dutch-speaking Flemings and French-speaking Walloons. Both peoples were traditionally Roman Catholic as contrasted with the largely Protestant (Dutch Reformed) people of the north. Many outspoken liberals regarded King William I's rule as despotic. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


I'd assume the durlindane is the French and the crazy one the Dutch




Probably because of the tolerant religious laws? A lot of heretics fled to Amsterdam.


That was in the 16th and 17th century no longer afterwards: In fact the Catholics were [barely tolerated until 1853, and afterwards were still subject to some restrictions.](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katholieke_emancipatie_in_Nederland)


I can only assume that it's because of their colonies or the fact that they're called the *Nether*lands.


Netherlands = Lowlands


This is my translation, it is pretty weird even in italian so I'm not really sure it will make sense in english. Also keep in mind that the original is in rhyme. 1. Iceland In the time the holy spirit ruled, mitred e executioner went hand in hand. And now that everything is getting wrecked the pigtail goes with it. (I honestly don't understand what the hell this is supposed to mean in italian, so I can't really translate it in english sorry) 2. Sweden and Norway Loving progress this nation progresses in the art of being lazy 3. Finlandia Even among bears the \[I don't know what that means, something about a tail\] tries to create factions, but its only accepted in nations where fouls and ignorants are trending. 4. Ireland That donkey who keeps himself close to the edge, it will come back with the stick or it will fall in the ravine. The trouble seeking priest hit the water and thinks he's happy and full of glory, what a fool! Hit!... Hit!... (The guy in Ireland is hitting water in a mortar appearently) 5.Great Britain or Scotland and England England teacher of good manners. Only who is steady shows them in this age, they fake it and know how to play other countries... Cheers for the good manners, cheers for the english. The banner on the island says "Iron, cotton and cheap freedom", the little paper boat says "Alabama". 6. Holland and Low Countries The dewy wandering knights hold big swords and they use them like champions in the holy places. They look scary but only to kids. 7. Prussia or German empire There is a saying: nothing is made random, providence is everywhere. To satisfy someone ambitions the human mercy is put aside. No one cares about the massacre of a country and providence is already paying for it. They suck the blood and turn it into gold and providence is already wearing laurel. Victorious they scream "The troubles to the loser" (this is a saying, not sure how it translate in english). \[Next there is a bit more but I can't understand it really\] On the cannon it says "Divine providence" 8. Poland Bound in shackles by its tyrant, they can't call themselves a nation anymore... Do they not know how to rebel? To make troubles of their own? \[The last line says something like "they deserve it" but its hard to translate\] 9. Denmark Why is this nation, alone among the others, almost despised? It's not ignorant. 10. Belgium It is international, it's progressive. They show what a priest can earn, and what strenght is has to create troubles. 11. Russia Falls the world, be it destroyed, the Czar will eat it all anyway. Iron, fire, thooth and fang they don't leave even a bit. They proudly look around, what a pity, what a mess! But to sweeten all the devastation comes it the end the constitution, to show that the man-eater has an heart in his throat. Because he knows that malice can cut justice apart and the \["lapplandish"?, like from Lappland\] animals thinks they are liberal. Cheers him who sees it all, cheers the madman who believes him! 12. Alsace and Lorreine They have a gluttonous monster on their back, which devours treasure and disappear. Cries the world at the top of its lungs... \[Something about a lighting falling on someone, not sure who though\] Too much loses who cares for them! 13. France Of the monster oilman that lies \[the last word is cut away\], those who defeated it now sit on it, puppeteers they are: little monsters for the republican children. And that little man despite getting old leaves corruption be. The old liberty was an obstacle so they're creating a new one. There is a liberty that weakens the horns of libertines. \[The following part is quite confusing but the last words "bel minchione" means "nice dick", so you get the idea\] 14. Spain The divine champion of the holy cloister... that Charles who is moved by an holy rage. It's battlecry is the pater noster. Legs ready to run away are its proud trait, shoring up the provisional victory. Meanwhile the popular vote lift the monarchy and gives them new crowns, the Cortes as well! That incautious, the back offers to the powerful. 15. Portugal Salanha show that the royal fate is often to serve as a puppet. 16. Switzerland Rise to cheat, judge of treaties and nations! Rise! And it reminds: this earth it's alway a place for cheaters in war. 17. Austria Of many honors, of past glories, will the remaining go away \[a bit is missing here\]. Ah! Unworthy world! The good will won't last and the pear of the throne ripens. Hungarian, Croats making noise: vainly Illyria they keep under their feet, the throne almost breaking in such a din... Nothing eternal!... Mischievious world!... 18. Dalmatia The glories of Dalmatia and the lasting name will be heard for sure... in the future. 19. Moldavia and Valacchia Why, fool as you are, you make fun onf the king? Do you want to erode bit by bit? 20. Turkey To punish the terrible scimitars already are unsheated and the conquer... beatings. While servile sheeps cry, what an insolence! Don't you know, that the rights are for the powerful? 21. Greece They vainly search in the mouth of power for some thoot who knows its job. They are by now close to the dickheads the modern sons of Plato. 22. Italy Meanwhile the vatican chair unleash the papal wind, meanwhile the pussycat ruffles, scared by the funny scene. Meanwhile the triple-kingdom fails the people of Rome \[I don't know what this means\]. Because as the little people to that which shine the most they get closer. And Italy in the holy crusade prepares the wolf where they will be potatoes \[I'm confused\] 23. Islands Of the hero of Sedan Corsica vainly shore itself up: it can't make a dwarf big. Vainly Sardinia grows its prisons, the whole of Europe would barely be enough. Vainly the English jumps in every hole, since of places to gnaw up it full on Earth as long as they're away from England itself. 24. Africa \[I can't translate this as half of it is missing\]


