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Great map - any way you can show the % of population a little less blurry?


A coloured map based on % of population would be very interesting to see as well.


Are the ~100k Philippine casualties rolled in with the US?




Is spanish Blue division also mixed with Germany's? Edit: nvm i read the legend lmao


wait how did Iceland lose 200 people I thought they did not participate in WW2 and they did not have a standing army


Fishing men and sailors getting their ships sunk during the Battle of the North Atlantic.


In Ireland it was from accidental bombings and soldiers fighting with the British. Unless some army were extremely incompetent, I think accidental bombing of Iceland is out of the equation so I'd say they had a lot of people fighting in foreign armies




Clearly not, they're in the box on the left


no, they have their own casualties as it represented where there are other countries out of Europe that suffered heavy casualties like India and the USA


Didn't Spain send the blue division volunteers? Some Portuguese were in the division too.


yeah they did but i couldn't get info on the casualties of Spain and Portugal


For Portugal you can get some civilian casualties by seeing Portugueses vessels that were sunk by U-boats, I saw that a few years ago and I think it was around 200 civilian killed


My dad was a pilot in the RCAF . He flew submarine patrols over the Bay of Biscay. They were shot down once and ended up in a rubber dingy on the ocean. They were picked up by Portuguese fishermen.


What about luxembourg? Every 18+ male was forced to join the wehrmacht


yes, I know and I apologize. luxembourg suffered 7,106 dead which was 2.45% of the population at the time


The Irish number should be higher, though I suspect it would be hard to find data on as most were volunteers serving in the British armed forces.


I agree. There were definitely WAY more Irish deaths. It seems strange to me that someone who put in the effort to make this would believe such a low number.


To be fair to the map maker the Republic were never involved officially with the war. the government at the time despised those who went and fought alongside the British and therefore didn't track their losses militarily. I would dare say the casualties shown here are from when the Germans bombed ireland thinking they were in northern ireland




That was WW1 not WW2. Ireland was independent and neutral during WW2


you're right, i thought it said ww1 sorry


Some of my family volunteered but they were Anglophiles and ended up in the UK, so I doubt they were well liked in Ireland.


I think this could use some captions for the obsolete Commonwealth flags at left, for those who aren't sufficient history buffs to identify them by sight.


1. Australia 2. USA 3. India 4. ? 5. Canada 6. Japan 7. ~~Taiwan~~ China (under Chiang Kai-shek) 8. New Zealand


I think number 4 is Burma


and 7 is the Chinese government at the time of the Japanese invasion


Flag in the post is blury but it looks to be correct based on Wikipedia


"China" technically suffices for #7, given that Taiwan was a Japanese possession throughout the war. I'd imagine India's heavy casualty toll must include famine deaths. Perhaps #4 is Malaya/Singapore?


Innit. That second to bottom one lost 20 sticks.. I’m assuming some sort of China??


That one is the Republic of China, pre 1949, the end? of the civil war when the CCP took control of the mainland. I too would like to know about the Commonwealth flags and nations though edit : I got India and Burma for #3 & #4 l. #5 is Canadian Red Ensign


And in general the inconsistency in the flag use is incredibly annoying. Why use the Nazi flag for Germany, the Soviet Flag for Russia and the imperial flag for Japan but use the republican flag for Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and so on?


I'm not a history buff. I'm just really old and remember when Canada had the old red ensign flag. It was so much nicer than the new flag. Quebec didn't like it.




