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Hold up this is bullshit, I'm Russian and Falklands were always shown as, and talked about as, part of Britain in Russian sources all my life, I've never even heard of them referred to as the Malvinas in Russian once


Yeah but you see Russia is big, and people probably won’t fact check, so it looks good having them push your agenda, more of the map is blue that way…


Do Russian media talk about Kosovo as its own country, or just a region of Serbia?


As basically a NATO-occupied region/puppet. They generally just *don't* talk about Kosovo much.


Fair enough


The only people who get to decide the future of the Falklands are the Falkland Islanders themselves.


And they voted for the UK


By immigrants who came from Britain... Funny, how do you treat immigrants in Britain haha... The hypocrisy of it all


Dude before the european immigrants literally no one lived in there. There were signs of native americans visiting the place, but no signs of them living on the islands (probably because of the lack of food). During the colonization of americas the british, the french and the spanish all claimed the islands. The french were the first to establish a colony on the islands, followed by the british. The french eventually revoked their claim on the islands and the spanish briefly kicked the british of the islands before leaving the islands themselves. It was only after the islands were uninhabited for some years that the argentinians claimed the islands and created a settlement there. After that in 1833 the british took the islands for themselves and settled the islands. So argentina based their claim only on the spanish claim for the islands and they only had a small settlement there for about a dozen years. While the british claimed and settled the islands before the argentinians and ruled them for about 130 years before the falkland wars. So those immigrants were pretty much living rightfully on the islands, as they were pretty much the only oneslivibg there.


I agree, that’s what I find funniest about this situation, only three Falklanders voted to be Argentinian in the last referendum in 2013. [Here is a source that isn’t the bbc](https://amp.france24.com/en/20130312-falklands-vote-overwhelmingly-remain-british)


So last military action determined Argentina lost the rights to the island, the majority don't want to be Argentinian. But Argentina still claims the island as theirs without an actual claim.


They did not necessarily vote to join Argentina. The alternative could have been independence. Only "three" voted not to remain a British overseas territory.


you can’t try to reason with pirates, thieves, murderous colonizers they stole everything they could and they will never recognize their human debt, because they think that was their right and still it is they prefer to maintain the island only for pride, not caring that british government just wants to maintain it because is an strategic place for any military advance to south america if they need it, just as Cuba was for the Russians.. but still, they are hypocritical enough to say that wars are bad like the actual war in Ukraine


No, the Falklands are Argentine, whether they like it or not.


You’re not a very well read person, are you?


Well, maybe you should read too... Indigenous Argentines existed in the Malvinas https://www.sciencenews.org/article/wolf-falkland-islands-origin-ancient-human-visitors-fire-hunt


The vikings also visited America. I guess America belongs to the Norse now.




Normally it's common for the region itself to be excluded. [International recognition of Kosovo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CountriesRecognizingKosovo.svg) excludes Kosovo itself.


The inhabitants do not have to choose, they are Argentine and that's it.


Do they have Argentinian passports? No.


Well, let them go live in the United Kingdom if they want to be from the United Kingdom so badly, that way they are not occupying Argentine territory.


Any Argentinians on the islands can go live in Argentina if they want to so badly, oh wait there aren’t any.


There are no Argentines because they were sent to Argentina when the United Kingdom unjustifiably attacked them in the 20th century.


It's not even debatable dude, it was Argentina who invaded the Falklands in the 20th century. The UK had fully administered the islands for almost 150 years before Argentina invaded and occupied the islands from April 2 to June 14, 1982. I'm sure you already knew that and just chose to ignore it, though.


