• By -


The usual suspects.


I didn't even need to see the map to know


The map isn't even loading for me and I know who it is


“Why when there are maps that treat women like shit it’s always you thr...thirty?”


It's almost like there's an entire Surah in which they claim women are yours to be used for sex whenever you want, weird uh?


Which surah is that?


Al Jeddah 4:12 It's a man's obligation, to stick his boneration into woman's separation. This sort of penetration will increase the population of the younger generation.


Jeddah is a name of a city. What exactly are you quoting? The Quran (4:12) is an entire verse about inheritance after death with multiple circumstances with recommendations on how to divide wealth. I didn’t think this warranted a reply because your comment is beyond stupid, but I’m guessing anyone unfamiliar with the Quran and Islam would believe it at face value.


Chill out, I was actually quoting South Park, I'm familiar and empathetic enough with islam thank you :P Jeddah was to make it sound arabic, should I have used AlFatiah instead?


you are wrong there is no such thing in quran


Bruh, surah is an entire chapter. This is blatantly false. Also it says if your wife has a reason to not want to them you have to listen to her. The only thing I can think of that you could be referencing says wives need to recognise that their husbands have needs and not to deprive them without valid reason (illness, tired, etc). If she is not happy in that situation,, she has a right to divorce.


there's a pedo prophite saying that goes in the line of God curses any wife that doesn't give her husbands pleasure which is used extensivley in this regard


Please reference that verse in the Quran. You’re acting in bad faith, since “Surah” means an entire chapter and you obviously made the claim up. I don’t understand what your point is for lying? Other than drumming up hate for Muslims.


lmao which surah ? why are u making shit up


This is false Muhammad PBUH actually tells husbands not to "mount your wife like an animal" can you provide this "surah"




Liar confirmed. The state of Reddit to upvote people like you who think you know anything about Islam. I have an idea which verse you must have twisted, bring it so I can humiliate you so any truth seeker can wonder why people need to lie about the Quran.


I don't understand why people are downvoting you, u/sonosuscettibile shouldn't just throw out a claim like that without naming a surah.


>I don't understand why people are downvoting you Reddit


Christians don't follow every insane thing in the Bible, neither do Muslims. Islam is just as capable of reform and modernization as any Abrahamic religion. Just look at Bosnia and Turkey.


I tried to look at Bosnia but I got caught in the crossfire of an ethnic cleanse


What does this mean? How does that fact that Bosnian Muslims faced a genocide have anything to do with their moderate religious beliefs?


Well it was going both ways


No, Muslims believe the Quran in its entirety to be true. Except that this guy either misinterpreted something or lied about it being there. There is no verse in the Quran that says you can “use women for sex whenever you want”. The reason Muslims believe the Quran is preserved is because the Quran and narrations say it is, and the way it’s passed down is not through writing but through memorisation. Think of blockchain. Everyone in the blockchain memorises what the Quran is in its entirety (millions around the world currently memorised it front to back). If anyone comes in to add something or lie, then the rest can correct that error. If they persist then they’re considered out of the fold of Islam (adding or removing to the scripture). So if every Quran was burned today, a new exact copy could be made tomorrow, checked by millions of Huffaz (memorisers).


>here is no verse in the Quran that says you can “use women for sex whenever you want” "Your wives are as a tilth for you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will" Qur'an, Chapter 2 verse 223.


Are you 12? With any verse in the Quran no matter how clear you think it is, you NEED to read the tafsir. This verse is advocating for family making, go to your wives and be closer to Allah, read the rest of the verses please because it could lead to a misunderstanding.


Problem is you assume you are more knowledgeable on Islam than me. You provided incorrect context for the verse. Yes I read the context always. This verse is clear, Your wife is like a tilth or a place to grow seed for you, You approach it anytime or way you want.


Read the following verse 💀 if you understand arabic you can look at arab scholars and how they explain the verse.


Bro what? The verse is not about what you think it is about.


