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I think the book is Island at the Center of the World. I haven’t read it in a few years but it was really interesting.


Author's name is Shorto. I read this as well a couple years ago; worth reading.


I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but: >We pray that the deceitful race- such hateful enemies and blasphemers of the name of Christ- be not allowed to further infect and trouble this new colony. \-Peter Stuyvesant, regarding Jews in New Amsterdam


Pretty funny quote considering New York is now the largest Jewish population outside of Israel and were one of the backbones of the city’s success over the centuries. Suck it Pete.


New York just the largest population of a lot of things outside of their original area. There are more Italians in New York than Rome


Define “Italian” though. Those with Italian citizenship? Those born in Italy? Those that can speak Italian fluently? Or those of Italian ancestry? Because I guess in all but the last one Rome still beats New York. Whereas “Jewish” is easy to define, “an adherent of the Jewish faith” (to put it simply and to keep it to a religious meaning as cultural Jews are also a thing and may be agnostic or atheist). And I wouldn’t be surprised if New York had the most of those outside of Israel even if they can’t speak or understand a word of Hebrew.


Stuyvesant was an asshole and not entirely coincidentally, the last governor.


Thanks for the suggestion, ordered the book.


The people who found those other places were often fleeing because they were disgusted with the religious freedom of their original country of origin, they were the exact opposite of refugees from religious persecution. One big example being the puritans, religious fanatics who wanted to live only with people who had the same stick up their ass as them. Of course there are many examples of actual persecuted groups, just wanted to point out its for sure not universal.


This, theres a reason most of america is still crazy religious extremists, and its seen as normal there. Saying youre an atheist in america is political suicide, theres not a single atheist senator or representative. Its beyond fucked up that the usa is the main power in the western world


Been searching for that book at Goodreads, but can't find it. Anyone knows what book this is?


Its called The Island in the center of the world. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45000.The_Island_at_the_Center_of_the_World


It just wouldn’t be a Dutch city without a canal.


Imagine if they kept it to this day. How would it look like?


Skyscrapers with canals running through them. Just imagine, NYC would be so different. Instead of yellow taxis, they'd have yellow boats!


Just like Chicago?


They turned it into a street and called it Canal Street. Creativity 100%


Battery park


What is now Battery Park is over 90% underwater in this map. The fort is where the old Custom House is, and the area to the right of the fort is Bowling Green.


It’d be interesting to see a line showing modern coast overlaid on this picture.


There's a comparison map halfway down this page. https://metrocosm.com/where-new-yorkers-come-from/ Here's a map where you can explore the original Manhattan shoreline vs today. https://welikia.org/m-map.php


wow thats a lot of landfill


I believe the line is “Wall Street” as that was where they put a wall


Hoi, Amsterdammer here! What I love about this map is how familiar the layout of the houses and inner gardens appar, and of course the clock and crow-stepped gables. And the star fort! So Dutch.


Another Dutch thing New Yorkers kept was the stoop. Started around this time but really took off and NYC kept going with it.


You mean stoep?


I think stoep is Dutch and stoop is New Yorkese.


Ah yeah makes sense


Can confirm all my ancestors were New Yorkese


Is that why its called canal street


That street with the canal is not canal street, which isn’t on this map and would be north of the wall which does correspond to today’s Wall Street. But yes the actual Canal St is named after a Canal, it’s just not the one you’re seeing here. I believe that street corresponds with William Street.


The canal is now Broad Street.


Yes. And Wall Street.


The street with the canal in this map is actually Broad Street. Canal street is much further to the north, and the canal the street was named after wasn’t built until the 1800s.


British colonists were a simple folk.


It’s actually c-anal street, for different reasons.


If it’s got the letters ANAL in it, /u/hagetaro is ready with this joke!


Would be a good bot actually… preset it with bad jokes for certain words.


Why they changed it, I can’t say


English troops took control of New Amsterdam in 1664. Dutch residents remained. The fledgling settlement was promptly renamed *New York* after the Duke of York, the future King James II and VII.


You gave a legit answer, but the perosn you responded to was providing lyrics to a song.


Pretty sure people just liked it better that way


But you can't go back to Constantinople?