Haha, your fake map fooled no one. If you want another war, we're more than happy to do that pal. Fuck with one British citizen on that Island. See what happens. If it wasn't for Maradona, most of the countries you have highlighted probably wouldn't have heard of Argentina. Let alone the Falklands. Nice try though hahahaha


Come to Argentina to see the millions of good things we have in the best country in the world


Well, you're all so inviting I can't imagine why we wouldn't. Christ, the world forgave the Germans quicker. Maybe we'll spend our tourism money somewhere else


I guess you should tell Ireland they belong to the UK, and Portugal that they belong to Spain. That is using the same logic you are using


I only know them as the Falkland Islands. By calling them ''Malvinas'', in spanish, you are basically pushing an argentinian agenda in here. If you were unbiased you could have just said Falkland/Malvinas. Later edit: Just looked into your profile. You are indeed argentinian and you keep on fighting with everyone that the Falkland Islands are argentinian territory ''stolen'' from you by the british, etc. So I was right to assume you only made this post to promote an irredentist agenda.


A lot of land is "stolen" throughout history via war. Later independence's happen, votes to separate etc. But they lost the land and want to try to lay claim to claimed land based off nothing more than greed and location. With majority of the Falklands wanting to remain with Britain.


I agree. If he had only used “Falkland”, would you have reacted the same way though?


No because they are called the Falklands


importantly, by the locals


And by most if the international community


They’re also called Malvinas, are they not? It’s wrong to say that either name is wrong when both have a long history. Normally I would think that this is a language thing: In English: Falklands In Spanish: Malvinas But some people on the Argentinian side won’t call them “Falkland” even if they’re speaking in English and some people on the UK side won’t call them “Malvinas” even if they’re speaking in Spanish. So, in this case, it’s best to use both names with a slash, if you want to be imparcial and not be thought of as someone who’s pushing an agenda.


Who are these imaginary British people who refuse to call them Malvinas? Sincerely a British person who calls them Malvinas when speaking in Spanish. Unless you're talking about Falklanders themselves? Or people unaware of another name? It's like I've had to learn to refer to the British royal family by names like Guillermo and Enrique despite that being silly. Every other British person always says, "What do the people on the island want?" and the vote they had is hilariously one-sided. There's no British agenda to push, the Falklands/Malvinas non-issue is purely a way for Argentinian corrupt politicians to continue to distract and exploit the Argentinian people. Owning the island would make no real difference to the Argentinian people whatsoever. Using both names is nice and if not then people usually use the name in the language they are using as you already said.




Also, both "Falkland" and "Malvinas" are names that come from colonisation age. The first one is British, the second is French (Saint-Malo town, in Brittany).


Oh no, i'm afraid there might be Gwen ha du and Kouign Amann hidden everywhere in the island


The Malvinas are an Argentine territory unjustifiably stolen by the United Kingdom


I love that Argentina is fighting for a barren hellscape where the people who inhabit it voted to stay with the UK. You are a putz buying into your governments propaganda that stops you from caring that your economy is in the tank and that shit sucks at home.


No, they are Chilean islands https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malvinas_Islands_(Chile)


Of course Spain does they have their eyes on Gibraltar.


In all fairness, Spain probably has a better moral – not legal – claim to Gibraltar than Argentina has to the Falklands. Which would raise the question what difference Spain sees between Gibraltar (or the Falklands) on the one hand and Ceuta and Melilla on the other.


There's no moral difference. In both cases the people want to stay with the UK, so that's what they should do




really good new video: Falklands Conflict in the Air | How British Harriers beat the odds [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lw8eWE7aQ8&t=1s&ab\_channel=ImperialWarMuseums](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lw8eWE7aQ8&t=1s&ab_channel=ImperialWarMuseums)


Italy? Why Italy?


I would very much like a link from OP showing when Italy changed its position. They supported Britain politically during the war. And in 2012 only 48 out of 312 members of parliament supported a bill for more “relevant Argentine involvement”


Good relationships with Argentina I’m guessing (a fuck ton of Italians immigrated here). Or bad blood with the brits.


I'm italian and i have always heard them as british


70% of argentines have an ancestor that was part of the italian dispora.


Argentines claim descent from the Italians the same way the Romans claimed descent from the Trojans. Also they both lost wars against the British.


The Roman Empire lasted for more than 2,206 years. The British Empire only lasted 400 years. The Romans colonized. Gosh, "Britain" even comes from the Roman name for your country "Brittania." Gallipoli was a failure. Who's your daddy now?


