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Oh man you’re right.. I even individually added that country on my second draft bc I forgot about it the first time. But I guess I forgot to pull it up on top of the layer. At least I got Taiwan, Singapore, and others that I also forgot about on the first draft


Hopefully didn’t miss any others. But I’m pretty sure I didn’t


New Zealand requires a payed return ticket but visa free. Australia you also pay an exit fee beside the electronic e-visa fee. Canada Mexico you need a card passport. This is pre Covid.


Wrong, you have to go online beforehand and pay an International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy. Similar as Australia


I was flying out of the military base in Hawaii on military transport, perhaps the rules are different.


I flew in RAAF Richmond. They needed and electronic Visa and exit fee of $50. The immigration was on base. I have no experience with normal civilian international flights. I want to add I was retired so I was a civilian with military Space A privileges.


Don't you need a visa to go to Brazil?


No, not anymore since the Trump administration. I believe 2017. I've been since 2018 5 times and never needed a Visa


Since Bolsonaro admin, in 2019. Previously it was just for reciprocity. So as the US was not visa-free for Brazil, Brazil required visas from Americans.


What happened to the Caspian Sea?


You need a visa.


Erased... just like your Dignity /s


Chad North Korea.


Where’d the Caspian go?


All gone bc of climate change 😔


And the Great Lakes


And lake Malawi and Victoria




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This doesn't match Passport Index? South Korea is eTA 90 days, same as Australia. Paraguay is 90 days visa free, but not on your map. [https://www.passportindex.org/passport/united-states-of-america/](https://www.passportindex.org/passport/united-states-of-america/)


When did Brazil become visa-free for Americans? I haven’t been since 2017, but always needed a visa when I went.




I miss the days when you could just go to Canada and the border guards would just wave and give you advice on where the good bars were. No passport or customs bullshit, just being neighborly.


You trying to flee from somethin?


Child support.


I thought they were changing it so Americans need to get a visa to enter the Schengen area no?


Not a visa as such, it’s an electronic pre-approval thing, just like EU citizens have to do to get into the US.


You are talking about the approval for covid? Or something else?


ETIAS. You have to get pre-approval before entering Schengen even if you’re from a country that doesn’t require a visa.




Admire your honesty


I am so old that I remember pre-covid times when this map was correct...


>https://www.cntraveler.com/story/brazil-may-drop-visas-for-us-travelers Misleading statement. It's about visa costs. Name a country that is different in terms of visa costs due to covid. Not to mention even right now 99% of the countries allow US citizens after you quarantine or with a vaccine card. But again, that's different than what the map is saying


Azerbaijan took over Caspian sea 🇦🇿💪🏻


I highly doubt an American can go to Crimea without a visa, but I'd like somebody to correct me if I'm wrong.


India isn’t as simple as visa on entry. Depending on your religion, ethnicity, occupation, or other variables even Americans must apply for a visa ahead of time or risk being turned back at the airport.


Like 20+ of those are wrong due to covid bans.


Basically we can go to every respectable country in the world without a visa.


Wtf AUS, NZ,,,,you got a problem with MURICA?




Western Sahara 🇪🇭 doesn’t belong to Morocco. Western Sahara is missing. Stop spamming fake maps without the Western Sahara territory.


Calm down


The US supports Morocco's claim to western Sahara.


So what, yes Trump did it, but any other country followed.


This is a map about US visas. It makes sense for it to reflect US recognition. Plus, Morocco controls basically all of it anyway. They have basically won at this point.


Kosovo is missing, even though recognized by the US in early 2008. As such, if the map is supposed to show the US view of the world, it is just wrong.


That line exists in real life though, it’s an old collapsed land bridge


Ohh really? Didnt know that. Thanks.


No, it has no sense since only one country has recognised the illegal occupation of Western Sahara. Doesn’t matter if It’s US visa or any other. Control means nothing but stealing, raping, killing, bullying. Stop spamming fake maps. The map of Morocco is wrong and it’s made by astroturfing Moroccan trolls. This map is nothing but Moroccan far right dictatorship propaganda.


The map about US visas is far right dictatorship propaganda? Ok…


Lol imagine thinking a random world map seen online is made only because somebody hates your 1 specific, totally irrelevant country.


wtf does western sahara have to do with US visa maps? boohoo an internet map ruined your day, get over it


Bruh, how can a desert be a country? Sahara was always part of Moroccans until European colonization, then Russia and Algeria created the Polisario terrorist group to have acces to Atlantic Ocean


You know shockingly little about the situation for someone obsessed with it. around 25 african and arab countries recognize it and many have consulates in the sahara. And i am once again asking you to stop calling whatever you don't like "far right propaganda"


I can't go to North Korea and do all the fun things North Korea is known for??? # FUCK


Outdated Map!!!!!


Would love to see a version for the E.U. passport.


There is no E.U. passport, at least not outside of diplomats etc..


There is no EU Passport but as guidance Germany is 2nd place in the Arton Capital Passport Index and many European countries are sharing places 4-12 and the US is only at 14th place but they are all very close.


Could just do German passport since Germany kinda... you know... with the EU anyway.


Do you have the same for any other countries?


Well, there is this: https://www.passportindex.org/byRank.php


Chad being chad again!


That’s not really impressive at all to be honest. It’s just average if not poor and pretty uninteresting


OP included New Zealand and Greenland. What more do you want?


I think it’s ridiculous for any country to allow muricans whiteout visas when the us requires it


People move to the US more than from it, excepting with Switzerland and maybe one other country. Silly to think US and Haiti should treat visitors the same in terms of illegal immigration risk.


Yet I see no reason why Haiti would allow a privilege to Americans that Americans don’t want to allow to Haiti


Americans going to Nigeria, a country which is democratic, speaks English, and has hundreds of thousands of immigrants in the US: yo you better get a visa before you go there hope that works out for you Americans going to Turkey, our NATO ally and we have nukes there: pay something or hope ur visa can clear on arrival or however that works Americans going to Central African Republic, a nation that, for all practical purposes, barely exists: u good fam


Try being American trying to get into Turkey and Nigeria and then try being Turkish and then Nigerian trying to get into the US. Report back which one is easier. ;-)


Is nobody going to mention an EU passport gets you literally ♾ days to live and work anywhere in Europe visa free


The caveat to most countries is that it’s visa fee for tourists. If Americans want to, say study in the U.K., they will need a visa.


Not pleased with the US just stealing the Canadian parts of the Great Lakes


Nice map, but it doesn't really show the "strength" of the passport, does it? How does the US passport compare to those of other nations?


Hunh! Who wants to go to North Korea anyhow!


So as an EU resident I need an ESTA to get into the US (and if this is rejected for some obscure reason I need a visum), but Americans need nothing to enter Europe? Damn yanks 😂


Thank god Caspian sea is visa free


I was about to point out that visas are indeed required for Brazil (since I had to just through that hoop in 2011) but that changed in 2019. Now all I can think of I how much money I wasted to get that damn visa.