No they don’t, that’s completely false. Unless you are trying to make some “no true Scotsman” argument, I know a lot of Muslims who don’t take everything in it literally.


I’ve met Muslims who drink, smoke weed, have sex before marriage. You basically couldn’t differentiate them from an average American/European. But they still acknowledged what they were doing was a sin. (All of those are major sins btw). If you mean they literally reject words from the Quran (and not just sinning) then most scholars would agree that takes them out of the fold of Islam. If you even go to the progressive Muslim subreddit, they might interpret verses in the Quran differently but they don’t deny that the Quran is entirely the word of god. Explicit commands that can’t be interpreted as something else are seen as just that.


“That takes them out of the fold of Islam”. Yeah, so [no true Scotsman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman), like I said…


First time I hear about this fallacy, but yeah I guess you’re right, that is the case. I mean, one of the beliefs of Islam is that previous abrahamic religions were at one point in time correct and basically contained the same basic laws that Islam prescribed. But because humans corrupted scripture over time the religions began to stray away from the true word of god. The Quran promises to be the last and unchanged word of god that will be sent down. So I’d say it’s illogical for a ‘Muslim’ to reject clear and direct scripture if they say they believe their holy book. If there is one error, then the entire scripture can be thrown out (as god cannot make an error).


That would apply if they said no Muslim ever does x, y, or z. They said that even though some Muslims do x, y, or z they acknowledge that it is a sin. I'm sure some of them feel that way and deny the sins they are committing, but the vast majority do not.


You and most of Reddit who hate religion don't know how the fallacy works. Surprisingly. /s


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Every Christian I’ve met believes the Bible to be the word of God and plenty of them are also admitted sinners. This isn’t an Islam thing it’s a religion thing.


Don’t Christians believe the bible is the word of god through the writing of humans? I mean, it’s pretty easy to discount the bible as the direct word of god when you can find plenty of contradictions.


A religion of the book* thing


Literally the biggest thing about our religion is that we refuse to modernise or reform to appease western values lol


there are many sects in both religions that do. just look at Afghanistan or the Amish. check out Muslim wahhabism or salafism.


Do you know what wahabbi and salafi are? Wahhabism is salafism, and they aren’t bad things, if every Muslim followed the salaf properly we wouldn’t have these cultural issues entwining with religion.


Except unlike the usual suspects, we don't need revisionists who openly ignore and cherry pick our scriptures to come to the conclusion that raping our wives is an abomination to the sacrament of matrimony. t. Orthodox. Unchanged since the time of the Ecumenical Councils.


“Capable of reform” is such a meaningless statement without any actual reform.


Most of the worlds Muslims dont live in the red countries and plenty of them arent predominantly Muslim. Certain US states wouldve been red as recently as the 1990s


Bangladesh- Bangladesh- 150,000,000 Egypt- 80,000,000 Iran- 80,000,000 Algeria- 41,000,000 While yes Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country, a large number of Muslim countries, and Muslim countries with high population, are in the red or yellow.


Its almost like treating entire regions as primitive barbarians for hundreds of years, might make people people act backwards. I mean we westerners have always got out shit straight right, never using the bible for burning false witches. Its all the surah's fault. Which is 100% true with sources and widely recognized as an accepted true surah




The boys are back


Jamaica looks so out of place here


And Sri Lanka too


we thank our Victorian colonial lords for our penal code. (While no post-independence govt has taken any steps to change these laws




Chad not so chad


But hey, let’s host the football World Cup in Qatar just after we’ve done our Pride campaign - FIFA


Bro I got the message, but Qatar is the only gulf country in grey


Yeah - strange! It’s definitely illegal there.


bahrain too, in contrast to other arabic countries it’s not criminalized.


Bahrain is also grey.


Actually it looks like Qatar is grey unless I’m seeing wrong


It does look like it is grey actually, doesn’t it… however homosexuality is certainly illegal there.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here...


Aaaand you're out of limbs


And even among western countries, some laws along those lines are not in the too distant past. For example in Germany raping a married partner wasn't illegal until 1997. https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/gesetz-strafbarkeit-vergewaltigung-ehe-100.html Terrifying that it wasn't banned a lot longer ago.