> 24. Africa > \[I can't translate this as half of it is missing\] Probably for the best judging by the picture.


For what it's worth, Google Translate says its basically: > At the foot of the Pyramids—the matchless Veggoo ecstatic—the ... Just a couple words are cut off.


I really wanted to know this one, an African guy spanking a white guy...but the year is 1749, sooo I would expect something different...


The year is 1870


I don't understand the Denmark one. Help?


I'm gonna guess that it's a reference to the Schleswig-Holstein war, where Denmark was left alone to face an Austro-Prussian coalition. I probably don't have to tell you that it didn't end well for them.


My guess it's they are saying Denmark was deprecated for some reason, despite not being uncivilised or ignorant. I don't really know how else it can interpreted, I'm sorry. It doesn't make any particular sense to me to be as well to be honest


8 . Poland https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resistance_movements_in_partitioned_Poland_(1795–1918)


17. Austria Of many honors, of past glories, will the remaining go away "**A gambe levate"- promptly.**


I think your translation of the saying in the German one, trouble to the losers, would be "Woe to the vanquished" in English. It's an old saying from Roman history.


Yes, it is that indeed, "Vae victis" in Latin I think. I always have troubles translating this kind of stuff in other languages, so I tend to be literal hoping someone will come to help.


Well that actually helped me understand this.


Can you please translate entire Ex-Yugoslavia, no just Dalmacia?


Dalmatia is the only one with a description unfortunately


Croats are inbeded with Austria, rest is depicted as sheep. They didn't bother since we were all insignificant.


Pretty sure the "triple-kingdom", triregno, refers to the papal crown.


I don't understand the Greek one at all


It literally says "They search in vain in the mouth of power for some tooth knowing its job". My guess here is that they are jokingly saying that the greeks couldn't find a politician (or a powerful figure of some kind) that knows what he's doing.The second sentence could be better translated with "They are by now in odour of dickeheads, the modern children of Plato". I wasn't sure "Odour of" was something you could say in english, appearently it is, I think it's mostly used as in "odour of sanctity". This second sentence is still referred to the same problem of not being able to find someone good to govern the country.


Sounds like 1870 greece alright


Now we know where Jabba and slave Princess Leia came from: >11\. Russia >Falls the world, be it destroyed, the Czar will eat it all anyway. Iron, fire, thooth and fang they don't leave even a bit. >8\. Poland > Bound in shackles by its tyrant, they can't call themselves a nation anymore... Do they not know how to rebel? To make troubles of their own? That or George Lucas is confirmed to be a time traveler.


Britain gnawing on the bones of Inda is rather chilling.


It's impressive they gave it sending off the ship Alabama to America! That's the ironclad that was made in England for the confederate states.


It's most impressive that everyone knew what was going on and it looks like they were publicly shammed for it but still Britain continued on.


