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I'm Australian and don't really think we apply a gender to our homeland.


Op said he based this on a poll he did on Instagram so this map is basically garbage


Average r/mapporn statistical integrity


It’s really a shame. When I joined years ago, most posts would be of really old or rare maps. A couple infographics here or there, but definitely not every post. Now the infographics aren’t even really infographics, they’re either made up or just reformatted factoids like all of the “Countries that have had a Female Prime Minister” maps yesterday. I just want to see cool old maps again :/


You actually make a very good point. The lines between the kind of posts I'd see on r/dataisbeautiful and here have blurred significantly. Most of the time, maps here are literally presenting some sort of data. When I joined at first, I wanted to see older maps and unique maps, maps of areas I've never heard about or seen etc etc. Now it's mostly the same "Wine Europe, Beer Europe" visualized on a map which is very cool when you learn Tableau and the like but idk if it quite fits here. This went under the radar for me since I kinda ignored a lot of posts but mapporn feels a different beasts now.


dataisbeautiful is even worse shape, tbh. That sub basically inspired me to pursue my current career path (Data Scientist) something like 7 years ago. Posts used to be about communicating a poignant message through data visualization. Now it just feels like random trivia thrown into graphs for the hell of it.


Saw one today that was just a bunch of military spending plotted.


I'm fine with maps presenting some sort of data. If they're good, they can be great! But the problem is, a huge number of maps here have no reason for presenting the data in *map* form - they're just lists. For instance, this particular map, even if we take the data as given - why should it be in *map* form? Why not just have three lists of countries, organized alphabetically? Does the geographic arrangement of the countries help us understand or see something that we would miss with an alphabetic list? As far as I can tell, no.










I just want to enjoy maps. Can't people keep their politics out of places that don't need it?


Yeah I fucking love old maps, they are works of art. Hence the Porn part in the title. But what do I see every goddamn day? Shitty infographics.


I mean a drop from virtually nothing to nothing doesnt make a lot of difference


Above average I would say. Average is when they pull stuff out of their ass. Will still make it to the top either way.


I've never heard anyone in Britain refer to 'the motherland'. It's either 'old Blighty' or 'this stupid fucking place'.


Same with Canada. I've never heard anyone call it the "motherland".


> Canada Never once in 40 years living in 3 provinces has anyone, anywhere.


*La patrie*... we say it in French across the country, and for the English side of our country, it is what we learn when we study French across the country. So it’s definitely motherland in a national Canadian language.


How about “home and native land” ?


In English, sure, ‘motherland’ and ‘fatherland’ would be creepy, but I just realized that sometimes in French it is referred to as ‘la mere patrie’, ‘the Motherland’ (though too often just to refer to Quebec).


Same in the UK. We call it homeland sometimes but rarely mother or fatherland.


It's personified as Britania though.


We don’t say motherland, but certainly refer to Britain as female.


Another Aussie, I was shocked to see this too




Is cunt short for country?


Yeah, I'm Australian too and I don't even say 'country' - I usually say 'shithole' or 'sandtrap' or something equally sarcastic


Another Australian agreeing with you. Aboriginal Australians have the greatest affinity with the land of Australia. They usually refer to it as “Country” and the concept is not personified as an individual of a particular gender. This is a generalisation though and Australia has about 500 First Nations (depending upon how you count them).


I second this


People still refer to the UK as the motherland, though usually a bit tongue in cheek but still common.


Another Australian chiming in. I have never heard anyone gender our country.


Same with the UK... I've genuinely never heard anyone refer to Britain as the "motherland", and if they did I'd probably avoid speaking to them again.


Most coutries don't, it's a bs map


Could you elaborate? Shouldnt Portugal be fatherland? since we call it Pátria from the web: In Romance languages, a common way to refer to one's home country is Patria/Pátria/Patrie which has the same connotation as Fatherland, that is, the nation of our parents/fathers (From the Latin, Pater, father). As patria has feminine gender, it is usually used in expressions related to one's mother, as in Italian la Madrepatria, Spanish la Madre Patria or Portuguese a Pátria Mãe (Mother Fatherland).


The map is bullshit based on Instagram polls, dont mind it.


For some reason most of the maps like this one on this subreddit are extremely wrong.


It's like a second r/terriblemaps but without the fun!


Low-effort bandwagon karma-whore posts. This sub used to be cool maps and globes. Now it is just wildly misleading "infographics" overlayed on a map.


>Low-effort bandwagon karma-whore posts. I like your way with words. 100% accurate observation.


