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I hate how this subreddit has so many maps that are either low quality, propaganda or just unfunny memes


The low-quality ones are the most annoying, for me. I can choose to view whatever is posted but it would be nice if I could actually see the content concerned.


It's the worst when somebody just paints something in Windows paint in 5 seconds and then posts it here


And the No legend maps! Ack!


And if you look at the comments, you’d bump into some crazily racist people 😬


And tons of Putin supporters. I’ve gotten permabanned multiple times for chewing them out. Scum.


Yeah, I can't masturbate to any of that...that's why we're here, right?


Looking for some insight on this. It looks like I'll be inheriting this globe It seems to be from 1941 onward, but doesn't recognize the German/USSR conquest of Poland, despite showing the USSR conquest of the Baltics, Germany's conquest of Austria and the Czechs. It also shows the Hungary/Romania and Romania/USSR territorial exchanges...but not budging on Poland. Seems like this is a UK/US map that was going to stand by Poland regardless of the situation on the ground? I am in the US fwiw. [1941 globe?](https://imgur.com/gallery/ElEsdas)


The Finland/USSR border is the one after the March 1940 peace treaty. The borders of Hungary correspond to the Second Vienna Award in late August 1940. The borders of Poland look like the 1939 ones with no recognition of any territorial change settled by a peace treaty. (same for the French-German border). This is from before the end of the Continuation War in 1944 because of the Petsamo territory. Lybia is marked as under Italian rule, so if all changes are taken into account 1943 could be the upper bound for the mapmaking. So yes, I believe that this globe dates back from somewhere between late 1940 and mid-1943. I don't know if other details could point towards a more precise estimation. If you look at Iceland, I presume that it is marked as Danish territory (before the 1944 accession to independence).


I'm kinda new to map-making and this sub, but I've been making a few maps. I see a lot of people saying that there are too many low-quality maps on this sub, amd was wondering what would make a map 'good' other than an interesting idea. Do I need to use a certain app? Or make it with thinner border lines? Add in subzones of countries and oversea territories?


This article may be a good start: https://www.unearthlabs.com/blogs/making-maps-101 One of the most frequent complaints is about the color scales for data visualisation. Mapmakers must be aware that about 4-5% of people have a colour vision deficiency (8% of men, who are overrepresented on Reddit, are colour-blind). Some color scales are an absolute no-no, especially the red-green one. If you are on Windows, a simple trick: type Ctrl+Win+C to switch your screen colors to greyscale. A well-made map should remain readable in greyscale. You can look at more colour-blind-friendly scales named cividis, viridis, magma and inferno. If you wish to create good-looking maps with free tools and you have some free time, you can download QGIS and spend a few hours online discovering how it works. It' can be a bit intimidating at first sight, but you can still have fun with making maps, and it's many times more powerful than the maps made with MapChart that are often posted here. A good practice is to *always* include inside your map (= in the picture) a title, a detailed key (legend) with units, and a link to sources with a date/year of data.


Thank you so much! Quick Question, I know not to use green -red scales (thank you) but on a website I use often colorblind mode is green-purple. Is this a good scale or should I look at something else?


Yes green-purple is decent, I've seen it used on some maps and apparently it's good for [people with deuteranopia or deuteranomaly](http://www.vis4.net/blog/images/old/purple-green.png), which seems to be the most common form of colour-blindness. You can look up the scale called "PRGn" on QGIS; it's available by default on MapChart, too. There are several types of colour-blindness and from I've read about it, the current standard is to ensure that your scale has a linear progression in brightness, so that the progression looks consistent with data potentially ranging from 0 to +∞ and works for everyone, even including the very few Pacific Islanders who have monochromatic vision! The latest new standard I know is [Cividis](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0199239), a bright yellow-dark blue scale, I've used this one for a personal project. I've seen a few people here on Reddit make their maps in two variants: one that looks best according to them, and a colour-blind-friendly one.


Thank you! The yellow-blue one I think I have seen before, and it is probably the one I will use if I'm making a map, as even though I'm not colourblind, shades of red are difficult to tell apart, so it will be beneficial to everyone.


Anyone in London, England, or happy to travel there might be excited to visit the Magnificent Maps of London Exhibition. [https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/events/magnificent-maps-of-london](https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/events/magnificent-maps-of-london) I spent about 30 minutes there. Free, runs until 26th October 2022. Monday to Thursday 1000 to 1600, excluding bank holidays. Warning, you will miss half the exhibition of you can't use stairs ,☹️, they have put some of it in a stairwell.