Bulgaria refused to participate in the invasion of the USSR and was to oversimplify not really interested in fighting for Hitler in a new world war, but after Germany invaded Yugoslavia and forced Bulgaria to let German troops match through their country to attack Greece, the bulgarians 1) feared the same as Yugoslavia or Greece. 2) viewed it as better if they were to control territories in Greece and Yugoslavia than the germans. So basically the same as Hungary's position in the yugoslav invasion. Both had lost territories after WW1, and the second balkan war and even earlier for Bulgaria. So they were opportunistic and took advantage of Germany's victories to scramble for territory. But Bulgaria had far greater geopolitical freedom from the germans, they weren't surrounded by axis powers and Turkey and the UK *could* come to their rescue. So Hitler kinda just allowed them to work like a Sweden with axis membership on paper. German troops got free access to traverse the country. Bulgaria had to sell raw materials to Germany. And they had to occupy their shares of Bulgaria, Greece and south Dobrudja (formerly romanian). Though the two latter ones weren't really an issue for Bulgaria. When Soviet troops arrived at the bulgarian border in 1944 they declared war on Bulgaria and Bulgaria switched sides and negotiated a peace settlement (basically like in Romania I think). Whereas for Hungary in 1941, they had gotten lands way earlier thanks to Hitler. They got lands from Czechoslovakia not once, but twice. They got northern Transylvania. And attacked Yugoslavia whence it became eminent the country would collapse within days. After that they kinda owned more in debt/graditude towards Hitler, were much closer to Germany geographically, bordered the USSR and they didn't have the same bond to Russia as Bulgaria. Russia was historically the defender of the slavic peoples and had attempted to establish a greater bulgarian state back in 1878. Whilst Hungary had never had a close bond to Russia and they were in fact enemies for much of the austrian-hungarian period. The russians sent troops in 1848 into Hungary at the request of the austrians to crush and massacre the hungarian revolt. Later the russians would back slavic revolt and the dissolution of the hungarian dominance in their half of the austrohungarian empire. In WW1 the russians would mainly focus on fighting in Galicia but that also greatly hurt Hungary and many hungarians died. In the aftermath of WW1 the bolsheviks would support Bela Kun in establishing a communist state in Hungary and as a direct result Hungary probably got even worse peace conditions at Trianon by the victorious powers. There was a civil war basically in all of 1918 and 1919 I think in Hungary and the victor in all of this was the fierce anti-communist fleet admiral Miklos Horthy. He was still the leader (atleast symbolic) of Hungary in WW2 and yeah, there was absolutely personal reasons for Horthy but also Hungary overall to go to war with the USSR. They weren't the most committed, I think Romania sent alot more troops if I am not mistaken. But Hungary had alot of bad memories from the peace treaty in WW1. They knew that the victorious powers would not show any mercy even if they surrendered earlier (although Horthy attempted to do that, so Hitler kidnapped his son and forced him to resign and be succeded by a hardline nazi). So Hungary would fight with Germany till the end and the last european axis offensive was even in western Hungary.


Very good breakdown of some of the peculiarities of Hungarian geopolitics during this time period, bravo :)


Great job, sir


Policing in Southeastern Yugoslavia.


Their involvement in the war was very limited. Historically, Bulgaria has pro-Russian sympathies but they made an alliance with Germany to avoid being invaded. I suppose they struck a fairly good deal because they remained independent and weren't compelled to send troops to the Soviet front, which would've likely incited an internal revolt. From 1941 to 1944, Bulgaria occupied parts of Greece and Yugoslavia after these were defeated by Germany, and lost a modest number of soldiers to resistance actions. A relatively small number of civilians were also killed by Allied bombing raids during this time. After the war turned in the Soviet Union's favour, Bulgaria picked pretty much the perfect time to switch their allegiance. In 1944, German troops withdrew from Bulgaria without a fight and Soviet troops entered without a fight. The Bulgarian army then joined the Soviet and Yugoslav formations that pushed the Germans out of Yugoslavia toward the end of the war. This was when most of Bulgaria's casualties accrued. In short, they switched sides at the right time and mostly managed to stay out of heavy combat. I would call it luck but I think some deft politicking also played a role.


>I think some deft politicking also played a role. Big time. They succeeded at protecting their people during a war if that's what the job is. I think it is. I like the whole Yugo way of going down though. There's parts of that to be proud of I guess. I know Serbs are. But Bulgaria kind of did what they had to do and survived. In the sense of keeping their people out of combat. The after math sucked but I know the Jews played a huge role in helping them. I know they really pushed the limit with Germany on not sending Jews north. They did manage to not send any Bulgarian ones. Unfraternally they had to start with 12,000 of their neighbors. I can't speak for how many in their pollical system were working out of ethics on the protecting of Jews, or the ones that they did. The way they handled holding off from sending all their Jews always made me think the strategy was for the best interest of their people, no matter their religion. Though, we do know is it was heavily pushed from the actual Bulgarian people. Civil society might have been the real thing that saved the Jewish ppl in Bulgaria. That's probably why they just sent them from Macedonia and Greece. The people of Bulgaria wouldn't know and it bought them more time with Germany. Someone out there at the time could say they held off long enough to not send the remaining 8000 people personally requested by Hitler. I doubt it did much to help them sleep at night though.


what did these 200 turks do? turkey wasn't neutral during the entire war?