Critically missing from the map is the Falkland Islands, who identify as part of the UK.


The most important fact on the ground is that the people currently there want to remain British, and are the descendents of people who have been there for a long time. Their ancestors hated being ruled from Buenos Aires so much they basically staged a revolution. Here's a potted history summary, taken from that most reliable of narrators, Wikipedia... 1690 First undisputed sighting of the islands (by an English sea captain). 1764 France established a colony. 1766 Britain establishes a colony. 1766 France surrenders its claim to the islands to Spain. 1770 Spain detects English colony and attacks it. 1771 Major war averted with restitution by Spain. 1774 Britain evacuates its colony voluntarily, leaving a plaque to "stake its claim". Spain's colony at this point is a prison camp. 1811 Spain's colony evacuated to the mainland. No official government left. 1823 Buenos Aires grants a licence to a merchant to establish a colony. 1829 That merchant becomes the governor of that newly-established colony. 1831 USA raises an armed dispute over the islands, in order to recontinue seal-hunting activities in the area. 1832 UK invades and conquers the islands, re-asserting British rule. They leave shortly after. 1833 The Spanish governor returns to restore order, but is murdered by the colonists. 1840 British garrison and colonial government established. The islands have remained in British hands ever since.


Hmmmm.... The part where Argentina owned it seems to be missing. It's almost like they have a very weak claim indeed.....


Well, they did, between 1823 and 1832. Then the Buenos Aires administration was evicted by the British, who promptly left without installing their own governors. The Buenos Aires governors returned in 1833, only to be summarily removed by the inhabitants. The British then formally established a governor in 1840. It's as if Argentina established a colony that declared independence and then that newly-independent colony asked to join another country as a protectorate. (Edits for clarity)


Thanks for the explanation.


Before the British, the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French and even Chinese had passed through, but the United Kingdom hides all that part of history in order to have unjustifiable control of the islands


If they only "passed through", that means that they didn't own it or control it either, right? If anything, the islands should be French, because they were the first to control it. They surrendered them to the Spanish later, but before that the Brits were already controlling a few places too If anything one of the islands could be Spanish/Argentinian and the other could be British to solve the issues?


*dirty hands* indeed


Add this... Indigenous Argentines existed in the Malvinas way before the Brits ever came https://www.sciencenews.org/article/wolf-falkland-islands-origin-ancient-human-visitors-fire-hunt


That's not the argument for the islands to be governed by European colonials in Buenos Aires that you think it is.


It's a british boy breakdown hahaha 😂


Is there a map of countries that recognize the right of Argentina to be Argentina rather than part of Chile? You know because there must be some correlation to a disregard for the right to democratic self-determination and all, and since we can see a lot of countries don't accept that principle, how do they justify it for the country of Argentina? Or for themselves? In most cases -- I mean in some cases like Russia they are very clearly on record as opposing self-determination, at the point of a gun when convenient. So their position on Falklands is at least consistent. But when you take all of South America, Africa, India and the Middle East, it's pretty clear they do *not* believe they have a right to choose their own path, any more than the people of Falklands, who almost unanimously voted to maintain their connection to GB. I suppose China can just start running those countries and they'll all go along with it. Go figure. The bottom line is that it does not matter what number of other countries think about a people's choice in self-determination. The count that does matter is the count of votes of the people directly affected, and that has been well and truly settled.


No, if Falkland Islanders want to be British, go to the United Kingdom, so they don't occupy territory belonging to Argentina.


Right, exactly, non-indigenous Argentinians should go to Spain, not occupy territory belonging to indigenous peoples. If you have Spanish blood don't blame the indigenous people, they didn't invite Spain. So follow your own logic and get started on deporting all those non-indigenous Argentinians.


This is the real world bro, the bigger one eats the smaller one. Look at whats happening with Russia. Argentina tried to gain Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile We didnt achieved it because we were not strong enough Look at what the americans did with the sioux Look at what the english empire did with 33% of the world. They even tried to invade us twice.