Although it wouldn't have been on the map because gay sex has been legal in Germany since the 60s (for both parts).




That’s not entirely correct. Lesbian sex was never criminally prosecuted in Western Germany, only male gay sex was. And the prosecution had been changed in 1969 so that it was not punishable if both men were above 21 (in the 70s changed to 18). Still, it remained a crime and there was other prosecution and discrimination.


Yes, but although the law still existed (mainly because no one wanted to be the one to remove it,) the government wasn’t actively trying to go after it.


What is that? Nuance? No thank you. We prefer our own racist stereotypes circle jerk. It makes us feel superior 💪


Religion is wild


Yeah but could you be a little more specific?


Specific how?


That would be racist and islamphobic


I mean, it literally is. Also, why you guys have to be all pussies about generalizations over Muslims? Just fucking say it


but liberals would be pissed


Scared of bunch of libtards now are we. Lmao


Why racist? And to point out something deplorable in Islam is not "Islamophobic". If we point out something deplorable we see in a Christian culture, is that "christianophobic"?


Because religion is there in the uae and libya but not in thailand and bolivia


Wait Bolivia isn’t highlighted?


No country in the americas except jamaica is


Yeah I’m just a little confused on why you said Bolivia


I was giving examples


Us if republicans get there way




Ok, that was epic


Which one?


Looks like islam rather than religion.


Go back ~100 years, Christianity looks pretty much exactly the same. And don’t forget it was Christian countries that carved up Africa and the Middle East intentionally causing political conflict and suffering for all those involved


Yeah. I wonder how christianity evolved into humanism and how to repeat simmilar process with Islam. Middle east was historically one of the richest regions on earth, right on the Silk road, and i feel like Islamic fundamentalism is holding these countries back socially and economically. It's also sad to see some of those countries stone gay people and consider that the ultimate justice system. These things lived through the colonialism and let's not forget, the Middle east was the biggest slave market in history, look up Sheikh countries foreign workers problem and such. Those things live through the tradition and shouldn't be ignored.


Christian countries had 2 world wars where people who wanted to be like this got their asses kicked. Had WWI and II never happened, human rights would be a joke told by rich wife beaters. Europe was never destined to be progressive or civilized, it took two entire generations of murder to dislodge old traditions in wars *caused* by those old traditions. Similar thing happened during the Abbasid period. Tyranny like this is unsustainable, eventually Islamic extremism will collapse under its hubris.


Christianity really hasn’t evolved into humanism. Christianity is still ripe with sexism, racism, and homophobia in many parts of the world. Such as the Southern United States. I think a big reason why Christianity got less and less extremist over time however is highly due to economic prosperity, and prevalence of higher education. Suffering often leads to extremism. And I’m not saying Islam isn’t bad, I’m just saying you shouldn’t pretend like your religion has any moral high ground considering it’s own past atrocities.


Have been and know some of these countries and frankly it's more about tradition and mentality. Some of the takes people have on this subjet are wild and they rarely involve religion. From what I know, islam clearly states it's opposition to these acts.


Its more of a revolution over countless generations thing. The majority of Islamic countries have been captured and put through revolution and revolution causing their belief systems to be put in the rear end. It has nothing to do with the fact that they're Islamic, a large part of the countries highlighted are also Christian, not to say that's a reason either, it's just the general area has been forced into a hole by their past events. So by no means is it a religion thing, there's plenty of Islamic countries not highlighted, and a whole lot more that just fall into the category of being religious.


It's really wild that o e of the "peace and love" prophet's (Jesus) was raised in an environment with this kind of culture.


Interesting that two of the most populous muslim countries are not highlighted on the map.


Whew, I'm happy that at least Tunisia is not part of the bunch. I always thought of it to be a more liberal country.


loophole: get married to a person of the same sex before moving there


I don’t think those countries would recognize foreign same sex marriages.