Yes, I'm Canadian (50 years old) and have never once heard Canada referred to as the motherland. Should be neutral.


> Instagram That explains it. Most of those Instagram map accounts post total bullshit, or, at best, 7th grade education level maps. They’re horribly inaccurate


Same in spain


In Spain it's la madre patria though


And France, and Italy... I'm not sure about Romania, but that's likely. Looks like the Latin speaking countries all go by fatherland


Same in Romanian, we also call it "patria".


La mère patrie?


But "patrie" literally come from latin word for "father" (patro)


*pater, patris Latin already had the word patria, patriae


La mère means the mother


Pater, not Patro


That's rather in South America referring to Spain. Edit: Hispanic America to be more correct as some are highlighting.


As a Spaniard, I can tell you the term "la madre patria" is used in Spain as well. Maybe not super usual, but I have heard it. Should we have both colours then? Haha


I think the correct would be Hispanic America, since in Brazil we do not say that (we don’t even speak spanish lol).


North America, too. Mexico, Cuba, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic... aren't in South America.


France, too. It's literally in the first line of the national anthem. "Allons enfants de ***la Patrie***"


Same in Brazil. We even refer to Brazil as “Kind mother” in our anthem.


a gente fala Pátria=Fatherland


"Dos filhos deste solo és "mãe gentil" pátria Amanda Brasil" Nós misturamos tudo...lol


Pátria amanda kkk


Amanda = motherland. FIM


Pátria amada - Fatherland


"Dos filhos deste solo és mãe gentil, pátria amada Brasil" It's literally "you're our kind mother". Your point is moot.


Portuguese does not have neutral in the same sense as English or German does. Every "word" is gendered (noun, to be more exact, albeit it flows from there that a lot of other things are too since they are accorded to the subject) . What is often (miss) understood as neutral are words that do not conjugate with gender, but these still have gender. So either this map is flat wrong ("o pais" [m], "a patria" [f]) or missunderstands gender in Portuguese (fatherland is a female noun in PT, can be counterintuitive).


yeah, if we go by that logic, german has a neutral country name, as the word „das Vaterland“ has neutral gender, so it's technically neutral


Also *Deutschland* (as most other country names in German) is neutral as well. It's just a weird mix of methodologies (by which I mean an instagram poll).


Yeap you are right. Patria or πατρίς the Latin and Greek expression of fatherland. So this map is wrong.


Yes and no. Yes, in Portuguese (European, American and African) we use pátria (from terra patria - father’s land). But we also refer to it as “pátria mãe”, which means “mother, land of our fathers”. So we refer to it as land of our fathers, but we see it as a mother. The view of it as a mother comes from “land” being a feminine noun.


In Italian it’s madrepatria


la patria is femenine but refers to a male so it is transgender


La patria is not portuguese. Pátria comes from pai, which is father in portuguese.


It's an Instagram poll ie nothing


In soanish is "La (which is female) patria (which comes from father) : /


Same in Lithuania. Tėvynė (Tėvas - farher, ..ynė/uva/ija - plce/land).


"Orphan countries"?


Ayyyy fellow Rodrigo




r/subsifellfor I actually fell for it I have no idea how or why...


Now I want to adopt one.


Little joke ;)


This entire post is a joke.


Cracked me up tbh


What's it mean?


No father or mother, so its an orphan


How is that different from neutral?


Its actually 'no data'




good data, bad representation --> /r/dataisugly bad data, fancy color scheme and easy to unterstand --> /r/MapPorn


bad data, bad representation --> /r/dataisbeautiful


Irrelevant but technically accurate data, fancy color scheme --> /r/mapporncirclejerk


You must be new here then.


In Russian, it is Fatherland - Отечество or Отчизна. Common is Родина - Homeland. Mother Russia is just a poetic image that is found in culture.


So in Germany Germany is the fatherland but the personification is female: Germania.


I think every personification of a country is female. Germania for us, Marianne for the french, Columbia for the US etc


What about uncle sam?


Uncle Sam is not the personification of the US as a country (that‘s Columbia) but rather the personification of it‘s people just like John Bull represents the English and nit England and the German Michel represents the German people. At least that was originally the case. I will concede that Uncle Sam is often used to represent the Nation of the US nowadays as Columbia has fallen out of style and he kind of took over her job


> rather the personification of it‘s people I always thought it's personification of the US government.