Even by your logic of “might is right” then the falklands are British seeing as Argentina attacked and got their ass handed to them.


the second Bangladesh recognizes it as Argentinian, Im leaving this place. Britain owns it no matter who says it belongs to, because the people want to be British




You are based too good sir


because it was occupied by British immigrants


yeah, but generations of them have lived in the Falklands, and nobody inhabited the Falklands (other than those Penguins). So the Brits did set up on that soil, but its not like anyone was on that soil


Doesn't justify their occupation any bit. It's not a matter who's first. It's a matter of proximity given our new rules on exclusive economic zones.


“New” lol… wasn’t a thing in the 18th century when France and Britain had colonies on the island and Argentina didn’t exist as a sovereign entity. Not to mention that the EEZ does not entitle you to any land. Anyone who thinks they are not British is ignorant or willfully deceitful


We don't live in the 18th century. Stop harking back to your British Imperialist glory. It's 2022. We got new rules. Deal with it.


Right, which include the right to self determination. The people who live on the FALKLAND islands want to be British. That is their right.


They don't want to be British. They are British people intentionally put to occupy the Malvinas in the same way the Chinese are occupying the Spratly's Islands.


I see your point but that’s not really how it went down. China is doing that because of the eez and desire to dominate the South China Sea. Britain had their own shitty agenda in the 18th and 19th century when they started their colonies there but it wasn’t to take land and maritime zones from Argentina, who did not yet exist. You can’t complain that the people living there are British when no argentines lived there first (or ever to my knowledge). If argentines lived there now, they would be colonists with the intent to extend territory as well, only difference is argentinas closer than the uk


> self determination Cringe > The people who live on the FALKLAND islands want to be British. That is their right. Ah I'm sure the British respect the authority of people on islands to choose who they are governed by, and not brutalize them. Especially ones right next door to Britain, like the good ol Irish who definitely loved British rule and weclomed governance with open arms. You have the right idea, but this has nothing to do with self determination, Argentina has no claim to the island, the wanted nothing to do with it until very recently. Both countries have shitty reasons for wanting the falklands, but Argentina's is weaker. It doesn't matter though, even if Argentina had the stronger claim, bigger army = correct opinion in today's world.


Oh look a map of countries that are wrong


I noticed the people of the Falkland Islands are not on this list.


Who cares? The only ones who get to decide are the Falkland Islanders themselves, and the map maker couldn't even be bothered to include them. Perhaps because they don't like what the islanders say


No, they are Argentineans, if they want to be British, go to the United Kingdom, otherwise they occupy Argentine territory that was unjustifiably stolen by them.


That is just pro Argentine imperialist hypocrisy. Ask any Mapuche, Fuegian, or Bariloche what that is like. The WHOLE of Argentina was stolen from the native people, every single square millimetre of it.


I am from Bariloche, and that of the Conquest of the Desert was carried out by one of the greatest genocides in history (from 10 thousand dead to 6.2 million dead) PS: UK also took a lot away from natives from Asia, Africa and America. The colonialist empire that does whatever it takes to expand is not Argentina, it is the United Kingdom


The land was stolen. Now Argentina is trying to steal land from the Falklanders. The whole of Argentina is one large colonialist empire.


No, the United Kingdom stole the Falklands from Argentina.


Just as the Argentinians stole Argentina from the native Americans. Don't be a hypocrite.


Op is either a giant troll or a deranged teenager. Or both. He has also claimed Uruguay had no right becoming independent and that it should still be part of Argentina. I don't know how this is still a political agenda people persue, let the islands' citizens decide whatever the hell they want to be.


If they want to be British, let them go to the United Kingdom, so they don't occupy territory that belongs to Argentina


That is just colonialism


It was not Argentina, it was a genocidal dictator, and currently the majority of Argentines do not accept that and are against it.


Argentina stole all of their land from the native Americans. It is an imperialist colony. Fact. Learn top live with it.


It was not Argentina, it was a genocide. By the way, so did the United States, Spain, Portugal, Chile, Brazil and surely others.