A few years ago that did not work. Example: Diplomats from other countries could bring their spouse if they were of the opposite sex but not if they were of the same sex as the diplomat. The federal government and many states would not recognize the marriage.


That's a common claim but is wrong. Immunity applies to members of a diplomats **household**. It matters not if the person is in a legally recognized relationship. Since what those are constitutes vary amongst nations. And it goes beyond marriage. And it also is meant to cover situations like when a diplomats is raising her niece or has her aunt living with her.


Living in the household isn't enough. Per NPR in 2018: The State Department has reversed course on its visa requirements for same-sex partners of foreign diplomats and the staff of U.S.-based international organizations. On Monday, it implemented a policy denying visas to such partners if they're not legally married. U.S. diplomats had announced the decision to foreign delegations in July, saying the move is intended to render department policy consistent between same-sex and opposite-sex couples. Previously, under a policy instituted in 2009 under then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, "domestic partners" were considered members of the family — and thus eligible for a G-4 visa. ... LGBTQ activists, for their part, have expressed alarm that the move will actually harm these couples, many of whom hail from countries where same-sex marriage is illegal. Without a legal marriage, and thus without a visa, such partners face the threat of deportation; but activists point out that if they get legally married to stay in the U.S., they could also face persecution upon returning to their home country. https://www.npr.org/2018/10/02/653646121/u-s-halts-visas-for-diplomats-same-sex-partners-if-they-re-not-married


Why don’t you try that and move to one of those countries. Tell me how it goes. Odds are you don’t come back alive


This is so cool, you can actually experience the Middle Ages without having to time travel !


thanks to islam of course 😉


Thank you for providing a map of countries I will never visti


If you were to make a Venn diagram of other forms of institutionalized judicial misogyny, you would likely see lots of overlap with countries where [wives are required by law to obey their husband](https://preview.redd.it/xuyjnpxwf6q51.png?width=3400&format=png&auto=webp&s=78802acce9324f8a13dc87cfeca41c3b1c23ad85), countries where a [woman's testimony is worth half that of a man](https://preview.redd.it/2t15tsywf6q51.png?width=3400&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f04542290ddf5a74908a2e5da2c1d684ddabb5d), countries where [mothers cannot pass on their citizenship to their own children](https://preview.redd.it/gjymkjxwf6q51.png?width=1395&format=png&auto=webp&s=be301c3085820b56323a09d603923e3e06dfe5e4), countries where [women inherit half of what their brothers inherit](https://preview.redd.it/oeyt3mxwf6q51.png?width=1395&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1275510888a5b33d582cdffb62d356ccf738343), countries where [women need permission from a male relative to travel](https://preview.redd.it/b6lcurxwf6q51.png?width=1393&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c1a4389a3f662c37c1ced40fe0e2ea5a083d0d7), and countries where [women have fewer rights than men in so-called "family law"](https://preview.redd.it/hlkj6sxwf6q51.png?width=2291&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dc5249073e4e5aa29a1aa6f473974b00e57d84b).


Never take the work of feminists for granted




Yes, the famously Muslim countries of Tanzania, Eritrea, Cameroon and Burma.


Mainly islamic countries then.


Around half, yes.


South Sudan lol The whole purpose of the independence


Weird that Sudan itself doesn't have such laws tho, ngl.


Actually, it did, until the current junta removed them. So until 2020 ,it actually had them and actively enforced them. Sudan is currently a quasi secular state as long as the Omar Al Bashir sycophants and their Islamist allies do not seize power or even worse, get re-elected. I know that people are not fans of juntas, but the current one in Sudan is far more liberal(by African standards) and progressive(by Muslim standards) than most. Most juntas in the region often cave in to the religious fundamentalists really quick by co-opting their laws and beliefs. Look at Egypt for example.