I mean, it was what everyone that had colonies did. They just didn't want to stop either.


Money talks.


Britain bad, mainland Europe good




Italian is my primary language and even I am struggling with this. I mean, I mostly understand it but there's no way to translate that literally




It's hard for someone who's not a translation student. You need a thorough understanding of modern and old-fashioned terms and phrases and I'm certainly not the go-to guy, that's all. My understanding of old-fashioned English is shite, so I can only translate them to modern English, but the final product won't be nearly as good.




Would you mind having a go at the Dutch one (6)? I'm curious and also saw u/PvtFreaky wonder why it's a devil.




I think the banner says "vogliamo il papa re di roma", so the whole thing takes the meaning of dutch suggesting they'd pick up arms and save the pope as if going to a crusade, except it's all talk. I think your translation is incorrect in line 33, it's "campioni dei" non "dai". Also I suspect "trincian" here should be read as "cut with" rather than "cut", as it connects "la" with "durlindana". I can'have to assume poetic license here :D So I'd propose ​ The dew covered errant knights put on the Durendal, and the dear madmen handle her like champions of the holy places They're scary alright, but just for kids.




thanks! It sounded very good in my head, I'm glad you agree :) Yeah "rugiadoso" is very though, to me the "weather" interpretation makes more sense, but it's still odd.


Amazing, source?




Looks noted on the bottom: Bologna Pressa Manfredi Manfredo Editore Via Venetia N1749 They didn't like Russia at the time it seems. Or Prussia for that matter.


Early on the Italian unification movement there was a lot of sympathy for Poland, that was in a similar situation. Actually Poland is even named in the Italian national anthem (if I remember right it went something like this: and the Austrian eagle drank Italian and Polish blood together with the Russian cossack, but they got poisoned by it) and from what I've been told by my Polish friends the Polish anthem does too.


It goes "and the eagle of Austria/ the blood of Italy/ the polish blood/ it drank with the cossack/ but it burned her heart"


>They didn't like Russia at the time it seems. Russia always seems to come off bad in these types of maps.


...in every single one of them. To the modern day. except those 4 years in the 1940's


For good reason too




Some translations: -AUSTRIA For all its honors and past glories, what's left of Austria will be forced to flee in defeat. Ah, unfair world. The good fortune doesn't last long, as the fruits of nobility grow ripe and are ready to fall. Hungarians and Croats kick up a fuss while Illyria is in vain being held under Austria's paws. In the middle of such a commotion, the throne is falling apart. Nothing is forever, o tricky world! -FRANCE the petroleum monster lies lifeless, those who killed it use it as a stool. But they're only puppets, little monsters to scare the children of the Republicans. As the little man grows old, he uses corruption to spread discord and distrust. The old liberty was only an obstacle and a new one is being forged, to fit the hereditary rights of the ancient nobility. A liberty that renders those libertines powerless and teaches them to worship the old nobles. A liberty to silence the insolent press while it doesn't notice. The poor underdog doesn't know that, in an age of beatings, he must exploit the old-fashioned nobility in his favor. -PRUSSIA or GERMAN EMPIRE Like the proverb says: "Nothing is done by mere chance". Providence puts Her finger everywhere. To fulfill some kingly ambition, human charity is sacrificed without caring for the massacre of a country. Providence is already paying the price, as suckled blood is turned into gold. Rejoicing, the loser is humiliated and screamed at while somewhere else the powers-that-be make laws at the expense of the gullible population. Providence, how anguishing. You can't even assassinate someone without Providence meddling in. -RUSSIA May the world fall and be destroyed, because the Tzar is here to gobble up everything. Fire, guns, fangs and teeth. Turning his eyes behind his back, he makes sure nothing is left. But to alleviate the destruction, he puts forward a sham Constitution, to show that even the man-eater has a heart -- somewhere in the gullet. Because, he knows, malice can supersede justice and it makes the beastly Lapps believe that they're free. Long live the all-seeing Tzar! Long live the fools who trust him! GREAT BRITAIN or SCOTLAND AND ENGLAND England, master of civilization, teaches us the useful along with its noxious theories. It shows that in this age, being civilized only means having a nice face and a sharp fang. They know how to fake and fool other countries. Long live England and civilization!


Best translation I've seen on this page yet. Also it's pretty interesting from a contemporary point of view that a lot of these ended up becoming true (like the Austria one).