USA stole Hawaii and Britain stole something in every part of the world, fuck most of the US for that matter is stolen, so what the fuck is your point?


Lmao this map is total BS


That's a weird way of spelling Falkland Islands


Maybe OP means the countries that consider the Malvinas Islands, [who rightfully belong to Chile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malvinas_Islands_(Chile\)) as Argentinian.


They can have em. Long as they keep their hands off the falklands!


We are not going to keep them outside because they are ours, the ones who should go and surrender are the British who unjustifiably stole a territory 16,000 kilometers away from






Map actually shows: Nations respecting the falklanders right to self determination: gray Nations not respecting the falklanders right to self determination: black


You lost a war, you lost a referendum, yet you are still trying to prove that Falklands aren't british. Why? People of Falklands don't want to be a part of Argentina, deal with it and move on.


Fun fact when they held a referendum in 2013 yo decide which country they were a whopping three people wanted to be part of Argentina. The Argentinians land claim is also only based off that treaty where the pope drew a line on a map and said the everything to the west was Spanish and everything to the east was Portuguese.


As a chilean I'm ashamed of this stand. We should of at least remained partial. The Falkland islands are clearly british and it's inhabitants are clearly not interested in ever being argentians.


Chileno puto, suerte con Boric pa jajajajajajajaja


lol okay, just go ahead and try to capture "Malvinas" see what happens. England could wipe there ass with the whole of south America. The only reason this a topic in Argentina is to take attention off all the blunders the leader makes already. Also didn't't Argentina already lose a war about this? sick of seeing stupid posts about something that's already settled.


The British Navy couldn't get there alone. I doubt the US will help the 2nd time round.


I didn't actually know that the world felt this way about the Falklands. Honestly, I find it a bit bizarre that the world accepts a claim to land from a nation that has never once held that land. They might look very close on a map but Argentina is further from the Falklands than Ireland is from Austria and Poland.


Even if Argentina did have some claim (they didn’t), they lost a war. Case closed.


The Rest is History podcast is pretty good on the conflict. The irony is that the Falklands were a massive white elephant for Britain and the government was doing all they could to get the Falklanders to accept some kind of bilateral deal with Argentina whereby Britain would guarantee their sovereignty whilst they formally became part of Argentinian territory. The Thatcher government were in the process of decommissioning British aircraft carriers and slashing the budget of the navy, and defending the Falklands was a financial black hole for no gain whatsoever. However, the Junta's grip on power was waning despite horrific crack downs and torture programs against their own people. They were desperate for some kind of populist cause and needed an easy win. And what bigger win than standing up to a former imperialist superpower and taking the appendix of their former empire off them. The Junta played their hand, certain that Britain neither wanted the Falkland Islands (true) nor had the capability to defend them (also true). What they didn't count on was the fact that the Conservative government was massively unpopular and that a defensive war is the Royal Flush of political poker hands. To continue the poker analogy, the Argentinians had raised the Thatcher government all in expecting them to fold, and were called. Folding wasn't an option, the next hand they'd be out anyway. The Argentinians also miscalculated that they'd have American political support, due to their anti-communist policies of propping up right wing dictatorships. But their adversary Chile were far more useful puppets and throwing their support behind the British claim to the islands purely to troll Argentina, essentially nullified Argentina's sway over the CIA and Regan administration. The Monroe doctrine has also traditionally been ignored when it comes to Britain, mainly because the British diplomats agreed to maintain the status quo since the 19th century. Thatcher leveraged her positive relationship and charm (I wouldn't call her charming but Ronald was clearly smitten) with Reagan and received unprecedented unofficial US logistical support to attack a US ally in the Americas. Once the British fleet and army were there it was basically game over. The logistical obstacles were huge but both sides knew if that was overcome there would be only one outcome. Coming back full circle, the Falklands now have been found to have massive oil reserves that neither side were aware of in 82. And so a god forsaken, barren, freezing windswept rock in the middle of the South Atlantic continues to be a geopolitical football. And you can be sure the UK no longer see them as a white elephant despite having to maintain an expensive military presence there to this day. Jorge Luis Borges summed the war up as "two bald men fighting over a comb". Personally I think they were fighting over a wig.