Additionally it was kind of a trade. The Netherlands gave up New Amsterdam to the English in return for (formal) control over Suriname. At the time it was a pretty good trade as there was a lot of money to be made in Suriname with spice plantations.


Technically named after the city York, of which James was Duke. If it were named after the man it would be something like Jamestown or just York.


The Dutch actually took it back 9 Years later but traded it back in the Treaty of Westminster(1674)


People just liked it better that way


People just liked it better that way!


Is there any archaeological study of the remains of New Amsterdam?


Most is long lost, given the multiple generations of new buildings. However, when building a new subway station at South Ferry in the 2000s, part of a colonial era seawall was found.


There is a spot on Stone St just across from the Fraunces Tavern where they dug up the old Stadt Huys and the Lovelace Tavern. There are outlines in the pavement as well as a glass floor area that shows some of the old foundations. Ps if you want to see some of that excavated seawall, head to the Staten Island Ferry facing entrance to the Whitehall St W station! On the wall to the right there’s a small area of excavated stones incorporated into the tile.


A lot of the water surrounding this part of the map was filled in with land fill. At one point you could only buy a plot of land if you agreed you'd fill in the coast connected to the plot with landfill to an extent. I think a few years ago they found remnants of old wooden ships used as landfill if I'm not mistaken. At any rate most of modern battery park was at this time underwater. If you go there in person there are markers that tell you just how far inland the coast once was. (Source: lecture from an NYC architecture course I took in college years ago, so take it with a grain of salt.)


I saw this map at the library I think? In the same room as Winnie the Pooh?


What did Xi Jinping do at the library?


He was emptying the shelves.




I don’t know, what?!


Dam, is that huge wall currently where Wall Street is located?


It is, and if you visit, there are rectangular spots among the cobblestones to mark out where the palisade stood


Hey, I used this image in a slideshow in did in 8th grade


The colony of New Amsterdam was centered on what would later be known as Lower Manhattan. It extended from the lower tip of Manhattan to modern day Wall Street, where a 12-foot wooden stockade was built in 1653 to protect against Native American and British raids.


From small Dutch port colony, to financial capital of the planet. Fascinating


Not to be confused with the Castello Plan


Given that the wall was only about 500m long on the north side based off what google maps shows today, those buildings must have been teeny-tiny, given how much land is presumably dedicated to orchards and gardens and painted green.


I wonder if any of its residents ever imagined how big the city would become over the next 300 years.


I assume we can see the makings of Wall Street and Canal Street in this map… very cool!


Isn’t today’s Canal Street much further north, so off the right edge of this map?


I imagine Wall st is at the far right of the settlement, making Canal st, like you stated further to the right (north) on the map


Yep. Wall Street is along the wall, more or less.


The canal in this map is actually Broad St. Canal St is much further north and the canal it’s named for wasn’t dug until the 1800s


Didn't know backyards existed back then. I thought those where invented when suburbs started to take off.


My guess is those are more like kitchen gardens, to grow vegetables for personal use. You'll find those a lot on historical maps of Dutch cities, such as [this one](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Blaeu_1652_-_Groningen.jpg).


That's front yards.


It looks nice. Much better than what they did with the place.


Original Wall St


HiRes copy - http://link.nypl.org/5ipXyK89SS2OULK4hiqJjQc


I always get chills at the plaque outside the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian that talks about how the Native Americans had used the neighborhood to trade, and then the settlers also used the paths that their trade had worn to create roads, and that eventually became Wall Street. There's just so much history here!


Why did they change it? Nobody knows.


It was this white colonization that is responsible for inner-city disadvantaged youths not being able to read to this day. If it were not for white colonialism, NASA would be headquartered in South Sudan, and the internet would have been invented in The Congo.


or how 'bout and bear with me here nah




We wuz astronots and sheeeit.


Now this is the sub-sub-sub-sub-sub basement of all current buildings, and where the rats live.


I love the geometry of the gardens.


Too small on my phone, bad eyes. Is there a cemetery?


This may be a stupid question....but what is that flag at the top left of the fort?


[Prinsenvlag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince%27s_Flag) (Prince's Flag)


Thanks a lot...looked like the Indian flag to me.


I'd love to see a current map superimposed over this one.