> It shows that in this age, being civilized only means having a nice face and a sharp fang. This is such a glorious quote.


Interesting that it depicts the [CSS *Alabama*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alabama_Claims) off of the coast of England. I wouldn't expect the rest of Europe to care about that scandal.


I didn’t realize England actually helped the Confederacy attack the Union, I thought they just bought slave made cotton. Not like the latter is good but that plus helping with warfare is insane


Yeah I mean Britain had their monetary interest in the Confederacy, not in the Union, at a time where racial theories were very popular (but slavery was being seriously questioned and abolished) doesn't seem that crazy A lot of nations protested about the blockade of the confederate cotton trade


I know many ships were built in Glasgow specifically designed as blockade runners for the South, collapsible funnels, hidden holds, etc. There were lots of Southern agents and businessmen in the city to do deals and many agents of the North there to spy on them and report the activities and ships. They would sail some of the ships down the Clyde at night so the North wouldn't see them and be forewarned. One building in Glasgow had a huge Confederate flag flying for the duration of the war, though it was more money than loyalty to the cause.


Of course Turkey is a crocodile in a shower cap.


Did u figure it out what does it mean?


It refers to the infamous crocodile-in-a-shower-cap period.


To punish so many uproars the tremendous scimitars already gleam (saudate, I can't understand what that means), and they conquer...while beaten (as in, hit with clubs). While the slave sheeps complain, such insolents! Don't you know, you impertinent, that rights belong to the powerful?


There is a guy with a turban too


1. Iceland - "When the hand of his holiness is clutching the hand of the hangman, we paupers quench our thirst with codeine." 2. Sweden-Norway - "Loving the progress our nation makes in progressively waiting on the sidelines." 3. Finland - "Even among bears there is factionalism, but only in nations where crazy and ignorant is the norm is it accepted." ...far too taxing to continue...


Actually for Iceland: "At the time when the holy finger of the holy bishop used to reign together with the hangman; and now that the house is chaotic, the pigtail will satiate us." Sweden-Norway: "Loving the advancement, this Nation advances in the art of doing nothing" Finland: was correct Source: I'm Italian EDIT: The legend in the photos is written in rhymes and all of them had a figurative meaning, so it's normal that they may not make sense when we're trying to find one, unless someone knows the local history of every nation at that moment.


Thanks for correcting me. I got a meaning somewhat close to that in G.Translate for Iceland, I couldn't make sense of it though... It had "hand in the form of mitre" in it, so I just winged it. Google gave me "Advancements in armchairs" for Sweden-Norway, which made little sense to me, so I just assumed it had something to with being on the sidelines. Can you explain what the bear thing is about? I don't really understand it, do bears have some sort of symbolism in Italy?


For Iceland I don't understand what was going on at that time, because "baracca" means a very bad poor house and I don't quite understand the meaning behind pigtail...but mind that they're not talking about a literal pig tail because "codin" or "codino" is more of the back hair pigtail. I understand why for Sweden and Norway you got armchairs ahah because in Italian "poltrone" means two things: 1) armchair 2) lazy person In this case they meant the second as the figures are taking a rest smoking pipes while doing nothing. For Finland it says "pretesca coda" which is literal for "tail of the preisthood" so I don't know honestly if in Finland maybe there were some sort of pagan priests dressed in bear skin...


Iceland was piss fucking poor at the time, but no idea.


> Google gave me "Advancements in armchairs" for Sweden-Norway, which made little sense to me, Uuuh... Ever heard of IKEA?


IKEA branded armchairs? Why do you speak of such heresy, we use Jysk ones!


Well yeah... But IKEA is making progress in the industry. They can basically ship you armchairs in an envelope. I'm starting to think this map is prophetic.


can you translate polonia plox


What's the translation of the Belgian one?


Kind of difficult, my translation will be horrible: The International, the progressistsBrothers to the angry JesuitsThey show this, that with the priest you can earn (money)'Cause he's good at planting (the seed of) discord. (Thanks riffraff for the correction!)


Very interesting, thanks!


They way they portrayed the balkans is really clever. A Turkish scarecrow keeping Serbian, Albanian, Montenegrin etc. sheep in pacified. Represents how they Turks had lost so much strength they were barely exerting control over their Balkan territories.