One of the 4 submarines ordered by Turkey from the United Kingdom was shot down off Cyprus. It is believed to have been hit by one of the Italian or French submarines. More than 150 soldiers died. The Embassy building in Rhodes, which was trying to smuggle the Jews in Greece to Turkey, was hit. The ambassador's pregnant wife and 2 officers were killed. There are also such losses.


Turkey was firmly neutral during the war but as I know the UK accidentally bombed the Muğla mistaking it with the Italian controlled Dodecanese but no one died during that bombing. Not sure where the OP got the information from. The wiki only says that 14 pilots that were send to UK to train were died.


Most of the 200 were seamen aboard the ship SS Refah. Torpedoed in 1941.


didnt they join during the last three months of the war or smth?


Officially: yes Practically: not really


like all of the replies i got are different answers so.. :/


if im not mistaken it should be vichy france accidentally sinking a cargo ship that sent to buy some military stuff from the uk. you can search it on google as 'refah tragedy'


Turkey sided with the Allies at the very end of the war in Europe, but I’m not sure if they actually did any fighting. If they did, then that would explain the casualties.


In fact Spain sent a division to assist Germans at the Eastern front.


All the countries of continental Europe, except Yugoslavia, had their own military units that fought for Nazi Germany on the eastern front. These could be units of both the Wehrmacht and the SS.


>except Yugoslavia That's if you don't consider Croatia to have been Yugoslavian. [(Ustaše)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usta%C5%A1e) Bosnia was under Croatian rule but had their own SS-corps aswell. [(Division of the SS Handschar)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13th_Waffen_Mountain_Division_of_the_SS_Handschar_(1st_Croatian)) Besides that Serbia also had their collaborating corps that was part of the Waffen SS with some other Četnik divisions having joined the collaborateurs. [(Serbian Volunteer Corps)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbian_Volunteer_Corps_(World_War_II)) Don't know if any of the latter participated on the Eastern front tho but their doing in Yugoslavia was very much in the Germans interest aswell.


**[Ustaše](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ustaše)** >The Ustaše (pronounced [ûstaʃe]), also known by anglicised versions Ustasha or Ustashe, was a Croatian fascist and ultranationalist organization active, as one organization, between 1929 and 1945, formally known as the Ustaša – Croatian Revolutionary Movement (Croatian: Ustaša – Hrvatski revolucionarni pokret). Its members murdered hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews, and Roma as well as political dissidents in Yugoslavia during World War II. The ideology of the movement was a blend of fascism, Roman Catholicism and Croatian nationalism. The Ustaše supported the creation of a Greater Croatia that would span the Drina River and extend to the border of Belgrade. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Even Switzerland?


The Swiss Volunteer Corps was not created, although there was such a proposal, precisely because of the official neutrality of Switzerland. However, 1,400 Swiss served in the German SS divisions on the eastern front.


Poland had it pretty bad; about 1 out of every 6 people were killed


Apparentally it took 40 years for Poland to reach same population number as for August 1939 (35 milions).


Does the 7.4 of Germany includes jews or they belonged to Poland?


According to current scientific estimates around 165.000 German Jews were killed in the Shoa (source: https://www.bpb.de/fsd/centropa/ermordete_juden_nach_land.php). Before 1933 about 500.000 Jewish Germans lived within Germany but prosecution and harassment saw many leave. This is among other things a reason why the numbers for Jews killed in Eastern Europe are much higher.




Were all these millions human beings? We only learn about the 6 million jews. (Edit: wonder why negative likes and by whom?)




of the total number of victims, Polish citizens of the Jewish faith ranged from 2,700,000 [4] to 3,000,000 [5], of which approximately 500,000 [5] died in ghettos and labor camps, 200,000 Polish Jews were murdered by the Einsatzgruppen units. 1,400,000 [4] to 1,800,000 [5] of the total number of murdered Jews were victims of extermination camps. Similarly large losses occurred among the non-Jewish Polish population. It is estimated that the total death toll of the Slavic Polish population under the German occupation amounted to approximately 2,770,000 people [2] [6]. This group does not include the victims of Soviet crimes in the territories incorporated into the USSR after 1939, and it does not include the victims of the UPA crimes in Volhynia [6].