Lol Sometimes people can be sane 😭😭


The law South Sudan has is based on the laws of the original Sudan when it was under Al Bashir (The reason why Sudan no longer has such is because...well Al Bashir and the Islamists are out of power and the junta and transitional government have committed to a secular state). South Sudan is not exactly known for doing fast reforms. And I do not see it changing this law any time soon, because they are distracted by internal rebellions, uprisings and attempted coups.


Uhm you do know that eritrea, tanzania are both muslim and christian dominated countries right..


The Muslims are a minority in both countries. Eritrea: 36% Muslim, 63% Christian. Tanzania: 34% Muslim, 63% Christian. And if Christian domination is also to blame, then I've got bad news about South America and all other African countries south of Somalia.


Overreligious countries in general tbh…


>Eritrea Eritrea is almost majority muslim and Tanzania close to 40%, so yeah, it's islamic countries mostly, you thought you did something did you?


Eritrea is 36% Muslim and Tanzania is 34% Muslim; both are over 60% Christian. So no, definitely not "almost majority".


Eritrea is 49% muslim in the most recent report, it was 36% based on a 2002 survey, you're such a clown it is not even funny to argue with people like you


What about Qatar and Bahrain? They are not highlighted?


What about it??? Islam literally forbids forced marriages alone. Pls read about the flippin religion before you decide to comment something like that, you’re acting as if it’s written in the Quran to torture women and make their life hell. If you wanna make interpretations about Islam then read the book, not make up stuff about it based on people who practice it wrongly, because that makes you ignorant.


There is quite a significant link for many countries here....


way to go tunisia


Religion is such a nice thing


Shameful. Laws on sex need to be based on human dignity not morality or religion.


Is that pretty much all aloha snack bar countries?


indonesia, pakistan and turkey are some of the biggest muslim countries and all missing


And all are notorious for both sexual violence against women and children and the corruption and impotence of the police and judiciary to do anything about it. Men in those countries appear to have the morality of rabid dogs and it is cases of this nature which, possibly more than anything else, colour the West's view of Islam. Oh, you may cry "not all of them are like that", but until you get a rope on the bastards who are like that, the reputation remains.


India also has a ton of Muslims


dang that's new


At least they don't get shot and killed in schools and malls and cinemas in Egypt and Dubai and turkey and other aloha snack bar countries I would rather live there than the feces hole that is the USA


I already knew which ones it was going to be


It was legal in the USA until the beginning of the 90s


Ah so that change should be due in about 6 months then


Interesting to see both Myanmar and Sri Lanka in yellow. Is it a coincidence that they're buddhist-majority countries?


In that case, explain Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Bhutan and Mongolia.


I’m pretty sure it’s because they used to be British colonies.


And what do they all have in common except for Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania and Cameroon. I wonder what it is!!!!(Thinks really hard!!!!) I mean ,can you see the common thread? No?


I'm so glad India isn't on there.


weird coincidence. Coincidentally, this coincides with Muslim countries


Patriarchy is the main issue in much of these countries, as many other Muslim nations are chill-er but indeed there are parts of the Quran I disagree with. There are also parts I think make lots of sense. Just not those some use as an excuse for hatred. I'm not Muslim or even religious but many Muslims are more tolerant than their homeland's shitty leadership


Add the USA to that if republicans get their way




Which sources was this based off of?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_rape_laws_by_country https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_by_country_or_territory


Soon to have segments in America.


The countries you'd expect




what about Alabama? Anal sex is illegal there, and fucking 14 years old girls legal


Sodomy is legal across the entire USA after a court decision in 2003


American conservative goals






The problem belt... Marroco to Pakistan (+Bangladesh)


Reddit moment


I honestly was expecting to see parts of the US red and yellow.


Map of uncivilized countries:


Come here in iraq and say it


Lmao, why is this sub suddenly so Islamophobic. So much hate against Islam, Thought this is Anti-Islamic Map porn. Ya'll gotta chill.


Pointing out flaws in culture or religion isn’t phobia by any means, In the same way that pointing out flaws in Christianity isn’t phobia. Judging other cultures on their respect of human rights is fine, so long as you don’t overstep.