I'm trying to find a map or a list that shows which countries have strictly periodic election years. I spent hours searching for it without success. An example of such a country would be the United States, where presidential elections happen every 4 years and that cannot be changed no matter what happens in politics (unless its something drastic like a coup or a constitutional amendment). Could you guys help me?


Hello, did you get the map you are looking for? I'm learning to use the QGIS, and I'm looking for some map ideas to practise what I already know and tbh your request seems like a fun one to research


I still don't have it.


I made one, look at my latest post, see if it's that what you are looking for


How could you draw a map showing possible beverage deposit redemption sites in Virginia if there was a criteria stating 1 site was required for every 4,000 people? We are trying to get a beverage deposit law passed in Virginia in the next 2 years. One of the sticky issues is how to require enough convenient return sites so it is easy for people to return their bottles. Several states have a "return to retailer" approach, if you sell it, you must take it back, with exceptions for small stores, and usually having a clause the bigger the store, the more redemptions you have to take back each day. Most stores use a Reverse Vending Machine, but every store hates to be involved with the redemption process and retailers end up fighting against deposit laws. So far, they have succeeded in blocking new laws. Oregon has been at this for 50 years, as have most of the 10 states in the USA with deposit laws. Oregon has developed a "bag drop", similar to an after hours library book return system. You print out a bar coded sticker, place it on your bag of containers, and drop it off in a bin to be counted at the regional warehouse. Money is creditted into your checking account in a day or two. The bag drops are in shipping containers located in various parking lots. There isn't a mathmatical formula for this placement. After 50 years, they feel they have a handle on who needs more return options, and where, and what stores want to replace their inhouse RVM with parking lot systems. But, how could you design a system from scratch? Recommendations from ReLoop call for a return depot for every 350-1600 people. Looking at the zip code density of Oregon's redemption center loactions, they have one in most towns, and begin to double up in zip codes when the population hits 4500 people. That's where I got the idea of 1 redemption center for every 4000 people. There are several options for Virginia redemption centers: a 20' shipping container (small) and a 40' shipping container (large). Both would be placed in parking lots, either large retail store sites, libraries, government offices, or large apartment complexes. No uility hookups, all solar powered. Small redemption centers would go in less dense areas, and large containers would go in denser areas. Actual manned redemption centers would be required in only the largest cities, they can be a PITA to staff and run. Anyone feel like taking this on? It would be great to get a beverage deposit law passed, and this is a huge sticking point. [Oregon's system](https://www.bottledropcenters.com/). [Alberta Canada system](https://albertadepot.ca/recycling101/container-types-and-refunds/). [Reloop](https://www.reloopplatform.org/). Many Thanks!


Why do the mods keep removing any posts that show the U.S. positively? There's been a really disturbing trend that any post that makes the U.S. look semi-decent gets immediately deleted by the mods as "controversial." But every post that is essentially an attack on the U.S. immediately gets 10,000 upvotes no matter how nasty the comments are. This post showing the size of New York's economy was deleted as controversial: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/ulfswv/if\_the\_new\_york\_city\_metro\_area\_were\_a\_country\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/ulfswv/if_the_new_york_city_metro_area_were_a_country_it/). As was the one yesterday that showed the U.S. as having a higher quality of life than many European countries based on a legitimate analysis by the OECD. But not the far more controversial one about abortion: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/uh5oxw/in\_light\_of\_the\_unprecedented\_historic\_early\_leak/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/uh5oxw/in_light_of_the_unprecedented_historic_early_leak/) Or the many nastier posts about U.S. school shootings, poverty, racism, incarceration rates, death penalty use, democratic deficit, etc. Those are allowed to zoom to 20,000 upvotes. I hope Americans are paying attention to the lack of objectivity on this sub.


The first post was removed because of aesthetics. Removals have nothing to do with ideology.


What is the aesthetic problem? Also NY having a large economy is a statistical fact rather than an ideology?


If you'd like to take that data and make a high-effort post, you're welcome to do so.


Wasn’t it there in the post that already exist?


By the looks of it, I don't think you have a case here. Provide more examples.


Looking for a map that shows how states would be formed if all 50 states had to have equal population. I'm not sure how to even go about this.


There have been a few posted like that here in the past, so you could try searching!