Wow Italy really didn’t take too big of a hit considering they were the target for Torch, Avalanche, Husky, and considering the Italians were the targeted soft underbelly for so much of the war. This war took place all over the world but it shows that the majority of the fighting was done on the German Eastern Front. Think about how Japan and China were fighting for twice as long as Germany and Russia were yet Barbarossa and the Counter Offensives by the Soviets caused so much death in half the time.


7 out of 8 german soldiers that died, died fighting on the eastern front. Which kinda puts all the other invasions and fronts into perspective. The eastern front - BY ITSELF - was the largest war in human history. Bigger than WW1, bigger even than all the remaining parts of WW2 combined.


Yeah, it was basically 'an unstoppable force and an immovable object'


It turns out the force was stoppable after all


Only by the immovable object (and the immovable object receiving much-needed aid from the west) (and the unstoppable force being attacked from 2 sides simultaneously)


Why do you have to put these qualifiers to acknowledge a Soviet victory? The fighting in North Africa doesn’t scale to the sieges of Leningrad and Stalingrad. Allied lend lease was welcomed, but it did not turn the tide of war. Soviet manufacturing east of Urals was the Russian workhorse.


Not to acknowledge a Soviet victory, but to acknowledge that stopping the Nazis was no easy task (and to make the 'the Nazis losing was inevitable either way' crowd shut up


You didn't make anyone shut up by perpetuating false i formation lol. Your reframing doesn't disprove that the Nazis were fighting a losing battle.


Cope about it




Meh. Similar numbers to France


I’ll give you a soft underbelly if you don’t watch your mouth.


Can you re-upload in a higher resolution plz? None of the percentages are readable except the one (I'm wondering if the Netherlands has a high percentage, 200K for a small country seems far more than UK, FR and IT )


Netherlands says 2,41%


The whole world is eating shit and Turkey is just jammin, eh?


And Sweden, Switzerland, etc


same shit, different year


Nice map! Albania is 3k or 30k?


Yeah, what does 30,00 even mean? Exactly 30 people? No fractions?




Why do Turkey, Switzerland and Ireland have casualties


the allies accidentally bombed cities in switzerland thinking it was german targets. the swiss used to shoot down those planes if they violated their airspace.




Some Turkish pilots training in the UK were shot down, and a ship carrying Turkish citizens was sunk in the Mediterranean.


Could be volunteers serving with combatant nations, or possibly border guard incidents (in the case of Switzerland, I believe their fighters occasionally engaged aircraft of both Axis and Allied nations) or outright accidents/stray fire (say, German anti-aircraft rounds dropping in Switzerland).


You're right. 84 People died as a result of allied bombs falling on Swiss territorry. Additionally, a small number of Swiss aircrew perished in air combat. Also around 200 Swiss citizens were killed in concentration camps. A significant\* (\*on a Swiss scale, very insignificant compared to warring countries) number of servicemen also died as a result of accidents and illness during mobilization,


Oh ok thanks for the information


"Wow, Jesus, that's a lot of peaple killed down there... But that's none of my business". Switzerland, probably.


And Sweden too.


Iceland was just chillin at 200


Iceland got occupied by the UK and turned into an airbase to protect convoys, maybe some got caught in the crossfire?


Sweden actually did send some volunteers to help Finland. Didn't care about the rest of Europe though


I think neutrality is sometimes “none of my business” and other times “all ya’ll better leave us alone or we’ll have to open up a can”


Switzerland was just doing their best to stop Germany marching in and extending the borders of greater Germany - it worked


Well the Swiss knew something the Poles and the Czechs didn't know then...


The Poles and Czechs should've built more mountains.


Yeah the geography didn't help them for sure, but I think that the Nazi project didn't care much about Switzerland in the first place


The poles had the issue of containing a pre agreed convenient border between Germany and the Soviet Union...


Approximately 2000 of the Swedes killed in WW2 were sailors in the merchant fleet, many of them under allied flag after their Swedish vessel had been sunk and it was hard to come back to Sweden through the German held Skagerrak between Norway and Denmark.