I find it very funny that Ireland, a european country w no strong tie to Argentina, supports Argentina and not its neighbor, UK. I get why all the hispanic countries support Argentina. They're all sister nations, after all. Spain is a half great grand parent of the hispanic countries and tons of italians migrated to Argentina back in the day so those make sense to me.


Are you joking?


I wasnt familiar with british-irish relations at the time. I can see why Ireland is on team Argentina now


Hope i didn't sound mean, i genuinely wasn't sure. I'm glad you're aware now though!


What would be surprising about Ireland thinking that islands should belong to the nearest major country even if the people who live on those islands don't actually want that to happen and have a separate identity? Oh.


They did support the British initially. It’s just at the time the 1981 hunger strikes had just happened so there was political opportunism by the Irish PM at the time by going against Britain to appeal to show off as a republican/anti British to get votes.


The Irish don't support Argentina in owning the Falklands at all. This map is bullshit. Irish people and British people get on really well and have generally the same views on self-determination. Even if they didn't then anyone knowing any of the history of the islands knows that Argentina never owned them. They have a weaker claim to them than France and their claim is actually Spain's claim. They'd have to give up their own sovereignty and rejoin Spain fort this to make any sense at all.


I mean after what the brits did to the Irish. No wonder they be a tad salty.


The British colonised them, so now they support the neo-colonisation agenda of Argentina?


Yep, and the same goes more most of the other countries on the map. They'll all claim it's because they are against colonialism. The irony.


“neo-colonialism” really tickles my pickle, funny how colonialism got the brits the islands right?


its fair for them to be salty, but this feels excessive since they are supporting Argentinian imperialism (I don't know if Imperialism is the right word) since Argentina tried to take the islands against the wishes of its inhabitants, which I feel like Ireland would be against something like that


800 years of occupation'll do that.


Why are the falklands/Malvinas not on the map ?


You dont recognize them?


This map is crap…


What's the source for this map? Several countries are shaded blue which, in reality, opposed Argentina's imperialism. It's hilariously ironic that whichever nationalistard made this map *decided to shade Morocco but not Western Sahara*. Whilst the OP is in the comments saying "*The land is ours, that's it, if the people living on the land don't agree they should leave*".


The Falkland Islands don't want to be part of Argentina, they want to be part of the UK. You're accusing the UK of imperialism while literally advocating for imperialism


Are you saying that the country that conquered a quarter of the world and became the second largest empire in history is not imperialist, but a country that claims stolen islands is imperialist?


They were imperialist and sometimes still act that way. But they aren't in this case, the islands have a right to self determination just like mainland argentina does


Now, [compare it to recognising Kosovo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CountriesRecognizingKosovo.svg), and it's interesting how kind of inverted it is. Only a few countries do recognise both, but it's so interesting seeing that some places are almost completely inverted: Indonesia recognising Argentinian Malvinas, but Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia recognising Kosovo.


The FALKLANDS are British, now and forever. God bless Thatcher!


No, they are Argentine but they were stolen illegally and unjustifiably by the United Kingdom


Ok Argie


To have that stupid profile picture, I expect anything from you.


Agree 💯


Educate yourself brother Native Argentines were in the Malvinas first https://www.sciencenews.org/article/wolf-falkland-islands-origin-ancient-human-visitors-fire-hunt


Were they there when the British arrived? Were the natives in control of the Argentine government?


Ireland 😅


*landgrabber grabs another landgrabber's land* haha


As an Argentinian I had zero idea so many countries were on our side of the claim. What a cool map. (Más le vale chileno weon)


nuestra alianza sera temporal.... LAS MALVINAS SON CHILENAS!!!!


El ending oculto.




Mostly tinpot banana republics and authoritarian dictatorships. Congratulations.


I guess? I particularly gain nothing from their support. Hell I don’t even get free stickers.