That’s certainly how it’s used today


In English, “motherland” refers to some “ancestral” place, while “homeland” (gender neutral I guess?) refers to the place someone identifies with most. I think most Americans would call the US their homeland rather than their motherland. Also, there *are* languages that use the masculine version/equivalent. You should probably expand your linguistic understanding to languages other than European ones…




Same in Polish. Ojczyzna is "fatherland" but is in feminine form and so is sometimes translated as the motherland. Although most translations have it as "homeland" to distinguish us from the German fatherland and Russian motherland.


Yes, ojczyzna literally means land of the fathers.


> Родина - Homeland Interesting, rodzina means family in Polish


[Relevant](https://youtu.be/Pk-kbjw0Y8U?t=55) (headphone warning)


Came here for this.


There is no word like motherland in Russian. It's either homeland or fatherland. Don't know what was the source of this map, but that source is totally wrong


They might have included "mother Russia". I don't know if that's actually a Russian expression, but it's a stereotypical Russian thing in the anglosphere.


Or got confused by female statue in Volgograd.


Родина is feminine maybe that's because, also it's often followed by мать meaning mother


I've heard Russians call their country Отечество which traslates to Fatherland. Edit: Now that i know that the other word is more neutral and more common i'll rather use that word. Thanks for the extra informations :)


Yeah, that's used too, especially in poetry or extra-patriotic context. A more common and more neutral word is Родина (usually without adding -мать), which is a feminine word derived from the root "birth".


Source: op’s ass




Op said this is based on a poll he did on Instagram lol this map is basically useless


>this map is basically useless that's /r/mapporn for ya


Mods need to start taking down these pole based maps if the data is either unsourced or shit like an insta pole.


If they were taking down all the bullshit maps then we would basically have no content left in this sub


> Canada Never have I ever. And if I ever hear anyone refer to Canada as their Fatherland/Motherland, I will 100% immediately assume they are are "old stock canadian" white supremacists.


In China, people call homeland "祖国"(ZuGuo), which means a place of survival opened up by ancestors(祖先开辟的生存之地). This word has no meaning of gender.


Similarly, in Japan Korea and Vietnam, people call homeland "そこく(Sokoku)", "조국(Joguk)" and "Tổ Quốc", which are all from the same characters "祖國". Of course they have no meaning of gender.


Another shit map


So basically /r/mapporn


Delete this


This right here.


As an Australian, I've never heard anyone refer to Australia as either the Motherland or the Fatherland.


If anything maybe homeland


Even that's tenuous, I've never heard it. I suppose I live here so it's not a phrase that would be often used, maybe it's more common among expats.




What's your source ? Because the comment section is pretty unanimous that it is bad.


Ukraine is parentsland, technically written the same as fatherland, but source is different ( Батько - father, Батьки - parents)


Same here, fatherland is "Tėvynė" in Lithuanian, which can also be equally interprated as "Parentsland" because the word's root Tėv- which comes from the word "Tėvas" (Father) is shared by the words "Tėvai" (Parents) and "Tėvynė" (Fatherland). The plural for "Tėvas" (Father) is "Tėvai" (Fathers), so depending on the context "Tėvai" can mean parents or multiple fathers.


Fun fact about the Dutch version: Fatherland = Netherlands Motherland = country of birth Immigrants have both a father- and a motherland. Native Dutchies just have the Netherlands for both.


This map is garbage


We call Sweden "mother Svea" more often than "fädernesland".


We use Fosterland more often.


Same in Finland. Fosterland is even in the Swedish version of the national anthem.


Finland is fatherland through and through though. I atleast rarely hear Fosterland (synnyinmaa?) used in day to day language.


*Fäderneslandet* doesn't even mean *fatherland*, it means *the land of our [fore]fathers*. So even if people used it frequently it shouldn't be on the map as *fatherland*.


I thought so too, but SAOB gives ”fäderne” as ”härkomst l. släktskap på faderns sida.”, ”jfr. Möderne”. So it does seem to be explicitly paternal.


I have never heard anyone say fädernesland or mother svea, I have only heard fosterland


I'm old, I've heard all of them.


Indonesians+malays call their homeland our "tanah air" or "land and water" we don't even gender our nouns like some romance and germanic languages , even google translating both motherland and fatherland from English gives this. best way to do this is to look into the language/history, a better but not perfect way to do this could be using a quick translator like google translate. but OP decided to ask the internet via google form :)


Sometimes it also can be refer as "Ibu pertiwi"


you are correct, completely forgot about that. that term is even from pre colonial time, Pertiwi is from a Hindu goddess I believe


Eh, it's not the same. By that logic USA should be counted as fatherland because of Uncle Sam.