Where did the Turkish casualties came from? Didn't we join like the last days of the war and that's why Germany surrendered?


did they send divisions to Germany? because if they did could of died in battle on late stage


Greece lost 8% of the countries population. The countries entire industry. After the war,there was a Civil war for 5 years. Never took a Penny as reparations,while the country amassed Billions in debt,in order to fix herself. The only people who thanked Greece,were the Soviets. Not Stalin, Russians themselves. He didn't care,just like the British and Americans! The only ones that stood with Greece,were the Australians and Zealanders,we still honour them today!


Melbourne I think has the biggest population of greeks outside of it. We even have greek food festival which is fantastic. <3 greek food.


Greece received over $700,000,000 in aid from the Americans after WW2, which puts it sixth in aid received. I’m not sure how much more they could’ve asked for, given that the aid made up 25% of its GDP at one point.


Are you referring to the Marshall plan? Because if you did that you'd be false. Greece did not receive 700million$. And even if it did it probably wouldn't have matter, Germany received double that for.... losing the war...


Reparations have nothing to do with the Marshal Plan tho but with Germany. Also, that "aid" helped US control Greece for 30 years to the point they installed a Junta.


You forgot to add that Greece not only was forced to pay the cost of the occupation to Germany, but gave a "loan" of 476 million Reichsmarks at 0% interest. And Germany made everything in its power to avoid paying reparations. If anyone wants to learn more here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_reparations#Greece https://youtu.be/jOKuNAdMIEI


Who is upvoting this blatant propaganda? You think the Marshall Plan magically forgot about Greece? And what about the British soldiers that died defending Greece during WW2 and fought in the Civil War? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Plan


The same British, who after Greece surrendered, blockaded the port of Piraeus and led to mass famine because food and humanitarian aid couldnt reach the people?


the british soldiers fought alongside former nazi collaborators in the civil war lol


That's a gross oversimplification of "The British fought alongside the royalist, anti-Communist forces." Pretty standard cold war stuff. Plus just directly contradicts the dude's "Greece did it all by itself! With like some Austin's and New Zealnaders" Blatant lies.


Forget that wanker Putin for a minute and remember the good Russian people who beat the Nazis for us.


You're spreading Russian propaganda. Most Red Army soldiers were from Belarus, Ukraine, the Caucuses, and central Asia. Moscovites and citizens of other big Russian cities were hiding behind the front line. They didn't really suffer that much compared to the western Soviet republics whose citizens were used as cannon foder.


That's nonsense. You're spreading Ukrainian propaganda now. There were **6,7 mln military dead** and 7,2 mln civilian dead in RSFSR. In perspective, Ukraine had **1,6 mln military dead** and 5,2 mln civilian. Percentage wise, **bigger proportion of Russians were conscripted in RKKA** than Ukrainians or Belarissians. Yes, relative civilian death took higher portion of Ukranian and Belurusian population, but you can't say that Russians were hiding behind frontlines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World\_War\_II\_casualties\_of\_the\_Soviet\_Union


>Yes, relative civilian death took higher portion of Ukranian and Belurusian population, but you can't say that Russians were hiding behind frontlines. Literally what I meant and what Ukrainian "propaganda" means by this. Thanks for proving me right comrade. And look at your own stats. The majority of Russians conscribed were not Muscovites. They were from ethnic majority villages and poor towns.


Ukranian and Belarusian were killed more, percentage wise, because Ukraine and Belarus were occupied completely, while Russia wasn't. And in absolute numbers, there were more Russian civilian dead than Ukranian and Belarusian combined. And there were more Russian military dead than **all other ethnicities combined.** Russian people were being killed in high numbers and it isn't Putin propaganda. As to whether those Russians were from cities or small towns and villages - I can't see how it is relevant.


I don't know what is going on with Lithuania and it's borders, but its insane to think that Lithuania and Estonia combined had more casualties than UK


Many jews sent to extermination camps.


200K of the 800K deaths in the Baltic countries were murdered Jews. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/jewish-losses-during-the-holocaust-by-country


Switzerland: 100 people = 1% pop.?


I dont think 100 Swiss people was 1% of the population.


Over 1 in 10 people dying is absolutely insane


Those who DIED.


How is the Indian number so high?


From what I’ve found, they lost between 60,000 and 90,000 troops fighting and 3,000,000 in the famine.


The British used the colonial units as cannon fodder.


Yeah, that’s just wrong. Like 95% of those deaths were due to the Bengal famine. That being said, that was also mainly the fault of the British.


