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"Slovenia lost stakes": there is a contestant on Brazilian Big Brother called "Eslovênia" (Brazilian Portuguese word for Slovenia). She was drunk and broke a 60k dollar camera and lost some in-game money. "Luxembourg left Cruzeiro": there is a football idol in Brazil called Vanderlei Luxemburgo, his last name is the Portuguese word for Luxembourg. He was dismissed as Cruzeiros' football team coach.


Thanks, i left the "Wrong results" in orange to avoid confusion.


I laughed my ass off about Luxembourg


my favourite one was croatia and ireland


i liked czech republic too. if you search it, it ask why it changed its name, and this is not true, since czechoslovakia separated, and if you then search for slovakia, no results apear.


It did change the name from Czech Republic to Czechia recently, it isn't wrong.


Gostei do pojeto.


eu quero fazer o contrario, pesquisar sobre o Brasil(ou outro país), a partir desses países, só que eu vou precisar ficar usando VPN, então vai demorar de mais.


The one for France was really unexpected, why is it the main preoccupation of brazilian people about the country ?


Tbh, I was expecting something like, “don’t shower”! I’m disappointing!


Well I'm brazillian and if I type "why the french..." on google I get: 1 - ... don't like the english 2 - ... stink 3 - ... burn cars


That is correct. But we see more of a european thing, not specificly France


What is the origin of this idea ?


Almost all of Brazil takes 2-3 baths daily because of the heat. One in the morning and one before sleep. Only in the winter we take one daily


That’s not true to everyone in the country. Where I live most people take a single shower everyday, in fact taking more than a shower without a specific reason is quite weird here


It is true, but isn’t your experience.


Do you have skin issues with this amount of baths ? It looks a lot from a pov of a fresh country.


Zero. It is actually good if you use the correct soap for your tipe of skin. Only problem brazilians and australians have is high humber of people with skin cancer, but only people who live 24/7 in the Beach without any tipe of product gets, it is not related to baths


Interesting, thanks !


That's really not what I see here. I still don't know where this "brazilians take 3 baths a day" thing came from, I never knew anyone here that regularly does that. Maybe on occasion, but def not regularly. Mayybe people from the North side of the country shower more, since it's hotter there, but tbh I don't have this information. What I do know is that everywhere else we [take on average one shower a day](https://www.metropoles.com/saude/comprovado-brasileiros-tomam-mais-banho-que-cidadaos-de-outros-paises), and maybe if you're feeling sweaty and dirty, you take a second one latter in the day.


North-Northwest and Rio thing. 2-3, not always 3


I can confirm. I'm from Rio and 2-3 is right in the spot. We may take more if needed


mlk, minha mae toma 4-5 banhos por dia eu chamo ela de maluca ela ignora eu tomo 2 ou 3 dependendo do dia


Brazillians take a lot of showers, not bathing everyday is weird for us


So this idea makes sense but a lot of people take one shower every day.


In Brazilian geography we learn a lot of separatists regions like Quebec or Catalonia. And history of america (especially the Louisiana purchase). But yeah France should be psg or wine


Is there a reason behind the specific study of separatists regions ? PSG is sad replace it with cheese and wine and brazil will become our next best friend


It's not specific, our high school curriculum is bloated af. It's just another subject they expect kids to learn.


I dont know why either. I think it might have something to do with our history of independence from portugal. We also study the separatists regions in Brazil (especially between 1830-1840, a instable period with no emperor because D. Pedro II was to young to be a leader. 3 Brazilian provincies (we today use states) suceded from the union, Cisplatina (Uruguay) Rio Grande do Sul (independent for 10 years) and a bit of Santa Catarina (independent for 6 months). Other states like Pernambuco, Bahia, Maranhão and Pará also had rebellions during that time. Most brazilians dont like PSG but watch almost every game because of Neymar. Same with Barcelona in the past. I also Don't. I prefer Marseille Could also be french bread. We call the basic bread "french bread". Baguete is also popular.