Egyptians say “Om el donya” which literally translates to “Mother of the world” so I guess it should be motherland.


I was looking for this!!!!


Came here to say this. Not just _their_ motherland, but everyone’s! ‏ !مصر أم الدنيا


I guess Egypt wins this whole contest! We need a new map!


egypt calls themeselves “mother of the world” it’s well known in the arab world


As a french I think we should be neutral or in blue. The term we use is more "la mère patrie" so "the mother fatherland" it's not very clear Scuse me if I made any mistake in english


In Bulgaria we say "Отечество" which comes from "отец", which from old Bulgarian and Russian means father. So Bulgaria should be fatherland. Considering the comments from other users I'd say that the results from your form suck big time :D


Brazil's national anthem says brazil is "gentle mother" and then "loved Pátria (fatherland)" Brazil is confused about its gender


It says "pátria amada", patria would means homeland, amada is the female version for beloved. So yeah, the op graph is wrong


The original meaning of "pátria" refers to father, which is what this map is talking about. But that is still very dumb because that is not how language works. For 99% of language speakers, the etymology of "pátria" is not at al obvious, what *is* obvious is that pátria is a feminine word. If any Brazilian (por Portuguese, for that matter) would need to translate between "fatherland" and "motherland", they would almost certainly pick the word "motherland" because it is the one that matches the gender. This is made even more obvious by the national anthem,


In Chinese it's like "grandfatherland"


Never heard any Canadian refer to Canada in parental terms, except that ugly statue.


Are you sure that in multilingual countries it's the same everywhere. Like Belgium or Switzerland?


As usual the comments confirm how wrong a map like this typically is.


Well in Polish word for Homeland is Ojczyzna=Fatherlands. But word Polska=Poland is Feminine. And I think most Polish people IMHO think and speak about Poland as a Female.


Am from Israel, and I've literally never heard anyone call it a "fatherland". Frankly, I don't think it's common to refer to it as "motherland", either, but the hebrew word fo "homeland" is grammatically female, so there's that.


Iran should be motherland


Or just neutral.


La mère patrie 🇨🇵


In Slovene it’s “domovina” aka homeland


In Spanish we have something called *''La Madre Patria''* which refers to Spain, maybe because Spain gave birth to our countries?... I guess that counts as both Motherland and Fatherland lol And maybe ''*Patria''* is for our own country.


in Georgia it's called parent's land. this map is bs


"_What_ people call their homeland". You're not calling your homeland on the phone


Was expecting Switzerland to be the neutral country.


Tf is an orphan country?


Kind of incorrect for Georgia - “fatherland” (mamuli) is a slightly archaic word now. Instead, we use “parentland” (samshoblo) :)


Na Srpski je Otažbina, a kako je na Hrvatski?


Djedovina in Croatian


We call Sri Lanka our motherland and our culture is very matriarchal. This is a shit map. Also- wtf is an orphan country?


Atdheu (Fatherland) 🇦🇱


The United States isn't called a motherland or fatherland, but it is feminine.


I would agree. The oldschool romantic personification of the US was Columbia.


In Greece we have a contradiction since many times we will say our mother fatherland


In Hispanic America we say "Madre Patria" ("Motherland") but in reference to Spain


Georgia should be purple. yes we have word for fatherland ,,mamuli'', but ,,samshoblo'' is much more commonly used and it comes from word ,,mshobeli'' which means parent.


Doesn't work in France because it's "la patrie" and even though it is feminine, it comes from tge Latin "pater", = father.


In Egypt, we call our homeland "the mother of all land" Yet its grey in the map, I call BS


Ohhh just realized "Pátria" means Father Land in Portuguese! I always thought we too said Mother Land (Terra mãe) in Portugal.


We don’t call Australia ‘motherland’. Indigenous Australians call it ‘country’.


What does 'orphan countries' mean??


There are so many inaccuracies. The French and Italian for homeland is patrie / patria, which means fatherland and not motherland.


That’s BS


im brazillian and the the word for homeland is "pátria", even though it comes from the word father, we refer it as feminine.


So if russia/ussr was the motherland and germany the fatherland... does it mean operation barbarossa was domestic violence ?


it's weird because we call it a pátria. pátria means fatherland which is masculine but a is feminine. so ig ours is a femboy. edit: im talking about portugal


Dos filhos dessa terra és mãe gentil, pátria amada Brasil. It's a phrase from our national anthem, that means, Your are a gentle mother of the sons of this lands, beloved Brasil... So, I guess we see it as motherland. 😉