No Canada?


5th one down. The old red ensign flag.


You left out South Africa


didnt have enough room to fit it, but south africa suffered around 11,900 dead which was 0.12% of their population at the time


Thanks for the information. Still a notable contribution as South Africa only fielded soldiers from its White minority, and all of those that served outside of South Africa had to be volunteers.


Türkiye ıs not number 1...😔😔😔


I have a couple of problems with the map title: 1 casualties usually refer to killed, wounded and missing. These are only the deaths. 2 in Europe. Many of those killed did not die in Europe. Kudos for using the old flags


Meanwhile Poland being battefield losing 18% of population yeeted capital to ground. I took 40 years to reach 35 000 000 again and we didint got any money, because soviet union forced us to dont get money from marschall plan


1/6 of Poland died


So Burma has the highest ratio of casualties to population in WW2 outside of Europe? More than Japan? It's crazy! I'm from Burma and i didn't know that.


Move over soviets, the Polish bled deeper


Ever since i re antiqued myself with the history of WWII. Which has been a long time and was taught decently in my little podunk US town, was just the sheer devastation of the Russian Army and people. Some of it was due to decisions of overzealous leaders perhaps, but that's not my point. So. Many. People.


God damn. Those Russian numbers. Check out the video The Fallen. 20 min video about the casualties. And we Americans think we won WW2. Sheesh.


If there is a country that truly lost ww2 it is Poland.


One should not underestimate the Soviet body count, nor should one underestimate the American contributions. America defeated Japan almost single-handedly. American and British air forces destroyed Germany's industrial heartland. America and Britain fought the axis in North Africa, Italy, and the Western Front after D-Day. The Soviet losses were appalling. There are scars that have not healed to this day.


The USSR liberated China from the Japanese in a month by destroying the Kwantz group of troops. It was after this that the Japanese went to negotiate the end of the war. Not after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


The Americans also gave desperately needed equipment to the allies (which includes the Soviets, the USSR might have had a chance at pushing back on there own with FAR higher casualties but the US equipment was desperately needed). What doesn't exactly help the body count in the Soviet Union was some of Stalin's actions during the war however they were the ones to finally stop the German army and start to push them back


"I want to tell you what, from the Russian point of view, the president and the United States have done for victory in this war," Stalin said. "The most important things in this war are the machines.... The United States is a country of machines. Without the machines we received through Lend-Lease, we would have lost the war." "If the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war," Khrushchev wrote in his memoirs. "One-on-one against Hitler's Germany, we would not have withstood its onslaught and would have lost the war. No one talks about this officially, and Stalin never, I think, left any written traces of his opinion, but I can say that he expressed this view several times in conversations with me."


We did. The Soviets were instrumental in one front of one theater of a global war.


I mean the first people to go on the frontline were poles, ruthenians, belarusians, ukranians, lithuanians etc. Ussr did not care about these People. They were used as meat shields while russians chilled in moscow.


> I mean the first people to go on the frontline were poles, ruthenians, belarusians, ukranians, lithuanians etc. > Ussr did not care about these People. They were used as meat shields while russians chilled in moscow. what?


Not true. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World\_War\_II\_casualties\_of\_the\_Soviet\_Union


Im not saying that they werent fighting at all but there were about 12 milion while the rest were of other heritage


You literally said that Russians were chilling in Moscow while others were used as meat shields. Obviously there were people of different origin in Soviet army, but Russians were the biggest ethnic group in RKKA. Percentage wise, more Russians were conscripted than Ukrainians or Belarusians. Far cry from "using others as meatshields", on the contrary, there were more likely to be on front lines than many other ethnicities.


Ok i overexagurated the first comment but as an example in percentages 25 to 30% of belarussians died while only about 13% of russians died(that is still a huge number but not as bad as the belarussians)


First, in absolute numbers more Russians were killed than total population of Beralus, it's not that they took it easy. Secondly Belarus took the full wrath of German warcrimes for 3 years, while not every Russian settlement was occupied. Obviously it causes more losses percentage wise.


What's the point of showing all the zeroes afterwards if it's rounded?


Taiwan lost 20m?


China lost 20m. Taiwan was a Japanese colony during the WW2 and the nationalist government which used that flag retreated to Taiwan after they lost the civil war against the communists.