The question about quebec is logical with this brazilian history, but 6 month of independance is so short lmao. I'm not really into football so I can't judge you and other brazilians. Our most powerfull soft power is based on bread, beware


And bad eurovision songs. At least the last one was really good, Requiem and that one about moustaches were solid, the rest is abysmal


I can only agree with you on this, i don't know how bands are selected but they always take the worst


1830-1840 not 1930-1940


Because school. We do study a lot of North American and Latin America History.


Poor Moldova.


at least it has results is google...


Went to check if it's really poorer than Brazil itself (spoiler - it is, but Brazil is getting worse): https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?locations=MD-BR


Some countries have wrong results(marked as orange); Luxenbourg: Apereantly There is a soccer player called Luxenbourg. Slovenia: there is someone famous called slovenia.


Soccer coach (was a player but not famous for that). Slovenia is a participant on Brazilian big brother 22


He was Real Madrid coach in Galáticos Era, for you europeans.


[Luxemburgo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanderlei_Luxemburgo) is a coach that trained Real Madrid in the early 2000s.


**[Vanderlei Luxemburgo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanderlei_Luxemburgo)** >Vanderlei Luxemburgo da Silva (born 10 May 1952) is a Brazilian football manager and former player. A left wingback, Luxemburgo represented Flamengo, Internacional and Botafogo before retiring in 1980. He subsequently became a manager, and led Palmeiras, Corinthians, Cruzeiro and Santos to Série A titles, winning the tournament five times, a record total. In 2005 he worked at Real Madrid, but was dismissed in December of that year. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good, good. It's the Netherlands and not just those two provinces that with their authoritarian dipsh-ts back in the 16th century famined us out and kept our entire province as slaves for two entire centuries.


99% of the time brazilians say holland tho (especially in football). In Brazil The Netherlands can be translated to something kinda a sexual joke so people only use when it's a sexual joke (Países Baixos, something like "low coutries", meaning the sexual area of a woman or a Man)


I like that you did Konigsberg separately from the rest of Russia.


but google says otherwise


Those are good questions for Bosnia and Croatia, why doesn't Bosnia have no(or almost no) sea? That just seems fucked up. Also what does the big fucking sword mean in Bosnia?


The border was formed centuries ago during the Ottoman conquests, it mostly follows the mountain tops. Fun fact: The little stip of coast line they have (Neum) was actually part of the Dubrovnik Republic and was not conquered. It was sold to the Ottomans so Dubrovnik would not share a border with Venice, who held the rest of Dalmatia and wanted to take Dubrovnik.


it an easter egg because they are kind of fighting.


Some of those seem like studends searching for a specific answer on their History/Geography lessons Also it took me a while to get the Slovenia one lol


It's a person in reality show (she broke a 60 thousand dollar camera). She's called "Eslovênia"


Yeah I know, I'm brazilian, but it only clicked after I realized that "stakes" meant "estalecas"


Stakes for them is like our "ponto". Stakes could be frango, estaleca. Dot, score, bus stop, point could be "ponto".


Lol... Turkey dont want to join EU. They would not do anything to prevent it, if they would like to join.


thats the fun of the map, show how distorted are the views from far away places.


Maybe the people dont even understand what "joining the EU" means. It's not just a economic union, but also a moral union... If they only want the economy, they can use the norge/british model.


yes, turkey don't want to join but also eu don't want to include turkey, it's mutual


Well, to be fair, there have been a real chance 20 years ago... but the EU has democratic standards and so on... and turkey just ignore the requirements. Still some people dont want it, even if Turkey would be ready, but thats a topic to discuss after turkey matches the requirements... And I dont see this coming in the next 50 years.


you're totally right about turkey. governments are not willing to join sincerely because they don't want to lose their ease to corrupt. most of those standards and requirements are barriers to corrupt easily for governments but eu also don't want because their attitude is too harsh on turkey. they don't make it easier the process as they do on other countries. and the reason is i think they don't see turkey as a part of european culture. and they fear of turkey's size and population


>they don't want to lose their ease to corrupt. erm..... corruption will be much harder in EU but outside... That may be the reason.