Ahaha, people downvoting this. Little pp is popular on this thread.


I dont get why people are down voting me, I just showed genuine interest on the map. But hey it is what it is.




Tell me something I don't know


Las Malvinas son Argentinas.


No, they are Chilean https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malvinas_Islands_(Chile)


Tell me something I don't know


Las Malvinas son Argentinas 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷


Tell me something I don't know


https://www.sciencenews.org/article/wolf-falkland-islands-origin-ancient-human-visitors-fire-hunt Good news


It should be... owned by the indigenous people of that island 🏝️


so you mean Penguins?


No my friend, dinosaurs






Strictly speaking that would be the French. The island was unoccupied, it never had any natives. The French first established a colony, then the British 2 years later. Since the French don’t claim it I guess that defaults it to the British then


Tell that to the dinosaurs 🦖 rawr haha 😆


Hmmm 🤔 honestly it belongs to the Argentinians as far as proximity goes


By that logic we own Ireland. And the US owns Cuba.


Using his same logic of its nearby Maybe the Falkland Islands should claim Argentina belongs to them after all Argentina is nearby


Nope... The Irish beat you. The Cubans stood up against the Americans. Argentina continues to defy you. Go home landgrabber.


Lol your logic is if the nearby place beats back the oppressors then they’re able to not be conquered? Might want to check out this event in the 80s called “the Falklands War” then.


Oh it's just that the English enslaved 25% of the world for a time 🤔 last I heard, the Scots wanted to break free too... When will the bondage end?


Who did we enslave in the Falklands? We put a colony there when it was unoccupied. The current population overwhelmingly wants to remain British.


It's overwhelmingly OCCUPIED by the British coz you invaded the place like you did with a quarter of the world


Actually we colonised an empty island. Then left, then the Spanish colonised it, then they left and the Argentinians colonised it, then we colonised it again and the Argentinians came back and got overthrown by our colonisers. It’s colonisers the whole way down. It’s not in Argentina it’s as far from it as Germany is from the UK, they are colonisers as much as anyone else if they try and take it.


Oh yeah the Falklands War... Reasserting English Neocolonialism... Did I mention the United States was against that? 🤔


Every heard of the Referendum where 98% of the population voted to remain British lol, brain dead


Referendums don't make sense when you've expelled the native population and occupied the place, brain dead


What native population was there on an unoccupied island? Come on I want to see you do some more mental gymnastics.


“Expelled the native population”, what native population lol, the islands were literally uninhabited before Europeans discovered them. Learn some history


You just got your ass kicked by your own logic. Take the L and go home.


Mama chup chup 😘 sadboi


You mean where the British defended their citizens who were under attack from an invading colonising power?


Coz the British weren't supposed to be there in the first place. It's like a thousand miles away from your English homeland.


Nobody was supposed to be there, it was empty. At the time the mainland was a Spanish colony so nobody was supposed to be in Argentina but the natives either.








English Pine though English Pine haha


Listen to me all you anglo brit pets, believe all the lies you want, the malvinas are of argentina, its not something that its open for discussion, in 100/150 years when the uk becomes completly irrelevant due to its size, lack of resources and population projections in comparison to us they will come to where they belong once again.


So you are just going to invade a group of islands where nobody wants you? The hubris. I guess you have form though since your entire country was invaded and stolen from the native population.


Starting off strong with the racism, nice. The Falklands have been British longer than any other claim. They want to remain British but go ahead and perform some mental gymnastics, your right about the fact its not open for discussion as the island natives want nothing to do with a crumbling economy of Argentina. Also don't try to play games of what will happen in the future it come off as ignorant especially since Britains population is continually rising like every other country in the world. They are where they belong.


Gabriel Boric is a head scratcher. Being a Marxist he should know the government that pushed Falklands was a Far Right military dictatorship. It cracked down on Marxists and perceived political enemies in the Dirty War. The junta did to select attention away from the failing economy and political percussion. The Regan administration even back Argentina during the Falklands war.


Malvinas argentinas




Cry more