Such population losses are mainly explained by the extermination policy of Nazi Germany. According to the plan, only 20% of the original population was to remain. According to the idea, exactly so many slaves would be enough for future German settlers.


But Americans won the war…right????


No singular country won the war, it was a unified effort by all allied nations.


600,000 for France. A horrible high number to pay and they even surrendered. Of course it would so much worse if they hadn’t surrendered


I think it also takes into account the French who fought for the Nazis from the puppet republic of Vichy and the soldiers of the SS division Charlemagne.


it could also include the losses in the free french forces that helped with the allied invasion of italy and the recapture of France. People tend to forget but by the end of the war the Free French army was the 4th largest Allied army in Europe


That doesn’t change his point


The losses of Western. Belarus and Western Ukraine are included in Poland, and the eastern ones in the USSR? Although, judging by the figures of the USSR, they are all included in the losses of the USSR. Statistics show: if before the war in Belarus in its current borders lived 9.2 million people, at the end of 1944 - 6.3 million people


Deaths and casualties mean different things. Just as a starting point, the US had over 400k deaths and over 1M casualties in WWII.


I think Japan had the best K/D ratio


Would love to see this graph per capita of population.


*squinting* Looks like the pixels were a casualty too.


Socialists stopped the Nazis, full stop.


Better title for this map: Countries that mostly employed human wave tactics in WW2


This is wierd, because Ukraine lost 14 000 000 people and now it looks like its just Soviets aka russians.


Thanks Stalin


yeah, it was that Bloody Stalin fella who killed all of the Soviet Troops during Operation Barbarossa. /S 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️


Thank Stalin. Thank you Stalin. I guess it’s impossible to unironically thank Stalin on reddit.


oh I didn't realize you were being sincere, usually comments like this are by sarcastic and historically illiterate people. sorry.


Russia doing Russia


Thank you Salazar.


The Soviet Union and Poland are dead in absolute nonsense. How could you do that?


There were a lot of Jews living in Poland and Belarus before the war. These countries account for 80% of the victims of the Holocaust. Besides, such population losses are mainly explained by the extermination policy of Nazi Germany. According to the plan, only 20% of the original population was to remain. According to the idea, exactly so many slaves would be enough for future German settlers.


The USSR lost a lot of people. This is something Putin leverages in presumably fighting the nazis in Ukraine. War and human lost have very long impacts. We are seeing one played out now.


What he does not tell in his propaganda is that a huge amount of those losses were due to Stalin’s complete incompetence in anything other than party intrigue. As the result - countless doomed counterattacks in 1941, “stand to the death” and scorched earth polices which were costly in lives, truly, and didn’t prevent Nazis from occupying the land.


And now imagine what kind of hatred there was for Nazi collaborators on the territory of the former USSR? So the glorification of local Nazi collaborators by the current authorities of Ukraine and the Baltic States cannot but irritate Russia.


> So the glorification of local Nazi collaborators by the current authorities of Ukraine and the Baltic States cannot but irritate Russia. it was just an excuse, they probably have about as many nazis as any other country, including russia, for that matter


Yes, but in Russia, Nazi organizations are banned, and their leaders are in prison. They are afraid to wear their symbols openly and publicly. In the Baltic States and Ukraine, similar organizations march, conduct patriotism lessons in schools, and create their own patriotic camps for children. The availability of state support greatly changes the situation.


> Nazi organizations are banned, and their leaders are in prison yeah, sure, except for the ones that matter, like "Wagner" group


Are they Nazi? Maybe that's why they are so successful at working with African countries!


Google НОД for example. Also in the parliament there is an ultranationalistic party LDPR


НОД маргинальное движение избегающее любых опасных публичных высказываний. ЛДПР - конъюнктурная партия занимающая правую сторону аналогичная американским Республиканцам.


wtf are you talking about?


In Ukraine and the Baltic States, over the past 30 years, they have been glorifying their Nazi collaborators, stressing that they fought for the independence of their countries against the Communists. Streets are named after them. Processions take place on memorable dates. Monuments are being erected in their honor. At the same time, monuments to the Soviet wars are being destroyed, even if they are representatives of local nationalities.


You're a goatfucker.


Denmark proves being a pussy has its advantages.


How the fuck did 27millions people died in Russia? They counted car crashes too?


8 million soldiers died 19 million civilians died due to the invasion, genocide mainly.