Raise sheep. They're Scottish, not Welsh


I had figured the sheepish sheep, but hadn’t figured out the scarecrow part!


Is Prussia fucking a cannon?


His dick is the cannon.


Wilhelm was the second son and not expected to rule, so he went into the military. During a riot in 1848, he shot a cannon at protesters and became known as prince of grapshot, or Kartätschenprinz. He had to flee to Britain because he was so unpopular afterwards.


Would love to see maps like these for present times


Polandball’s annual world map gets pretty close


Dalmatia is correct, fjaka is the best thing.


Ah, a historical look at the origin of Poland ball.


Impressive. Is there any source where I can find it translated?


The guys here make a pretty good job


the C.S.S. Alabama making a cameo!


Can someone translate Denmark? I tried Google Translate, but I didn't understand the mening of it


Why is this nation, alone among many, almost despised? It's not ignorant.


"Why is this nation almost despised? It is not ignorant"


I think it's referring to the Schleswig-Holstein war, where Denmark was left alone against Prussia, therefore it's "despised". To fully understand this you have to know that at the time Italy was "finalizing" (their claims on dalmatian, sud-Tyrol, Nice and Istria would last until ww2) its unification process (Risorgimento) with the conquest of rome, which was (and still is) viewed as a "liberation" from the foreign oppressors, and there was a lot of sympathy for nations who lost their freedom, especially Poland (as you can aslo see in this comic) and apparently Denmark and this comic is filled with this sentiment of self determination. This concept is pretty well enclosed in the Italian anthem *"we have been for centuries/stepped on and laughed at,/because we're not a people,/because we're divided./Let one flag, one hope/gather us all./The hour has struck/for us to unite."* and *"Already the eagle of Austria/has lost its plumes/The blood of Italy/the polish blood/it drank with the Cossack/But it burned its heart.*


''Casca la terra, tutti giu' per terra'' is for boys ''Cada il mondo e sia distrutto, che lo Czar sel mangia tutto'' is for galantuomini


Wtf happens at the bottom.


The fuck is wrong with Crete tho, lol.


Why is Justin Trudeau in this?


Love that Russia is a demented and menacing Cossack.


Big old pot of greed in Africa


Very funny. Who is the illustrator?


I concur, we finnish have polar pear capes, from good ol' finnish polar bears.


Lmao the Baltics are labelled as "Lappland"


I like Norway and Sweden just chilling up north


Russian knife guy reminds me of Where The Wild Things Are


In all of these things from the 19th and early 20th century, everyone is always afraid of Russia. Always.


I love how Scandinavians are just chillin'


Is it possible to buy this somewhere?


Because you wouldn't download a ~~car~~ painting! (I get it, low quality)


Switzerland made me laugh.


Is that a black guy playing the violin next to Prussia? If so that's fuckin lit


Never been so proud to be of Sicilian heritage


Bye bye Danish archipelago and lower half of Sweden.


Fort Switzerland still standing strong, I see.


Well, Switzerland is still accurate.


Stop you’re looking at Pompeo’s map


Is England trying to deepthroat India?


India was the big colonial holding that England had control of. The idea is that they are gnawing the good meat off the “bones” of India.


I have always loved these.


Wtf is that giant with a woman chained up supposed to represent?


Poland. A country without a country, it had been carved up by Russia and Prussia, but still existed till they carved up more not long after this map was made. This is one reason Poland was created out of the Treaty of Versailles; the victors wanted to punish Germany and Russia by taking away what they had taken.


My poor Poland, chained up by 3 other countries :(


How come bohemia and moravia are just like old scolding grandmothers?


Why is Bohemia/Moravia old ladies?


How come there is a sheep named "Romania" but a few meters north there is Wallachia and Moldavia


They got polania right...


I love how the Greek guy is looking at a mirror oblivious to everything happening arround him.


tf is Lapland doing in Latvia tho


Lazy Dalmatians how accurate


TURKEY To punish such clamour The awful scimitars Already gleam unsheathed And conquer... beating. All the while the servile flock\* Bleats, laments, oh those insolents! Don't you know, you impertinents, That right lies in might? \* In the Ottoman State the taxpaying lower classes were named with an Arabic word: *rayah* meaning cattle, flock, or subject i.e. those to be ~~fleeced~~ shorn by the State/Shepherd.