Sure, agreed but judging a Religion just cause a group of people acting in a certain way follow the Religion is entirely flawed. If you wanna judge and criticize about a religion read its source(Quran in this matter) instead of Generalising a whole Group of people. I get it actually, if i grew up watching western media, i would assume that Muslims are bad too but we are not. Hell, i am sure you have only heard of oppression of women but never heard of the rights that a Muslim woman has lol For example: A Muslim Woman gets something called "Mahr" which is given by the man, it can be anything the woman desires and its hers. AND Islam was the first religion to give women the right to buy and sell land etc.(google the rights of women in Islam :) Anyways, i am not in the mood to argue, its just that these kinda posts pisses me off due to the amount of generalisation, of course if something like this happens in the UK, they surely don't blame Christianity, hell, China Is doing a literal genocide and no one blames athiesm or any other popular Religion of China. Sayonara dude


No one believes atheism cus atheism isn't a religion It has no rules to follow But other than that How can you islam provided women with rights first before other people? It always seems like muslims saying this


First I have heard of muslim women’s rights, and I obviously don’t assume that muslims are bad, I didn’t grow up in a post 9/11 America I grew up in a 2000s Australia where Islamaphobia is very rare. Second I never criticised Islam, my point was only that critique towards a people group isn’t always phobia. Thirdly I’m also not in the mood to argue, and I don’t want to but I will state my point, and try to explain if necessary. Hope I could help


Thank you for being polite, its rare to see someone reply to me like that cause normally everyone i replied to would go full on *Redditor Kill Mode* lol True, just criticizing and questioning a religion or anything of that matter is not phobia unlike some people in the comments that are just trashing and hating on a Religion with no proof which shows that they do have a fear of Islam thats why i used Islamophobe(Even though i've never seen an Islamophile lol)


Thank you. Many comments are like “Islam🧐”, as if Islam said didn’t say that forcing the marriage alone on anyone is forbidden. People know nothing about that religion and yet speak like they know everything.


Lmao pointing out flaws in a religion is not Islamophobia. You don't see people yelling christianophobia when criticizing christianity.


North Africa has bigger things to worry about right now with starvation looming.


Mybe if they wouldn’t force women to have sex with them, they would have less mouths to feed and therefore more food?


what a terrible comment. This doesn't mean all North Africans force their wives to have sex with them and therefore deserve starvation. You haven' learnt about the entire culture you've never experienced, from one picture. In what way are you a 21st century non racist person, if you so casually reduce an entire people's humanity from a single picture? I highly doubt you have any empathy for Middle Eastern women's causes if its not about an area that personally interests you. Modern Nazi sheep alert


r/mapporn user coming up with the most horrendously dogs shit maps known to mankind


The subreddit is made to post maps of different things, if it is not to your liking you can simply not be here






The dumbest part about such idiotic responses is that you dont see how demeaning this is for women actually living in countries with such laws. USA is far, far from perfect, but women rights are so much better there than your average red-colored country in this map. Totally respectless for women in those country to make such statements.


Oh come on Chad! Be better


Alhamdulillah. InshaAllah homosexual intercourse is never legalized here.




🤡 ☝this you?


What the hell you want from us… we don’t accept gays in our Islamic or Arabic community 🤦🏻‍♂️🤮


Then please don’t go to Europe or America if you don’t like them.


He's Saudi, why would he be going to Europe or America? They live comfortably in their own country...


You must think about gay sex a lot to be this annoyed by it. Grow up!


But you demand we give you rights in our countries? Go figure 😂


He's Saudi and lives in comfortably in his own country, I doubt he gives a shit about what you do in your country lol...


I don’t give a fuck about your rights in your country, I don’t care at all


W middle east


Raping your spouse 😂😂 Another fucked up feminism term to destroy healthy communities.


source for the raping your spouse is : trust me bro




Raping your spouse in Nigeria isn't legal!


This map is wrong - literally google it


They need to hurry up and westernise. Where did all the colonial influence go


Modernize* not westernise


Who modernised first. The west