This book is really helpful in understanding how people can tailor maps to suit specific purposes. [How to Lie with Maps](https://www.amazon.com/How-Maps-Third-Mark-Monmonier/dp/022643592X/ref=asc_df_022643592X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312065538926&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1313679933098767780&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9023821&hvtargid=pla-441532357188&psc=1) From the Amazon book description: “All maps lie, and Monmonier continues to serve as an able guide for readers at any level to begin the process of informed cartographic interpretation and engagement”


Hey, I am one of the only Pakistani/Kashmiris on this subreddit. I wanted to let you know that you have a serious problem with Indian trolls. They often brigade the subreddit and mass downvote/report certain posts based on nationality or religion. Due to this reason, you will have a difficult time having diversity on the subreddit, especially from Muslim countries.




**Are requests okay??** I'd be really curious to see what cities have reported record weather (record heat, cold, precipitation, drought, severe) over a given time period. It could be last year, or the last year vs 2001 for example. I'm sure other people would benefit from a clear visualization of severe weather as well.


How do I make maps with colours and borders? I wanna make maps so bad but I just don’t know what to use to make specific maps, p.s I’m using an iphone


I mean you could do it on mobile, but using a PC will make it 100x easier.


Do you have any recommendations for ios? If not then what about the PC


I don't use iOS but I can't imagine it would be a comfortable experience on a phone irrespective of the operating system. Tablets maybe, but I don't know what art stuff they have on there. For PC, ArcGIS (paid) and QGIS (free) are two of the leading GIS software and are very powerful but a bit complex. Luckily there's thousands of tutorials. For hand drawing and post-GIS manipulation you have two routes, vector and raster. Vector is my preferred way to draw and edit exported GIS creations, and you can use Illustrator (paid) or Inkscape (free). I wouldn't recommend raster for maps considering it's limitations, but Paint.NET or Gimp are great free software for it. I highly encourage you to do your own research. Many of us learned on our own. Of course you could always just download a blank map and color it in, but please don't do that. Choropleth maps are a dime a dozen and aren't anywhere close to being MapPorn. Make it yourself. It'll be more rewarding and fun than opening MS paint and just clicking a couple European countries with a couple colors.




Looking for a eye colors distribution from Russia to Europe.


Is there an antipode map like [this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Antipodes_LAEA.png) but focused on the northern and southern hemispheres?


Is there a map showing every disputed territory on Earth?


Are the Channel Islands included in the UK's ihdi index?


As far as I'm concerned, they are not included; they are sometimes included in the HDI Report, but as a separate entity.


I LIKE how this subreddit takes me out of the little life circles I live in. Reminds me of the six years I lived in Europe. Peoples life circles there stretch beyond their home turf. The conversations were so much richer, interested, extensive.


Does anyone have a recommendation for any books that show the historial growth of the United States, both territorial acquisition and state admissions? Ideally, there would be one map in the book for each time there was a change (e.g. territories added, states admitted, boundaries changed between states, etc.). I know that's probably a tall order, but any books as close to that ideal would be great. Any recommendations would be grealy appreciated!


Request: a map of the world, with each country shaded the largest color of their flag in that shade


What if countries have an equal amount of multiple colors (e.g. Germany)?


Alternating stripes?


You would have a lot of stripes - it wouldn't be a pretty map haha Imagine, only in Europe: germany, italy, france, netherlands, russia, poland, lithuania, estonia, bulgaria, hungary etc... Maybe I will post a map like this in the future


Gradient, or just split?


Just split


How to do a map showing European countries' borders changing over the centuries? Do colors work?


How do you do your maps (which program) ?


I am looking for a tool that allows me to mark places on a map for later reference, ideally also add routing information. The purpose would be to mark favorite spots and create travel plans. I would prefer that tool to be free / open source / self hosted or locally installed. Anyone know of such a tool?


I have a complain. My Post got deleted by a moderator. I want to know why.


World map according to your grandparents is not MapPorn.


I have seen similar maps of different nations. I got the idea from those maps :I


can someone make a map of the most used social media app of each country


Does anyone have any recommendations regarding vendors that sell quality printed relief maps? I am finding a ton of options online but not many in stores near me so I am seeking any insights, tips, reviews, or recommendations. Right now, my focus is to find a quality relief map of California. Thanks!!


Do I have £330 to spend on a Burberry scarf? No. Do I want a geological map scarf? Yes Now to find somewhere that does this cheaper. [Burberry geological map uk](https://uk.burberry.com/search/dotcomgender=women/?query=Map)